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Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)

What should be Kiyoshi's character's starter?

  • Total voters
I'm actually drawing her up since I had no idea what she looked like and needed inspiration, so I stuck my hand to graphic tablet and scribbled away, making Adelaide look VERY COOL and therefore, her clothing practically writing her personality in itself. d:
Hm, for some odd reason I haven't been able to edit my posts. The first post should have Name7aken's character up there, and the main thread should have "Taken by Name7aken" until the Elekid's name and "Pending for Roserade" underneath Magby's name.

This is quite peculiar, so I'm going to test something out in this post. If I succeed in editing in this sentence at the bottom: "Pikachu is Ash's first Poke'mon," maybe it's just with the posts?


Pikachu is Ash's first Pokemon.

BTW the way Skymin, I love your character's look!

Hey, I was just looking at Sophrosune. Man, that luck system... I wish I had signed up when I had the chance. Anyway, since you imported the type system from there, were you going to use the luck system too? Either way is cool with me, of course. I was just curious...

Hmm... Actually, since your OP in the IC thread says nothing about it, I'm going to assume that you aren't using the luck system here unless you say otherwise.
Hey, I was just looking at Sophrosune. Man, that luck system... I wish I had signed up when I had the chance. Anyway, since you imported the type system from there, were you going to use the luck system too? Either way is cool with me, of course. I was just curious...
Hmm... Actually, since your OP in the IC thread says nothing about it, I'm going to assume that you aren't using the luck system here unless you say otherwise.

Unless eveyone who gets involved with this RP wants it, then no. I kind of made that "Chansey Grab Bag" game to make up for it.

Edit: Also, Skymin, you're accepted. You are exempt from an RP sample because you're the mod of the freaking section because I already have enough info on how you write. :3
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Personality: Christopher is very cold, and when he meets someone he dislikes, he wastes no time in showing it. He will quickly put them down based on their appearance or personality. Usually, he enjoys tense situations, saying they, "Need his unbiased opinion." He sticks up his group of friends but shows indifference to others. If someone he didn't care for was in trouble, he would most likely ignore the situation, trying to avoid a confrontation with his weaker need for friendship. Sometimes, however, he would strive to do the right thing. This urge most likely occurs after he is face with the guilt that has piled over multiple scenarios.

He can be very selfish, due to his spoiled childhood, and takes a while to understand the gravity of his actions. He has a very guilty conscience due to survivor's guilt, resulting from his father dying of a sickness he managed to survive. During battles, his battling style reflects his personality, a cold-hearted person hence a serious combatant. He never gives up a fight, and he never surrenders. The cost of the battle is unimportant to him. He has proved to be rather cold, even against his friends, when it comes to battle. Maybe, he is a little more two-faced than he lets on.

How's that?

1. So, the "darker side of life" Chris learned about was the misfortunes that come with life, like his sickness?
Yes, and from his family's shift from a wealthy to a rather poor life. He believes that anything good could be taken away.

2. How, exactly, did he get the scar from his sickness? What kind of special sickness causes a huge, permanent scar to appear? Explain, it needs clarification.
It isn't huge, it is rather small, like an indent on his forehead. A disease like The Measles causes your body to become scarred. In his case, he only has one scar. It is much worse for adults, explaining how his father died of the disease and he survived.

3. Is above. I also think a slight change in History is in order.

Slowly, he realized the best way to take advantage of life. He began to grow colder and darker. After a near death experience in Tojho Falls, he decided that life was a dark and difficult experience. He had gone swimming with a group of friends, who accidentally pushed him down the largest waterfall. Barely able to hang on to a branch, he was sucked into a whirlpool where a mysterious Pokemon managed to save him. For this reason, he began to believe that life could be taken away at any moment. He relies mostly on luck. This usually makes his mother scared for his life. But, he comforts her with the fact that "If I were to ever get in serious trouble, you'd be out one more stress-maker." She seems to be the one person he acts kind towards.
Aw, much better!

I got a present for you:


So I believe I get how he ticks now. Coldness runs his system, causing him to become confrontational without a reason, just to be snarky and pleased with himself. He's quite selfish and only looks out for himself usually. The only people he lifts this somewhat for is for whom he considers a friend; sticking up for them when need be. Everyone else can go 'f themselves basically, but occasionally, piled guilt can get to him and he tries to do what he believes it "right" and helping others he may not be too fond of.

No matter whom he is battling, he is cold with his Pokemon skills regardless.

He also tends to take risks to feel alive, because even though his view on life is dark, he feels the need to enjoy it, usually relying on chance to come out of the situation unscathed.

Was that a good interpretation of your words, mate?
I'd like a reserve! XD Urrrrgh.... Time to start writing again.


