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Fanfiction Lounge

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JX Valentine

Your aquatic overlord
  • 3,277
    Do you tend to write ideas and/or first drafts of your stories in notebooks or do you use Microsoft Word or a similar program all the time?

    Depends on what's handy. If I happen to be on the computer when an idea hits, I type it, then edit it later. If I'm off the computer, when I get ideas, I write out scenes, then type them up and edit them as I go. So, half and half, really.


    Teh Spwriter. :3
  • 1,290
    Do you tend to write ideas and/or first drafts of your stories in notebooks or do you use Microsoft Word or a similar program all the time?
    I'm pretty good at keeping things simmering in my head without writing them down; when I get ideas or think of scenes, I'll just go over them mentally until such a time as I get around to writing them. I've often had no problem keeping track of scenes or ideas mentally for years at a time.

    I've once handwritten a first draft of a story, when I had a really major burst of inspiration and was on a plane so I had no computer to write it down on and wouldn't for several hours.


    fake your death.
  • 33,379
    Do you tend to write ideas and/or first drafts of your stories in notebooks or do you use Microsoft Word or a similar program all the time?

    I used to write them, since that was all I could do without people being nosey and looking at stuff. Now that I have my own laptop, I'll be starting them in Word.


  • 6,390
    Do you tend to write ideas and/or first drafts of your stories in notebooks or do you use Microsoft Word or a similar program all the time?
    Before I had a computer I would write my stories in my notebook. Now I just type my stories in Word to make things faster. However, I do put my ideas and a few quotes I thought of off the top of my head in my notebook so that I won't forget.

    Shrike Flamestar

    The Invisible!
  • 212
    Heya, people. I've been feeling jealous lately for how little I post on here, and when I noticed yesterday that Astinus left a few days ago and I hadn't even realized I decided I might as well step in again and...say stuff no one probably even cares about. It makes me feel better about myself and not really knowing anyone on either big forum I go to (here and Serebii) that well, though.

    That and I have a constant fear of people thinking I've died due to how long it can be between chapters of my fics and all when I tend to disappear. It would just be easy if I could assure everyone that I do, in fact, not die even when I'm gone for months on end with no sign of life in between. It's called hibernation, not death.

    Anyways, time to grab some choice topics and reply to them, no matter how old they may be.

    Do you tend to write ideas and/or first drafts of your stories in notebooks or do you use Microsoft Word or a similar program all the time?
    Nope, I never write on paper anymore. Everything I do is in Word (or Notepad if I'm just jotting down some thought I don't want to forget); it's simply more convenient in the end.

    What is your favorite genre to write about? Read about? Why?
    My favorite genres go hand in hand, sci-fi and fantasy. Pretty much anything I write has at least some elements of one or the other (The Flamestar Chronicles which I swear I'll post here sometime has a major focus on fantasy with a dash of sci-fi, while TRINITY is straight up sci-fi). I don't read much fics to begin with, but when I do read one the genre isn't really a concern to me. I'd more readily read a good fantasy or sci-fi over a lackluster journeyfic, but if it's a great journeyfic and manages to catch my attention (somehow), then I'd even read that.

    As for other genres that have been mentioned here: romance is okay with me so long as it's not over the top, and if handled in a tactful manner I can even enjoy reading about it. I simply don't write hard romance though, although I do tend to put a little romance in my fics (the big love triangle in TFC comes to mind...). I like comedy, love it even, but a fic written entirely for comedy just doesn't appeal to me. Like romance, I like it if it's used well in a fic, but not if the whole fic revolves around and depends solely on comedy.

    Blue Angel said:
    I know what you mean. My story isn't the typical journey fic either. The main character isn't aiming for the Elite 4 or to be a Pokemon Master(no offense to all who choose that path)
    In my opinion, such a fic wouldn't even be a journeyfic. A while ago I wrote up a post over on Serebii about my thoughts on the whole OT and journeyfic thing which pretty much boils down to: if the fic contains an original trainer, it can be qualified as an OT fic; if the fic follows the standard 8 gym badges to Elite Four journey, it's a journeyfic. Otherwise, even if the gym journey is part of the fic but isn't a primary focus of the story, it's not a journeyfic in my eyes. I like to keep that separation there because the standard, generic old journeyfic doesn't appeal to me that much. I find them rather boring most of the time, and so I like to know when a fic is like that and when it isn't just from the genre.

