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Help Thread: Map Rating/Review Thread

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Now, for mine:​


I revamped my previously posted map, based on some suggestions that I got.​

I'm really new to mapping.

Here it is!​

[PokeCommunity.com] Map Rating/Review Thread

It's better than before, imo. But if you look at it from afar - like a painting, you'll see it's kind of square on its left side. I don't know, maybe it looks better in-game. Also careful of the long and straight paths the player must take to reach the western side of the town - it could get boring.
Otherwise, it's pretty good and deserves a 7/10.

My turn --
Name: Scardusk Forest
Hack: Nirvana: Legend of Aquatus
Credits: Me, Alistar, Kyledove, lighterzein
Comments: This is probably not the final version of the map. The tiles themselves took me 1-2 weeks to be made. The left side of the map was made 2 months before the right side - look closely and you'll see some difference.

My turn --
Name: Scardusk Forest
Hack: Nirvana: Legend of Aquatus
Credits: Me, Alistar, Kyledove, lighterzein
Comments: This is probably not the final version of the map. The tiles themselves took me 1-2 weeks to be made. The left side of the map was made 2 months before the right side - look closely and you'll see some difference.


Looks great.

- Very natural
- Difficult, yet playable
- Foresty
- No noticable tile errors
- Love them tiles!

- One tile pathways
- A bit tedious after the first trip - Confusing to look at
- Stairs don't fit well with the other tiles

Overall, good work! Most of the cons are acceptable, since its a forest.
Map: 9/10
Tiles: 9.9/10 (stairs dont look good in the forest, change the blue to brown)

Name: Scardusk Forest
Hack: Nirvana: Legend of Aquatus
Credits: Me, Alistar, Kyledove, lighterzein
Comments: This is probably not the final version of the map. The tiles themselves took me 1-2 weeks to be made. The left side of the map was made 2 months before the right side - look closely and you'll see some difference.


First of all, I'm assuming you meant for this forest to be maze-like, because there's a very easy way to get through it that makes all the water and the right side of the map completely unnecessary. And you don't even have to go through much tall grass.

I love the tiles, although, like lolwhet, I recommend that the stairs be changed from blue to brown/black/dark green. The blue looks...off.

I do like the map in general, although I recommend that it be harder to get through.

My map:
Map Name: Sola City
Map Game: FR (Pokemon ShadowStone)
Comments: The third city in my hack. You'll need to by a ferry ticket in the building that blocks the road so that you can progress to Elisis Town.
Comments: The third city in my hack. You'll need to by a ferry ticket in the building that blocks the road so that you can progress to Elisis Town.
The ticket building blocks the road, but only barely. Someone's first thought looking at that is going to be, "Oh, look, a conveniently-placed sign. -_-". Extending the Gym fence to run behind the structure and visibly connect to the ticket building would make a tad more sense.

The white tents don't cast a shadow. Because they are placed directly over white tiling (and because they, being R/S/E tiles, use a slightly different perspective than the FR/LG tiles), they look flat as a result.

Tile errors run rampant on the north coast. You used the wrong tile to connect the upper-edge cliff tiles to the upper-corner cliff tiles, and in exactly two cases you didn't connect them at all.

A similar tile error appears on the pond near the southern edge of the town. For shallow shorelines of that sort, upper-edge cliff tiles blend to side-edge shore tiles just fine; you need not use a special tile.

The isolated building in the water looks implausible. A perfectly-square landmass exactly the size of the building is unlikely to occur naturally, yet it makes no sense for the landmass to be artificially constructed (why not connect it to the island, or just build the structure on the island to begin with?).

On the plus side, the town has an interesting layout to it, and some good geography. Most of the flaws, especially those listed above, are minor ones.

Looks great.
- Very natural
- Difficult, yet playable
- Foresty
- No noticable tile errors
- Love them tiles!

- One tile pathways
- A bit tedious after the first trip - Confusing to look at
- Stairs don't fit well with the other tiles

Overall, good work! Most of the cons are acceptable, since its a forest.
Map: 9/10
Tiles: 9.9/10 (stairs dont look good in the forest, change the blue to brown)

- Well, it's only natural that natural (lol) mapping style will have 1 tile pathways, which in this case AREN'T in the whole map, only in the "deeper" parts of it, which is only natural (again) the road won't be wide.
- Agreed, but then again it's natural.
- I totally agree with you, and I swear I'd change it if I had the power; but saddly I'm out of palettes. It's not like I'd use an entire palette for a stair tile, so I used the original stair's palette, the Mart palette from tileset 0.

