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♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

I'll join. (First I got to restart my HG game, but first I'm gonna trade my favorite of the Pokemon over to Soulsilver)
Username: Soulsilver10112
Game: Heartgold
Gender: Female
Alright, sorry for the delayed update -- just wrecked Sudowoodo and I'm on my way to Ecruteak. Here's my tiny team thus far (I can't post images yet, booo):

Leafy the Bayleef, lv. 24 ♀
Naive nature (didn't want to reset for a better one)
Reflect / Synthesis / Razor Leaf / Magical Leaf

Moon the Flaffy, lv. 24 ♀
Mild Nature
No moves worth mentioning besides Thundershock

I am planning to catch a fire-type pretty quick here. I wanted to use Togekiss for Fly but I forgot to check my Togepi's gender before I saved so I can't use it :( Going to aim for getting Lapras this week for my surf slave/ice-type, and I think I'll train up an Espeon soon as well. Nothing too difficult so far, managed to down Whitney without any trouble whatsoever (aside from pulling my hair out due to Milk Drink) and I've only whited out once... I don't want to talk about it. :P
Time or my first update, then.

Started the game like usual, got my first Pokémon (Cyndaquil), get the egg amd Pokédex at Mr. Pokémons house, fought my rival Mr. Dude (fantastic name, right?) and stuff.
Then I caught a Sentret and a Pidgey on route 29, got through the routes to Violet City. Beat Falkners and the monks asses, then I continued to route 32 where I caught a Mareep, where I also hatched my Togepi (got a female at the first try, yay). Got through the cave and saved in Azaela Town.

Note: I'll be narrating this in first person just for the sake of it.

Lauren's Log

I woke up rather late from my bed after an odd nightmare involving a Muk trying to gobble me up. The thought of it still gives me goosebumps. Anyway, rather than talk about this horrific nightmare, let's talk about what happened next.
I walked down the stairs to find my mom, saying that Professor Elm next door was looking for me. She also mentioned something about my friend Ethan, but I didn't pay much attention. I grabbed my bag, my journal, and some other stuff and left my house, ready to see what that Elm guy needed.
After leaving and beeing greeted by a friendly Marill, I went inside the Professor's lab. As I figured, he needed my help with something. Not only he wanted me to help with his research by giving me a Pokémon, he also wanted me to get something from a guy named Mr. Pokémon. Shrugging at the weird name, I agreed, as I was going to finally get a Pokémon like Ethan, and went over to where the Pokéballs were placed.
And then things began to get weird. Out of all the three starters, I decided to choose the green one, but then my head started to ache and everything turned black. When I regained consciousness, I was back at the lab, looking at what three Pokémon to pick. I picked the green one again, and the same thing happened. After the first 5 times this happened, I was beginning to get scared, and decided to pick the one with flames on his back. It happened again. I didn't know what to do, and my heart was starting to beat really fast. I picked the fire starter again, and closed my eyes, but, thankfully, nothing happened. The small Pokémon was smiling at me, and Elm was looking at me confused. He let it go, and told me the coordinates to Mr. Pokémon's house. After that, I got some Potions from the Aide, and my Pokégear from mom. I was glad it was finally repaired, especially after what happened that broke it. But I won't go into details for that.
As I was about to leave New Bark Town, I noticed a kid with long, red hair looking into Elm's lab. I went closer to him, and the boy yelled and pushed me away. Upset, I left for the first city, Cherrygrove City, with my mind all worked up because of anger. Why were all boys like that?, I asked myself as I walked though grassy areas, WHya re they all so mean? Then I thought about Ethan, how he was never mean to me, and I managed to calm myself down.
After what seemed like forever, but only took a couple of minutes, I reached Cherrygrove City, and was immediately startled by an old man, who gave me a tour of the city, gave me some shoes for running, and later a Pokégear map card. Weird. I healed Cyndaquil at the Pokémon Center and moved on to Route 30, where Mr. Pokémon's house was. I got an Apricorn box from a kind of lonely man in his forties/fifties, and then continued to make my way to my destination, wondering if people were that weird outside of New Bark Town, and if I would be safe in my journey.
After going through a small forest, I reached a house, with a mailbox that said it was Mr. Pokémon's place. I went in, and was greeted by both him and a renowned Pokémon Professor, Samuel Oak. I remember hearing him on the radio when I was a few years younger and dreaming of going on a Pokémon Journey. Anyway, I got an Egg and a Pokédex, and I had to deliver that Egg to Elm, for him to investigate or something. Mr. Pokémon then healed my Pokémon and soon I was back outside.
However, my Pokégear started ringing, and I picked up. It was Elm, and he didn't sound okay. Then he yelled at someone. I knew something was wrong, and that it was time to head back home. I started thinking of that red-haired kid, and got mad again. I arrived at Cherrygrove City, and as I was to leave, the same kid that I was thinking off appeared, calling me a wimp. That was it. Time to settle it.
He got a small blue crocodile-like Pokémon, known as Totodile. That kid proved himself to be the wimpy one, as I wiped the floor with him in spite of the type advantage that he had. And as he left, that stupid arrogant jerk dropped his Trainer Card, and I finally got his name. He took it from me rather violently and then ran off.
Soon after that I was at Elm's lab. A cop was there, and accused me of stealing one of Elm's Pokémon. Then I got the pieces together, it was that red-haired kid. Everything was clear to me; however, the cop just wouldn't buy it. Luckily, Ethan barged inside, claiming I was innocent, and saying he saw that red-haired jerk looking into the lab. The cop then asked me if I got the kid's name, and nodded.


