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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

  • 676
    Yuri smiled and looked at the Heracross. "You can call me Yuri! And I think I can find our trainers..." She looked around. "But we should wait for Primrose and Rosemary to come back," she added. "Here we are!" Primrose walked out of the bushes, with Rosemary following closely behind. Yuri smiled. "Then I guess we're ready!" she said happily. She froze as she heard a girl scream. "I know that voice anywhere... Kayla!" She jumped off of Heracross's head and ran in the direction of the scream. Molly gasped and followed. "Yuri!" The other pokemon stayed behind, unsure of what to do. "Should we follow them?" Primrose asked, looking at Rosemary. The kitten shrugged. "There's no way that something bad can happen to Kayla in the forest two days in a row..."

    Holly glared at Kayla when she screamed. She watched the Caterpie crawl slowly across the forest floor. "Calm down, Kayla... It's just a tiny little bug." Kayla nodded and looked around nervously. "If we run into a bigger bug, then I'm using you as a shield. It should buy me a few seconds... After all, one of those things could slice through you in no time." She made sure to put emphasis on the word those so that Holly would know which bug she's talking about. Holly sighed. "Let's just find our pokemon."


  • 316
    Evie Bellarost
    Arriving at the Raikou Dorm

    OOC: sorry it's a bit long.. won't happen again


    Hood up, a small figure stood in the narrow door way to one of Raiku's dorm rooms. The silhouette cut a small tom-boyish figure with curves in all the right places. It was only when the figure moved to pull back the black hoodie's hood, that a small, oval face appeared. Cream skin, glowing faintly in the dim while two forest green eyes peered out from behind a silver curtain of wavy hair. Candy, green headphones encircled her head like a halo, blasting out music, until the girl clicked stop on her music player and the deafening, tones of rock fell to silence instantly.

    Here in the door way Evie clutched the strap of her bag as she looked over her new room. It was bigger than anything she had back on the ranch; she had to give it that and seemed nice enough as long as you ignored the spider dangling in one of the corners.

    The all the walls were bare, with a small single bed running along one wall, coupled with a wardrobe and a desk, which wobbled when Evie dropped her sketch book onto its rough surface. The only feature that stood out was a rug, that had been red once upon a time and now lay dead centre in the room.

    Kicking her shoes off, Evie draped herself across the single desk chair in front of the desk, propping her legs up onto the end of the bed with a heavy sigh. It had been a long day, too long really. Here she pulled her cap off, letting hair pool out behind her, shaking it slightly to get rid of some of the tangles within the waves. For a new student, she didn't show much excitement, with fatigue weighing her limbs down and making her movements sluggish, she just didn't have the energy to show much emotion. Even shyness was out of her emotional range in this current state.

    Opening one eye slightly, she watched as Leka trotted into the room, the sleek muscular Umbreon, whom usually held himself with grace and air, now slouched over to the bed, climbing onto the mattress with a triumphant yip, before dropping his head onto his forepaws and falling asleep.

    "You and me both" Evie smiled, pulling herself up from her slouch and stroking Leka's soft head. Two weeks of traveling on foot, boat and bus had taken it's toll on them both. Her favourite pair of jeans had also seen better days before the journey too, a fist sized hole now over her right knee. But clothes were clothes she thought, as she rose from her chair and stretched up her arms, making her shoulder blades click back.

    "Jeez, that feels good" she sighed, letting her toes wriggle into the carpets soft fabric. When she was done, she grabbed her bag and spilt its contents onto the floor. A mixed mash of clothes, bedding, food and artist pencils pooled out in a tsunami of colours and fabrics. Once empty, Evie dropped to her knees and fished through the contents, before she found her camera. With a small cry of delight, Evie stood and flicked through the images on the small display screen. The one good thing this trip had brought, were the pictures. Beautiful views across mountains, woods and fields, and her favourite picture of home, back in Johto, on the ranch. Her aunt and uncle smiled at her from the display screen for a few minutes before she turned her camera off and grinned.

    Stooping down and grabbing her bag, she stuffed her camera back inside along with her sketch book and a hand full of pencils. Her skateboard, leaning against the door was snatched up and she shoes slipped on, before she wondered over to the bed were Leka lay.

    "Come on Lee" she giggled in a hush tone, stirring the Pokémon from his dose. "I know it's been a long trip, but let's go do something to celebrate our first day here at our new home" she grinned encouragingly at him. "I was thinking the beach."

    Leka, who would have been happy to have celebrated their arrival with a nice long nap, begrudgingly pulled himself up and stretched before moving up and over to the door, where Evie caught up to him. Here, closing the door behind her, Evie then took in a deep breath, before starting towards the main entrance of the dorm and what she thought was the direction of the beach.
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    is a budgie.
  • 75
    James "Jay" Rybak

    After a forty-five minute trek from atop the volcano of this island to the Raikou Dorm, Orange and I were exhausted from our voyage. I followed the plain dirt path to the Raikou Dorm which was surrounded by other grey buildings such as the blue roof topped Suicune Dorm and the red roof topped Entei Dorm. The Raikou Dorm was a drab grey, rectangular building with a slanting, daffodil yellow roof. In front of the building, were two doors with transparent windows, the doors were most likely the main entrance. On either side of the doors were two four-squared windows. I could spy a green potted plant behind the left window. On top of the doors was a wooden sign with the words Raikou Dorm on top of the entrance.

    Once Orange and I entered the two doorways into the inside of the building, I took a sign of relief. The first room I saw within the dorm was a lobby. The carpet was a light chaste red. The walls were yellow like the rooftop of the building. There were three, green sofas surrounding a television in a crescent moon shape at the left side of the lobby. In the middle of the circle was a tan coffee table with various newspaper and magazines. At the right side of the lobby was a counter with a woman dressed in a yellow uniform behind the counter. Two hallways stretched from either side of the far ends of the room with the signs with the arrows pointing further into the hallways with the labels, Rooms 50-100 and Rooms 1-49.