Thanks though, really needed some reviews.

First of all, I'm assuming you meant for this forest to be maze-like, because there's a very easy way to get through it that makes all the water and the right side of the map completely unnecessary. And you don't even have to go through much tall grass.
I love the tiles, although, like lolwhet, I recommend that the stairs be changed from blue to brown/black/dark green. The blue looks...off.

I do like the map in general, although I recommend that it be harder to get through.

The grass patches may not be many, but the wild Pokemon encounter ratio is very high, and it's a really scary forest with Pokemon +5 level of yours, making things a little more harder. ALSO it's not as easy as it looks; for example, Viridian Forest is HECK-A-EASIER to get through, it's practically a 4 straight lines, so in comparison to that forest, my forest seems impossible to get through.
As for the other points you made, what I said above ^, to lolwhet.

My map:
Map Name: Sola City
Map Game: FR (Pokemon ShadowStone)
Comments: The third city in my hack. You'll need to by a ferry ticket in the building that blocks the road so that you can progress to Elisis Town.

It's a very good map. I like how it's between natural and normal - you know, with the lack of space but the freedom of moving around anyway - if that's even possible-
What I didn't like is the lack of more grass, the sudden path change -kinda weird without the right tiles-, the lamposts that are randomly placed around the town and that rock in the side of the road, which seems totally out-of-place. Also I see some tile errors in the upper left corner of the cliff; the tiles of the mountain and grass shouldn't be that way, Nintendo has screwed that one up in the tileset, try the exact opposite of that tile.


And now time for yet-another-of-my-maps.
Name: Solana Island
Hack: Old Nirvana
Credits: *removed for safety*
Comments: The remake of the first town (or island) of the old version of Nirvana, in a completly different style. Yeah, there IS a western connection, and NO this is not Dante's tree. Don't steal. The owners of these tiles might be mad.


Last edited:

Review: The tileset is amazing and original though you can see some old stuff like the cliffs and such giving it a very nice overall look.
As a starter town it is well built and seems big though it is very small.
My problem with this Town, though, is the fact that there are so many details. I get overwhelmed and when glancing it it's hard to tell the structure due to so much stuff evrywhere.

Suggestions: Though I was harsh on the amount of details it's not that much; remove some flowers or ponds here and there and cut down the variety of trees.
You don't have to be too simple, though. Find the right mix between details and simplicity

Rating: 9/10


Now for my map:

Map name: Producton City

Tileset: FR/LG

Comments: The powerplant is supposed to be a research lab and the cave is a mine. The citizens are mostly workers or scientists.
I know there are border errors but I'm fixing it so don't worry.


The layout is decent, though somewhat large.

The most jarring (relevant) issue for me is your use of the sidewalk and road tiles. Your road usage mostly makes sense, with the exception of the short "nub" of road near the center of the map, and the bent, zig-zagged road toward the north. Some of the road widths are inconsistent; for example, the road behind the PokeMart is thicker.

The sidewalk tiles are used in a rather odd fashion; they curve and wind around the road, and are wildly inconsistent in their angles and thickness. This is not something you'd see in an actual man-made town; human beings prefer order, and curvy and random sidewalks are not orderly. The fact that the roads they wrap around are mostly straight makes it all the more jarring, and overall it makes the map look somewhat random and half-thought-out.

On the plus side, your treeline is nice and natural-looking; not too straight, and not too far away from the man-made features of the map. The chunks of snow are a nice touch as well.

I know that this isn't the tile review thread, but I do think that your choice of tiles has a big impact on the map's appearance. The R/S/E buildings are drawn at a very different (and more poorly-simulated) perspective than the trees you are using. This makes the buildings look flat compared to other features on the map. The trees in the northwest corner seem to have bad palettes, and also have an inconsistent perspective. I like the grass and cliffs, though.

The layout is decent, though somewhat large.

The most jarring (relevant) issue for me is your use of the sidewalk and road tiles. Your road usage mostly makes sense, with the exception of the short "nub" of road near the center of the map, and the bent, zig-zagged road toward the north. Some of the road widths are inconsistent; for example, the road behind the PokeMart is thicker.

