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Fanfiction Lounge

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Info: Ok, this story is based on the RPG 'A New Professor In Town'. But this is based on what happens to my character after the RPG. See the owner didn't want to continue the roleplay to other regions after Kanto, so I thought I'd write a story on it. But I can't write it yet not until I get permission to use Professor Maple from the owner. I know FlareonFan probabbly wouldn't mind me having Sean in this, but I need permission to use Professor Maple.

Um, you realize there's a fanfiction announcement thread, right? I mean, it's fine and dandy that you're writing a fanfiction about an RPG, but unless you're wanting opinions here, I'd imagine you're better off just, you know, writing down your thoughts about the fanfic on a blank Word document, contacting the people involved via PM, and working on it quietly. =/ We can't really comment as to whether or not this is an awesome idea because you're not really giving us any information (aside from we'd better go check out the RPG), and even then, we'll probably be more interested once we see the actual story.

Also, to Buoysel, actually, what he did was no accident. The freezing temperature of the mixture he used was the lowest possible temperature he could obtain in a laboratory. (It was actually a common method to reach extremely low temperatures at that time, so Fahrenheit most likely wanted that reading, rather than anything above it. Makes sense to start at the very base that you know of.) After that, he used the body temperature of a healthy subject for the other end of the scale, which brought the other end to 96 degrees, not 100. (In actuality, water boils at about a 180-degree difference from the freezing point of pure water: 32. Hence, the boiling point is at 212, not 100 like on the Celsius scale.) There's a bit of math involved in getting the thermometer to divide up into different increments to get these odd numbers, but I'm not entirely sure what he did to do it.
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Um, you realize there's a fanfiction announcement thread, right? I mean, it's fine and dandy that you're writing a fanfiction about an RPG, but unless you're wanting opinions here, I'd imagine you're better off just, you know, writing down your thoughts about the fanfic on a blank Word document, contacting the people involved via PM, and working on it quietly. =/ We can't really comment as to whether or not this is an awesome idea because you're not really giving us any information (aside from we'd better go check out the RPG), and even then, we'll probably be more interested once we see the actual story.

She has already post in the announcemt thread, but Is unahappy with the amount of reviews she is getting.

Konekodemon, let me tell you something, begging is not the way to get lots of reviews. You will end up bugging people to death, and they will try to avoid you like the plague. The way to get lots of reviews is to be active in the community, whether it be the whole community, or just the PFF(&P). As people get to know you, they will be more interested in what you write. Also, another pointer, if and when you do get a review, don't argue with the reviewer, thank them for their time, fix the problems they spotted, and use the advice they leave behind.

Xanthine said:
Also, to Buoysel, actually, what he did was no accident. The freezing temperature of the mixture he used was the lowest possible temperature he could obtain in a laboratory. After that, he used the body temperature of a healthy subject for the other end of the scale, which brought the other end to 96 degrees, not 100. (In actuality, water boils at about a 180-degree difference from the freezing point of pure water: 32.)

That's interesting, but I am just telling you what I have been told. I will go do some (updated) research...

You how hard it is to try and type a response when you keep editing your post...
She has already post in the announcemt thread, but Is unahappy with the amount of reviews she is getting.

For a fanfiction she hasn't even posted yet?

That's interesting, but I am just telling you what I have been told.

So am I. (Or, at least, the basis was. I admit I had to look up who he used for the other end of the scale because I couldn't quite remember if he used himself or someone else. Apparently, sources vary on this part of the story.)

You how hard it is to try and type a response when you keep editing your post...

I know. ;D
For a fanfiction she hasn't even posted yet?

I though she was talking about this Story, which I have seen her begging for reviews before. So I though she was here begging again, and only slimed her post. So that is my fault. But I sand behind what I typed earlier about not begging.

So am I. (Or, at least, the basis was. I admit I had to look up who he used for the other end of the scale because I couldn't quite remember if he used himself or someone else. Apparently, sources vary on this part of the story.)
according to wiki, your right.

My version sounded cooler though..
I know. ;D

SILENCE... I kill you!*

*Cookies for those who know who I am quoting.
If you wrote a shipping oneshot for Christmas, who would you ship?
I'd ship Lisa off to Baxter Village in Fort Mill, South Carolina, where her parents own property
Not much shipping in my writing, unless Lisa x 1989 Buick Estate Wagon or Lisa x Quadratic Equation counts XD

I use mostly American measurements in my fic, because it's what I'm uused to. I do agree that our conversion formulas are a major pain in the behind... I know that zero Celsius is freezing and 100 is boiling, so i have some idea of temperatures when given in Celsius. Of course, I have to be TOLD that they are Celsius temps, lol.

