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Game of Luck ; A Nuzlocke Crazy Dice Roleplay


I Never Asked For This.
  • 1,370
    Game of Luck​

    [ Welcome to the world of Pokémon- ]

    -Albeit a slightly different one than you are used to. The biggest difference? Pokémon die.

    Welcome to the idyllic region of Hoenn. Mostly a popular vacation destination, it is also known for having a grand Pokémon League and diverse wildlife. While its technology is not as advanced as the other regions, Hoenn gets by just fine on tourists and on trainers.

    Pokémon training has always been the world's eldest sport, and most enjoyed one. Everyone is encouraged to at least give it a try, it is normal for teenagers from age 16 (the minimum age for getting a trainer's license) and to fill a gap year between finishing high school and starting their further education or career with Pokémon training. A select few continue even afterwards, becoming a professional trainer. Pokémon training is everywhere, they're huge parts of everyday lives.

    Hoenn is especially popular with foreign trainers. Due to excessive capturing as well as fatal training against wild Pokémon there has been a huge decline in wild Pokémon across the grobe. Hoenn has remained largely untouched by this as it's not been a big trainer destination in the past. In order to keep the same thing from happening in Hoenn the League has put down laws for the preservation of wildlife. For one you are only allowed to catch 2 Pokémon per route, these are recorded on the trainer card and going over your limit will result in the revoking of trainer privileges. Another law prohibits the killing of wild Pokémon. This is not so readily checked and some trainers don't mind the law and do so anyway. If caught the same penalty applies, trainer privileges shall be revoked.

    But there's trouble rising. Pokémon get hurt in battles, some even die, this has always been an accepted fact. Battling is always risky, even getting knocked out can mean internal damage for the creature. Battles are usually fought by the trainer determining when to give up, if they recall their Pokémon that Pokémon is forfeit. There are even adrenaline injection darts you can give your Pokémon to get them to fight past their breaking point, resulting in the death of the Pokémon, but a chance to win your battle. Pokémon death is an accepted part of battling, even a strategy at times. After all, Pokémon are just tools for a sport, aren't they?

    And that's where the trouble comes from, to some, they are not. A movement that started in Unova and has seen a steady rise around the world since, Pokémon Rights Activists, fights for more rights for Pokémon. They think it beastly to exploit living creatures like that. They have succeeded in banning adrenaline injections in several regions, namely Unova, Johto and Kanto, as well as more safety restrictions on official battles (mainly gyms) where most casualties occur. Hoenn has been mostly untouched by the activists, mostly because of their old fashioned ways, but even here there has been a rise in anti-battling protests. There has even been word of extremist measures by so-called Pokémon Freedom Fighters, terrorists targeting the League in the name of Pokémon. They've caused a lot of trouble in Unova and other regions already, mostly targeting trainers.

    [ And what about you? ]

    You are an aspiring trainer, either native to Hoenn or coming from another region, who's serious about Pokémon battling.. Pokémon Professors are the only ones who can give away trainer cards, you shall be getting yours from Professor Cyprus in Lilycove City. From there on you shall travel the region, collecting the 8 badges in order to challenge the Pokémon League.

    [ The Dice Mechanics ]

    There are two ways the dice will be used. For one, Pokémon encounters. If you want to catch a Pokémon on a route (or two, as is your maximum) you have to first VM me and I will use an internet dice to determine what Pokémon you will encounter. This way, just like an actual Nuzlocke challenge, your team will be quite random.

    Then, every time you enter a new area (from the first route onwards) I will roll a die for each of you that will give you something random to put into your story.

    1. Kill off one Pokémon of your choice. (void if you have only one Pokémon)
    2. Nothing Happens.
    3. You may not catch anything in this area.
    4. You must battle a trainer in this area.
    5. One random Pokémon (by dice) is killed off. (Void if you have only one Pokémon)
    6. One random Pokémon (by dice) may never evolve.
    7. You must catch a Pokémon in this area.
    8. You may catch the evolved form of your first random encounter.
    9. You may catch as many Pokémon as you wish.
    10. The Pokémon your capture in this area will have an Egg Move.
    11. One random Pokémon (by dice) may immediately evolve in this area.
    12. Kill off two Pokémon of your choice. (One if you have only two, void if you have only one.)