The sidewalk tiles are used in a rather odd fashion; they curve and wind around the road, and are wildly inconsistent in their angles and thickness. This is not something you'd see in an actual man-made town; human beings prefer order, and curvy and random sidewalks are not orderly. The fact that the roads they wrap around are mostly straight makes it all the more jarring, and overall it makes the map look somewhat random and half-thought-out.

On the plus side, your treeline is nice and natural-looking; not too straight, and not too far away from the man-made features of the map. The chunks of snow are a nice touch as well.

I know that this isn't the tile review thread, but I do think that your choice of tiles has a big impact on the map's appearance. The R/S/E buildings are drawn at a very different (and more poorly-simulated) perspective than the trees you are using. This makes the buildings look flat compared to other features on the map. The trees in the northwest corner seem to have bad palettes, and also have an inconsistent perspective. I like the grass and cliffs, though.

Very nice map, very clean looking. I definitively like the new better.

Suggestions: The ground should be worked on. otherwise I think its great.



Map name: Dragons Den

Tileset: revamped G/S/C tiles

Comments: revamped tiles revamped dragons den, i did some major block editing to make it look better. in my hack the player gets to travel inside and meets the Dragon Sage.


Map name: Dragons Den

Tileset: revamped G/S/C tiles

Comments: revamped tiles revamped dragons den, i did some major block editing to make it look better. in my hack the player gets to travel inside and meets the Dragon Sage.


Well, where to start? First of all, the 3rd and 2nd Gen tiles clash so badly, its just kinda painful. The tileset colors aren't very nice on the eyes either. Try making the tiles blend better instead of having a line where they meet.

This is supposed to be a dragon's den revamp right? In that case the door to the building can't be reached from the top: There is another on the bottom.

Suggestions: Try to make the palette better and blend the tiles.

Rating: 3/10
Map name: Dragons Den

Tileset: revamped G/S/C tiles

Comments: revamped tiles revamped dragons den, i did some major block editing to make it look better. in my hack the player gets to travel inside and meets the Dragon Sage.


Well, for a revamp, it's not bad.. but there's nothing else to say about that, so let's move on to the tiles - they're so bright it doesn't seem like you're in dragon's den (a cave) at all. Maybe try to lessen the red colour variable in the palette editor.
I also see some mapping mistakes...
I won't be rating the tiles, so a 7/10 would be good.

Well, where to start? First of all, the 3rd and 2nd Gen tiles clash so badly, its just kinda painful. The tileset colors aren't very nice on the eyes either. Try making the tiles blend better instead of having a line where they meet.

This is supposed to be a dragon's den revamp right? In that case the door to the building can't be reached from the top: There is another on the bottom.

Suggestions: Try to make the palette better and blend the tiles.

Rating: 3/10

You can't rate a revamp so harshly based on tiles, as we're only supposed to rate the maps and not the tiles here... Just saying.

Now onto some of my new (old actually) maps.

And this one, it's my first world map ever. I sprited it from scratch by looking at the hgss map.
I'm assuming you're mapping in the "natural" style, so I guess I won't comment on how you could place the grass in a neater format. Regardless of style, however, playability must still be taken into account at all times. And it seems like you haven't, as there are many instances in this map where there are one-block-wide, or two-block-wide paths, which decrease the playability of a map alot.

The sand paths aren't very good either. No human in their right mind would take the effort to make such a zigzaggy path. They'd just make it go straight up, then straight across. If you've done the paths zigzaggy because it's meant to be where the path was worn away, then you're using the wrong tiles :/ I also think that the paths are being used as space fillers. Don't be so scared of empty space, it can be very useful. Try and remove some, and it will look a much more spacious, and not so claustrophobic.

The island idea is pretty cool, but the bottom left border of the river disappears into the rest of the land, which means it's not actually being supported.



Map Name: Taupe Desert
Game: FireRed
Comments: It's connected to two separate maps, one to the left at the top and one to the left at the bottom. The PC is there as an event in the next map involves quite a lot of battling, and the last PC was on the other side of the cave that you exit to get into this map. So yeah :P
I'm assuming you're mapping in the "natural" style, so I guess I won't comment on how you could place the grass in a neater format. Regardless of style, however, playability must still be taken into account at all times. And it seems like you haven't, as there are many instances in this map where there are one-block-wide, or two-block-wide paths, which decrease the playability of a map alot.

