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Reapers: Keepers of the Balance (M) [Most Original 1Q '13]

Hearing Spencer stopping short, Seth turned back confused and approached the other male. As he did, he heard the other male asking about plans behind the female reaper's back. It wasn't exactly professional to change plans like that, but diplomacy wasn't a bad idea. The female reaper also appeared to be a wild card, too...

"There's no telling what we might be dealing with, though. For all we know there might be a harbringer involved and we might be waltzing up to whoever it is. We might want to have one of us out of sight but close by in case things get out of hand," Seth suggested, but stopped as he heard a large booming noise. Looking over to the west, he could see something dark on the horizon. Taking out his monocle and focusing his vision more, he could see smog-like clouds. They seemed inky and mixed with a very dark purple kind of color. Cursing to himself, he grabbed Spencer, turned him around pointed to the clouds. "If that's not a mirage then we might be in for some trouble...!"
Destiny Saviouer :: Moscow, Russia
Chapter One :: Poltergeist

"I agree; enough arguing, The Grims assigned us this mission because we are all able to handle it. As far as my plan goes, never did I say it was the definite course of action. It was just speculation," Nox said, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "As lady Destiny here so nicely pointed out, we can surely come up with a plan to suit each of our attributes."

Destiny frowned as she heard the stress on the wordy "lady", as well as the use of such a word in the first place. Certainly some humans called her that, once upon a time, many times over, but Reapers and other immortals tended to only use it nowadays when they were being sarcastic. Two hundred years ago it was common courtesy to speak in such a manner, but even most of the immortals lost such trends as they evolved with the humans. Some did keep their original speech patterns, however, which Destiny actually found to be quite pleasing. They hadn't forgotten who they were in all of this everlasting life chaos. She could tell that was not the case with Nox. Not even close.

"Perhaps we shouldn't push our energies too far beyond the fighting actually. We may as well just follow the "the great and mighty one" over there's idea," Adrian added. Destiny's frown remained, not amused. "The sun is starting to go down. It will be time soon and we really can't afford to debate on tactics any longer. One thing I feel we need to know is: does anyone here have any special gifts beyond the usual?"

Destiny noticed Luka had slammed his head against a wall during all of this. She wasn't quite sure what to make of that. After a moment, however, he seemed to recover from . . . whatever was wrong and responded to Adrian's inquiry with a negative. Destiny could see it in his eyes, though. She could see that he wasn't being completely honest. He was a young Reaper and did not yet have much practice in advanced concealment techniques, whereas she had had thousands of years to hone both her concealment and detection techniques.

After Luka replied, Adrian spoke up once more. "Actually don't worry, I'll find out soon enough anyway." He smiled as he removed his sunglasses and placed them in a pocket. "The sun is starting to set, so we may as well get this show on the road, am I right?"

"Yes, I suppose you will," Destiny said, not having planned to reveal her abilities in the first place. It was a fair question, so that was not the issue. She just liked to wait to reveal such things. It was more amusing, and after six thousand years you either found as many things to amuse you as possible or became as dull as most of the Grims. The Grims were powerful, yes, but a majority of them were just so boring. At least, they were in the everyday. They all had their moments.

A moment later, the group dispersed. Nox returned to the alley that he had come from and wandered over the the warehouse door, practically falling into it. Apparently he was pretending to be blind. Destiny shrugged; a little improvisation was always useful. And amusing. It was a good skill to have.

The warehouse door opened and Nox was greeted by two vampires. A second later he disappeared inside the door, the vampires leading him into what they believed to be a trap. Well, technically speaking, it was. It just wasn't their trap.

There was the sound of struggling, and then the warehouse door flew open, skewered by one of Nox's Bone Spears. In a flash, Adrian had flown through his designated window. Destiny leaped off of her rooftop, her cloak catching wind as she soared towards the warehouse, propelled by her own spirit. With a flick of her wrist, the bolts on the ancient window flew out and the window opened quickly and silently, allowing Destiny to fly through the opening and roll onto the warehouse floor as she reached for her scythe.

Destiny rose to her feet, dragging her scythe in an upwards spiral as she did so, ripping through three vampires that were too close to her. As she stood, she noticed the other nearby vampires hesitate as they turned to examine the third intruder, confused on what was happening and who to attack first. After a second, the group separated, running in equally sized, smaller groups towards each Reaper.

Destiny smirked. These vampires didn't know what the were dealing with. Destiny flicked her wrist once more, creating a small disturbance at the feet of the vampires, causing them to trip over each other. She threw her scythe and it twisted in the air, seemingly taking on a mind of its own. It slammed into the group of vampires and killed about three of them, then it twisted around and sliced off the heads of two more. The remaining two vampires leaped to their feet and turned to run from the "haunted" scythe. Destiny's body dropped to the floor as she used another one of her tricks.

The vampires fell backwards as Destiny's spirit appeared in front of them, shoving them back towards the scythe. The scythe reared and finished off the two undead in one fell swoop.

Destiny's spirit grabbed the scythe and walked back to her body, merging with it. Her body came to life in an instant. She got to her feet and turned towards the others. It wasn't as fun with vampires as it was with humans, but Destiny was the definition of a poltergeist. It could be great fun when she was in a sadistic mood.

