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The American Politics Discussion Thread

The Onion has a hard time not being amazing. And it's so true! Is that what happened to Santorum? I kind of ignored his progress after this and all his comments about fighting China.
Friend emailed me this link to a pretty interesting political test.


My results

This test gives the results out differently compared to other tests, which rank you by policial group. This test gives you the results based upon the two different political scales, and 4 different classifications.

Far left communism, far right libertarianism. Far south, Anarchism, far north Fascism.

The only bad thing about this test is that is lacks the "Don't give a damn' option. Its either strongly (dis)agree or (dis)agree.

They haven't updated this, but it shows the political rankings for Obama and some of the republican candidates
I took this test 2 years ago, and took it again just now, just to find out, that I am as far right socially as before, but I am more authoritarian. That test however, must be inaccurate, because it had my point relatively close to Obama's . . .
Loved that take down speech by the Big Dawg. And Elizabeth Warren on corporations. Great stuff

Bill Clinton's 50 minute speech is a worthwhile watch IMHO.

Have to agree with you there. Take down is an apt description of what he did.

Of course we know the other side will attempt to spin his comments rather than accept the rebuke and take responsibility for their obviously harmful positions.
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Okay, so: three things I think are slightly surreal and might decide the election:

- Romney has pulled off from campaigning in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. That's 46 electoral votes, and Obama is leading in all of them, to the point that Pennsylvania already appears as "leaning Obama" in the RealClearPolitics map, which, as you know, works by taking all credible polls anywhere and calculating the average- Obama is ahead in PA (20 votes) by more than the margin of error. Just counting the non-swing states where Obama is safely leading, he has 201 electoral votes more-or-less secured. By giving up in these three other ones, it could put Obama up to 247. Out of 270 required to win.

- But let's look at another Swing state, Virginia. In the polls, Obama leads Romney alone by barely a point. But they aren't going to be alone in the ballot. Oh no.

Virgil Goode Jr., ex-republican, is also appearing in the ballot.
As the presidential candidate of the Constitutional party.

And the latest polls say that he's going to take a huge chunk of the votes from Romney. Making it Obama 49%, Romney 35%, Goode 10%. Virtually handing that state to Obama. That means 13 more votes. 260 out of 270.

- On top of this, the Republican National Convention was a slight failure. Romney got a 1% increase in polls during their week. Obama, so far, has recovered all that and added some extra 5% bounce in the latest Rasmussen/CNN/Gallup polls afetr the Democratic NC. So we can safely say that the 2012RNC was the first convention in several decades to not help their candidate in the polls. Awesome.
Okay, so: three things I think are slightly surreal and might decide the election:

- Romney has pulled off from campaigning in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. That's 46 electoral votes, and Obama is leading in all of them, to the point that Pennsylvania already appears as "leaning Obama" in the RealClearPolitics map, which, as you know, works by taking all credible polls anywhere and calculating the average- Obama is ahead in PA (20 votes) by more than the margin of error. Just counting the non-swing states where Obama is safely leading, he has 201 electoral votes more-or-less secured. By giving up in these three other ones, it could put Obama up to 247. Out of 270 required to win.

- But let's look at another Swing state, Virginia. In the polls, Obama leads Romney alone by barely a point. But they aren't going to be alone in the ballot. Oh no.

Virgil Goode Jr., ex-republican, is also appearing in the ballot.
As the presidential candidate of the Constitutional party.

And the latest polls say that he's going to take a huge chunk of the votes from Romney. Making it Obama 49%, Romney 35%, Goode 10%. Virtually handing that state to Obama. That means 13 more votes. 260 out of 270.

- On top of this, the Republican National Convention was a slight failure. Romney got a 1% increase in polls during their week. Obama, so far, has recovered all that and added some extra 5% bounce in the latest Rasmussen/CNN/Gallup polls afetr the Democratic NC. So we can safely say that the 2012RNC was the first convention in several decades to not help their candidate in the polls. Awesome.

