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Fanfiction of the Month (May): Northbridge (PG 13)


Chick in riot gear!
  • 2,465
    Mario The World Champion said:
    I can't believe that I haven't commented on this yet!

    Man, after that big explosion, Ash is dead and feeding the worms. And if I was that person that all those evil teams were trying to kill... I'd go James Earl Cash from "Manhunt" on them all!!
    You psycho! Ash is not feeding the worms LOL and he's dark not severly psychotic ROTFLMAO!!!

    Chapter 10
    As they spread through out the city all members unleashed their shadow Pok?mon and as soon s they were out they were ordered to search for anything out of place. Meanwhile Pikachu had been hiding in an alley for a signal it was waiting for but a familiar sound distracted it. Pikachu turned around and saw Skitty being pushed towards a wall by a shadow Scyther and a shadow Espeon. Pikachu raced over as the Scyther raised its massive scythe to slash Skitty. Right before Skitty could fall victim to the deadly scythe Pikachu tensed its muscles and released an intense and powerful Thunder attack. The thunder hit the shadow Scyther dead on and it fell on its knees but the Espeon used Psybeam on Pikachu. Pikachu was a strong Pok?mon but these shadow Pok?mon were much stronger. Skitty saw Pikachu might need help so it unleashed its strongest Blizzard attack which resulted in two frozen sculptures. Skitty ran to Pikachu and both little Pok?mon sat to chat. ?Na, na, na, na, na. Na!?

    ?Pika! Pi, pika, pikachu!?

    Skitty had just explained how May and the others were being kept locked inside cages on the last floor of the tall building. Pikachu decided to help so it told Skitty to lead the way so they could help May and the others. As the two little Pok?mon went on all team members were searching the city for the intruder Eriscordia so coveted. Through out the city there were 48 team members and each of them were equipped with two shadow Pok?mon. So the intruder had to face a total of 96 shadow Pok?mom.

    A great number of people were walking down the main street and their shadow Pok?mon had been released. The shadows suddenly got a whiff of a very hostile scent which set them on a wild mood. As the shadows looked around everyone heard a thunderous roar. Both Pok?mon and humans looked about to place the sound with something but they saw nothing, suddenly the sky grew darker, and a dark shade covered the sun. As everyone was busy watching the sun a strange and thick fog began to roll from out of the nowhere. A shadow Entie growled letting the members know there was something in the fog.

    A shadowy figure slowly walked to the edge of the fog but maintained hidden within the fog. As it walked right to the edge they noticed the shadow take shape like a human. The shadow let out a shrieking snarl letting them know it was not human at all. All members were struck with the realization that they were face to face with the intruder but before they could act they were distracted by a black transparent aura that swiftly swam in the fog. The aura quickly raised high into the sky and took the shape of a great black and transparent raven. It stretched in size and expanded its massive wings and as it opened its beak a shadowy beam erupted from within and struck all humans and Pok?mon. The people were brought down heavily and the shadows turned into a light dust which was swept away by the wind.

    As quick as it appeared the fog vanished and the sun returned to normal but was still covered by thick rain clouds. A carpet of unconscious people littered the main street but there was no sign of the intruder anywhere. Back at the bank Eriscordia was hit with a feeling of hostility, not only was Petrov missing but something in the back of her mind told her to look out the window. She slowly walked towards the window facing the north side which was where the main street laid. Eriscordia looked down and saw a huge group of people laying on the street unconscious and some black dust as well. She knew the dust was from her shadow minions and only a legendary Pok?mon had enough power to take on her shadow minions but to have taken all those out so quickly and silently would have been done by something stronger than any legendary. She had to face the reality that her doubts, fears and suspicions were all indeed true.

    After what seemed forever Pikachu and Skitty finally reached the top floor and saw some light at the end of the air vent. Skitty pushed open the vent and out popped Skitty and Pikachu. ?Pika!? ?Na!? Those were the greetings Pikachu and Skitty yelled out as they saw their human friends in the cages. As soon as they laid eyes on the two little Pok?mon their faces lit up with hope and joy.

    ?Pikachu you?re all right! I can?t believe it!? May said as she opened her arms to welcome in Skitty who ran to her and hugged her. Officer Jenny was indeed delighted but their celebration had to be cut short since they couldn?t waste time on pity celebrations that might be in vain. ?Okay, does anyone have any fire and water type Pok?mon?? At the mention of those two types in particular they all knew what she was meaning to do. May had a Torchic, Brock had a Mudkip, Dante had a Houndour and a Houndoom and C.J. had a Vaporeon and a Seadra. Three fire types and three water types and with Dante?s Flaffy and Meowth using their strongest Body Slam they would be free in no time.

    Pikachu had been shown where their backpacks had been put so they ran over and while Pikachu searched for May?s Torchic and Brock?s Mudkip Skitty released Symphony so she could look for C.J.?s Vaporeon and Seadra and Dante?s Houndour and Houndoom. Symphony ripped through the backpacks and pushed the button on the pokeballs and Houndour, Houndour, Vaporeon and Seadra. Dante and May were up first so they gave their Pok?mon the orders. ?All right listen up. Inferno, Hellfire, I want both of you to hit these bars with the strongest and hottest Flamethrower you guys have, I mean boiling hot.?

    ?Okay, Torchic as soon as they hit the bars I want you to hit the bars as well with you toughest Ember attack. Got it??

    ?Mudkip as soon as they stop their Flamethrowers and Embers I want you to use Water Gun on the same spot they hit the bars.?

    ?Arcana, Blutengel, when the Mudkip hits the bars with Water Gun I want you to do the same.?

