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[Other FULL] Λtlantis Λwakening [IC] [M]

Jacques 'Fragger' Bayne, Joey ' Smoko' Stevenson and Hotaru 'Flashbang' Yamanashiro – Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

October 31st, 2012

"Why'd Pietr have to go and get himself blown up for their stupid cause! We needed him man!" Fragger groaned incessantly, ever since they had joined him in Paris, he had done nothing but moan about anything and everything.

"Shut up Jacques, all you do is groan an' moan, it's really starting to piss me off," Smoko was the more well-built member of the group and easily towered over them all, but his nasally Australian twang made it a bit difficult for the rest whose first language wasn't English to understand.

"This whole thing is messed up, these people are messed up, this crappy filled world is messed up!"

"Seriously, if you don' shut yer mouth, I'll steam fry you like the stuff Flashbang eats." This managed to make Fragger's mouth stop moving as he cast his eyes back at the small Asiatic girl that was the last to join their group.

Annoyed at the relentless noise that these two idiots seemed to make constantly, Hotaru decided to hold her tongue and think simply of the actions they were about to take. They had done this multiple times before, always the same routine, but they had yet to be caught. Making her move, Hotaru got up from her table, crossing the busy road, making a beeline for the two officers standing at the doors injecting people with the identifier. Jacques and Joey followed behind her, waiting for her move before they acted.

"Miss, please head to the back of the line," the guard growled at her.

Gripping the bottom threads of her shirt, Hotaru rapidly brought her hands up over her head providing protection from the violent light that rapidly emanated from her body. People scream as they were dazed, the two officers brought to their knees and Hotaru felt the two boys push past her.

Now they found themselves in the main hall where people had turned in their chairs to see what the commotion was going on outside while doctors continued to scribble away furiously. It made Hotaru sad to know that some of these people were going to die, but it was made easier by the fact that it wasn't going to be by her hands.

"Time for me to shine!" Fragger called out, garnering more attention as a thin sheen began to cover his body. Joey pulled Hotaru to the ground around Jacques' feet where his ability would not trigger. A loud 'woot' erupted from his mouth as his outer shell exploded into tiny fragments that embedded in walls, slashed through curtains, and snuffed out lives.

Only a couple of Atlanteans had made it out through the ordeal with either the use of their ability of through sheer luck, nether less the three continued on, Hotaru brightening up the room dazing those left over as Joey headed towards the next room. People were crowded in here, many scared and worried about the explosion that had just happened. They all seemed to cower as Joey walked in making him feel more superior.

He basked in the attention as smoke began pouring from his pores, quickly filling the room up with noxious vapours; the guards by the door suffocating first as he targeted them. Letting himself go in the adrenaline rush of emotion, he continued to release the smoke from his body, turning the room into a death trap. He heard Fragger explode in the distance, the unmistakeable sound of glass followed.

They had one aim; to destroy the Atlantean Relief Centre in defiance of the Registration Act, any people killed were victims, martyr's for their cause. And right now, Joey felt particularly righteous.​

Katerina Lukyanenko – Stockholm, Sweden

October 31st, 2012

"Hey! Hey, Mrs. Lukyanenko! Are you busy?" Katerina heard the man calling out to her in Swedish. Turning around, she noticed where the voice had come from; a twenty-something year old man hobbling towards the three of them.

"Yes, mister, I am busy, what is it that you want?" She replied coldly, she still had work to do and the day was not over yet. There was probably an ever increasing pile on her desk now that she was away, sorting out the two girls now walking behind her.

"Sorry girls, I'll see what this man wants before we return inside." She said addressing them both before turning to the one scantily clad in some sort of Santa Claus outfit, "Aren't you cold?" She wasn't at all surprised by this girls dress, hell; she had been dealing with strange people with strange abilities all day.​
Delta Mayor -
- Warsaw, Poland
The strange man, Misha, kept walking toward whatever his destination was, Delta assumed it was a car or some other kind of transportation. She remembered sitting in her rather small apartment on her less than comfy couch watching American TV Shows where a girl would get kidnapped. Delta swore she would never end up in that situation, she'd kick, bite, scratch, and hell, even die before a man took her prisoner. Yet somehow, here she was being held against her will by a man. The portrayal of women being weak creatures bugged her, another thing she swore she'd never be like, another thing was currently failing at. Curiosity tugged at her, this man had obviously wanted her and Delta wanted to know why he had gone through all this trouble for her.

"I vill not kill you," Misha laughed, Delta snorted in response. "No, I already killed my quota sis veek." He clearly thought that he was a world class comedian. "I am called Misha. Misha Vedernikov, from Russia. I come to escort you to my car sen I take you to my friends."

"You kill me and I snap your neck, Visha," She tried a poor imitation of his accent just to mock him.

The next few moments she felt like a little children, no one treated her like this even as a little girl. Misha Vedernikov from Russia had put the brute in brute force as he placed her in the car and buckled her seatbelt. This made Delta angry, did he think of her as a children? An unfortunate fact was that Delta wasn't very good at holding in her anger. Did she not have a choice in the matter?

"Vhat is your name, little girl?" Misha asked.

The rage swelled inside as her hands crystallized, all of this hidden by her long-sleeved jacket and gloves, she then swung her hands at the car window. The glass shattered underneath the pressure and some of it landed back on Delta's lap. Misha really should've handcuffed her, but did he know what her Atlantean power was? One of her highest priorities was to keep it a secret and so far she had. How did he know she was at the Atlantean Relief Centre, had she been bugged? No, someone must have tracked her purchases such as the plane ticket and assumed she would go to the Centre. If that was the case it meant they had already known she was Atlantean and the only person who remotely had an idea was Nathan. This guy must have friends in high places and now she wanted to meet them. Shouldn't he have known her name or was this a pathetic attempt at conversation?

"Bite me," Delta settled into the backseat, was she really going to go through with this?​

Misha Vedernikov - Atlantean Relief Centre, Warsaw, Poland

October 31st, 2012
"My name is Misha, not Visha," he said, pulling the car out into the street, unphased by the now broken window, "and how can you break my neck vhen you are dead? Silly girl."

The streets of Poland were rather mild, though it was a Wednesday. People were either at work or still taking 'sick days' to recover from the shock from either being Atlantean or being related to or a friend of one. Misha wasn't entirely sure where they were going yet since he wasn't sure if Annie knew he had the girl or if she approved of his methods. So, at the moment, he would have to stick with driving around for a little bit.

"I have question for you," he looked out the window and noticed a fast food chain of some sort. His stomach rumbled in response. He had already eaten two breakfasts, was it already first lunch time? "Two questions. Vhy did you go to Centre if you vere going to run avay? And are you hungry, little girl?"​

Frederick Salusbury - Atlantean Relief Centre, Stockholm, Sweden

October 31st, 2012
"Yes, mister, I am busy, what is it that you want?"

What did he want? What did he want... Well, what he was sent here to do was to take one of those girls. What he wanted to do was be at home with real feet and twist and curl them in socks instead of funky goat hooves where he felt like he only had two toes. Or two really big toenails. Okay, well, what did he say to this person, who was one of the heads of the ARF? Did he confront her? In English? He didn't know much Swedish, he was an English professor! Argh! Why was he sent here?!

