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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    e c h o; A KANTO JOURNEY​

    You wake up in your home in Viridian City, Kanto. This is the day when the resident pokémon researcher, professor Pine, has promised to give you a rare pokémon of your own in return for your participation in her study. The study involves training this pokémon, capturing as many others as you possibly can, and taking part in the annual Pokémon League Tournament. You will have to travel around Kanto and defeat all the gym leaders. The exact details and purpose of the study is not revealed to you. But the professor compensates your family richly for letting you go on this journey, and you're getting the rare pokémon and pokédex. Everybody seems to win.

    You will travel, either alone or with friends or people you meet along the way, and gather many pokémon in order to do well against the increasingly powerful gym leaders. But more and more, you will start feeling uneasy and strange. As if some things just can't be coincidences. As if someone is following your every step. Is this true or are you paranoid? And if it is true, are they helping you or hindering you? Is there a hidden agenda to this study, something that the professor did not want to tell you...?

    The world of pokémon lies ahead. Step into your very own adventure!
    Currently, spots are closed.​

    the workings of the RP

    This RP is an opportunity for you to play through Kanto in a more creative and free style than playing the real games would allow. I will present new areas as chapter posts with obligatory and optional events to include in your own posts. This reboot of the RP begins in Pewter City and goes towards the Mt Moon, Cerulean and so on.

    You are welcome and even encouraged to create NPCs at any time but make sure that your posts mostly revolve around your main character and their pokémon.

    Levels exist and I will let you know when your pokémon level up, learn new moves or are able to evolve. Even though battles earn you the most levels, it is not the only way! Making your pokémon appear and act in your posts will likely earn them levels occasionally. Evolution items and TMs will become available now and then. Max number of moves is 6.

    When capturing pokémon, you don't have to wait for approval or anything. You may capture pokémon in any way you like, but if you are going for rather rare and strong pokémon, it'll be much more interesting and less godmoddy if you make the capture more difficult than for common, weak pokémon!

    Player interaction should most often be done through joint posts, which are best created by sending a PM back and forth and building onto the text until a story worthy of a post has been made.
    BUT if you sign up, be prepared for that eventually in the RP, you might be required to post a bit more consistently since interaction directly in the IC thread will probably become necessary in some story arcs. Don't leave others hanging and waiting for you for more than a day or two unless you have a good reason for it!​

    starter pokémon

    The pokémon you receive from professor Pine will start at level 5.​

    trainer appearance

    Partly because of what we talked about in the RPD a little ways back, about playing as pre-existing characters :p you won't get to design your own appearance in this RP. You will choose from the trainer designs below. However, you will be able to fully customize and determine their personality!​



    1 - Follow all the PC and Roleplay Corner rules.

    2 - The rating is T. I don't see a reason to describe battles, romance or injuries with more detail than this rating will allow ^^ You are free to describe pokémon battling in a way you feel comfortable with, but things should be closer to the anime's style than to a bloody war or real life streetfight.

    3 - Be polite and nice OOC. I have the final word on everything, for the sake of organisation.

    4 - Reservations last for a couple of days and you may reserve starter and appearance. Take your time to think up an interesting character but don't drag things out for too long.

    5 - If you want to sign up when spots are open, fill out the sign up sheet found in the OOC thread. Then post it in the OOC thread and wait for my evaluation :>

    6 - Post at least ONCE a week. There is no minimum post length beside that in the Roleplay Corner rules, so make tiny posts now and then if you're having busy days or longer posts if your fingers feel happy~
    Only sign up if you feel eager to make up your own pokémon trainer adventure and have some time to spare. Thank you :D​

    sign up sheet

    Name: (up to your imagination)
    Age: (13-15, sorry but the professor only chose young teenagers for her study :3)
    Trainer: (type here what trainer appearance you choose from the images above. Be sure to state the exact names I've given next to their pictures to avoid misunderstanding)
    Starter: (type here what starter you'd like from the list above, and write what egg move you'd like it to know as well)