    Now that their orders were clear Inferno the Houndoom, Hellfire the Houndour and May?s Torchic stepped forward and released two massive Flamethrowers and a powerful Ember on the bars. After a few minutes they stopped and C.J.?s Pok?mon stepped forward and played their part as well as Brock?s Mudkip. Arcana the Vaporeon, Blutengel the Seadra and Mudkip hit the boiling bars with a showering Water Gun attack. As soon as the water hit the bars smoke bounced right off the bars and a wave of heat infested the room. After the water stopped another wave of fire hit the bars and after three minutes the fire stopped and another shower fell on the bars. Right before the water would stop Dante asked Symphony to release two more of his Pok?mon.

    Symphony released two more Pok?mon and when they materialized there stood a Flaffy and a Meowth and Dante gave his orders. ?Vitky, Lillith, I want you to hit the bars as soon as the water stops with your strongest Double Edge attacks, all right?? Both Pok?mon acknowledged their trainer?s orders so Vitky the Flaffy and Lillith the Meowth paid close attention to the bars. As soon as the water stopped Vitky landed the first blow but it did not manage to break the bars. Lillith gave it a try but the bars would not budge either so both Pok?mon looked at each other and decided to hit the bars at the same time. Vitky and Lillith ran towards the bars and hit them at the same time with their strongest Double Edge attack and that managed to break the weakened bars and set their trainers free.

    Officer Jenny thought using the attack combo would take up too much time so she looked around for the keys to the other cage. As she moved around several boxes she heard a jingle like sound indicating that she found what she was looking for. She dove her hand inside a box and dug out a set of keys which were kept together by a rusty old ring that looked like it had seen better days. In the ring there were five keys, she tried all of them but it was the last one that was the key to open the cage. Once freed they all made their way out of the room to figure out how to get out of the building in one piece.

    Meanwhile as the sun set itself to sleep behind the mountains, the sky grew even darker and wicked. Eriscordia shrugged at the thought of the night?s darkness, after all the light was her domain and the darkness was Ash?s domain. For a while now she had been on the look out for someone in particular. She had been searching in alleys, hidden corners and on the highest buildings. One place she did not search was underground, under the streets of Alexandria City. The sewers were perfect for going anywhere and moving about without being noticed and her failing to check that out would turn out to be a fatal mistake.

    As Eriscordia walked the streets in search for the intruder she picked up a very familiar scent but this time the sensation of extreme anger came along with it. As she took several steps she became a bit dizzy, she looked up at the street lights and the light became fuzzy and blurred. She kept walking forward and noticed no other humans in the area. Eriscordia looked around frantically and saw that there were no members anywhere, no Team Rockets, Team Aqua or Team Magma. From the minute it took her to get out of the bank all members she had gathered had disappeared into thin air. She kept walking down the street and as she wondered and questioned a thick eerie fog rolled in and covered the entire city in a matter of seconds.

    She stopped and looked about, her heart was racing and her breath had become heavy and somewhat slow. As her eyes scanned the area she heard a low chuckle. The sound seemed to be coming from everywhere, confusing her further than what she already was. Suddenly Eriscordia came to the realization that an attack had been placed on her. Hysteria was a powerful attack which made the victim see and hear things that were not really there. She closed her eyes and concentrated and once she was sure she had overpowered the effect of the Hysteria attack. Once her eyes opened the team members all stood around her looking at her in a funny way as if questioning her sanity for the display she had shown once she walked out the front door.

    Eriscordia?s rage grew and her patience shortened. She knew Hysteria was not an attack any Pok?mon knew so she was indeed convinced of Ash?s survival so she walked up to the middle of the crowd and yelled out to him ?Where are you?! Show yourself, you coward!? At that instant an eerie and disturbing howl wrapped the night?s atmosphere and sent a chill through its audience?s spine. The howl had been heard from behind the huge group of people and shadow Pok?mon down on the street so each and every single person and shadow turned to face a huge abandoned building and right in front of the building was a shadowy figure staring back. That figure was none other than Ash Ketchum himself. As he stared back thunder struck high above in the heavens and rain began to pour down on them.

    Ash remained quiet and held a very threatening and serious look on his face. He was still wearing the clothes Dante lent him for the undercover trick back at the museum. As the rain poured down on him his hair became so wet some flicks of his hair fell on his face partially hiding his eyes which were staring coldly right into Eriscordia?s eyes. Eriscordia took a few steps forward and mocked his silent but threatening approach by smiling as she walked toward him. She stopped about 10 feet away from him and placed her hands on her hips as she stood straight up. She smiled but Ash was still very silent and never removed his eyes from hers, Eriscordia was then struck with curiosity as to how he managed to survive the blast and what became of old man Petrov. Before she could open her mouth to ask or say anything Ash said in a low and cold voice.

    ?How did I survive the blast? Simple. There was a manhole in the basement leading down to the sewers. So before the time ran out I slipped down and ran off. Whatever happened to old man Petrov?? Instead of answering quickly like he did before he just looked at her and a very wicked and troublesome smirk invaded his face indicating that things did not go at all too well for Petrov. Eriscordia thought that through but even as dark as he had become Ash would never be capable of a thing such as murder so she waited to see his answer. Ash simply put his hands behind his back and said. ?Let?s just say Hysteria is an attack humans don?t react well to.?

    Eriscordia was not at all too bothered, after all Petrov only proved useful for certain things and ever since she took over Alexandria City he had become useless. However, Ash on the other hand was proving to be more of a plague now, a plague she had to get rid of permanently if she wanted to succeed. Eriscordia simply raised her right arm and snapped her fingers and all remaining team members released their shadow Pok?mon. Dozens of shadows walked slowly and menacingly towards Ash but all he did was remain calm.