She ran towards the others, slicing her way through the vampires as she did so. At least half of them had already fallen. They were not proving to be much of a challenge, which was a bit disappointing. Destiny had no doubt, however, that the Harbingers would provide enough of a challenge to make up for it.​

Adrian Frode

Several more vampires fell at Adrian's feet slowly beginning to dissolve and giving him a moment to take a look around. Two Harbingers, who seemed to be taking their time, were nearly upon him, Nox was spearing vampire after vampire with those weird bone spears, arrows had begun to fly through the openings at the front of the warehouse turned battlefield and Destiny... well actually Adrian had no idea what she had done but what ever the hell it was had involved a floating scythe, randomly tripping vampires and a sizeable chunk of her attackers now being even more dead than they already were.
"Okay then" he said to himself, he would have to find out about that later.

Several vampires dived at Adrian his brief respite clearly having come to an end, he responded by flipping over the block of ice he had created a few moments earlier slicing at it and releasing the imprisoned Harbinger spell, which proceeded to explode out of the block completely vaporising it, and the vampires that had jumped for Adrian, who was now negating the Harbinger's surprisingly helpful attempt to melt him.
"Not bad" Adrian swivelled round just in time to counter the swinging blade of the speaker. A third harbinger had circled around him, which seemed to have been what the other two Harbingers had been waiting for as they too made a dash for him. Adrian ducked hearing the two blades and a large axe clang together above him, right where his head had been, as he shifted his wait to his left had sweeping his leg at the legs of the two newer attackers and tripping them over before pushing himself back into the air and attempting to cleave the first Harbinger's skull, unfortunately for Adrian his speed wasn't much help against an opponent who had time to prepare. An elbow crashed into his stomach sending him crashing into the ground and producing a large crack in the floor, winded he rolled out the way and jumped to his feet to avoid the sword that had struck the ground where he had been laying moments earlier.

The other two were also up and read converging on the lone reaper, who was too far away for his preoccupied team mates to be of much assistance. He took a defensive stance raising the grey blade he was wielding between himself and his attackers, he just had to hold them off until enough of the vampires had been picked off and Luka could come in and lighten the load. There was a loud crash as the three Harbinger weapons collided with Adrian's pushing him against a wall as he struggled against them. Swearing loudly and panting heavily he somehow managed to force them back, this was not going to be fun.

Luka Sokolov - Chapter 1-5: Vampire Hunting

Fwip! An arrow went flying through the doorway straight into a vampire's chest. The mission was underway and Luka's team was in the thick of it. Nox had managed to keep the door open, allowing him to shoot into the battle from his vantage point, albeit with a limited range to fire into. Fwip! Yet another vampire fell to Luka's bow. That makes eight, he thought, reloading once more. All his hunting had truly paid off when it came to shooting vampires. When hunting deer, the hunter is taught to aim for the heart rather than the head the way people are killed (in the movies at least). Luka settled his cross-hairs on another bloodsucker.

He had seen Adrian battle before, but he had been amazed when Nox revealed his extending bone-spear weapons. He watched in awe when Destiny entered the fray, mowing enemies down with strange and powerful techniques. But now, the vampires' numbers were thinned by quite a lot, and he no longer had any targets he could hit at the angle he was at. It was time to use the windows. If the Harbingers were as powerful as he believed, he would only get one shot at most before he was caught and forced into melee. Luka jumped from his perch as silently as he could and made his way to the warehouse, jumping up to a window. From a distance he could see very little through the windows because of the grime, but up close there was an obscure, but still there, view.

He peered through the glass at the current state of the fight. Adrian had been surrounded by three harbingers, and he was in serious trouble. He managed to escape from the ring they had made around him, but he they continued after him. He needed help. Luka moved his crossbow near the window and prepared the shot. He would have only one chance, then he would have to jump in with his blade. Nervous, he targeted the harbinger closest to himself, aiming at his head. A shot to the heart on a human (or as human as they were) would not stop them as immediately as he needed it to, so he would have to risk the more difficult head shot. He focused and took a deep breath, keeping the target's head in the middle of his cross-hairs. Damn! Luka's breath was too loud and at that distance the harbinger had heard him! Luka took the shot but instead of hitting his brain stem like he had planned, his enemy turned and took it through an eye.

There was no choice, he had to move now. Luka jumped through the broken window and drew his sword mid-fall, driving it through the harbinger who was clutching his face upon landing. He stood up to face the battlefield, assuming a battle-ready stance with his sword. Everything seemed to move much faster up-close. After taking a second to calm down, he turned to help Adrian only to hear the words "What's the bird doing coming down here with the dogs?" before seeing the massive hammer speed toward him. He reacted and avoided having his spine shattered, but not fast enough, and the weapon hit his left arm, crippling it. Luka spun and hit the ground, in pain from having landed on his now broken arm. He got up warily, now only having one arm to hold his sword.