The sand paths aren't very good either. No human in their right mind would take the effort to make such a zigzaggy path. They'd just make it go straight up, then straight across. If you've done the paths zigzaggy because it's meant to be where the path was worn away, then you're using the wrong tiles :/ I also think that the paths are being used as space fillers. Don't be so scared of empty space, it can be very useful. Try and remove some, and it will look a much more spacious, and not so claustrophobic.

The island idea is pretty cool, but the bottom left border of the river disappears into the rest of the land, which means it's not actually being supported.



Map Name: Taupe Desert
Game: FireRed
Comments: It's connected to two separate maps, one to the left at the top and one to the left at the bottom. The PC is there as an event in the next map involves quite a lot of battling, and the last PC was on the other side of the cave that you exit to get into this map. So yeah :P

Looks really nice actually. It's very big and spacious; like a desert should be. There isn't really any criticism I can give.


Map name: Marble Town
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Town. You come out of the cave, jump down the ledge, BAM no way back. Ignore the tree errors.

B]Map name:[/B] Route 1
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Route yay. Ignore the tree errors.

Map Name: Taupe Desert
Game: FireRed
Comments: It's connected to two separate maps, one to the left at the top and one to the left at the bottom. The PC is there as an event in the next map involves quite a lot of battling, and the last PC was on the other side of the cave that you exit to get into this map. So yeah :P

It does look nice and empty for a desert. But your darker sand patches are very straight, and blocky. Same with your mountains -- they are very unnatural. If you're going Gamefreak style, then the mountains are fine. However the big blocks of darker sand, especially south of the PokeCenter, and south of the cave, look pretty bad.

Also, you have a couple one tile pathways neat the map's center. This is fine every once in a while for a forest, I think, but not really for a desert.

Not bad, though. Deserts are tough to make interesting, so I'd say 7-8/10.

Map name: Marble Town
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Town. You come out of the cave, jump down the ledge, BAM no way back. Ignore the tree errors.

B]Map name:[/B] Route 1
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Route yay. Ignore the tree errors.

Marble Town:
First off let me say: The ledge that the player is forced to leap is bad. The concept is the biggest issue. Forcing the player to do this to continue sort of makes you, the designer, look bad. There's no reason to jump off other than your sadistic cruelty. NOW, the same idea can be used, but I suggest writing a script so that the cave entrance collapses after the player exits. This provides the player with closure -- the cave is destroyed, not unreachable.

Also, it's hard to explain. The best example I can give is Portal's Companion Cube. The player is forced to get rid of it. They must destroy it to continue. If the Companion Cube was just taken, then the player wouldn't have that "burden". It's kind of a tricky concept, but pretty much you don't want to blatantly force your player to abandon things like that.

(Yes, that one ledge is THAT big a deal >_>)

Besides that, the buildings look kind of tiny. And I'm not a fan of the skinny trees in Gen III. There's also a large amount of flowers. But the rest looks pretty decent. 6/10

Route 1:
Looks like Route 101, except for the mountains. Speaking of those, they look kind of funny -- maybe it's just the tiles, though, so I won't critique them.

A dead end is usually never a good idea in a Route.

There's a large, empty space with four trees in the middle. This is bad because normally on Route 1 the player is forced to walk through at least 12 tiles of grass. You have a minimum of 8. Plus it looks like you got lazy, honestly.


Overall, I want to say I like your flowers, trees, and sand tiles. The stairs look out of place. Don't think I'm just bias, either. You just never rate my maps ;D

Map Name: Taupe Desert
Game: FireRed
Comments: It's connected to two separate maps, one to the left at the top and one to the left at the bottom. The PC is there as an event in the next map involves quite a lot of battling, and the last PC was on the other side of the cave that you exit to get into this map. So yeah :P

You've got a cool desert here, brah but I believe that there are two minor issues that could be dealt with before it is truly finished.

You've generally given the play a good degree of space to move through the map which is really good - Not confining them definitely helps to give the feeling of a large and expansive desert. However, there is a rock formation literally in the centre of the map which forces the player to walk down a one-tile path no matter which way they try to bypass it. Also, when the player exits the cave in the top right of the map they will find themselves standing on sand which houses wild Pokemon. Personally I don't think immediately throwing them into the sand is a good idea so I'd suggest giving the player 2-3 tiles of regular ground before having them face wild Pokemon. As a whole though, your sand placement and mountain formations are very good

Map name: Marble Town
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Town. You come out of the cave, jump down the ledge, BAM no way back. Ignore the tree errors.


