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Super Smash Bros: Augustine Rush [T] [OOC/SU]

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Hey, this looks awesome! Would you be as kind as to reserve me? Meta Knight should be fine, though... how do I cosplay as him? His suit is basically a mask, shoulderpads, shoes and cape - do I need to assume my own image of a 'Knight' for his appearance? There some questions left unanswered.

Leaf Storm said:
Roleplay Sample: (This field will determine your personality. It's your first week at the Island and you are confused at why you arrived at Augustine Island. All of the sudden, Cammy, out of nowhere, suddenly pops up in front of you to explain what the Island is and why she rescued you from your kidnapper. During that time, you gain the same exact powers as the Super Smash Bros character you were dressed as. This is where you write about how you acquired those powers, and put them to good use...as well as your determination to save the Island. (be as detailed as possible!))

I thought that only half of the characters were sent to the shores, and the other half are still imprisoned by the villains. Does Cammy appear to them as well? Also, what do I do after my character gains his powers? How did he get to know about the island and the villains who kidnapped him/have control over the island? You said that the characters would be determined to save it, but I have no clue where to start with this. Excuse me if these questions were answered somewhere in the previous pages of this thread - I have no time to check them out right now.

And, why is there no personality section required for the SU?
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Woot! Claire, Megaman and Ray! Well ****, now the RP probably can't get any better XD

Also, loved reading through the SUs! This is gonna be a-so much-a fun!
>Spend ages writing 20 lines worth of 'what does your character look like'. Nobody else does. igsbiguabs

Name: "Princess" Lilly

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Nationality: American

Character: Peach

Differences: Lilly is a lithe young lady sporting a feminine hourglass figure and a rather healthy body build. You'd be hard pressed to know this just by looking at her however, as she wears a very formal looking pink dress. The dress has quite a few decorative layers split down the middle in various different shades of pink, the lightest of which is almost white, and several of the layers have ornate artwork on them. The skirt portion of her dress is a somewhat subtle hoop skirt, accentuating her hips and hiding her legs completely from view in most instances. If one were to catch a view of said legs however (ಠ_ಠ) they would find that she wears a pair of red high-heels that frankly look difficult to run in, as well as knee-high white stocking that have a nice, pretty pattern at the opening but are otherwise unremarkable.

Lilly's top is also split down the middle, a frilly light pink layer running straight up the center of her chest straight down to her skirt. The upper portion of this layer is adorned with some simply designs and a very large blue gem rimmed with gold, neither the gem nor gold furnishings of questionable authenticity. The top portion of her dress appears to have been fitted, and compliments her mildly generous bust. The top portion of her dress' shoulder areas is rather poofy, only marginally below the point where it would start to look comical. A short, subtle cloth collar covers a small portion of her lower neck complete with wavy design. Her otherwise bare arms are mostly covered by long satin gloves with exceedingly subtle patterns on them of a slightly different color that are literally almost invisible to the naked eye. The openings of her gloves are slightly flared, with a gold rimming. Somewhat appropriately she does not wear a ring, signifying that she is not taken and still a princess as opposed to a full-on queen. (Or at least, cosplaying a princess.)

(Note. The only difference from the neck down is the presence of stockings, disregarding the fact that I chose not to mention her skin color there.)

Lilly's skin is a nice olive tone of indeterminate racial background. She sports semi-subtle makeup at all times including a rather subtle pink'ish red'ish lipstick, illuminator, and eyeliner. She also sports curled lashes, but otherwise tends to skip out on the rest in favor of saving time. Lilly's hair is a nice reddish auburn color, ironically causing her to resemble a certain other damsel in distress that predates Princess Peach herself. Said hair is long and styles in an extremely similar manner to Peach herself. Her eyes are a deep shade of blue and she has a significant ammount of freckles adorning her cheeks. She wears gold earrings with somewhat large blue globe-shaped decorations hanging off of them. Lastly but not least, she wears a rather fancy golden crown atop her head, adorned with several more sapphire gems and one pink gem on the very front. The crown has very large ridges around it's top that can quickly become terrifyingly dangerous when removed for improvised combat.

Roleplay Sample: Lilly shielded her eyes, trying to get a good look up at an unforgiving sun as she looked around at her surroundings, somewhat disheveled from the trip. Being caged like an animal had not been pleasant, and the seeming prospect of being lost as all get out was only marginally better. Man, she wasn't prepared for this sort of thing! She needed food, and shelter, neither of which she knew how to get. This entire trip was already turning out to be a disaster zone. She was too young to die!

She kind of wished she had bothered to make an umbrella for her costume, honestly. No offense to princesses everywhere but this getup was /exceedingly/ warm.