    Ash slowly closed his eyes and kept his face looking forward and then lowered his head and remained absolutely quiet. Eriscordia tilted her head a little to the right and raised an eyebrow in a curious manner as if asking why he was doing that instead of attacking like she thought he would be by now. After a minute or so Eriscordia?s patience was wearing thin so she snapped her fingers once more and all the shadow Pok?mon raced towards Ash. He simply remained calm and quiet as the shadows raced towards him. From the bank Officer Jenny and the others watched as Ash just stood there without reacting or even saying a word which worried them but at the same time made them smile for they knew he had a plan up his sleeve.

    Before the shadow Pok?mon could reach Ash a low humming sound was heard in the air and suddenly Ash slowly levitated and stood some 20 feet in the air. He was still leaning his face down and his eyes were still closed. All the shadows froze and just like Eriscordia watched to see what he would do next. Ash remained perfectly still for a few minutes and suddenly the ground from underneath them all began to violently shake. The shaking began to get stronger and far more violent, the team members were so shaken up that some hung on to light posts while the majority fell on their backs from the Earth?s movements. Eriscordia levitated as well but only inches from the ground and remained calm to see what her rival was up to.

    As the ground shook the buildings all around were collapsing. Most of the buildings in Alexandria City were mostly composed of glass so the shaking had its effect on the glass causing tons of glass to cover the streets in a crystal carpet. Eriscordia kept watching Ash and saw the street underneath him ripping. A thin crippled line formed underneath Ash and it expanded in width. Even with all the people and shadows running about Eriscordia couldn?t help but keep an eye on Ash. Just as sudden as it started the earthquake ended and the wind died down. Everything was very quiet; nothing was heard especially from Ash. As Ash levitated in midair he appeared almost terrifying, he looked like a ghost sent back from the Underworld to unleash its anger upon all those who caused it pain during its time on Earth.

    Finally Ash lifted his face at a slow pace and quickly opened his eyes revealing bright yellow eyes that pierced even the most daring and defying stare. Everyone in the area stopped running and screaming and looked at Ash. Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Dante, C.J., Karin, Pikachu, Brock and May looked at Ash both with fear and curiosity. The dark image that fell on him was indeed terrifying; it was like some sort of unholy creature about to unleash powers of darkness no mortal could survive. It was also ironic for that terrifying, unholy creature was what would save not only Alexandria City and Northbridge Town from total annihilation?but the entire world.

    Everyone stood silently and anxiously but then seconds later there was a deep rumble coming from the gash under Ash who was still levitating in midair. Eriscordia?s patience was right at the limit so she stepped forward and taunted him just to irritate him, a little something she enjoyed doing. She looked at him from top to bottom and scoffed but then lifted her eyebrow in interest but then said. ?Nice outfit, Azreal!? Her attempt to annoy him fell on deaf ears, he continued to stare coldly at her and she was the one getting annoyed. Before Eriscordia could send her shadows after him the rumbling intensified and right out of the gap a great wall of fire rose from the ground.

    The wall stood about 30 feet high, the light emitting from the fire wall was so great it almost made it seem like dawn. All the people out on the street gasped in fear and shock. As the members ran about the shadows prepared for anything but it proved useless. Ash lifted his left arm and the wall of fire shot forward and straight at the crowd before him. All shadows were incinerated into a lose black dust, as for the humans some made it inside the buildings on that street but for those who were not as lucky they were lying on the street with a few small burns but nothing overly serious. Eriscordia on the other hand had teleported to avoid the wall.

    Ash?s eyes returned to their soft brown color but as they did he scanned the area for any sign of Eriscordia. He knew hitting her with just one blow was too much to hope for so he readied himself for just about anything to come his way. As he searched about a wave of razor sharp leaves swiftly cut through the air and were going straight for Ash. He looked at the leaves and lifted his left arm and as they flew closer they began to slow down until they made a complete stop. As the razor sharp leaves stood there they started to fall to the ground one by one. Once the last leaf hit the ground he looked up and said as he laughed. ?Bravo! Bravo indeed. Razor Leaf attack? Why not try Bubble attack or something like that? Don?t jerk me around, Eris!?

    As Ash took a step forward he then felt Eriscordia?s presence right behind him. He slowly turned around and saw his rival standing there looking at him. Ash noticed no anger, fear or any emotions at that, he wondered why for he would think anger would be the only feeling she would be displaying at the moment. Both of them stared at each other for the longest time. Back up on the bank they had been watching everything from the very beginning and were anxious to see what other attacks and ideas Ash had hidden away.

    After several minutes Eriscordia finally spoke up and said in a cold tone. ?So far you have been the biggest pain in the---butt I have ever had the misfortune to meet.? Ash couldn?t help but smile but this did not bother Eriscordia for she was confident that she could bring Ash down once and for all and continued. ?Let?s see how long you last out here.?

    ?Long enough to send you back where you came from.?

    Both Ash and Eriscordia turned around and gave each other their backs and slowly marched away. All who were watching found this rather odd but they kept watching nonetheless to see what they were up to. After a gap of about 23 feet stood before the two rivals both of them began to actually glow. After the glowing light subdued they could see they had taken the shape of other Pok?mon. Where Eriscordia stood now stood a Dragonite but this Dragonite had different colors. Instead of a light orange color it was now white, the belly, antennas and skin on the wings were a soft, pale gray. Where Ash stood now stood a Charizard. This Charizard was also different; it was completely black except for the belly, the skin in its wings and the fire on the tip of its tail which were also a soft, pale gray.