Exact measurements can be used in a fic... when it's a fugitive report:

Ex: "Suspect Lisa is fifteen years of age, 5'01" tall, and weighs about 105 pounds. She has a Persian with her and is considered very intelligent. Please contact Elite Overlord LeSabre if you know of her whereabouts."

ANd now I must disappear into the snowbanks shadows again!

Exact measurements can be used in a fic... when it's a fugitive report:

Ex: "Suspect Lisa is fifteen years of age, 5'01" tall, and weighs about 105 pounds. She has a Persian with her and is considered very intelligent. Please contact Elite Overlord LeSabre if you know of her whereabouts."

By the way, it's good to have you and your cars back xD Although I have no idea, and I mean no idea, about what the cars you talk about
a) look like
b) do
c) are special for
etc, etc. I only know how cars work generally and that's it. So, it's missed on me, but... Anyway.

What I think of those numbers? She's super short and ultra heavy. I mean, as I weight about 50 or so kilos, her weighing 105 pounds makes me think she's twice as heavy as I am. Even though she's about the same weight(?).

These things are so broblematic I often convert measurements in my posts and fics if I ever have to use them. The world really should unite when it comes to this. Expecially when most of the stuff I've ever hated on my maths lessons have had something to do with cm's and inches or celsiuses and fahrenheits. God, I have Fahrenheits... The system is hard, illogical and must make the usage of Kelvins a lot harder for you guys. At least from my viewpoint, that is xD But, well, I've been brainwashed to use celsius and to think that it's the oly way to go... I've heard rumors, though, that America would give up using Fahreheits. I wonder if that's true.

As for clothing: my shoe size, for example, is 36. I don't have the slightest idea of what that is in American, French, Chinese or Italian sizes, as I've never found a chart where you can see which size you are in different systems. My shirt size is often 34, and again I don't know which size to buy when I'm travelling. Also, when I was buying a Christmas present for my boyfriend from the US, I noticed your system with S, L, M and so on are also different! So, I had to get him a T-shirt that probably is a tad too big for him. Way to go, size systems.

I will see that all these different systems will be forever banned when I take over the world. I promise.
I will see that all these different systems will be forever banned when I take over the world. I promise.

Oh man... I learned the deceased and almost forgotten Reaumur Temperature Scale for nothing! :tired:

Not that I don't want you to take over the world. Word!

Just joking... no, seriously. I did have to learn that thing once... OMG. Why can't people just use Kelvin or whatever.

I've heard rumors, though, that America would give up using Fahreheits. I wonder if that's true.

I sure hope they do. Obama is the man!

Here where I live, fortunately we adhere to the metric system. I can hardly fight my way to gallons, inches, feet, farenheits or acres. For shoe or shirt sizes I truly don't understand how does that thing works. We use the numbering system for shoes and the letters for shirts, but the strange thing is that no matter they "measure" the same, I haven't ever actually found two pairs of shoes with the same numbering that have a relatively close size. I had to stop buying shoes a couple of years behind because it is a political nightmare.

What I have always asked myself is how do the nautical system for speed (knots, IIRC) works? I would guess it has to do with more nautical things, which I know nothing about.

And then there's the military always making things overcmplicated. I read they have both "click" (with "c") and "klick" (with "k"). And I can't find out what is each one! Way to go to confuse the enemy!
I know I've never posted in this thread (don't eat me) but felt like saying something on the whole measurements thing. It gets so confusing in a country (jolly ol' England) that uses metric for some things and imperial for others. It's sort of 'Am I seven stone or seven kilograms?'
But back onto the topic, I used to think vague measurements were a bad thing, after I'd seen exact measurements in a few fics/stories I started having to get a tape measure out to be able to visualise the size of my character.
You might all like to know (or might not even care) that I have been a frequent lurker (not in a creepy-stalker way) of this thread and it can be interesting to read at times.
I don't usually do exact measurements mainly because a lot of people use different measuring systems than myself. I prefer to avoid that whole thing as much as possible.
I sure hope they do. Obama is the man!

NOOO, I like the Fahrenheit system, its what sets America apart from the rest of the world.

Here where I live, fortunately we adhere to the metric system. I can hardly fight my way to gallons, inches, feet, farenheits or acres. For shoe or shirt sizes I truly don't understand how does that thing works. We use the numbering system for shoes and the letters for shirts, but the strange thing is that no matter they "measure" the same, I haven't ever actually found two pairs of shoes with the same numbering that have a relatively close size. I had to stop buying shoes a couple of years behind because it is a political nightmare.
There not just letters. They stand for things

Xextra Larage

What I have always asked myself is how do the nautical system for speed (knots, IIRC) works? I would guess it has to do with more nautical things, which I know nothing about.