    I walked up to the counter to speak to the lady, "Hello ma'am,may I receive the keys to my room in this dorm? Also, could you give my friend who entered this building his keys as well? Thank you in advance."

    I showed my trainer ID card to the lady to reveal my identity to the woman. The woman took a quick look at the card, and went to the shelves behind the counter. She came back two, golden keys, one for Orange and one for me. Engraved in my key was the number of the room, sixty-six.

    "Thank you ma'am," I say.

    I head to the direction of the left hallway with the arrow with the paper with the words Rooms 50-100. As I walked down the hallway, I found Room 66 on the first floor of the dorm. I push my key within the hole ofthe door knob, and turned the key both sides to try to unlock the door. Once I heard a click, I pushed opened the door to reveal my room.

    The room reminded me of a hotel room, except there was only one bed and the bed could only fit one person. The carpet was the same light chaste red as the carpet in the lobby. The ceiling and the walls were a simple white. There was a bed in the middle of the right side of the room. While the frame of the bed was a wooden brown, the sheets and the four pillows rested upon the top of the bed were white as the walls. To the left of the bed were a desk and a chair similar to office desks and chairs. The desk had four drawers on each side of the drawer. On top of the desk were a lamp, a tissue box, an alarm clock, a pen, and paper. On the left side of the room were a TV, a closet,and another desk. The desk was larger than the other desk. In the back of the room were two large windows that if you were to open them, you could easily walk outside. Curtains were draped over the windows, but showed parts of the windows through. Next to the closet was another door opened. Inside was a bathroom.

    I took my blue and brown messenger bag, and opened it to dump the contents of the bag out on the floor of the main part of the room.Items from clothes to a berry case to much more items fell out. I took my clothes and pajamas that fell out from the bag to hang them inside the closet.Next, I grabbed my toiletries to place them on the sink of the bathroom. I placed my personal biology textbook and most of my art supplies in the drawers of the desk. I put my water bottle, berry case, notebook for recording the biology of Pokemon, pencils and colored pencils, and my sketch book back into my messengerbag. I gathered three pillows from the bed, and placed them on the larger desk with no items on top of it yet. I arranged the three pillows in a fashion to make three makeshift beds for my three Pokemon.

    I held up three Pokeballs from the pocket of my jeans, and opened them. Three beams of light flashed in the room to end up resulting in three bird Pokemon of different species. Samuel, my Pidgey, was exploring the room with a curious spark in his eyes. Emil, my Swablu, flew to the three pillows with her cloud-like wings to examine the soft pillows that were soft as her wings. Nalafari, my Starly, was wandering around the room, most likely searching for a high perch.

    I grabbed my messenger bag and placed it around me. Once again, I signaled my three birds to perch on me by holding up my left arm. The birds perched on my left arm as I walked towards the door to the hallway with my key. Once I stepped out of the room with my Pokemon and into the hallway, I closed the door and locked it. I began to head to the lobby and the main entrance.I decided to head to the beach to observe the biology of the seafaring Pokemon by using my notebook, and to sketch the beach in my sketchbook.

    Once I arrived at the beach, I went to my favorite spot on the beach. I went to the cove near the plains, and sat atop a rock at the cove.I've always loved this area. The scent of seawater from the sea, and the wildflowers from the plains reminded me of my home. I was born in Cherrygrove City of Johto. Cherrygrove was a city near the sea, and usually had fresh flowers around all seasons. I had lived there for most of my life. The scent just makes me feel at home like I had never left Cherrygrove. I let my bird Pokemon fly free into the air.

    The urges of my hobbies were nagging at me, and I took out my notebook, sketchbook, and my pencil to observe the area and draw the area. I took some footnotes of the Pokemon of the sea in my notebook, and drew a figure drawing of the area and the surrounding Pokemon in my sketchbook. I felt so absorbed in my activities that I forgot about the time.

    ((OrangeNess allowed me to bunny his character for this post.))
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  • 316
    Evie Bellarost
    Chance beach Encounter
    The trip to the beach was relatively short to Evie's surprise, the warm sun overhead caressing her skin as she went. Soon the dirt beaten track turned to sand under foot, with bushes and trees being replaced with long spiky grass and white sand. The air here was sweet with the distance scents of flowers from the plain intertwining with the warm yet bitter scent of salt from the expansive blue, sea which now lay in front of her, light bouncing off its surface like a thousand fire flies. The call of wingulls wavered through the air over the hushed tones of surf. It was beautiful here, so much so that when Evie entered the bay, she found herself still, her green eyes soaking in everything they could.

    Leka, on the other hand, was not amused. The feeling of sand under his paws, irritating him to the point of every step that he would try and dislodge as much sand as possible, by shaking a paw franticly. After a while though, he gave up, leaping onto Evie's large messenger bag, and nuzzling in under her arm, out of reach of the hot, biting grit. Letting out a snort, he looked up at Evie and mewed, impatient to find a place to sit and rest.

    Evie smiled and lifted up her arm to peer at the Pokémon, who gave her a stern look back, before she giggled and began to move again. Removing a green ribbon from her wrist, she swept back her silver hair into a lose ponytail, tying it neatly with the green fabric. She just had to draw this place and to do so, she couldn't have her hair getting in the way.

    Absentmindedly Evie traced what she had thought to be old foot prints in the sand, carefully placing one foot after the other, into the deep impressions, while looking for a perfect spot to draw. She moved slowly until rounding a rock leading to a small sheltered cove. Here she paused, taking in the heavier air in a long inhale. The scent of flowers was stronger here, and the cove made sound of the sea somewhat muted and distant. But it was not this that made her pause.
    Upon a rock, set into the back of the cove was a boy with blonde hair, he seemed to be scribbling in something, possibly a note book or sketch book, but from this distance Evie couldn't be sure. What she could be sure of, however, were her nerves. She hadn't expected to see anyone on her trip out and she was most certainly not ready to meet anyone new. Her jeans tatty and her silver hair in tangled knots, she looked like a tramp!
    Letting out a quiet squeak of surprise, Evie darted back behind a rock, pressing herself to its warm, uneven surface. She could feel her insides knotted with anxiety. "no, no, no!" she whispered harshly to herself, she couldn't meet new people yet! She would hide; go back the way she came and pretend her close encounter never happened. She nodded at this thought, agreeing whole heartily.

