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EDIT: In case there's anyone else who wants to switch before new RPers jump in with reservations (or if new reservationists want an overview of the situation in the first post now) the stuff now available is:






... and...

Kanto Male
Johto Male
Sinnoh Male (either D/P or Platinum form)
BW2 Female

So since these are openly available, does that mean my reservation was counted? ;O

You know what, I thought about it, and... to fair for everyone else, think I should give my spot to someone else and concentrate on MAO for now. D=

Sorry for the trouble. ;___;
Ha! You've activated my trap card! Alpha Application! ALPHA SU ACTIVATE!

Name: Hector Ayoba
Age: 15
Trainer: Kanto Male
Starter: Paris the Ivysaur - Petal Dance
Your character is enjoyable and your writing is totally ok, but you didn't really look at the SU sheet or read the story for that matter O.o In this RP, reading the chapter info posts will be rather crucial.

But if you take a look at the whole first post again and try to fix what you got wrong, I'll have another look at it ;)

If there are still any free spots left, I would like to reserve the Quilava and the Sinnoh male! I'll begin writing an SU the moment I'll know if the spot is free or not :P
Certainly! Off you go writing now~

Don't forget to edit the OP with the avatar update. :P

Also, I'll have the sign-up done sometime today and at the very latest, tomorrow.
I think I did?

I'll be looking forward to it!

So since these are openly available, does that mean my reservation was counted? ;O
No, heretostay and Sir Bastian reserved so there wouldn't be a spot for you, BUT...

You know what, I thought about it, and... to fair for everyone else, think I should give my spot to someone else and concentrate on MAO for now. D=

Sorry for the trouble. ;___;
... this means that Charizard_Man can reserve one of the characters that is currently available in the first post! (excluding the stuff that heretostay and Bastian reserved just now, in case you read this before I edit stuff)

Also @ Shawn ;; ok... glad to have you in MAO at least!
I saw what I did. Haha. Could you review it again?

@Charizard Sorry bout that bro
Mmmnope. There's still something you didn't quite catch. I'll give you once more chance to read through the SU sheet in the first post more properly and maybe read mine and Breezy.'s SUs as well to try and spot it? And then I'll only accept you if you promise to not rush your posts and read carefully ;D Because everything else was nice!

Sorry for being so picky, but this was kind of one of the points of having a pretty skinny SU sheet (without history or appearance, I mean) and focus on the RP sample when picking players; to see how a potential player writes and how many liberties they take when following post instructions.

Liberties are good! Contradictions of facts are not ;p

Don't even trip bro hah, I'll reserve Johto Male and Croconaw since they were my second choice anyways.
Reserved! I do prefer Totodile and Feraligatr over the middle evo, personally :3 But I hope I'll get to read some nice Croconaw stories from you then and perhaps I'll grow to like it more~
Got my SU pretty much hammered, so I'm gonna set about doing an RP sample when I'm done work, if all goes well I should have something up tomorrow.
[PokeCommunity.com] echo; A KANTO JOURNEY (OOC)

[Name] Trey Vincent
[Age] Fourteen
[Trainer] Johto Male

Croconaw, Male♂
Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage, Aqua Jet*


Trey gives off an aura of polite disinterest, mixed with a hint of remoteness. Though well-mannered - required to be so, as the only son of a mother who prides herself in etiquette and the like - he does not particularly like others that make conversation for the sake of conversation, and finds their incessant chatter rather annoying. In interactions with others, he is highly opaque and extremely blunt with his words, preferring not to seem two-faced and not caring about the negative consequences of his frankness; he does not believe in changing oneself simply to gain acknowledgement. Disregarding most - if not all - attempts by his peers to start a friendship, the number of friends he possesses is very small, but he is closely bound to people that are close enough to him to be called as such, and acts as if their interests were his own.

Perhaps hypocritically, however, he loves to ramble on about his own topics of interest. Some are completely normal - he greatly enjoys music, for example, and is somewhat proud of his vocal training, even though he pretends very unsuccessfully otherwise. Other things, however - hobbies that would be considered normal in people that are socially-inept: video games, books, and anime and manga - are not at all characteristic of his appearance, but are also on the list of things he cannot help but rant about.

Because he is fairly able-bodied of frame, Trey excels in athletics and - even though being part of various teams - keeps up his lone wolf mentality. With no need for practice, at least in his mind, he usually skips any practices he could, having instead honed his intellect through a high-quality education from private tutors on a variety of subjects including battle strategy and biology; this manifested itself in his suspension from the basketball team. Despite not being very diligent altogether on errands he has no personal interest in, he understands the importance of each and every undertaking, and is much more mentally active than one would expect, to the degree that he plans obsessively and is rarely caught by surprise by unexpected events.