"Um, hello, but... I, uh... um... where is the bathroom?" was literally the first phrase that came into his head. Why hadn't he learned more than this? He really needed some kind of back up. "Yes... um... I have trouble walking."​

The Librarian - A Taxi Cab, Honolulu, Hawaii

October 30th, 2012
"Alright, Henry. I'll go with you. But on one condition: Don't make me step foot in this ****ing city ever again."

"I can do that for you. I'll tick Hawaii off our Christmas fun holiday trip," he gave a laugh and when James didn't, he gave him a sympathetic smile. "That was a joke. Anyway, if you close the door, we'll be off. There's one place we must stop before I take you to my home. I have to pick up my daughter from school."

James complied and as soon as the door shut, there was a loud snap, as if many people had clapped their hands together at the same time, and suddenly, they weren't in Kansas anymore. They weren't in Hawaii anyore either. In fact, they had teleported directly to London, outside the square which housed the Relief Centre. When the Librarian stepped out of his car, it was no longer the yellow taxi cab and he was no longer wearing the shabby clothes of a dirty and dingy driver, but was standing next to an very nice looking Volvo and was dressed smartly, as if he had just come from a dinner party somewhere.

"Do you like action movies, James? The ones with bright lights, smoke machines and explosions?" he gave his guest a coy smile. "I've been in a few movies myself. Did you see Die Hard 2? I was the guy flying the plane. It was a real experience!"​

??? - Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

October 31st, 2012

"Adeline Russo."

"And your ability?" She put her hands face up on the table, clapped them together and created a string that greatly resembled a spider's web.

"Thank-you. You can proceed to the next room."

The time was finally right. She didn't waste any time finding her target and approaching him immediately. He was sitting next to a young girl, but she rudely interrupted whatever they had between them.

"Are you Nathaniel Calaway?" the girl with the dark hair and gothic look said, as smoke began to fill the room and explosions started going off. This would not deter her from her duty.​
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Delta Mayor -
- Warsaw, Poland
"My name is Misha, not Visha," For some reason he didn't he comment on the broken window, how odd, "and how can you break my neck vhen you are dead? Silly girl."

"How vill you kill me vhen you have a broken neck, Visha?" Delta folded her arms and shifted in her seat.

The view from the broken window wasn't very nice, she didn't really like coming to the capitol it was a dull place. Most of it was tall buildings, taller buildings, and restaurants that had bright signs to attract tourists. The breeze blew the beads at the end of her braids, which caused them to make sounds. She hadn't had time to change the coloring; red in the front, orange in the middle, and yellow in the back was the way it was currently was. Delta smoothed her hair down, and felt her face for her several piercings. Her golden hoop in her right eyebrow, her silver hoop on the right corner of her lip, and the small butterfly nose ring were all still intact.

"I have question for you," Misha stated, he had a lot of questions. Did his friends not share information with him? Or had she just assumed wrongly? She still needed some information from this guy. "Two questions. Vhy did you go to Centre if you vere going to run avay? And are you hungry, little girl?"

"Do you just kidnap random individuals? How come you don't already know my name? Do you know anything about me?" Delta instead posed her own questions because now she couldn't wait to have her questions answered. Her stomach grumbled, maybe she was hungry after all, "We should get something to eat."​
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James Hazen- ???
October 31st 2012

One clap. One single clap of the hands was all it took, and James found himself in a location he no longer recognized. He looked out the window from inside the cab, still unwilling, or perhaps unable, to get out of the car, mainly due to shock at what happened. As he observed the streets and the people moving in them, a few thoughts rushed through his mind, some of them about his whereabouts, but most of them centering around Henry. The most obvious burning question was just who the hell did he get in a cab with? Earlier, he was able to control the direction of the car without even touching it. Now, he moved them all the way to what James soon found out was in England somewhere because of a passerby displaying his accent as he talked on his cell phone. (though he supposed it would be called mobile here). The initial thought that ran through James's mind was that the man's ability revolved around cars, and perhaps he could extend his ability to do much with them. But as James stepped out of the vehicle and saw that Henry was now in a completely different set of clothes, he knew that wasn't it. James had heard some news about Atlanteans before during his three weeks of discovery. The main thing being that each Atlantean had a single ability. However, with James, it appeared not to be the case. At least, that's what it seemed like for now. Whoever this man really was, James was sure of one thing, he was a pretty big f*cking deal.

"Uh, yea sure." James said distractedly to him about his action movie question. He had a lot more other questions on his mind. "Hey, just where the f*ck are we, exactly? And how the hell did we ge-" Mid-sentence, James was suddenly cut short by a intense, brilliant light that covered the street. James closed his eyes and covered his face with his arm, wondering what just happened. "F*CK!" James shouted, his eyes blurry and stinging from the light. It stayed on strong for a few more moments, before it slowly began to fade As the light receded, James could see that the traces of its origin apparently coming from the building next to them. "What the...what was that?!" James demanded of Henry, turning to him, expecting him to have that answer. He wasn't certain if the light had originated from something of Henry's doing, but James felt for some reason that the man was involved somehow. He had no other basis to go by at the moment.

Before the man could answer, though, James turned back to the building by the sounds of screams of people vacating from the building. They came out panicking, some bleeding from parts of their body. All determined to get as far away from the place as possible. This obviously caused people on the street to also panic, some trying to move away from the area, others dialing on their phones, either for the police or for other source. Cars were either stopped looking at what had happened or speeding away. James simply stood there, wondering what he should do. His heart was beating like a drum and his breath was short, as if he had just ran a few miles. Adrenaline was flowing through his body, fear, panic and confusion among the highest emotions running through his mind at the moment. Yet for some reason, it wasn't as visible to him on the outside as he would have expected. Though James has had no opportunity before in his life to be in a situation like this, he expected that his body would react a bit differently, maybe tremble, or show some sign of fear. James lifted one of his hands from his side and looked over it. No signs of shaking, not even a slight tremble. It was steady. What did it mean? Maybe it was the other set of emotions running through his body, counting any fear or anxiety or panic he may have had.

Exhilaration. Fascination. Enthrallment. James always did find that that which he found exciting was unusual. Calm, tranquil environments like his hometown was what he wanted to escape from. And whether Henry knew it or not, he had brought him right where he had wanted to. Well, not exactly right where. He wanted to get just a bit closer...

Not waiting to hear anything from Henry, James took off for the building. While many people flooded to escape outside, James was one of the few trying to get inside. He had no idea what to expect, and he didn't care. Life was nothing without a bit of chaos to making it interesting.

Nathaniel Calaway- Atlantean Relief Center, London England
October 31st, 2012

"Is this your ability?" she motioned to her now a little wet wolf.

"When you wake up with your room looking like Antarctica, freezing things better be part of the ability," Nathaniel replied with a little chuckle. Three weeks was hardly enough time to learn how to use a new limb that couldn't see. Nathaniel liked to think that he had a grasp on it, but he was sure there was something he hadn't learned yet and there was undoubtedly something he had no control over. Something that would likely bite him in the ass later. Whatever happened here in the next few hours was wasting valuable time that he could spend honing his ability and learning to control it so he wouldn't cause any problems in the rest of the world. "I don't really know what I can do yet. I am hoping whatever…this…is will help us figure out what are abilities are."

"Ow," Oakley said, grabbing her right bicep. Was her ability in her arm? Whatever it was, it didn't sound pleasant to have. She looked back Nathaniel with a little worry. "Oh, uh, sorry."