Then the cop left, and Ethan followed not long after that. I gave the egg to Elm, yadda yadda yadda, and then I told my mom I was leaving, and then left. Ethan was waiting for me outside of town, taught me how to catch a Pokémon, and even gave me tools for that. How sweet of him. I calmed down again, and after he left, I thanked Arceus for having a friend like him.
I got past Cherrygrove, and arrived at Violet City, after many battles and some Pokémon that I added to my team. I caught a Sentret, a Pidgey, and a Caterpie, which was already a Metapod by the time I got to Violet. What I wanted to do was go into the Gym, but this guy told me I had to go up Sprout Tower first. That tower was full of Bellsprout, which were Poison-type, but nevertheless I agreed to go there to train.
After battling many monks, Metapod glowed and evolved into Butterfree. WIth Butterfree and Cyndaquil, I reached the top of the tower, where the Elder was said to be. But when I arrived, someone else was there as well.
He had just defeated the Elder, and was being told that he treats his Pokémon in a harsh way. Well, pretty obvious, since he was a big jerk, and he didn't seem to care about that at all. He used a bizarre rope to leave the place, and it was my turn to beat the Elder. I did, and after the battle, Cyndaqui evolved as well. I would have smiles if those Bellsprout statues hadn't creeped me out so much. I left the building as fast as I could, and then it was time to beat the Gym.
The Gym was quite easy, although I was afraid that I would fall down to my doom on my way to the leader. Luckily that didn't happen, and I managed to defeat Falkner with ease. I got my badge, my TM51, and then I left. After that I got a call from Elm, saying that his Aide was at the Pokémon Mart. I got there, and he gave me an Egg. After that, an odd girl in a kimono talked to me and left. Weird. I walked around Violet City, enjoying the sunset, when suddenly the Egg glowed. However, it was too bright, and I had to close my eyes. When I opened them, however, I was back at the Mart, and the Aide gave me the Egg again. Same thing as when I was picking my starter, I was starting to get freaked out again. At happened three times, but the last time, when I opened my eyes, I was at Violet City, holding a happy-looking Togepi in my eyes.
I rushed to Elm's lab and showed him the Pokémon. He mentioned something about a Legendary, and then gave me a stone for stopping evolution. Why would I want to do that?, I thought as I amde my way to Violet City again.
By the time I arrived, it was very dark and my legs were killing me from walking and running so much. I asked Nurse Joy for a room, and she kindly gave me one. I lied in bed and went to sleep, hoping the next day wasn't as bizarre as that one.

