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5th Gen B2W2 Travel Journal

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I've accomplished the following things since my last post:
  • Did some level grinding in Celestial Tower and route 7.
  • Beat Skyla
  • Arrived in Lentimas
  • Did the Strange House sidequest
  • Went through Reverse Mountain
  • Arrived at Lacunosa
  • Evolved Haunter and Magneton
Current Status
Currently level grinding in Village Bridge. I'm aiming to get them to around lv.46 - lv.47.

Samurott "Takeru" lv.44
Infernape "Sun Wukong" lv.43
Gengar "Ophelia" lv.44
Houndoom "Midnight" lv.43
Magnezone "Gamma" lv.44
Vibrava "Horizon" lv.43
Been trying to defeat the Elite Four for quite some time now; on the plus side my team is gaining some good exp!

Erebus Lv. 59 @ Charcoal
[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal

~ Tackle (Really need to replace)
~ Arm Thrust
~ Flamethrower
~ Assurance

Pulsar Lv. 60 @ Magnet
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~ Flash Cannon
~ Volt Switch
~ Thunderbolt
~ Lock-On

Rose Lv. 62 @ Expert Belt
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~ Swords Dance
~ Slash
~ X-Scissor
~ Leaf Blade

Siena Lv. 63 @ Amulet Coin
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~ Fake Out
~ Dark Pulse
~ Shadow Ball
~ Slash

Sirius Lv. 60 @ Scope Lens
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~ Aura Sphere
~ Strength
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Swords Dance (Going to replace with Calm Mind)

Scarlet Lv. 62 @ Lucky Egg
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~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Shadow Ball
~ Will-O-Wisp

Thinking of replacing Emboar with someone who I haven't used yet i.e Bouffalant, Klinklang, Scolipede etc. Any ideas/recommendations on who I should add to my team?
Hm. I like this thread. However, since I've been playing White 2 since release day, I'm already in post game, so I'll start from one of my most recent adventures.

Took some time to hit the PWT after taking down Benga in White Treehollow..

So much hax..

First I challenged the Unova Leaders:

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Yuki (Froslass) @Scope Lens
Timid - [Snow Cloak]
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Destiny Bond

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Ariase (Nidoqueen) @Leftovers
Adamant - [Sheer Force]
-Hone Claws
-Poison Jab

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Aura (Latias) @Soul Dew
Timid - [Levitate]
-Dragon Pulse
-Hidden Power [Fire]
-Calm Mind

{Unova Leaders}

Alright, I can't remember off the top of my head who I was pit against in each round, but I do know that Aura practically swept the entire tournament.

{Kanto Leaders}

(Aura @Dragon Fang)

Now this right here, was a challenge. First, I was up against Misty. All I can say is this; Dat Starmie Speed... Outsped Yuki and one-shot with Hydro Pump. ". . ." Sent out Aura, swept Starmie and Golduck with Dragon Pulse. Then came Slowbro. Took two DP's cause of dat Spec. Defense, but I won all the same.

For some reason, I'm drawing a complete blank on who I fought next, but it was another Aura sweep.

Then, came Janine. ...It was now that I came to realize... how much I ****ing HATE Venomoth. EVERY time I see that thing I believe it to be Bug/Flying or Poison/Flying.. but after a Thunderbolt AND Ice Beam from Yuki, I realize that it's still Bug/Poison... Well, after some Quiver Dancing and a hax Bug Buzz crit, Yuki is down. For whatever foolish reason I had, I sent out Ariase.. soon realizing I had not a single move to use (COMPLETELY forgetting that Venomoth isn't Flying) and proceed into Poison Jabbing, only to lose Ariase as well. At this point, I was mad. At myself. Sent out Aura in an attempt to HP [Fire] that Venomoth, but 'lo and behold, that Quiver Dance made it faster than Aura! Bug Buzz. Crit. Aura fainted. ...I lost to Janine. I apologized to Yuki, Ariase, and Aura for failing as a trainer... and cried in my usual crying corner..

{Mix Tournament}

Aura @Soul Dew (I believe)

After that horrid failure of mine, I tried to redeem myself by taking my girls to the Mix Tournament. Same team. Well, first battle was with some random Psychic who took Yuki while I took his Coforigus or whatever. Battle begins, I realize the pokemon of his that I took sucked, so I let Yuki take it out. Sent out Aura, had her use HP [Fire], took down Yuki. The rest was Dragon Pulse-fodder.

