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Atheist Alliance

Shining Raichu

Expect me like you expect Jesus.
  • 8,959
    [PokeCommunity.com] Atheist Alliance

    What is the Atheist Alliance?

    Welcome to the Atheist Alliance! This is a place for Atheists to gather and discuss our beliefs and what it's like to live day-to-day in a world that still favours the God-fearing masses. You don't have to be an Atheist to join, however. We welcome agnostics and religious people to come and join in our discussions!

    The Rules

    • All forum rules apply.
    • Be respectful of other people's beliefs. Do not bash other religions. We expect in return people to respect our beliefs.
    • You do not need to be completely Atheist/Agnostic to join this club. And members of religions can post here if they have questions. If someone PMs you in a rude way regarding your lack of faith, please report them to the staff.
    • To join you just need to post.
    • Respect the owner and co-owners of this club. If you have any criticism, please keep it out of the club. If you need to talk to them personally, do so. Do not do that in the club.
    • If you break a rule, you will get a strike. If you break forum rules, you will get a strike and reported.

    Contact the Staff

    Please contact the club creator and co-owners if you are having any problems. If you feel we can not provide the support you need, please contact the forum staff - we are not forum staff. The following is this club's staff:

    Shining Raichu


    Here we can talk about anything pertaining to our lack of faith, or any questions regarding faith (or lack of it.) Any discussion is allowed if it is relative, if you go off-topic the world won't explode.

    Member List



    Algo Fonix

    Blue Nocturne
    Blue Rose
    BZW Golem

    Charlie Kelly

    Digimon Kaiser
    Domo Genesis








    Masters Cage
    Misheard Whisper

    Nurse Barbra




    Samurai X
    Seeds Horizon




    World King

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    I'm game, sign me up!

    I'm an atheist, wasn't raised one, but chose to be one.

    What are your opinions on subjects such as same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty, and so on? Why?

    Same-sex marriage - I don't have a problem with it if both of the people are happy and are in love with each other. We don't have the right to tear them apart if they want to belong together, it's wrong. So, yea, I support it.

    Abortion - As long as it's within a few months of pregnancy, I'll have no problem with it. If it's far along....I guess I'll have to leave it up to the mother. Essentially she's going to be doing all the work, so she has the right to keep the baby or not, whatever their decision is, I'll support it.

    Death penalty - I believe it 100%. As long as you're proven guilty that is. The human race is expanding and more and more crimes are being committed. Murders should be dealt with swiftly and strictly by the death penalty.

    Those are my views on those subject, and I don't really know what else to say on it........ :x
    Oo..Lemme join. Ive been an atheist for quite a while, but just realized it a few years ago after my mother tried making me go to church~ I just felt that I wont believe in a god that will condemn me to eternal torture and suffering for the rest of eternity just because I didnt believe in him. Of course, I respect anyones faith and beliefs, but if they try to spark a discussion about it and try to make me believe in that religion, I wont back down..

    What are your opinions on subjects such as same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty, and so on? Why?

    Same sex marriage, I dont see any problem with it. Who says men and women are supposed to marry each other? I see no universal rule about it >_>. Nor do I see a universal rule about same genders marrying and loving each other, you love who you love, and theres no helping it. Whether its an animal, a fish, or the same sex as you, let nothing stop you!

    The death penalty..hmm.. Im with it, as long as its justified, but on the other hand a lot of innocent people do die from it...Who cares? OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! Just kidding, I cant really decide which side to take :c

    Abortion...I see no point in this. In my view, its like taking a knife and killing the baby right after its born. You are stopping a human being from living, from growing up, falling in love, getting married, and having children..Just because you cant take care of him/her or see him/her as a burden? That gives you absolutely NO right to go and kill him/her. There are much better options, such as adoption.

    Why are your beliefs the way they are?

    Mostly because my family was..Christian? Maybe >_>. Anyway, they tried forcing me to go to church, and after thinking over the religion as a whole, I saw many holes in the faith. Such as we are condemned to hell if we dont believe in the religion, and dont pray and do good every day. What kind of god that supposedly preaches about doing good and all that would do that to us just because we didnt have any substantial proof he is real other than our belief and therefor we dont believe in him?

    Do you believe in any form of life after death?

    Not really sure, I like to believe in solid facts, other than just making random guesses.

    Do you believe in aliens?

    It would be naive of me to say that we are the only life forms in this universe, in even this galaxy. There are billions upon billions of stars in only ONE galaxy, and there is billions upon billions of galaxies in the universe. Of course, I dont believe in the "aliens" I believe in "other life forms" though, since they arent really "aiens" since they would view us as aliens were we to go to their planet (Just watch that Planet 51 movie, youll see what I mean).

    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?

    Yes, my mother practically every day pushes me to go to church and believe in god. Most of my friends know im atheist, and they pretty much dont care, since most of them dont believe in "God" as well. My father is sort of atheist, but he is also open to most beliefs.