"No worries. Just relax. If anything happens, I'll take care of it," Nathaniel said trying to reassure her.

"Are you Nathaniel Calaway?"

"That would be me," Nathaniel answer as he got rose from his uncomfortable seat. He got a better look at the person addressing him. She had an unique appearance, being distinctly gothic. Dark hair and everything. Reminded Nate of some his old high school friends. Clearly she didn't the memo that most people outgrow that look. Well, maybe she was younger than he was. She had time to mature. "I don't think I recognize y-"

The booming sound of an explosion in the distance echoed throughout the building, cutting Nathaniel off. "Whatever your name is, get down. You too, Oakley." Nathaniel had no idea what was going on, but any explosion was never a good one. The room was slowly filling up with smoke as a figure stepped in. The guards outside were limp on the floor, undoubtedly victims of the man. Another explosion went off with the sound of glass shattering piercing through Nathaniel's ears. It didn't take a genius to figure who they were: Atlanteans. Terrorists. Ones that fully believed in whatever twisted cause they told themselves justified their actions. The smokey Atlantean clearly felt justified, a smile stretching across his face as noxious fumes turned the room into a death trap.

Nathaniel was the sole individual standing in the room as the others cowered in fear, many innocents who had no control over the powers. Bystanders turned prisoners awaiting execution. Whatever this…Smoker…had planned to do ended here.

"If you are smart, you are going to walk out of this room and register like the rest of us," Nathaniel said, coughing on the last few words.

"What are you going to do?! Kill me?" Smoker replied with a laugh, building up a cloud of smoke on the floor.

"If I have to," Nathaniel replied. He didn't hesitate and immediately charged at the Atlantean terrorist, plowing through the smoke cloud and tackling his opponent to the ground. As Nathaniel mounted Smoker, he repeatedly jabbed him in the face, until he saw blood run down his features. He paused, hoping to hear a plea for mercy, but Smoker had other plans. Blowing a thick, black steam of smoke from his body, Nathaniel immediately stepped back trying to wave the smoke away from his face. Fresh air was long gone, as the vapors began to rise, filling the room at a rapid rate.

Unable to see, Nathaniel was at Smoker's mercy. He shifted through the smoke with grace, slugging Nathaniel left and right never letting up for even the slightest moment. Nathaniel was out of breath and out of time. He needed to create space, find some fresh air and gather himself. As Smoker lunged forward for another quick strike, Nathaniel took the punch head on but as he stepped back, reeling from the blow he grabbed Smoker by the shirt and heaved him across the room. He followed the path, heading over to the nearest wall. He threw him against the wall, cornering Smoker as he delivered body blow after body blow. He had hoped to wind his opponent, giving him a similar sensation to the one Nathaniel had felt throughout the fight. But Smoker's comparable size and strength allowed him to turn the tides. He countered Nathaniel's body blow with a headbutt, grabbed Nathaniel by the collar and threw him against the wall. He delivered a number of body blows, drawing out Nathaniel's last precious breaths of fresh air, before choking him out with his large meaty hands. With a disgusting grin, Smoker filled the room with more smoke, clearly driven by his raw emotions. He did his best to concentrate the smoke towards Nathaniel, hoping to quicken his death.

But then a godsend. The sprinkler system installed in the center was finally tripped as smoke reached the sensors, spraying water everywhere. It reminded Nathaniel of his abilities. Nathaniel grabbed Smoker's hands, freezing the skin as fast as he could before Smoker let go separating himself from Nathaniel with a jump back.

"What the f*ck was that?" He yelled at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel let the water douse him, before freezing the surface of the water on his hands, creating a pair of ice gauntlets. "Just a little cold spell." Nathaniel was filled with a second wind and skipped over to Smoker delivering a two jab combo before ending it with a right hook. Smoker's face was a bloody mess, but the raw anger fueled a powerful smoke blast sending Nathaniel over to the next wall by the sheer force. Nathaniel was cornered again as Smoker charged forward. The distance shrunk rapidly. Nathaniel put his hands up, focusing his ability on the water in the air, as it fell from the sprinklers. With his hands as the starting point, ice shaped like spears were launched directly at Smoker, impaling through his limbs and chest, mounting him on the wall of the room, near the entrance.

"Stick around," Nathaniel muttered as he took a breath, the smoke in the room slowly dissipating following Smoker's timely demise.

Wyatt Cale - ???

October 31st, 2012

Wyatt didn't know what it was that made him reach forward and grab Jeremy's hand. Possibly a mixture of a thirst for adventure and also to experience something…more from this life he was living. The tattoo, whatever his ability was and this new revelation of Atlanteans was a chance for him to make something more out of his life than simply a second-rate university archer. So it didn't surprise him when he took Jeremy's outstretched hand, smiling up at the boy.

"I'm ready to go."
"Cool cool cool, let's hit the road then!"

Wyatt tried to focus on Jeremy, but his eyesight blurred as the room seemed to shift and rotate around him, rising up then sinking down. He felt the great pressure pressing on his chest making him expel what little air he had taken in, however the entire process took less than a second before Wyatt's vision was restored. Where his bed and desk were, had been replaced with a large, red sofa, the walls seemed to have been pushed out to accommodate the larger room he was in now. He felt a soft 'pop' in his ears as he adjusted to the new air pressure.

"Where are we?" He queried, taking in the corner of the room that was obviously a lounge.

"This is our… apartment I guess you would call it," Wyatt only barely understood the kid through his Canadian accent, "over there is the kitchen, the long table in where we eat dinner," he pointed to the opposite side of the room, "the fridge is fully stocked, and there are often chefs on hand to make certain dishes, otherwise the door to our left enters into the foyer where you'll find the elevators and the door on the right comes into a hall with everyone's rooms and personal bathrooms."

Wyatt marvelled at the size of the room, it was big enough to take up half of a high-rise building and that was only the open plan room he was in now. A large window stretched across the wall behind him looking out over to the west of some large city with water on the horizon. Opposite, windows stretched above the kitchen benches and around the large table; the city gradually lowering into plains.

"Again, where are we?"

"Central Buisness District, Lancaster, Lancashire, England," Wyatt turned around as he heard the all too familiar drawl of Daniel Cain, "I'm glad you took up our offer. We could use some one of your…expertise."

"What do you mean? What is your organisation? This 'Syndicate'?"

Cain drew closer, "We are a corporation if many qualities. With regards to you, we hire potential Atlanteans to work for us, for a generous amount mind you, to aid us in certain situations."

"Essentially, we're glorified couriers and spies," Jeremy butted in, smiling.

Wyatt cracked up laughing, this was entirely insane, him? A spy? "You've got to be joking me, I'm a University student, and you're asking me to drop everything to go play James Bond with the Russians?"

A cold stare drew across Cain's face, Jeremy stopped laughing to quickly teleport over to the kitchen with a small 'pop', somewhat scared of what was to happen next. "Mr. Cale, we have bigger fish to fry than the Russians," the room around them seemed to grow darker and ghostly images popped up; ruins of buildings, people in chains walking in bare feet, bullets flying through the air, "the world is on the brink of a major shift, and we're here to facilitate that shift in our favour. If you want to go back to your boring, old life where people will, and I stress 'will', blame you because of your heritage. Otherwise, you can join us, and be part of something big, part of a new adventure to a new frontier."