And then there's the military always making things overcmplicated. I read they have both "click" (with "c") and "klick" (with "k"). And I can't find out what is each one! Way to go to confuse the enemy!

Those I'm lost by

Wiki is your friend. "klick" is short for Kilometer. "click" is used to adjust the scope on a rifle by one "Minute of Arc." Which is apparently 1/60th of a degree.
For one thing, Obama couldn't even do that. He is not, as the media has lead to make us believe, a person who has the power to do everything at whim. We still have a say here in what goes on and that is put into effect by the other branches of government. The reason why we haven't changed it is because we would have to make major altercations. It's not as simple as you may think. We would have to change the school curriculum, change gas to be sold in liters instead of gallons, change cars to read "miles per kilometer" instead of "miles per gallon" and so on. It would be expensive, time consuming, and yeild less benefits than it is worth.
You might all like to know (or might not even care) that I have been a frequent lurker (not in a creepy-stalker way) of this thread and it can be interesting to read at times.

You hear that? Our thread is interesting at times! Wheeeeeee~
Oh, and why would we not like new people posting on this thread? Heck, I posted my first post here a couple of months ago and this thread has been here for years.

Guess what I found out today? Even knitting needles have different sizes in Europe and USA! I just fail to get it anymore. What good can possibly come out of having two different measurement systems for knitting needles? I understand it's cool and exotic to have different shoe size systems and different systems for measuring lenghts and weights, but this is going a tad too far...

Soon, I shall correct this by taking over the world and forcing everyone to use stupid and incovenient systems they do not want to use. The unit for lenght shall be one supraquadraminute, which is three quarters of a mile, and it shall be divided into 1234 sub-supraquadraminutes, which again will be divided into 56,7 quasi-sub-supraquadraminutes, and...

But, well, I guess Americans cannot be persuaded out of their systems and use the measurements the rest of the world does, so we'll just have to get used to converting lenghts and other stuff back and forth.
Hey, at least meters and miles don't have exchange rates like dollars and yens do. Imagine if we had to check the current rate to know how many celsiuses a certain amoutn fo fahrenheits is today... Lol, that'd suck!

For one thing, Obama couldn't even do that. He is not, as the media has lead to make us believe, a person who has the power to do everything at whim. We still have a say in what goes on and that is put into effect by the other branches of government. The reason why we haven't changed it is because we would have to make major altercations. It's not as simple as you may think. We would have to change the school curriculum, change gas to be sold in liters instead of gallons, change cars to read "miles per kilometer" instead of "miles per gallon" and so on. It would be expensive, time consuming, and yeild less benifits than it is worth.

That I do know, but using Fahreheit has really proved to be incovenient for a number of reasons. First of all, it makes it harder for American scientists to use Kelvins. Secondly, America is the only country (yeah, well, a small number of small countries uses it, also) where they really are used. There is no benefit whatsoever in using the Fahreheit scale instead of the Celsius scale most people in this world use. Of course, it would be troublesome and expensive to change the system in USA and people would most likely be against it, so I don't think you people are going to stop using it. Well, it doesn't matter to me, right?

There are just a few things I would like to ask. Why would it be complicated to change the gas to be sold in liters instead of gallons? I understand that modifying cars would be expensive and all that. Also, I don't see why it's so hard to change the stuff they teach at schools. Here in Finland, the curriculums are adjusted every year to be on date. I suspect they do that in America, also, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. The biggest problem, of course, lies in the vast amount of people in USA: Why the heck would you want to change your system of measurement?
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For one thing, Obama couldn't even do that. He is not, as the media has lead to make us believe, a person who has the power to do everything at whim. We still have a say here in what goes on and that is put into effect by the other branches of government.
Of course he doesn't have the power. But, if history has tried to teach us one thing or not, is that afro-american USA President are somehow capable of going all the way up and face any major challenge in a way that normal Presidents can't, in particular if they are a bit stupid and read children books upside down. I mean, we have Tom Beck, then one or other guy, and the piece of morality and Lincolnian appreciation for the world that David Palmer was.
Of course, all that with a bit of a sense of irony, as all that is Hollywood history... but as far as I know, for the last 30 years Hollywood has redone the last 30 centuries of human history. "300", anyone?