Don't forget Ohio! Right now he's got around a 5-6 point lead or so here, Ohio's unemployment & such has been falling for some time and the recovery has been accelerated here because of of the Auto Industry revival. Ohio has 18 electoral votes.
What confuses me even more than the things Went brought up (which are admittedly quite odd) is why Romney/Ryan can't seem to figure out what they are for and against. Romney said in an interview that he's okay keeping the provision of the health care law regarding preexisting conditions, but then a day later his campaign put out a statement that said they wouldn't. Then Ryan said he thought states should decide of they want to legalize marijuana and a day later the campaign said that also wasn't the case.
What confuses me even more than the things Went brought up (which are admittedly quite odd) is why Romney/Ryan can't seem to figure out what they are for and against. Romney said in an interview that he's okay keeping the provision of the health care law regarding preexisting conditions, but then a day later his campaign put out a statement that said they wouldn't. Then Ryan said he thought states should decide of they want to legalize marijuana and a day later the campaign said that also wasn't the case.
Well, there are two things at play. There's the party's platform and then there's the candidate's own platform. They don't have to agree 100% and, I would guess, usually don't. It wasn't long ago where we had Republicans primaries going on, right? Different candidates from the same party who did not agree with each other.

So, that isn't necessarily too strange to me. That on certain days they seem to be themselves and on other days echo official party positions is probably just what the campaign tells them to do.
Well, there are two things at play. There's the party's platform and then there's the candidate's own platform. They don't have to agree 100% and, I would guess, usually don't. It wasn't long ago where we had Republicans primaries going on, right? Different candidates from the same party who did not agree with each other.

So, that isn't necessarily too strange to me. That on certain days they seem to be themselves and on other days echo official party positions is probably just what the campaign tells them to do.
Shouldn't the candidate platform and the party platform be sort of similar anyway? But this isn't really him vs. the party since it's his own remarks that he's contrasting. It's him vs. his own campaign.

In other news, that anti-union law from Wisconsin got thrown out by the courts recently, which should prove a big blow to Scott Walker and Republicans there in general.

In Iowa anti-voting laws were also blocked by the courts. They were prevented there from introducing new voter ID laws (read: voter suppression) and the courts said they couldn't also purse voter roles. It was a good day for checks and balances, but sadly there are plenty of states which might still have their restrictive laws in place when the election comes.
In other news, Romney just shot himself in the foot... Again.


Specifically, this.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney says in one clip. "All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing.
There's one word that can sum up the entirety of the history of American presidential elections, and the forbidding of this one: "Illuminati".


Terrible enough to say, I don't want either parties to win. I cannot stand Barrack Obama. He is by far the worst president this country has ever seen.

No, I am not a super right-winged conservative. No, I haven't seen every broadcast of Bill O'Reilly. Yes, I do love beer.

Indeed as some have said in this discussion, Romney/Ryan can't decide on crap. Period. They're for gay marriage, they're against gay marriage. For abortion, against abortion. It's insane. However, I am entirely for their foreign policies. America CANNOT come against Israel; and, if you ask me, not helping is just as bad as being on the other side of the front line. Barrack Obama will do everything he can to win this election even if it means keeping troops over seas to "help" Israel. Israel and Iran will go to war before this election is over. And when it is over and if Obama is re-elected, we will not be fighting with Israel.

That's enough to lose my vote, Mr. Obama.
Staying out of war is bad?

I'm all for supporting out allies, and sending our forces out to aid them, but only if they are the ones attacked.

Any reasons for thinking Obama to be the worse president, or are you just going along with the conservative mob on this?
There's one word that can sum up the entirety of the history of American presidential elections, and the forbidding of this one: "Illuminati".


Terrible enough to say, I don't want either parties to win. I cannot stand Barrack Obama. He is by far the worst president this country has ever seen.

No, I am not a super right-winged conservative. No, I haven't seen every broadcast of Bill O'Reilly. Yes, I do love beer.