Name: Cy Celibrium (xD)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Standing extremely short for a normal boy-man (LOL), at a height of 4 feet and 8 inches, it's no wonder girls like to play tricks or do other devious things to Cy, and weighing roughly 147 pounds, his small frame, comparable to other females, makes him stand out in a crowd of men. His thick brown hair is neatly layered from the back while his bangs are parted at the middle of his forehead falling down their respective sides above and away from his almond-shaped brown eyes. His face has no hint of manliness as it is smooth, poofy as one person had once put it, and pale while his cheeks form an almond shape upon reaching his small chin. Cy lacks any form of muscle definition so his small slender arms and legs makes people ponder if he's truly a boy or not.

Despite appearing feminine to others' eyes, Cy wears clothing like any other boy... man.... boy-man, whatever. His loose gray shirt is worn together with a pair of blue jeans reaching above his feet, and a brown belt can be seen strapped around the belt holes of his jeans as suspended support. His running shoes are a mixture of black and white solid patches while within them, white socks hide from view as they absorb the perspiring sweat his feet would emit throughout the day. His backpack is a royal blue hue with black straps and metallic zippers and he carries a platinum colored watch on his left arm. A cap can be seen hanging around the lower left side of the right shoulder strap of his backpack, which he would use on sunny days. Cy can most definitely be seen carrying some kind of book, be it textbook or just a book for light reading, usually under a tree upon a relaxing day.

Within Fushia City, Cy was conceived from a pair of retired but elite Pokemon trainers. His parents were close with the Fushia City Gym Leader, Koga, due to the fact that they battled him before for his Soul Badges as any other trainer of the Kanto region did, and they have kept close relations throughout the many years. His parents had high hopes for Cy as they wanted him to follow in their footsteps. And so... the years went on.

As a child growing up, Cy was surrounded by Pokemon but mainly of the Poison types as Fushia Gym was renown for their Poison experts. Cy was often sent to Fushia City Gym by his parents to observe Koga, when Koga had the time to teach of course, and learn from the Gym Leader, who was also teaching his daughter, Janine, of Pokemon at the time. Though Cy was older, Janine was certainly much more talented than he was at Pokemon knowledge and so a friendly rivalry, which on Cy's part was more competitive, began between the two. Their rivalry soon scaled larger as they compared wits, intellect, and battle strategies against one another which led to rumors that about them that neither were aware of at the time.

Instead of getting his Pokemon license at the age of 10, like all the other children, Cy decided to go to a Pokemon school for some few years in an attempt to further his knowledge of Pokemon. Over the course of 9 years, Cy learned a great deal of Pokemon, from breeding, to complex battle strategies, Pokemon ecology, and etc. The knowledge he had gained gave him more confidence he'd ever hoped for; however, tragedy struck on the day of his graduation. Both of his parents were lost in a plane crash on their way to some meeting related to Pokemon research. Still gripping the piece of paper noting his accomplishments, the joy he wanted to see from his parents was now gone forever, leaving him with only a bitter after taste.

A year had nearly passed with the coming of his parent's anniversary, and Cy was doing less than nothing with himself. He had loss all his drive as a Pokemon Trainer and he'd planned to live the remainder of his life in solitude, holed up within his parents' house that now belonged to him through their will. An unsuspecting visitor paid him a visit, in the form of a ninja. It was Janine, and she had decided to knock some sense into the good-for-nothing man. Janine was unusually harsh in her tone of words, for good reason, and ridiculed Cy's attitude of life as if his had ended before she brought up his parents.

'Haven't you ever thought about it? I'm sure your parents wanted the best for you and this is how you repay them? If that's the case... you really ARE good-for-nothing...' Those words lingered for days in Cy's head before he decided to do what his parents had always wanted him to do, but Cy decided to strive for higher. To be a Pokemon Master. Though he would have misfortunes on his journey, Cy kept his parents in his heart as he took a new, refreshed step in the honor of his parents' memory. The rivalry that was once between two fellow friends would finally begin anew.

As their ages grew, so did their goals. Of course, being the daughter of a gym leader, Janine was fated to take over her father's place as Gym Leader in the future, and Cy was bound to wander the world in search of Pokemon wherever they would be had and the challenge of the Pokemon League lingering indefinitely within his head. Before departing, Janine left Cy with these words... 'So do you think you can surpass me?' His story... now begins...

Personality: (Subject to change throughout the RP! Be prepared!)
Cy is as average as they come... or so he thinks. Cy is attentive of many things around him, something he learned from training in Koga's Gym, so he can spot the littlest of details, to an extent of course, or pick off people's voices within a crowd. Ninja Training, as he called it. Cy keeps to himself around strangers but would also voice his opinion should anything catch his attention or a dialogue of some kind was directed at him. Winning his friendship isn't hard, however, he has a process regarding to other people's relations to himself starting at Stranger, Acquaintance, Ally, Comrade, and finally Friend. Anything further than said... he can be oblivious if not dense.