    Both dragons snarled at each other as their eyes burned with their prospected colors. At the same time both of them took off high into the sky and began to blast powerful attacks at one another. Eriscordia opened her mouth and unleashed a massive Dragon Rage attack so Ash did the same thing and unleashed a massive Dragon Rage attack. Both of them were hit at the same time and with equal amount of force. Eriscordia began to glow once more so Ash did the same at the same time. It was as if whatever one was going to do the other knew.

    As soon as they stopped glowing there were now two Mews. One was black the other white, their eyes however remained the same. Both of them flew off in opposite directions, after they were so apart that they looked like specks in the night sky. Ash extended his left arm and his small paw began to glow purple, Eriscordia did the same thing and wound up with her right arm extended and her little paw glowing purple. At the end of their paws was a purple sphere which seemed to grow with each passing minute. Both took off at the same time and headed towards each other at high speeds, when they were close to each other both lifted their arms and as soon as they came face to face both of their paws met and as their palms touched each others? the spheres blew up and caused a massive nuclear like explosion in the sky.
    Last edited:

    Lucy Lu

    Keep On Moving Foward...
  • 6,195
    • Seen Mar 6, 2014
    Wheeeee!! This is so great. ^^ Go, Ash, Go, Go Ash, Go. XD I want him to win. XD Can't wait for more Jen. ^^


    Bird Master
  • 15
    Wow. Just, wow. I have neve been so enchanted with a General fiction before. The action, the dialogue, all perfect! Some of the dialogue feels cramped in some paragraphs but otherwise, no grammar or spelling problems. A thoroughly enjoyable piece I shall continue to reed.


    Chick in riot gear!
  • 2,465
    Chapter 11
    The impact of both spheres caused an explosion due to the fact that both attacks had been sent out with equal force and strength and it also caused for both of them to fall back. Eriscordia hit a satellite atop of one of the buildings while Ash hit his back on a building wall. As soon as they picked themselves up they changed shape once more and this time both changed into Flygons. Both shrieked and flew at high speeds towards each other and just seconds before there would be a collision both of them swiftly flew up into the night sky. With only a few mere inches separating their bodies both kept their heads up looking into the sky but at the same time storing energy to deploy a seriously strong and destructive Hyper Beam attack.

    Miles into the dark sky both of them swirled around each other and grabbed their claws as if holding one another to hit the attack right at the target. At the same time they opened their mouths and blasted one another with a devastating Hyper Beam attack, one that proved useless for as soon as the beam cleared away they saw each other still flying high. Ash snarled and flew straight down towards the ground and as soon as he landed he changed shape once more but this time he turned into a Minun. He ran to the end of the street and stood still as he watched Eriscordia who was still high in the sky. Eriscordia spotted Ash and swiftly swooped down to the street and as soon as she was in range Ash shrieked as he released extremely powerful Thunder attacks right at Eriscordia.

    Eriscordia evaded each thunder as she moved sideways and back and forth. Where ever the thunder landed it left massive smoking holes on the street. The bystanders stared deeply into the holes realizing just how dangerous both of them were. Ash however had no thoughts in his mind; the only thing running through his mind was one objective only: ?Hit Eriscordia? He stopped sending Thunder attacks from the sky and noticed Eriscordia drawing closer so he closed his eyes and stood still. Eriscordia had been blinded by rage so she paid little attention to what her rival was up to which would prove to be a bad mistake.

    As soon as Eriscordia was in range Ash unleashed an even more powerful Thunder attack. The thunder raced down on Earth from the clouds above and hit her right on her back violently slamming her to the ground. The thunder kept racing down on her but then she grew wise and changed into a massive white and pale gray Onix. The thunder no longer had an effect on her so she raised her massive tail high up and dropped it mercilessly on Ash. Officer Jenny and the others gasped in fear as they had just witnessed a massive Onix drop its heavy tail on a small and meek Minun. Eriscordia?s witty move did not last long for minutes later a massive black and pale gray Groudon rose from under the tail and as it did it tightly gripped the Onix?s tail in its mouth and tossed the Onix with all its strength.

    Eriscordia landed right on a building which after the impact began to tumble down as most of the foundation had been crippled by a loose Onix. Ash then changed into a small Cyndaquil and Eriscordia changed into a Treeko. Both raced towards each other and as soon as they were close Eriscordia unleashed a wave of high speed Bullet Seeds. Ash sort of panicked but managed to dodge most of them but the ones that did hit him hurt enough to make him cry out. ?Cynda, cynda, cynda, cyn, cyndaquil!!?

    ?Treeeeko, ko, ko, ko, ko, ko, ko!!?

    Ash was beginning to get furious and he knew if he let his rage blind him Eriscordia could use that as an edge so before she could fire another Bullet Seed attack he unleashed a Flamethrower, which roasted her, but it barely did any damage. That situation was beginning to really get to both of them since every attack they launched at each other was either evaded or barely did any damage. Both stood in front of each other and gasped for air as they tiredly kept an eye on each other. Both of them then began to glow and as soon as they stopped glowing they had changed back into human form.

    Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Dante, C.J., Karin, Brock, May and Pikachu looked restlessly waiting to see what they would do next. They could tell both were tired and worn out but the look on their faces indicated that the fight was far from over, not only did they look mad but the way they were breathing indicated that the attacks, although having little effect, were doing some damage, even if it was very little. The awkward silence between the two rivals was nerve wrecking to those in the area as they watched carefully in case one would move. Brock, May and especially Pikachu were not only concerned but afraid, they had never seen that look on Ash?s face before. It was indeed terrifying and something they were hoping never to lay eyes on again after Ash traps Eriscordia into the sphere and they would continue on with the rest of their journey.

