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Harvest Moon Project

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Mizuki - I know it's a bit sudden but I changed my character's profession and added a new character.

Name: Katsumi
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: Rancher; Katsumi raises and breeds livestock and poultry on her farm. She was taught by her grandfather, who once owned the ranch, and so despite her young age, Katsumi is able to run it fairly well.
Ranch Info: Katsumi's ranch is called Fallaron Ranch, and is run by Katsumi, although the townspeople do come occasionally to aid her with the chores. She has 10 cows, 5 sheep, 10 chickens and 5 ducks. She raises and breeds the poultry before selling their offspring and eggs. She raises and breeds the livestock before selling their product and offspring.
Appearance: Although Katsumi often appears beaut-up and exhausted due to her relentless duties at Fallaron Ranch, she still mantains a 'classic beauty' look underneath the scratches and sweat, which she often only shows during formal events and festivals. Her face is smooth and her skintone is quite pale, hindered with scratches that seem to dissapear as time goes by. Her long, wavy golden hair glows luminiously when it isn't restricted in a tight ponytail or bun, which it often is during her work. Her bangs seem to curve around her face, alining it with airy golden strands. Her eyebrows, hidden under her light bangs, are as blonde as her hair, yet they do not fade into her skintone. Her vast, deep eyes are emerald with a touch of lime green. Katsumi is known for her beauty only during formal events. During her regular farming regimen, Katsumi's face is hindered with scratches, hair restricted, and clothes distasteful. Her farmwork clothes are nothing short of simple; a tight, plain white tee (which costantly needs washing), a short, plain black skirt (Not denim. Chosen over pants because it helps her move better), and white sandals (Katsumi is not rich and cannot afford fancy tennis shoes, and prefers them anyway since she hates the feeling of restricted toes). During festivals, Katsumi wears her faded-pink kimono style dress and matching paper parasol; she saved up quite a lot for it, and so she only wears it during formal events.
Personality: Katsumi, although a bit on the shy side, is confident and kind. Despite her constant work duties, she tries very hard to please those around her by helping out in the community and attending festivals. She always says hello to those she knows and greets them with love, but to those who she is not familiar with, Katsumi is shy and standoffish. She adores the little children and the elderly, and takes time off to play with the young kids or spend time chatting with the elders. Katsumi tends to be humble and modest, but inside, she is very proud of her work. She would never intentionally harm another person, although she does stick up for the weak. When one insults or offends Katsumi, she never says anything back; instead she walks off without a word. She greatly dislikes violence and cruelty of any kind. Her ways may tell her to be polite and kind, but when it comes to protecting what she loves, Katsumi is not afraid to fight back.
History: Katsumi was born on Fallaron Ranch and grew up there. Her mother and father loved eachother very much and Katsumi grew up in a loving and stable envioronment until, when Katsumi was merely 6, her mother fell ill. The town did not have the medicine to treat her condition, and so she eventually passed away. Destroyed by the sudden twist of fate, her father fell into depression and later commited suicide. By this time, the orphaned Katsumi was still unable to understand such things, and lived under the impression that they simply died and felt no suffering, and so she never became disturbed. Rather, she kept her feelings of melancholy locked deep within her and tried relentlessly to gain the love of others. Her grandfather took care of her, and since she was growing old and needed to pass the farm down (which had been in their family for years). When she was 8 he began teaching her the ways of ranching, and she excelled rather quickly. At fortueen her grandfather died of old age and Katsumi inherited the ranch. For two years and going she's run the farms alone with the occasionally help of the townspeople. She lives alone in the ranchouse with her dog and cat. She grows herbs merely for the joy of cultivating a plant. Her relative's graves still remain on the farmland.
Relationships: Katsumi's close relatives are deceased. Her distant relatives have no part in the family buisness and live elsewhere, and although they know of Katsumi's existance, they choose not to involve her in their lives.