    If God does exist, what do you think it would be like?

    Some old guy wearing a toga.

    What are your family's general religious beliefs?

    My mother and siblings are..I think christian. My grandfather I believe to be atheist, as well as my father, and my grandmother and uncle I dont know about.
    Why are your beliefs the way they are?

    *copy and past from my Facebook*

    I am atheist because I just figured that my life was so bad at the time, and nothing was going right, that there was nothing up there that was going to help me.... So I stopped praying and took it upon myself to solve my own problems. I also stopped living in fear. Because with religion I felt like everything I did was a sin or my family would not approve. But now being an atheist, I have no fear of hell or demons, or the devil.
    Well, I had some enchiladas, watched some shows, chilled. Same old. Watch some kids running outside screaming 'We're going to die.' :x
    OK this is something I can't miss out on. I'm in.

    What are your opinions on subjects such as same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty, and so on? Why?
    -- I am pro-choice. Nobody or their God should be able to tell a woman what she is or is not allowed to do to their body.
    -- I am pro-gay marriage. What business is it of someone else if you want to marry the person you love? We are well past the phase in the world where something is or is not OK because God says so. We're better than that, and it's disgusting that people are trying to hold back other people because of their own beliefs.
    -- Death penalty? I don't really have a lot of opinion on that one way or the other.

    Why are your beliefs the way they are?
    Going to assume this is referring to the previous question and not about religion as a whole.
    My beliefs are this way because I believe in equality, and I believe that people should be able to freely live the way they want to. Religion causes so much delay and pain, and it's just not good enough anymore. Fictional deities have ruled our minds for long enough, the longer it continues the longer it will be until we have a peaceful world.

    Do you believe in any form of life after death?
    I'm not sure. I just don't know.

    Do you believe in aliens?
    Yes, it would be very close-minded in a universe this big to assume that we are the only ones in it.

    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?
    Yeah, they know, it's even Facebook official!

    Do you think separation of church and state is different from freedom of religion?
    Yeah, they're two separate concepts, but the fact that things like gay marriage still aren't legal means that church and state are not as separate as everyone wants to believe.

    If God does exist, what do you think it would be like?
    It would be absolutely awful. It would mean that all this talk about "God's plan" would be real, and free will would basically be voided. I couldn't live in a world where God actually existed.

    What are your family's general religious beliefs?
    I don't come from a religious family, but my immediate family aren't as anti-religion as I am. There is one aunt though, who is so against the Catholic Church that she has spent years stalking high members of the Church in Australia trying to bring them down. The Archbishop of Sydney and Melbourne both have restraining orders on her, and she's started an organisation to bring down the church from the angle of clergy abuse. She's a little eccentric, but I admire that woman.

    You can Google "Anne Furness" if you want to see some news stories about her.


    Now, onto the topic at hand.
    During the rapture, I was serving customers at work lol - they wanted alcohol for their end-of-the-world needs, and I was there to provide.
    Shining Raichu! <3

    Well, I had some enchiladas, watched some shows, chilled. Same old. Watch some kids running outside screaming 'We're going to die.' :x

    Mm..enchiladas. <3

    My mom bought a cake, and we had some pizza for a small End of The World Party as a joke. :P

    My neighbors had a bunch of their family over, and they were all praying on their lawn.

    Now, I have huge respect for religious people, however, I just couldn't stop laughing. You have to be plain stupid (or just completely ignorant/brain washed) to believe that someone who has had multiple failed predictions when they say the world is going to end, and their only basis is a bunch of random numbers thrown together with questionable math.

    People were actually euthanized their pets. They better feel damn sorry, more than they ever have felt in their entire life. And I pray they never had children, because that amount of stupidity should not continue in the human race!
    Do you believe in any form of life after death?

    A part of me doesn't really believe anything happens when you die, but another part of me wants to say that you get reincarnated into another being, whether it be a plant or an animal. But yea, hopefully we get reincarnated haha
    People were actually euthanized their pets. They better feel damn sorry, more than they ever have felt in their entire life.

    They WHAT?! I hadn't heard this! That breaks my heart - those stupid, stupid people. How dare they be so presumptuous?
    Shining Raichu! <3

    Mm..enchiladas. <3

    My mom bought a cake, and we had some pizza for a small End of The World Party as a joke. :P

    My neighbors had a bunch of their family over, and they were all praying on their lawn.

    Now, I have huge respect for religious people, however, I just couldn't stop laughing. You have to be plain stupid (or just completely ignorant/brain washed) to believe that someone who has had multiple failed predictions when they say the world is going to end, and their only basis is a bunch of random numbers thrown together with questionable math.

    People were actually euthanized their pets. They better feel damn sorry, more than they ever have felt in their entire life. And I pray they never had children, because that amount of stupidity should not continue in the human race!
    The enchiladas were horrible. Never trusting my sister to cook again.