Regardless--As she painstakingly made her way across the wild terrain in her high-heeled she abruptly became aware that she was not alone. Something with an eerie skin tone had just made it's way into her line of sight. She turned to observe and--Oh god what the heck was /that/?! She was a bit put off to say the least. To her surprise, or perhaps angst, the 'humanoid' being, humanoid being used somewhat lightly, spoke to her. It wasn't lizard-speak either. Lizard-men were kind of scary yo. If she seemed unnerved it didn't seem to bother her visitor however, who promptly began to lay down some facts and explain a few questions Lilly hadn't even thought to ask. Before she knew it there were talks of bombs and the universe going boom! Something about powers and--She wanted /Lilly's/ help? Lilly was a bit put off by this, honestly. I don't even lift, bro. I mean, did she really look like a hero to this... lizard-person? Lizard-man? Lizard-girl? ...Bowser's wife? It was decidedly difficult for her to discern what she was dealing with, but she declined to comment out loud in favor of not embarrassing herself. No time like being stranded and in danger of dying to practice some civility in an otherwise absurd situation, right?

"Um--Alright... But what can I do?" she asked in an ever so innocent tone, having completely forgotten about the prospect of powers somewhere along the line. It was then that the lizard-person re-explained the prospect of powers, simultaneously gracing a bewildered Lilly with them. In all frankness, the conversation was one-sided and just left Lilly staring with a concerned look on her face. What' you talkin' 'bout, Lizard-Willis? It wasn't that she was stupid or anything. This just wasn't something she was mentally or emotionally prepared for. In all honesty she probably would've wrapped her head around it given some time to really absorb the info, but the other being decidedly moved to help her rather than leave it to her to figure out on her own. Cammy moved in and.. gently tickled the bridge of Lilly's nose, eliciting a light blush from the other girl coupled with an appropriately weirded-out expression. Personal space aside, it didn't take long for a tingling sensation to grace her nostrils. She immediately cupped her hands over her nose in anticipation, but the sneeze was delayed. Decidedly, she turned around out of politeness and allowed the inevitable to happen.

She sneezed. Next thing she knew she was sitting atop the lizard-person, who had been thrown onto her back on impact. When she had sneezed she had felt her feet immediately lift the ground, and she had been thrown butt-first backwards--directly into the person she had been trying not to be rude towards. Oh--Oh okay... super butt-strength works. Thanks lizard-person!~ After a moment of finally wrapping her head around what had just happened she looked down and realized she was still using her benefactor as a cushion and got up. She found it surprisingly easy despite her heels. She felt light as a feather! Actually, that was kind of trippy. She testily shifted her weight from hip to hip, finding that she indeed felt as if gravity had been given the day off.

An amused--Was she amused actually? Lilly couldn't read lizard-expressions if her life depended on it. Regardless, a seemingly amused Cammy got to her feet and took one of Lilly's hands in a gentle manner. At first Lilly was a tad nervous, but a reassuring grip seemed to tell her she was safe. It became comforting even as the lizard person continued on to explain that she had been graced with magic and the manifested power of feminine grace.

"So--...So my power is... girl power?" Lilly asked, a subtle tone that suggested she found the notion humorous in her voice. Actually, this wasn't half bad! She could get used to having girl power as a super power, or at least that was her first impression of it. Apparently she could wreck a dude with her backside and float through the air with all the grace of a butterfly. That was the catch though. Her power was proportional to how much grace she showed. It was explained to her that if she tried to forsake grace and femininity her powers would most likely cease to function properly. On the other hand, if she /did/ stay true to these values, she could not only float like a butterfly but sting like a bee. Lastly, but far from least, she discovered that she had a hammerspace dress. The other girl had to demonstrate this concept to her, as it once again left her bewildered. Searching hands slipped between the folds of her dress and came out with... a golf club? Well that was much better than expected! Awkwardness aside, it was hard for her to feel any sort of tension with the lizard person due to the species barrier. No offense, Cammy.

Lilly promptly attempted to shove the golf club back into her dress and was met with success. This was amazing! Could her heels cure cancer?? ...No, but there was more stuff in the hammerspace-dress and pulled out a frying pan, and then a tennis racket. It was explained that different sections of the dress held different items. Lilly promptly went exploring and found such things as a parasol, cosmetics, and Toad tea. Sorry, what? Yes, tea. She pulled out a set of china complete with included liquid ready to serve.

...Well okay then! Lilly promptly poured herself a cup and took a sip, choosing not to look a gift horse in the mouth. She offered some to the lizard-person but the other politely declined, stating that time was of the essence. There were also apparently others to attend to. It wasn't until after Cammy had left that Lilly realized she was in fact still going to be stuck on the island. It wasn't the best revelation, but at least now she had a consolation prize in the form of super powers! They even seemed to make walking in her heels easier on her feet, though speed was still an issue.

There was still however the issue much bigger issue of saving the known universe. Sure, she wasn't exactly opposed to the idea. It wasn't a difficult decision to make. Did you want the universe to explode, or did you want to continue existing? Oh, you're comfortable with your existence? Well all right then! The difficulty came from /how/ she was going to do this. She got the impression she needed to find someone. Maybe the person that was behind all this? Was she supposed to fling herself at him until things happened? Perhaps a stern talking to? Somehow she got the impression the latter wouldn't be very effective, but time would tell.
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Increased number cap to 13 because I've decided to give a shot at my own roleplay. I'll have an SU sometime later tonight or tomorrow, and for those of you who are having trouble with your SUs, you can look at my example when it's posted. :) I reserved Pikachu.