Coming down here was a bad idea and he knew it, but he came anyway and was now a liability. He didn't expect for the harbingers to be this fast, to catch him off guard and so soon after his arrival. His assailant grinned and said, "Shouldn't have left your little perch," before raising his war hammer to strike again. Luka had little to no talent for magic, but he did know one simple spell which he cast on himself. It was meant to numb the pain of a wound, and he had learned it with the intent of killing his targets mercifully and painlessly. With his skill it couldn't eliminate it entirely, nowhere near it in fact, but it helped. It seemed with the one harbinger down, that left two for each of his teammates and one for himself. Now luka truly felt like the weakest link.
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Adrian Frode

As the three enemies facing Adrian began to rally for another attack and Adrian prepared to face them there was a brief distraction as an arrow came flying through what had one been a window when a distraction came in the form of an arrow flying into the eye of the Harbinger that had attacked Adrian from behind and sure enough soon after he was down for the count, not quite dead but heavily incapacitated and Luka was in the fray fighting a bulky Harbinger with a hammer. Adrian took the moment of distraction to go on the offensive his movements a blur as he hacked at the knee of the closest Harbinger, a tall and beefy black man with an axe, limiting his movement before whirling his blade at head of the other a thin, pale man with a shaven head and a broadsword. Unfortunately his adversaries were now prepared and the attack was blocked, Adrian didn't mind though. He pushed forward on the swords in front of him getting closer to his opponent and putting his foot behind him, then with an strong shove he pushed the other man to the floor stabbing him through his gut and pinning him to the floor with his sword, which he didn't have time to retrieve because an axe nearly cut him in two as the burlier man swung repeatedly pushing him away from his injured (and stuck) comrade and of course the sword that had impaled the pale warrior.
"Wonderful" though Adrian as he looked around the room, his eyes falling on a thin steel pole resting against the wall... "that could work".
Nox Fenoir

After infiltrating the warehouse under his blind disguise, Nox had initiated the bloody fight to create an opening for his teammates to join in. They quickly descended upon the warehouse and began slaughtering the vampires with no mercy, blood was smeared along the walls and floor as the Reapers tore through the horde of vampires. It was chaos as the fight continued, and Nox was sure to be on high alert as the Harbingers joined in. He narrowly ducked one of Luka's arrows as it hit a nearby vampire in the chest.

"Argh!" winced Nox as he was attacked by three vampires from behind, attempting to pin him down and sinking their fangs into his shoulder, arm and neck.

As he struggled to reach for one of his spears, two of the vampires held his arms behind his back to prevent him from using his weapon. Unable to use his spear, a few of Nox's long dreadlocks began to rise, transforming into black mamba snakes. The snakes bit the vampires multiple times and they released him at once, hissing and clawing at their bite wounds. The eyes of the vampires too began to change as they started to bleed and turn white and cloudy, resembling Nox's own eyes. As they writhed around in pain Nox grabbed a bone needle and englarged it into a spear, mercilessly stabbing each vampire in the chest. With no time to react, he was then blindsided by a Harbinger, who had rammed into him with such force that it knocked the spear from his grasp and sent him flying into a wall. Nox rose to his feet to find himself face to face with two blue eyed Harbingers standing side by side, apparently twins.

"You and your friends have come to the wrong place Reaper," said one of the Harbingers as he brandished a spiked chain, the links clinking together audibly.

"We'll dispose of you quickly," whispered the other Harbinger as he brandished a dagger, which was ablaze with fire magic.

"Not a chance, Harbinger," Nox retorted as he grabbed his two bone scythes, gripping them tightly with anticipation.

Without warning, the twin Harbingers charged in and the fight ensued. Nox managed to avoid most of their attacks, which was increasingly difficult as the two worked as a team. After slashing the dagger wielding Harbinger across the chest, Nox was caught up in the chain of the other. As he struggled to free himself, the spiky links of the chain tore into his arms while the chain wielding Harbinger held him down. Though severly wounded, the dagger wielder was still able to fight.

"Urgh.. you're finished Reaper," said the Harbinger, clutching his chest and wiping blood from his mouth. He ignited his dagger with flames as he advanced toward Nox.
A seal appeared on the ground and for a moment the air of the desert was silent yet thick. A dark spiritual energy flowed throughout the air although Spencer was unaware of this in the slightest. The ominous clouds blew his mind entirely and he automatically knew that they found what they were looking for.

Without a moments notice, he burst forth with a determined look on his face. He didn't know what he could do to stop this but he knew that he couldn't sit by and allow this to happen.

"Seth!" Spencer call out, "We may be too late but we need to try to save as many tribes people as we can. Try to prevent that cloud from manifesting into anything to make the situation worse and I'll try to stop it from the source."

As he neared the large group of tribespeople, they payed no heed to him at although and remained silent in a circle, facing inward. The only noise that could be heard was an arcane chant coming from somewhere in the crowd. A few runes manifested in the air and on the desert ground and lit up a blood red.