Name: Kisa
Age: 13
Occupation: Cheif Baker at a small town Bakery; Kisa's Pan-Ya (Bakery). She works there seven days a week, 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM. She seconds as a shopkeeper when there is buisness, but when the shop is empty, she works on the pastries and the other foods she sells. She has a small team of workers that work in the kitchen (back of the shop).
Buisness Info: Kisa's Pan-Ya was originally a run-down abandoned shop in town. Since it was empty, Kisa moved right in and spent several months fixing up the shop. She seperated the main room in 2; the front was the shop and the back was the kitchen. She hired a small team of workers to keep the place going, and although she is usually found in the kitchen cooking up new treats, when there is a customer, she seconds as a shopkeeper.
Appearence: Kisa looks rather ordinary; just a bit 'cuter' than most, but than mainly has to do with her personality. Her hair is chin-length and full of body and bounce; curly black ringlets and huge, bright hazel eyes. Her skin is fairly pale and her nose is dotted with tiny orange freckles. Her head is rather 'short' and small. She's fairly skinny despite constantly 'sampling' her own creations. She wears a very clean white apron with a plain pink long-sleeve shirt dress under it as work clothes. During festivals she wears a little faded violet dress. Her hair, during work, usually just hangs down with no paticular style or is pulled back in a stuby ponytail. During festivals she pulls her hair into a tight bun with a fancy pin or net.
Personality: Kisa acts rather innocently, and is incredibly humble about her work. She often donates her treats as a refreshment at festivals, and so she is reveered as kind and helpful. She giggles sweetly whenever she receives a compliment. People see her as an adorable little kid and, at heart, that is truly who Kisa is. She is well-known by others and is on friendly terms with everyone she meets. However, she is very clever and sneaky.
History: Kisa came from a loving family and once lived in the city until she was ten years of age. She had visited the countryside and wanted to live there very badly. She desprately attempted to convince her parents to move but her tries were to no avail. Enraged, pleading and desperate Kisa formed a flawless plain to run away. She chose the town (here) as her location, as it was far away. With full knowledge of the chances of her plan failing despite its perfect composition, she carried it out and ended up succeeding. Although she lost quite a bit in the proccess, she was able to make a life for herself by opening the bakery and living at the inn.
Home: Kisa lives at the Inn.
Relationships: N/A

Katsumi's Sample-Post

Dawn's feeble light graced the snow dusted farmland of Fallaron Ranch, shedding light on the vast pastures and the cows grazing within them. The ducks plopped joyfully into the pond, dazzled by the shimmering affect of the new morning. Another frigid winter had embraced the land, casting a white veil over the Ranch's many barns and polutry sheds. Inside the quaint little ranchouse, Katsumi was just awakening. Her tired eyes adjusted to the luminious rays of sunlight as she dressed quickly in her workclothes and headed out. Breakfast and other matters would come later; she'd gotten a late start that day. Katsumi jogged west twoards the widespread pasture and jumped the stone fence with ease. Her livestock rose their heads momentairily to look, then, uninterested, turned away. As she made her way twoards the center of the feild, she patted them absent mindedly. Her tools were lying in a small box in the centeral area of the pasture. She extracted each one, shoved her hands into the leather gloves, and turned her attention to the closest cow. "No running away this time, alright, Azumi," she said assertively and began brushing and milking the aggitated cow, who cooperated dispite her discomfort. The sun rose higher as Katsumi sent from cow to cow, gathering their milk and brushing them. By 1 PM she was finished with the work, haven cleaned every cow and sheep and shorn/milked every sheep and cow. She wiped the trickling sweat from her damp forehead with a loose rag and put the tools away, heading for the ranchouse. She grabbed a quick snack and left promtly. As she headed over to the eastern side, which held the barns and a few crops, she thought to herself, "It's winter and, with anymore snowfall, the grass will become completely covered in snow. The cows, stingy as they are, will refuse to it..I should lead them into the barn tomorrow and start feeding them fodder." The ducks were squaking peacefully, hopping in and out of the pond. Her chickens plucked at the white veil shrouding the grass, hoping to uncover a seed or two for lunch. "And these birds..During winter, the best they can hope for is a fallen seed or product from the crops. I've been low on money so buying large quantities to support the animals for an entire season seems to be near impossible..Hopefully, during this harsh season, the eggs, wool and milk will be in high demand..And nearby farmers may want a few poultry or livestock," she wispered under her breath, carrying the birds into the birdhouses, sheilding them from the unforgivin weather. She spread out the remaining fodder between them, sighing as she did so. "The cows and sheep can last another day..But not these birds," she said as the last of the feed was tossed into the trough. Katsumi rubbed her sore, tired arms and felt her rucksack. It was bulging with items. She carried on twoards the shipping bin and dumped her efforts into the empty tub. She prayed for her work to pay off. With her remaining money, she scurried off into town and bought a few goods beforing returning to her Ranch and stored everything away in her fridge. "The crops have died and the grass won't return until spring, and on top of that, I'm finished with work..I suppose a deserve a bit of a nap, right?" She said drowsily, eyes flickering, conciousness slipping through her fingers like thin threads...