Around them the scene shifted and Wyatt saw himself sitting on a lush bed, two girls in either arm with money seemingly piling up all around him. He was powerful; he was everything most people wish to be. The images faded and Wyatt's heart slowed back down to its normal, rhythmic beating.

"So, what do you say, will you join us?" Déjà vu swept over him as he passed the two moments in front of one another as Cain stretched his hand forward.

Grabbing Cain's hand in a tight grip, he rose from the couch, shaking his hand profusely. "So, when do I start?"

A smile stretched from one side of Cain's face to the other, "How about now?"​

Justin Evans – Atlantean Relief Center, London, England

October 31st, 2012

It had been a long and tiring day, filtering through the layers of paperwork that now lay sprawled across the oak wood desk he was working on. And today was only day two of perhaps a week he would be spending in London, away from his garden north, dealing with all these people registering to be Atlantean. Even his own, unique Atlantean Registration Card seemed to be burning a hole in his wallet; something Leo had insisted that they all have them for the sake of being fair to everyone, but Justin knew that the world was anything but.

"I call the next lot in", he mumbled, getting up from his desk and heading into the room beyond where more than two dozen Atlanteans were holed up. He grabbed a list of the latest listing before heading out and once the door opened, he felt two dozen eyes, young and old, focus on him directly.

"Hall-Wright, Jack; Harris, Serene Grace; Henry, Michael James; Howard, Kenneth; Hunter, Charlotte; could you all please follow me." He made sure that all five of them had gotten out of their seats and made their way into the room before shutting the door behind them.

"Please, take a seat," he motioned to the five chairs that sat before the three large desks that himself and four others were working on. "Before we start-" Justin didn't have the time to finish his sentence before a door off to their right burst open as a boy stood in the doorway.

"Bonjour, mon ami, today such a blast, no?" His body seemed to shimmer as what looked like a sheet of metal began to cover his entire body. Eyes wild and crazy smile on his face, it took Justin little more than a couple of seconds to realise that this kid was here to kill them.

"Get down!" Justin yelled at the others. He waved his hand over the desk and it rapidly broke apart, creating a giant wooden shield to protect them from the shrapnel that embedded into the walls and floor only seconds after. Several shards even managed to pierce the desk slightly; their barbs sticking through the wood like deadly needles.

"Naw, you no like my ability? Let me show you again!"

Justin braced himself, putting as much effort as he could into holding the Oak wood together as another blast tore through the remains of the desk. "Everyone, out the door to the back, now!" He yelled at them, he would of course do the noble thing and keep this mad man at bay. Once everyone had made it out the door, he fired the floating pieces of wood towards the French Frag Grenade before running full pelt towards the open air.

Once outside, he noticed the others crouching behind the black Mercedes-Benz that he had arrived in. the body and tinted windows were virtually bulletproof, he wasn't so sure if it went the same for some crazed Atlantean's fragments.

"Mon ami, that is rude, I called shotgun!" Fragger appeared behind Justin, his fist coated in the same sheet of metal that had covered his body in prior attacks. Justin watched in slow motion as his fist seeming blew apart and the fragments spreading out in a similar pattern to a shotgun shell.

Pain seared in his side as fragments penetrated the passenger's side door. Tumbling to the ground, Justin gripped the side of his abdomen as blood flowed freely between his fingers. He let out a pained yell as the pain seared through his system and blinding his vision. Justin had little energy and adrenaline to keep him going, and the only thought that raced through his mid was that he was going to die here.

"Atlanteans should be united, not registered like le animals." Fragger yelled at Justin before returning inside.​

River Beleren – Riga, Latvia

October 31st, 2012

River absently scanned the minds within the building. She had been doing it a lot over the course of the day, sometimes delving into certain thought paths people were on and laughing at some of the interesting conclusions they were lead to. It was the only way she could stretch her ability and push it to its limits; her training of such. But she was always careful not to get too lost in peoples thoughts, especially memories since they can lead to some dark places.


River shot up straight, that name, it rang a bell within her mind and she scrambled to retrieve the small, brown leather book she kept in her handbag. Flicking through the pages, she landed on a page that had a list of names, some crossed off, others highlighted, drawing her finger down the page until it landed on a name: "Minerva Sirmais".

Replacing the notebook, she listened in through her 'Telepathy Radio Station" until the doctor in charge of Minerva sent her onto the next room. Coughing and gathering her things to waste a bit of time before standing up from her desk and walking over to the door that separated a handful of Latvian Atlanteans from her assistants, opening it and feeling the gaze of several people wash over her.

"Minerva Sirmais?" She called out cautiously, waiting for the girl to follow her through into the next room before closing the door behind her. Sitting back down at her desk, River motion for Minerva to sit in the chair opposing her; Minerva's registration file now sitting on top of the pile of other Latvian Atlanteans that had registered today.

"Hello Minerva, my name is River Beleren, I'm sorry we must conduct this interview in English, my Latvian is virtually non-existant, unless you speak Chinese or Japanese?" She laughed, hoping that Minerva would get the joke. "Before we start, do you have any questions regarding all this?" She motioned in the air alluding to the idea of being Atlanean.​

Agnes Johansson - Atlantean Centre of Stockholm, Sweden

"Sorry girls, I'll see what this man wants before we return inside."

Agnes turned to look at the newcomer. Her first impression was - cute! He had horns and a beard like a little goat man in stories. Haha, but why would he run up to some Atlanteans who had just caused a ruckus in the queue? Maybe he wanted to tell this important-woman that he too thought the guards had handled her wrongly. What a cute dude indeed. Agnes couldn't help smiling as she looked at him, not thinking about that it might be rude.

"Um, hello, but... I, uh... um... where is the bathroom?" Mr Goat said in an awkward way. Oh, so no backup from the guard-situation here, he just wanted to take a leak. "Yes... um... I have trouble walking."

At that mention, Agnes looked down at his feet. ((OOC: Does he have shoes or something?? I just assume that now since Skymin wrote that people 'really couldn't see his feet' but I can change it otherwise)) He did seem a bit unstable for some reason. Poor thing! He must think it's awkward just to walk around here. Why he wanted a bathroom to help with walking troubles was beyond her, but that didn't change her emphatic feelings from overbrewing as usual.

"Are you an Atlantean?" she blurted out. "Is that why you have trouble walking? Hey, do you need help? I can help you! See?"

Without even throwing a glance at the Atlantean Centre lady again, Agnes quickly made her powers raise her up a few decimeters above the ground. "I'm a bit unstable too! But if I fly, I feel stronger than usual so I can probably hold your arm like this-" she grabbed the arm of Mr Goat hastily and locked it with hers; while flying she came up to the same height as him, "- and just kind of pull you up a bit so that you don't have to carry all of your own weight! See? Is it better?"

All of this happened within a matter of secons, during which Agnes' smile was large and blending. Now she carefully tugged his arm a bit.
Charlotte (Charlie) Hunter - Atlantean Relief Center, London, England

Stupid girl-Someone call 999.