...My God, that took longer than I expected. I'll post Lauren's team later on, since not much progress was made since that last adventure.
I'll update. (:

Here's the dealio now. Since last time I have...
-beaten Morty
-saved Amphy and who-knows-how-many inept sailors
-explored a lot in order to gather up TMs
-trained my party
-accidentally run into Entei and Raikou right after one another, once each (chucked a fast ball out of desperation but no dice)

Right now this is what my party looks like (still no images. I am a bad poster);

Pixie the Espeon, lv.29 ♀
Quirky nature, absolutely terrible IVs. Average was 6.018 or something... at least her Sp. Atk is relatively high!
Quick Attack / Swift / Bite / Shadow Ball

Glacia the Lapras, lv.20 ♀
Water Absorb :(
Naughty nature... kept it because it has 31 Sp. Atk and 31 Speed IVs!
Confuse Ray / Ice Shard / Surf / Body Slam

Leafy the Meganium, lv.32 ♀
Petal Dance / Synthesis / Cut / Magical Leaf

Moon the Ampharos, lv.31 ♀
Tackle / Charge / ThunderShock / Thunder Wave

So obviously some of my pokémon still need some work (especially the movesets) and I'm going to be stuck on Jasmine unless I get a good fire-type. I want to figure out which NPCs have a vulpix and go and battle them so that I can trade for one. I'm also going to need a fly slave, not sure who I'll pick yet... hmm... back to the drawing board I guess.
Lauren's Log

I woke up the next day feeling very dizzy. Everything around me felt cold, and my head ached a lot. I asked the nurse for help, and to make a long story short I had a little fever, which meant being stuck in bed for the next days. Terrific. That red-haired jerk is getting way ahead of me while I'm stuck in bed.

It seemed like forever before I could actually go back out there. I went outside of town, to a palce where some odd ruins were. I decided to explore them and, holding my baby Togepi in my arms, went inside a chamber. I examined the back of it, and an odd message saying "ESCAPE" was there. That was weird, and I first thought it was some kind of warning. Then, I thought about an odd rope that I found back at Sprout Tower. I set Togepi on the floor, and reached into my bag to get the rope. But as soon as I grabbed it, everything shook. I dropped the rope and grabbed Togepi, then closed my eyes hoping for the worst. But everything became calm again, so I opened my eyes and was pretty surprised to see a hole where the odd message was. My Togepi squirmed, eager to explore, so I walked inside. There were four items there, and I grabbed them and put them in my bag. Ahead was a hole, and I thought it was time to head back. But the curious little Pokémon in my arms squirmed more and jumped off my arms, falling into the hole below, making me go in there to prevent something awful from happening to her.

Luckily he wasn't hurt. But as I took a closer look at the floor, another odd message was there, in the same type of writing as the one that said "ESCAPE". I walked, trying to read it. The message said: "OUR CLAN ENGRAVED WORDS IN THIS PLACE" or something like that. I was slightly freaked out, but before I could do anything else, my baby Togepi ran away, and jumped into another hole, forcing me to chase after her once again.

I landed on my butt in a creepy place full of statues. Luckily, there were people there, and in spite of the bizarre looks, it seemed safe. I grabbed Togepi and left the place. After that, I went back inside the chamber, as there was a puzzle to solve. I left my Togepi on the floor once more, and told her not to move. She nodded and I proceeded to work on the puzzle. It was easy, to say the least. But after it was solved, the floor below me opened, and I fell into that bizarre place full of statues again. A scientist gave me some report on something then ran off. And as I got back on my feet, I found myself being chased by Pokémon that looked like the writing I had previously seen. What was going on? Was it a nightmare, a hallucination? Did my fever go up? I ran the hell out of there with my baby Togepi in my arms. Unlike me, she seemed to be having a blast.

I ran and ran uintil I reached the Pokémon Center in Violet City. I told the nurse to heal my Pokémon, and once she was done, I went to my room and took a nap, cuddling Togepi. What a bizarre experience.

When I woke up, it was dark outside, and I realised I had overslept. I hastily got out of bed and left the Pokémon Center, holding Togepi in my arms. I checked my Pokégear; to reach the next town I had to go south. Excellent, time to get going. But, once again, my curious little Togepi was staring at Sprout Tower. She jumped off my arms again, and ran straight there. I chased after her, and by the time I grabbed her, I was already inside, and on the second floor. Oh, sweet Arceus, she was quite a handful.