    Good personality traits: (list 2-4 positive personality traits that you think defines your character and that you can develop the personality around as the RP progresses. You may explain the traits in detail if you want)

    Bad personality traits: (list 2-4 negative personality traits that you think defines your character and that you can develop the personality around as the RP progresses. You may explain the traits in detail if you want)

    Interests and hobbies: (list, and explain if you want, some things your character likes to do in their free time. Dreams and aspirations can be listed as well. Pokémon training should be obvious, so no need to list that)

    Brief history: (no thesis length essay is needed, but you should outline something about their family and where and how they grew up - try to make the personality traits you listed above make sense with regards to the history!)

    Roleplay sample: (can either be something new featuring your character, or a recently made post from another RP that shows how you are planning to write in this RP)​

    player list

    For this reboot, players will start in Pewter City. After being accepted, you can choose two more pokémon from the Route 2 or Viridian Forest that your character could have captured on their way to Pewter City.​
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    ♚ Here's looking at you, kid.
  • 119
    I know I had to drop out of your other RP, and I feel terrible for it because just when I got busy I became free again... x_x

    But, I was wondering if you would allow me to reserve a spot for this one instead? I will do my absolute best to make it up to you. If so, then I would love to reserve Charmeleon and BW Male appearance? Thank you for your consideration!

    echo ; A KANTO JOURNEY
    the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

    [ Name ]
    Milo Langley
    [ Age ]
    Fifteen, 15
    [ Trainer ]
    Black and White, Male
    [ Starter ]
    Charmeleon, Male
    Moveset - Scratch, Ember, Growl, Smokescreen, Dragon Rush
    [ Personality ]
    Milo is the willing recipient of a continuously active brain, filled with random tidbits of knowledge one may often find trivial. Whether it is the distinguishing cries of a Weedle or a town's ancient lore, he is the young man who know knows anything about everything. More or less. He is an intelligent lad who constantly seeks out new information and tries to put it to good use in helping others or himself in times of need. He is captivated by puzzles and problems. However, with this active brain comes his inability to concentrate on on task or conversation. He could be talking about Pokémon one minute and the food in his pocket the next. Keeping his attention on any one thing for a long period of time is quite the ordeal.

    In accordance with that, Milo is also creative. He tends to waste his time making tools out of small objects, drawing his fantasies, and imagining grand adventures. He would be considered a child at heart by most, but in a naïve way. The lad has a knack for ignoring the bad and ugly things in life. When something goes wrong he will often deny the situation and carry on as if nothing was different. Nonetheless, he is compassionate. If there is a person in need of a hand or a shoulder to lean on he won't hesitate to offer his own. He enjoys make people smile.

    One of his biggest fears is being alone. He was raised around many people in a big town. If there was one thing we would want most on this journey, it would be a friend along the way.

    Milo lived in a bustling household with five siblings where he learned to keep his stuff to himself.
    He doesn't like to share any physical object that he personally owns as things were stolen or misplaced quite a few times growing up. One thing he is particularly possessive about is his hat. He is incredible fond of it. Don't touch the hat. Ever.
    [ Roleplay Sample ]


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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024

    Name: Aberdeen Black || Age: 14 || Trainer: BW2 Male || Starter: Servine, Iron Tail​

    the never lingering echo of a future;

    Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

    He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.

    Roleplay sample:
    It was a bright morning in Viridian City, just slightly windy. Aberdeen Black loved spring mornings. The breeze made him feel excited and alive and rustled his hair in a way that made him feel really good. He kept his headphones on as he bounded along the street from his house, listening to an upbeat tune on high volume. At the gate to the Black's garden, his mother stood and anxiously watched him go. She was worried that he would not take this journey seriously. He was not really a serious boy... except for when it came to pokémon battles. But he had never done them himself before. He'd have to learn the hard way. Which was exactly what she was worried about.