Charlotte stood as one of the centre's registration workers called out her name. The list of people stood, filing towards the door the man stood in before passing quietly. Not a word was spoken between any of them. As Charlotte muttered quietly to herself, finger still securely in her mouth, the taste of copper blood washing over her tongue, she tried to offer a lopsided grin towards the worker. He seemed nicer than the first two she had been palmed off to, so at least things were looking up, plus she hadn't been made to wait an age like the others, the queuing system like Primark's, long but short lived.

As they entered the distinctly larger office than one before, Charlotte took in her surroundings. Natural colours washed the walls, while three large desks spanned the length of the room; their dark wood surfaces strewed here and there with papers which four other workers busied themselves with. They all stopped however, when they entered, faces etched with fatigued, as they regarded her mottled group.
"Guess it's been a long day for all." Charlotte mumble, twinges of guilt tugging at her conscience for being so harsh to the workers previously, if anyone had deserved her barded tongue, it was most certainly not these people.

"Please, take a seat,"

The voice belong the male announcer, whom motioned to the chairs which sat opposite the desks. All five of her group glanced at him before nodding and shuffling round their chosen seats, a few fleeting looks being spared between each of them. Some of people, particularly the guy she guessed was called Jack, looked nauseated and it was a feeling Charlotte knew all too well. She didn't want to be here as much as the next person and the feeling of nerves knotting in uncomfortable twists around her stomach wasn't helping.

Yet as she sat, perching lightly on the edge of the chair, as Justin or so his name tag informed her began to talk, everything changed.

A loud bang shuddered through the room shortly followed the erupting of screams and cries emanating through the closed door. Before any of them could react, the door then flung open revealing a boy whom had a face which on sight, Charlie just wanted to punch.

"Bonjour, mon ami, today such a blast, no?"

Everything after that happened so quickly, the boy shimmered, Justin shouted for them to drop and they obeyed like frightened children. There was another loud bang which pounded Charlie's ears to the point that all she could hear was ringing. Looking up, she saw the wooden shield which Justin held, one of the large desks missing, and for the briefest of moments she was awe struck.

The frag boy blew again, she could almost hear his smile in the mocking words he spoke. Justin yelled once more and again they obeyed. Everyone darted for the back door. Jack reached it first and with a smooth flick of his wrist the door unlocked and flung open. Charlotte didn't bother to think how, and following the others she ran for the black Mercedes-Benz which was parked closet to the door, diving for cover.

Justin followed, then paused, looking at them and the car before…

"Mon ami, that is rude, I called shotgun!"

"NO!" Charlie almost screamed as she watched Justin hit the floor, blood pooling through his shirt, as human frag walked away. A mixture of rage and pure terror rippled through her heart within an instant as in slow motion she watched Justin cripple.

The others did nothing, just cowered as Charlie bolted up and round her car shield, running to were Justin lay. Upon approach, instinct kicked in and dropping to her knees, she grabbed his hand and regarded his wounds, ignoring the shouts of terror that came from back inside the building.

"Ok, I am not a perv, I am just using what's been given to me." She said to mostly to herself as she reached forward and unbuttoned Justin's shirt. "Stay still and don't say a word." Charlotte muttered, glancing up to Justin's face, her own eyes meeting his for the briefest of moments.

As the last button popped, she peeled the fabric back slowly and regarded the wound. It was almost sickening to look at. Resisting the urge to gag, Charlie pushed on studying and inspecting the damage. Could she absorb that? Would she save him but doom herself?

"Ok." She said, "We aren't going to die today, not if I have anything to do with it." She said looking back up at Justin and trying a smile.

"You saved me, time to repay."

It was dangerous, stupid and she'd probably die from blood loss if she wasn't careful, but she knew she stood a better chance at surviving than this poor guy did.

"Just promise me this. When I am done, you get these people out of here and you do not look back."
She tried to hold his gaze when she spoke and though inside her chest her heart fluttered like a humming bird, her voice was strong, quiet and reassuring, just like she had learned to do when teaching kids how to swim. They would always be so terrified to go under the water, small faces pinched in fear and downright stubbornness, until Charlie spoke to them.

This guy was just another one of those kids. Scared that if he went under he wouldn't come up again for air.

Glancing at her group, she realised that a few of them had bolted for good, though to her surprise Jack remained, staring at her helplessly, mouth open like a gapping fish. She sent them a smile, then taking the palm of her hand, she placed it over the large wound and focused her energy. She felt the hot buzz tingle over her skin like before, shivering down her arm and through her finger tips, onto Justin's stomach.

At first there was nothing but as the hot buzz began to intensify the pain began to hit. Searing, agonising pain bloomed into existence, ripping through her side like wild horses. Before she could stop herself, Charlie screamed. The noise tearing through her throat and out into the air, slicing it like hot knife through butter. Her muscles tensed, her jaw clamped shut and her vision blurred as Justin's wound sealed. Tiny pieces of metal emerged from the wound and hit the concrete floor with a small tingle which echoed in the silence.

Charlie keeled backwards, breath shuddering over her lips in short laboured gasps.
"F*ck that hurts." She spluttered, almost out of shock. "You can pull one hell of brave face Justin. I didn't know it hurt this bad!"

Slowly she pulled herself up grimacing at the amount of pain and effort. She could feel blood rushing to the open hole in her side, but tried her best to ignore it. The blood would stop soon whether it would be from her power or death.

Slowly she staggered to her feet, clutching her side as she felt the wet, warm, crimson liquid slivered over her fingers.

"We even?" Charlie asked, trying once again to smile. She felt dizzy and sickened but she couldn't stop, the screams from back inside were something she couldn't resist and she had smart mouthed grenade she needed to repay, all she needed was luck to survive. She didn't know how fast she could heal nor if in fact she would ever see her parents again, so going out with a bang was the plan. Even if pain caused her eyes to weep and her body to convulse.
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Atlantis Awakening
Avian Morphology
William Lyle Nelson :: Syracuse, New York, USA
October 30th, 2012 :: Register, Amelia

Will sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

All his life he'd wished he could be like the great characters of fiction. All of the characters that he had ever written. Now that he was, he wasn't quite sure that he really enjoyed it. Sure, it seemed cool as Hell to have wings. To be able to fly. In theory, it was. In practice, however, it didn't really seem to live up to the dream. Perhaps in time he would find a way to make room for his brand new appendages in his life, but for the moment they just made him feel clumsy and they got in the way. Totally not awesome hero material.

He was at a stalemate. He liked the idea of having wings, and he did enjoy so many things about them. Honestly, he could fly. On his own, with no machines. How many people would honestly pass that up, given the choice? Not many, Will thought. When the catch was being part bird, however, Will knew a larger amount of people would hesitate, and rightfully so.

Will had little to no control over his wings most of the time. Suddenly his body had new pathways, new impulses to send and motions to control. It just felt awkward. He getting more and more used to it each and every day, but he could tell it would be quite some time before he could function normally again. One of his biggest issues was the fact that his wings simply got in the way. With everything. Walking, sitting, laying down, getting comfortable, and so many other things, many of them basic abilities for normal humans. What was most annoying of all, however, was that they got in the way with Brad. Brad was surprisingly accepting of Will's new ability, but even Will figured Brad had to be getting just as annoyed with them. They were annoying. They ruined all the fun.

Well, at least the kind of fun that six foot feathered things could interfere with.