Battle two was against good 'ol Giovanni. This scrub took Ariase, and I can't remember what I took from him, I just know it was never used. The battle was pretty much won by Yuki and her Ice Beam bossness. However, it was at the end of the fight that a certain pattern finally hit me like 37 tons of bricks; My pokemon are taken from top-to-bottom, meaning Aura was next to be taken. And if memory served me, I gave Aura her Soul Dew after my failure with Janine... I was terrified.

Final battle was against my dear friend Bianca. As I thought, she took Aura, and I took Musharna (was the smartest move I coulda made between that, Dewott, and Servine). The battle begins, and I believe was led off by Aura. I froze. I knew how powerful Aura's Soul Dew'd Dragon Pulse was. I also knew how fast she was. I prayed.. Attempted to Ice Beam with Yuki, Aura used Calm Mind. "Oh thank Go- ......OH GOD NOOOOOO!!!!" Ice Beam didn't even take half of Aura's HP. I expected a sweep, so I shoot for Destiny Bond. Turns out, you need to be faster for that to work. Derp-moment. Yuki was gone. It was then that I realized Musharna was a decent Special Def tank and figured, "Why the heck not?"

Not to my surprise, Musharna had nothing that could remotely injure Aura. She did, however, possess Hypnosis, a move I never trusted when utilized by me. However, now was not the time to be picky; I NEEDED to cripple Aura somehow. Hypnosis was used. And landed. And lasted (you'll see why in a second). However, just prior, Aura's Dragon Pulse left Musharna with about 20~24 HP. With Aura now asleep, I switched out and got Ariase on the field. It took two Poison Jabs, and three lucky turns of sleep, but I got Aura off the field. Then came that accursed Dewott. I figured, "Eh.. Ariase should have enough def to handle this scrub." And she probably did. Poison Jab took more than half Dewott's HP.. but a lucky as **** Razor Shell crit took Ariase down in one blow. All I was left with was a horrendously weakened Musharna. Needless to say... didn't end well.

I cried twice in one day.
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Pokémon White 2 Team
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[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal

Totally did not just copy that from my signature. :3

Anyway, I think I'm only gonna start from what I did yesterday/today, despite having done a lot overall. xD I probably should have started the travel journal as soon as I started playing the game to be honest.

  • I went into Pinwheel Forest. It feels nice coming back, and it seems ages since I last visited (probably because I think the last time I went in there was to get Virizion in Pokemon B/W and that was aaaaages ago.)
  • After helding south ad then west, I run into a familiar face. Oh, it's Cheren! :D He decides to come with me to search for a Team Plasma member in Pinwheel Forest. Mmmm, okay. But Plasma in Pinwheel Forest.... that seems awfully familiar.
  • I decide to travel around the forest, battling several Pokemon trainers. I finally come across a clearing where one of the Sages from Pokemon Plasma appears. I honestly couldn't remember him until he mentioned the Dragon Skull from Pokemon Black/White. Cheren bids farewell and I'm left alone. Forever alone. :[
  • After searching the forest for a bit and finally finding how to get the PP max since I didn't know the guy who was blocking the way had move, I finally head east and leave the forest.
  • Ooooh, even more Familiar territory. I battle the trainers on this route and head to the Fighting Rock or whatever it's called. Luckily I have Lucario so I can get the starpiece. :D
  • I then head to Nacrene City. Heading to the Gym straight away, I get approached by Uxie. Okay, bring it on!
  • Well, that was harder than I thought. :x While Mesprite was pretty easy, Uxie was much more tedious, and I used >a lot< more balls. Yeah, emphasis on a lot. But I caught him eventually, so it's all good. Now to head into the... 'gym.'
  • Well, I lied. The museum is still there, but the Gym is not a Gym anymore- just a library. Well, that sucks. :<
  • I get given a fossil, and they explicitely mention that the meteorite can change Deoxy's forme this time by the tour guide. Strange. I could have sworn they never did in the original Pokemon Black/White. Not only that, but they usually don't mention event Pokemon (especially from other generations) that much either because of their rarity. Maybe it's because I have a Deoxys, maybe it's because I'm secretly a ninja, who knows... (one of those statements may have been a lie, but I'm not saying which. :P)
  • I then head into the Gy... Library. I mean library, and then approach Lenora. I then get a flashback where her, Burgh and Clay (Burgh mentions something about fathers and then Clay walks in... me being me thought "ooooh, Clay is Burgh's father" but no, that's not it. Anyway, it wasn't the best flashback, but still pretty nice (I guess?)
  • Figuring there is not much left to do in Nacrene city, I depart. :)
  • I then head to the route to the east. I battle a couple of trainers but I notice Charlotte, my Galvantula is hurt so I just ignore the rest for now and head to the Pokemon Centre in Striaton City.
  • Blah, blah, Stunfisk. Also, some girl was getting a bit too excited over my medals. Anyway, I talk to Clyde the Gym Guide outside of the Gy... oh, restaurant. Why can't they just stay as Gyms?!? :< Anyway, I then head to the Pokemon Centre.
  • I then get distracted of course and decide to head to the Dreamyard. Not only that, but I STILL forgot to heal my Pokemon. Great, just great... I hear a cry and then Latias (my favourite Lati by the way) approaches me. I then follow it. There is NO WAY I'm letting this thing get away. >:D
  • After soaring around the Dreamyard for a while, it finally settles down. However, me being me, I forget to save. Okay, do not kill it, do not kill it...
  • I lead off with my (injured) Galvantula to the tune of desperation. I use Bug Buzz which harshly lowers its health to the low yellow zone. Good! But now, do I try and get it lower or just throw balls until capture?
  • Ooooh, pick B! Pick B! Yeah, I tried to lower it's health. xD Using Galvantula, I used a risky Slash. The health is getting lower, and lower, and lower...