    Suddenly they both changed shape once more and now Ash had turned into a black Scyther with bright yellow eyes and Eriscordia changed into a white Scyther with blood red eyes. Both Scythers jumped towards each other and swung their scythes at one another. The impact from the scythes was very heavy; when both scythes touched they let out a clanking sound like that of a Trojan sword as it clashed with the sword of a Greek in war. It seemed every time they changed shape the fight would get more violent and far more dangerous for both of them. Eriscordia swung her scythe a little too close to Ash?s right leg but she missed by just a few inches. This frightened Pikachu so the little mouse quickly ran to the streets but Symphony ran after it and Skitty saw the two little Pok?mon running out so it tugged on May?s leg and yelled out. ?Na, na!? May turned to face her little Pok?mon and kneeled down to see what was wrong. ?What is it, Skitty?? Skitty then pointed at the door and saw it open and then noticed Pikachu and Symphony were missing.

    Meanwhile back out in the street Eriscordia had kicked Ash and had fallen to the ground after a powerful Mega Kick had landed on his left side. Ash was sort of dazed but he could see as Eriscordia raised her scythe and let it go to hit Ash but he quickly rolled to the side and saw the scythe land hard on the street leaving a deep impression on the pavement. Ash got back up and jumped high into the sky and as soon as he felt he had enough altitude he used Agility to reach his target quicker and before Eriscordia could react Ash had pounced on her and tried to slash her but she had moved her scythe in front of her blocking Ash from slashing her.

    Ash tried to push forward but Eriscordia put up a fight despite the fact that Ash had the upper hand and was psychically stronger than her. As they wrestled about Ash was suddenly distracted as Pikachu stood on the sidewalk and called out to its trainer. ?Pika pi!!? Ash looked and lowered his defense so Eriscordia raised her legs and put them right under Ash and flipped him. In midair Ash managed to twist about and landed on his legs but as soon as he gathered himself he saw Ericordia looking at him and he heard as she said telepathically. ?Seems I can?t hurt you much this way so I?ll attack where it hurts the most.?

    Ash suddenly realized what she meant by that but before he could stop her she had teleported right next to Pikachu and raised her right scythe but before slicing the small mouse to pieces she noticed something around the little yellow mouse?s neck. Eriscordia?s eyes widened as she laid eyes on the black sphere. Hours before their encounter Ash had entrusted his best friend with looking after the black sphere he stole from Petrov. She then realized that Ash must have had the white sphere with him; her plans weren?t completely ruined after all. Instead of attacking Pikachu she swung the scythe close to Pikachu and broke the chain around the little Pikachu?s neck and snatched the sphere but before she could celebrate Ash had teleported behind her and as soon as he grabbed her he teleported them to the top of the bank.

    Once at the top of the bank both snarled at each other and looked at one another viciously. Now that Eriscordia had her sphere and Ash had his both would be very difficult to bring down. After a brief moment of threatening each other both of them jumped at themselves at the same time, Eriscordia swung her left scythe but Ash blocked it with his right scythe but Eriscordia used her free scythe and slashed Ash on the left side of his face. That angered him so he violently and quickly swung his left scythe and slashed Eriscordia on her right arm. Both Scythers backed up and kept a space of about 15 feet from each other.

    Both remained calm and at the same time changed back into human form. Eriscordia had a bloody thin line on her arm while Ash had a bloody thin line across the left side of his face. It wasn?t a serious injury, but they were both still quite angry from it. Eriscordia wiped the angry look from her face and a grin invaded her face and as she put her hand on her hip. Ash calmed down a tad and waited to see what she would do or say.

    ?You?ve put up quite a fight I?ll give you that. But you have also been the biggest, most bothersome pain in the *** I have ever had to put up with.? At that second Ash chuckled and a wicked grin slowly carved on his face. A feeling overcame Eriscordia, a feeling that the boy standing before her was up to something. She kept looking at him cautiously and wanted to ask him something but she preferred not to in case she would get involved in the conversation and would cause her to lower her defenses. Ash kept staring into her eyes seriously and the wicked smile grew more and more, not in length but in its wicked nature. In his silence he had been conjuring up a devastating attack, an attack more powerful than Aeroblast or Sky Attack put together.

    Eriscordia kept looking at him now rather curious instead of cautiously. She raised an eyebrow questioning his motives as to why the smirk on his face, deep down she knew he was up to something but his cocky nature was getting to her. Suddenly a powerful burst of cold wind hit her like a ton of bricks, the impact sent her to the ground and as she hit the ground the wind died down and in a dazed notion she looked up and saw Ash still grinning and looking at her. Eriscordia growled and said as she rose from the ground. Eriscordia realized that Ash had used Microburst but not at a destructive level, he was merely toying with her. ?You little brat! Wait till I get my hands on you!? Eriscordia extended her claws which strangely were not that long and were a soft pale gray unlike Ash?s which he had also extended as he kept his hands hidden behind his back.

    As Eriscordia walked closer she lifted her right arm and swung it at Ash?s face but Ash grabbed her hand before she could slash him once more. She looked at him and thought to herself. ?He?s going to be tougher than I thought.? Eriscordia dragged her hand away and took several steps back. After she had a good distance between him and herself she began to glow as they did when they were about to change shape so Ash readied himself for anything. A pure white aura wrapped Eriscordia from top to bottom and suddenly the light became so bright it actually stung Ash?s eyes but he tried his best to keep an eye on her.