Adrian Frode

The axe-wielding Harbinger facing Adrian swung his weapon for the unarmed Reaper's head, Adrian though, had anticipated this and leapt up and using the flat of the axe as a spring bored he did a colossal back flip, landing by the pole he had noticed, the Harbinger chasing after him. Adrian grabbed the thin pole as his hulking opponent sped towards noticing the bad position Nox was in, he only had a split second to choose what he was going to do
"he owes me for this" said Adrian to nobody in particular as he hurled the improvised weapon across the room like a spear whilst dodging a swing from the axe. He was fairly accurate but, assuming it hit, it wouldn't incapacitate the Harbinger with the blazing knife for long, he hoped Nox could escape in time.

As he hit the ground and rolled onto his back, smacking his head in the process, he saw the axe descending towards him, kicking forward he hit his enemies injured knee making stumble and miss the shot. Adrian rolled to the side, kicking the weakened Harbingers other leg out from under him and rising to his feet he elbowed the giant in the back of the head bringing him to the ground, before kicking hard at his skull. He heard the loud crack but the man was still going to struggle to his feet. Adrian was about to go for another kick to the head but was distracted by movement he caught in the corner of his eye... coming straight for him.

Adrian dived out the way as the Harbinger he had impaled with his sword, whilst being seriously wounded swung hard at him... with his sword.
"Hey! That's mine!" he yelled as he dodged another slice from the blade this keeps getting better and better he thought to himself.
Tasahiro Mishumi: Chapter 1-Part 1: A Meeting of Reapers

Tasahiro watched his ally emerge from the shadows. "You found anything yet?" A rather brash question.

"I've been asking various sources. My little birds are searching as we speak." The young samurai had contacts all over the ancient city. "We will have his location in moments. I have agents making their way here at the moment." Mishumi stepped from his corner in the alleyway, brushed his hair from his face, and brought his trench coat up to conceal the two swords at his waist. "All in due time my friend." His voice was soft, much like a whisper. "What about you?" The other Reaper was younger by far, but he seemed wise: Quiet and calm. Not too reckless. A good man to have in a fight. "I could say the same as you, but you ran off." This man needed to learn how to be in a team. Teamwork was essential in their line of work. It was dangerous for a Reaper to be alone. Tasahiro wasn't exactly a "team man," but he knew the bonus of being a part of a team. "Remember that, kid." He felt elder the since he was over a thousand years older than Kalet.

Luka Sokolov - Chapter 1-6: Outmatched

Luka and his opponent were at a standoff. It seemed that hammer-man was not your typical berserk bruiser, and that he was cautious yet confident. Despite his efforts, it looked like Luka had indeed underestimated the harbingers, and it had cost him his left arm. He watched his enemy, waiting for him to make a move or leave an opening, but there was no such luck. The harbinger was skilled, and he guarded himself well. Suddenly the man whistled loudly, and Luka panicked. Was he casting a spell? Was it a signal? Luka didn't want to risk turning away from him and leaving himself open, but that could have been anything. Suddenly there was a snarling noise dangerously close. With no choice, he turned, and saw a trio of vampires rushing at him. Acting fast, he impaled one of them and used it's body as a makeshift shield against the others' attacks. With a spin, he drew out the blade and struck the other two, slashing across their throats. Suddenly he remembered his original foe and turned back, barely seeing the hammer before it crashed down on him. He tried to move so it wouldn't hit it's target, his head this time, and instead took the blow to the left shoulder. Luka screamed in pain as the bones snapped, worsening the condition of the already crippled arm.

"A sniper has this habit of keeping his focus on one target instead of all around him," he began tauntingly. "You're so used to your safe little perch that you forget the harshness of the battlefield." Now Luka's little spell was useless, since the pain from two hammer strikes was agonizing. There was no hope, he was completely outmatched. The harbinger was walking slowly toward him. He ran. He kept running, but soon ran into a wall. Then he turned and ran more, but was met by the corner. He heard the harbinger burst out laughing. "This is so pathetic it's hilarious." His laugh turned quickly into a scowl. "But more so, it's insulting. They send a weak amateur like you after us? Give us harbingers a little more credit. Not only do we outnumber you, but even our worst warriors are leagues better than the likes of you. We don't know what little tricks you reapers have got up your sleeves though, but it's clear you don't have any, do you?" There was nowhere for Luka to go. The man stopped a few yards away from him, waiting. Moments passed, but they felt like an eternity. Neither side moved.

"I thought so," he continued. he lifted his hammer and swung for the killing blow. It was over, but not for Luka. At the start of his swing, Luka threw his sword at him. His skill was in his aim, which wasn't only applicable to his bow. His foe had anticipated some sort of attack in desperation, and adjusted his movement to knock the weapon aside. "That's it?" he taunted, before he saw Luka jumping onto him with an arrow in hand. He couldn't pull his weapon back in time, it's momentum exhausted in striking the sword, and so he had no way to counter Luka's next move. He stabbed the arrow into the harbinger's eye and, just like with the other harbinger, took his sword and plunged it through him while he suffered from the arrow. The blade went straight through the man's heart, and the bulky fighter fell.