    ... and it's...

  • Okay, I'll stop milking it now. ^^ It gets so close to being a KO, but no. Luckily it lives. I have a Quick Ball, so i lead off with that. Nothing. :x It's gonna be Uxie all over again. After countless Ultra Balls, I am able to catch it. It feels good having one of my favourite legendaries. :)

Legendaries caught:
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[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal
So I made it to virbank city today. It's a cool place. I went talking to the people in the town and they seem cool enough. I saw this girl getting into an argument with her father and turns out she is a gym leader! So I decided to go give her gym a look and it looks like a rock concert! It was epic! When I tried to talk to one of them they started a battle with me! lol Of course I won though. So I battled the other band member and when I tried to talk to Roxie she automatically wanted to have a gym battle! FINE WITH ME! So with one of the pokemon I'm using to carry my team until I can ev train ran through both of her pokemon. So I got my second badge and a new tm! So as I'm heading out of the gym I get stopped by this guy who says he is with poke studios or something and wanted me to star in a movie! Before I could try to decline because I'm on my journey, he pretty much forced me to do it but I have to admit it was awesome! So I think I'll add this to my to do list in my journey! After all of that I went to the Virback complex where I went hunting for a elekid, and after a little bit of hunting I found an adamant one! NEW MEMBER OF THE TEAM OH YEAH!!!! So that's where I currently am as of now!

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[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal

[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal
Boy, I need to get my team's level up and up. The level progression's getting real tight lately. I had to finish off a lot of Audino - sorry guys! Also, gotta love spending some quality time in the stadiums.

Elesa is now super fabulous, complete with light shows. Who doesn't like being on stage, with a lot of people watching? Good thing Genny's not weak to anything in here - and a nicely-timed Signal Beam spoiled Emolga's Volt Switch by knocking out the Zebstrika.

Heartbreaker Charles is best at breaking someone's heart, but not me. Getting schooled in public is an embarrassing thing for him, that's for sure. Also: Triple Battles!

Looks like the Charizard Bridge is still as I remembered.

HUGH PUNCH! That grunt got it coming. Also, free Zorua. Also, too many hotels. Also, Clay's Gym needs more lightning. Can't be the safest place around, eh? This time, Keiran got to shine~ You've got to shiiiiiiiineeeeeeeeee-e-e-ee-e-e-e-eee...

Mmm, PWT, huh? Let's try this- Hey, Genesect can get in! And... what? The opponent's all underlevelled! What gives? Sure enough, I wiped the floor... without even touching Genesect. Seems like Corless gives a good fight in the tournament, though.

That suspicious ship... No, even three of us can't get through the Shadow Triad. Still as mystical as ever... and we're teleported to the pier, with no ship in sight. o.O

Surf HM get! And just caught an Azumarill, too. Hmm... *plops in water*

...and now I'm home with an Axew-ew-ew.
Just defeated Clay and obtained the Quake badge, It was the first time I battled him too but that was thanks to the trainers I missed back in Misaltron (the 2 stadiums), I'm going to save, and head to the world tournament after I pay a visit to the Pokemon Center


Pignite Lv31
Ampharos Lv30
Tranquil Lv30
Krokorok Lv31

The next pokemon I'll add to my team will most probably be a water type, and after that a Psychic type
So... My DS was rebooted and I had to restart my game. I was having a good time with Pignite :(

