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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Len looked up at Giga who had been preparing to scratch at him. With the underground as his advantage, he jumped back down the hole and went back under it like he was a mole when Giga swooped down to hit him. He popped out again and stuck his tongue out at Giga to taunt him. Len then hopped out of the ground and ran over to Giga to use Double Slap... another new move Len had learned because Mark didn't even issue a command...
Valorie had been fishing for a reaction, namely one that would've acknowledged their friendship. The actual point of the question was to let Selene know that Valorie wanted her, so to speak. It was the sort of thing Valorie herself would've appreciated. Though, it seemed to have flown way over Selene's head. She blinked. Oh well, it wasn't a big deal. Perhaps she had simply been far too subtle. She would have other chances to let Selene know she was appreciated.

She looked over at Brian, and then at Mark and Jack.

"Brian thinks there's something dangerous nearby, besides the wild pokemon I guess."

Valorie paused a moment as something occurred to her.

"Speaking of wild pokemon, are we going to train on those? Or were you thinking of training against eachother?"
"Um... I'm fine. But, there is something out there. I can feel it. And no, I don't want to train right now," Bri said quietly.All of them were to focused on their own things to watch out. So Bri would watch out for them. He hoped everything would be ok. Drizzle walked over and looked at Dratini.
"Hey, great battle kid! I knew you were tough!" he said. He turned and looked at Thyme. She was still very agitated about something. He didn't know what, but he wanted to help. Duster was more interested in keeping an eye on the surrounding area. She could smell pokemon out there, and wondered what they wanted.
The battle look set for a stale mate as both pokemon would retreat to the area where the other couldn't reach, so what was the point. Giga had taken to the air again dodging the Lens attack, although he didn't look it Giga was a pretty decent flier and manuevered himself well in the air. Jack stopped for a moment he was in his thinking process again What to do? What to do? Neither had a weakness to the other and Len wasn't so far ahead that it could easily. Next option Herb, Mark didn't see when Jack caught him so it would a surprise plus the type advantage he had plus the fact that mark didn't have a pokemon with an advantage over him. It was win win win, just like Jack wanted to do win. "Did great Giga take a rest" Jack returned Giga to his pokeball and now had two pokemon resting up before returning."Go H-" Jack was interupted though as the pokeball in his hand was snatched by a web from the forest.

"What the!" Jack was angry did a pokemon just try and steal his pokemon, {Looks like there ready} Blade said as a hoard of spinaracks and beedrills had started swarming the area. It didn't stop there the Spinaracks snatched all the pokeballs that contained pokemon and put them into a pile high up the trees. "Crap" Blade warned Jack about this but his desire to battle was too strong. They were surrounded everyone what could they do to get themselves out of this one?
Nodding, Sel laughed slightly, eyes flicking down to Ryan in her arms. "Oh yeah, I think the wild pokemon will be good for now..." she looked over as Bri spoke, 'something going on out there'...it made a shiver run down Sel's spine. She wasn't normally into superstitious sixth-sense mumbo jumbo but watching Bri, Blade and the other Pokemon got her worried...

"So where sha-HEY!" she shouted as something wrapped around her leg tightly. "GORDON! STOP THIS THING!" she shouted, Gordon using his Incinerate on the webs that were shooting towards her - he managed to burn through the majority of them but Sharpay's pokeball was swiped from her belt before she or Gordon could stop it. "SHARPAY!" she whirled around, following the ball up into the tree where it settled with other Pokeballs. Growling she looked around at everyone else, Gordon standing by her to ward off any other attacks.

"Guys, what is this?! What's happening?!"...her question was answered with Spinarak and Beedrill covering the area...oh shoot. She still had Blu, Gordon and Ri...Ryan could've zapped the Beedrill out of the sky in one but he was weak...cradling him in one arm, she reached into her bag and pulled out a Potion. It would only restore his health by a little, but it was something...spraying it onto him she rubbed it into his skin in circular motions and watched as his ears picked up a little, eyes opening slowly until he blinked, looking around him, ears going down as he looked at the Beedrill.