Luka stood there, breathing heavily. In a moment, the adrenaline faded and the pain of his arm registered it's full intensity. He dropped his sword and clutched it in pain. He was exhausted and crippled, and if he was forced to fight another harbinger, he would surely die. Luka took a moment to look at how his companions were faring, as he focused on numbing the pain in his arm. Nox had been faced with a pair of what looked like twins, and they fought with perfect synergy. He was in serious trouble until he was saved by Adrian, who found himself against two foes once more as the harbinger he had stabbed recovered to fight again. Luka looked back to his own kill and decided to put an arrow through his other eye for good measure, not wanting to be in a similar situation. He thought about his own fight. He had been scared out of his mind, but looking back he was glad for that. He had managed to look so weak that he was not worth the extra caution, and that was the only reason he emerged victorious. Yeah, definitely the weakest link, he thought, but maybe that's not the worst thing in the world. He soon realized that was still terrible, but decided not to think about that. For now he was just glad to be alive.​
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Kalek Noire - Chapter 1 pt. 2

Kalek rolled his eyes. The Samurai warrior had to make everything boring. Kalek brought himself to say: "Listen, I don't mind your methods, just don't question mine. I've been stalking and killing people far longer and far more effectively than you have, even if you're the older of us. You'd needed to have been one of the Brotherhood to even begin to understand." Kalek, who was apparently angered, stalked back off into the night, probing the streets. He didn't see the dark, stony shape decending from above. It tackled him, and Kalek hit the street. A quick elbow jab dazed his opponent long enough for Kalek to throw it off. A quick motion sent a blade deep into the hairline crevasse made by his physical attack, effectively splitting the being's small, ugly head. Retrieving his knife, Kalek continued down the street, no further hindered.
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Tasahiro Mishumi: Chapter 1-Part 2: A Hunting We Will Go

Tasahiro rolled his eyes and snorted. This kid was as headstrong as he was young. Damned kids these days. I've been killing people for over two thousand years. I believe that I know a thing or two about finding an enemy and killing them. He watched the former mortal assassin kill an opponent. Curious. Nothing just happens to attack a Reaper. It was ugly, but the young-old man had seen far uglier in his years. Far uglier.

Mishumi turned around to find one of his "little birds." "Hello there, little birdie." His voice was still a whisper.

The other Reaper was dressed in a full-out black cloak with a black hood. His face was concealed. "The target is down by Big Ben." His voice was deep and sinister.

"Excellent. Now fly, bird." The Reaper disappeared with a flash, leaving Tasahiro alone. Should I tell him? The assassin would be helpful in killing a target discreetly, but it could be a trap, and the assassin was a lone wolf. He could be overtaken by a multitude of enemies. I should tell him.

Tasahiro found the assassin's figure and approached rapidly. "He's by Big Ben." He nodded towards the large clock tower. "We kill him there. If you rush, be careful." With that, he started taking long strides towards the monument.
Nox Fenoir

As the dagger wielding Harbinger neared him, Nox was given an opportunity to escape the binding links of the chain when Adrian came to his aid. He threw a weapon which impaled the dagger twin, injuring him a great deal. The attack shifted his attention away from Nox as he angrily went for Adrian. Preoccupied with the attack on his brother, the chain wielding twin loosened his grip slightly.

"Nice Adrian," thought Nox as he jerked his shoulders back and forth, loosening the chain's grip enough to enable him to esacpe.

He jumped free and threw one of his bone scythes at the Harbinger, aiming for his heart. Unfortunately the quick maneuver did not allow for enough time to focus on precise throwing aim, as the blade of the scythe hit the Harbinger in his shoulder instead.

"Arughh!" shrieked the Harbinger in pain as the blade sliced through his collar bone and broke through his back while piercing through his shoulder blade.

As the blood dripped down his arm, he couldn't muster the strength to wield his bladed chain weapon correctly. Nox quickly landed in front of the Harbinger and grabbed the handle of the scythe stuck in his shoulder, violently jerking him forward and ripping the bloody weapon from his body. Nox slashed the Harbinger across the stomach, bringing him to his knees.

"A-ack-ck," choked the Harbinger as he collapses on his knees, coughing up blood and clutching the open wound at his stomach. The cut had opened his intestinal cavity and his flesh began rotting, a result of Nox's black magic. His entrails began to spill from his stomach as blood spilled and pooled out onto the floor.

Showing no mercy, Nox silently beheaded the Harbinger and kicked his body to the floor. Wasting no time he grabbed the bladed chain and swung it at the other twin who had went for Adrian, wrapping one of his arms and slicing into his flesh. Nox then jerked the chain backwards, pulling the Harbinger off balance and giving Adrian an opening to finish him off.

"Thought I'd try and return the favor," thought Nox as he pulled on the chain.

Adrian Frode

Adrian groaned as not only the axe-maniac got up, but the harbinger who Adrian had prevented from gutting Nox had sprinted towards him, dodging another swing from his hijacked sword as he did so. He was having terrible luck on this mission, three again. Or perhaps he had spoken too soon as Nox, who had stolen a beheaded Harbinger's chains wrapped the third assailant, holding him.
"Thanks!" yelled Adrian as he jumped over an attack from the axe before rolling under a shot from the sword-thief.

