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The Beta Thread (3.0)

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7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,995
    The Beta Place!

    Welcome to the Beta Place, the 3rd version of the original thread! Here, one can apply to be a beta reader - someone who reads a story before it is submitted to the Internet - or apply to get a beta reader for their fic. This system will hopefully make things easier for people willing to help others with their fic, or people who want help with their fic - whether if it's for another set of eyes to proofread, or major improvements in their fic.

    All previous Beta Readers will need to reapply, given nobody on it was active with beta reading. It is a relaunch after all! If you are willing to offer your services and have the time for it please apply.

    RULES: beyond the standard forum-wide and FF&W rules:
    • All contact between beta readers and their 'clients' should be through PM and/or email, NOT in the thread. Yes, this goes for people asking someone to be their beta reader and vice versa. This is merely a place of reference, and for applying/submitting applications.
    • Emphasis on no spamming. This goes for 'thank you' posts - there's no need for them here.
    • Don't apply unless you're serious about the story or being a beta-reader. By 'serious' I mean you've thought about it, you know where it's going and/or know you're going to stick with it. Taking breaks from time to time is perfectly fine - but be sure to notify us about that to change your status if so.
    • Astinus and I have the right to refuse your submission to be a beta reader, if we think you may not be up to standard. We want people we are sure will help out others, not people who will do a limited job.
    • If you were waiting for a beta reader and got one, or you want to update your status, tell me and I'll update it here.
    • Beta readers have the right to refuse to beta a story if they have a reason for it. If said reason is they don't have time to take any more stories, they should however tell myself or Astinus via PM about it, so we can update your information here.
    So, stick to those rules, people, or risk the wrath of those Sentret with flamethrowers by your window.

    General advice as well:
    • This thread is about guidance, so if you disagree with your mentor you can bring it up with them. Just be polite about it; remember, they are just trying to help you.
    • It is advisable to read over your work BEFORE you hand it over to the beta reader. Beta readers aren't a spell and grammar check, but real people (gasp!), so keep that in mind. In other words - don't hand in something that hasn't been run through a proof-read by yourself and a simple spell check to pick up on the simple mistakes (after all, that's what a spell check is for anyway) - Beta Readers want to be able to read your work without going mad.
    • Be patient. Beta readers have to take the time to help, so don't pester them about when they'll be done with your chapter. That said, if it's been two weeks or something and you haven't heard a word, then feel free to give them a poke.
    • If you know that you'll be unable to get a beta back in the near future for whatever reason, let your client know!.
    • To be clear, you CAN be a beta reader and also apply for one with your story as well. We're not all perfect.
    • Non-Pokemon stories or even original writings are perfectly fine - just be sure to mention that in your submission, is all.
    Now that's over with, here we go with the applications. First, to be a beta reader. These are both for people to see your style of beta reading and all that jazz, and Astinus and I to see if you are acceptable or not.


    Preferred method of contact:
    Examples of writing:
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:
    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    Now, for what each one means... PLEASE READ!


    Ok, now, to be a client. If you look at the list and already know who you want, and you contact them outside this thread, no worries. However, if you are undecided or want people to know you need a beta reader, use this application which should give the necessary information a beta reader may be interested in.


    Title of Story:
    Plot summary:
    Rating (PG, R, etc):
    Type of mentor needed:
    Writing sample of story:
    Other: (such as, how long you've been writing for, what you think your strengths and weaknesses in writing are - optional)

    Fandom refers to, for example, Pokemon, or others such as, say, Digimon.
    Genre - type of story - horror, Original Trainer, etc.
    Type of mentor needed - refers to the category section - do you want a Comprehensive beta reader, or a Proofreader, and so forth.
    Writing sample - please include at least a few paragraphs of the story you want beta-reading.

    So remember, post to apply to be a beta reader, or a client (unless you know who you want to contact here, of course). Communicate between yourselves then via PM or E-mail, and then notify me so I can update your status.

    Get posting people! MORE NEW BETA READERS NEEDED!


    Comprehensive Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who are pretty good at all aspects of fiction. Best for very new writers or anyone in need of general help.]

    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Read more here

    psyanic - Also a Language Beta Reader/Proofreader
    Preferred method of contact: PM/VM
    Read more here

    Character Beta Readers:

    [Mentors skilled in character portrayal and development.]
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Read more here

    Plot Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with the development of plot twists, the story climax, and other problems with the storyline.]