Indeed as some have said in this discussion, Romney/Ryan can't decide on crap. Period. They're for gay marriage, they're against gay marriage. For abortion, against abortion. It's insane. However, I am entirely for their foreign policies. America CANNOT come against Israel; and, if you ask me, not helping is just as bad as being on the other side of the front line. Barrack Obama will do everything he can to win this election even if it means keeping troops over seas to "help" Israel. Israel and Iran will go to war before this election is over. And when it is over and if Obama is re-elected, we will not be fighting with Israel.

That's enough to lose my vote, Mr. Obama.
You haven't provided one legitimate reason for not liking Obama, and why he is the worst President. War is War and always will be War, and believe it or not but the President does not have a magical lever in his office that controls tax, war, oil, etc. etc..
There's one word that can sum up the entirety of the history of American presidential elections, and the forbidding of this one: "Illuminati".


Terrible enough to say, I don't want either parties to win. I cannot stand Barrack Obama. He is by far the worst president this country has ever seen.

No, I am not a super right-winged conservative. No, I haven't seen every broadcast of Bill O'Reilly. Yes, I do love beer.

Indeed as some have said in this discussion, Romney/Ryan can't decide on crap. Period. They're for gay marriage, they're against gay marriage. For abortion, against abortion. It's insane. However, I am entirely for their foreign policies. America CANNOT come against Israel; and, if you ask me, not helping is just as bad as being on the other side of the front line. Barrack Obama will do everything he can to win this election even if it means keeping troops over seas to "help" Israel. Israel and Iran will go to war before this election is over. And when it is over and if Obama is re-elected, we will not be fighting with Israel.

That's enough to lose my vote, Mr. Obama.

Ok well

Ryan and Romney were NEVER for any form of marriage equality, don't know where you pulled that one from. But you are kind of right, Romney & Ryan don't know their own platform yet, lol.

And have you noticed Romney was universally mocked, from England to Israel, on his little foreign tour? And this was before his Libya comments or his secret donor taping debacle gaffe. I shudder to think at what his idea of foreign policy is. And from the looks of your post, you don't know what foreign policy is either. What troops "helping Israel" are you talking about? They're a fundamental ally, and a bastion of defense against hostile Islamist countries like Iran. If it comes to war, which is still a big if, Israel will annihilate Iran easily with all the cutting edge defense tech they get from the West. There is an ARMADA of Bristish, French, Saudi & American ships in the Persian Gulf doing training exercises. Ahmadinejad isn't that stupid.

The "Obama is the worst president ever" line pretty much disqualifies you from having a legitimate, informed opinion on American politics. The worst one was the last guy. Interestingly enough, I have nearly a decade worth of dead soldiers, broken families, foreclosed homes, and squandered educations to support my claims.
Ya got me. I don't know jack about politics. Sorry for posting where I don't belong ahaha.
The "Obama is the worst president ever" line pretty much disqualifies you from having a legitimate, informed opinion on American politics. The worst one was the last guy. Interestingly enough, I have nearly a decade worth of dead soldiers, broken families, foreclosed homes, and squandered educations to support my claims.

The dead soliders aren't entirely Bush's fault though. The blame for that can also go to Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush.
In other news, Romney just shot himself in the foot... Again.


Specifically, this.

Allow me to add the entire quote:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax ...

"My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

And now my question is: who in the name of hell is managing his campaign? I mean, if he does win it will be in spite of them, not thanks to them.

@foreign policy: Well, Romney's secret recipe to solve and prevent all wars and foreign protests is incredibly simple: showing "resolve". When the radical islamic followers see Romney, they will think "Oh my god, this guy sure has resolve!" and stop burning flags and attacking the personnel of embassies.

A shame Romney will be the first president with that flavour of "resolve" in centuries.
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"My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

He's already said he's not worried about the very poor because they have "safety nets".

And he said that on live tv.
He's already said he's not worried about the very poor because they have "safety nets".

And he said that on live tv.

He's suggesting that people who are poor are lazy and who expect others to care for them so they won't have to. Talk about disconnected from reality!