    [ The Rules of the Land ]

    - This roleplay is rated M for violence, for obvious reasons. Pokémon get wounded in this roleplay, and they die in this roleplay. However, that doesn't mean it's okay to pull the guts and gore everywhere. Keep it tasteful please.
    - You must obey the Dice. Catching Pokémon, killing off Pokémon or battling trainers, you may do on your own accord too. Keep in mind that, unless stated otherwise, you may only catch two Pokémon at once. Also keep in mind to VM me before the capture to determine what Pokémon you shall encounter. Besides that you do not need to wait for my approval on the catch though.
    - You are only allowed to have 6 Pokémon with you at all times. Your PokéNav has a function that lets you switch team members on the spot though. You may not switch during official battles.
    - Interaction with other players can be done at any time, however it will be limited to joined posts.
    - Pokémon will have levels according to the games, they will have 8 move slots though, for writing purposes.
    - There shall be no reservations, instead I will give it 5 days after acceptance to hand in sign-ups and I will pick the 5 best ones to participate

    [ Sign-Up Sheet ]

    Age: [16+]
    Starter: [You may choose your own started, any basic unevolved Pokémon will do. I will give you their statistics upon your acceptance]
    Roleplay Example: [Show me how you roleplay, this can be a post for another roleplay or an intro to your character if you haven't been in a roleplay before. This is a fairly advanced roleplay so I'd like fairly advanced players.]

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    OOH~ OOH! CAN I JOIN? CAN I? I wanna be in this roleplay! Starting SU now!

    ... I mean... I miss your roleplays Swan.

    Edit: I'm sorry I really couldn't help myself.

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    I'm glad you're interested Fuyu, I really love hoetimg rolelays here and I'm glad you ike them!

    A hewd's u, I'm currently a bit internetless due to a move, this should be over eithin a few days. So I'm here and active, just gone forma few days.
    Seems cool to me. "Reserving" a spot (well not really a reservation, since you don't do that)

    Also, are there two types of losing, fainting and dying? So pokemon can faint as well as die?

    Will get SU up soon.

    EDIT: finished~

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    I would like to join this role play please here is my SU

    Name: Cole Griffin

    Nickname: The Gardevoir Lord

    Age: 16

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Dark Brown shaggy hair, Dark green eyes, Long brown side burns, Lime green raggy shirt untucked, Blue dirt stained jeans untucked over his black leather work boots, Black wrist length work gloves, And a ring on his ring finger.

    Personality: On first glance cole looks like he wants to be left alone with a face that says "Get away from me" obviously is a person that most people would avoid. But actually hes very friendly he will open doors for people, Help pokemon out of traps set by team rocket, And volunteer to help out at the pokecenter...but only when you get to know him for he is terrible at socializing with people becuase for most of his life he lived in a lab with his parents and rarely saw anyone else. But the pokemon his parents or the rare visits made by their boss and head of team rocket giovanni. So becuase
    of the rare amount of socializing he is shy and doesnt make direct eye contact with anyone he meets. Usually when anyone talks to him for the first time he will either ignore the person or reply with a simple "Oh..hey" or just wave his hand.

    History: Raised by his parents who both worked for team rocket cole saw first hand as to what they have done to the pokemon that left him horrified all of his life. It wasnt until he was 16 years old that he thought that enough was enough one night while his parents were being sculded by their boss giovanni. He let most of the pokemon out of there cages letting them escape. Except for one pokemon which he kept for himself a ralts that was bruised up to it's neck. So he took the ralts with him and escaped from the facility leaving his parents forever. While running he came across the viridian forest where he decided to make camp at for a few months. While camping there many more gardevoir,kirlias and ralts started to visit either because of his ralts or because the eroma of his food cooking. What ever the case was they always visited him frequently and would even sleep in his tent. Because of the little space he got he bought at least 50 tents from the local town just a few miles from the viridian forest. Which he set up for the gardevoirs and kirlias to sleep in. As the gardevoirs came and went quite a few of them followed him into town when he was getting supplies earning him the nickname "The Gardevoir Lord" a name that he personally didn't like because he didn't find himself a lord of anything. As the months passed he started to bond with the gardevoirs, kirlias etc but with the gardevoirs especially as they always seemed to follow him everywhere
    . Rumors quickly started to emerge when a trainer who was training his beedrill in the viridian forest saw cole kissing a gardevoir on the cheek. Quickly he was acused of having relations with the gardevoir however no hard evidence can prove this other than the fact that he was wearing what seemed like a wedding ring and occasionaly holding the gardevoirs hand. But cole never let these rumors get to him either because it wasnt true or he just didn't care.