    Leka on the other hand, had other ideas. He knew Evie too well and anticipating her retreat from this opportunity to meet someone new, Leka decided to take action, even though it meant going back onto the sand. Hopping neatly off the bag, he trotted into the cove, letting out a short, happy bark in greeting and ignoring the frenzied hissing from Evie for him to come back. After that, Evie knew she had no choice; continue to hide behind the rock like a random stalker, which she decided wasn't the best of first impressions, or to follow her hard headed Pokémon in a greeting.
    Slowly she prised herself away from the rock and walked back into view, head low, and her green eyes focused on her trainers. Shoulders hunched, she made her small form, look even smaller than before.

    "erm..Hey" she stammered, smiling awkwardly "mind if I join you? It's just this place is so pretty and well…" Here she pulled out her camera and sketch book from her bag, waving them slightly before brandishing a lop sided smile which made her nose crinkle. "I couldn't resist."
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    Layton Lover
  • 204
    Orange Henry
    (Raioku Dorm)
    The reception lady hands me my key, it reads 'Room 97'. What?! That's like all the way down the hall... *Groan* I walk down the long hallway, and eventually find the room. I enter, and take a look around. There's a nice little desk, and a bed. There are a few drawers, one next to the bed with a lamp on it. It seems to be very quaint. I let Bonsi and Caroline out. Caroline freaks out when she sees Bonsi and I, due to the fact that she had never seen us before. I tell her, "It's okay, we're your friends." I reach out a hand to show I really meant it. She begins to calm down, and touches the bone to my hand.
    "Cu... Cubone?" She says.
    "Yeah, we're friends. Don't worry." I say, trying to comfort her. After that, I put my laptop on the desk, and plug it in to charge it. I call the two pokemon out, and leave the room, leaving the door unlocked like I usually do. I realize that I should probably call the professor, due to the fact he is probably wondering about how "Eggy" is doing. I should probably tell the guy that she hatched. I go to the receptionist, and ask, "Do you happen to have a phone I could use?"
    She replies rudely, "Don't kids these days all have an Xtrasceiver?"
    "Not me, my mom never trusted me with one." I say.
    "It's in the back." She says. I walk into the back room, and dial the Professor's number. It rings for a while, and he eventually picks up.
    "Hello?" Prof. Elm says.
    "It's me, Orange. I just called to tell you that Eggy hatched into a female Cubone, and we named her Caroline." I say.
    "We? Who's we?" the Prof. asks.
    "Oh, my new friend Jay and I, who I meet at Oak Town." I reply.
    "Oh, that's great. I have to go now, you know, busy busy busy all the time. Bye!" He says.
    "Bye!" I reply. I hang up the phone, and say to receptionist on my way out, "Thank you!"
    She replies nonchalantly, "You're welcome." I leave the building, and head for a nearby beach. I have my heart set on training my twosome, and probably challenging a unsuspecting trainer. I see a Corpish on the beach, and I'm ready to attack with Bonsi to show Caroline how battle works.
    "Go Bonsi! Attack that Corpish!" I yell, "Now Caroline, watch how battle works!"


    is a budgie.
  • 75
    James "Jay" Rybak

    I was in the middle of sketching Pokemon in my sketchbookwhile taking observations of the nearby Pokemon to scribe notes in my notebook untilI heard a faint squeak from one of the rocks at the cove. My eyesight lookedaround the area to find the source of the squeak; however I had troubleidentifying the location of the squeak. Perhaps it is one of the Pokemon at thecove, squeaked. I whistled loudly to signal for my three bird Pokemon, myStarly, my Swablu, and my Pidgey, to return in case there is a Pokemon thatwants to attack me. Emil, Samuel flew into the cove, and landed on a rock nextto me. Nalafari, unlike himself, flew in later than Emil and Samuel. Nalafariwould usually be the first of my bird Pokemon to beck to my call. Nalafarilanded on one of the larger rocks in the cove.

    I resumed drawing and taking notes of the Pokemon of theocean. I heard another sound. The sound was a bark of a Pokemon. My eyes turnedto the source of the sound to see an Umbreon with sleek coat. Soon after, aperson came from behind a rock nearby. The person seemed to be female, and shewas most likely around my age. She had silver, white hair that reminded me ofEthan. Her shoulders were hunched, and she carried a bag.

    "Erm..Hey," She stammered while smiling, "mind if I join you? It's just this place is so pretty andwell…" The girl took out a camera and a sketchbook fromher bag and waved them while smiling unevenly, "Icouldn't resist."

    "Ummmmm…," I feltnervous about letting someone not close to me being with me. I did not want tosay no to her question because I might upset her. Yet, I'm not sure if I shouldsay yes since I usually prefer to sketch alone. Well, saying yes balanced outas I hate harming the emotions of people and/or Pokémon, "Sure…I guess."

    I suddenly realized that I forgot to introducemyself," Oh Arceus, I almost forgot my manners. I really a-apologize about this.Sorry if I forgot to introduce myself. My name is James Rybak. S-some people callme Jay. My Starly's name is Nalafari, my Pidgey's name is Samuel, a-and my Swablu's name is Emil."


    The breeze was running through my wings, my feathers. Icould feel a burst of adrenaline running through my veins from not having flownin a while due to Jay's journey from the mountain to the dorms. I always lovedflying. Flying was my favorite free-time activity, and besides it felt naturalto me as I'm free as a bird. Well…I am a bird.


    I was flying overhead the part of the ocean near the coveJay was at, until I saw a flock of Wingull fighting over something. I flew closer,but far enough from the flock to avoid getting hit by the chaos, to examine theobject the Wingull were fighting over. The Wingull were fighting over an usual-lookingMagikarp. Unlike most Magikarp, this Magikarp had a body covered with goldenscales and fins. Perhaps the Magikarp was a shiny Pokemon. An idea popped intomy head. I smirked deviously with my beak.