Adrian pushed his weight into his hands launching both legs up and kicking the injured swordsman on either side of the large, bloody hole in his body. Shattering his spine and causing him to drop Adrian's sword. As the harbinger fell forward, Adrian pushed his permanently crippled body in front of him as he got to his feet. The crippled harbinger took a shot to his shoulder from his team mates axe, but he felt nothing any more due his ruined nervous system. Then, picking up his blade Adrian sliced upwards, severing the Harbingers neck and sending his head rolling across the floor whilst simultaneously deflecting a shot from the black skinned axeman. He then swivelled the sword around and up, cutting off the axeman's hand.

Adrian dropped his sword in the process but caught the axe and crossed the remaining distance between him and the remaining, wrapped twin. Crossing the last few feet he lifted the axe like a spear, the head behind him and, at close range, launched it through his enemies heart, the base of the weapon shattering against the ground as it went straight through his heart and hit the floor behind.
"Help Luka" Adrian said to Nox, seeing his fellow Reaper leaning against a wall with Vampires slowly converging on him and sprinting back to his only remaining Harbinger opponent, seeing two other running at Destiny across the room, silently smiling at the surprising ease at which he was gelling with the Reaper he had been arguing with not that much earlier.

The one handed foe, launched a punch at Adrian, he was far too slow though. Adrian slide between the man's legs, thankful for his wide stance. Adrian grabbed his fallen blade, stabbing it into the larger warriors calf as he whirled around towards Adrian. Adrian knew this would be his opponents last fight. As the hulk of a Harbinger screamed a battle cry, swinging a hugely powerful punch at Adrian, his two injured legs buckled and he fell forward as Adrian thrust his blade forward, straight through his throat. Withdrawing his blade he pointed his hand at the writhing mess on the floor, channelling his power through is palm.
"Bye" he said as a dark blue sphere of light engulfed the warrior before compressing in on itself, and the Harbinger, until the harbinger had been compressed to the point of non-existence. Adrian would rarely resort to a spell like that, but he was having really bad luck and wanted to be sure this particularly nasty opponent was definitely dead.

Adrian then began assaulting the vampires again as the continued jumping at him, they had been surprisingly static during his clash with the Harbingers, probably not wanting to be in the way of either party but now that their creators were gone except for the two fighting Destiny they had become very mobile. Adrian slashed his way to the very centre of the room where he could go to aid any of his comrades should they need him.
Nox Fenoir

Nox grunted in understanding as he turned his attention to Luka, who was in a bad situation as he was against the wall coping with his injuries. Vampires were beginning to target the injured Reaper. Thinking quickly, Nox knelt down to the floor and muttered a dark spell to himself. Three black mamba snakes were summoned once again and Nox sent them toward the vampires. The snakes slithered with surprising agility and attacked the vampires with their cursed and venomous bites. Once again the vampires screamed in pain as their eyes began to bleed and started clawing viciously at them.

Seizing his opportunity, Nox dashed to recover one of his bone spears that had been lying on the floor after being disarmed by one of the Harbingers earlier. He grabbed it and rushed over to Luka, where he placed himself in between Luka against the wall and the attacking vampires. Keeping his eyes on the bloodthirsty creatures, Nox placed the bloody spear at Luka's feet.

"Might be hard to get a good shot off with your arrows in this mess. If you can still fight, use it if you need to," said Nox as he rearmed himself with his scythes.

He then disposed of the snakebitten vampires and continued the fight. Trying to keep the onslaught of vampires at bay, Nox began to slice and cut his way through their attacks. He himself was bleeding from injuries sustained throughout the fight, as there were quite a few bite marks and gashes from being bound by the bladed chain. His injuries didn't seem to affect him because his adrenaline levels were keeping his energy up during the fight. Of course he had been weakened as he found it increasingly difficult to catch his breath in between delivering attacks. Despite this, his efforts were enough to even the score between himself, Luka and the vampires.
Kalek Noire - Chapter 1 pt. 3

Kalek sat atop the spire, his cloak fluttering in the slight London breeze. There was no sounds in the street. Kalek's observant eyes, coupled with his Eagle Sense, a skill taught not to many, picked up a figure stumbling through the night. Kalek almost immediately honed in on the movement, and watche his target from his vantage point. After confirming that this was, in fact, his target, and not just some late night drunkard, Kalek took off accross the rooftops after him. It wasn't until he was perched on a streetlight that he made his move. A short jump, fall, and his target fell under him, blade sticking from his head. Sticking his knife back into its sheath, Kalek picked up the body and distributed it into the nearest dumpster. He then concentrated all of his will on teleportation, and a few seconds found him in Limbo, home of the Reapers. His mission accomplished, Kalek headed for a secluded area, where he would practice some of the 'more effective' modern fighting styles.

Adrian Frode

Adrian slid between the legs of an opposing vampire, slicing off it's foot and the pushing it into another as he rolled his feet. Stabbing into it's heart through its back he looked around him. A lot of the vampires had diverted from Destiny towards him, giving the Harbingers room and keeping him from interfering and Luka and Nox weren't fairing any better than him... Luka who could barely move certainly wasn't.