One thing known all too well of Cy, is his extreme competitiveness should he ever join a game, battle, or anything you could think of, which is possibly caused by his overachieving nature. However, anything in regards to the matter of feelings and emotions, Cy can most definitely find himself frustrated and extremely meek should it involve the opposite sex. So easily said, women, or at least the presence of them, will have an extremely negative effect on Cy, with the exclusion of Janine, who he finds to be too tomboyish and very unladylike to even consider her to be in the category. (Poor Janine T-T) Some girls find this side of Cy to be rather interesting usually resulting in constant teasing and the such to see him flustered.

Cy also has a studious side, where he'd be constantly reading a book or would just have one on hand should he ever feel the need to read. He likes to read in quiet places, but usually most places are crowded, loud, and disturbing save for his home. Cy's knowledge-seeking antics has gotten him into some troubles with the local law enforcement but since he is harmless, as the majority of people see him, they left him go within the hour. He doesn't say it, but he likes the company of people even if it's just one. It's not that they give him some form of relief or feeling of protection, but rather, he likes to observe and study people and many other things. His silence, however, gets the better of him and people find him odd and most out of place with little to few who understands how he acts. Cy can show signs of courage and would protect his Pokemon should they ever need it.

Cy is abnormally attracted to "cute" objects, so he has a tendency to be distracted by stuffed toys. (like SOMEONE ELSE lol) However, Girls, in his thought process, aren't "cute" but rather, manifestations of trickery and deviousness within a cute exterior, unless he is proven otherwise which would change his outlook on THAT person but not his general assumptions. (He's such a contradiction of himself. xDDD) Girls who like cute toys, like him although Cy can be much more extreme, can more easily get along with Cy. (Though I, myself, am finding it hard to want to get to know him. xD)

Aspiration: To become a world renown Pokemon Master and to spread his family's name and hopefully take over his parent's research (I'll divulge this information later... assuming we even get to LATER... lol)

Choice: Cleffa

Password: Hm... it's lens can come in plastic, polyurethane, or some other weird sounding material... what you don't know? Ugh... It's glasses.

Roleplay Sample: Just to show off. xDDD Here's one where I actually did a battle with a pokemon. Not too much. From Lost Memories.
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Edit: Also, Skymin, you're accepted. You are exempt from an RP sample because you're the mod of the freaking section because I already have enough info on how you write. :3
Aw but I totally wanted to write a RP sample! D:

I'm liking more and more how I drew Adelaide. d:
Do you want me to just give you an RP sample to type up for fun? X3

Well D'okay:

You are Susan, a quiet but determined girl on a mission to find some sort medicinal help (a doctor, potion, anything at this point of desperation) for your sick Pidgey back in New Bark Town. You have two pokemon with you, Babbles the Sentret and Eiler the Spearow. Decribe your journey through Cherrygrove City and its unhelpful inhabitants.

BTW Skymin, would you mind if I double post in the main thread so I can keep edited profiles there because the first post of both threads (this one and the main) won't work anymore because of some weird glitch happening with them? NEVERMIND! IT'S FIXED! :3
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Well, the rules do state such:

6. Double posting is ONLY allowed if you are the GM. And even then, ONLY IF 2 days HAVE PASSED since your last post. Otherwise, there really is no need to double post since your thread likely is still on the first page; you should just edit your last post and add the new text.

So, yeah. It's perfectly okay. As long as it's been two days. I think I need to rewrite the rules and repost them as the new mod. <:

THAT'S REALLY COOL, OKAY, I'LL GET TO IT. Oh god Babbles derpyderpderp.

nobodys else canz haz some! :>
Name: Carlos Monta
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Appearance: Carlos is not the tallest guy on the world. His weight is about six feet and his weight about 80 kilos. But Carlos has really wide shoulders so it seems like he is some wrestler. His skin is completely black. He has medium lenght dreadlocks so he looks strange for some people. Also his hair has blue colour, because of genetic mutation and that´s weird. And Carlos has ocean blue eyes which has great effect on girls.

He likes wearing black shorts and blue T-shirt with Pokémon League logo on it. He likes wearing sandals or slippers, but when on journey he wears sport shoes.

History: Carlos was born to poor family living in Ecruteak city. His father was working in pokémart and wasn´t well paid, so Carlos never had newest clothes or toys like other kids had. His mother left them few weeks after Carlos was born so he didn´t knew her. Also Carlos have one older brother, Matt, who became a pokémon trainer and went on his journey a long time ago, but he never returned home.
Carlos studied well but when he had to go to the high school, there was a problem with money, because they didn´t have much. But his father took out a loan and paid it for Carlos. At the age of seventeen Carlos decided to become a pokémon trainer, because it was his dream. He wanted to leave home and become famous.