The constant use of zig-zagging paths doesn't really appeal to me in this map. The manner in which you have constructed them is such that they only go straight for three or four tiles, before going diagonally for an equal or greater length. To me, paths are man made and should be walked on, meaning that they go straight rather than bending every two or three steps. You could make the paths less diagonal and more linear by rearranging the position of your buildings so that the two houses are on the same Y Axis (So you don't have to reposition the path a space higher once you near the right house, while the path down from the lab could cut right in between them (rather than drifting in from the left).

That big bush next to the left house looks very nice so you could perhaps find another spot to place those tiles - Maybe to the right of the lab since there doesn't seem to be much there apart from a sign.

Map name: Route 1
Game: Pokemon Ceil
Credits: Seiyouh
Comments: First Route yay. Ignore the tree errors.


First up: You're going to have border errors because the mountains are still within view when the player reaches the edge of the map. Simple fix n shizz.

I think that the area around the four trees in the middle could have been better used than having a path circle its way around it. Perhaps you could leave the path (and trainers) on one side and have the other half covered with tall grass. It makes the map a bit more interesting and helps to put some more grass on the map because like hinkage said, it needs some more.


It seems my map was ignored. Mind if I repost this? Kay, thanks.

This is an interesting idea for a map - I haven't seen too many heavily industrialised cities/ towns. While it might have a cool idea, there are a few issues that prevent it from becoming as good as it should be.

Your square paths in the bottom and right of the map really fit in well with their surroundings so I must commend you on that, but once the player climbs the stairs to visit the Gym or Mart your method of mapping paths falls to the wayside. Rather than presenting the player with a clear cut line you have it consume everything, which doesn't look very good in my opinion. I'd suggest that you cut down on the way you are using the ground in the top of the map (e.g. only make a short 2-3 three tile long pathway to the gym from the stairs) or remove it altogether from the area.

You have a number of one-tile paths around your major buildings which easily restrict the player's movement and should never be in any map generally. The path to the left of the Gym and both in front and above the Mart are prime examples of this and should be avoided. Unfortunately you're going to have to re-arrange you buildings accordingly to correct this in the map, but from the player's perspective it will be so much easier and enjoyable to walk through your city.

I know your city is suppossed to be heavily industrialised, hence the lack of large trees and flowers, but adding some of these tiles can help to vary up the landscape by breaking up the grass, path and mountain domination of this map. I'm not saying to put in a heap of these tiles, but one or two large trees and a handful of flowers wouldn't hurt this city in the slightest, particularly since you're already using small trees around the power station. On a somewhat unrelated note, you're technically using the wrong tile for some of the corners of your mountains. Use blocks BA and BB on the standard FR/LG tileset rather than the top edge of the mountain (You've been using block 6C).

Your map is also going to experience a number of border errors stemming from your use of mountains around the edges. For example, there is a portion of rock jutting out from the border just below the Pokeball on the left hand side of this map. If you were to travel to this are in-game you would be able to see that the mountain will suddenly dissolve into nothing. You will have to remap this segment of mountain in your map, or extend the edge of map beyond the player's view so they can't see the resulting tile error. Unfortunately you're going to find quite a few errors of this kind in the map so resizing and remapping large section of the city seems like it will be the only way to fully correct this. On a somewhat smaller note, the player is technically able to avoid using the gatehouse on the right hand side of the map because the top row of it's roof should be passable - You're going to have to extend it's roof one tile upwards to avoid this confusion.

Well, that was quite a long review. I really like your idea for this city, but your mapping still needs some improvement since these errors I have mentioned stack up and may have to result in a large remapping if you want to make everything perfect. Don't worry though, just keep on practising and study both the original Gamefreak maps (since it appears to be your style) as well as those made by other hackers to get an idea of how everything should fit together :)
I'm sorry for not reading the rules thoroughly. I lurked too much of the old thread (which didn't have the rule.) Anyway...
Now for my map:

Map name: Producton City

Tileset: FR/LG

Comments: The powerplant is supposed to be a research lab and the cave is a mine. The citizens are mostly workers or scientists.
I know there are border errors but I'm fixing it so don't worry.