Two more spots remaining (four if demand arises, but no more).

So far, I am enjoying everyone's SUs!


Nicole "Mimi" Caine, the Samus captive has been accepted! Love how you wrote about Cammy there.

& lol @ the Street Fighter reference xD never thought of that!


Princess Lily, the Peach captive has been accepted! We have a Mario in the roleplay...I wonder how will you two clash?


SSB, huh? I'll give this a shot, yes. May I reserve Ness? I'll have my SU up in a while~


Ness has been reserved. You have 48 hours to submit your SU :)

Hey, this looks awesome! Would you be as kind as to reserve me? Meta Knight should be fine, though... how do I cosplay as him? His suit is basically a mask, shoulderpads, shoes and cape - do I need to assume my own image of a 'Knight' for his appearance? There some questions left unanswered.

I thought that only half of the characters were sent to the shores, and the other half are still imprisoned by the villains. Does Cammy appear to them as well? Also, what do I do after my character gains his powers? How did he get to know about the island and the villains who kidnapped him/have control over the island? You said that the characters would be determined to save it, but I have no clue where to start with this. Excuse me if these questions were answered somewhere in the previous pages of this thread - I have no time to check them out right now.

And, why is there no personality section required for the SU?

Meta Knight has been reserved! You have 48 hours :)

Basically, yeah, but with the characteristics of Meta Knight. He can wear a mask just like his, and he can sport out a purple cape with his wings under them, and he'll have a golden sword (you can also decide whether he just has a regular sword or the same one as he has). He can also either wear regular clothes (a t-shirt or jeans) or you can be creative with the costume. If you would like a reference of Meta Knight, here's a pic of him.

Most of the stuff you're asking will pretty much be revealed in the roleplay as it begins, as they are a mystery. xD The first IC post will have the answer to how he got to know the Island, how he recruited the villainous SSB members and why Cammy can't get through towards the prisoners.

If you're referring to the plot, I need to change that number since I increased the player count to 13 just now xD Though number count won't alter the plot so nothing to worry about.

In reference to the roleplay sample, you can start off with your character trying to open the box where he was packed in, and you can wander around the island for a few min before Cammy pops up out of nowhere. Most of the SUs I've read here wrote about Cammy appearing for a very short time and then disappearing. I decided to omit the Personality field because I want to combine it with the Roleplay Sample, I find it easier this way imo. plus I don't want to add too many required field lol

If you like, you can wait for my SU to be posted so it can give you an idea of what really went on, and maybe you can gather some ideas.

Hoooopefully I got some questions answered (some, not all. The others will wait till the first IC post)
I guess I'll save Lucas then. Can't go until tomorrow to begin my sign-up though.

So, I'll keep the striped shirt and shorts style? With a goofy callick hairstyle?

Also... I don't trust myself with controlling others' characters. Do you think you could make some Cammy dialogue for me?

I just feel like I'd be messing up the character.
I guess I'll save Lucas then. Can't go until tomorrow to begin my sign-up though.

So, I'll keep the striped shirt and shorts style? With a goofy callick hairstyle?

Also... I don't trust myself with controlling others' characters. Do you think you could make some Cammy dialogue for me?

I just feel like I'd be messing up the character.

Yeah! You can keep that style if you want.


"<player>! <player>! You must listen to me!"
"Hello, <player>"
"I am Cammy. I am the sister of Insane and I need your help."
"The name's Camelia but you may call me Cammy. You are in a dangerous place and I need your help to make this place peaceful again."
"You see, my brother, Insane, came to this planet to set up his plantation to destroy the universe. I don't have much time to explain, but I have something to give you."
"Listen, I don't have time to explain. I want you to have Lucas's powers for your protection. Give me your hand."
"I wish you the best of luck."
"Good luck, <player>. The universe is depending on you."

<player finally acquires powers, on there you can have him try out the powers>

^these are some examples of quotes you may use to help you out on your sample. Don't hesitate to ask if you still need help. :)
Thank you. I just have no knowledge of Cammy's personality or anything so I needed it to be from the person who made the character.
If I seem to be lacking in content I'm just a click and a few keys away!

Name: Drew Diamond

Gender: Male

Age: (14 – 25): 17
Nationality: American (Kidnapped from Japan)

Character: Toon Link

Differences/Appearance: Drew is Black Haired but otherwise his hair is the exact same "look" as Toon Link's although he dyed it blond to resemble his favorite character. Also even though Toon Link is usually Depicted as Left handed, Drew is Ambidextrous although he can't write with his left hand. Drew's eyes are black similar to Toon Link's and he is 5 ft. 9.. He has a thoroughly slim build and has no trained upper muscles although he is a skilled camper and whose fishing ability excels far beyond the norm. He totes a plastic sword, identical to the Mater Sword, which is kept on the scabbard on his back and but also a real bow and quiver. He don's the green/brown garb that Link is commonly associated with. Unlike Toon Link he wears Brown Gloves and his scabbard is attached via sash. He has a shield also made of plastic but it is modeled after the Mirror shield.

