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Roleplay Discussion Thread

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Ho hum.

Original worlds are always excellent; depending on the amount of content and the plot I might be interested (though I hold in question the amount of spare time that I have).
my longest may be either the 3000 word one i did for oakley's training post in atlantis, or perhaps i may have done a longer one... thats the only one i can think of :S
Interest Check!

After tireless years of planning, the fabulously dazzling Raikiri and I are almost done with a high-fantasy Medieval RP set in an original world we created. We are planning for a release around the end of this month, and require 6 dedicated RPers wishing to participate. There will be no stats/levels, but classes/specializations are a possibility.

If you have any questions regarding the RP, feel free to PM/VM Raikiri or myself.

PS: We made a map.

Finally :p I don't know if I want to join yet, that actually depends on what the RP looks like and what the story really is about. But I know it'll be epic, since it's made by you and Raikiri <3

As for post length, Zerin that looks nice :3 actually glad to see that the dark background is gone ;)
Long posts aren't necessary in all RPs, but most of the time my fingers won't stop writing until they've written a good length xD the only exception is when I'm interacting with someone. I think I prefer interacting via joint posts, unless it's a rather brief encounter. To spare myself from writing 4-line posts. Thus, in Game of Chance, all my interactions so far have been rather brief xD (Azure, Violet...)
The longest post I've made (here on PC) would be my most recent one in PTA. As for RHCP's comment regarding interaction/joint posts, I actually prefer not to use joint posts. Although you get a lot of interaction done at once, kind of, why rush? I always find joint posts a little clumsy, they never mesh quite right unless you let one of you really stamp your style across it.
The longest post I've made (here on PC) would be my most recent one in PTA. As for RHCP's comment regarding interaction/joint posts, I actually prefer not to use joint posts. Although you get a lot of interaction done at once, kind of, why rush? I always find joint posts a little clumsy, they never mesh quite right unless you let one of you really stamp your style across it.

Well, it's mostly because I'm used to joint posting and because in-thread interaction has been so slow for me in the past. But I'm learning to have more fun with it and how to post in an interesting way with it lately. My opinions on RPing styles vary all the time ;)
Post length...hmmm....usually lately I've tried to stay between 1500 and 2000. That's how much I can usually get out in a post before I either decide to break it up into more than one, or can't write anymore for the topic xD I guess.

Unless I'm interacting in the thread, of course, then it gets short ._. But after interacting with Viking in Game of Chance I'm beginning to open up to interacting that way. In the past I've almost always done joint posts... I'm not sure which I prefer, yet. I think for battles when you're interacting then a JP is definitely best, but if it's just a breif chat or something then regular posts are fine.
You know what i'm gonna do? :3 improve my writing skills! Woot~ and i'm gonna make my posts more noticable so can anyone tell me how to do that? ^^
Well, how do you want to improve? Grammatically? Do you want more varied vocabulary?

If it's the former, you could have us critique your posts; I'm sure there are more than a few grammar police in the Roleplay section. If it's the latter, then I'd recommend a Thesaurus Extension (or really just flipping through a real thesaurus) and look up synonyms for the words you use so that your writing becomes less repetitive.

I'm still working on my Adventure Time RP... >.>

Well, I'm still quite new to the RP scene... =3
It'd be pretty hard to match the hilarity of Adventure Time, though.

EDTI: Whoops, didn't mean to double post :P
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Well, how do you want to improve? Grammatically? Do you want more varied vocabulary?

If it's the former, you could have us critique your posts; I'm sure there are more than a few grammar police in the Roleplay section. If it's the latter, then I'd recommend a Thesaurus Extension (or really just flipping through a real thesaurus) and look up synonyms for the words you use so that your writing becomes less repetitive.


One way to improve your writing is to read a lot. You'll sometimes pick up on words and phrases that you might not know the meaning of, or you'll find a word that will stick with you. If you don't like reading, there's a site called freerice where you can build up your vocabulary and feed the starving at the same time (for every question you get right, they donate a certain amount of grains or somethng). Another way is to role play with people whose writing style is I dunno, more advanced (?) than your own (in your opinion)? I joined a forum when I was fourteen or so and everyone else was in college; it made me want to make my posts as good as theirs were and I learned a lot. Though going to uni has made me calm down my writing style.

Critique is one of the best things though; if people are constantly praising your work then how are you supposed to get better? Perfection is something that cannot be achieved in writing - there will always be some way in which you can improve. That's my belief, anyway. XD
As for post length, Zerin that looks nice :3 actually glad to see that the dark background is gone ;)
Long posts aren't necessary in all RPs, but most of the time my fingers won't stop writing until they've written a good length xD the only exception is when I'm interacting with someone. I think I prefer interacting via joint posts, unless it's a rather brief encounter. To spare myself from writing 4-line posts. Thus, in Game of Chance, all my interactions so far have been rather brief xD (Azure, Violet...)

Well, checking it in MS Word, that post was 2,828 words. And yes, I felt there was more complaint than enjoyment from it, so I wiped it off. Also, the top (showing Kiba and his team) is epic CSS in which I actually found a way to put multiple CSS-Divs on the same line!! They told me it couldn't be done! The reason it was such a long post was, well, because I practically was writing a whole scene, and the scene had been planned a while back. I figured I'd better go supernova before posting. Kinda symbolic, you know? When a star explodes it becomes much brighter, and lights up the entire galaxy.


So... Has anyone tried to read the mega post? I would like some feedback, critique or praise. I'd also like to know if it looks like I've improved (for anyone who's seen one of my posts before now).
How do you mean "more noticeable"? And why? :3

more noticable in.... posts like yours in PTA :3 i call that a noticable post, i want to make noticable posts because... so people read it and enjoy it...? :D i dunno actually... i just feel like i should do so :3

Well, how do you want to improve? Grammatically? Do you want more varied vocabulary?