Kisa's Sample Post Coming Soon
I Know I didn't need to make a sample but I just did. :3
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XD HSM2, my little bro's b-day is tomorrow so that countdown on Disney was kinda like a b-day countdown. I'd probably be watching the Naruto Hundo for the next 3 days, so I may not post until then. XD
uh hi
i love harvest moon and i mean LOVE Harvest Moon.
I havent read alot of this thread but could somebody tell me if i can join and whats going on
uh hi
i love harvest moon and i mean LOVE Harvest Moon.
I havent read alot of this thread but could somebody tell me if i can join and whats going on

Well right now we're just discussing it and everyone's posting their sign-ups. Basically, the discussion is being finalized and I believe the roleplay will start soon, so I'd post your sign-up. Also I'd reccomend reading the rest of the thread for reference.

And I'll be doing the same as Pipluper; watching the Hundo. Then I'll have school but I'll find time. And yeah I'm good with a Save The Homeland plot, though I'm more used to the geography of HM: DS.
Name: Chris
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Works at the Bar as a Bartender
[PokeCommunity.com] Harvest Moon Project

Personality: Foolish and loves to prank people.
History: He was one of the most popular kids when he was in school in the city but now he wants to have a simple life and just lay back.
Relationships: (You can leave this blank for now, though once we talk about it a bit more, you guys can decide who's characters are friends with whom and such)
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Ugh. I'm sorry guys, can someone else make the thread? I've got too much on my plate right now. ><
Whoever makes it can think up the town name and that~
Unless someone else comes forward, I'll assume responsibility for making the thread.
*Crosses fingers*

I'm hoping this thing is still active, 'cause I am an absolute Harvest Moon fanatic and would love to join this. I'm not sure if there's any room left for anyone else. I've read the entire topic and got a pretty good idea of everything, so if you could somehow squeeze me in that would be awesome. ^^

I've dreamed up this male character who is an astronomer whose "laboratory" sits on top of a small hill with a giant telescope sticking out of the roof. I've also dreamed up this girl who works at and runs a bakery, but it seems that was taken only a few posts ago. Stardust-Kumo, is there any chance that my character could somehow work at your shop?

Anyway, if it's allowed, I'll edit this with my two sign-ups as soon as I can.
Worry not, this RP's open to all. Just post your signups and wait while I get the actual gameplay thread up. XD
The faster this is up the better =.='
School is killing me and I'd hate to put off some RPs because of it, but if this doesn't start soon, I'm really going to have to drop out cuz I can't be dedicated enough.
I've seen it I just don't want to post. It just doesn't seem right for my character to start it off. You know what I mean? I'm going to wait until I feel it's right for me to enter it.
Alright, here's character #1. Hope's she's acceptable in everyone's eyes, although honestly, I probably could have done a lot more with her. I'm starting on my astronomer dude right now, and hopefully he'll be up soon. ^^

Name: Belle (Isabelle) Gracien
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Baker

Appearance: Belle is rarely seen anything but a flowering, one-piece dress in some form. Her favorite, a light blue gown-like piece of clothing that is adorned with teal swirls and small flower patterns, can usually be seen on her. She bounces around in a small pair of noiseless sandals that match whatever dress she decides to wear that day.

Her eyes are a deep forest green, and her hair is a dark hazel. She usually keeps it tied up while she's baking to keep everything clean, but when she's out she likes to let it flow down around her shoulders. She hardly ever wears make-up unless it is a special occasion, as she sees those products as unnatural. Her complexion is just shy of pale, but she does get a nice tan every now and then on the days she heads out to the beach.

Personality: Belle is a very apologetic person, apologizing for almost everything she does. She tries her hardest to please everyone as much as possible, and hopes to make everyone an acquaintance, if not her very best friends. She practically radiates kindness, though it is mostly a shield, hiding her inner tragedy behind a screen of smiles.

Though, truthfully, Belle is a gentle person and does her best to lead an honest life, even though her childhood was nothing short of horrendous. She makes up for the lack of love that was given to her by sending out what's left to the others around her and casting off an aura of genuine caring.