    I flew at the maximum speed I could reach to, and usedTailwind to accelerate my speed while flying towards the flock of fightingWingull. I dived in into the crowd, and used my Thief attack to snatch thegolden Magikarp from the cloud of Wingull. The Wingull spotted me with theMagikarp, and started to chase me across the ocean.

    The Wingull were screaming,"Mine!MINE!Mine!MINE!Mine!MINE!"

    I saw a white speed boat with ahuman below me. I flew down to boat to place the shiny Magikarp on the boat.The human did not notice me as he was too focused on driving the boat. I couldhear the chorus of "MINE!" from the Wingull passing by. Fortunately, the Wingulldid not notice me. I could hear a gasping noise from where I placed the Magikarp,and turned around to see the Magikarp talking to me.

    "Thank you…for…rescuing…me…from…those…hellishbirds…"gasped the Magikarp.

    A smirk appeared on my beak again,"You're very welcome. Well…I'm not finished with you yet. As you can see, I am very hungry right now. Perhaps I couldmake a snack. Would you like sashimi or sushi?"

    "EEP!" screamed the shiny Magikarpas he tried to flop his way back to the water.

    I let the Magikarp flop back into the ocean. Ilaughed at the amusing sight of the frightened Magikarp. I stretched my wings,and took off into the air once more. I heard a faint whistle from the covewhere my trainer was at. I responded to the whistle by flying into the cove toperch on one of the larger rocks of the cove. I could see my flock, Jay, Emil,and Samuel, and two others, a female human with silver hair and an Umbreon.


  • 316
    Evie Bellarost
    "Nice to meet you, Jay," Evie chimed, trying to put on her best grin, though this resulted in timid quirk of the lips. "you don't mind if I call you Jay, right?" her voice quivered slightly but she knew she shouldn't let it show. "I'm Evie and Leka's my Umbreon"

    Mentally Evie cringed at her own awkwardness, she couldn't believe that Leka had done this to her. So much for being my best friend! She thought acidly, shooting the sleek Pokémon a look which would have caused a herd of wild torus to stop and run in the opposite direction. Leka however was unaffected and simply did was Leka did best, giving her a look that for all intensive purposes was him smirking at her, before moving forward and leaping gracefully up onto a bolder opposite Jay.

    Evie narrowed her eyes in glare at the Pokémon but regardless of her feelings now she knew Leka was in the right. If she was going to stand a chance here, she would just have to man up and make friends. Biting her lip, she looked back at Jay and smiled again before walking tentatively forward, picking a rock to sit on. After a few moments, she chose one next to Umbreon and climbed rather ungracefully up. Settling atop the rock, she pulled out her sketch book, before fishing inside her bag for a pencil.

    "so" she started, still rooting around her bag for a pencil, "you been coming here long?" she felt odd asking the question and though the boy had agreed to her sittin with him, she felt unwelcome. Unsure, however, if that was just her nerves, she ignore that feeling and pressed on, determined not to let her shyness get in the way this time. "It's so beautiful here" she grinned at last finding her pencil, before taking in a big breath " and smells wonderful! Reminds me of Cherrygrove, back home." With this she closed her eyes, as if picturing it and truly smiled, her pink lips pulling back gracefully, and warming her cheeks. "It's so nice back home this time of year, my aunt use to take me there to look at some shops in the holidays, when we were working on the ranch." Slowly she opened her eyes again, the pastel shades of the flowers in the grove fading back into memory along with laughter of her aunt, and looked over at Jay, "you're Pokémon look amazing by the way, never really seen a bird Pokémon up close, are they difficult to train?" admiration filled her voice in honey tones. All looked healthy and strong, well looked after and seemed well natured from first glances. whether this was true, Evie left to find out on closer acquaintance. Opening her sketch book, she fingered through the thick pages, skipping past water colour paintings and random sketches, before she found a fresh page. It's blank face stared back up at her, full of potential. Slowly, line by line, she began to copy the landscape in front of her, remembering her aunt's instructions from when she was a child, her voice filling her head, instructing her on each stroke.

    Leka let out a snort as his way of laughing, looked up at the birds. Much like Evie, he'd never truly paid much attention to bird Pokémon back on the ranch, bar hoot, who many a time had stayed awake with him through long winter nights and watched the moon with him. In respect he bowed his head each of them, one at a time in greeting, before stretching his legs then tucking them underneath him neatly. "Leka's the name, nice to meet ya'll" he nodded. "Hope we aren't intruding in your peace and quiet. Just, Evie is a big artist and can't resist a good view."
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    Layton Lover
  • 204
    Orange Henry
    (Battling on the Beach)
    "Alright Bonsi! Use Rock Throw!" I yell at Bonsi. Bonsi hits the Corpish, but the Corpish didn't even flinch. The Corpish uses a continuous bubblebeam, and does not stop. Bonsi gets really close to fainting, but I call him back just in time. "Oh no! Bonsi, are you okay?" I ask. The Corpish has an evil look in it's eye, and then it charges us. "Ruuuuuunnnn!!!" I yell. I run really fast, calling back Caroline in the process. I eventually see a big rock, and I run toward it. I climb the rock, and stand up there. The Corpish tries to climb it, but can't. "Phew... That was close." I say. I then notice Jay with a sketchbook not to far away, but he's with a girl. I wonder who that is. It doesn't matter, I'm having a major problem at the moment. I yell to him while wavin my arms, "JAY!!! I KINDA NEED YOUR HELP!!! THIS CORPISH IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!! HELP!!!"