If it's the former, you could have us critique your posts; I'm sure there are more than a few grammar police in the Roleplay section. If it's the latter, then I'd recommend a Thesaurus Extension (or really just flipping through a real thesaurus) and look up synonyms for the words you use so that your writing becomes less repetitive.

improving in both writing and grammar :3 my grammar isn't too bad, yellow told me i make mistakes a common american makes, which is a big compliment for me since i live in the netherlands xD i just want to make my posts more intresting for other RPers :3
more noticable in.... posts like yours in PTA :3 i call that a noticable post, i want to make noticable posts because... so people read it and enjoy it...? :D i dunno actually... i just feel like i should do so :3

improving in both writing and grammar :3 my grammar isn't too bad, yellow told me i make mistakes a common american makes, which is a big compliment for me since i live in the netherlands xD i just want to make my posts more intresting for other RPers :3
For now I'll critique one, and if you need help we can continue via PM, since I don't know if it'd be appropriate for the RPD thread.
Kathy Pinkcat

Kathy heard what happened by the entrance and signed mayumi to keep the explorers calm. 'I'm going to check what's happening over there, please keep them calm.' Kathy smiles at them before leaving them and walking over to the entrance.

'Oh my! What happened here?!' Kathy says as she sees the unconcious exclorer on the ground all bleeding, and a ralts gijinka sitting on the back of an wortortle. 'Thank you william, you're a real help.' Kathy smiles at him as he takes care of the wartotle, she immediately takes care of the boy.
First, I've noticed that you have a tendency of not capitalizing names, not just in RP, but in general. But in this post it seems to be the case with "Mayumi" being spelled "mayumi" in the first paragraph and "William" being spelled "william". Second, you use apostrophe's in place of quotation marks. You should only use apostrophes in place of quotation marks when you are using a quotation inside a quotation. There are a few typos like "unconcious", "wortotle", and "exclorer", but that's a simple matter of reading over your post. In regards to the final sentence, because the two clauses before and after the comma are independent, the comma should be a semi-colon. Finally (since I'm pressed for time), the species of pokemon (such as Ralts or Wartortle), similar to how animals work.
Post length...

Eh. Post length is good up to a point. If you aren't joint posting and your character isn't away from allocate the other roleplayer's characters and you're writing 2000+ words chances are you've either gone well over the appropriate ammount of time for anyone else to actually observe the details you're describing or have unintentionally bunnied people. (Those two are often linked as well. Zerin's post had an issue with this where I now have to explain why my character did not react to half a dozen things because I wasn't given a reasonable chance to respond before he moved on to newer details.)

There also may be filler, which is just annoying.

When. I feel like I need to write extra info in a post but also feel like it might be rude to presume the other character's actions I begin writing the rest of my post as a conditional statement. (Example: Fraxure had used counter! If the opponent pokemon hit her she would be promptly struck with a razor sharp tusk in retalliation. (The fact that otherwise this doesn't happen is implied.)

@Machomuu: Well actually. One should not capitalize a pokemon's name unless they are talking about it as an individual rather than it's species. After all, you wouldn't capitalize the word "dog" in the middle of a sentence. ^^; Nor would you capitalize "human". As you can see one isn't tehnically a name.
Machomuu- it indeed has alot of grammar mistakes, and its indeed a matter of reading the post again, though, i didn't knew how to write wartofkkvbxzgzbsgtgfcg lol xD this is one of my old posts, if recommend you to criticize my last posts in the sonic RP "Sonic the Hedgehog: Legeon of Chaos" those are my recent posts and i readed them over many times :p

@Machomuu: Well actually. One should not capitalize a pokemon's name unless they are talking about it as an individual rather than it's species. After all, you wouldn't capitalize the word "dog" in the middle of a sentence. ^^; Nor would you capitalize "human". As you can see one isn't tehnically a name.
If you talk about the specific species then you capitalize the name. For instance, you don't capitalize "dog" because it is simply a common disambiguation for the species. In the case of Pokemon, Pikachu is the name of the species itself, similar to Alaskan Husky (I don't know if that exists). Pikachu is as specific as you can get regarding the species, and thus, it gets capitalized, similar to the example above, the Alaskan Husky rather than "dog" or "husky" (since in that case it's specifically an Alaskan Husky, so if one were to just put "husky" it would be lowercase). Now if Nintendo were to vary Pokemon species based on certain variables to things like "Sinnohan Pikachu" or something like that, then "pikachu" would become lowercase as it would now be reduced to a common name. I checked before I said anything, though, since I know that a lot of people don't capitalize pokemon species names, so it's not too much of a big deal. This guy explains it briefly and pretty accurately:
They're proper nouns, so you have to capitalize them. Species names (i.e. Canis Lupis) are proper nouns. The reason we don't cap "wolf", the common name for Canis Lupis, is because it isn't a species name. Also, if you are naming a specific Pokemon of a species, you HAVE to capitalize it, as its name is, say, "Arcanine".
@Machomuu: Yeaaah... husky is not a proper noun. Alaskan is. Alaska is a unique single entity. A husky is not a unique single entity. There are at least 100 huskies. Proper nouns can only refer to unique, single entities.

Also, the first letter of a scientific animal classification is capitalized. Nothing after that is capitalized unless that something is the beginning of a word named after a person or place (Like Alaskan)...because that's a proper noun.

I don't think pokemon names are modeled after our own classification system either way, because...well... it doesn't really resemble it whatsoever. It's just a bunch of unique names for different creatures. They don't even give different versions of 'the same' pokemon a different name like we would.

I guess when I think of it that way either way is correct if you want to take artistic license. >___>;
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