    Grammar Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with ironing out those pesky grammatical errors.]
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Read more here

    Language Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with the fine-tuning of language, including things such as description and dialogue.]
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Read more here

    psyanic - Also a Comprehensive Beta Reader/Proofreader
    Preferred method of contact: PM/VM
    Read more here

    [For the more experienced writers who need a second set of eyes and to offer a second opinion - usually aim to give a general overview of a work, but may focus on aspects the author particularly wants an opinion on or which they specialise in.]

    psyanic - Also a Comprehensive/Language Beta Reader
    Preferred method of contact: PM/VM
    Read more here
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    • DForte
      Title of Story: The Blacklist
      Fandom: Pokémon
      Plot summary: A trainer has his pokémon killed and is looking to avenge them
      Genre: Undecided
      Rating: PG
      Type of mentor needed: Proofreader, Language.
      Writing sample of story: Archer sends out three Nidokings in front of Blastoise, Magmortar and Electivire. As they are getting up, Archer orders the Nidokings to use Horn Drill. The horn drills pierce through all three pokémon, thus killing them.

    • Mockingjay
      Title of Story: Pokemon: Explorers of the Shining Dawn
      Fandom: Pokemon
      Plot summary: "Celia" the Eevee influences the minds and thoughts of various Pokemon in the Pokemon world as she tries to save them all.
      Genre: Mystery Dungeon
      Rating: K+ ! (10 year olds?)
      Type of mentor needed: ANY.
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: Stressing here that I've never written a fanfic. Yeah.

    • PhantomX0990
      Title of Story: (May Change) Those That Came Before
      Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
      Plot summary: While Percy is cleaning out the Oracle's attic he finds a file labeled 1941-1945. The file contains the story of an unclaimed demigod who fought against the tide of evil in WWII.
      Genre: Adventure?
      Rating (PG, R, etc): PG-13
      Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive/any
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: I'd like to think that I'm an experienced writer, and this isn't my first fanfic.
    • Vato
      Title of Story: Pokemon: The Rest Of All
      Fandom: Pokemon
      Plot summary: What If? We've all asked ourselves this question, a simple mistake, for small it is, can lead humanity to its own doom. What if Team Galactic was never stopped? What if the Red Chain also controled Giratina? What if the world as we knew it has been reformed by Cyrus? What if there isn't any was to restore it?
      The Fic follows the adventures of Drew, a young boy that mysteriously woke up in Pallet Beach with no memory at all. Across his journey he will try to collect the badges from the remaining gyms of the Pokemon world... but little does he know of what Arceus has planned for him.
      Genre: Action with a bit of Mystery and a small bit of Comedy every now and then. A OT Fic, but with actual characters from the Pokemon World every now and then.
      Rating: PG-15 for bits of strong language and mild suggestive themes
      Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: English is not my first lenguage, in fact, it's Spanish, so I have grammar errors every now and then. I've been writing this in my laptop for over a year... but I'm now forced to restart since my hard drive broke and I lost every single bit of information in my computer.

    • WestsideConnection
      Title of Story: Wise Guys (WIP, if aformentioned Beta Reader has a better title idea, I will consider their opinion)
      Fandom: (Original) Any Mafia movies, games etc..
      Plot summary:
      This story follows the story of Francisco Botenzi, who was born to two Sicilian immigrants. Out of a job, Francisco, or Frank as he is called, is forced into finding creative ways to pay his bills, and is looking for something a bit better than the labour jobs his parents were forced into. Through connections, Francisco meets Emmanuel "Manny" Rennasino, who is a successful, business oriented wise guy. Frank has started working for Manny, in order to pay his bills and create a better life for himself then he had growing up. But Frank will come to see that it isn't easy in this business.
      Genre: Action, Crime
      Rating: M for violence, depictions of crime, coarse language, suggestive themes, alcohol references, sexual themes (nothing too hardcore)
      Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive, plot, character
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: This is my first fanfic, but I do have RP'ing experience so keep those things in mind. (Not to sound like a d!ck) I also tend to have short chapters as well.
    • Meeptasm