    Aberdeen was supposed to meet with the pokémon professor called Pine at the pokémon center of Viridian. He would much rather have wanted to see her laboratory; his picture of what a lab looked like was amazing. But maybe she didn't want to risk exposing any dangerous secrets about her work. So she chose to meet the new trainers at the pokémon center instead. That was totally what Aberdeen thought.

    The building was nothing special, in Aberdeen's eyes. He had been here before. The sliding doors parted gladly when he stepped close to them and revealed the brightly colored hall inside. Straight up front were the counters where nurses were ready to take in injured pokémon and help them as quickly as possible. They had some pokémon to run around and help them when they were exceptionally busy. There were also always some trainers hanging about in the sitting booths that lined the walls. As if they had nothing better to do! If Aberdeen was a trainer, he would never sit still! And today, he would actually become one. A large smile escaped his lips.

    There was the professor, leaned against a counter with a look that told the boy that this was still too early in the morning for her. She had long, dark hair that reached all the way down over her back, a white labcoat to easily distinguish her by and a pair of sharp glasses sitting on her nose. When she saw the very smiling Aberdeen bounding up to her, she immediately recognized him from her pictures. "Ah, an aspiring trainer, isn't it?"

    "You're quite right it is, madam!" he responded confidently and put his hands on his hips as he reached her. A beige bag was thrown over his shoulder and now he accidentally dropped it in this gesture. Slightly blushing, he quickly picked it up. But the professor only smiled.

    Before Aberdeen got there, he had chosen the top three from a selection of pokémon that Pine could give him. She had now brought the one she had picked for him after comparing with the wishes of the other trainers. Giving him the pokéball, she told him that a Servine was inside.

    "Wow... What is a Servine?"

    "Eh? Oh, it's a really rare pokémon, only native to another region far away. Haven't you seen it on TV before? It's a grass type, snake-like-"

    Interrupting her, Aberdeen suddenly let the pokémon out of the pokéball right in front of them in the pokémon center. Pine's eyes widened a bit from surprise, but she quickly calmed down. It wasn't really unnatural to let a pokémon out of its pokéball in here, rather the opposite.

    A green snake-like beast stood before Aberdeen now, seemingly eyeing him up and down. Aberdeen's eyes shone. "Wow! She's amazing!"

    That earned him an all too sudden whip from a vine, coming out of nowhere. The boy stumbled to the side, having gotten struck on his arm. "What was that for?"

    "Eh. It's a male pokémon. Not a girl," the professor explained. Rookie mistake. Experienced trainers could often rather easily see the difference between female and male pokémon.

    "Huh? But it looks so very feminine-" Another whip from the lash, and a growl from Servine, who backed away slightly.

    "Look at that!" another person suddenly shouted out. It was a girl who sat in a booth not far from where the professor and Aberdeen stood. "It's so cute!"

    "Cute?" another girl exclaimed. "It's elegant and stylish!"

    "What are you talking about? It looks really artistic and delicate; as if it's really got a soul!"

    As several girls suddenly stormed up to Servine and began patting it, the pokémon looked confused and didn't really know what to do. Pine considered walking up to them and stopping it all. Aberdeen had other plans though.

    "Ladies, give my man Servine here some space, will you?" The girls looked up at him as he approached them. Then they seemed to make the connection.

    "Are you this pokémon's trainer?"

    "Indeed I am. Servine's a really special pokémon! He may look fragile and beautiful, but in battle, he is both elegant and fierce like a blazing inferno of... of grass!"

    Servine's gaze met his eyes. It seemed to try and understand him for a moment. Or perhaps just evaluating if this was a relationship that could work or not. Aberdeen looked back, determinedly but smiling. After a few seconds, Servine sighed and gave out a smile as well, looking really sly as he leaned back towards the ladies and nodded. The girls seemed to think it was really cool that what the pokémon's trainer said was true.

    After the girls had gone away from the pokémon center, Aberdeen too patted the head of his new partner, who allowed it even if it didn't seem to enjoy it as much as when the ladies had done it. "Haha! We'll be the best partners ever in finding girls!" the boy said, very content.