Roleplay Sample: Drew's eyes opened and everything appeared blurry and painful to look at so he immediately squinted. He felt a soreness in all of his limbs and his neck legs felt the most, almost as if he had been hung upside down by his legs from a helicopter. He heard nothing but the sound of the woods, something he was accustomed to. Seagulls chirping in the distance, and water flowing, sounds of a shoreline. Eyes still closed, he felt the ground around him and immediately jumped up to his feet however dizzy. He opened his eyes and let them adjust to the light. As his vision focused he saw that he was standing on what was presumably a beach, sand crunching, unsettled beneath his feet and soon, water flowed to the level of his toe, the warmth of it awaking Drew's senses. Taking a large intake of air through the nose, he immediately smelled the aroma of the sea that seemed to welcome him. He looked into his reflection in the water and saw he was still in his cosplay outfit. He straightened his hat and brushed all the sand off his outfit before walking a little bit more inland so the tide wouldn't reach him.

Before he could sit down and think he noticed a change of the wind and a shadow fly over him then light shined into his face from the sun. The thing the flew over him was heading at him from the direction the sun was in the silhouette resembled a dragon like creature with Humanoid figure. Drew stood paralyzed with awe as the creature landed in front of him, sending sand flying all around him in something of a cloud. He covered his eye with his right hand and readied his left hand on his bow ready to fire. As the sand settled, Drew's eyesight adjusted to the creature and it was pure white, the light seemed to emanate off it. He was filled with not fear but with amazement.

Regaining mobility he slowly stepped backwards and removed his bow off his back with his left hand, his right already drawing the string back with an arrow loaded. "Don't be afraid" said the Creature focusing intently on him.

"I am Camella and I am on your side, though I can't say the same for my brother, who is the reason why you are here. I am here to grant you abilities of your character to help you defend yourself." said Camella, slightly taller than Drew but seeming to tower over him. "You are on Augustine Island and my brother is hunting you. I have bestowed powers to you and making your equipment the real thing".

At that moment Drew felt a weight pull down on his back, where his fake plastic sword was replaced with a real Master Sword which seemed to intake all of the light around it and vanquish all the fear in Drew's heart and he pulled it out of it's ceremonial yellow and blue scabbard. His shield because heavier two but Drew also didn't have as much trouble carrying it. Light reflected Off of his mirror shield allowing Drew to see his own reflection as he turned it around. A few items such as bombs and a boomerang were now in his arsenal and he knew that this was no joke at that moment.

"Now I must go and help the others" said Camella, raising her wings for flight, and apparently not as surprised about the new coming of events as Drew was.

"Wait Camella!" said Drew feeling fear creeping back into his heart as he felt a sense of desperation. "Maybe I can go with you."

"Alas I cannot do that but remember this: 'Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with' so go on without heisitation and find the others." She said before propelling into the sky at jet speed leaving because something of small hope in desperation in Drew.

Trying to figure out why and how he ended up in an odd location he walked along the beach hoping to find another person. He remembered seeing a green shell with spike protruding out the back but his memory was foggy and he couldn't accurately remember anything else about his kidnapping. He remembered that he was in Japan with his brother at a cosplay event for Smash Bros: Battle.

He pondered why he ended up in a forested area. With no choices besides sitting where he was and getting caught or going into the forest and finding companionship, he chose the latter and walked into the woods with his mind somewhat in a jumble.
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Princess Lily, the Peach captive has been accepted! We have a Mario in the roleplay...I wonder how will you two clash?
I figure it's only inevitably that Bowser will kidnap Lily at some point. :P And then, there will be cake.

Also, Nicole is gonna freak out when she gets into the Zero Suit. She chose the armor specifically so she wouldn't be wearing something skintight.
Haha XD I'm expecting a lot of fun character interaction with Dane x3 Alot of us are already in the forest so we should try to get into an encounter early on :p
Name: James Chleevas, "JayC"
Age: 21
Nationality: European, in England
Character: Meta Knight


James wears a plain white T-shirt, black leather jacket and boots and lighter black jeans, as to represent his own image of Meta Knight. A brown belt hangs across his chest, holding the sheath of his plastic weapon on his back. Much to his dismay, his sword doesn't have the spikes Meta Knight's blade has, as he was unable to find one resembling it. Due to his wings being made from paper mache, he was unable to put a cape over them.

He has dark and golden hair, originally green eyes and a strange accent that doesn't seem english or american.

Roleplay Sample:

The wooden crate lay broken on the shore behind him, the waves slowly pulling its remains in. He was staring at the trees just off the beach, his hands on his waist. The mask of Meta Knight was thrown in the sand in front of him, but the paper wings were still attached to his black leather jacket.