"Ryan...I'm sorry baby, I don't want to make you do this...I know you've just battled, but we need help. Please, can you Thunderbolt as many of these Beedrill as you can?" Ryan watched her closely before jumping down from her arms and looking around. He targeted several Beedrill in front of him and threw Thunderbolts at them a powerful attack that hit 4 of them, 2 evading the attack by swooping upwards into the trees. The 4 Beedrill fell to the ground...but now Sel couldn't help but suspect that she'd angered the others...she hurriedly released Ri and Blu, ready for any attack.
As soon as Jack returned giga, a swarm of spinarak suddenly appeared and snatched any pokeballs that were occupied. For Mark, all that was stolen was commodore...Darn it! If they got away earlier this could have been prevented! Mark felt somewhat responsible. "gah... Snype! After those pokeballs!" Mark called out.

Snype jumped into action immediately. It didn't help that there were beedrill swarming the area. Snype swiped at an incoming beedrill and pressed on. "comon guys! Let's move!" snype said

Mark ran over to Sels group to join them In getting their pokemon back.
Bri was completely ignored as all his pokemon were already out. Nova just about exploded. He began blasting the bugs with Ember, sending them scattering.
"Guys! I'll go get the pokeballs!" Bri shouted over the buzzing. He ran to the tree. Thyme followed him, shooting her Bullet Seed at the bugs. She used a new move, Growth. She was surrounded by a shiny green glow and looked a little bigger. Her attacks were better now as well! She turned and used her Vine Whip to lift Brian up into a tree and jumped up after him. Now he decides to be reckless. She turned and spotted more of them coming after them. Great. She couldn't hold them off alone. She would try, and she blasted more green seeds at the bugs that were beginning to come after them. Duster was scampering back and forth, Pounding each Spinarack she could until it stopped. Drizzle was occupied by using his Sonic Boom and Water Gun to shoot at the Beedrill that were after everyone.
Jack couldn't help but have a little smile on his face despite the magnitude of the situation "Reminds you of the old days doesn't it" Jack and Blaze trained like this all the time back home, beating weedle after weedle and trying to get as strong as possible {Karma i guess} Blade joked as he took out a couple oncoming spinaraks, thankfully he didn't battle and was at full health for the unslaught. "hm, Blade Quick Attack and Slash go" Blade leaped into a group of Beedrill as quick as he couldtaking out a couple before he got surrounded and way out numbered but thankfully holding his own. "Keep it up Blade" Jack tried climbing the tree to atleast recieve Blaze from the webs but stopped in his tracks as an Ariados showed his ugly face, Probably the leader Jack thought as he held a good distance before turning his attention to Blade was was crossing swords with Beedrills a plenty.
"BRI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" shouted Sel, fists clenching. She growled slightly - that boy! He spent so long worrying about something happening and then when it did he just threw himself up the tree where the Spinarak and Beedrill were waiting for them!! "Ryan, keep shocking those Beedrill!" Selene instructed him, before turning to Gordon. "Gord...I know we haven't been together long, but you'll be able to fry those Spinarak in moments...please trust me?" she asked hurriedly and for an awfuol moment she thought the Pansear would refuse...

But then, Gordon leapt up onto her back and Sel nodded, running to the tree Bri had clambered up. Selene began climbing up the tree, having done this kind of thing throughout her childhood she was used to climbing. Once up there, she pointed Gordon off to help Thyme and Duster, trying to help Bri. "WHERE ARE THESE POKEBALLS?" she shouted, looking round desperately. She couldn't see them...don't say the Spinarak had moved them!
Thyme thought that Bri looked like a Mankey the way he was climbing. She heard that loudmouthedd brat yelling at Bri, though thankfully Bri didn't hear her. Thyme climbed up to a higher branch and used Growth again. She was glowing so much that she now looked nearly twice her size! She smiled and blasted some more of those Spinarack. She spotted an Ariados looking mecacingly at Blades trainer. Stupid Scyther wasn't paying any attention to his trainer. Now who was going to save the human? She was the only one nearby. She climbed over to Jack, trusting Gordan to keep Bri safe.

"They're in the web! Help me rip it open!" Bri said. He had made it up the tree. He began tugging on the web trying to open it. Duster ran up the tree to keep Bri safe the way Thyme had. Nova was in heaven. He was roasting a lot of weakling bugs. He was so happy! He spotted Snype nearby and growled at him.
"What are you doing? Come down here and fight you coward!" he said.