    Wow, that's horrible. I wouldn't stand for that. I'm a nature lover and that seriously angers me, are people that stupid? Why would you even do that? Are they that retarded?
    They WHAT?! I hadn't heard this! That breaks my heart - those stupid, stupid people. How dare they be so presumptuous?

    I just want to punch them all! Here's an article about one case. I'm sure others actually did it without being stopped.

    What are your opinions on subjects such as same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty, and so on? Why?
    I am for gay marriage, there is no logical defense against it. I am for abortion, because a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body (plus, I am a man, I could never possibly put myself in a good position to say I am against it because I have no idea what it's like to be pregnant and have such responsibility.)

    I am actually against the death penalty. But my reasons are messed up. I don't care about their life, at all. I think they should be put into seclusion for their entire life. Death seems like they're getting off easy to me. I'd rather die than be in jail my entire life.

    Why are your beliefs the way they are?
    I believe there is no God, but I am open to the possibility of there being a God. I'd never argue with a religious person, they can believe what they want. Just don't force it down my throat.

    Do you believe in any form of life after death?
    Whenever I imagine death in my mind, I just imagine being born again. I don't believe in anything after death, but I hope that something like reincarnation does exist.

    Do you believe in aliens?
    Yes, it's inevitable. To say we're the only ones is extremely close-minded.

    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?

    Do you think separation of church and state is different from freedom of religion?
    No. You have the right to practice your own religion, but that also implies you have the right to be protected from it.

    If God does exist, what do you think it would be like?
    I think if God exists, no religion today represents him. All religions have been poisoned by human stupidity (case in point, laws against women and homosexuality.) I believe that God would be ultimately forgiving, he wouldn't care what you did in your life, he'd let you into heaven and see if you'd change and are sorry. If not, then you go to hell (but not forever.)

    What are your family's general religious beliefs?
    My mom's family is Lutheran. My dad's family is Methodist. My step-mom's family is Catholic. My step-dad's family is just..random, he has Panthiest family members, Jewish family members, Christians, Muslims, and more. It's crazy!
    Do you believe in aliens?

    I believe that there is other life out there. I mean, they found single cell organisms on asteroids that came from outer space, and they found water/ice on other planets, so isn't it plausible to say that there can be other life? It's foolish to say that we're the only ones here, because there could be much older life forms out there, considering the earth is a bit young.
    Do you believe in aliens?

    I believe that there is other life out there. I mean, they found single cell organisms on asteroids that came from outer space, and they found water/ice on other planets, so isn't it plausible to say that there can be other life? It's foolish to say that we're the only ones here, because there could be much older life forms out there, considering the earth is a bit young.

    And it's possible for life to exist anywhere where the necessary chemical reactions can take place.

    Life doesn't have to evolve under earth-like conditions. Silicon based life could evolve on a planet that is 200 degrees F at its coolest. Who knows!
    And it's possible for life to exist anywhere where the necessary chemical reactions can take place.

    Life doesn't have to evolve under earth-like conditions. Silicon based life could evolve on a planet that is 200 degrees F at its coolest. Who knows!
    That's the cool thing about life. It can exist anywhere. The life forms on earth rely on water, other life forms can rely on something completely different.
    What are your opinions on subjects such as same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty, and so on? Why?
    I'm fine with all of the above.
    Why are your beliefs the way they are?
    Scientific stuff, even though I am interested in ancient myths.
    Do you believe in any form of life after death?
    Maybe reincarnation, just maybe.
    Do you believe in aliens?
    Who knows if they exist? They could for all we know.
    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?
    I make it clear enough.
    Do you think separation of church and state is different from freedom of religion?
    If God does exist, what do you think it would be like?
    I'd call it Arceus
    What are your family's general religious beliefs?
    Not very religious at all. We just do it for the holidays like Easter and Christmas.
    What did I do during "the rapture"?
    Play Pokemon.
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    Sign me up~ I guess....
    Do you believe in any form of life after death?
    - I believe that when you die, you reset in a loop of your own life, and relive it, so this could be my 244124th loop and so on.
    That'd suck. :(
    If God does exist, what do you think it would be like?
    - He'd be riding a gay unicorn which is riding a motorcycle and shooting up demons.
    The second I read this I thought of Lady Gaga. (Welcome!)

    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?

    They know, some of my friends are against it, my whole family is against it, and they argue with me each time the topic arises. They always end up losing, imo. They state opinions and theories, I state facts :x

    Does your family and friends know about your faith? If no, why not?

    They know, some of my friends are against it, my whole family is against it, and they argue with me each time the topic arises. They always end up losing, imo. They state opinions and theories, I state facts :x

    I'm guessing they're christian so..Have you ever argued that MOST of the bible contridicts itself? Like, seriousally, There are parts which PROMOTE SLAVERY AND SEXISM. Not very christian is it?