"Look at this place!" he exclaimed, surprise and confusion mixed into one expression. Anger arrived soon enough, making him throw his hands in the air in a comical way. "**** this place!"

James sat on his ankles, completely lost as to what to do next. The breeze blew through his golden hair, and the smell of the sea was bothering his nostrils. The intense sun was disturbing as well - he wasn't used going out at this time. At this time, he was supposed to be home, away from all this. This only happened in movies, he kept telling himself. But serves him right for trying being somebody from a fictional game... but wait, wasn't the one who kidnapped him a fictional being in the first place?

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the intense sun. No, it had gotten more intense, so intense that he had to protect his eyes from the light. When it finally faded, a dragon-like figure was standing in front of him. He blinked a few times, wondering if this was a mind trick.

"Oh great! Now I'm seeing things!"

But the more he looked at the humanoid, the more he believed in his eyes - it seemed more genuine. His breath quickened and his heart drummed, the pupils of his green eyes dilated. All he had to defend himself was a plastic sword sheathed on his back.

"No, you are not," she said. "There is no reason to worry. I am not your enemy," she said, raising her hand reassuringly. James was convinced and his stance relaxed a bit.

"I am Camelia," she introduced herself.

"I'm JC," he said, a faint smile on his face; though he was still keeping his guard up, in case the being was deceiving him. Strangely, he accepted the mind blowing fact that a humanoid dragon was standing in front of him quite easily. Keeping his calm was one of his traits, thankfully.

"JC, listen to me," Camelia uttered in a slightly sad tone. James nodded, slightly tilting his head to make her go on. "I was the one who rescued you from those beings... my brother, Insane--"

"Your brother is insane?"

"No, no. His name is Insane."

James looked at her in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, quite. You seem more baffled by my brother's name, than my appearance."

"I watch a lot of TV, I guess."

"Oh.. um, look. He's planning to do something... something horrible. I have been hiding from him, and I intend to stop him, but I cannot do it alone."

"I'm in," James exclaimed, flashing her his white smile and giving her thumbs up. He didn't need to find out that she was the good one in the whole hypothesis to be supportive - changing sides was always possible.

"Ah, but it will not be easy... my brother commands an army of evil beings. I shall grant you powers equals to the character you are dressed as, Meta Knight... Please, wear your mask, and do not ever remove it."

"Why not?" James inquired curiously and looked down, where the mask lay upside down. He'd thrown it away once he was out of the crate. Picking it up and cleaning it off, he wore it. The black cord holding it onto his face was burried under his golden hair.

"Because he never would," Camelia said calmly.

"I see," he replied in the same manner. "I'm ready. Do your thing, rock my world."

"This is serious."

"Doesn't hurt to joke a little, jeez."

She quietly reached to him with her hand, and he realized she was closer than he originally thought. A light came off from her hand and he felt energized, infused with knowledge he'd never imagine having; he realized he now knew how to swing a sword, or flap the wings attached on his jacket. The sheath on his back got tremendously heavy, but he discovered that he could take the weight - it was the sword, that was now made of gold, just like Meta Knight's. His mask latched onto his face, as if it didn't want to go off.

He had momentarily closed his eyes, but when he opened them, Camelia was gone. He was completely alone.

"At last!" he exclaimed, inhaling and exhaling hungrily. He wasn't sure he liked this dragon. She had horns, and pointy objects were usually bad omens. But the sword sure was cool. He unsheathed it, expecting his arms to just let it drop it due to its weight, but he could lift it just fine, and use it perfectly as if he had trained for years. He pointed it towards the forest and spread his black wings.

"Fight me!" James shouted, just like Meta Knight would. Then he bursted into laughter, expecting to wake up soon.
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I figure it's only inevitably that Bowser will kidnap Lily at some point. :P And then, there will be cake.

Also tea--Cake and tea. First come first serve. Doesn't matter who or what you are where you're from. A princess needs her heroes. (Or heroines)

Out of curiosity, since pairing up with others is optional, how does the roleplay work alone? Are you playing God in this RP or something, Leaf? =o
@PkMnTrainer Yellow: I don't imagine Nicole would make a very good heroine, being a rocker as she is. But, she does have a sweet tooth, so as long as she knows about the cake beforehand... :P
Name: Randy Browns
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Nationality: American

Character: Kirby
Differences:The day has arrived to Randy commemorate Nintendo for their best game of the year: Super Smash Bros: Battle! Randy decided to wear a Kirby costume. Kirby was Randy's favorite character, with him, Randy won some tournament of his family including his brother,cousin...etc. So he was wearing a big pink T-shirt, pink pants, red shoes, a Kirby mask + and Randy added new features to his Kirby costume, such as like red gloves! In that day, he was so happy about the new game of his favorite series, Super Smash Bros. He was really happy, until...''FIRE!!'' said someone and he saw a giant Turtle there. It was probably Bowser and Randy was like WTF?! Bowser exists?! But before he could see him, POW! A big punch...