I told her not to do that again, and she nodded looking at me with puppy eyes. I smirked, and I was about to leave...if it wasn't for an odd presence. A bunch of gassy Pokémon appeared out of nowhere, ready to harass me. My Pokédex identified them as Gastly. I started shaking like a leaf, as I had heard of them before. Ghost/Poison-Type Pokémon, very mischievous. I closed my eyes and held Togepi tighter, being unable to move. Dear Lord, I hate Sprout Tower so much...

But the, Togepi broke free once more, and I opened my eyes, worried about my poor baby. But I was astonished to see that she was glowing purple, and knocking out the Gastlys one by one. And that the gastlys could not harm her. Then I remembered, Ghost moves had no effect on Normal-type Pokémon. I smirked as Togepi finished them all and then leapt into my arms, and I embraced her. Time to leave the tower, to never return.

I headed into Route 32. After some Pokémon Battles, which I won with ease, I went into the Pokémon Center to rest. My Pokémon were tired and, quite frankly, so was I, even though I had been sleeping a lot. I got a Rod from a fisherman, then went to my room. A cave called Union Cave awaited, and I could cross it the following day, once I was full of energy. According to the Pokégear, Azalea Town was on the other side.

Anyway, my team so far consists of:

Togepi - Lv 14
Quirky Nature, highly curious.
Ability: Hustle
Moves: Extransensory, Metronome, Charm, Sweet Kiss

Butterfree - Lv 13
Naughty Nature, highly persistent
Ability: Compoundeyes
Moves: Confusion, Tackle, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Quilava - Lv 15
Hardy Nature, quick to flee
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Ember, Quick Attack, Leer, Smokescreen

Haven't got to use the other two, Pidgey and Sentret. Hopefully they'll be useful later on.
Here's my progress so far:
After some SRing, Trainer Jade recieved a female Chikorita named Flora.
Delivered the mysterious egg to Professor Elm.
Caught Scout (Sentret) Judy (Pidgey) and Kathy (Caterpie)
Got through Bell Tower.
Went training on Route 32.
Caught Tiana (Hoppip) and Fluffy (Mareep)
Flora evolved!
Youngster Joey called me about his top percentage Rattata.
Beat Falkner!

Flora Lv. 18
Scout Lv. 3
Judy Lv. 3
Kathy Lv. 3
Tiana Lv. 6
Fluffy Lv. 6
I do not plan to use Scout, Kathy, or Tiana, though.
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Lauren's Log

I woke up at about noon and immediately entered Union Cave, the cave that stood between me and my next Gym Badge. I took a deep breath, as the cave looked slightly scary, and then went inside. I don't want to talk about it much, as the cave was swarmed by Zubats, and ugly Rock-type Pokémon that looked at me as if they wanted to kill me. I remember one of them was a giant snake, and others were just boulders with a face. Also, some of the trainers there used Pokémon like Koffing... As I found the exit, I thought that I seriously had to overcome this fear of mine.

Outside of the cave, Quilava frowned at me, since for some reason it was raining. I thought it was odd, since the sky was clear on the other side, but I returned her inside the Pokéball so that she wouldn't suffer anymore. I released Togepi from her ball and held her in my arms. She looked playful, and broke free, making me chase her around the zone while she giggled. Eventually, when I caught her, a Hiker challenged me, and I used Togepi to battle. She used the same weird powers she used on the Gastlys the day before to defeat him, and once he was done, I moved on to Azalea Town.

I couldn't help but notice a man, probably in his late forties, being harassed by a thug dressed in black. He said he was aprt of Team Rocket, and that they had not disbanded. I remember hearing about them causing trouble in Kanto three years ago, and that they suddenly disappeared. I shook my head, and the man ran away, the thug blocked the entrance to a well, and I ignored it and moved on to town.

As I made my way to the Pokémon center, I overheard people talking about Slowpokes having disappeared, and that their tails were being sold for a lot of money. Yuck. Reminded me of that guy who tried to sell me a Slowpoketail back on Route 32 for a ridiculous amount of money, which I obviously didn't have.