Personality: Carlos is a really good guy. He is honest, out-going and helpful. He likes talking with people and is adaptable to any situation, but he doesn´t like arrogant people, because when he was younger, wealthy youngsters were making fun of him. Sometimes Carlos could be a little bit headstrong and when he is taken by something he doesn´t care about the others and wants to win.
In battle Carlos wants to win, but he retreats when he knows that opponent is stronger than him. He is very clever, so he has a lot of battling strategies everytime.
When he was younger he was usually walking across the city and met there bunch of wild pokémon. He played with those wild creatures for his whole life and was giving them his own food everytime he visited them.

Aspiration: Gym battler. Maybe co-ordinator sometimes, but he wants to become a gym leader.

Choice: Tyrogue
Pword: Glasses
(Might as well put this up so far)

Name: Danielle King

Gender: Female (finally)

Age: 18

Appearance: One of the things Danielle has got going for her are her looks. Her tan skin covers her thin body, and her light blue eyes rest in the middle of her perfectly round head. Long, dark brown curls, which she usually keeps down, fall down to around her chest unless she needs to put her hair up in the case of a quick start to the day or it's obscuring her vision. Her hands, feet, and other facial features are tiny. She doesn't usually wear much make-up, feeling that it doesn't help her enough to waste the time. She will, however, use it if she needs to pretend something 'bad' happened, like an injury.

In order to help with her persuasion tactics, Danielle does not dress in an outfit that would be appropriate at most schools. Her tops range from low-cut tee shirts to jackets that are a couple of sizes too small to tank tops with tiny straps. On the bottom, she enjoys nixing and matching several short shorts or skirts, and sometimes wears a pair of skinny jeans. Her shoes, however, almost always stay the same – black hiking boots that fit warmly on her feet and make traveling a lot easier. She tends to stay away from accessories, especially earrings, due to an incident as a child.

History: Danielle, surprisingly, wasn't, always that much of a brat. Sure, she had some trouble with her parents, both of which were Pokemon doctors, but what kid doesn't get in trouble ever? She was born in New Bark town, and lived there for almost half of her life. In Danielle's book, though, it was definitely not the better half.

Things started out okay. She was a very smart young child; she could read at age two, write pretty clearly at age three, and do basic things for herself at age four (tie her shoes, lay her clothes out, get in the bath, fix herself toast). Her parents, noticing her abilities, enrolled her at Cherrygrove Elementary at four and a half years old, which was the city where the two of them worked. In her first year at the elementary school she did exceptionally well. Her brains got her work done far better than most of the other kids in her class, and halfway through that year she moved up into the first grade class.

It was here that she started to have trouble. Not with the work, but because of the other students. She was now two years younger than most of them, and exceeding their academics by a bit. The rest of the class noticed the difference between her and them, and decided she was too different. She had nobody to talk to at school, and she was beginning to realize that the other kids made fun of her when her back was turned. She was an outcast. Luckily, after school she had about an hour to herself, where she would visit the Pokemon Center and play with the healing Pokemon while she waited for her parents.

Things continued like this for a while – she ignored the kids that made fun of her, and focused in school, waiting to talk to anybody until she visited her Pokemon friends. She made it to the end of regular school at age eight, and graduated Cherrygrove Elementary's regular learning program. The summer before she was to start the school's Pokemon training program was when things changed. Danielle was at the hospital, playing with the Pokemon as usual, when she accidentally knocked over a special serum on one of the counters. The liquid spilled all over the floor, and the Sentret she was playing with automatically went to clean up the mess. The two rodent Pokemon eagerly licked the sweet substance up. Almost as if someone had taken control of them, the Pokemon's attitudes changed. They didn't seem to recognize Dani, and, frightened, they attacked her. Luckily, the girl's screams immediately brought attention to her, and she was quickly saved, the Pokemon put to sleep. After that day, nothing was the same.

Danielle was miserable – she was now afraid of the creatures that had been her only friends, and she couldn't understand why they had turned on her like that. She refused to go to school in Cherrygrove, and constantly moped about until her parents finally agreed to send her to live with her aunt in Celadon City all the way in Kanto. Danielle had dramatically changed by then– she didn't use her old smarts nearly as much anywhere, because she knew they would make her different. She no longer saw Pokemon as her friends, and she charmed her way through school without making any true friends. At age eighteen, she graduated with the rest of the kids in her class – and her aunt, not knowing what else to do with her, sent her back to New Bark Town to start a journey of her own.

Personality: Danielle is the kind of girl who takes the midnight train eveeeerywhere. Deceiving and persuasive, Danielle will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She isn't a very friendly person, but likes to use people to get what she wants. She doesn't believe Pokemon are to be treated as humans, and sees them as tools to use to get stronger. Her main goal is to become the strongest trainer in the world, and prove that people don't need to be friends with Pokemon to be strong. She has no problems in completely ruining somebody's life, and doesn't care for other people's feelings.