[roleplay sample]
Got my SU pretty much hammered, so I'm gonna set about doing an RP sample when I'm done work, if all goes well I should have something up tomorrow.
Splendid! Looking forward to it. I might be very busy tomorrow though, so maybe I won't look here until sunday.

[Name] Trey Vincent
[Age] Fourteen
[Trainer] Johto Male
omgAWD that's a delicious looking SU. I just have to fix mine up, I can't have it looking like that when there's eyecandy like this laying around in this thread.

It's the text that matters, of course ;) but still!

Charizard_Man is accepted!

EDIT: heretostay, it's just the detail that you should meet the professor in the Pokémon Center and not in a lab of hers. The RP sample instruction text said so ^^

The accepted members, check the first post in the IC thread for delicious character profiles :D
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I was never good with making SUs look pretty, but here's mine anyways!

Name: Adam Jenkins

Age: 15

Trainer: Sinnoh Male

[PokeCommunity.com] echo; A KANTO JOURNEY (OOC)

Starter: Quilava (Blair)

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember and Flare Blitz

Personality: Growing up with a mother who was hardly there for him, and a father who was hardly any better, but still trying to raise their child properly, has grown Adam into having a respect for his parents while having enough distance to want to become a person of his own. Taking from his parents, he takes great effort in doing things 'flashily' and sometimes needlessly complicated to make things seem more grand than they really are.

At first, he might seem stuck-up and eccentric, but it doesn't take long for you to be able to see past the need for pointless flair and see a generally nice, helpful young boy with his heart in the right place. He has a steeled will, and when he decides to do something, he does whatever he can to pull through with it, despite it seeming to be a failure, which in turn makes him rather stubborn. He enjoys Pokémon, music and everything over-the-top, and he's actually quite often seen with his beloved violin, either playing on it, or in its case and strapped onto his back.

All in all, Adam is a guy with his heart in the right place, with a love for everything over-the-top, and he can be rather stubborn, which can work out both very well, and very badly for him. He does also have a bit of an obsession with knighthood and being as gentlemanly as he can, which in turn makes him a bit of an airhead around girls.

Roleplay sample:

Incidentally, do we -have- to follow the game's path through the world? As in, Pewter to mount moon, to Cerulean? Wouldn't there be a way for, say, cars and bicycles and the like to go from Pewter City to Cerulean, rather than going through a cave? Like a road? Just my thoughts, but I'm only curious :P

Also! If anyone ever wishes to meet up with my character, or even travel around with him, give me a poke via PMs or the like and we can figure something out :3
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The lab was approaching fast.
That line is still there!

jk lol. Maybe write when you're less tired from studying next time ;) You are accepted, heretostay123!

@ Sir Bastian, looking good, accepted!

Also, I'd love for Aberdeen and Adam to meet up in a joint post at some point! I'll probably just want to get used to my character with a few posts of my own first.

ALSO let me present Rika's quick little guide to making posts pretty with little effort. *types, it'll come up soon*
The very simplest way to make a post stand out as just a liiiitle more elegant than others is to use the

Just type
and the text you want to "transform" and end with [*/indent] without the *. That would here yield:

and the text you want to transform
See? The text is just padded a little on all sides, making sure it's not clutched to the sidewalls of the post area. Spacey and more comfortable to read. There's a button for that too if you don't feel like typing it out:
[PokeCommunity.com] echo; A KANTO JOURNEY (OOC)
You can use several indents to make your text even thinner. With a text as an example:

You wake up in your home in Viridian City, Kanto. This is the day when the resident pokémon researcher, professor Pine, has promised to give you a rare pokémon of your own in return for your participation in her study.
The study involves training this pokémon, capturing as many others as you possibly can, and taking part in the annual Pokémon League Tournament. You will have to travel around Kanto and defeat all the gym leaders. The exact details and purpose of the study is not revealed to you. But the professor compensates your family richly for letting you go on this journey, and you're getting the rare pokémon and pokédex. Everybody seems to win.​

Also, don't forget that you can bold text, change the size and font of it easily in the post editor. Don't exaggerate, but it's often a good idea to put some kind of title to your post if you are interacting with others, to remind them of where and who you really are again. In SUs, you can play around with fonts a lot but don't mix too many or it'll look cluttered :p readability comes before flashyness!

'kay. But I guess it's the css you people really want to learn, no? Yes. Ok. Beware that on the rest of the web, this is not considered "real" css. It's simplified here, which is nice.

is a useful tag. You can also use
but I don't know the difference besides css-div being more letters and therefore more annoying than cd :p

It works like this. Say you want to make a SU look pretty. We'll take mine as an example.

Name: Aberdeen Black || Age: 14 || Trainer: BW2 Male || Starter: Servine, Iron Tail

the never lingering echo of a future;

Personality: Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.