Will sighed once more, resting his head on the arm of the couch. The sun was shining through the windows, and it gave a pleasant warmth as it shone on Will. He closed his eyes and placed his arms behind his head, trying to relax as best as he could. The television was on in the background, playing the news quietly. Will enjoyed watching the news; it could provide some nice inspiration from time to time. Now more than ever he could use some, not to mention the fact that almost all the important news these days affected his life directly.

After a few minutes, Will felt a small tingling sensation in his hair. He opened his eyes to see Brad smiling down at him, his fingers gliding across Will's head. "You're home," Will stated, smiling slightly as his nearly sleeping brain rebooted.

"No, I actually drove off to Las Vegas without you to chase my life long dream of performing horrible show tunes. This is just a figment of your imagination." Brad chuckled as he sat down, picking Will up slightly to maneuver himself beneath him.

"Sure it is." Will sat up and kissed Brad, falling back down with a sigh a moment later.

"I think you'd like to see this," Brad said, turning up the television's volume with the remote, still stroking Will's hair with his free hand.

The news was on, obviously, and there was a story about a recent explosion in Berlin playing. Will had seen a bit of it, having been watching the news so frequently lately, but he hadn't given it too much thought before.

"Evidence was found today that the cause of the Berlin Explosion was the work of Atlanteans. André Cabrillo, brother of Leo Cabrillo, member of the Atlantean Royal Family, was suspected to be the cause of the explosion as survivors claimed to have seen the 20 year old in the streets on Berlin that day as well as physical DNA evidence at the heart of the chaos. Other members of the Royal Family have made no comments towards his disappearance but together with the United Nations have rushed an international bill, calling all Atlanteans to register themselves and their abilities with the local Atlantean Relief Centres in all capital cities. Anybody now caught using Atlantean Abilities without being registered or carrying a registration card will face detainment.

"More on this story soon. . . ."

Will frowned. "Excuse me?"

Brad sighed, sharing Will's sentiments. "It didn't really sound like they were making it a request."

The wrinkles on Will's face deepened. "No, no it didn't. And it's only in the capital cities? So we'd have to go all the way to Albany? Laaaaaame."

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to register. After all, how can they accuse you of using powers just because you have wings on your back? If they're concealed, then it shouldn't be an issue."

"Yes," Will said, turning away from the television, "but how long would that last? I'd want to be able to go outside and try out these things. Otherwise they're just useless twigs glued to my back."

"I can understand that, too," Brad said, sighing. After a moment's pause, he spoke up again. "So, it's your choice. Would you like to go all the way to Albany to register your abilities for all the world to know? Or would you rather stay here and remain anonymous?"

Will's frown deepened. "Well, when you put it like that," he said, trailing off. "Okay, well, I'd at least like to go and check it out. If I decide that it's . . . not exactly for me, then we can just walk away."

Brad contemplated this for a moment. "Alright, get ready to go."


Two and a half hours later, Will was stepping out of the passenger's-side door of Brad's black 2011 Ford Escape, closing the door gently as he looked up at the Atlantean Center of Albany. It was a large, state-of-the-art building that had recently been built. And by recently, Will meant that it looked like it had appeared out of nowhere from the day before. It was so obviously new, and quite a bit out of place in the city.

Brad walked around the car to Will, locking it with a remote as he did so. He glanced at Will's expression, wrapping his right arm around the smaller man's shoulders. "You ready?"

Will hesitated, staring at the imposing building. "I'm not sure," he gulped.

"Well, let's at least take a walk around. Give it a look, think it over." Brad's arm guided Will to do so, and they began walking.

They walked with the steady stream of people that passed the building, remaining completely inconspicuous. Even the residents of Albany were examining the building as they walked, so it didn't look out of place when Will and Brad did the same.

There was a pleasant breeze, and the doors to the Atlantean Center were propped open, giving an oddly welcoming vibe off. The building certainly looked nice; large, neat, clean, advanced and bright. Inside the doors there was a line of people waiting at a counter, registering themselves as non-humans, and there were also humans trying to pass themselves off as Atlantean, for some reason. The main indicator of this was the fact that two guards were practically dragging a struggling teen-aged boy out the door, obviously not impressed by his little 'joke'.

At this point, Brad and Will had stopped next to a bench, marveling at the building and glancing at the minor commotion.

After a moment, Will heard someone approach from the side. "Beautiful, isn't it?" asked the voice of a young woman. Will turned to see a bespectacled woman with long black hair, looking to be around his own age. She was staring at the building, smiling.

"I suppose so, yeah. In an odd 'welcome to your scientific doom' kind of way." Will responded.

The woman laughed at that. "A comedian, I see," she said, calming herself. "But I understand why you would get such a feeling. I did build the place, after all."

Brad and Will glanced at the woman, confusion written all over their faces.

The woman turned to them, outstretching her hand. "My name is Amelia Young. I'm an Atlantean with technokinesis and mathematical and mechanical intuition. Basically, I can understand mathematics and machinery, as well as control machinery." The woman was still smiling, her eyes closed with her head tilted to the side. It gave her the perfect guise of innocence. "I'd like to say that I also have ability intuition, which I suppose I do to some extent, but with you I just took a look at your back and guessed. There're wings under your clothes, aren't there?" She dropped her hand back to her side when neither Will nor Brad took it.

"Um . . . ," Will hesitated, unsure of what to say. "Y-yes, I have wings."

"Good! Because I would hate to be wrong about such a simple calculation." The woman paused for a moment, examining Will. "So, are you here to register? What am I saying, why else would you be here? Unless of course you just came to marvel at my masterpiece, which I would be positively jubilant if that was the case!"

Will opened his mouth to respond, but the woman began to speak once more before he could. "Anyways, I really should be going. So much work to do! Did you see the amount of people in there waiting to register? I obviously have to assist with all of that. Some of the people are just a mess, but hey, that comes with the job." Amelia smiled once more before walking away, back towards the Atlantean Center. As she did so, Will noticed her pull out her cellphone and begin to talk immediately. She certainly seemed like one happy camper.

"So," Brad said, "you want to go and register now?"

"Not really," Will stated. He turned and walked away from the building, dragging Brad along behind him.
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Kim Parnevik,

The seedy guard stared down Kim as she was stuck in place, licking his lips. Please no, she thought as she waited in vain for the flying girl to come to her aid. Just as the guard reach for her breats, a strange metallic arm appeared out of no where, knocking him away with ease. Oh my. Kim stood there in slight shock as a woman with a metallic arm beat and scolded the two guards, and she wasn't half bad looking.

"Sorry about them, they are only human. I am Katerina Lukyanenko of the Royal Family, would you two girls like to follow me inside?" She spoke in Swedish, before presenting her hand politely to both girls, which Kim took.

"Thank you beautiful, you really saved me there." She said graciously as she kissed the woman's hand before the flying girl landed and began to talk to the woman, defending her use of power, for no apparent reason. Quickly Kim grabbed her trench coat before the three of them began to walk inside when the flying girl turned and asked Kim if she was okay, causing her heart to flutter a little bit.

Oh she's so caring! I want her. Kim thought before replying, "Yes thank you, I'm okay. Luckily he didn't touch me." A soft smile was on her face as she dropped her top's illusions momentarily, in hope that the flying girl saw her naked breasts.