Drizzle was watching out for Mark and Val. They had both battled and the pokemon they had with them weren't exactly as battle ready as he was. He uleashed his Water Gun on another Beedrill, and it went down. It hadn't fainted, but if you get the wings wet enough it couldn't fly.

Thyme landed in front of Jack and glanced at him before turning her attention to the Ariados. She was scared, but she had to do something! But, she didn't know what! She looked at Jack for direction. It was one thing to take out wimpy worthless bugs, it was quite another to face off with the leader!
Snivy had jumped between Jack and the Ariados protecting him or so she would have said "Hey Snivy I suggest we both leave now" Jack wouldn't have told one of his pokemin to back down from a fight but Thyme wasn't his and the fact that grass types were weak against bug pokemon didn't make him feel better. Jack couldn't feel responsible for anything that would happen to him {Stupid Humans} The Ariados shouted as he shot a poison sting attack at the two. Jack leaped in front of Thyme taking the blow "Ok now you take care of him" Jack said weakly as he fell out of the tree.

Blade finally kicked into action he shot past all the Beedrils and caught Jack in as he was about to fall. Blade was silent as he watched his trainer motionless from the poison but squirm from pain every few seconds.

(Didnt realise till after but this little group has a problem with being poisoned)
(OOC: lol, you're right!)

"Dolt!" Thyme said when Jack leapt in front of her to take the hit. She was perfectly capable of dodging! She watched as Blade caught his trainer. She turned back to the Ariados.
"I'm inclined to agree with you, but these stupid humans are my partner's friends. I think I'll have to teach you what happens when you mess with me!" she said angrily. She blasted Bullet Seed up at the Ariados, who scuttled away from the attack. She was mad now, and she pursued it deeper into the trees.

Bri had finally ripped a hole in the web. He pulled out a pokeball and hurled it, not watching where it landed or what it sent out. He reached in again and pulled out another ball, but he lost his balence and fell. His free hand caught the branch.
"I just managed to do something right!" he yelled in frustration. He dropped the second ball and tried to pull himself up, but he wasn't strong enough. Last time this had happened he had broken his leg! He didn't want to fall!

(OOC: Also, you guys decide the two pokemon Bri pulled out. I have no interest in that.)
Valorie was startled when a web reached into her satchel on its own. What a rude, obnoxious pokemon! She was more alarmed when it yanked several pokeballs out. Valorie dived for the pokeballs, missing and scraping up her arms and legs on the ground. She then yelled in frustration. Heck no that did not just happen! They did not dare just steal her pokemon! She was mad, and not just because she had taken a dive trying to stop them.

Her immediate thought was that she would start burning stuff if she had to. Yet... the others seemed to be taking a less destructive approach. Suddenly, Dratini abruptly perked up and shot off a dragon rage without warning, startling Valorie, only for it to hit a Beedrill that had been coming at her, instantly causing the pokemon to faint on impact. Valorie shuddered and ran after Selene, who was...climbing...a...tree. Great. Valorie walked to the base of the tree, looking up and grimacing. She then began trying to climb the tree, making a complete fool of herself as she struggled to gain any altitude at all. She was trying hard, but she was still tired from earlier and didn't even have experience.

Meanwhile, Dratini occasionally shot Beedrill out of the sky for looking at her trainer wrong. Unfortunately, she was being rather defensive, only attacking Beedrills that showed signs of wanting to attack. Thus, when a Beedrill decided to attack from a range with a poison sting she was helpless to protect Valorie.

Valorie's expression suddenly blanked as she felt what felt like several shots being administered at once. She then screamed, falling off the tree and just sort of curling into a ball on the ground, shuddering. Dratini meanwhile quickly hovered low over Valorie in a protective manner, ready to shield her trainer with her own body, glaring threateningly at passing Beedrill.