An-chan said:
Guess what I found out today? Even knitting needles have different sizes in Europe and USA! I just fail to get it anymore. What good can possibly come out of having two different measurement systems for knitting needles? I understand it's cool and exotic to have different shoe size systems and different systems for measuring lenghts and weights, but this is going a tad too far...
Knitting.... needles....?

I don't know what to think any longer.

I mean, up to a point, different measures for area, temperature or liquid volume holds some sense, but... KNITTING NEEDLES for Zapdos' sake!!!!!!!!

It's not as difficult as it may seem to change measures from ºF to ºC and miles to KM, in particular if it is done all of a sudden. Look at how easily everyone forgot Pluto was ever a planet. Wait... it was, isn't? The problem is that it's not possible to actually do all that change that of a sudden without an insurmountable amount of effort per capita which historically USAnians have since long not been very willing, or capable, to do. They prefer to send their children overseas to kill Iranians for oil than to dig for it themselves in their own backyards, after all...

Things weren't like that back at WWII.

Oh, and, wasn't a chain of conversion errors from km/h to mph that caused the demise of one of the Phoenix Mars Explorers, to begin with? Conversion problems can escalate to interplanetary problems... lets just hope if the situation continues like this (America v/s the two or three self-proclaimed Axis of Anything v/s peaceful world ) we won't wage a Gundam wars over a conversion issue...

Buoysel said:
Wiki is your friend...
Buoysel with the save!!!! Thanks man, I can't believe that these... actually... sound so.... similar. "Minute of arc"...??????

Buoysel you're great. You deserve a dessert, after all the tourture I've put on your shoulders...

Wait! Here, have one:
[PokeCommunity.com] Fanfiction Lounge

Malted Milk Chocolate Ice Cream :D
Of course he doesn't have the power. But, if history has tried to teach us one thing or not, is that afro-american USA President are somehow capable of going all the way up and face any major challenge in a way that normal Presidents can't, in particular if they are a bit stupid and read children books upside down. I mean, we have Tom Beck, then one or other guy, and the piece of morality and Lincolnian appreciation for the world that David Palmer was.

For the love of God, do not make me start in on why I'm this close to kicking hundreds of kittens every time people remotely insinuate that because Obama's black and touted the "we can change for the better" flag for the past several months, he's America's Jesus.

Let me just say that a politician is a politician to me, and after the crap Deval Patrick is getting over in Massachusetts concerning whether or not his "we can change for the better" campaign is actually coming to fruition, I'm incredibly, incredibly cynical. (Of course, I also didn't think anyone else in the election would've done much better. I'm just saying that political discussion down this vein does not make a happy Xanthine. Nor does even joking about the idea that any politician could possibly have godly power over a nation.)

And yes, Obama doesn't have the ability to change measurements used in the US. Technically, he doesn't really have too much power to begin with because most things have to go through Congress first. Concepts of check and balances, people. They're what keep this nation from becoming a dictatorship.

Apologies for the sudden rant, but it is a topic that annoys the crap out of me. I mean, you can hope, but with so many moronic politicians out there, we've got to work our way out from where we are as it is and then remotely think about Obama making this place sunshine and daisies. It's just the way things work and what the past decades of government (and not even just the Republicans, either) have left for the incoming one. Not that I'm particularly optimistic about politicians there, either.
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Ah, Xanthine, I love you more by the minute!

It's even funnier here in Finland, where the president has no real power whatsoever. Even if our president was to decline a law the parliament suggests, they can still overrule the president's decision and get the law trough, anyway. The only thing our president can do is to give out pardons to people centenced to prison for life - but that's not really the president's choice either, because it's customary here to get a pardon after twelve years even if you have been given a life inprisonment. Thus, the president is really only a decoration, yet people still think it's more important to vote in presidential elections rather than the parliament ones.

People are stupid. Well, at least we have three big parties here and four medium ones, so our chances aren't quite as limited.

In any case, I hate politics, because nothing goes right in politics. Even democracy sucks, when you think about it, and corruption spreads its claws everywhere (although Finland is the third least corrupted country in the world - or was - we still have members of parliament who misuse their rights or steal from the government. I don't even want to know what happens in more corrupted countries.) I like talking about politics, though, because sometimes it's nice to confuse people and have them doubt their beliefs. And more than any other politicians I hate EU politicians, because they're all high and mighty and civilized and European, and they have big conferences where they reserve half of a city to themselves (making all the trams and buses to go on weird routes because they don't like to get stuck on traffic jams?). All this to talk about important stuff such as how much chocolate must a product contain before it can be actually called chocolate, or that how much more money should they give out to farmers so that they can sell European wheat to third world countries and get all the profit, because it's cheaper than the one produced my third world farmers. And the countries who realy need help from EU don't get it because they're too poor to pay for their member cards.

