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fake your death.
  • 33,379
    Sorry for the generic title. Anyway, who were your favorite teachers you've had? What did they teach you? Who were your least favorites? What would you tell them, either your favorite or least favorite, if you saw them now? (If you have something overly rude, perhaps just keep it to yourself.)
    My favorite teacher was my 9th Grade English I teacher, Mrs. Christensen. She was absolutely fabulous. She was the first teacher in my entire education path that seemed to legitimately care about each and every one of her students and actually hope to teach them something worth while to give them a healthy nudge into the harsh reality that is the world.

    My least favorite? There are too many to name and I can't begin to describe them.
    I loved my elementary school teachers - I still talk to my 4th and 5th grade teachers on Facebook once in a while, and I went to my 4th grade teacher's wedding about eight years ago.

    My middle school teachers were either love or hate, I had one who was rather rude who threatened to give my friend and I detention because we were in the hall (she was getting a textbook from her locker) during lunch, when we should have been in the cafeteria (they literally corraled us there...) and she said if anything was stolen that we'd be the suspects, wth?

    For the most part my high school teachers were pretty generic, just kinda there for a paycheck and not really engaging except the teachers who coached sports and had the athletes in their class. For the most part, high school was just a slightly more free middle school, haha.

    But, the impact my elementary school teachers had on me is actually the main reason why I'm going for a Bachelor's in primary education and eventually a teaching certificate right now.
    I've got a few teachers that are my favourites for both personality-wise but their teaching skills.

    Ms. Sharma
    ...is my current year 12 Chemistry teacher and I trust her advice and suggestions on how to study, what to study, exam techniques etc 100%. She used to be an analytical chemist for a university (which I can't remember at the moment), before she used to teach first year medical students. She's probably one of about two teachers I look up to a lot.

    Mr. Hussey
    He's my current Mathematical Methods teacher and was my year 10 teacher last year for maths as well. He's really down to earth and a clear-cut teacher. He'll tell you what needs to be done, how to do it and when certain things need to be done by and that's it. He's the other teacher I really look up to.

    Miss. Kimpton
    She was my year 9 English teacher and she was pretty clear cut too, but she also like to relax a little and share a joke or two with us which was always nice. There's nothing worse than a completely banal teacher.

    Mr. Montero
    I don't know why I still remember him haha. He was my year 7 and 8 Science teacher, who knew his stuff. He mainly specialised in Biology, but he also knew the basics of Physics and Chemistry as well.

    Ms. Menon
    She's probably my favourite teacher personality wise...because well she was seriously naive but in a funny way. She was far from stupid, but she didn't quite catch onto our jokes as well as other teachers. She was my year 8 and 9 maths teacher and she was a mathematical machine!

    And yeah those are my favourite teachers. I've got a few I dislike too:

    Miss Timotheou
    Miss Angelopolus
    Miss Tossios
    Mr Skewes
    I only had two favorite teachers.

    >Mr. Linderman
    This dude taught math classes and he was best known for being a huge Star Wars fan. Every Halloween he dressed up as Episode 1 Obi-Wan and he'd give bonus grades if you brought him Star Wars merch that he didn't already own. It was extremely difficult to do that. The only time I ever saw someone get a bonus grade was when they gave him a pack of stickers that was made when A New Hope came out. He was the only teacher I saw when I visited after I graduated and he approved of the book I was reading (Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken) and I've never felt more pride in my life.

    Mrs. Lavely
    She was my Theater teacher and I worked with her foooorrr...six years? Six years, countless productions, eight competitions, and I mentored her son. She's actually my favorite teacher of all time because we went through so much together and I was always eager to key a judge's car on our school's behalf since we never won a single competition. She also once called me her Tech Guru and that still makes me smile.

    Least favorite list is looooonnnng but the worst is really, really prominent.

    >Chef D
    We never learned what the D stood for. She was an assistant teacher who later became a full teacher at the career center that I went to for Culinary Arts and she, herself, is the sole reason why I dropped that crap with only a semester to go. She believed that she had absolute authority over all classes at all times and she dealt with problems in a Bill Lumbergh fashion. Mopping the kitchen floor was my TPS report except I did it numerous times.
    Less favorite teachers-most of them in high/grade school

    Favorite- only one

    Mr. Mc Donald: He was my RE teacher who let me get away with doodling instead of doing the work, just because I told him I could not do the work.
    My favorite teacher was my 11th grade English teacher, Ms. Brown. She was sweet, kind, and funny, but my favorite thing was how she continuously complimented my writing and let me know whenever she was impressed. She ended up photocopying a lot of my work, mostly my poems. Because of this, she encouraged me to do well in all subjects when I couldn't care less about school previously. She helped spark my love of books and my insatiable thirst for knowledge.