    Fakemon in Fanfiction: Good or Bad?
    They're not my cup of tea, but I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing if they're in a fic. Just so long as there's enough description that I can visualize them in my head without a picture...

    Oh, and
    Jax Malcolm said:
    What about...Saber-toothed tiger!
    Do want! That would be so awesome; it'd remind me of Zoids! While they're at it, make a liger Pokémon. :D

    Do you think that describing Pokemon in Fan Fiction is a necessity?
    Okay, this one may turn a few people against me but I can't help it. Yes, it is very much necessary to me. I'm not saying like every single time they're mentioned, but the first time they're mentioned in the story they should indeed get some form of detailed description (not necessarily a static list or anything, describing them through their actions would be just as effective and better writing anyways). After that for every chapter they appear something simpler such as "the fire-red fox" would suffice.

    As for an example of what I consider to be a good description for the first time appearance of a Pokémon, I'll again use Vulpix (I blame a friend of mine for getting me on a Vulpix obsession. They're crunchy.)

    ...Please, don't think about that too much. You'd have to understand me well to understand it <_<

    "The trainer grinned slyly before throwing the Pokéball into the air. Bursting open in a flash of red light, a small, fox-like Pokémon appeared on the arena's floor. It blinked its ruby eyes and glanced about, its well-groomed red fur reflecting the harsh overhead lights and giving the small Pokémon a fiery aura. Noticing the Pikachu across from it, it gave a small yelp of excitement and began wagging its multiple, curly tails, excitement for the battle ahead coursing through its fragile-looking body.

    "Let's go, Vulpix!" The Vulpix's trainer yelled, catching the Pokéball as it flew back to him and pumping a fist into the air."

    If you look at just the description there you'll see it's not really that much, just highlighting how small it is, its eye and fur color, and of course its multiple tails. If an outside reader were to read this they should be able to get a grasp of how a Vulpix looks, but to a reader who already knows the description it isn't like a brick in the face as with the list format descriptions. Description through action is always better, and yes, it can be done even better than I did it right there but that'd take too long for me to do. Before anyone says anything, I'm not claiming that's a perfect description; I understand that I'm still progressing as a writer and do tend to go overboard with description sometimes (a certain fiasco with my TRINITY fic where I spent about two long paragraphs describing a gun comes to mind.)

    But anyways, to me, not describing Pokémon even if it's just a single passing reference is just lazy. Yes, you're writing these stories for a Pokémon forum. Yes, we all know what they look like. However, imagine if your story was actually published. Without the descriptions of the Pokémon, it would simply be considered bad, unprofessional writing by anyone who touched it. Becoming better at my writing and staying good at it is very important to me so if I were to begin skimping on stuff just because of my intended audience it would be a step back for me.

    @Negrek: While I mostly agree with that long post (which I swear I've seen over on Serebii before... Eh, probably have), saying that you shouldn't describe in-depth because the character wouldn't be thinking that relies on your narration being strictly told from that character's POV. With a third person narrative where the narrator is simply some omnipresent being, how one character sees something shouldn't have an effect on the narration. Just a little flaw there I had the urge to point out...

    Anyways, sorry to have dragged that back up again, I just felt obliged to respond to it. It's one of those things which I feel strongly about, probably because I did used to be a lazy, terrible writer who didn't describe anything and I feel as if my change to start describing stuff is when I really began getting better as an author *shrugs*

    Basically, it comes down to this. Don't want to describe Pokémon? Go ahead. Your writing will look lazy unless you really make up for it in other areas, but you saved yourself the time it took to write at most a few more sentences. Bravo. If you do describe it's not like it'll add that much in length or time it takes to write, but it'll look a lot better and more professional. Also, it can help to build suspense when you don't want to reveal what the Pokémon is right away (such as in the most recent chapter for my TFC fic. Unfortunately in that case said Pokémon is unconscious so description through action isn't possible... Oh well, just need to make sure it doesn't seem too list-like, perhaps by spacing out the description.)