  • 4,594
    The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
    Valorie Ryder - Road to Oak Town
    Valorie stared Mark down with a light grin on her face. It was time to go--time to kick butt. Time to strategize. Time to get pants'd by Kiyoko. Not really, but... Before Valorie could really give a command she felt a hand tugging at the rim of her skirt. Kiyoko would find that skirt gave a bit when pulled, as they tend to do. Better be careful Kiyoko! If you aren't--You might put your trainer in a world of embarrassment. Needless to say, Valorie was kind of... weirded out by the gesture. She nearly reached back to slap an offending hand but had to restrain herself, repeatedly reminding herself mentally that Kiyoko was not human. He looked so human though! Despite what she told herself, she couldn't get comfortable with something that looked like a human handling her this way. Regardless. Attacking the thing with superpowers was an awful idea and if her mother had taught her anything it was DO NOT PROVOKE SUPERMAN. She restrained herself for the moment being, and tried not to react to what Kiyoko had done. Patience and tolerance--Not usually her job, but what was she supposed to do? Angst silently and hope Kiyoko somehow read her mind? Oh... wait. Yeah that's exactly what she did, despite the fact that she had no real reason to believe he could do such a thing.

    So instead of getting upset, she just sot of awkwardly turned to look at Kiyoko and gave him an equally awkward smile. AWKWAAARD "Yeah--But it's like... /sport/." she tried to explain, making use of that newfangled patience thing to the best of her current ability. One's a profession and one's a mental illness! "We're fighting for fun--!" Valorie continued. What she /wasn't/ saying was that she didn't actually believe that and fought more for blood and glory than she was letting on. Her pokemon trained very hard to make sure she kicked /everyone's/ butt! Yes, Valorie has activated spartan mode, Kiyoko. This happens every time she gets into a fight. After a moment it seemed to occur to her that Kiyoko probably doesn't... /get/ it. Now why didn't he understand when most wild pokemon seemed to have some form of innate knowledge of the pokemon-human relationship? Not that Valorie could phrase it that way, but she found it odd. She supposed this would probably come up again--hopefully sometime /after/ the battle.


    With Quiet Courage
  • 427
    • Seen Sep 27, 2022
    Wyatt Wyvern (Raikou Dorm)
    Beach Encounter
    After a few minutes of cleaning up his Room and a short walk, Wyatt was on the beach although he wasn't dress up for swimming but instead donned a black drawstring hoodie although he did put his shoes and socks inside of his bag and also was wearing shorts. The feeling of sand on his bare feet was a strange feeling, strange, yet familiar. As he walked near the shoreline he ran into two individuals. One, a boy with a Swablu, Starly and Pidgey, the other, a silver-haired girl with green eyes and an Umbreon as her companion. The breeze on the beach was relaxing and for some reason the look of the two drawing on the beach seemed to invite him. Silently, he sat down beside them trying not to seem odd but he felt so anyway. He glanced off into the water to see multiple Wingulls fighting Magicarps. "Hey, I'm Wyatt..." he said, his voice trailing off.


  • 316
    It was just as Evie had begun to draw the first feather light stroke, that her concentration was interrupted. Letting out a disgruntled snort, the girl looked up from her work, catching eyes with her Pokémon, before arching a questioning eye brow.

    Leka had let out a gentle bark, his ear on end and quivering which only meant one thing. New company. The dark Pokémon had picked up on the sound of approaching footsteps across the sand before the boy had appeared in his line of sight and as a warning system back at home, whenever Evie was doing something she wasn't meant to be, Leka had taken to being her look out, standing his ears on end as a signal.

    Upon seeing this, Evie felt herself tense, one new person was bad enough, but two? Words could not even describe her level of discomfort at this thought. Shifting her weight slightly, she adjusted her sketch book and looked up from her work. Sure enough, walking towards them was a boy. He looked around the same age as her, and Jay for that matter, but she wasn't entirely sure.

    Perhaps he will walk on by? She thought to herself, semi hoping it would come true. However her hopes were sorely disappointed, as the boy came nearer and nearer, until at least he had arrived at the cove. He was shoeless, which Evie supposed was a good idea when thinking of the amount of sand already gathering in her soles, but she did not linger on this thought for long.

    "Hey, I'm Wyatt..."

    This greeting cut short her thought process with a bump, causing her to almost drop her pencil and making her fumble wildly on her perch, but once she regained her posture she smiled, somewhat embarrassedly at the boy.
    It was then with a wave of relief that she realised that the boy, Wyatt, as he had introduced himself as, was not looking in her direction and had thankfully missed her fumbling fit. Though her cheeks kept the bright crimson, colour for at least another couple of minutes.

    "Erm, hey" Evie grinned, tucking back a lose straight of silk, silver hair behind one ear. "nice to meet ya, I'm Evie. Sorry I didn't give a warmer welcome, didn't see ya coming'"

    So ok, it was a tiny fib, but she was trying her best to come across as at least a semi normal, non- nervous wreck.

    Twisting the pencil around in her fingers, she racked her head for something else to say, determined not to let an awkward silence fall over the group. As there was nothing else she hated more, than awkward silence. It was at those points in a conversation, that she would simply smile, say cool, then slowly and point-fully put her headphones on and hit play…

    However, just as she was about to open her lips and continue to exchange pleasantries with the new company, she was once again interrupted by Leka, who was now stood up, ears straight and eyes focused at some form of commotion on the beach. His fur was stood on end, and from his throat came a low snarl.

    This noise made Evie faultier in her weak attempt at conversation and made craned her neck in an attempt to see what Leka was so focused on and that's when she heard it. It was quiet, but defiantly there. A shout.
    She could only just make out snippets over the wind, but the message was clear enough.


    Bolting up right and sending her sketch book tumbling to the floor, Evie reacted without hesitation. Whistling sharply to Leka, she leapt from her perch, hitting the ground with a thud before sprinting towards the source of the sound. There was no time for explanation bar a hurried "Sorry!" as she sped away from jay and past Wyatt.

    Leka at the sound of Evie's whistle, burst forward, vaulting over the smaller rocks and down onto the beach, his muscles bunched with each step and propelling him forward with ease, as he ran swiftly over the sand; catching up to his trainer and over taking her in a blink of an eye.
    The sand made it difficult for Eve to run, each step, sinking into the fine sand and causing her movement to be delayed, almost falling on several occasions. But once out of the cove, the source of the scream became apparent. It was yet another boy, who was now balanced on top of a rock, waving towards them.