      Title of Story: Team Evolite: The Eevee Rescue Team (I know, I need a better subtitle...)
      Fandom: Pokemon (Mystery Dungeon)
      Plot summary: On her way to become a top rate solo explorer, Eevette, a young and very pompous Eevee, happens upon another of her kind, only his fur is a sterling white... and his only memory is of him once being human! Together, Eevette and Nico must travel the land of Divelo and find out how the white Eevee ended up on the beach and what happened in his past to transform him into a Pokemon. However, lurking behind the darkness, many enemies are working against our two fledgling heroes, seeking to stop them in their tracks. But with Nico's mysterious ability to see past the past the darkness and discover the unknown, they might just survive find what they're looking for.
      Genre: Adventure
      Rating (PG, R, etc): RP-PG13
      Type of mentor needed: Plot/Grammar (One that can give good advice on where to veer the story when it starts to become boring as well as a grammar "professor".)
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: Well, I guess my writing abilities began to form when I took up roleplaying during my high school Freshman year. I've done many partial stories since then. I know I'm not the first to say this, but I have so many ideas swimming in my head that I try to put onto paper, though I never really finished any of them due to a mixture of writer's block, and a major lack of moral support as well as a number of friends who would just laugh at my ideas. I understand the basics of writing a story already, such as setting and character development. However, I need a lot of help on the details, like how to make people sympathize with the characters and how to keep the plot interesting without it running on and on. I also get a lot of my material from the games, like most other people, but I sometimes have trouble morphing that material into something original. If anyone can help me with becoming the best fan fiction writer I can be, I'd be a very happy Meep.
    • Khawill
      Title of story: Risio's Story
      Fandom: Pokémon
      Plot summary: Risio has moved to Rosepetal City, located on an island known for the sadness people feel when they go there. He explains his life on the island, and the people he met.
      Genre: Tragedy/Drama
      Rating: T
      Type of mentor needed: Plot, Proof-reading
      Writing sample of story: "The island is said to make people sad, and the stories are true. That girl you saw, you made her happy even here, and that should make you happy, even if you feel empty inside." She looked at me and tried to smile "I don't know if that girl really existed but, rumors say there are spirits of the island and maybe she was one. You should get home though before you get rained on more." I couldn't say anything; I had a heavy chest and a lump in my throat;
      Other: I've written 4 other fictions, 2 of them adventure, one tragedy, and one psychological. My strength is versatile plot development, weaknesses are grammar, spelling and minor plotholes
    • Star Girl
      Title of Story: Uniting the Five
      Fandom: Pokemon
      Plot summary: A post-apocalyptic fanfic revolving around one girls rather reluctant journey to put things back together. Based off of most of the Nuzlocke rules with a couple of ones I have thrown in for the story.
      Genre: Adventure
      Rating (PG, R, etc): T
      Type of mentor needed:Comprehensive
      Writing sample of story:

      Other: Writing is going to take time due to the fact I am playing under a rule that all tasks must be accomplished by 6:30 pm.

      Also would love for someone willing to beta in the LONG run or be willing to beta a second fanfic. This is a prequel to another project (non-Nuzlocke) that has been in the works for years now.

      Oh and story timeline may not always line up perfectly with the game. Meaning some events may take place out of order due to how my brain comes up with it. I only seen this happening once so far but then again I've only outlined up to the edge of the Illex Forest so far and were talking a grand story that's going to overarc over five regions so anything is up for grabs except for some major events.

      Been writing fanfics on and off since I was in grade school. My current style of writing only really began to develop when I was in my first couple years of college (so about five years back now). It should be noted that I've never been really great at summaries so if you want a better idea of this story PM me and I can message you the first two chapters.

      Also expect to maybe edit two or three times I have the tendency to go back and edit things multiple times before I'm happy.
    • imevil
      Title of Story: Varus (Name subject to change, just temporary)
      Fandom: Pokemon
      Plot summary: An ex-Team Plasma officer leaves Plasma after the events of Pokemon Black. He leaves with items of importance to Plasma and they go after him. He must fight for his life to escape, and bring down team Neo Plasma.
      Genre:Action, Drama
      Rating (PG, R, etc): PG-13
      Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive, I'm sorta new, but anyone who specializs in anything story related would be ok.
      Writing sample of story:

      Other:First fan-fic!
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    Title of Story: The Legend and the Apprentice
    Fandom: Pokémon
    Plot summary: Things grow personal for this Pokémon Trainer when his Venusaur got badly injured by a Typhlosion.
    Genre: Journey fic
    Rating (PG, R, etc): T
    Type of mentor needed: Language, Description
    Writing sample of story:
    The second half was about to start. 14-year old Andrew Masterson tugged one last time on the edge of his right hand glove. The catacomb was empty and the grey silver walls were as bare as they were clean as they shone like mirrors. At the end of the catacomb was a bright light and the sound of thousands of people cheering. This is it. He graced with his fingertips over the Poké Balls attached to his belt. He touched the latter three a second longer. It's your turn now, Andrew thought to them. Andrew wasn't a telepathic, but he knew what his Pokémon were aware of his expectations and they rarely let him down when it came to his expectations. Sure, he lost countless battles as much as he won. One year and a half he spent time with his Pokémon and now in the Best 16 round with three of his six Pokémon remaining, the tension was harder then ever. He already beat three opponents, one of which his fierce rival Bart in the Best 32. He admired how they both changed in a good way since they started their journey, both with a Bulbasaur.
    Other: It's a rewrite of an old story of mine (Legend in Making on serebii)
    Title of Story: Pokemon: Explorers of the Shining Dawn
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary: "Celia" the Eevee influences the minds and thoughts of various Pokemon in the Pokemon world as she tries to save them all.
    Genre: Mystery Dungeon
    Rating (PG, R, etc): K+ ! (10 year olds?)
    Type of mentor needed: ANY.
    Writing sample of story:
    What was I to do? State the plain truth and face execution?
    It was safer and easier to do when the pieces weren't in full view.