    I guess that's...ooh! Ooh! I see one I like! One I really like! :D

    How often do you procrastinate when writing/reviewing a fic? And if so, how long does it take you to actually accomplish the task?
    Months! ...No, really. I procrastinate for months on writing new chapters :D DAMN YOU LACK OF MOTIVATION!

    I have plenty of desire and ideas for what to write, it's just the writing itself which gets to me... -_- If there was some way to just stream my thoughts into coherent and good writing I'd probably be bringing out chapters every other day.

    There. That's it. Super-uber-mega-ultra long post go!

    *Returns to procrastinating*
    Last edited:

    JX Valentine

    Your aquatic overlord
  • 3,277
    That and I have a constant fear of people thinking I've died due to how long it can be between chapters of my fics and all when I tend to disappear. It would just be easy if I could assure everyone that I do, in fact, not die even when I'm gone for months on end with no sign of life in between. It's called hibernation, not death.

    XD Aww. Well, as long as you post every once in awhile to show us you're still moving, we won't throw you on the death cart when the guy comes along and shouts "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!"

    Okay, I'm tired. That was a terrible reference to Monty Python.

    (The Flamestar Chronicles which I swear I'll post here sometime has a major focus on fantasy with a dash of sci-fi,

    Please do. This fandom has a distinct lack of decent fics in at least one of those genres. ;_;

    In my opinion, such a fic wouldn't even be a journeyfic. A while ago I wrote up a post over on Serebii about my thoughts on the whole OT and journeyfic thing which pretty much boils down to: if the fic contains an original trainer, it can be qualified as an OT fic; if the fic follows the standard 8 gym badges to Elite Four journey, it's a journeyfic. Otherwise, even if the gym journey is part of the fic but isn't a primary focus of the story, it's not a journeyfic in my eyes. I like to keep that separation there because the standard, generic old journeyfic doesn't appeal to me that much. I find them rather boring most of the time, and so I like to know when a fic is like that and when it isn't just from the genre.

    Interesting way of looking at it.

    Curiosity speaking, but would you consider the term "odyssey" to apply to fics like Blue Angel's, where there might be a journey, but it's not for the usual League circuit? Or call it something else?

    Do want! That would be so awesome; it'd remind me of Zoids!

    Thank you. =D

    ...Is it so bad, though, that I was thinking of the Power Rangers when I proposed that? XD Oh, Yellow Ranger. You were awesome.

    While they're at it, make a liger Pokémon. :D

    Also want! ...If only because applying Napoleon Dynamite references to Pokemon hasn't been done yet. (Hey, at least we're not raving about mudkips anymore.)

    And one final note:

    Months! ...No, really. I procrastinate for months on writing new chapters :D DAMN YOU LACK OF MOTIVATION!

    Ahhahahaha! Oh, the Procrastination Club. *high fives*


    Trust me, I'm a Professional*
  • 2,006
    And I definitely will sign up for this club. Procrastination and writers block hit me like a ton of bricks >_<

    Add me next.

    I am usually hit by the lazy streak. I am on the computer almost every hour I am awake, and not doing anything else, but I still do not wire much, I am now half done with my part on the corpse. x_x I'll work on it some more before I go to bed.

    Anyway who cares about me.

    Shrike Flamestar, you should be on more, you might find a friend or five.

    I like your Zoid reference, I too would like to see a liger pokemon.

    I hope you post more often, I would like to see some of your ideas in a story.


  • 6,390
    Shrike, even though I agree a bit of description should be needed to give a better picture of the Pokemon and adding a bit of action does work, I don't think description should be for the sake of describing a Pokemon. Like the examples Negrek gave, the best way to do a descrption of Pokemon is a way to show more of its personality (and maybe even the trainer's, too). Meh, that's my ophinion, though.

    As for the desription, I think it's good. Shows the Pokemon is well taken care of and also it's happy to go into battle.
    Last edited:


    one more time
  • 16,953
    Shrike, even though I agree a bit of description should be needed to give a better picture of the Pokemon and adding a bit of action does work, I don't think description should be for the shake of describing a Pokemon.
    For the shake of description? I agree. :P
    But I shouldn't talk, I am bad with the typos.
    Ahhahahaha! Oh, the Procrastination Club.
    Can I join? My longest delay has only been more than 2 months... so far. :P

    Shrike Flamestar

    The Invisible!
  • 212
    Jax Malcolm said:
    XD Aww. Well, as long as you post every once in awhile to show us you're still moving, we won't throw you on the death cart when the guy comes along and shouts "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!"