    My other favorite teachers are all ones that have made me feel better about my self. These include my 11th grade History and Nursing/Health Education teacher (who both constantly complimented my memory), my 12th grade English teacher (he also loved my writing), and my 3rd-5th grade band teacher (he thought I was great at sax, got me into some all-regional band in 5th grade, and then inspired me to keep playing throughout my years at school).

    My least favorite teachers were the boring ones. The ones that did nothing but preach their curriculum. This includes my 11th grade math teacher, and my 10th grade accounting teacher. I had issues with sleeping in their classes and I did not do well. My 10th grade chemistry teacher was also boring as hell, but I loved Chemistry so I still did well. None of them tried to connect with the students, which was a huge no-no for me.
    I have one favorite teacher of all time. surprisingly he's a math teacher! His name is Mr. Gertenbach and he is the most funniest teacher you'd ever had. He took every single math class existed, so if you ever need help with math, he's pretty much your guy....because he literally knows his math. Without him, I would've not passed my geometry class junior year and moved on to Algebra 2. Too bad he moved to Arizona during my senior year though.

    Least favorite is Mr. Prabhu. Also a math teacher. The complete opposite of above. He was very strict. I got detention almost everyday from this guy for coming five seconds late to class (not exaggerating btw!) and he literally does not know his math at all. The worst part is that it's freshman algebra and well...freshman kids back then were pretty ehhhh XD He got fired for hitting a student with an object, though. Wow.
    I loved my third grade teacher. She was always so nice to us and tried her hardest to help me settle in and learn to speak English (that was when I just moved to America). There was also Mr. Comis, I think his name was, my fifth grade teacher. He was very funny and always made classes interesting.. plus he even bought us toys and prizes for games we played. :D Pretty sure there were more but those two stick out more than the rest!
    My history teacher. Specifically his making fun of the students- he tends to target a friend of mine, actually. I remember his threatening to beat us if we got one of the first two questions wrong on a test. He also told/tells us war stories (he fought in Vietnam) as well as stories about his relatives who were alive in the time period we were/are studying.

    He likes to pretend to be strict and fierce, but once you know him, you can tell it's only an act. I'm sure everyone in the class (including myself, admittedly) were a bit intimidated by him, at first. Though now I talk to him just as much as the other students (short of my friend).
    Last edited:
    Ms.Nojoom since teacher...she was so awesome..however she was serious but all the class loved her and the gifts she used to give us in a competitions :3

    My english teacher in middle school Mrs.Mona..she was nice too

    and high school oh god high school.....i just LOVED annoying math teachers like a fat kid loving chocolate i didn't like Madam merv ..my french teacher she always yell and kept her eyes on my group me,the twin and my current best friend and another friend...also my Arabic teacher he was a very very gentleman with a great personality sadly i heard he died last year though T-T

    Math teachers were always my targets xD English my favorite and my basketball trainer we shared the same name and she always forgot and called me shortie ..made me felt like if i was fujima from slam dunk :P

    wow!!i really miss the old days!
    I couldn't really give a least favorite, I tended to shove them out of my mind as soon as I'm done with their class.

    My most favorite, though...I'd definitely say would be my french and latin teacher in high school. I ended up having her several times, once in my junior year and twice in my senior year (in the same semester, too, due to how they did scheduling; the first day I was in her class, she asked me if I was "sadistic or masochistic?" because of that, lol). Not only was she a nice teacher to be around, but I always thought she was rather cool, too - when we'd have lulls in the class, she would often tell us stories, sometimes relevant, sometimes not, about things that happened to her when she was younger and growing up in foreign countries.

    She also accidentally taught me a swear word in french, though I didn't realize it until some while later. But it was in reference to looking over the school reading list for literature class, which I hated too, so. :D Points there.

    What would I tell her now if I ever saw her...probably "hi", and then maybe see about catching up on what's happened with her since I left high school. I actually do miss having her as a teacher, and she's probably the only one I miss.
    Definitely my 11th grade English and 12th grade Shakespearean Literature teacher, Mr Mott. The dude is just badass, he keeps it real. He's not afraid to publicize his opinion and he's good with the jokes too. The dude even promised to smack me across the back of my head come graduation. =P
    My least favorite would be the one who forced me to tell my entire class about some family drama that I was going through.

    My favorite teacher will be my English teacher since we relate to each other on a lot of levels. I've been in his class for like two years so we know how each other work and he's been nothing but helpful and supportive to me with my endeavors. His wife is also my school guidance counselor so that entire family has just helped me out a lot.
    Mr Madonia. Man was a bit out there but he was awesome. They had to fire him for his unconventional ways, but at least we got him for a year. It was like having Bill Hicks for a teacher, but without the swearing, and blow pops for best homework of the week. Opened your eyes in 5th grade.
    Mrs Condos. Almost sounds like vulture doesn't it? Well she looked like one too! She was the best however. Loved us all, strict but you learned something. When she died, man we were all in mourning.
    Mrs Labrini. Only math teacher I liked, and was the only reason I actually got good grades in math.
    I have a huge gripe about my current teacher for my intro to education course, jfc.