History: Belle grew up in a large far, far away from any sort of farming community. She attended school and lead a normal life on the outside, but at home was a different story. Her father was a drunkard, and spent more time unconscious then he did awake. So Belle's mother, trying to see her husband's drinking problem as just as phase and would pass, worked long, long hours at a small business downtown and was almost never home. She was trying to gather enough money to support three, and it was not easy on her own.

In his conscious states, Belle's father had fits of rage, and he would just storm through the house, taking out his frustration on anything in his path. Unfortunately, sometimes that thing was Belle, and she was beaten so much during her childhood she was pretty much scarred for life, in both the literal and figurative sense of the word. (Hope I used those words right. XD). Belle sustained many injuries, which included but not limited to, scars, bruises, cuts, and many different injuries. Belle's mother was never there to do anything about it, but Belle never told her mother what about happened. When inquired about her numerous injuries over time, Belle always lied and said she had fallen or tripped and other mistakes like that.

Belle grew up with a dark cloud over her, beaten constantly by her father. But she took an interest in cooking, and starting using as many excused as possible to stay out as much as possible until her mother arrived home. She took several cooking classes at school to develop her skills, and planned to be a culinary artist when she grew up. She especially enjoyed baking sweets, so her plan was to open her very own bakery as soon as she got out of her father's dark hold.

Belle turned 18, and despite her closeness to her mother, left and began traveling, trying to find the perfect place to settle down and use her limited funds to set up her own shop. She heard of this place Tierra Robada, and it needed desperate help or it would be torn down to make way for a resort. Belle didn't think this right, so she moved in, buying herself a small place and hoping to find some sort of cooking, wherever it led her.

To this day, Belle's secret past still haunts her and terrorizes her dreams. She wishes she could find just one person to confide her inner pain to, and maybe, just maybe, the darkness inside her heart would relinquish.

Relationships: Belle hasn't made many friends, as she has just recently arrived in town, but she hopes to make friends with everyone.

(Sorry about the short personality and the bulky history, I always find personalities to be so hard to fill out as they are easier to develop in the actual role-play, but I could go on for hours with a single history. XDD)

And here's number two, yay!

Name: Dirk Cresswell (This name sounds familiar to me, is this some character in a video game or something and I just happened to dream up the same name? If so, then please feel free to tell me and I'll change it right away. XD)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Astronomer

Appearance: Dirk's hair is short, and jet-black colored. It's usually hung in place by a pure white headband, modeled with a red star. His eyes are a peach color, and match his fair complexion.

Dirk, when he's not working, is usually found in a polo shirt, his favorite one being white with red stripes and a turned-down collar that hugs his just slightly-muscular frame, and a simple pair of jeans. He always keeps his favorite necklace hung on him, a gold chain with a silver, star figurine on it.

When working, Dirk wears his traditional white lab coat with the deep, wide pockets and the symbol of three intertwined planets in the top-left corner. Dirk wears glasses while he's working but his vision is slightly poor, but when he goes out he hardly ever wears them.

Personality: Dirk leads a mostly isolated life, living in his small, cramped shack by himself. He almost prefers it this way, with no distractions to keep him from his work. But a part, a very small part deep down inside him, longs for just someone, just one person, that he could connect with and really pour out his life to.

Dirk is very intelligent, almost to a point that he has become a social pariah. Most individuals that Dirk encounters usually feel inferior to him, and therefore avoid him, leaving him in the cold. But Dirk is somewhat normal, he eats, breathes, and sleeps just like a normal person. What was wrong with him? What was it about being intelligent that just separated you from the rest of the world?

Most people think of Dirk as just some tightwad, spending hour after hour locked away in some laboratory. But he actually did normal things, he would go out grocery shopping, attend festivals, and go along on the occasional beach trip. Why were there so many absolute mental ideas about what scientists were like? Dirk hopes to change that; they aren't freaks of nature. They were regular people…

History: Dirk grew up, leading a relatively normal lifestyle. His father worked as a woodcutter and miner, and was rarely seen because he worked long, hard hours trying to provide for a wife and three children. Dirk's mother stayed at home as a housewife, taking care of Dirk and his sister and brother. They weren't exactly poor, but their living was affected by how well's father had done in the mines that week; sometimes he struck it big and sometimes… he never really found anything.

Dirk took an interest in astronomy, but was pushed by his parents to get a job in some manlier job, like what his father did. Whoever heard of a small town miner's son becoming an astrologist? Half of the town had never even heard the word before.