Euro rocks, but other than that, EU is there for the sole reason of the French, Germans and British taking control over Europe.

Sorry for the rant ^-^' I have a tendency to rant when it comes to politics... I'm a tad cynical, don't you think? Anyway, sorry for the ranting, you can all forget it now.

We have a cool president, though: she goes around wearing a cap and takes a peep at clothing stores whenever they have sales. She's a normal person, and that's why she rocks xD Foreign people here are shocked, though!

Oh, and Xanthine: don't kick kittens, it's not their fault ;_; not sea kittens nor land kittens, please! Instead, go kick some politicians, because that'd be good for us all...
Oh, and Xanthine: don't kick kittens, it's not their fault ;_; not sea kittens nor land kittens, please! Instead, go kick some politicians, because that'd be good for us all...
Oh, oh! PLEASE kick the politicians in charge of my state. Please. Preferably hard and multiple times. With diamond-studded shoes. -_-

Yeah, one can tell I'm not quite found of my state government. >_< Oh the tales I can tell... such as our main train transport system (which was voted by experts last year as the world's worst train system. Woot. -_-).

But maybe we should move away from depressing subjects like politicians and kicking kittens...

What is your view on the average Pokemon Trainer's bottomless pit of a bag which can hold infinite items?

After all, it's one aspect of Pokemon technology I haven't seen touched upon much in fics... My bet is that they were engineered by the Sentrets with Flamethrowers. -_-
wow, my friends and I invented a bottomless bag in one of our stories
Except that it only held as many items as how big the person making the bag was and it is incredibly difficult to make...

Moving on >.<'

Maybe they are enhanced with the same technology used in PokeBalls. I mean, how could you fit Dialga in anything that small....
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What is your view on the average Pokemon Trainer's bottomless pit of a bag which can hold infinite items?

I actually parodized this in my parody. Usa-chan doesn't even have a bag to begin with, but she still can mysteriously make stuff appear. I guess her bag is in another dimension or something. The reason I noted this in my parody was because I get annoyed when stuff just keeps appearing...
It's hilarious how you can buy hudreds of Pokéballs in the games and yet your bag somehow manages to contain them all. :laugh: Thus, I like to have my trainers only have the items they could carry - for example, they don't carry many extra Pokéballs when they already have a good team of six Pokémon. They also don't change clothes very often xD

Oh, and the Sentret don't engineer anything. They wait for someone else to do it for them, and then they take whatever they need. That is how the mind of a flamethrower-wielding Sentret works *evil laughter*

Imagine what a pain it would be to try and find somethign from a bottomless bag! Your cell phone is ringing, you can hear it, but you can't find the damn thing anywhere in the bag... And soon, people around you are starting to get annoyed by your ringtone, yet you still have no idea where the damned device is hiding. And when you finally see the light its tiny screen is emitting... the light goes off and you'll have to wait for another call before you can find the thing. Seems pretty incovenient for me.

Yeah, one can tell I'm not quite found of my state government. >_< Oh the tales I can tell... such as our main train transport system (which was voted by experts last year as the world's worst train system. Woot. -_-).

OUR CITY'S PUBLIC TRANSPORT WAS VOTED ONE OF THE BEST IN EUROPE!!!1111!!! I feel for you, though. Our city government (or whatever it should be called, I'm not used to using these terms in English) is really bad on the moment, because our mayor is also the owner of a huge grocery store chain. He's very business-minded, so he has closed more than one art gallery to make it a profitable property. And, he does it without asking the citizens first. When we learned about one of his ideas and got to complaining... Oops, he had already sold the place! Too bad! Grrr...
What is your view on the average Pokemon Trainer's bottomless pit of a bag which can hold infinite items?
There's actually one fic I read that had the items like Bike be put in a nice little box. You take out the box from the bag and then when you open it- viola! There's the bike! XD I thought that was a neat idea, actually.

Well, pretty much for the bags in NE they're just normal bags...although Jacob's bag might be heavy with the plates he's carrying. ._.

'kay guys, sorry to ask this, but I got a question...what makes a good evil team? You see, I'm planning out an OT fic that I might write during my spare time, but so far the teams I've considered are cliche. >.> One team I thought I could make it sort of a terrorist group of sorts, but I'm afraid it might end up the same like one of the teams in this one fic I'm reading at another forum.
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