    The corpish, the obvious source of this turmoil, now circled the bottom of the rock, it's claws clamping together with a metallic like snap. It was angry, even from this distance it was plain, as it circled again. Every now and then trying to scale up the rock surface whereit's victum was now huddled, to no success.

    "Leka!" Evie shouted, her voice carrying on the wind easily, to her companion who was now in easy leaping distance of the raging Pokémon, "shadow ball!"
    The command in her voice was undeniable and Leka did not hesitate to carry out his master's order. Skidding to a stop and spraying sand up into the air, he opened his jaws, focusing his energy up from his heart. Here, nestled between his fangs, a hot ball of dark energy began to gather; it's pure energy crackling through the air like hot oil, before at last he exhaled, shooting forth a ball of dark, pulsing shadow.

    OOC: not sure if I could control Corpish or not, so thought it better to play safe :P and sorry about the long reply but had a lot to encircle, with two new characters appearing xD
  • 210
    • Seen Apr 2, 2014
    Lucas McGuire - Forest

    Lucas and the Pokemon heard a sudden scream coming from deep in the forest. 'What in the world?' Lucas remarked as Yuri sprung off of Heracross and bolted into the forest. 'What's gotten into him?' Lucas asked. Soon enough the Munna carrying the Litwick in it's Psychic grasp flew past trying to catch up to the dog Pokemon.

    'Heracross!' Lucas commanded 'Keep up with them, Aipom and I will catch up later!'. The trainer and his two Pokemon rang into the forest. Heracross flew off to catch up with the other Pokemon. In no time Heracross caught up with Yuri and Molly.

    'Sorry about the hold up! Did you get something?' Heracross called as it flew closer to the Lillipup.


    With Quiet Courage
  • 427
    • Seen Sep 27, 2022
    Wyatt frowned as the girl ran off in a quick hurry to do something that was apparently urgent but those motives weren't communicated. He caught her sketch book that she dropped and frowned. For some reason this kept on happening to him. He debated on whether or not he should help her or not but he had difficulty deciding. After a few seconds she was almost halfway out of sight when Wyatt decided to not leave himself in an awkward moment with the remaining company and he released Neptune (Totodile) out of his pokeball and told him to travel ahead of him to assist the girl. "Use Aqua Jet to help that girl" Wyatt shouted out fiercely before running in the same direction of the girl who introduced herself as Evie.

    Even if it's none of my buisness it's better to be safe then to be sorry. He thought to himself as he started sprinting to catch up with the girl who was almost out of sight. He hadn't touched his bare feet on any outdoor surface in years but he didn't hesitate as he was gaining on the girl until he saw her stop and stare off where the sound of the commotion where coming from: a boy trapped on a rock and a Corphish trying to climb up and attack him. Evie commanded her Umbreon to use shadow ball and the attack looked menacing or at least to Wyatt. Wyatt followed up by calling Neptune to follow Evie's lead.

    "Neptune! Use Aqua Jet to follow up on Leka!" he shouted while balling up his fist with a grin. Sure enough, Neptune glided, or maybe even skated across the ocean at high speed, behind the shadow ball heading towards the Corphish that had seemingly gone feral.
  • 676
    Yuri panted and looked at Heracross. "I just... I heard my trainer... I can't let her get hurt again..." Molly caught up with the pup, carrying a confused Litwick. "Calm down, Yuri... I'm sure that nothing bad has happened to Kayla." Yuri gasped. "How... How can you say that? Why else would she scream? I'm going to find her." She put her nose to the ground and started to search for Kayla.

    Primrose ran after Lucas and jumped onto his shoulder. She motioned for Rosemary to follow. Rosemary gasped and jumped onto Lucas' other shoulder. "I guess we're stuck with him now," she said with a giggle. She started to swing her tail around, hitting Lucas in the head. Primrose giggled.

    Kayla looked around the forest nervously. "I-I can't do it... I can't stay here! I'll get eaten by a bug! What was I thinking, letting you talk me into this? I--" She paused when she heard footsteps arriving. "What's that?" she asked nervously. Holly shook her head and hid behind Kayla. "I don't know," she whispered. "You should just stay calm, Kayla... I'm sure it's just on of those... Oh, what's it called?" Kayla frowned. "Caterpie." Holly nodded. "Yeah, it's probably one of those!"


    is a budgie.
  • 75
    James "Jay" Rybak

    The silver-haired girl introduced herself,"Nice to meet you, Jay, you don't mind if I call you Jay, right?I'm Evie and Leka's my Umbreon."

    I took a deep breath.Evie seems to be timid-looking, and looked friendly. I tried to think of makinga good response as I do not want to upset anyone or put anyone in a negativemood. I thought for about a bit to organize my thoughts and my words.

    Once I found the rightwords, I spoke."It is nice to meet you too, Evie and Leka. It is okay if youcall me Jay. Many people prefer to call me this nickname," I smiled a bitremembering how I got this nickname.

    When I was a youngchild, my grandfather used to make up stories of an alternate universe with noPokemon. Instead of Pokemon, the story had creatures called Animals that weresimilar to Pokemon. One of the made up creatures was called a Blue Jay. TheBlue Jay was a bird Animal in the alternate universe. My grandfather named thebird Animal, Blue Jay, after me. It was all because my name started with a j,my favorite color is blue, and I love bird Pokemon. My grandfather was thefirst person to give me the nickname, Jay. Eventually, my parents caught on tocalling me Jay. I did not mind the nickname. I found the nickname quite fittingto my personality.

    Leka, the Umbreon, elegantlyleaped onto a boulder opposite of me. Evie was glaring at the MoonlightPokemon. Evie faced to my direction again to give a smile. Evie choosed a rockto sit down on near Leka. She pulled out a sketchbook from her bag, and thentried to uncover something from within her bag.

    "So", Evie began while trying to find anobject inside her bag, "You been coming here long?"