But Dirk was proud of his uniqueness, glad that he had found something different from what people today expected him to be. And it all started when Dirk bought his first, small telescope from scraps of money he found here and there. He peeked up in the sky and noticed a quick flash as a shooting star zoomed through the night sky, then vanish as it died away as quickly as it had come. He closed his eyes and wished. He wished he could do this for the rest of his life, the thing he admired… and loved.
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Lawl, I went and forgot about my unfinished profiles. >.< So sorry. Oh, and I plead temporary blindness for not having noticed the thread. *Shot* Anyways, here's the alluded-to sister in Cecil's profile. :3

Name: Claire Aegisfield
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Occupation: Carpenter/Woodcutter
Appearance: Somewhat more strongly built than her brother, several years of handling axes and the other tools of her trade, while not having given her much in the way of feminine appearance, have left Claire with quite a bit of muscle-tone, which she is certainly no stranger to making use of should the situation arise. Having spent a lot of time outdoors and in physical demanding work, she is very physically fit with a distinctly darker skin pigment than Cecil. Claire's hair is bushy and dark brown in color, usually kept in check by a simple piece of cloth unceremoniously tied across her forehead. Her eyes are dark blue.

On the clothing front, Claire is plain to say the least, usually wearing a shirt with a black and red checker pattern and a pair of denim colored jeans with a thick tool belt to go with them. Her feet are occupied by a pair of sturdy logger boots, rain or shine, and although She seems largely unbothered by weather, Claire has been known to put on a sweater should temperatures really drop.

Personality: Somewhat temperamental by nature, when things are going well, Claire is as bright and cheerful as can be, always ready to chat up with others or join up in whatever seems to be the most fun around, often skipping out on tasks she deems unimportant, but goodness forbid that something should go wrong. Nearly always at the center of festivals, Claire is fiercely competitive and quick to resolve any argument by a 'friendly little competition', usually meaning a contest or dare of some kind, and takes great pride in every victory she achieves - particularly in stereotypically 'male' competitions. She also has a nasty tendency to rub her victories into other peoples' faces, much to the annoyance of some, and her sometimes overblown taste for alcohol tends to loosen her tongue a bit beyond most people's comfort. On the positive side: once she has won a competition, she considers the affront - no matter how severe - completely forgiven and forgotten. Should she lose or be otherwise humiliated, however, the guilty party will soon discover that the old proverb about 'a woman scorned' certainly holds true in Claire's case, and strong as she is, it is best to keep a fair bit of distance from her during those occasions...and preferably lock away her toolbox as well.

Although generally a procrastinator of the highest order, Claire never slacks about her job, though, and since she's the only proper carpenter left in town most people have learned to live with her - or at least pretend to. When she promises to get her work done, she'll strive to live up to that promise no matter what. The job is, it seems, not only Claire's livelihood but also her main form of aggression release. When something bothers her, she wants to let it out immediately, and often does so against the poor, unsuspecting nails she hammers or trees she chops. Although this habit in itself seems harmless, it is best to keep small children out of earshot, as many of the expressions she applies are certainly not of the kind you'd expect a proper young lady to know.

Ever the dominant personality, Claire has a tendency for acting bossy. Despite technically being the younger sibling, there is no question about her dominance in the Aegisfield household, and whenever any form of organized effort is put together, she's usually the first to demand the leader's position (And loudly shout down anyone who dares to protest). She won't stand other pushing people around in her presence, however, and has been known to stick up for the underdog in such situations, for better or for worse. Also, for all her faults, she's never one to weigh down another. "Claire Aegisfield carries her own weight." as she is fond of saying, "and..." she tends to add with just a hint of pride, "That's not just in a metaphorical sense either.". Overall, she's not a bad person to be acquainted with, provided that one has the sense not to poke at her ego too much...and possibly to throw a contest once in a while too.

History: Born much into the same circumstances as Cecil, Claire differentiated herself quite clearly from her brother even at young age. Already adamant about what was or wasn't her fault, Claire took no blame on herself for her parents' eventual divorce, simply pressing on with her life. She had long been observing her father at work, and when the man started becoming increasingly negligent of his own work, Claire soon took up testing what she had learned in practice. Much to the dismay of her father and his injured pride, the girl turned out to be very good at what she did, and as time passed it became generally accepted that she was the new town carpenter, although very few had the heart to mention this in Aegisfield senior's presence. This led to arguments at home, of course, but Claire dismissed the arguments by stating, quite matter-of-factly, that someone had to get things done. Eventually, nature went its course and took her father to his grave, and quite frankly the girl wasn't sad to see him go. In the absence of a proper will, the carpenter shop was passed on to the siblings and Claire claimed it without any argument, although due to a lack of funds half the shop has now been remodeled to accommodate Cecil's florist shop. An odd combination, perhaps, but they make it work.