More vampires sprung at him, he swung his blade in a 180 cutting down several before dropping to the ground, rolling under those on the other side and impaling one as he sprung to his feet. He could incapacitate as many as he wanted, but they were coming to quickly for him to finish every vampire he bested off. He was fast, he knew that, but he was also tired. He had spent a lot of his energy dealing with all the group attacks from Harbingers and was now significantly slowed down. Sweat dripped from his dark hair as he fell to one knee exhausted, vampires closing in, stepping over their fallen comrades, many of whom were twitching, unable to move but still alive. He had to thin them down... and then it hit him. Sunlight. He needed sunlight.

"Close your eyes!" he yelled to his fellow Reapers as he dove within his small reserves of remaining energy conjuring a small ball of light above them. It was basically a miniature sun and whilst it lacked the potent heat of the actual sun and was nowhere near as bright, it was enough to kill off several of the wounded vampires whilst blinding and burning those living, some them even dying. It didn't last long though and Adrian was soon forced back onto his feet his sword heavy in his arms. Destiny needed to finish those two other Harbingers soon, one other Reaper would be all they needed to tip the scale against the vampires and end the mission.
Destiny Saviouer :: Moscow, Russia
Chapter One :: Harbinger of Shadow

Destiny pulled her scythe out of the neck of a vampire, who promptly turned to dust.

When she had gone to assist the others, a few vampires had decided to jump in her way. Either they had failed to see the little display she had just put on, they didn't care, or they valued their loyalty to their Harbinger masters more than their own lives.

Whatever the reason, the result had been the same. They had all been reduced to nothing more than piles of dust.

During that little altercation, however, her teammates had been attacked by the Harbingers and nearly overwhelmed. Luka had been severely wounded upon entering the warehouse, and Adrian and Nox weren't doing too great themselves. The Harbingers had certainly given them a harder time than a vampires.

Damn it.

As the experienced Ancient here, Destiny should have been with her teammates to help and protect them. No learning experience was worth nearly losing one's life. They didn't have nearly as much experience as her, especially with Harbingers. It was of no fault of their own; they'd simply lacked the opportunity to garner such knowledge before now. Destiny had been the same way with so many things once, and she had learned the hard way.

It seemed that these younger Reapers had just learned a few things the hard way themselves. Especially Luka. The poor kid looked to be near death, or whatever you want to call the death of a Reaper. At least this would lend them proper knowledge and caution for the future. Sometimes learning the hard way was the best way.

Destiny raised her scythe, resting its hilt on the ground as she waited for the final two Harbingers to approach. She looked to be in no hurry, although she did wish to finish this quickly to assist her comrades.

"You," one of the Harbingers stated as he walked closer. "You seem different from the others, some how."

The second Harbinger stepped out from behind him, wielding a staff. "Your aura," the voice was unmistakably female, "it vibrates differently than the others. What . . . are you?"

Destiny moved her scythe into both of her hands, holding it leveled at her hips. "I am an Ancient. I am Atlantean." She raised her scythe further, shifting into a fighting stance.

The woman raised her staff, holding it out in front of her. It emitted a faint glow, recognition sparking in the woman's eyes. A moment later, her eyes attained a similar glow. "Your energy . . . I knew it was familiar."

The woman's male companion looked between her and Destiny, seeming slightly perplexed. "What's an Atlantean?"

Destiny smirked. She never missed an opportunity to sound cliché. "Your worst nightmare."

The woman's expression remained serious as she held her staff, but there was a brief flicker of fear across the man's face. He obviously didn't like the fact that his partner recognized some ancient energy within a Reaper that claimed to be some being he'd never heard of, but his partner had and looked pretty serious about. The emotion vanished as quickly as it had appeared. The man knew it was a stupid thought.

Although, Destiny wasn't entirely joking by saying that. She lunged towards the Harbingers, her scythe trailing behind her as she gained sudden speed and momentum. She swung her arm and twisted her wrist, bringing her scythe up from beneath the male Harbinger in a circular motion. He barely had enough time to twist his leg and pull out his sword.

While he was able to block the scythe's blade itself, the momentum of the attack still slammed him into the wall, lengthening the cracks that already crossed it. He groaned and slid down to the floor, dazed.

Destiny turned her attention to the woman. "You yourself are different from your companions. What are you, exactly?"

"A shadow of a nightmare," the woman replied simply, the glow around her flaring up as she did so.

"Close your eyes!" Destiny heard Adrian yell, picking probably the worst possible moment. There was a bright flash and Destiny was forced to shield her eyes with her arm. When she looked back up, the woman had vanished.

Crap! On instinct Destiny twisted around, bringing the hilt of her scythe up to block. Less than half a second later there was a loud thwack! sound as wood made contact with wood. The woman had appeared behind her just as Adrian had lit up the room around them, giving her the edge. Destiny's years of battle and training had given her the abilities and reflexes to parry the attack, but just barely.

"You're quick, strong, observant. Your aura vibrates in the most unusual manner and your abilities are hidden to me. You are truly an Atlantean, and an Ancient at that. That much I know," the woman stated calmly, her expression unchanged as she took a step back.