A man suddenly began calling out to Mrs. Lukyaneko, addressing her by name, perhaps he was also royalty. Though he was struggling slightly to walk, his face was fairly cute, with his horns and floppy ears making him more adorable then should be legal. Mrs Lukeyanenko apologised to the two of them before turning towards Kim.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked, with no surprise or worry on her face, just curiosity.

"Now that you mention it, a little bit." Kim replied, throwing her tench coat over her shoulders but not putting it on. "This will be enough though." She said patting her trench coat proudly.

Mrs. Lukyaneko then turned away from Kim and looked at the cute man, without saying a word.

"Um, hello, but... I, uh... um... where is the bathroom?" He said, all while Kim slowly realised he looked a bit like a big cute goat. "Yes... um... I have trouble walking." Kim looked at his legs without thinking, not really seeing anything odd besides that there was a bit of a bulge around knee level at the back of his pants. He was also leaning on crutches, looking a bit unstable as he stood there awkwardly.

The flying girl quickly tried to engage in conversation with the cute goat man, much to Kim's annoyance, she wanted her attention, and SHE wanted the goat man's attention as well. Kim watched in horror as the flying girl locked her arm with his and smiled brightly at him. Nooo! Kim thought as she began her move. She used her best seductive voice; she needed him to fall for her. Before he had time to object she grabbed his free hand because obviously this was the best way to make a connection with him and pressed it against her chest. The illusion that made up the clothing on her chest was faded away, which left the man's hold pressing firmly against the bareness of her breast. She flashed him a smile then leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing Frederick's. A giggle escaped her mouth as she dropped his hand from her breast, the trench coat instantly moved back in place to cover it as she scooted over to flying girl and winked. Now, she had to seduce her newest friend, she must have them both. Maybe they would even fight over her! Quickly as she could she leaned over to the flying girl's free ear and whispered a series of sweet nothings to the girl, she could only hope she'd fall for them.

"C'mon now beautiful, don't leave me out." Kim announced to the flying girl she then lightly bit the flying girl's ear and with a large smile on her face she moved back to the other side of the man to replace his arm inbetween her naked breasts.
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Oakley North - Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

October 31st, 2012
"Are you Nathaniel Calaway?" a girl approached them, asking Nathaniel for his name. She was strange looking, with a strange haircut and strange tattoos. What was her ability, Oakley wondered.

"I don't think I recognize y-" Oakley yelped and dropped the ice wolf as she felt the ground shudder, an explosion echoing through the centre. Nathaniel didn't seem to waste any time taking charge, standing as others seemed to fall and cower. "Whatever your name is, get down. You too, Oakley."

Oakley held herself up against the wall, her eyes widened and her breathing quickening as smoke filled the room and a shadowy, lone figure made an entrance. The girl also knelt with Oakley, but didn't look afraid at all. Perhaps bored. She turned to Oakley, her face perhaps a complete opposite of Oakley's.

"Are you afraid?" she said, cocking her head to the left. Oakley's breath quavered as she felt sharp pains seared through her right arm and the wraps bulged from the growth. Of course she was scared!! For a number of reasons that were obvious, and some that weren't quite so. The girl put a hand on her right arm and stared right into Oakley's eyes. "You should not fear the weak."

Oakley had no idea what this girl was talking about and pulled away from her gaze, finding Nathaniel in amongst the smoke. He and the man who had come through the door, the one who seemed to be producing the smoke, were seemingly fighting it out, though it was hard to see through the smoke. Or breathe, as Oakley began coughing harshly at the lack of oxygen in the room. As she gasped for air, the bindings snapped off her arm, which seeming exploded from the cast and forced itself to fall onto the floor. Her arm was huge now, covered in a thick, metal armour. Her skin prickled and burned as the armour crawled up to her shoulder. Oakley had no time to scream or yell from the pain, coughing violently. And the water from the sprinklers didn't make her feel any better either. She felt an arm on her armoured one, and Oakley looked back up into the girl's arms.

"Do not fear the weak."

Oakley's eyes widened further as she caught sight of Nathaniel, behind the girl, sending spears of ice towards the smoke man and impaling him on the wall. The smoke dissipated and Oakley stopped breathing and just stared. Was he... was he dead?

"You seem to have a fair grip on your ability," the girl stood, leaving the shocked Oakley, and turned to Nathaniel. "If you are Nathaniel Calaway, I ask that you accompany me outside. There is someone who wishes to meet you."​

The Librarian - Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

October 31st, 2012
"You may proceed," the Librarian laughed as James joined the fray, the explosion not scaring him as it did the rest of the population of the Atlantean Relief Centre of London. He chose to do nothing but lean against his newly obtained taxi. Would he return it? He had grown rather attached to it. Surely the taxi-men and women of Hawaii wouldn't miss it too much. It was quite out the ordinary in London, though he was sure nobody cared much of a design of a taxi when people were exploding and sending off great flashes of light and bleeding smoke. He turned to his left and caught the eye of a fellow observer.

"Eris!" the Librarian clapped his hands together in joy. The girl turned at the mention of her name and smiled and waved, running over to the familiar face. She was a younger girl, perhaps sixteen years old. Her hair was long and a soft brown, with her fringe swept to the right and the rest tied into a ponytail. Her eyes were a cold blue, though it was her smile that filled them with warmth. She was perhaps a little on the short side, though she was still in her teens and still had some growing to do. "I thought I'd find you here. How long have you been here for?"

"Not long, perhaps half an hour," she shrugged, glancing at the watch on her wrist. The Librarian also stole a glance. Though it was perhaps just past midday, judging by the sky, her watch read that it was 9:21 in the evening. Odd indeed. "What is today's date?"

"October the thirty-first, two thousand and twelve, dear," he said, turning back to watch the fray. There was a lot of shouting and a fair bit of smoke leaking from the room. Was something more exciting going inside? He kicked himself that he was missing out on this fight but Eris was far more important to talk to. "Where have you come from?"

"I'm not sure. There was a restaurant and I didn't understand the language. I couldn't ask anyone any questions," she scratched her brow and looked up into the sky. "I'm glad I'm not inside the building this time."

"Indeed. But, I do have some good news about your condition," the Librarian gave Eris a warm smile. She slowly turned to him, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly. "I'm still piecing together my jigsaw but there is someone I am chasing who may have just what you are looking for."

Eris face lit up, her eyes glistening as if she was about to cry. The Librarian gave her a gentle pat on her shoulder.

"But our agreement still holds?"

"Yes, yes of course," she sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "Thank you so much, sir."

"Don't thank me yet, but you are most welcome. I'll make sure there are more events like these so our meetings don't have to be so far apart."

"For you, maybe."

"Do you think you will stay for long this time?" he turned back to the scene, the smoke from the building growing less intense. Perhaps Adeline had done her job well? He sure hoped that was the case.

"I'm not sure," Eris replied, glancing at her watch again. "Do you think this will take a long time?"

"I doubt it. Did you need a change of clothes, dear?" Eris leaned her head over her shoulder and gave her shirt a good whiff.

"I wouldn't mind a shower."

"Then I will take you to my home and you may eat and drink and get cleaned up and I leave you there until you head off again. You may access whatever you wish, as long as you leave my books behind before you go. Can I trust you, dearie?" he gave her a cheeky wink. Eris giggled in reply.

"I'm sure you'd know if you couldn't."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, dear girl," the Librarian replied with a chuckle and took Eris' hand, leaving the scene behind with a pop. His space was empty for only a few moments before he returned, appearing from thin air leaning against his taxi as if nothing had happened.