    Starter: Ralts

    Well, here's my app. I hope I was pretty original.

    SU finally complete. Let me know if anything needs to be changed or clarified.
    Hey there,
    Hope my application is good enough, been eyeing this roleplay for a little bit and I finally got around to finishing my character's profile.

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    I for sure want a part in this. I love Nuzlocke challenges, I love your roleplays... It's a no brainer. So give me just a little bit to get an SU tossed out?
    I'm pretty sure you can still jump on Strikit. :) Swan hasn't judged the SUs yet.
    This Role Play looks like it could use some more flower power to it...

    I'll post a sign up by tomorrow, I believe. Hope you're open-minded towards people who are new to the forum but not to writing. ^_^ I was looking around a couple websites for a good Role Play, and this one was so good I couldn't pass up the chance to be in it.
    As promised...
    Well, here's the first couple parts, looking forward to writing the history. Hope you enjoy it so far.

    EDIT: History added

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    Achievement unlocked: internet.

    Sorry guys, it took me ridiculously long to get internet going at my new appartment. Not fun. But I'vve got wifi going now which means we can finally get this thing on the road!

    @Fuyu Man oh man, I love your characters. I cannot wait to see her/him/them in action! You're fully accepted.


    @Nimblethumbs That's mmost certainly a very interesting character, and interesting characters are always welcome in my roleplays. You're accepted, I'll look forward to Logan's antics.


    @TheGardevoirLord I'm sorry, I'm going to have to decline your application, on grounds of no roleplay example as well as a lack of comparative quality.

    @Lunacrest Another very creative character, I'm loving all the strangeness so far! You're accepted, although I do expect your posts to be a little longer than the example.


    @Kranic You're accepted with another quite interesting character. I'd like to caution you that idealy your posts in this roleplay should be a bit longer than your example though.


    @Strikit How nice to see you again! I'm really glad you're joining the roleplay, you're absolutely accepted, I can't wait to see Mara in action, especcially battle-wise.


    @Despondency And now with Meowth:


    ALSO here are the Pokémon each of you is allowed to catch:







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    Thanks for the second chance... I'm afraid the history had to be a little cliché in order to make a believable past... I promise you she will develop well, I have a lot in mind for her.
    You are most certainly accepted Despondency, and don't worry, you're still on your first chance C: Welcome to the roleplay.
    Excellent, I'm really glad I wasn't too late. This sounds really fun. I can't wait to write Mara battling, but I have to admit she's going to be really hard. I'm an animal lover, so writing someone so blatantly abusive and making it convincing will be a challenge. But she'll certainly be interesting.
    Two things,

    When meeting up with the professor is the whole group going to be there or is it a pop in, pick up pokemon, pop out, meet up with people later type of deal?

    Second, since I was lucky enough to pick up a early evolution, I was thinking about how I should approach the evolution. It would be a little awkward to just pick up the Axew then a few posts poop Fraxure. I'm assuming levels aren't so important for evolution, but I figured the best option would be to evolve him as close to the end of the area as possible, but I was just wondering what your thoughts on the matter.
    @Strikit - I can imagine, still a challenging character is often quite fun to write for, I'll look forward to what you come up with. In any case Mara fits this setting perfectly. (I'm an animal lover too, Pokémon death will be tricky)

    @Kranic - Right, I knew I forgot to mention something. Just like the adrenaline shots mentioned in the first post, in this setting there's also an injection you can give your Pokémon for immediate evolution. They're incredibly expensive, but maybe your character could get their hands on one somehow? Same goes for Despondency who was lucky enough to get the same diceroll.

    As for meeting with the professor is probably more pop in, pop out. As mentioned in the rules you may meet with other roleplayers at any time in the roleplay doing a joined post and this is no exception. Meeting up with others is really on your own discretion in this roleplay.

    Also feel free to play with the setting yourself.
    What are the negative aspects of the Evolution Adrenaline shots anyways? You mentioned that the normal adrenaline shots kills the pokemon once they wear off, but it wouldn't really be fair if we had to kill off our pokemon after evolving them this early in the roleplay.

    Now regarding actual roleplay direction, since both Jade and Noel both have the option to catch an Oshawott and use the shots and Mara is the only character that's really familiar with the shots I think it would be a good idea if we try bring them together at some point, anyone agree?
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