"If you know so much, don't you realize that you stand no chance of winning?" Destiny questioned, taking a step back as well.

"Yes," the woman stated simply.

Destiny blinked. "Alright-y then," she said, a bit confused. "Have it your way." She twisted the scythe in her hand and lunged at the woman. The woman raised her scythe to block as Destiny's scythe came down from above, but Destiny had used the move as a feint, rotating her arms and twisting her legs as she dug into the ground, swinging low.

The woman gave a surprised gasp as her feet flew out from under her, sending her sprawling across the floor. Destiny took a step forward and brought the blade of the scythe down, aiming it at the woman's heart. However, something happened and Destiny found herself spiraling backwards through the air. She landed on her back, slightly dazed. As she got up, she saw that the woman had her staff raised, a bright aura quickly fading from the enchanted wood.

Damn it! She had let her guard down. Not only that, but she hadn't given this woman's magic a second thought. Her use of the staff indicated her as a Harbinger with more magical talent than average, and her spells provided the evidence to support.

"You're certainly not weak," Destiny sighed as she got back to her feet.

"Of course not. You should know better than to think such things."

"Yes, I suppose I should." With that, Destiny ran in towards the woman, her scythe beginning to glow. The woman's staff did likewise as she readied to counter.

Destiny spun once, a ring of energy forming around her. She leaped out of the ring, leaving a dot where she had been standing. As she did so, the ring moved into a vertical position, so that it looked something like a target. "Bulls-eye!" Destiny yelled as she pushed her scythe forward, commanding the ring to loose its energy upon the woman. The dot in the center flared up and the ring collapsed in onto the dot, and a moment later the dot turned into a large beam of energy that soared towards the woman.

The woman twirled around and literally caught the energy on the end of her staff, sending it back at Destiny as her circle turned her towards the Reaper once more.

Destiny grunted as she caught the volley, charging it for a return. It caused the blade of her scythe to glow and the scythe itself to tremble due to the tremendous energy. Destiny tried to hold on to the energy for a second, glaring at the woman as she thought. After a moment, she knew she couldn't hold the energy any longer and sending it back at the woman would be futile. She glanced to her side and then swung the scythe, sending the beam towards the male Harbinger that had just started to regain his senses. He didn't even have time to look up before it reached him.

There was a large explosion that illuminated the warehouse and sounded like a sonic boom. When the light and dust had cleared, there was a large hole in the wall of the warehouse where the Harbinger had been, and there was absolutely no trace of the man. He had been completely obliterated.

So much for quiet, Destiny thought as she returned her focus to the woman. The woman seemed completely unaffected by the annihilation of her comrade.

"So," Destiny said, taking a breath, "would you like to end this now? Or would you like to—"

"There is no need to drag this out any longer than it needs to be," the woman interrupted.

Destiny smirked. She kind of liked this woman. "My thoughts exactly."

Both women charged in, auras flaring as they loosed their energies upon each other.


Destiny kneeled there, leaning against a shelf, heaving. That attack had practically spent all of her energy. The Harbinger woman was in a similar, albeit worse, condition. She lay on the floor a few feet away from Destiny, her chest moving up and down rapidly. In a moment, she began to dissolve into a series of twisting shadows, the life leaving her body. Destiny was confused, because Harbingers normally didn't dissolve like that, but she was in no condition to think. The area around her had been turned to complete rubble. There was practically nothing left other than dust and debris.

She slowly rose to her feet as the last bit of the woman dissolved. She turned to her comrades, eyes and tone in their regular state, despite her exhausted condition. "I think—" Destiny heaved, "I think that's the last of them."

Adrian Frode

Destiny, panting in the centre of a pile of rubble, turned to face the others
"I think-I think that's the last of them" she said he voice shaky, she clearly had needed more help than she had expected.
"All the Harbingers at least" responded Adrian as he removed the head of a vampire, his sword dragging across the ground before being brought back up to defend from other of the blood sucking demons. Adrian thrust his sword through it, but it turned causing him to miss its heart.
"Great" groaned Adrian, grabbing the head of his enemy and tearing it off with his hands, catching his sword as the vampire dissolved, as many of those burned from the light were in the process of.

"I vote that we get out of here, and burn the place down." called Adrian "then we can clean up any that escape or that somehow survive the fire". Seemed simple enough, he just hoped the others would agree because they were not in any state to argue and fight vampires at the same time.
Destiny Saviouer :: Moscow, Russia
Chapter One :: Flame Out!

"All the Harbingers, at least," Adrian responded to Destiny's statement as he killed a few more of the creatures. "I vote that we get out of here, and burn the place down. Then we can clean up any that escape or that somehow survive the fire."

Destiny gasped, filling her lungs with air and straightening her posture. "I can go with that," she chuckled shakily as she ran past Adrian and towards the others, taking out two vampires as she did so.

"Better get a move on if you want to trap them in here!" She slew the vampires near the entrance and around Nox and Luka. There weren't many, but they still would have slowed the four down while they tried to escape the warehouse.

"And who exactly plans to set this place on fire, and with what?"