    I knew what this meant; I had to lie to whoever I met.
    How many feelings would be hurt? I'd rather hurt feelings than risk lives.
    They say that lying isn't a good thing. However, I like to think of it as "playing pretend," and this specific round of "pretend" could mean the demise of myself and millions if anything went wrong.

    Other: Stressing here that I've never written a fanfic. Yeah.
    Title of Story: The Dark Prince
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary:

    Genre: Adventure...I think I am not even sure :x
    Rating (PG, R, etc): T according to fanfiction.net ratings
    Type of mentor needed: Someone who can find flaws in my story telling and point out the correct path.(They should not be fiddling with my story though,just point out the flaws)
    Writing sample of story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8004981/1/Romance_and_the_Pokemon_Master_Take_Two
    I'll apply to be a beta.

    Category: Comprehensive, Language, Grammar, Character, all around.
    Genre: General, Fantasy, Adventure. (Pretty much anything)
    Preferred method of contact: PM/VM
    Examples of writing: [Taken from "Wabbajack" and "The Divine Champion"]



    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Spoiler/links

    NOTE: I have A LOT more experience in this than what I've linked here. Thing is, most of it's on fanfiction.net, and I can't release it because the fics haven't been posted yet. I don't want to post someone's fic and spoil it or even get it... borrowed...

    DOUBLE NOTE: When I am actually someone's beta I go much further in depth than I do for the on site reviews. I work with the author, rather than just point out issues.


    Example 2
    Example 3

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    I am also a beta reader on fanfiction.net

    Strengths: Taught Creative Writing 2+ years; Lore (Many games, books, and genres); Combat Mechanics; Basic Grammar and Spelling; Story Planning; Character Development; Breaking Through Writer's Block

    I think that learning from mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. That being said I still read through material given with speed and a personal touch. I am willing to help you along with your story in any way possible, whether it be helping you with new ideas, or running over your fic with a fine grammatical comb.

    I am a bit laid back when it comes to my style of beta reading. I can/will curse because I just have a potty mouth like that, and I may be a bit short. It's never personal, or relating to the fic. You might catch more flies with honey, but you get better with vinegar.

    That made sense in my head, I swear.

    Examples of my beta reading - "Fang and Fox" by ShadowBlade911 Started beta reading around chapter three.

    Weaknesses: Time. I am 22 years old, and I work full time. I have rent and bills to pay, so if I don't respond quickly, show some respect.
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    Approved! I'd just suggest adding a bit more explanation to why mistakes you find are wrong/why the fix is correct going off the examples in those two reviews, but I imagine you would do that anyway.

    (And for future reference other sites reviews are fine).
    I've been meaning to be a beta reader for some time. Now's as good as any time, right?

    Category: Comprehensive, language, proofreader
    Genre: I really like OT fics, and I can do Fantasy, Drama, Adventure, a bit of Sci-Fi if I'm up for it. These are for specific genres.
    Preferred method of contact: PM/VM, either one.
    Examples of writing: Hopping on Cloud Nine is a story I've worked on, and I'm not sure if I want to continue it at the moment. Either way, it's something. Some Stars is a story I just started.
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Here's a really long review I somehow mustered up. I think it's safe to say that's what most of my feedback will look like. Here is another review, where I'm rambling on and on, and it's fairly comprehensive. There's a touch of characters, plot, you name it.
    Strengths/weaknesses: I would say I'm speedy at reviewing, and I'll probably send you feedback within a week at the most, and that's when I start exams and I have to study. I suppose this is also a weakness, since I can overlook a few things, but I'll try my best. I promise. I'm online every day and that's a bonus. Also, I can help you with plots, characters, or anything else.

    However, grammar isn't my forte. I'm decent, but I'm not an English major or anything so I'll probably look over a few things. Overall, it's not too bad. I can catch a few mistakes here and there, but don't expect too much.
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    Okay, I am accepting bigtukker's since they've already sent me their first chapter. I can accept one more so I don't over work myself.
    Added, psyanic!

