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Tool: Move Editor

If you are open to suggestions for your next update, you might want to add a "Sort by" function to your move editor tool.

Sort by Type
Sort by Power
Sort by Name
Sort by Effect
Sort by Priority

And enable the person to sort by multiple aspects at a time, like for example, all items sorted first by attack strength, and then by alphabetical order where attacks are equal.
I'm open to suggestions on ways to improve the program, but I probably won't do this one; It'd be quite a bit of work. The moves are only listed in the order they are because it's the way they're stored in the game. The closest I could do is a find function which lists all the moves that have a priority greater than 0, or something similar.
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You've already done the hard part of converting it from numbers in the game to something any human can work with... wouldn't it be easy to build an interface on top of that that organizes the stuff on the skin deep level just for order's purpose? I don't know if maybe that's a weakspot in the language you chose to write in, but I'm sure it would just take a matter of thinking. Implementing it couldn't possibly take that long.
I know this kind of talk drives programmers mad, but I know you could do it, and it would make your tool stand head and shoulders above the rest.

EDIT: It just occured to me that I'm asking you to write a small search engine. I bet somebody's done the work for you someplace else already. Just gotta learn how to implement their method to your program.

EDIT #2: One might also note that if you wrote this search engine, you could, over time, graft all your tools onto it and get a more graphical interface made and WALA! You've got a tool that is as irreplaceable as Advancemap!
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You've already done the hard part of converting it from numbers in the game to something any human can work with... wouldn't it be easy to build an interface on top of that that organizes the stuff on the skin deep level just for order's purpose? I don't know if maybe that's a weakspot in the language you chose to write in, but I'm sure it would just take a matter of thinking. Implementing it couldn't possibly take that long.
I know this kind of talk drives programmers mad, but I know you could do it, and it would make your tool stand head and shoulders above the rest.
I programmed this in C++, so I can do basically anything I want. inb4 VB

EDIT: It just occured to me that I'm asking you to write a small search engine. I bet somebody's done the work for you someplace else already. Just gotta learn how to implement their method to your program.
Writing a search engine isn't difficult. It's getting the stuff to display in the new order in the listbox that would be tricky, and then making sure that any changes are applied in the correct positions. This isn't a problem presently because there's only one possible order, and it's the same order that the moves are stored in the game.

EDIT #2: One might also note that if you wrote this search engine, you could, over time, graft all your tools onto it and get a more graphical interface made and WALA! You've got a tool that is as irreplaceable as Advancemap!
I'd rather keep each tool separate though. That is much simpler, and the benefit gained isn't worth it. Besides, some people don't like a single giant tool that rolls together a bunch of unrelated tools.

Also, what do you mean by "a more graphical interface"?
Writing a search engine isn't difficult. It's getting the stuff to display in the new order in the listbox that would be tricky, and then making sure that any changes are applied in the correct positions. This isn't a problem presently because there's only one possible order, and it's the same order that the moves are stored in the game.

That's why you make a... well... for lack of a better word, LOOSE interface attached to your program. I'm imagining this as a piece of hardware instead of software... maybe that's why you're not understanding me. I have a rather lengthy metaphor that might help you understand what I'm suggesting. If you don't get it, then I will leave you be with the understanding that I am simply not a software engineer.

Imagine what you've already written as a wall covered with connection points hard-wired to locations on the rom. Above each location point is a screen that translates the data being streamed from the rom to the connection point into something humans can understand. Now... at the moment, your program is as rigid as lead plumbing from beginning to end. You can change the information stored in each location on the rom, which is all well and good, but it requires the person using your tool to conform to the rom and not to the tool. What if instead of having those display screens screwed immovably to those data transferring pipes, you were to run infinitely expandable and tangleproof wires between the displays and the connection points. Then you could move the display screens around to any order or position you wanted! Lemme whip up a graphical example:

Arranged by order in the Pokedex:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Arranged first by type alphabetically, and second by name alphabetically:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Arranged by name alphabetically:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Each picture of the Growlithe is linked to the very same spot, but I am able to order it where I want it without severing the link. That's how your move list should be. Each move AS IT IS LISTED is a link to its corresponding fixed location. It never has to relearn its initial location, because that bit of data is not tampered with.

I'd rather keep each tool separate though. That is much simpler, and the benefit gained isn't worth it. Besides, some people don't like a single giant tool that rolls together a bunch of unrelated tools.

Well... I guess that just sucks for me, then, because I personally hate having to browse through forty tools in my desktop or wherever I can store them all. I prefer the program to have tabs for each subprogram, or a list of each subprogram so I can switch between tools in the blink of an eye.

Also, what do you mean by "a more graphical interface"?

Oh, that was just me getting carried away. I'm a big fan of pretty things, and a nice skin for your program would be cool, yet completely without function other than to make it feel better in my hands.
That's why you make a... well... for lack of a better word, LOOSE interface attached to your program. I'm imagining this as a piece of hardware instead of software... maybe that's why you're not understanding me. I have a rather lengthy metaphor that might help you understand what I'm suggesting. If you don't get it, then I will leave you be with the understanding that I am simply not a software engineer.