Relationships: Cecil - Older brother

Aaanyways, I'll just wait to see if everything is a-okay with my little duo before making my entry post, m'kay? Saves a lot of hassle. :3 Oh, and if anyone thinks their character should have a reason to get along with/not get along with my characters now would be a good time to set up inter-personal relationships. ^-^
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Done, kinda. I'll add some more to Kianne's personality later. XD

Name: Kyle Seyf
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Occupation: Traveling performer - illusionist

Appearance: Kyle is a brown haired, green eyed teen with a 5'9" body that shows little hint of a muscular frame. In fact he is quite thin. His hair is usually styled so that his bangs cover his right eye, and he has a ponytail tied that goes down to his shoulders, like the rest of his hair. He has two main outfits, one for when he performs, and another more casual outfit. The performance outfit consists of a black cloak with a cloak lined with what are supposedly rubies, an even more rubies flowing down a seam down the center of the torso. Whether or not he wears the hood over his head or not is dependent on his preference, and the cloak is tied around his waist by a crimson sash. The cloak is generally packed full with props for his show, including the golden ring shaped like a snake around his finger. He refers to the ring as the key to his secrets, though he never reveals to anyone why. His casual outfit consists of a bland pair of navy blue jeans, and a black hoodie with a white shirt visible ever so slightly underneath. He also has a pair of black running shoes, and the snake ring is still present on his right index finger. Accompanying both outfits, he wears a golden earring shaped like a cross on his right ear.

Personality: Somewhat more enthusiastic than his sister, Kyle enjoys being the center of attention, and has an easygoing, laid back personality. He prefers to not have life get him down, and creates ways to take his mind off misfortune when ever it arises, which it does when you travel across the country in a horse drawn, covered wagon with your twin sister and a little girl who thinks of you as her brother. He is constantly competing with Kianne over silly things such as who's going to draw in the most money for the day, with consequences like the loser having to take the reigns for a whole day of travel. Being an illusionist, Kyle also has a very secretive and mysterious side while working. He is very touchy about his technique, and isn't afraid to bite off the hand of any unfortunate soul who questions his act. His number one pet peeve is arrogance, and is quick to inform someone of their arrogance when it surfaces, although he has an arrogant side himself in regards to his work. Overall, Kyle is a kind and caring person with a soft spot for girls and children. He is usually competitive with other guys, but in a stupid manner like how he is with his sister.

Kianne Seyf - sister
Sienna - friend

Name: Kianne Seyf
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Traveling performer - fortune teller

Appearance: Despite being Kyle's twin, Kianna always has her hair died a colour creamy grey colour that flows down to her knees, though her eyes are of the same shade of green. She also possesses the same height of 5'9". During work, she usually wears a long black dress with frilly, white material on the sleeve, and around the neck and torso. She also has a black collar around her neck with a silver cross ornament hanging down from it. She also has a black scarf tied diagonally across her hair, tattered white cloth hanging from the edges of the scarf and tied in a simply white bow where the scarf is also tied. She has a pair of black shoes on her feet, but of course due to the dress, you can't see them. While off duty, Kianna keeps her neck up in the same attire, but wears a black tanktop with a red cross on it, and a black skirt that goes down to her knees. Dressed like this, her black running shoes are visible, with red socks coming up just past her ankles.

Kianne carries with her that quiet, emotionless persona that one could expect from a person with such a career. Her face usually wears a blank expression, and she doesn't talk a lot, not being a very good conversationalist, and the only person she really shares any sort of feelings with are her brother. Even so, she loves her work, even if she doesn't appear to. Because of her personality, Kyle has a tendency to hold a protective attitude over her. In reality, her attitude is due to a childhood trauma, one that she won't even tell her brother.

Kyle Seyf - brother

Do I still need to make a farmer character? I kind of don't want to, because I'm in other RPs (that are slowly dying due to people not posting), so I'm not sure I want to do a third. oo;
Do I still need to make a farmer character? I kind of don't want to, because I'm in other RPs (that are slowly dying due to people not posting), so I'm not sure I want to do a third. oo;
If R.A.M. continues to be AWOL, then you may well be forced to write up a farmer character.
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