    And cheers for saying that, Phantom. Updates are always cool so that we don't have people left on the list for months when they might already have been taken.
    Title of Story: Night of the Red Moon
    Fandom: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (EoS)
    Plot summary: Four months after defeating Darkrai, Team Firestorm are stunned to learn that he has returned, but Chloe's partner has to face a problem of his own.
    Genre: Adventure/Friendship
    Rating: PG-13
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive beta reader
    Writing sample of story: Chloe and Chimchar climbed up the steps and started passing through the lush Treasure Town, almost everyone greeted them, Chloe and Chimchar happily greeted back with a wave. They had become rather famous and popular around here but that's what saving the world twice does to you.

    Everyone in town knew their names even most of the travelling explorers who pass by. In fact a few of them asked for their autographs. Chimchar often joked that they now could be as famous as Dusknoir used to be if not more.

    Other:Grammer is my weakest area
    Ashygirl contacted me. So I'll be picking theirs up.

    This means I won't be accepting any more betas for the time being.

    Hmmm, I need a beta reader pleeeeeaase.

    Title of Story: (May Change) Those That Came Before
    Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    Plot summary: While Percy is cleaning out the Oracle's attic he finds a file labeled 1941-1945. The file contains the story of an unclaimed demigod who fought against the tide of evil in WWII.
    Genre: Adventure?
    Rating (PG, R, etc): PG-13
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive/any
    Writing sample of story:

    Other: I'd like to think that I'm an experienced writer, and this isn't my first fanfic.
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    Thanks, Phantom! The list has been updated to reflect your changes.
    Hiya, I has a need for a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: Pokemon: The Rest Of All
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary: What If? We've all asked ourselves this question, a simple mistake, for small it is, can lead humanity to its own doom. What if Team Galactic was never stopped? What if the Red Chain also controled Giratina? What if the world as we knew it has been reformed by Cyrus? What if there isn't any was to restore it?

    The Fic follows the adventures of Drew, a young boy that mysteriously woke up in Pallet Beach with no memory at all. Across his journey he will try to collect the badges from the remaining gyms of the Pokemon world... but little does he know of what Arceus has planned for him.
    Genre: Action with a bit of Mystery and a small bit of Comedy every now and then. A OT Fic, but with actual characters from the Pokemon World every now and then.
    Rating (PG, R, etc): PG-15 for bits of strong language and mild suggestive themes
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive
    Writing sample of story:

    Other: English is not my first lenguage, in fact, it's Spanish, so I have grammar errors every now and then. I've been writing this in my laptop for over a year... but I'm now forced to restart since my hard drive broke and I lost every single bit of information in my computer.
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    Category: Comprehensive, so basically, everything and anything.

    Genre: Almost everything, really. My favorites, though, are hurt/comfort, angst, adventure, and fantasy.

    Preferred method of contact: PM me if you want me to beta for you and I'll give my email. :3 (In other words, email.)

    Examples of writing:
    As Mitsu sat down at the small tan desk, she quickly glanced at the girl she would sit next to in Physics class for the rest of the year.
    The female teen had the "I-Just-Woke-Up-And-Found-Nothing-Intersting-So-I'm-Gonna-Go-Hibernate-Now-Okay-Good night" look to her. The girl had a slim figure, and was clad in the standard green school uniform. Though the fact that it was singed and torn at the edges threw her off and made her wonder whether she ran through a fire and a forest before coming to school today. Mitsu found her eyes slowly wandering higher till she found her face. She was very pale, as if she hadn't seen the sun in years. She had pale pink lips, that weren't smiling or frowning, but were in a rather… Neutral position. Her hair was quite wavy and alternated between the colors black and white, framing and contrasting well with her face. Mitsu kept trailing up slowly until she finally reached her eyes. She stopped there, finding something that made her blush and look down at the floor in embarrassment.
    Sleepy dark blue eyes staring right back at her.

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: This is sort of the hard part for me. You see, most of the beta-ing I do takes place irl. I can't post that because I don't have any of it with me. I'm only doing one on the internet right now, and I can't post a sample because I haven't started on it yet, and I have to get permission from the author once I finish. And so, this section is going to be edited later.

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional): Although I don't have any particularly terrible weaknesses I do have strength in grammar and language.
    Updated that, PhantomX0990.

    CyranoandArisu - I'm afraid we do need examples of reviews/betas for this, although note that reviews for fics can be easily made here and will do, and they don't have to come from this forum either). There's no need to rush with that either; take your time with getting those.
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