On the downside, because of her lack of feelings for Pokemon, most battles don't go her way. She usually ends up frustrated and that gets in her way, causing her to lose. She is an incredibly sore loser, and can lose her temper easily. Because of having no friends and losing all the time, Danielle is never truly happy. She is always in a grumpy mood, acting rude and arrogant. The only time she doesn't seem to be in a bad mood is when she's acting to get what she wants, or when she actually wins a battle, which doesn't happen very often and even then she rubs it in the opponents face.

Aspiration: world ruler Gym Battler xD

Choice: Cleffa >:( *sigh* But since that's taken, Igglybuff

Password: Glasses...right? ._.

RP Sample: Do I haaaave to? D:

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@CyBeastSaber - I'm looking forward to ythe rest of your SU! It's looking great so far!

@GfPavel - Eh.... this SU was a bit sub-par. First off, you forgot to add an RP Sample. Second, there wasn't really any meat to the SU. Try to be more descriptive and develop your character more. What are his motivations? What, in depth, was his past? How did that past shape him? Even though added some of the answers to these questions and more, you didn't fully dive in and paint the character for me. Third, there were quite a bit of spelling and grammar issues, which hinders understanding and doesn't put a lot of faith in me that you'll provide quality RP Posts due to lack of revision.

You're denied for now until you come back with a worthwhile SU. Sorry. :/

@King! - Yay! I can't wait for more. :3

WHICH SHOULD BE UP ALREADY. No pressure, as always. <3

And no, I know how you RP. You don't haaaave to. :3 Whiner.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)

[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)

Emulation of Pocket Monster Arcade.
♦♦♦ 1962 - 1965 ♦♦♦
Before moving from its namesake and exploring other business ventures, the Nintendo Trading Card Company release the original Pocket Monster Collectible Cards. Only garnering a small cult following, production was slowed until new sets stopped being manufactured altogether.

♦♦♦ 1974 - 1976 ♦♦♦
Attempting to be unique during their prospects in video gaming, the idea was retooled into the coin-operated Pocket Monster Arcade; regarded as the first official title Nintendo ever released. A lesser-known variant of the game, Kimenacolor Monster !!, appeared on the Color-TV Game 15.

♦♦♦ 1977 - 1986 ♦♦♦
The Game & Watch is developed, the first containing Pocket Monsters: Portable Adventure. The systems were a smash hit and helped the game series overcome difficulty picking up steam in other countries. With the launching of the Nintendo Entertainment System and a strong series of core games, the company found itself focusing solely on expanding the franchise.​

[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)

Initial demo of Portable Adventure.
♦♦♦ 1987 - 1988 ♦♦♦
Tiding fans with spin-offs such as Pocket Light Tennis and Pocket Monster Pinball, Nintendo simultaneously released the new Game Boy system along with Pocket Monsters: GOLD VERSION. During this time, conceptualization for the Wonder Trade began, after hearing complaints about the series losing its "spirit."

♦♦♦ 1989 ♦♦♦
The second-party collective known as Cable Club International was established to utilize the "Internet" to bring forth the world's first "Online Multiplayer Experience." GOLD VERSION's sales grew exponentially in response to advertising claiming future connectivity with the Wonder Trade project.

♦♦♦ 1990, PRESENT ♦♦♦

[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)

Welcome to the Nintendo Trading Card Company's latest masterpiece. Celebrating nearly thirty years of captivating players, Pocket Monsters ushers in a new wave of technological achievement: The WONDER TRADE!

Nintendo has wasted zero time in utilizing the unique connective features of the recently invented "Internet" system to bring you the world's first "Online Multiplayer Experience" in brilliant technicolor. Weren't you tired of playing Pocket Monsters all by yourself?

Boasting rave reviews in the short time since its launch last February, the WONDER TRADE allows players to traverse the New World - a landscape never before seen in any previous titles; with loads of new characters and creatures to catch! During this fantastic journey, players may freely trade and battle with other trainers close to home or halfway across the world!

We hope you enjoy using our program and always strive to be the best there ever was !!​

- Nintendo Trading Card Company, March 1990.​
Record: Friday 1 January 1993 09:04:10 p.m.
<危険なGEARS1> Sorry this is a bit messy
<危険なGEARS1> I had to overwrite the ENTIRE code of this page
<危険なGEARS1> JUST to stick in this​
script ugh lame i hate so much​
[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)
<危険なGEARS1> But whatever, let me introduce myself. :)
<危険なGEARS1> I was one of the American beta testers on this game.
<危険なGEARS1> In fact, they programmed a character based on me!​
<危険なGEARS1> If you meet a strapping man named ADVENTURER TABERNACLE say hello. ;)