    Eriscordia then began to levitate and continue to glow, a glow which was so potent it grabbed the attention of all bystanders down on the streets. Suddenly two strange shapes extended from her back and the glowing aura seized. High in the night sky was a beautiful figure; Eriscordia had changed into her real shape. She had long, soft silver hair; gorgeous and huge white wings that looked as fluffy as an Articuno?s icy feathers. The wings also had several silver feathers tucked in between the army of beautiful white feathers. Eriscordia also had on a magnificent white dress made of soft silk, the dress was long and in a tube style but looked decent unlike all the other outfits she had worn during her conflict with Ash.

    Her skin pale as the moon?s face but as gentle as a newborn?s sweet smile, unlike before she was now barefoot, no five inch heels or leather boots to decorate her seductive styles. Eriscordia was indeed the very image of things pure and beautiful. Still, that image held no remorse for Ash for he knew the truth about the apparition before him, although she looked like the most beautiful creature on the face of the planet on the outside, inside she couldn?t have been more frightening and horrendous.

    Ash exhaled in a frustrated fashion as he looked upon the beauty before him, thinking of her image and then thinking how he would turn. The thought of turning into that which gives nightmares, that which stands for everything he ever stood against, that which the greatest force of darkness had crafted with its filthy, unholy claws. For a brief moment a touch of sadness overwhelmed him. Nothing that was happening was fair, especially for him, he was not used to having such a dark nature nor had he ever thought he would be that which every morally correct person would turn down. He looked down on himself and saw how he was dressed; strangely enough he hadn?t noticed he was still dressed that way.

    Ash looked at his hands and then his arms which were covered by the black overcoat he had borrowed from Dante. His wardrobe consisted of a pair of black, leather rock boots, black, baggy pants, a plain black, long sleeved shirt and a black overcoat that reached his ankles. He sighed sadly and as he slowly closed his eyes a tear fell out and caressed his cheek. For that split second he said to himself he was defeated. He had given up and Eriscordia had not even started to fight him. Ash had let himself defeat him, as he dug himself into that hole he fell to his knees and quietly sobbed. An alien feeling overcame him but he cared not, he only wanted this to be over and to go back to the way things were.

    During that entire time Eriscordia had been telepathically listening to him, she had tapped into his thoughts and read every word and felt every devastating feeling and was quite surprised at him. She slowly and swiftly lowered down to the rooftop and walked over to him. Ash saw her walking towards him and felt nothing, he only wanted this all to end no matter who would suffer the consequences of his actions. When Eriscordia stopped he kept his eyes on the ground looking at the small dots of tears on the floor and said in a low and sad tone. ?Just do it. Just do it and get it over with?please.?

    Eriscordia smiled sweetly and sat on her knees right in front of Ash. She slowly put her hand under his chin and lifted his face until she saw his eyes full of despair, sadness and tears. ?You?re strong. Most people who touch the sphere break down the minute they learn what it is that they have become. It?s like you said as Marco was explaining: It?s just another sickening moral lesson.? This of course was said telepathically, no Pok?mon could ever talk like a human could no matter how intelligent or powerful.

    This was indeed a side to Eriscordia Ash had never seen or even thought existed in her. He thought that in his fragile state she would take advantage of it and kill him the second he had dropped to his knees not to mention after he had asked her to do it. He reacted to what she had said and replied. ?A moral lesson? Look what I?ve become. How is?this... a moral lesson?? He said as a few more tears slowly marched down his cheek and he looked at himself.

    ?What you look like does not define who you are. What defines a person is the actions they do and choices they make in life. You and I and your friends and everyone else down there are merely pawns in this little game called life. The game?s outcome depends on the moves you make. You?ve been given a weapon for you to use, a weapon created by darkness but to be used by the light. The entire lesson that both civilizations had to learn was that looks can be and are deceiving. Thanades stood for all the good in the world yet he was cast out as a demon but I who stood for all the wrong reasons were celebrated only because I did not look like a nightmare.?

    ?You may not understand now but in time you will, love.? Eriscordia leaned into his ear and said. ?You need not wish for death so soon?you?re time will come but nowhere near this time and age.? Ash was still not only confused but still had no will to fight and Eriscordia saw this and her answer was simple, sweet and just right. She lifted her right arm and slowly put her index finger right were his heart was located and said in the softest and sweetest voice he had ever heard. ?In the middle of darkness there?s a light.?


    Chick in riot gear!
  • 2,465
    Chapter 12
    With that being said Ash did not fully understand but that last statement made a lot of things clear for him now. He smiled and Eriscordia returned the smile but then the strange scenario of the light and the darkness exchanging pleasantries would soon end for both had a score settle. Eriscordia flapped her graceful wings and flew into the night sky, once high enough she extended her right arm and lifted her index finger and at the tip of her finger a small white sphere began to materialize and it grew slowly.

    Ash stared at the sphere and then realized what attack it was. The attack was nothing like Light?s Shadow but it could do some heavy damage if he took a direct hit. He turned around and ran away from Eriscordia but as she unleashed the attack it hit right behind him pushing him over the buildings edge. The front side of the bank had a sliding design to it that allowed Ash to only slide down the building. Of course as Ash slid out of control he tried to hang on to something but there was nothing he could get a good grip of so he extended his claws on both hands and sank them into the glass. The claws made a horrible screeching sound that bothered him but he knew if he let the sound get to him he would slide faster and surely go over the edge. As he reached the edge he got a good grip of the edge and held on as long as he could.