*image removed*Charmeleon ♀ Lv. 21 (Dragon Rage, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Attract, Iron Tail, Headbutt)
*image removed*Dratini ♀ Lv. 29 (Flamethrower, Double Team, Thunder Wave, Twister, Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush)
*image removed*Trapinch ♀ Lv. 20 (Bite, Dig, Faint Attack, Facade, Return, Toxic)
*image removed*Frillish ♀ Lv. 10 (Absorb, Bubble, Night Shade, Toxic, Watersport)
Ryan turned to the Beedrill who had stung Valorie, roaring his battle cry and charging forwards. He was behind them...Dratini was shielding her owner, but Beedrill was closing in on her...with another 3 behind that one, Ryan was not going to let this happen anytime soon! Charging from behind Dratini and Valorie, he leapt straight over them both and launched his Thunderbolt at the 4 Beedrill, catching them by surprise and hitting them all square on. They fell, buzzing feebly to the floor and Ryan turned to Dratini. "Are you okay Dratini? How's Valorie? Does she have any medicine in her bag?"

Selene scrabbled over the web, wincing slightly as she felt a Spinarak bite at her ankle. Not even wanting to begin to think about what weird and terrible poisons would be in her system now, she struggled with the web until Bri got a side ripped open. Growling, she screamed out and pulled on the web whole, unsettling the pokeballs within it. She winced as something bit her again, feeling legs grip onto her own...then everything was cold. Blu screeched and shot an accurate Ice Beam at the Spinarak, flying around the tree and shooting any who looked to be making their way towards Sel. He then flew over to where Bri was hanging from the branch, gripping the back of the boy's jacket in his feet and hauling him upwards back onto the branch - he may not look like it, but he could carry heavy weights whilst flying very easily.

In the meantime, Ri had used his strength and nimble movements to climb the tree, punching away any Spinarak who tried to attack him. He made it up to the web and, using the speed in his arms, reached in and pulled out PokeBalls, throwing them down to the ground randomly, not caring what was inside them. Selene looked down at the ground and sighed in relief as she saw Sharpay there...but she was still injured! She began throwing Water Gun attacks at the Beedrill in range but couldn't move. And Valorie...Valorie was on the floor! NO. This just couldn't be!

Making sure that Gordon was holding his own against the bug Pokemon - more so, he looked like he was having the time of his life - Selene tried to move but hissed as her ankle screamed in pain as she braced weight on it at a strange angle. Blu turned to her, taking a hold of her shirt and floating down to the ground. Staggering slightly, Sel transferred her weight to her good ankle. Valorie was hurt...so was Jack...Bri was still up the tree and Mark...Mark was there.

Grabbing her berry box with trembling fingers, Selene dug around in it. Pecha Berry, Pecha Berry...one. Oh fiddlesticks. She looked between Jack and Valorie...she was closer to Valorie, but they both needed help...what could she do? Split it in half? That couldn't work...it was hollow inside, there wasn't much of the berry as it was...grimacing, she practically collapsed next to Valorie, moving her shaking fingers to her lips. "Come on Valorie...please eat it..." she said quietly, wincing as she heard Ryan's Thunderbolt attack used right next to her. "This will help you..."

Gordon turned, seeing Jack and Blade in trouble, Thyme having tailed the Ariados. Swinging through the trees, he landed in front of them as Blade was tending to his trainer, using his Incinerate on a few Spinarak who were edging closer to them. How many freaking bugs were around here?! "YOU NEED TO FLY JACK TO A POKEMON CENTRE!" he shouted to Blade inbetween attacks, "GO! WE CAN SORT IT HERE!"
Nova blasted some more of them. He was suddenly aware that there were a lot more pokemon fighting with him. Good. He had slowly been getting pushed up against a tree. He darted out into the open and Roared, sending many of the bugs crawling away. He stood proudly until he felt a prick on his neck. He yelped and went down.

Drizzle was sore all over. There were just too many. He was standing over the two human girls that had fallen next to the tree Bri was up. He was fighting as hard as he could. There was no way he was going to let this happen!
"Drizzle, use Quick Attack!" Bri yelled as he climbed down the tree. He thanked the Swablu that had helped him, unsure who it belonged to. Duster scampered around him, keeping those nasty bugs off of him. A beedrill flew at her and she leapt up and Tickled it until it fell. Then she Pounded it into the tree. Bri reached the bottom branch and lost his balance. Thankfully, he didn't have far to fall. He barely avoided landing on the two girls below him. The wind was knocked out of him as he got back to his feet. He spotted Nova walking painfully over to him. The Growlithe blasted a few more bugs out of his way and joined his trainer. Bri looked around. Was he the only one left?