<危険なGEARS1> So for you and maybe your dumb friend you're trying to introduce this to --
B̨͟e͜a̵l̕e̡͘͡ ͞͡Ci̷͠p̶̀͜he̷͜r̛s̨͞҉ ̛͏-̴ I̧͘͟n̨̧͡ ̶̕͞1̢̛5͏͠, ͞a͠ ̧̡͠s҉̢ta͜i̴ǹ҉͠i̴rý a̶͡҉n̶d t҉͠hr̛̛̛é̕e e͜n̛҉͠ç̴̸rys͠҉͝agȩ͢s.͢ ͢͡
A̧̛c͟c̸o̴̵͢r̷d͠i͠n͢g̵ ͡t͠o̴ ͘t̴͢͠h̴e҉͡ ̡p̸̧a͞͠m̀ph̷́ĺ̶et̡,͟͝ ̸̨á͝r̴̸͟o͏̀u͜͠n̵̷d͜ ̶҉1̴͟͡8̸̶̨20̴ ҉ą̴ ͝m͏̢a̛n̷̶ ̨n̛͘ame͢d̕͠ ̢̀B̢͜e̛a̡̕l̢̀͡è ̢͡͞b̸u͜͟r̡i̷̷͏e͞d̕ ̷̕t͡wo̕͘ ̧͜͝w͝͠ag̢̛o҉n҉s-̶f̕͝u҉l͡l ̢ơf̨͢ ̴͠ţ̷ré̀a͢s̴͡͝ư͡re͡ ̢̨a̢̛͡t̛ ̢͡a͞ ̷s҉e͟c̸͝r̸et
l̕͏ó̵͜c̛҉a̕t҉͜͝i̛o̵͞n̶ ̕̕í͜͜n͝ ̵̧͞B͘ed͠f̴͢or͏͘d̸͠ ̴C̛o͟ún̛t͜y̴, ̡͠V̢͡į͠r̨̀g̡i̸n̢į́a͜.͝ ̸̡H͏e ́͡th̸e̵n̷͏ ̧̀͜l̀͠éf͏̷͢t̀͢ ̡͜[ivelostallmy]a҉ ̶̀͟s̕mą̴l͞l̶҉ ̡̨ļ̸ó̷͞c̶̡k̸ę͢͟d̵̴̴ b̢͢o̴͏̸x̴̵͠ ̵͠͞w҉̨̢įt̛h͘͡[/silver] ͟a̸͝ l͏͢o̧c͠àl͜ ͟iņ́͝ņ̀ke͏̢̛é͡͝p̶̴̧ę͡r,̨͞͞ ͠҉an͞d̕͟ ͡l͢͜e͞f͡t̶͜ ͞t̵͝o̕͠҉w̵͞n̕͞,̴̢͢ ͘͠͠n̴ev̸e̴͜͡r̵ ̧͝t̸͝o̕ ̛b́e͜ ҉̸​
<危険なGEARS1> The Wond▓▓er Trade was supposed to be Nintendo's perfect moneymaking cow