    It's pretty relevant as right now, she is easily my most HATED teacher. Not disliked or least favorite, but hated.

    The class meets once a week for three hours, most professors who have those class schedules just give us a lot of homework and give a brief review in class, which imo is how it should be with the limited class time. She does the exact opposite, she grades us on 20-question tests every week, I've had a test in her class for four weeks in a row (which isn't bad) but she piles on the content, and is extremely rushed/disorganized.

    So, we got our second test back yesterday. My first test was a 95% and I was really confident about this test. But she lays the news on us with the generic, "I don't know what happened with you guys..." before informing us the class average was 55% and nobody got higher than a 75%, I got a 65%.

    Uh...? Okay, so did she at least grade on a curve? LOL NOPE. She continued to blame us for our poor studying skills even though a majority of us aced the first test. She then went on how when we transfer to universities (I'm in community college) that all of their tests would be identical to hers. So this kid in the back corner spoke up and said, "I went to the University of Michigan for two years, and none of my professors used this teaching style." So she got huffy and retorted with just, "Well most of them do."

    Then she rants on how we need to properly review the answers for the quiz. I always write down all of my wrong answers to study from, and she went through the test reading off the answers and proceeding to the next question without even pausing for us to write them down, when some questions were a paragraph long. UH... REALLY PROF?

    Like a half hour later though she asked the UoM kid what campus he went to and he told her, then she got huffy again and was like, "Oh my daughter went to the other campus for 4 years for her undergrad and another 4 years for her dental hygienist certificate and all of her professors taught with this method so you just had an odd set of professors." LITERALLY. LITERALLY!

    The huge irony is she's teaching us how to be teachers when she can't even get herself together...

    My favorite teacher is my Social Studies teacher I had last year. He was the best, always doing hands on stuff. When something didn't go as planned, he'd brush it off with a joke or something and keep going on. He was really funny, and I really enjoyed his class last year.
    Sadly, however, he left teaching for a higher paying job this year. :(
    Mrs. Holloway: 4th grade teacher. People talked about how vicious she was but she wasn't that bad.
    In fact I had some of my best times in her class.

    Mr. Greer: My 7th grade math teacher; he got me into match. Before I had his class I didn't like math at all and it would be one of my worst subjects, but I ended up getting an A in that class and I could skip 8th grade math because of it.

    Mr. Smith: My 8th grade spanish teacher. He was nice to everyone, never yelled (he seemed incapable of it, honestly), and he made spanish fun.

    Mrs. Burgess: My Algebra II teacher. Bit of a nutcase, but the main reason I did so well in her math class was because she gave me a lot of chances to make up tests/quizzes. Probably would have failed if I had anyone else.

    Coach Bakerr: History teacher my junior year. Really down to earth; he was like a friend with authority, but he didn't abuse it or anything. I have casual conversations with him every now and then. He made History really fun.

    Coach Cook: Football coach. Excellent motivator, convinced me to stick around even when I didn't want to, and I don't regret it one bit. Don't know where I would be without him.

    I don't really have a teacher that I dislike; they're just trying to help you with life. I've had some that were, well, strict but I never really got any teacher's bad side.
    My favourite teacher is my English teacher when I was in third and fifth grade. She was nice and her discussions were clear. I don't have anything else to say, but she knows that I have a high grade in her subject and that I always participated in her class. Now, she still teaches in our school, but she isn't one of our teachers anymore. Another favourite is my current Math teacher. Though I'm not a big fan of the subject itself, she's really funny and tells relevant, but funny jokes along the discussion.

    I also have other favourites, my English teacher in fourth grade, my current civics teacher (who is my current class adviser, and my civics teacher last year.) and my current Home Economics, Music, Arts and Physical Education teacher.
    Most of my teachers in school were universally good, though from what I heard from my parents my first grade teacher was a bit of a basket case. Though I don't remember much of her (but that might be for the best lol).

    In college one standout professor was a math professor named Dr. Hare. Older fellow but went out of his way to make sure everyone understood the material, and a real easy guy to talk to. I had him for three different classes.

    I could name a litany of professors from grad school who were horrible, but the worst among them was finance professor Dr. Zhu who spoke in a thick accent, wrote chicken scratch on the board, refused to help anyone and was openly hostile, and assigned homework every week that was the equivalent of a 15 page paper... except it was all math problems and proofs. We had to use the poorly written textbook written by him as well and his emails featured grammar so bad sometimes they were unintelligible.