    I took a deepbreath to try to calm myself from the uneasiness I felt. I felt a bit moreconfident after the deep breath, and answered, "I guess I've been here at thiscove during my free time sometimes. This cove was the first place I went on OakIsland when I first stepped off the boat to Oak Island. It's one of my favoriteplaces on this island. The cove reminds me of my home, Cherrygrove City. Thisplace reminds me of the scent of fresh flowers and bitter sea salt back at Cherrygrove.The cove is near the ocean and plains that brings the aroma of seawater andwildflowers."

    It's so beautiful here" she grinned at finding the unknown object inher bag. The object was a pencil. Evie breathed in and said, "And smells wonderful! Reminds me of Cherrygrove, back home." Evie closed her eyes to say,"It's so nice back home this time of year, my aunt use to takeme there to look at some shops in the holidays, when we were working on theranch."

    "I was bornin Cherrygrove and lived there for most of my life. I also worked as a cashier forthe Pokemart at Cherrygrove," I responded. Cherrygrove was one of my favoriteplaces in Johto, I lived there for most of my life. However, I think it's a bitbiased to say this since my home is at Cherrygrove.

    Evie slowly opened hereyes and looked over at me to ask me with awe, "YourPokémon look amazing by the way, never really seen a bird Pokémon up close, arethey difficult to train?"

    "Thank you,"I courteously told Evie,"I do not know the level of difficulty to train bird Pokemon.I guess it depends on the personality of the Pokemon, the personality of thetrainer, and the environment. I apologize if I don't have the information youneed."

    My eyesslowly drifted to see Evie drawing in her sketchbook, and I felt the pang ofjealously and envy hidden deep within my mind. I looked at my own drawing. Mydrawing wasn't good as Evie's drawing in my opinion, but I tried harder to makemy own drawing more "perfect". I tried to capture the glistening diamonds ofthe grand blue sea. I tried to etch every small detail from the small grains ofa rock to the details of each wave I could see on the ocean. I was so intenselyfocused on drawing that not even the sound of the crashing of waves wouldbother me.

    "Hey,I'm Wyatt..."

    "Erm, hey nice to meet ya, I'm Evie.Sorry I didn't give a warmer welcome, didn't see ya coming'"

    I looked upfrom my sketching to see a boy with a black drawstring hoodie, and Eviespeaking to the boy. Oh dear, I did not notice the boy, and I did not introducemyself. Where are my manners today? I spoke to the boy in a hoodie with a hintof meekness," Hi Wyatt. I apologize if I did not notice, and that I did notintroduce myself. My name is James Rybak. Most people tend to call me Jay."

    I heard somethingfaint, but my ears pricked up as I heard my nickname, "JAY!!!...NEED…HELP!!!...CORPISH…KILL...HELP!!!"

    "Sorry!" saidEvie as she ran off to the direction of the yelling.

    I quickly put my two notebooks and mypencil back into my bag, and whistled to my bird Pokemon to follow me. I triedto hustle to the direction of the noise as rapid as I could. With each step,the sand was dipping into my sneakers. The friction between the sand and mysneakers were pushing me, lowering my speed. As I got closer to the directionof the sound, I saw Orange, one of my friends, atop a rock with a Corpishcircling the rock, the Corpish most likely trying to reach Orange. The expressionon Orange's face was a terrified expression.

    I tried to calm down Orange, "Orange! Don'tworry, I'll try to get rid of the Corpish! I apologize for not coming heresooner!"

    Evie commanded Leka,the Umbreon, "Leka! Shadow ball!"

    The ball ofshadows flew in the direction of the Corpish. I had to do something to preventOrange from getting hurt. I exclaimed to my three Pokemon,"Nalafari! UseTailwind and then use Brave Bird! Samuel! Use Pursuit! Emil! Use Dragon Pulse!"

    Nalafari flewtowards the Corpish at his top speed while using Tailwind to increase the speedof himself and his teammates. Nalafari's wings glowed as he prepared a BraveBird attack straight at the Corpish. Samuel quickly flew to the Corpish to hitthe crab with a Pursuit attack. Emil paused for a bit. After a few seconds,Emil opened her mouth to unleash a Dragon Pulse attack from within herself atthe Corpish. However, the Dragon Pulse missed the Corpish and hit the spacenext to the Corpish.


    The Umbreongave off a snort and looked towards me, Samuel, and Nalafari. He bowed to me,Samuel, and Nalafari, "Leka's the name, nice tomeet ya'll," the Umbreon spokewhile nodding,"Hope we aren't intruding in your peaceand quiet. Just, Evie is a big artist and can't resist a good view."

    Samuel wasthe first to speak to Leka,"Salutations, it is a pleasure to meet you as well.My name is Samuel. It's alright, you and your trainer are not meddling us inthis serene environment. I find your species interesting. It is interesting howan Eevee could have so many different kinds of evolutions. Perhaps it is theDNA, the genetic code, and the RNA that allows an Eevee to adapt to theirenvironment. I remember reading about this in one of James's biology textbookswhen James had forgotten to close his book. I find science fascinating."

    I was verynervous about meeting a Pokemon who I did not trust yet ever since the incidentwith a Quilava. However, I couldn't be rude to Leka, and not introduce myself.I hid behind Samuel, showing a part of my face. I don't want to be rude so Istammered out,"Ahmm…H-hi L-leka. My n-name is E-emil. I-it's v-very nice tom-meet you. Also… no, no, no, you are n-not i-intruding our peace. Y-you'refine."

    "Don't worryabout Emil. She tends to be shy to others who she does not trust yet, "saidSamuel. Samuel tried to comfort me with a smile on his beak that reassured me.

    "Hey Sammyand Emi, don't forget about me!" the Starly flew down to one of the lower rocksnear us while doing three loops in midair, "Introducing the awesome me,Nalafari! Unlike the other intros, my intro is going to be awesome!"

    "I'm the strongest,"shouted Nalafari as he used a Brave Bird attack on one of the smaller rockwith no one occupying the rock.

    Nalafari usedTailwind to increase his speed as he did a couple of loops in the air, "Thefastest…"

    "And theawesomest Starly eva!" exclaimed Nalafari as he landed on the rock Samuel and Iwere atop of.