Let's say 7.5/10.

The Good: The layout of the map is good. Everything is spaced almost exactly right. It looks Nintendo-style, but with a few fun twists here and there, like the Pokecenter on the hill.
The Not Good: There are some tile errors. Check link below.

-Blue Circle: Looks like in your excitement to place the Pokecenter on the hill, you cut off the edges of the white path. You might want to expand the side, or just not put the white path on the hill.
-Red Circles: There's an issue with the mountain corner tiles. You used the regular horizontal tile which doesn't look correct. Find the correct tile, it's...there.
Other Stuff:
-There's this big empty space to the right of the lab, and the hills there are oddly straight.
-I know it's an electric-based city, but...do all the houses need to look like warehouses? It's a bit creepy.
Yes, that's about it. I'm quite fascinated by your maps though, I hope you post more!

Yep, here's a repost of my map, but with the errors fixed. (thank you Ray.)
Map Name: unconfirmed
Map Game: Pokemon Fire Red
Comments: Yes, the bottom does have connections to another map.

I beg for criticism.
EDIT: And the second map. Fixed errors.
Map Name: Valley Pass
Map Game: Pokemon Fire Red
Comments: Nothing much, your typical route-with-river map.
Last edited:
Yep, here's a repost of my map, but with the errors fixed. (thank you Ray.)
Map Name: unconfirmed
Map Game: Pokemon Fire Red
Comments: Yes, the bottom does have connections to another map.

I beg for criticism.
EDIT: And the second map. Fixed errors.
Map Name: Valley Pass
Map Game: Pokemon Fire Red
Comments: Nothing much, your typical route-with-river map.


Id give Valley Pass a 7/10, and the bottom map a 4/10

The Valley Pass map looks pretty nice. Fairly roomy, nice amount of tall grass, and i like how you used all the types of grass from the FR tileset instead of just the one. I found a few mistakes in the mountains. Thats what's in the red circles. Also, after i uploaded that pic, i noticed that the smaller trees on the left are wrong. you just repeated the top of the tree, but theres no bottom of the tree behind it...

The small waterfalls look a little odd (heck, the gen 3 waterfalls look wierd period. im trying to fix that on my hack myself). Im not sure how to remedy that, just pointing it out.

The bottom map needs a bit more work though. There are quite a few mistakes in the mountains. Thats most of the smaller circles. The really big one in the middle, that looks like you cut half of the cliffs off. It just looks odd. Id rework it to use the full size cliffs

The bridges have some tile errors as well. The horizontal bridge has water underneath the entire way. The vertical ones have some wierd backgrounds as well, and look strange how theyre dragged up further onto the land

The cut tree also looks like it could be a PITA as well. i mean, youll need surf 2 blocks later, why make them have cut as well?

Anyway, here's my map.

Map: Rosewood City
Game: Firered

This town is the location of the second gym in the game, and the Dept. Store with a Game Corner in the basement, the start of Cycling road on the bottom right, and links to 4 different maps (2 north, 1 east, 1 south). In the story, this town was a traditional Japanese style town that was burned down, and rebuilt many years later in a more western style. Close areas to the north and west still have this traditional architecture. The fountain (which i may alter or replace with a scratch one later) is a memorial to the old town and the lives lost.


Tile credits to 874521 and CNickC.

Id give Valley Pass a 7/10, and the bottom map a 4/10
The Valley Pass map looks pretty nice. Fairly roomy, nice amount of tall grass, and i like how you used all the types of grass from the FR tileset instead of just the one. I found a few mistakes in the mountains. Thats what's in the red circles. Also, after i uploaded that pic, i noticed that the smaller trees on the left are wrong. you just repeated the top of the tree, but theres no bottom of the tree behind it...
The bottom map needs a bit more work though. There are quite a few mistakes in the mountains. Thats most of the smaller circles.
The bridges have some tile errors as well. The horizontal bridge has water underneath the entire way. The vertical ones have some wierd backgrounds as well, and look strange how theyre dragged up further onto the land
The cut tree also looks like it could be a PITA as well. i mean, youll need surf 2 blocks later, why make them have cut as well?

Thank you good sir, your eagle eye has helped me solve most of my tile errors. (Except a few beyond my technical capabilities, I'm still learning- sorry.)
Now since Valley Pass has more minor errors, I'm only posting the corrected 4/10 one.