    Meanwhile down bellow everyone had been watching and Officer Jenny and the others become alarmed when they saw someone hanging on to the edge of the building. ?Oh, my goodness.?

    ?Pika pi!!?

    Ash groaned as he slipped a little but tried to hang on as much as possible. Eriscordia flew down to where he was and said, as she once again became that vile and unpleasant girl who had made Ash?s life miserable for the past few days. ?Well, how?s the view from there, Ashy boy??

    ?Oh, you idiot!?

    ?Tch, tch. My, what a short temper we have. So how are you doing??

    ?Falling, jackass. I?m falling.?

    Eriscordia began to laugh and as she did she pointed her right index finger at Ash. She was going to hit him with the same attack but before she could he let go of the edge and fell down 96 floors. When he hit the ground he did so with his feet and as soon as his feet touched the ground he walked forward and seriously. All bystanders were both shocked and amazed as how he landed on his two feet and broke nothing, Eriscordia of course was not happy at all. She flew down and landed close to Ash but he kept walking down the road and after he felt he had a good distance he stopped dead in his tracks.

    Ash began to glow with a black aura and a black mist appeared and wrapped itself all around him. The mist became so dense no one could see anything at all but Eriscordia knew what was happening so she sat back and waiting. Slowly the mist cleared away and all around gasped in horror for Ash had also changed into his now true form. Before them stood a nightmare, the creature was a gargoyle with black skin, two huge wings that looked like a devil?s with the skin on the inside silver like Eriscordia?s hair and feathers. The gargoyle had frightening yellow eyes, needle sharp fangs that looked like they could tare flesh in a matter of seconds. There were three massive horns on its head and several long and thin spikes running down its back and a long smooth tail.

    The creature was truly menacing and scary. Just looking at him brought unease to all who laid their eyes on him, Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Dante, C.J., Karin, Brock, May and Pikachu were all frightened by Ash. Ash however cared not, he knew what and who he really was and who Eriscordia was so the form bestowed upon him did not trouble him one bit, and it in fact fed his ambition to defeat Eriscordia. Eriscordia on the other hand was having trouble, the dark image before her scared her to no end but she tried her best not to show it although it was futile since Ash could smell the fear emitting from her.

    Now that both were even they were about to give all they could and stop at nothing to win this battle that would determine if the end was near or not. Eriscordia was a tad insecure about what her actions should be since over the years she lost all her battles one after another. Eriscordia lifted both arms at shoulder length and closed her eyes as she began to concentrate deeply. Ash knew she was up to no good so he kept both eyes open in case she would pull a dirty trick. A soft rumble was felt on the ground as Eriscordia summoned her shadow minions once more. Right behind her from the ground a dozen shadows emerged from the ground and stood still as they waited for her orders. This time all her shadows were legendaries. Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-Oh, Entie, Suicune, Celebi, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Jirachi and Rayquaza stood behind her and snarled as they laid eyes on their target. A feeling that Eriscordia had tapped into his mind crossed by his thoughts since all shadows standing there represented all legendaries that he had encountered.

    The shadows divided and separated as they made a team of three in order to take Ash down. Of course that didn?t stop Eriscordia from having a bit of fun of her own. She looked at her shadow minions and said. ?Now my pets, one pack of three shall attack and then the other and then the other. Of course, you will succeed in bringing him down so I don?t see the need for replacing each other. Now?get him!?

    The Mewtwo, Mew and Lugia launched after him as the first to strike. All three raced towards him but he lay perfectly still as he concentrated and focused on an attack. High above Ash the clouds began to circle about slowly but surely and as they did they were making a portal to the sky. This portal of course was an attack, one Eriscordia knew of well, as the clouds made a circle from the middle a thin ray of pure light dropped down on him and as soon as it touched him it filtered through him and as he opened his snout widely a wide burst of pure white energy rushed straight to the shadows. As soon as it hit the shadows they burst into dust. Eriscordia became infuriated so she sent all remaining shadows after him.

    This of course was no real problem for Ash since he knew he could easily defeat them and he would get a kick out of watching more of Eriscordia?s cheats go down on flames. First to approach was the Groudon, which was a fire/ground type so any water attack would bring the massive shadow down. Ash thought of an attack but for it he would need to gather as much as energy as possible. He began to concentrate on the attack and focused on the target as it approached. When he felt the Groudon was too close he unleashed an abnormally strong Water Pulse attack on the Groudon. The wave of water hit the giant beast like a bulldozer would hit a brick wall at top speeds. As soon as the dust cleared away the Suicune hit Ash with a massive Skull Bash. Ash fell back but he was not brought down.

    Right next to the Suicune was the Moltres, which was a flying/fire type, and Suicune was water so any electric attack would come in handy. Suicune and Moltres both turned around and headed right for Ash with another Skull Bash and Moltres with a Double Edge. Ash got up and charged some electricity through out his entire body as he ran straight for the two shadows. As soon as all three came into contact there was a massive electrical explosion that caused the shadows to turn into dust.

    As soon as the dust settled Rayquaza and Entei ran towards him from different directions. All Ash thought of was to sit perfectly still and wait, as the shadows drew closer Ash spread his demonic like wings and when the shadows were only inches away he jumped high into the sky and flew off causing Rayquaza and Entei to crash into one another in a destructive collision. High above a Mist Ball passed right by Ash, he looked at where it came from and saw Latios and Latias racing towards him. He snarled from the frustration that these shadows were not about to give up the chase but nonetheless he flapped his wings and flew even higher into the sky. Latios and Latias gave chase just as he wanted them to do so. Ash had flown so high up he popped up from under the clouds and swirled around about two times as he plunged nose first back down while Latios and Latias still gave chase. Ash flapped his wings intensely as he dove faster and faster towards the cold, hard concrete down bellow. Those looking at the battle were wondering why Ash was doing that but they were about to find out, As soon as Ash was very, very close to the ground he pulled up and flew a few mere inches from the pavement. Of course Latios wasn?t as fortunate, it was too slow to pull up so it hit the ground at top speeds of mach two and the result was a rather nasty burst into dust. Latias was quicker though; she followed Ash?s every move.