Roleplay Sample: The sound of the waves, sunny just like if it was summer...the island is heating up. ''Randy! Randy, wake up!!!'' . Randy wakes up pale asking himself only one question: ''Where am...I?!'' Randy tries to call his brother by shouting his name. Nothing. '' Really, where am I?'' Randy is so confused, and he doesn't know what to do. '' I tough I heard someone's voice, is that...my brother? No I'm sure it isn-!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Randy saw a giant creature! ''A.......A.......DRAGOON!''

''It's OK, don't be scared, I'm not your enemy. I'm the opposite, I rescued you from my evil brother Insane, he wants to do those terrible things...however...I can't stop him alone! Please help me, I will lend you Kirby's powers to help, that's gonna be a big help for you in the future!''

''B-But how can you do that?! Really?! I'm gonna be a Kirby?!''

''No, but I will lend all the power Kirby has, that you have seen in the game.'' Then, the mysterious creature, or better: THE MYSTERIOUS dragon, apologized Randy, and said:''Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Camelia. But anyways, you can call me Cammy if you want! ''

''So your brother's name is....INSANE?! That's funny, but I;m sorry'' said Randy ''It's OK, so, will you help me?'' asked Cammy, Randy introduced himself and said OK, but he had a lot questions to do. ''''I love to help people, but tell me: How I got there? And Can we do it, just the two of us?''

''There are others, not just the two of us, and the reason your here is because my brother wants to hunt you and the others. Why? I'll explain later! I need you to have your abilities, I want to turn this place peaceful again...don't move, stay where you are.'' Randy said why, she said because the time has arrived, to lend Randy the ability Kirby has. ''Give me your hand,, Randy.'' ''(Wait, I had another question! How does she knows my name...? Dam* it! Now's not the time.'' A light came from her hand and...Randy slept.

Randy woke up. he was quiet...''................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Randy sensed he became more powerful, he posses the power of Kirby, he can fly how many times he can, he can now use Kirby's powerful hammer, posses one of the ability from another creature...! ''Thanks'' said Randy. '' I-I!!!!!!!! I HAVE KIRBY'S POWER?! HEHEH YAY! That was my dream, it became true!!!!!!!!!! (Wait...I forgot one thing. Camelia, she was the reason I had those powers. I should thank her)''

''.......? Camelia? Cammy? ...Well, strange creature, but very nice, heh.'' Camelia was nowhere to be found. Randy shouted her name 5 times. Nothing. Completely nothing. Randy tried out the hammer. ''Wow!!!!'' he said, so Randy were testing his powers on the island. But in the end, Randy didn't know what to do. ''Awwww, come on! I don't even know what to d-.......'' Randy saw a Crab. ''What if I try to have his powers?'' he said.
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Dane will probably be insistent in wanting to be a hero and end up doing something stupid in the end XP He'll certainly be around to do what he can XD But he might perhaps get a little too heroic :p
Here's my signup. I hope everything is okay. If anything at all needs to be changed or corrected, please let me know. Also, thanks for letting me make a female Snake, Leaf. Should be fun to play. :)

Name: Anna Volynsky

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Nationality: Russian

Character: Snake

Obviously, Anna's appearance and costume has many differences from what some consider the "typical" Solid Snake outfit. However, she has tried her best to remain faithful to the character and his original inspiration. Anna is about five feet, nine inches tall. Her well defined and lithe build help her carry off the Snake costume with confidence. As opposed to Snake's natural coloration as portrayed in games, Anna has almost completely contrasting definition. Her eyes are bright, piercing blue and hair a sunny, almost bleach blonde that comes down to her shoulder blades when left unmanaged. In her cosplay, she keeps her hair in a ponytail and bangs restrained by a kerchief or bandana as seen on Snake's character. The pale complexion of her skin is evidence to her lack of sun bathing or any prolonged exposure to the sun.

The costume was hand manufactured in her apartment, a source of pride for her after all the hard work she went through. About the only things "off the shelf", were the body suit that clings a little uncomfortably and military boots that give her the slightest height boost. A homemade, spelunking type harness was used to serve as a frame for the rest of her many belts and pouches that wrap around her waist and thighs. About midway up her right thigh, a custom holster and plastic gun made by her model making friend, serve as exact replicas to the real thing. It rests perfectly within reach and is strapped securely to prevent it from falling loose.

The thick utility belt around her waist houses the many replica gadgets and grenades one comes to expect when they think of Snake. These are positioned in such a way as to not hinder mobility but still provide easy access to open or close each container. Her hands are well protected by the thick, warm gloves that seem to merge perfectly with the body suit.

Costume Inspiration:

Roleplay Sample:
It was the rhythmic sound of waves that slowly wormed its way into Anna's senses. It wasn't the preceding darkness of the box and then light of sun, but the sound that finally woke her from the groggy and seemingly listless trip through dreamland. Anna had never spent much time on beaches before. The sound was almost foreign, the only time she had actually heard the sound of waves was when she was younger and took a trip to the United States with her family. Aside from that brief foray, Anna had never really ventured outside her home of Moscow. Moscow, that was where she was before. She was at a convention, but what happened? Everything was foggy, like a memory that wanted to be known but proved impossible to recall. The waves continued their relentless lapping against the shore, just like Anna searched through the recesses of her mind for answers.