    Okay, I'm tired. That was a terrible reference to Monty Python.
    I'll try to, I'll really try :O

    And Monty Python is FTW, no need to apologize.

    Jax Malcolm said:
    Please do. This fandom has a distinct lack of decent fics in at least one of those genres. ;_;
    Yeah, especially futuristic sci-fi as I do in TRINITY. Seriously people, writing is about imagining "what if..." and going from there. Is it so hard to wonder "what if Pokémon took place in the distant future, rather than a more modern day setting? How would it be different...?"

    I blame people focusing too much on silly stuff like trainers and their gym journeys and all. Yes, wanting to be a Pokémon trainer ourselves is probably the reason all of us started writing, but you don't have to restrict yourself to standard fare all the time. Live a little, broaden your imagination and see what all can be done with the world of Pokémon.

    A little note about TFC though (which I swear to god I'd like to rename but just can't bring myself to do so. The name is just so...bland. Generic. Unfortunately I've grown so used to the acronym TFC and the title is in my banner for it and I'd rather not have to get a new banner): it's not like medieval fantasy or anything, in fact, it starts out misleading the reader into thinking it's going to be a journeyfic-type story before the core of the story starts coming out and the fantasy elements (magic! ...Which I've somehow managed to turn into a science. It's quite sad when I think about how much thought I've put into how it all works) are introduced. In the end (especially in the end now that I have the ending actually thought out), though, the focus shifts entirely to all this mythological and fantastical stuff.

    So yeah. I want to get the current part (think of them as story arcs) of the story wrapped up over on Serebii before I kick off my rewrite so that I don't leave people in too big of a cliffhanger. I've been wondering if I really need a rewrite and while I do think that the first three chapters definitely do, it's the rest that gets me thinking. As I get further along I may shift the focus more to just a revision rather than rewrite, but yeah, we'll see.

    Anyways, I just want to ensure that you people here get to see the best version of it, with my shiny new foreboding prologue, edited rewritten first chapter (completed last December, hence the need for a new edit), reworked personality for Rayne (she's too stoic in the original version), bigger role for Aira (she's too unimportant currently), extra scenes that I had originally planned but didn't get in, and all that good stuff. It'll be out...sometime in the next few months <_< Hopefully before the end of the year. I could just post it here before I do over at Serebii, but... I'll think about it.

    For the time being I've decided to throw up my signature for it here. Man, had to drop the Nightwish lyrics for it though. Oh well...

    Jax Malcolm said:
    Curiosity speaking, but would you consider the term "odyssey" to apply to fics like Blue Angel's, where there might be a journey, but it's not for the usual League circuit? Or call it something else?
    Hmm, Odyssey gives me too many other connotations (Stargate FTW) and I don't really see it as being a genre by itself so I'd just go with epic (which the Odyssey is) if, well, the journey is indeed an epic journey (interpret that however you wish). I tend to be pretty flexible with my genres and don't expect anyone to strictly adhere to any of my views, so my definition of epic is probably different than yours.

    Pretty much though for any sort of quest or journey outside of the leagues I think simply "adventure" is a suitable term. It's what I use to describe TFC (although calling it an epic would certainly be interesting) along with a million other terms.

    Jax Malcolm said:
    ..Is it so bad, though, that I was thinking of the Power Rangers when I proposed that? XD Oh, Yellow Ranger. You were awesome.
    Heh, I don't even remember much about Power Rangers anymore other than that Zords are freakishly similar to Zoids. I mean, even the names are similar.