<危険なGEARS1> I'm sure everyone remembers how mu▓ch the game SUCKED

T̳̭͉h̛͉͉̞͉̥e̸͏̺̯ ͠҉̫̙̯̭̗̦͈̦̫c̡̠̦̬ͅa̢̹̫͍͢p̨̮̗̫ͅt͇̠͈͇̥̣͡͞u̶̖͉͉̳̘r̷̯̖̪̪̮e҉̺̭̫̀ ̤̭̱͚̥̫o̙̼̭͚̜͘͝f̰̟̱ ̷͚͇̘̱̤͙̦͍ͅṱ͖̮̳̼̥̳͔h̡̛͔̯͍͈̟̙̼̯ę̷͎̮͔̦́ ̲̠͓̺̩É̴̲̝͓͎̼͙̞n̶̡͍͓̙̳̲͡ḭ̡̙͚͖̳͍̻͈͞g͔̫̥͟͠m̭̙̼͔̰̕a̴̷̜̼͓͉̩̖̱̣ ̹͎͙̝ç̭̤o͍̤̮͕͡d̶͉͟e̷̛̬͓̥̪ ̦͈̭̱m͕͕̹̜̜̱͇̘à̷̜̳̼̦̪͕̖͠ͅḉ̤̗͎̠̼h̩i̳̳͉̣̘͈ń̜̜̺̘̙͕ͅe̸̛͉͈͇̺ ̛͉̠͕̦̼7̫̮̜̰̕0͔̝ͅ ̫̙͜͟ͅy͚̝̳̲̞̱e̴̢̟͍̱̮ą͚̩́r̨̝̜̻̱͉̦̻͓͟ś҉̭̜ ͕͖͕̦̳͓͕̮͕a̴̼͈̜͔ģ̱̙̝͇o̴̩ͅ ̩c̴͈͔̰̭̖h̶̛̛̟͙̥̼̬̜a̝̘͘n͍̦̥̟̩̳͚̝̦͜g͇̲̗̗̻͍̪͍e̸̛͓̦͖̬̣̬ͅd͓̯̼͉͝ ̘͔͢t҉͍̤̫̫̱̤̖̰h̸̥̳̺͇̕ͅe͜҉̟̝̮̗̜̹̬̝́ ̧̠̮̩̫̭͕͉c̸̵͖̠̦̞o̸̙͈u̴͙̝͝r̸̬̞̞̀̕ṣ̡̨̮͕̦̺̹̖é͞҉̳̻͙̟̮͖ ̜͍͉̟͚̜͞o͢҉̟̤̞̙̺ͅf̞̟̳̫̱͢͡ͅ ͠҉̱̞̱̗͎̬̀t̳̺͞h̛̗̣͉̯́̕e̬̙ ̰̱̘̫͓͝ͅs̪̘͙͙̣̹̼̺͜ͅe͓̳̠̙̹͙̜͘c̴̳̠̜͜o͘҉̧̮̮̝̻̞̘̜ń͉̦̣͢d̠̝̲̫̰̯ͅ ̳̪͜w͍̤̯̱o̸̸̗̗̩̦͇͟r̩̣̦͉̦̙l͓̯̪ͅd̢͔̥͝ͅ ̷̧̬͍w̛̛̻̭͘a̶̬͎͕̘̜̻̞ŕ͙̩̣̦̲.̴̹̙̥̥̬ ̷̢̤͖̘͉̣̘̥̬B̴̹͖̭̬̠̺u͇̲̳͙̰̩͢t̮̘̙̭̰͉͉̯́ͅ ͏̢̠̯̰̦͎̘̱͉͠t̸͕̭̲̠̦͉̙͘h̨̳͍̱̜̕͠ę͇̖͕̗̦͙͍͎͠ ̴̛̭̤͎̗̱͓̪s̡̖̳̺̝̫͙e͏͇̲̥̺c̷̙̳̫͢r̕͡҉̟̗̼̫̯e̷͈̫͡ͅṭ̨̦͕͉͕̘̻͕͜ ̨͕̮͓͔̳̣̫͘c͇̱̮o̮̗̟ͅd͎͇̟̻̝̱̬̹̻́e͏͔̞͔̼s̢̹̀ ̧̦̞͈̕b̸̩r̡͖̮͔̙̝̠̬̺͔ơ̡͈͇̙͉̺̗k̝̟̗͜e̛̙̬̱̖̝̬͟ͅņ͙̗̙̜̟͖͓ ̢̹̪̤ͅb͡҉̬̭̞y̡̡̹͙͍̥͔̬͖͉͜ ̝̪̠̩̹͚t̡̳́h̫̪̝̙̜͓̙̘̥͟i̸̳̭̮͙̪͘s̨̺̝̥̺ ̴̬̲̫̝̦̀e̢͏̣̳̬͝ͅṿ̶̞̰e̜̱͕̞̻ņ̢͓̼̲͓̝̣͎̩t̖̖̝̬ ̩̰͈̙̖̠̹̣w̴͞͏̫̩͈͚̳̩̭̥e͉̮͓̠̫̯͞r̷͙̬͕̗e̷̙͙͍̞̙ ̢̼̝͘͟n̶̳̺ǫ̢̯̻̥̻̹͇
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<危険なGEARS1> I heard Nintendo went freaking bankrupt last April?!
[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)
危険なGEARS1> I love this series so much man
<危険なGEARS1> It was those dumbass coders from the Cable Club bullcrap company​
<危険なGEARS1>This pla▓▓▓▓ce is a damn mess because ▓▓they could▓▓▓▓n't code for ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓​
<危険なGEARS1> But I know a lot of you are still trying to play. <危険なGEARS1GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1​
GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1GEAR1GEARS1> I broke into the administration panel so I can tell
<危険なGEARS1> I literally do nothing with my life so ...
<危険なGEARS1> I'm gonna try to make this game at least halfway functional for all y'all
<危険なGEARS1> And I got a lot of ideas to make it even harder, heheh.

<危険なGEARS1> Maybe this way, we can give Pocket Monsters a second life​
?,?,?©≈µ¥≤γ,?,?,?,?,?,?,?–‰∂¿∆≈¡µ†¥€≈» ,?,?


Record: Saturday 8 May 1999 10:22:81 p.m.