Anyway, after healing my Pokémon, I took a walk around town. I wanted to go to the Gym, but another thug dressed in black was blocking my way, and that's when I decided it was personal. That was it. Team Rocket was going down.

The man who was being harassed earlier today told me about a tough guy named Kurt, so I looked for his house. I entered, and I saw an elderly man with a little girl. The man introduced himself as Kurt, and explained me little about Team Rocket. Then, out of nowhere, he said he would teach them a lesson in pain and ran off, leaving the little girl all alone in the house. Not really caring about her, I ran off towards the well, as he knew they were there. The thug guarding it was gone, and I was able to climb down this well. Doing it gave me fright, but, if I wanted my badge, then it had to be done.

(Note: Next ones will be coming with little titles.)
Ok, I made more progress:
Recieved the egg.
Went to Azalea Town.
Rescued the Slowpoke.
Went training for fighting Bugsy.
Egg hatched.. male Togepi. I boxed him to use when I finish the challenge.
Beat Bugsy after many attempts.
Beat my rival Jojo.
Went to Goldenrod.
Caught a Nidorian (F). Named her Irene.
Traded Irene to another game for a while. (My Soulsilver Trainer is female as well, so it works out.)
Leveled up and evolved Irene in Soulsilver.
Traded Irene back.
Used Flora for beating Whitney.
Beat my rival Jojo.
Saw Suicune.
Beat Morty with Irene.
Flora evolved into Meganium.
Saw sick Amphy.
Went looking for surfers, but had no luck. Then I found out sentret can surf.
Made it to Cianwood.
Saw Suicune again, battled Eusine.
Lauren's Log
Fighting Fears

I took a deep breath and went down Slowpoke Well. As I reached the bottom, I felt slightly dizzy, and I didn't know if it was about little air or if it was because of something else. I checked my Pokégear...and it was...Friday! Three days had passed and I hadn't noticed! The dizziness left, for the time being, but I was freaked out anyway. My thoughts were interrupted by an old man lying there, who I recognised as Kurt.

He was hurt, and said he couldn't go after the Rockets. I felt something inside of me burn, and told him I'd get the job done. A zubat flew right apst me, which made me scream, but after taking another deep breath and calming down I went inside. Oh, dear, I hate those Pokémon. I mean, they're bats with no freaking eyes!

Inside of the cave, I could see many of the Pokémon I hated so much, lying upside down, and I had the feeling they were staring at me. I could feel my heart beating faster as I walked the wet floor of the cave. Suddenly, a man in black came out of nowhere and startled me even more. He took the opportunity to challenge me, saying he'd fallen there and that he'd take it out on me. Well, he scared the bejesus out of me, so I guess I'd take it out on him. What's more, Togepi kicked his behind with Extrasensory, and he was done with easily.

With ocassional Zubats stiking me from above, I met and defeated more soldiers of Team Rocket, until I came to where the one in charge. Claiming to be one of the cruelest, I was more than determined to beat him and get them out of there. To my horror he had Zubat and Koffing, two Pokémon that disgust me to no end. I started to feel sick again, but Togepi somehow cheered me up, and Extrasensory did the rest, leaving the guy's Pokémon out of commission. He told me a little bit more about Team Rocket and left, and then Kurt miraculously got better and escorted me out of there and to his place. He gave me some crafted Pokéball, and I gave him two pink Apricorns so that he could turn them into Pokéballs.

With Team Rocket's small operation in Azalea over, it was time for me to challenge the Gym. It sort of grossed me out, as I had to live the experience of a spider, going over webs and stuff. Quilava took care of the trainers, and it took me a while to get to Bugsy, the leader. Once there, I challenged him, and Quilava wiped the floor with his Pokémon. He gave me the badge, TM, and hastily left, as I didn't want to be around those big spider-like things anymore.

As I walked towards the Pokémon Center, I started to think about stuff. More precisely, my fear of Posion-type Pokémon. I thought about that horrible experience with the Muks and Grimers in that abandoned warehouse, and shuddered. But then I thought, I had no Pokémon at the time. And now I have many which would probably defend me. I should be less scared of them from now on...But they still creep me out...