Trivial Stuff:


Anyway, here's my rating-- for your map.
Anyway, here's my map.

Map: Rosewood City
Game: Firered

This town is the location of the second gym in the game, and the Dept. Store with a Game Corner in the basement, the start of Cycling road on the bottom right, and links to 4 different maps (2 north, 1 east, 1 south). In the story, this town was a traditional Japanese style town that was burned down, and rebuilt many years later in a more western style. Close areas to the north and west still have this traditional architecture. The fountain (which i may alter or replace with a scratch one later) is a memorial to the old town and the lives lost.


Tile credits to 874521 and CNickC.


I'm giving this 8.5/10.

This map in my opinion strikes the balance between playability and visual appeal. There's a healthy amount of space to move around, and the map in entirety is pretty colorful.
I'm especially liking those tunnels, and the little Bike Road part gives the map that extra touch.

Check link though, for the one tile error (yellow circle on the right).
The mountain is on the ground, the bike path is on the ground, both are same level, but mountain edge gets devoured by the bike path? Or are they even the same level at all? The tiles aren't clear enough for me to tell.

The yellow circle on the bottom left though is a problem purely based on my opinion.
This part glares at me. Rarely do you ever see a secluded island of trees, in a modernized city no less. It's probably hardly noticable in-game, but as long as players see one tile of it, they're left puzzled (Why is it there? Why can't I reach there?)
I suggest you just extend the mountains to cover up this area.

Oh, and another personal opinion: The city is part-traditional, part-modern and part-christmassy. While it's mostly modern, the theme is still pretty confusing to decide, especially with the traditional city name. I dunno, just pointing it out.

Map Rating: 6.5/10

Reason: This map is interesting. I'm guessing you tried to make it nature-like but seeing the pretty playable path you have to take if you don't have surf makes me wonder.
If it's natural the right part looks forced. If playable the left side is pointless...
But if you aimed for something in between, though, it's a very good outcome :)
I'm going for a review based on my third theory!

The good: The flow of the river looks natural and the form of the mountain doesn't seem forced in any way. The path seems to have been put in after creating the landscape giving it a very natural look.
It has some good possibilities as a playable map too: If you for example make the ledge to the north a little bigger so you when you go up you can't get back down until you get surf.
Or you can create some secret stuff at places where you can only reach with waterfall/surf. Or maybe split the route so you'll have to wait a long time to take the left path. Think about it.
The bad: There are quite a few tile errors regarding mountain corners with grass under them where they shouldn't have had it. The ledge at the north seems very forced and out of place so unless it has got something to do with the game, replace it.
Also the grass sometimes seems forced. There's a little too big of a contrast between the right and the left but I don't know what makes it so...
And this is not a tile error but... the waterfalls seem very unnatural. One tile long waterfalls look very stupid, and the upper waterfall doesn't seem to be complete... it needs that white stuff at the bottom of it.
The trees at the middle left really seem out of place. If they should look natural, place some more trees like 'em!

Suggestions: Make the route more like a whole rather than a split or explain a little about the gameplay if you intended it to be for a game. Fix the tile errors and maybe cover up some empty space at the grass-part.


Map Rating: 6.5/10

As with the previous map it has a very natural though playable design. But maybe not AS playable...
You've really made it natural, though, and the bridges work quite well.

The good: It looks really natural. It looks exactly like a natural environment only disturbed by a few man-made objects.
The path you'll have to take really shows off the nature to the player and there are a lot of possibilities for gameplay again.
You could get HM cut in the house to get back north and be able to continue. Or get surf and go down the waterfall with no chance of coming back...
The bad: Again, one tile long waterfalls look really stupid. The other waterfall looks okay butthe fact that it turns right to start with is odd...
Unless you place a few trainers the route is quite boring though beautiful. Also it seems to be missing a bit of grass...
Also the bridges are always one tile too long except for at the bottom left. It looks a little stupid...

Suggestions: Place some trainers and/or make some grass. Fix the bridges and think about how you could use it for a game.

My map now :3

Map Name: Cliffall City
Game: FR
This is the first gym city. It's rock type, obviously. The cave entrance at ground level leads to a small cave with a museum in it. The upper one is a normal cave an there's going to be a smash-rock blocking the path.
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