Imagine what you've already written as a wall covered with connection points hard-wired to locations on the rom. Above each location point is a screen that translates the data being streamed from the rom to the connection point into something humans can understand. Now... at the moment, your program is as rigid as lead plumbing from beginning to end. You can change the information stored in each location on the rom, which is all well and good, but it requires the person using your tool to conform to the rom and not to the tool. What if instead of having those display screens screwed immovably to those data transferring pipes, you were to run infinitely expandable and tangleproof wires between the displays and the connection points. Then you could move the display screens around to any order or position you wanted! Lemme whip up a graphical example:

Arranged by order in the Pokedex:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Arranged first by type alphabetically, and second by name alphabetically:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Arranged by name alphabetically:
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor
[PokeCommunity.com] Move Editor

Each picture of the Growlithe is linked to the very same spot, but I am able to order it where I want it without severing the link. That's how your move list should be. Each move AS IT IS LISTED is a link to its corresponding fixed location. It never has to relearn its initial location, because that bit of data is not tampered with.
I understand this, and understood this before. And as I said before, it would be a pain to implement, for a benefit that I'm not sure is worth it.

Well... I guess that just sucks for me, then, because I personally hate having to browse through forty tools in my desktop or wherever I can store them all. I prefer the program to have tabs for each subprogram, or a list of each subprogram so I can switch between tools in the blink of an eye.
Put them in a folder then if you don't want them to clutter your desktop.

Oh, that was just me getting carried away. I'm a big fan of pretty things, and a nice skin for your program would be cool, yet completely without function other than to make it feel better in my hands.
This isn't needed. It's one thing to have graphic icons for buttons/things in Advance Map that would be long-winded to write out, but it's another to have them for something short that doesn't need them. I don't see how any part of this program could be improved by intrusive graphics.
It was just a suggestion. Nothing more. I can get a little long winded at times. I didn't mean to sound condescending.

EDIT: It would be nice if I could search through the moves by beginning to type their name. As it is, If I select the movelist and type in the first letter of the move, it goes to the first move with that letter in the first place, and goes no further. Again, just a suggestion.
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It was just a suggestion. Nothing more. I can get a little long winded at times. I didn't mean to sound condescending.
I didn't mean to sound like I felt offeneded. I was simply saying that I don't think I'll implement your suggestions.

EDIT: It would be nice if I could search through the moves by beginning to type their name. As it is, If I select the movelist and type in the first letter of the move, it goes to the first move with that letter in the first place, and goes no further. Again, just a suggestion.
Actually, I don't like that way, but thankfully, my GUI does something better. That way's the default that whatever VB GUI library people use makes things, but not my C++ Borland GUI library. Instead, they have a better solution: You can type more than one letter within a short period of time and it'll jump to that entry. An example: click on the list box, and then quickly type "seismic toss". Even thought seismic isn't the first 's' entry in the list, it'll jump to it once you start spelling it out. It's much faster than having to continually hit 's' to get to moves that start with 's', but are near the bottom of the list.
Very nice... I hadn't tried that. :) Your program is win.

I anticipate this will be difficult and take much research, but could you find a way to edit the move description with this tool too?
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Hey I noticed this earlier.
Maybe you can add it.
Okay, I'll release another version that edits this sometime this week.

Very nice... I hadn't tried that. :) Your program is win.
Thank C++, and be disappointed in VB.

I anticipate this will be difficult and take much research, but could you find a way to edit the move description with this tool too?
That'll actually be rather easy, but doesn't A-Text or w/e edit that already? Either way, I'll add it in the next update.
Could you add something that links so you can choose which attack animation goes to which attack. I like the program, but am, afraid to make any massive changes that would mess up the animations.
Could you add something that links so you can choose which attack animation goes to which attack. I like the program, but am, afraid to make any massive changes that would mess up the animations.
I don't know how to switch attack animations, nor do I know how to edit the attack animations themselves.
I am very impressed [and pleased] by your Move Editor tool. It has been of great service to me and my rom hacking projects.

Thank you for the great tool FinalZero!
When I try to use it a message pops up saying

"MoveEditor.exe-Unable to Locate Component

This application has failed to start because vcl100.bpl was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I tried to reinstall Move Editor but that didn't fix anything. Can someone help me with this?
When I try to use it a message pops up saying

"MoveEditor.exe-Unable to Locate Component

This application has failed to start because vcl100.bpl was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I tried to reinstall Move Editor but that didn't fix anything. Can someone help me with this?
Which version are you trying to use?
Great program! It's only Move Editor that works on my computer.
I downloaded the V.1.02 and I'm very satisfied with it. Great job, congratulations!

Do you have any idea when will the V1.03 available? (I'm looking forward to edit contest data :P)

Thanks :D
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