I had to find a way to get over this fear, and I had to do that quick. Otherwise it would stand in my way. Anyway, here is my team so far:

Togepi - Lv 16
Quirky Nature, highly curious.
Ability: Hustle
Moves: Extransensory, Metronome, Charm, Yawn

Butterfree - Lv 15
Naughty Nature, highly persistent
Ability: Compoundeyes
Moves: Confusion, Tackle, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Quilava - Lv 19
Hardy Nature, quick to flee
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Ember, Quick Attack, Leer, Smokescreen

thunder: update #2 ★

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

I have arrived at Violet City. Still with one Pokemon, Sydian, a L9 Cyndaquil. I've decided to heal her at the Pokemon Center to replenish her PP for her moves, because we will be needing those powers for the upcoming destination: The Bell Tower. Usually, it was always my first destination. :D

I had to battle all the sages in the tower. Sage Cho, Sage Do, Sage Po. In the meantime, Sydian was also leveling up quite well. At L10, she finally learned Ember. A TOTALLY useful move to beat all the Bellsprouts. Sydian continued to level up until reaching the final level of the tower, at L13.

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

*bulbagarden.net image removed*​
I encountered Rudy at the final tower as well. He had the battle with the Elder, giving him the TM70 which contained Flash, but suggested him to take an easy on his Pokemon. He then used the Escape Rope to easily escape the tower, and God knows where he's heading next.

I battled the Elder, and Sydian reached L14. Which means...
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

I saved the game at Bell Tower, next update I will be ready to face Falkner.

Current Team:

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Beat Chuck.
Received Shuckie.(Shuckle) Permaboxed Shuckie right after.
Beat Jasmine.
Saw the Red Gyrados.
Beat Team Rocket.
Beat Pryce.
Went to Goldenrod to beat Team Rocket once more.
Exited before beating Team Rocket, to beat them later.
Hey everyone! There's been some big updates. I've added in the full gen IV National Dex to the gender chart, so now we're no longer limited to Pokemon in the HGSS Pokedex. I also removed the rule about having to trade with someone of the same gender. So now you're free to trade with whoever, as long as your Pokemon matches your gender and the gender its assigned in the chart. I hope everyone hasn't forgotten about this challenge, haha. :(
Is it the kind like Black Black 2 where it just adds all the Pokemon to the game or does it change the game too much? If it's the former it's fine. But if it changes up the game too much, then please use the regular game.

Here's an update. Just beat the Rocket Hideout and Pryce.

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Player: Alli
Game: SoulSilver
Gender: Female
Badges: 7

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Megan / Meganium (f) lv. 35 @ Miracle Seed
Petal Dance, Body Slam, PoisonPowder, Magical Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Klare / Ninetales (f) lv. 35
Flamethrower, Wil-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Headbutt

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Anice / Jolteon (f) lv. 36
Thundershock, Double Kick, Headbutt, Shadow Ball

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Berta / Miltank (f) lv. 35
Zen Headbutt, Body Slam, Surf, Rollout

[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂
[PokeCommunity.com] ♀ Gender Discrimination Challenge ♂

Layla / Lapras (f) lv. 35
Ice Beam, Surf, Ice Shard, Body Slam
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I have finished.

Beat Team Rocket.
Went to Victory Road.
Traded in Flare. (Female Charizard, starters count for either gender, so why not trade her in?)
Got through Victory Road without a problem.
Beat the Elite Four with no problem.
Lance kept paralyzing Flare. Glad I bought some full heals.
Beat the league.
Credits rolled.
Went on the boat, recieved National Dex.
Beat Lt. Surge.
Defeated Sabrina.
Helped the Power Plant.
Beat Misty, Erika, and Janine easily.
Went to Lavender Town, then got the Snorlax near Vermillion to move.
Went to Cinnabar, to the Seafoam islands.
Beat Blaine.
Went to Cinnabar, then Virdian.
Beat Blue.
Went to Pallet Town.
Got through Mount Silver.
Beat Red, no Pokemon fainted in the battle!
Credits rolled a second time.
I am starting over this challenge. School kept me away from HG, and now I got my laptop back but I'll have to format and install Windows 7 so...yeah. I'll be starting over soon. And also expect to see Lauren's Log more summarised.