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Other Tag Thingy (I guess)


  • 5,090
    1) What is your name (first, whole, doesn't matter)? If you're uncomfortable disclosing your name, then tell us where your username came from.

    Richard Rex LaBrache

    2) How did you find the Pokecommunity, and why did you join?

    I needed a Vullaby to complete my Unova Pokedex, as it is nearly impossible to see in White Version. So, I did a search, though I can't remember exactly what I did a search for, I just know that it led me to Pokecommunity. I made an account for the trade, and things went really well with my first trade. I loved the idea of the trade shops, and I wanted to start one of my own. So I stayed on for a while trading with people before I made one and the rest is history.

    3) What is your current stance on Pokemon, the franchise? Are you still in love with it, or is it something that you consider part of your childhood?

    I still love Pokemon. I get periods where I need other stuff, but I wouldn't be the Challenges Moderator if I weren't still interested, haha! I don't think anythng needs to be just part of your childhood. The old mindset of needing to leave childish things behind as an adult is archaic and leftover from a time when people needed to help farm or be nomadic.

    4) If you could meet one person from PC in real life, who would that be? Name others if you want, but who is the main person?

    My pair, Orianna mostly because she's the one person I know on PC that would be the hardest to meet irl.

    5) Tell us a little bit about yourself. Not too much, but enough to let us know you a little more. Afterall, that's the point of this!

    Uh, well, I'm a huge heavy metal fan, my favorite bands being Mastodon, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden. I'm an film student and aspiring director/editor.

    6)And lastly, which two people are you going to tag?
    Uhhhhh, Orianna and I suppose Griffinbane, just to annoy her a little. >:3