Slowly lifting her head and upper body, everything was stiff and sore. Wet sand covered her costume and she could feel it clinging to her hair. The body suit would prove easy enough to clean, but that was the least of her concerns. "Где я?" She asked quietly under her breath, a small bit of resignation and confusion clearly evident in her voice. Cupping her hands over her eyes, Anna tried to survey what was around her. It wasn't much; a desolate beach, a box that had clearly seen better days and an impermeable forest that contrasted with the openness of the ocean. She dropped her head in thought, her eyes studying the sand and the way it moved beneath her heavy, boot clad feet.

"Good, you're awake." A female voice seemed to engulf her from all sides. The voice seemed different than the ones she was used to. It wasn't the english that threw her, it had a warmth, an almost ethereal quality to its tone. An owner to the voice quickly became evident as a white... something appeared in front of her. It was almost beyond definition and Anna found the best way to be some sort of human dragon hybrid. Like something from a fairy tale, or... a video game.

"Wh- who are you?" Anna asked her back in english. Her voice heavily accented but perfectly understandable from the years she spent studying the language in school. "Where am I?" She just about shouted at the creature. Her lack of understanding brought her fear, but with it also came great resiliency and fire.

"I am Camelia," The dragon answered back sweetly, her attitude seemed unfazed by Anna's hostility. "I am not the reason you are here, but I am the reason that you are free and unbound." She straightened herself and looked down at Anna appraisingly. "My brother Insane, both in name and mentality, has brought you here, along with others I might add. I have freed you because I need your help. My brother has machinations in the works that could bring unspeakable horrors to this world. I aim to imbue you with the powers of the one you wear garments of. With your combined might of the others on this island, we may have hope at overcoming this threat."

"Okay, where are the cameras?" Anna asked sarcastically and crossed her arms indignantly. "You got me!" She turned around and looked for anybody else who might be nearby. "Great prank, very funny!" A forced laugh escaped her lips, it was almost uncomfortable sounding and obviously she didn't find the situation as funny as she played it off to be.

"This is no prank, I speak only the truth." The dragon reached forth and touched Anna's head. The world spun anew, as if it ceased to exist and a bright light overcame her senses. "There, you should now have all the skills and abilities as promised. The weapons you wear are fully functioning also."

"Yeah right. These are plastic, my friend made them." Anna pulled a grenade from her belt and yanked the pin. "There is no way in hell that these things are actually going to work." She stared at the creature and threw the grenade up and down a few times like a baseball.

"With that, I take my leave." Camellia said quickly and fled from her presence, not before she knocked the grenade from Anna's hand. A blinding flash and searing heat hit Anna like a brick wall. Her hair billowed behind her from the blast's wave and gently settled back on her shoulders when it subsided. The sound of the ocean now replaced by the ringing of her ears. Sand where the grenade had landed turned into a gapping maw of a crater. The hole was almost as big as Anna's dropped jaw. She could not believe her eyes, these once simple, plastic toys had created an explosion like that of a real grenade.

She quickly regained her composure, her eyes looked fleetingly at the departing creature. "W-wait! What do I do now?" She called after her, her arms waving in the air like a crazy person. Her body felt different now, like it had new found energy and abilities it previously lacked. She felt stronger and more alert.

The beach was empty, it no longer proved prudent to waste time lingering. She had a suspicion the dragon wasn't coming back. If she ever planned to get off the island, it would have to be explored and find these "others". She approached the forest and lingered on its fringes for what seemed like an eternity. Courage finally swelled in her chest and a hesitant step finally let her cross the threshold. Wherever she was, it was a whole new world.​
May I sweep in and take a reservation for Captain Falcon? I will try to do my SU tomorrow. Just have to get over jet lag xD
Ahhh....been gone all day today due to going out and all (and my sister using da comp) MASS QUOTE INCOMING.

Thank you. I just have no knowledge of Cammy's personality or anything so I needed it to be from the person who made the character.

I did explain her in a large paragraph in the first post ;) But glad to see that the dialogue helped you a bit.

That goes to everyone else too! If you're having trouble with how Cammy acts, you can use the dialogue above. :)

I figure it's only inevitably that Bowser will kidnap Lily at some point. :P And then, there will be cake.

Also, Nicole is gonna freak out when she gets into the Zero Suit. She chose the armor specifically so she wouldn't be wearing something skintight.

That's what I was thinking too! When I read your SU, I was like "hmm, I wonder what will she react when she becomes Zero Suit?"