Sure, it fills up the requirements (except the RP sample which I skipped here because wall of text lol) but it's rather boring even with the indent tag. Let's give it a background color and define the text color to make it fits all skins.
(and then we'll put our SU text here and then we'll put [/*cd] at the end without the *)
Padding works like indent inside the cd-box kind of. Use a hex color machine like THIS to find colors that you like. Also, we skip the indent tag now and define the width of the post instead. 700 is nice.

Name: Aberdeen Black || Age: 14 || Trainer: BW2 Male || Starter: Servine, Iron Tail

the never lingering echo of a future;

Personality: Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.

Much better already. But the whole cd-box is left aligned... let's just center the whole thing, outside of the cd-tag, and it'll be fixed. But then you should add text-align: left; or perhaps text-align: justify; if you want to be really elegant, to your cd-tag stuff. Also, let's add some cool borders.
(our post goes here again) [/*cd][/*center]
I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to make the right and left borders look in some way too. Instead of solid you can type dashed, dotted, double and some other stuff to make the border look different. You have to define it's size in pixels or something like I did, typing 20px. Same for width of the box and the radius of the rounded cd-box (that's border-radius).

Name: Aberdeen Black || Age: 14 || Trainer: BW2 Male || Starter: Servine, Iron Tail

the never lingering echo of a future;

Personality: Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.

And now, let's do some standard neat formatting with the usual PC text box controls. Bolding stuff and taking away that italic that I put just to separate the post from this educational text lol. I'll also center the first less texty part and add an additional cd-box inside the existing overarching cd-box... no biggie really.
Just type
lol hi text!
whatever should be in the inside box[*/cd] and then we continue on with the rest of our post... [*/cd]

Name: Aberdeen Black || Age: 14 || Trainer: BW2 Male || Starter: Servine, Iron Tail

the never lingering echo of a future;

Personality: Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.

Now we're getting something. Really... plum. Anyways, I added some extra coding to that cerise cd-box in the middle. Just quote this post to see the code I used and play around with it, actually! I'll show you one more thing that I find useful. the float: left/right tag. With it, you can put images beside text without having your text skip rows immediately. If you get what I mean. I'll add a pic to this SU and show you. Another internal cd-box is used within the overarching one:
It'll appear in level with the text in front of which you put the code. And, um, that's all the basic stuff I'll type up here. There's loads of more you can do with relatively simple css-coding but I'm certainly no expert. The best way to learn is just to play around with delicious looking posts that you find, and try to learn what's really what! Hope something here made sense.

[center][cd=background-color: #fff; color: #222; padding: 30px; width: 700px; text-align: justify; border-top: 20px solid #7D153F; border-bottom: 20px solid #7D153F; border-radius: 20px;][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Aberdeen Black || [B]Age:[/B] 14 || [B]Trainer:[/B] BW2 Male || [B]Starter:[/B] Servine, Iron Tail

[cd=width: 600px; border-radius: 15px; background-color: #CF306F; padding: 5px; font-size:15px; color: #fff;][I][FONT="Cabin Sketch"]the never lingering echo of a future;[/FONT][/I][/cd][/CENTER]

[B]Personality:[/B] Aberdeen is a boy of many emotions. His usual stance is to be happy and positive about everything, sometimes to the brink of being annoying, but as soon as things go wrong or people oppose him, he becomes angry and will only reluctantly try to empathize with the other side. Most often he pouts and becomes passively fuming rather than going all out shouting though. He also doesn't have far to tears and can tear up at a beautiful scene, a shocking scare or a sad moment. His priority plan in life is to find himself a girl who is both hot and smart and funny and understands him, and he plans on using this journey to find her! For this, he of course needs to capture a lot of cool pokémon and avoid ugly ones. His biggest fear are ghost pokémon and he likes to tell himself (and everyone else) that they don't really exist at all.

[cd=float: left; padding-right: 10px;][IMG]https://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/497.gif
He has no siblings but wishes that he had an older brother and is likely to take a liking to any cool older trainers he finds if they are anything like what he'd wish for in a brother. Just as he'll likely try to impress every remotely hot/smart/funny girl he meets to try and make her his. His interests in life include watching pokémon battles and yelling at trainers on the TV for not using clever enough strategies or not cool enough moves, as well as listening to video game music. As he puts it, music made for movies or games are much more emotional and telling than boring music with annoying song that the radio plays. He always brings with him his music player and adds to his attire a pair of sky blue headphones with black details.​

Like I said, quote this post to get the code. Or quote other posts and see what they've done. Probably more advanced than my scribbling ^^​
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Well, it's awesome that you're helping everyone to try and make prettier SUs, and possible normal posts, but...

... I'm really stupid when it comes to code and such, so all of that is just like static on the TV for me, I'm afraid. I wish I could understand it : \