Thyme leapt to the canapy and used her vines to hit the Ariados. It jumped out of the way, and fired Poison Sting at her. She danced out of it's reach.
"Call them all off!" she ordered. She fired more Bullet Seeds at it, which it couldn't dodge fast enough. It responded with String Shot, which she jumped away from. She hoped she could take it out before it wore her down and she couldn't dodge!
Snype crawled through the trees trying to get to the web that was holding commodores pokeball. He noticed bri had the situation handled and checked to see where he was needed most. Down below he noticed Jack and Thyme fighting what seemed to be the leader of the group. He saw this as and opprotunity to get the jump on the ariados. Snype lept from the trees and pounced the leader from behind using fury swipes.

Mark was stressed by everything that was happening and made sure his pokemon could help everyone properly. Suddenly he noticed Valorie fell from a tree after being hit by poison sting. "ah! Val!" Mark yelled running to her side. She was curled up into a ball. "Len! Get over here and protect Val!" Mark said. Len jumped in front of the group and used water gun on any incoming spinarak or beedrill. "comon Val..." mark said worringly.

Able was helping growlithe with any spinarak that got too close while growlithe delt with long rang attacks...
Blade was down on one knee and stared at he was so upset with all the pokemon around him but mostly with himself fir not being able to protect Jack. Thankfully the pokeballs were free and Rocky, Shadow, Herb, Giga and Blaze all being released. Giga, Blaze and Shadow rushed to Jacks help {Take him to a pokemon center} Blaze was sounding cold and angry and the look in his eyes showed it Giga quickly grabbed him up and flew off without a word a bit afraid of what Blade might do if he said something. Blaze was tired and with Jack not there it was time for Blade to step up.

Herb was scampering around gathering Jack's empty pokeball and Rocky was swatting away Beedrills like they were nothing. {Blaze, Shadow, Herb go back in your pokeball} Blade said this in the same cold tone as before {But} Blaze was quick to object but Blaze was even quicker to give him a dirty look. The three pokemon Nodded and returned to there pokeballs which were then put into Jack's bag. Blaze ignored the Pansears words and was now attacking the bug pokemon in a wild rage and was quickly aiming towards the Ariados who had did the damage. Blade flew towards the Ariados hate and revenge in his eyes and grabbed it from underneath and flew into the sky with it {You hurt my trainer i hurt you}
((Just a note...I'm confused by what's going on with this Ariados. First Thyme followed it into the forest...then Snype jumped on it...now Blade is carrying it into the sky?!?
Just while I'm waiting to do my next post I figured I may aswell get some clarification on all this ^.^
Also, how many levels do we get to add to our pokemon for this?))
(We were in the forest so u cant really follow someone to a place u are already at

This is how it would look Snype would be on Ariados's back while Blade thursted him into the sky so they would be in mid air.

I say three levels for everyone!!! YAY!! Its FREE!!! come and get it!!! ahem yeah thats how it goes)
(OOC: Thyme followed it deeper into the woods and to the canapy. Snype, I'm assuming, spotted them leaving and followed, jumping on the Ariados as soon as he could, and then Blade finally got his act together and chased after the three of them, completely ignoring Thyme and Snype in his rage. That, is how that scene played out in my mind when I read the other posts.)

Thyme dodged another Poison Sting. Before she could retaliate, Snype was on it's back clawing it fiercely.
"You hurt my trainer, I hurt you!" Blade yelled as he flew towards them.
"Oh god no!" she shouted. She had just enough time to grab Snype and pull him away from the soon to be dead bug and drop him on tthe branch next to her. Blade flew into the air with the Ariados and Thyme stood and watched him.
"Ouch! Snype, don't poke me like that!" she said when she felt a sharp prick in her back. She turned to see that Snype was still next to her. She noticed a rather large stinger stuck in her back.
"Oh for crying out loud!" she said as she fell to her knees, the poison working extra fast on the little grass type.

(OOC: Three? Really? Awesome!)
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