    I heard thesound of the two-toned whistle from the vocals of Jay. It was the signal tofollow him when there is a problem or a dilemma. Nalafari was flying in thefront, ready for what would occur. I was behind flying with Samuel. As I flewcloser to the trouble, I saw one of Jay's friends on top of a rock with aCorpish below trying to snatch the human. Nalafari was launching a Brave Birdattack towards the Corpish while Samuel was coming up with a Pursuit attack tothe Corpish.

    I thought fora bit before I use my Dragon Pulse attack. I did not want to hurt anyone.Instead of attacking the Corpish, I tried to use my Dragon Pulse to hit thespace next to the Corpish. I planned to scare the Corpish in order to cause theCorpish to run to safety.

    ((I apologize if this post is too long. I'll fix the spacing issues between the words later.))


    Layton Lover
  • 204
    Orange Henry
    (On Top of a Rock at the Beach)
    The Corpish is scared away by Jay's pokemon's attacks, as well as the girl's attacks. "Thank you both! You see, I was teaching Caroline how battles work, and, well water doesn't mix with rock and ground, so it ended up with me on top of that rock. Thank you!" I say happily. That stupid Corpish is going down one day, one way or another. I finally take notice of the girl standing next to Jay. She's not much taller than me, but appears to be much older. "Hello there miss," I say, "I haven't seen you before. What's your name?" And then I notice another guy, who Jay and the girl were talking to as I was yelling to them, and say to the three of them, "Sorry for interrupting your conversation between all of you, just pick up where you left off."
  • 210
    • Seen Apr 2, 2014
    Lucas McGuire - Forest

    As Lucas was running, he felt unexpected pressure on both his shoulders. He turns his head slowly, to see a sniggering Pichu on one shoulder and a giggling Skitty on the other. Seeing these two Pokemon freaked Lucas out causing him to run faster. He heard them laugh some more as they kept batting his head. Aipom saw his trainer freaking out and leaped out of the tree it was in. Aipom swung it's tail releasing a large star big enough for it to stand on and rode the star towards Lucas. Aipom reached it's tail out and puck up Pichu and Skitty and tossing them on the star. 'So, are you wild Pokemon or are you friends of the Lillipup? Don't worry about my trainer. He's easy to scare.' the monkey screeched as it manoeuvred the star through the forest. Unaware the Pokemon were removed from his shoulders, Lucas kept running in a startled panic, running straight into a tree sending the vibrations straight up the tree.

    Heracross standing with Yuri, Molly and Lumina. The beetle seen how worried the pup was. Heracross sat next to Yuri. 'Yuri, you won't have to worry about a thing. The Pokemon in this part of the forest are really friendly and nice. They would be more afraid of humans than humans are afraid of them. We can ask some of the forest Pokemon if they've seen this...Kayor was it?'. Stepping back and looking up seeing lots of bug Pokemon attached to the trees while Bellsprouts and Oddishes ran over the setting.


    Always here. Always there.
  • 60
    Alex blinked as in a flash everyone was in Shawn's room and clustering around Andy while he just say on Rahya's back, watching the situation unfold with a smile.
    "Heh. Guess everyone's here...? Thats good. Hey Kiki? Want your oran chips back?" Alex said with a soft smile, offering the bag over to Kiki. He would be bothering Andy like the others. But from the look of things he already had the others to talk to. And it wouldn't really make that much of a difference if Andy started talking to him... Right?.

    Rahya slowly looked around while sitting down (As best as a rhyhorn can), glancing around at the other pokemon in the room, seemingly just being silent.

    (Sorry for the lateness of my post those who are waiting on me. Time sort of just got away from me ^^;; )


    Lonely Planet Boy
  • 1,063
    Jimmy Vincent
    Academy Grounds

    Jimmy walked through the hallway that would lead him to the counselor's office. His hands were in his pockets, and he looked calm; as if he had absolutely not a single thing to worry or stress about. He glanced at the Pokéballs on his belt and smirked.

    It didn't take long before he found himself at his destination. A wooden door,which had a plaque with some words engraved on it:

    "Charles Fitzpatrick

    He knocked on that door, and waited patiently outside. But no sound came out of it. He knocked on it again, and nothing. He bent over and tried to look through the keyhole. He couldn't see much, but he could notice that nobody was there at the moment, as the lights were out. The rebellious-looking boy sighed, and was about to turn around when suddenly a voice stopped him.

    "Well, well, well, if it isn't Raikou-boy!" the voice said.

    Jimmy turned and saw someone he did not expect to see again. A boy with a Suicune Dorm jacket, and a Zangoose standing right next to him. Both had arrogant looks on their faces, and the boy had a black left eye. Jimmy looked at him with a frown, definitely not happy to see this kid.

    "It's been a while since our last encounter, Raikou-boy." the Suicune Dorm kid added, "And it's so good that you finally admit you need counseling."

    "Shut it, Bryce-punk!" Jimmy yelled, reaching for one of his Pokéballs, "Didn't you learn your lesson, not to mess with me?"

    "There was nothing to learn," he said and chuckled, "except that you suck. Now, I think it's time for a little rematch. I do want payback for last time."

    "Then let's go." Jimmy muttered, "And you better leave me alone after I wipe the floor with you."

    "You're such a talker, Raikou-boy" he said, "Are we doing this or what?"


    King of the Hell
  • 2,807

    The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]



    Held Item(s):
    The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

    Chapter One:
    Welcoming PTA's New Groomer, Ty!

    Part Six

    "If you don't battle, have you ever considered catching more Pokemon to help you? I'm going to head out to the icy plains first chance I get, and you're more than welcome to come along."

    "Hmm... I dunno. I find Pokemon as friends more than pets or battle monsters." He gave the Absol one last pet before it returned to its trainer.

    "Well done. How do grooming contests work?"

    Ty shrugged. "A few judges rate each Pokemon on how well-groomed it is and rate them accordingly."

    Fixed Float!