<TRAINWRECK> Okay...I think I got this to work...If you can see this, type something
<MUSH_ROOMY> Good to see your username reflects both your life and emotional status.
<WINENDINE?> this chatroom is insulting my eyes
<TRAINWRECK> Well...at least I feel accomplished and that's what's important
<WINENDINE?> also im somehow now an administrator?
<MUSH_ROOMY> Your "Gears" friend wasn't very eloquent in hacking, was he?
<WINENDINE?> he'd been working with nonfunctional code since 1993
<WINENDINE?> the game was really good back when me and nancy played it
<TRAINWRECK> Bit of shame we couldn't see his work uninfected...
<MUSH_ROOMY> Just look at the way he formats his regular sentences !!
<MUSH_ROOMY> Horrific memetic corruption is no excuse for illiteracy.
<TRAINWRECK> ...Have you heard any word from Gears yet?
<WINENDINE?> i sent him a few more messages but i don't think hes even read them
<WINENDINE?> his profile has been active but that's because of the autoexec glitch
<TRAINWRECK> It's pretty eerie...seeing all those characters moving about...on their own...
<TRAINWRECK> Like...what are they doing? Anything with purpose to it?
<MUSH_ROOMY> I guess they're attracted to quest scripts and take steps to finish them.
<WINENDINE?> theyre just trainers on their pocket monster journeys
<TRAINWRECK> You're talking about them like they have thought...?
<WINENDINE?> im kinda worried that they do
<WINENDINE?> like they train their skills and sleep in beds at night
<MUSH_ROOMY> That's discomforting. Anyway -
<MUSH_ROOMY> Despite Gear's remedial English, he really changed up the game on this server.
<MUSH_ROOMY> I got into the Trading system and there's a lot of interesting work here.
<TRAINWRECK> I unearthed the Mechanics Page...it's comparatively pristine...
<WINENDINE?> we can make comments on it about what we find
<MUSH_ROOMY> Good. The more familiar we get, the more we can control.
<MUSH_ROOMY> We have to kill these characters before they activate the ElectricSoldier Codes.<TRAINWRECK> Here's a link to it if anyone has trouble finding it...CLICK ME.

© '62 - '90 Nintendo Trading Card Company
© '89 - '90 Cable Club International​
Last edited:
What time is it? Time to begin your journey!
(The person who wants to fill the Tyrogue spot can catch up easily)

Which means, the starter poll for my character Witthoefft is closed! What did you guys decide to give him?

[PokeCommunity.com] Hydroxylapatite Version (OOC/SU)


Synchronoise: Noise Type; The user screeches a special frequency that will really hurt all those who hear it.... if they're the same type as the user, that is!
Sand-Attack: Haze Type; The user rapidly scratches the ground to throw dust-like particles of dirt at the foe, causing them to painfully get sand in their eyes and become temporality blinded somewhat.

Now... time for your journey, mates!
You just got your first Pokemon and just headed out from New Bark Town, the windy city of nothing-to-do. You feel the squishing on damp ground underneath your feet.​



Route 29

Ah, and what a beautiful route it is! The grass on this route is lush and vibrant, and smells absolutely divine.... if, you know, you like the smell of the outdoors. The grass comes up to the top of your ankles and the ground is very moist, almost-swamp like. Everything on this route is overgrown! The trees almost make up a forest on its own. The nearby towns are definitely letting this place be retaken by good ol' Mother Nature. Also, there is this feeling of joy coming from it, like it sticks a happy tune in your head that you just can't get out. All the trees seem to really dry and perfect for firewood.... seems like the huge number of bugs have sucked all the sap from them each. The route is bordered by a tiny wooden fence that one could easily walk over. This fence is to guide you to Cherrygrove but also allow the smallest Pokémon to jump over and enter the route.

Route 29 is one of those kinds of things that you rather absolutely love or absolutely hate. You may find you love the vibes, the smell, the damp feeling on your feet as the moisture seeps into your shoes.... why wouldn't you? These are all signs pointing to a grand adventure and discovery! You may find you want to burn down the place. That overly happy jibe is nauseating, the smells are putrid and pungent, and that freaking swamp terrain is ruining your shoes.

Pokémon-wise, this is a little critter paradise, meaning that there are tons of small-scale scavengers and tiny furry creatures that would make the coldest heart melt a little bit from the cuteness. The buzzing of bugs is also obvious and quite present. The Pokémon around here are easygoing, being so used to having people nearby and going through the route. Just as long as you don't mess with them.... you should be fine. The local Pidgey have made their territory present, discouraging other types of bird Pokémon from making home here, besides from the elusive Hoothoots that hide in the trees. All these little guys love the delicious berries that grow here.


  • Pidgey (Colorless)
  • Sentret (Colorless)
  • Rattata (Colorless)
  • Ledyba (Insect/Aether)

  • Hoppip (Plant/Wind)

  • Hoothoot (Light/Wind)
  • Spinarak (Insect/Dark)
The route has two exits besides going back into New Bark Town to its east, one towards the north and one towards the west. The route can be accessed by jumping over the fence or going through the very small police terminal building in between the fence towards the middle of the route. You'll wind up on Route 46 if you go that way. If you push through the route all the way to the west, following the fence borders, you'll be in Cherrygrove City.

Route 46 (29 Entrance): [????]
Cherrygrove City: [????]

You're on your own! If one of you walk into a new part of the map, that part will reveal itself and after reading the profile, you may explore it.

You've already done everything you need to in New Bark Town, so please, continue onwards. If you want to mention something that happened to you before entering the route, go ahead, just get out of there eventually.

The story is yours! Get creative! Do what you want!