    Jax Malcolm said:
    Also want! ...If only because applying Napoleon Dynamite references to Pokemon hasn't been done yet. (Hey, at least we're not raving about mudkips anymore.)
    Heh, I was thinking more about Zoids as ligers are a major species used in it (Zoids is a mecha franchise featuring animalistic mecha, spawning from models originally and passing to anime and video games, BTW). Napoleon Dynamite is cool too, though. :D

    Jax Malcolm said:
    Ahhahahaha! Oh, the Procrastination Club. *high fives*
    But who would actually make it? I mean, we'd all be too lazy and just put it off.

    kcander90 said:
    I like your Zoid reference, I too would like to see a liger pokemon.
    w00t for someone else who knows about Zoids! Ah, Zoids was like my second big fascination, after Pokémon of course. It was also what really got me into watching anime, and I still buy new models every now and then (just this past summer I added three more models to my collection). The only two Japanese games I own are also Zoids games (VS II and Full Metal Crash for the Gamecube)

    *sighs* If only I had the money and was good enough at building models to handle the HMM model kits (really high quality Kotobukiya ones that lack motorization but have a lot more detail and flexibility at the same scale)... I want that Blade Liger so bad...

    Bay said:
    Shrike, even though I agree a bit of description should be needed to give a better picture of the Pokemon and adding a bit of action does work, I don't think description should be for the shake of describing a Pokemon. Like the examples Negrek gave, the best way to do a descrption of Pokemon is a way to show more of its personality (and maybe even the trainer's, too). Meh, that's my ophinion, though.
    Everyone has their own opinions on the matter which is why I really don't want to drag up this subject again too much. Anyways, I'm not saying describing like he did in that example is bad (in fact I did say I agree with most of his points, just not that you shouldn't restrict descriptions based on how the character sees it especially even if they're not the ones narrating). I myself try to work personality into descriptions, as portraying the character's personality is something I try to work into all areas of my writing style.

    I find myself sitting on the fence a lot when it comes to debates about how much description you should have and how big a part it should be in your writing, so...I'd rather not go into more about this.

    bonbandbill said:
    Can I join? My longest delay has only been more than 2 months... so far
    Two months? Hah, try four. Yes, I am serious there. I had this huge break between chapters in TFC from around August to December last year. I'm pretty sure they thought I did in fact die then.
    Last edited:


    Trust me, I'm a Professional*
  • 2,006
    w00t for someone else who knows about Zoids! Ah, Zoids was like my second big fascination, after Pokémon of course. It was also what really got me into watching anime, and I still buy new models every now and then (just this past summer I added three more models to my collection). The only two Japanese games I own are also Zoids games (VS II and Full Metal Crash for the Gamecube)

    *sighs* If only I had the money and was good enough at building models to handle the HMM model kits (really high quality Kotobukiya ones that lack motorization but have a lot more detail and flexibility at the same scale)... I want that Blade Liger so bad...

    You are really long winded, or would it be long keyboarded *dies*

    The Blade Liger is cool, but I want a red one or Liger Zero.


  • 6,390
    Typo fixed . :X Ack, I'm always on the move, trying to do a million things at once (forums, fanfic writing, reviewing...). XD

    The longest delay I had on my fics is three months for a fic I posted at Serebii, but it's due to because of college. ^^;


    Am I more than you bargained for yet?
  • 339
    With a third person narrative where the narrator is simply some omnipresent being, how one character sees something shouldn't have an effect on the narration. Just a little flaw there I had the urge to point out...
    Of course in third person omniscient you're less bound to what any given character perceives and understands. You still have to be discerning in terms of what is and isn't important to direct the reader's attention towards, and be careful of not treating him or her like an idiot. For this reason, even in third person omniscient you aren't going to say that a person walked out of a "large rectangular opening" rather than a doorway; you aren't going to say that a person, "saw a small, black furry quadruped" rather than "a black cat" or even just "a cat." The narration still cues the reader into what is fantastic and what is mundane in the world of the character, and it is best to limit oneself to describing what contributes to the characters' feeling for a place or in general elicits a response from them. For a common trainer, the sight of a pidgey is not going to evoke any particular reaction unless it's somehow unexpected or out of place.

    JX Valentine

    Your aquatic overlord
  • 3,277
    And Monty Python is FTW, no need to apologize.

    Thank you. They are, but it's so much better when one isn't half-asleep when she attempts to deliver a line. XD;

    Yeah, especially futuristic sci-fi as I do in TRINITY. Seriously people, writing is about imagining "what if..." and going from there. Is it so hard to wonder "what if Pokémon took place in the distant future, rather than a more modern day setting? How would it be different...?"