So, my team as of now:
Dewott, lvl 19
Riolu, lvl 19
Magnemite, lvl 18

Most of the things I done in this game is the same in my previous post. Started game, grabbed Oshawott, fought my rival, saw Alder jumping off a cliff, captured Riolu, got my first badge, caught Magnemite and sweeped Roxie's gym, became a hit in Pokewood, and went to Castelia City after fighting some Plasma thugs. Now, I just got out of the sewers and cleared the battle company.
Well after Celestial Tower I zoned out listening to people so I spent a good amount of time running around trying to find where to go.
Finally jumped on a plane went through the lava cave place with Bianca.
Did stuff
Ruined Drayden
Chased down Team Plasma followed Hugh to Humilau City and finished running around in front of the cave place.

Current Team
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Interdum (m)
Level 48

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Aurum (m)
Level 50

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Level 51
Giant women? Looks like a boyfriend-girlfriend argument gone wrong is in order for today!

Chargestone Cave is, like, totally unchanged, aside from a lack of any Team Plasma presence. Oh, and Mistralton City is still as wet as ever.

Took forever for me to meet Aurea. Now off to that one tower that seems to keep turning and turning around... Oh, rang the bell, too. I wonder why... (Free Lucky Egg!)

Now that's taken care of... oh, time to head for the Gym... OUCH! Whatever it is, it's going to fail OSHA. The winds are so strong, I had trouble keeping my two feet still... Fraxure took short work of everyone in here, too, and the better - and he's gaining experience like mad.

Airplane ride!

...Why are we in desert country now?

The Strange House is creepy in its own way... and also some Trainers just want to battle there for some reason. Also, what's this Lunar Wing for?

Reversal Mountain paints the whole scene a tint of red. Bianca again, and now she's off to do some researching. Just as usual.

To Undella! Wait a second, the Marine Tube is not open yet? Oh well, but-- HUGH'S RAGING TIME!

...not that it matters. Opelucid Gym is epic in every way.

(Late-game spoilers)

Humilau is a weird resort "city"... and the Gym Leader likes to do his own thing in his own way, yo. Keiran finally could catch up with all the experience to the Haxorus.

Also, Fuzzles time.

This frigate is weird flying stuff.
For my adventure...firstly, I chose Oshawott (the way I'd do so for almost any Unova game, except for White, where I went with Snivy). Then, I went to Flocessy Town, and met Alder. Then, I went to the Ranch and gave the second Town Map to Hugh. Afterwards, I found the Herdier that the owner lost. Then, I got challenged by two children, you know...the ones that Alder asked the player to battle against? Then I tried to beat Cheren, but I lost. So I decided to grind my Oshawott in Flocessy Ranch and nearby, plus catching some Pokemon. During the midst of that, I found a Shiny Lillipup! Awesome... And I'll be challenging Cheren once my Oshawott evolves, which would mean I'd level him up by one more level. (He's Lv.16.)
The Strange House is creepy in its own way... and also some Trainers just want to battle there for some reason. Also, what's this Lunar Wing for?
You can guess... once :D

As for my progress...
I'm doing after game and trying to visit every location so I can finally spend some quality time in the White Treehollow =D
Oh yeah, and I used the Lunar Wing xD
Defeated Skyla earier and flew to the next town (forgot the name), I've just finished exploring the strange house, I'm going to head into Reversal mountain soon.


Emboar Lv39
Krokorok Lv39
Flaafy Lv39
Unzefant Lv39

I'm waiting till I get to Undella Town before I add any more pokemon, I'm thinking Wailord or Walrein
I'm a little behind on posting these. I get distracted reading everyone else's!

October 14, 2012

I spent a significant amount of time in the Dream World this morning: first with Maractus, where all we found was a Nosepass that could use Stealth Rock, and then with Mareep, who gained a level, and brought back many items as well as a female Basculin that could use Zen Headbutt.

I entered the Virbank Complex and started to explore. Among other Pokémon, I found a wild Growlithe and Koffing that I managed to capture! I already had six Pokémon with me, so they were immediately sent to storage.

"Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. Growlithe are extrememly loyal to their trainers. They will remain motionless until they are given orders by their trainers. They will bark at those who approach unexpectedly to scare them away."

"Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokémon. Koffing are kept aloft by lighter-than-air gases gases contained in their bodies. These gases are toxic and not only smell, but can also cause massive explosions."

163. Growlithe
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164. Koffing
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One of the trainers I battled in the complex had a Magby, which I haven't seen in Unova yet.