    Professor Pine sighed and shook her head. What kind of trainer-pokémon-relationship would this really be? But then again... stranger things had happened. Perhaps this was the start of something that could actually work out fine.
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    Xlugon Pyro

    Dragon Tamer
  • 308



    Hrm....... I could go with that one however.....................

    Interesting RP. I've been interested in a Pokemon journey RP for some time now. Should I or shouldn't I reserve? To play or not to play...

    You might see me back around here soon!


    [i]memento mori[/i]
  • 17,226

    Reserving Bayleef & BW2 Female. Because you know, I love the Chikorita evo and stuff!


    Xlugon Pyro

    Dragon Tamer
  • 308
    Why not.

    I'll reserve Grovyle and that Sinnoh gurl.

    By the way, would it be better using the Diamond/Pearl appearances instead? I know you're using the most up to date appearances mostly, but the Sinnoh ones are wearing winter clothes which might be a bit overboard for Kanto's temperate climate. :P
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024

    Reserving Bayleef & BW2 Female. Because you know, I love the Chikorita evo and stuff!

    BECAUSE. COME OVER TO THE novel length post / nonsense adventures / too rapid chapter updates DARK SIDE.


    dat pic<3

    May I please reserve the Kanto Male and Ivysaur?



    Why not.

    I'll reserve Grovyle and that Sinnoh gurl.

    By the way, would it be better using the Diamond/Pearl appearances instead? I know you're using the most up to date appearances mostly, but the Sinnoh ones are wearing winter clothes which might be a bit overboard for Kanto's temperate climate. :P
    Good boy~ You are reserved.

    It is very much ok! I can add a picture of her D/P clothing to the first page instead. Whenever I'm on a decent computer.

    Just what I've been looking for! Could I please reserve Kanto female appearance and Wartortle? Will have SU up soon.
    It's been a long time! You are most certainly reserved.


    supreme meme machine
  • 880
    Hmmm... well... I'm in five RPs already...

    Reserve me for the Hoenn male and the Dewott. I should have an SU fully drawn out by Saturday only because on Friday I have a midterm.
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    May I reserve Monfirno and the Hoenn lady?
    Certainly, you are reserved. I was wondering if you were going to show up ;)

    Hmmm... well... I'm in five RPs already...

    Reserve me for the Hoenn male and the Dewott. I should have an SU fully drawn out by Saturday only because on Friday I have a midterm.
    As long as you really think you have time for this, then. You'll be able to post very independently, so hopefully it should fit busy schedules!


    Puppeteer Mask

  • 129
    I would like to reserve the HG/SS girl if I could (DAT HAT) as well as Grotle. (I'm already picturing her lying out a mattress on top of Torterra and taking a nap in the sun while it does the walking for her)
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    I would like to reserve the HG/SS girl if I could (DAT HAT) as well as Grotle. (I'm already picturing her lying out a mattress on top of Torterra and taking a nap in the sun while it does the walking for her)
    Sounds wonderful ^^ Reserved.

    Ahhh I can't resist either~

    Can I reserve for the BW Female and Marshtomp?
    First I want you to really be sure that you want to be in both MAO and echo; as they are both journeys of my creation. Even though the former is a bit different. :3 so, sure?

    Miss Doronjo

  • 4,473
    Sounds wonderful ^^ Reserved.

    First I want you to really be sure that you want to be in both MAO and echo; as they are both journeys of my creation. Even though the former is a bit different. :3 so, sure?

    Yeah no problemmm~

    MAO is pretty easy to post in for a fast paced RP, sooooo I can post in there quite a few times, and then focus on echo~!
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Ok, I believe you ;) I'll fix your reservation in the first post as soon as I'm not on my phone ^^
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Alright, now I've learned to count. I had accidentally marked the Sinnoh Male as taken xD

    With Miss Doronjo's reservation, we have reached 10 players and I think that's enough :3 So, 1ninjadude1701, you were a bit too late this time. Check in again in the future in the sad case that someone has to drop their spot.

    Get those SUs going now~!