Also tea--Cake and tea. First come first serve. Doesn't matter who or what you are where you're from. A princess needs her heroes. (Or heroines)

Out of curiosity, since pairing up with others is optional, how does the roleplay work alone? Are you playing God in this RP or something, Leaf? =o

If you decide not to pair with someone, there will be numerous things to do on the island which does include beating oncoming small enemies (which I will point out IC-wise as well as an option to create your own enemies to beat) and there will be several optional boss battles which includes most characters from SSBB who will be poisoned with evil (you know when you battle all dark versions of the characters during the Great Maze level?)

So basically yeah...for the most part I will be "playing God" but I also want to give you guys as much freedom as possible. xD I have control of the two NPCs, the mandatory boss battles, and the items I decide to give. That is all. The rest is pretty much up to you. Though, I will let you know of any "dangerous swarm" of a potential dangerous small enemy. (Spoiler: The Pokemon Beedrill will make an appearance in this roleplay. Watch out. xD)

Mr. Game & Watch will be one of the optional bosses in the first IC post, and that's 7 of him. xD

and that's all I'm gonna say! xD


Name: Randy Browns
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Nationality: American

Character: Kirby
Differences: A Kirby with a black hair wearing Toad's (from Mario series) jacket , but sometimes he uses a Red hat with Nintendo written on it ( Written in white),black eyes and finally, he has red gloves. Photo: Search on Google: '' Kirby black haired with Toad jacket (without the hat).

Roleplay Sample: The sound of the waves, sunny just like if it was summer...the island is heating up. Randy wakes up pale asking himself only one question: ''Where am...I?!'' Randy looks to his body and cried: ''I'M A KIRBY !!!!!!''. Next to him, there was a mysterious creature that scared Randy.

''It's OK, don't be scared, I'm not your enemy. I'm the opposite, I rescued you from my evil brother, he wants to do terrible things...however...I can't stop him alone!'' Then, the mysterious creature apologized Randy, and said:''Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Camelia. So, will you help me?'' Randy introduced himself and said OK, but he had a lot questions to do.

''I love to help people, but tell me: Why am I a Kirby? How I got there? And Can we do it, just the two of us?'' Camelia said that he wasn't a Kirby, he was a cos form of Kirby and she also said they weren't alone.

''There are others, not just the two of us, and the reason your here is because my brother wants to hunt you and the others. Why? I'll explain later! I need you to have your abilities, I want to turn this place peaceful again...don't move, stay where you are.'' Randy said why, she said because the time has arrived, to lend Randy the ability Kirby has. And POF!

Randy was quiet...''................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Randy sensed he became more powerful, he posses the power of Kirby, he can fly how many times he can, he can now use Kirby's powerful hammer, posses one of the ability from another creature...! ''Thanks'' said Randy.

''.......? Strange creature, but very nice, heh.'' Camelia was nowhere to be found. Randy shouted her name 5 times. Nothing. Completely nothing. Randy tried out the hammer. ''Wow!!!!'' he said, so Randy were testing his powers on the island.

Two things: Both Differences and Roleplay Sample needs some editing and expansion. For the Differences section, I require at least 20 lines and so far I've counted one sentence. An image is alright, but I prefer a clearer explanation of what your human version of Kirby is wearing. For reference, I recommend you to read some of the accepted SUs other players had submitted.

As for Roleplay Sample, I didn't get a grasp on it at all as I assumed you wrote about arriving the island with his powers already. Your character was supposed to be confused and wondering why he's at Augustine Island. Then Cammy comes around and gives you your powers. Again, refer to the accepted SU's to give you an idea of what to write about. I'm also around if you need any assistance. :)

For now, your Kirby is reserved. :)

May I sweep in and take a reservation for Captain Falcon? I will try to do my SU tomorrow. Just have to get over jet lag xD

aaaand reserved! Due 48 hours after this post!


Drew Diamond, the Toon Link captive has been accepted! A tall, black haired version of Toon Link is very unique!

James Chleevas "JayC", the Meta Knight captive has been accepted! Your SU gave me a giggle, I must say. I look forward to see your character in action. Also, nice image of him too! :D

Anna Volynsky, the Snake captive has been accepted! You're very welcome! Nice image of your character too! She's just like how I imagined. ;3 Also I loved your RP sample :D

phew! xD

BY THE WAY. I will allow two more people to reserve if anyone lurking here wants to join in. IC thread is being worked on as we speak! Since I think I accepted 8 SUs so far (I lost count. too many tabs of the same thread lmao)
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I require a little more time to make my SU, at least 'til Tuesday night. I have an ROP class tomorrow that I don't get out of until 5 o' clock. I'm still reading the first post to understand the whole plot. Please? :<
Sooo, I should get the IC thread done by tomorrow night. I spent most of tonight working on my SU. :D Honestly, as the GM of the roleplay, I had fun working on this. And this is my first character that is very sensitive, but still becomes a badass.


I require a little more time to make my SU, at least 'til Tuesday night. I have an ROP class tomorrow that I don't get out of until 5 o' clock. I'm still reading the first post to understand the whole plot. Please? :<

Alright. Extension granted. :) If you get confused by the plot or the SU instructions, don't hesitate to post here, VM or PM me.
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