"Magby, the Live Coal Pokémon. Magby have magma-like blood that circulates throughout their bodies. Their body temperature is over 1,100 degrees F. Embers escape from mouth and nose when they breathe."

I then found a new Entree not far from Virbank City. There were a lot of small missions called Funfest Missions that not only helped to grow this new Entree, but also allowed me to gather quite a few items and berries. While I was running around on these missions, my Azurill evolved into a Marill!

"Marill, the Aquamouse Pokémon. Marill keep from drowning due to the oil-filled end of their tails that float on water. They are fine even in rivers with strong currents."

165. Marill

I went back to the Pokémon Center, and rotated my team, keeping Marill, Magnemite, Koffing, Drifloon, Swablu, and Elekid with me.

I also received some more medals, which along with some new Hint Medals, brings my total to 41:
Evolution Hopeful
Battle Teacher

October 15, 2012

Dream World: Cruslte. Nothing new; Mawile with Fire Fang.

After work I received four more medals and two Hint Medals, bringing me up to 27 medals and making 44 total:
Moderate Customer
Mission Host Lv. 1
First Friend
Ace of Hearts

October 16, 2012

A quick trip to the Dream World after midnight with Psyduck raised its level. We also came back with a Stunfisk.

I had a very long day at work, but late in the evening I decided to look for the Virbank Gym. It was a very unimposing structure in the middle of the city covered in graffiti. When I approached it, I could hear loud punk rock music coming from inside. I walked in and descended down the stairs. I entered a large auditorium, where a band was playing! I asked one of the fans that was rocking out where the gym leader was, and he said that Roxie, the head of the band, was also the Virbank Gym Leader. After the band played their set, I asked Roxie if I could have a gym battle. She said she would battle me tomorrow, but I was welcome to battle the other band members for some practice. Apparently the Virbank Gym is a poison-type gym, because I fought Venipede, Koffing, and even a Grimer!

"Grimer, the Sludge Pokémon. Grimer gather in polluted places and increase the bacteria in their bodies. They were born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays."

After some good trainer battles using my Dunsparce and Magnemite, I returned to the Pokémon Center. I contacted Professor Burnet who was able to download the data from the Dream Radar. I managed to find an Igglybuff and a handful of Shuckle in the Interdream Space, which she transferred to me in Dream Balls!

"Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. Schuckle store berries in their shells. These berries eventually ferment to become thick, pulpy juices that taste delicious."

"Igglybuff, the Balloon Pokémon. Igglybuff have soft and bouncy bodies that have a faintly sweet scent. If they start to bounce, they cannot stop."

166. Shuckle
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167. Igglybuff
[PokeCommunity.com] B2W2 Travel Journal

I gained a new medal, giving me 28 medals earned plus 17 hint medals:
Wonder Writer
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So, I have:
-Beat 5 Gyms
-Beat the PWT
-and have an awesome team.

My Team:
-Servine lvl 34
-Darumaka lvl 31
-Azumarill lvl 32
-Scraggy lvl 30
-Zubat lvl 20

and I'm currently trying to get an axew.
Arrived in Lacunosa Town and defeated the two Plasma dudes that showed up, I also managed to catch a Wailmer while surfing in Undella City which has now evolved into Wailord (I'm still shocked at the amount of space it takes up in battle, nearly half the screen lol)

Team (same as before but at Lv41-42)
Just defeated Ghetsis and Black Kyurem. I traveled Route 23 and am now standing in front of Victory Road.

The team right now:

Samurott Level 50
Lucario Level 50
Ampharos Level 50
Flygon Level 52
Magmortar Level 50
Sneasel Level 44

I just caught Sneasel in the Giant Chasm, wasn't planning on adding him but when I found him I had to get him because I love Weavile. Dumped my Scrafty for him.
Just cleared White Treehollow Area 10 for the second time for training purposes. Was a... uhh.. rather rough trip with my current team.. But, we managed somehow:

[End Result]

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Aera (Lv. 92) @Shell Bell

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Sora (Lv. 91) @Lucky Egg

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Zoey (Lv. 90) @Lucky Egg

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Zeiru (Lv. 90) @Leftovers

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Yui (Lv. 90) @Lucky Egg

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Serenity (Lv. 91) @Leftovers
Is it bad that Ace Trainer Belle made me black out? Haha.

I'm in Mistralton now. Haven't updated in a while but from my last post, I've done a lot. I'm going to the Celestial Tower, just to see Juniper's script, then I'll challenge Skyla.
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