    *sigh* You know, I agree with you, but given the abundance of cookie-cutter OT stories, sometimes, I have to wonder if this fandom's really capable of it. It's a shame, though. A lot of writers seem to be writing inside the box when the Pokemon fandom is one of the few that I know of that are built with loose enough canon, massive enough world, and an abundance of options to let a writer wander off the beaten paths. I mean, for goodness sake, we don't even actually have a set cast of canon characters, unlike fandoms like Harry Potter, where you just know who the main characters are. Pokemon encourages us to create something new and different without having to explain, "Oh, this takes place forty years after the main characters with my OC being a descendant of this CC, so that's how this fic is related!"

    I blame people focusing too much on silly stuff like trainers and their gym journeys and all.

    Yep. Can't argue here. Either that, or they're terrified of branching out. I mean, you've got OT stories with over 9000 positive reviews, and the other writers think, "Wow! If I do the same thing, I'll get tons of awesome feedback!"

    A little note about TFC though (which I swear to god I'd like to rename but just can't bring myself to do so. The name is just so...bland. Generic.

    To tell you the truth, it reminds me of a campy sci-fi novel, like I expect the cast of Star Trek to be involved.

    Which is to say, I am amused enough to want to read it. It sounds interesting enough as well. Magic explained as science? Win!

    (As a note, I'd go and read it on Serebii, but SPPf lag hates me most of the time. And I want to wait for the shiny, shiny revision/write.)

    Anyways, I just want to ensure that you people here get to see the best version of it, with my shiny new foreboding prologue, edited rewritten first chapter (completed last December, hence the need for a new edit), reworked personality for Rayne (she's too stoic in the original version), bigger role for Aira (she's too unimportant currently), extra scenes that I had originally planned but didn't get in, and all that good stuff.

    Ooh. Shiny. =D

    Hmm, Odyssey gives me too many other connotations (Stargate FTW) and I don't really see it as being a genre by itself so I'd just go with epic (which the Odyssey is) if, well, the journey is indeed an epic journey (interpret that however you wish). I tend to be pretty flexible with my genres and don't expect anyone to strictly adhere to any of my views, so my definition of epic is probably different than yours.

    *nod* Fair enough. Epic's usually a vague word for me, so it could actually apply better than odyssey, now that I think about it.

    Heh, I don't even remember much about Power Rangers anymore other than that Zords are freakishly similar to Zoids. I mean, even the names are similar.

    Oddly enough, while I've heard of Zoids, I've never actually seen it. Travesty, Y/N?

    But who would actually make it? I mean, we'd all be too lazy and just put it off.

    ...Good point.

    Hey... what about mine? ;__;

    Fourth chapter of my fic Pokemon Infinity is up.

    One fic is not an abundance! XD

    (I'll sit down and read it. Eventually!)


    Stand Up and Scream
  • 258
    Two months? Hah, try four. Yes, I am serious there. I had this huge break between chapters in TFC from around August to December last year. I'm pretty sure they thought I did in fact die then.

    I had aabout the same break of four months between Feburary and July, when I came back to the forum. I didn't even think about but I wish I would have.

    For a common trainer, the sight of a pidgey is not going to evoke any particular reaction unless it's somehow unexpected or out of place.

    This helps me, I'll stop descrbing the random things. Now that I think of it, a lot of description isn't needed some time. Yay, I'm finally understanding more. I still think description is needed and I agree with Shrike with why it is needed.

    I really want to branch out but I'm already focused on Searching For Something Unown and I guess I'll throw it out as an adventure, not a journey. I have some awesome ideas and I really think it can be good. I need to focus and I think you all will like it in the in.
    (At least I hope you will)


  • 6,390
    Agree on the OT thing. I love them and all, but there's just so many. :X I actually would like to see a story that focuses more on the other careers like Ruin Manaics (Bunny is one in NE even though I called her an archelogist XD), Fishermen, and Construction Workers. XD


    The Last
  • 2,322
    Can I join? My longest delay has only been more than 2 months... so far.

    I've gone four. That's a third of a year. I'm definitely in. And someone can make the club if it would allow them to procrastinate on something else (like do that instead of working on a chapter).

    Yeah. My procrastination is so developed that I will actually not procrastinate on lesser things for the sake of continuing to procrastinate on greater things. Give me a cookie, for I am epic.
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