    Ash picked up the pace and flew faster and so did Latias. Up ahead Ash saw another skyscraper and came up with another idea. For four years Ash had led his Pok?mon into gym battles and leagues and from everything he saw and learned he fed off as he tried to beat this new challenge presented. Ash tried to pull off the same trick with Latias, As soon as he was inches from the building wall he pulled up quickly and flew up alongside of the building but Latias did not fall for it. As Ash climbed the side of the building wall Latias began to blast Mist Balls at him but he managed to evade each and every single one of them.

    Almost at the top of the building Ash picked up more speed and as soon as he passed the last floor he swooped backwards sort of forming a huge c and around the curve he twisted around and faced Latias who was then smashed through the building?s glass and brought into the building. Once inside Ash managed to shove Latias through to the other side and as they smashed through the other side of the building Ash grabbed one of Latias? paws and swung her around and brutally tossed her towards another building wall but as soon as Latias hit the wall she burst into dust from the impact.

    Down on the ground Eriscordia watched as her rival viciously and brutally finished off her minions with combinations of both wit and brute strength perfectly aligned to create catastrophic results. Those last two moves were something almost barbaric and intense, proving that Ash was not going to go down as easily as her previous rivals, although he had already proven it long ago. High above in the sky Ash looked down on Eriscordia and let out a rather threatening and intense roar, after doing so he swooped down and tried to tackle Eriscordia but inches from her Ho-Oh had hit Ash on his side with a devastating Double Edge attack that sent him flying to a nearby telephone booth which he smashed into pieces.

    Brock, May and Pikachu were startled by the intensity of the hit, which looked quite painful from where they were standing. From the ruble Ash strained to his feet and saw Eriscordia with the remaining shadows beside her, she swiftly waved her hand and they vanished into thin air and took two steps forward. Ash snarled as she approached him, she took it as a threat so before he could go anywhere she teleported right next to him. Ash tried to hold it together but the hit had taken its toll, he changed shape back into human form and tried to catch his breath as he stared at Eriscordia viciously and with fury.

    Eriscordia lifted her right arm and a piece of fallen metal levitated in midair, that same piece of metal quickly launched right at Ash?s throat and tightened as Eriscordia controlled it by closing her fist. Pikachu saw how Eriscordia was strangling his best friend so it decided to take the situation into its own paws. Pikachu ran to Eriscordia and hit her with its best Thunderbolt as it shrieked out. ?Pika?chuuuu!!? But being what she was the Thunderbolt barely even affected her. She did however grow weary from Pikachu?s attempt to try and stop her. Eriscordia pointed her right arm at Pikachu and fired a rather meek Thunder attack; of course to Pikachu the attack was anything but meek as it was enough to bring the little mouse down.

    Ash had seen that so he struggled to get back on his feet but the more he struggled the tighter the piece of metal became. Ash was too stubborn to stop struggling so he kept trying yet the more he tried the tighter the metal got and the less air got into his lungs which was resulting in a blurry vision and feeling light headed, all signs indicating that he would soon pass out. Eriscordia walked over and picked Pikachu up in her arms, the little small mouse was barely conscious as this was happening so it had no way of protecting itself and Ash himself would soon pass out if he continued to struggle.

    Ash tried to remove the piece of metal but it wouldn?t budge at all. As it grew tighter the piece of metal was beginning to really hurt, Eriscordia then walked up to him and said as she petted Pikachu. ?Before I send you back into the Underworld I?ll let you watch as I make your whole world collide and shatter into billions of pieces.?

    Ash knew he had to act fast so he looked around for another idea that would get Pikachu out of Eriscordia?s hands and to safety. He saw a light pole that had been brought down so he turned to the psychic powers and as his eyes began to glow yellow a black aura wrapped the light pole and it levitated in midair. Ash looked right at the pole and then sharply moved his gaze to Eriscordia who so far was oblivious to the events; the pole launched quickly towards her and just as she raised her face to look at Ash the pole hit her right in the face. She dropped Pikachu as she fell back she covered her face with both hands and yelled out in pain since Ash had launched the pole with full force. The piece of metal also fell off of Ash?s throat giving him the opportunity to run to Pikachu and get it to safety.

    Ash picked up the little mouse and as Pikachu slowly moved its little head to look at him it tucked its face in his arms seeking the warmth and comfort from its trainer. Ash smiled sweetly and hugged Pikachu and said. ? You okay, buddy??

    ?Pi?? Pikachu was pretty hurt from the blast of Thunder Eriscordia had hit it with but Ash knew it would be okay after a good rest. He ran towards Brock and the others and handed Pikachu over to May. ?Watch him for me, okay??

    ?I will.?

    Lucy Lu

    Keep On Moving Foward...
  • 6,195
    • Seen Mar 6, 2014
    *dances* Omg...this is so awesome. Eris is going down, lol. I can't wait til another chapter. ^^


    As I am
  • 12
    • Seen Aug 6, 2007
    Woe,this is aweosme!!!
    new reader here.lol

    I read all of it sp far it took me like 4 hours.lol

    Please,please,please post more soon!!!!