"Poor, sweet girl," he sighed, turning his eyes back to the Relief Centre.​

Misha Vedernikov - The Streets of Warsaw, Poland

October 31st, 2012
"Do you just kidnap random individuals? How come you don't already know my name? Do you know anything about me? We should get something to eat."

"Nyet. Da. Da, I know who you are, I vant you to tell me," Misha pulled into the next food place he saw, which happened to be some kind of bistro, appropriartely named "Bar Bistro Bez Kantów". Misha was extremely unfluent in Polish and had no idea what it meant in Russian or English, only that it meant food. It was rather unbusy thanks to the time of day and the lack of people in general, so finding a park and a table was easy. Misha, as the gentleman he was, opened the girl's door and led her to an outside table, giving her no chance to run away (and even if she did, it would take a snap of his fingers to catch her).

A waitress approached them saying something in Polish and Misha made a face, turning to his captee.

"I do not speak Polish," Misha said, "but if you make sis order and introduce yourself to me, I vill tell you vhy I am here for you."​
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Nathaniel Calaway and James Hazen- Atlantean Center, London, England
October 31st, 2012

"You seem to have a fair grip on your ability," the girl from earlier said as she stood up. Nathaniel slowly rose from his seated position, cracking his back as he streched out. The fight left him a bit sore and groggy, but the fresh air was refreshing. She left Oakley by her lonesome, appearing shocked from the events of earlier. It appears whatever powerful emotions she felt, the fear, shock, and pain that the events stirred in her activated her ability...a giant metal arm of some sort burst through her cast. Nathaniel tried to hide his concern for Oakley as the girl from earlier approached him. He didn't want to make Oakley even more erratic that she probably was. Still he couldn't help but frown. "If you are Nathaniel Calaway, I ask that you accompany me outside. There is someone who wishes to meet you."

"I already said I was," Nathaniel said with a sigh. The girl must not pay attention very well. That or the explosions made her forgot. "Though...I have no idea who you are. How about you tell me who you are and what you want."

"What. The. ****." James whispered under his breath, walking into the carnage going on inside the building he had just entered. The first view he saw was a man attached to the wall by f*cking icicle spikes. The culprit behind it was another man who stood close by the impaled corpse, now conversing with a woman dark hair and gothic look. A third person, a younger woman on the floor, also seemed to be with them. As far as James knew, they were likely Atlanteans, being some of the only people who hadn't evacuated. He figured there was no way they were normal in that case. Still he stood, motionless at the door as he tried to figure out the best way to go about talking to them. He was like them, but after seeing what they had just done on the inside, he wasn't so sure if he was on par with their level. Or maybe he was, he just wasn't sure. However, in an effort to put up a strong front, he decided that if he wouldn't be able to walk the walk, he'd at least show that he could talk it.

James approached the body on the wall, confidently striding through the room past the three in observance of his dead corpse. He tried his best to keep in a laugh, but couldn't contain himself as a smile wandered across his lips. He wasn't even quite sure why he smiled in the first place. He obviously wasn't laughing at the fact that there was a dead body in front of him. No, he couldn't quite explain why he was doing so. The best he could say on the inside was that there was a man, probably Atlantean, dead by icicle stabs in front of him, and that made him smile. It was so brilliant because it was so inventive, and he found it...almost perfect. He turned to the three of them, finally acknowledging that they existed, and speaking to the man.

"This your handiwork?" He asked, the smile still clinging to his lips, and James no longer having the desire to hide it.

"Yes," Nathaniel said with a rather blank expression in some comparison to the smile. "I am guessing you are not with him."

"Nah, I don't know him. I'm with the taxi guy." He responded enthusiatically, pointing out to the street while looking over the man. He returned his gaze from the man to the corpse, admiring it once more. "I gotta say, I don't know the f*cker, but you probably couldn't ask for a better way to go, so I'm thinking he's probably at peace."

"I was aiming for his shoulders. I didn't mean to kill him."

"Yea, well, sometimes things don't go according to plan. Still, it turned out alright. He's dead, and you're not. All's well that ends well, right?"

"...right," Nathaniel said. He held his desire to criticize such a pragmatic stance on life and death. Killing was a vicious cycle and was never the right thing to do. There was also a better way. But alas, whoever he was had a point. Nathaniel was alive. He successfully protected the people in the room, even he had to resort to rather gruesome tactic. Desperate times call for desperate measures. "What's your name?" Nathaniel asked after a long pause. "And what are you doing here? It is plain to see this area is not safe."

"James. James Hazen." He replied, finally turning his head away from the body and facing the three of them. "And no f*cking clue. I was hoping one of you could fill me in, but I'm guessing you're just as lost as I am. I mean, I don't even know where the f*ck I am, or how I got here. I was with the taxi guy, then I saw sh*t going down in here, bright lights and all, and I thought, 'Hey, that's not something you see everyday', and...here I am." He looked up and down the man he was addressing, at this point completely ignoring the other two individuals, for the moment, they were irrelevant to him, and he was the only one who seemed interesting. "So...who're you?"

"Nathaniel Calaway. If you want, you can call me, Nate. My friends do," Nathaniel offered a handshake. James eyed Nate for a few moments, then stepped forward to accept the handshake. He knew he just met him, but he kinda liked the guy. "I would love to stay and chat but unlike you I have a clue of what I need to do." Nathaniel turned to the gothic girl beside him: "Girl, you take Oakley and go outside to this...taxi guy. Maybe we can trust him. I will meet you later and you can introduce me to this guy that needs to see me. James. Let's take care of the a**holes that came with this one," Nate said pointing at his icy work of art.

"Huh..." James muttered, looking through the room to catch the 'a**holes' Nate referred to, catching them with his eye through the slowly dissipating smoke for the first time since he entered. "Dunno what the hell's going on..." He looked them over, contemplating for a minute, before answering. "F*ck it, what have I got to lose? Alright, Nate. Let's do it."
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Hotaru 'Flashbang' Yamanashiro, Jacques 'Fragger' Bayne – Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

Hotaru gasped as she saw Joey's body slung up on the wall like some sick ice-block trophy; blood melting the ice into puddles that stained the carpet. His facial was one of shock and horror, something she could not stomach looking at for too long. Neither of them were meant to be killed, all they were meant to do was cause some damage and injure a couple of people to make an example. It disturbed her even more as the four Atlanteans stood around in a circle freely chatting while his body slowly leaked behind them; not one of them seeming to be bothered by the dead body.

Briefly, she overheard the two guys discussing something about 'finishing' the ones who had done this; meaning Jacques and herself. Although she didn't particularly enjoy the company of the loud mouthed Frenchman, the three of them had been like brothers to her. With Pietr leaving them and Joey now dead, all she had left was Jacques.

Freaking out, she ran towards the screaming where Jacques was having fun terrorising a couple of human doctors who could do nothing but cower in fear as he took pot shots at them.

"Jacques…. Jacques!" She yelled over the explosions, "Fragger! Smoker's dead! They killed Smoker and they'll kill us too!"

Laughing maniacally, he turned to Hotaru, wild grin spread firmly across his face, "That's impossible, he's smoke! You can't kill smoke!" He turned back to his torture victims, now wide eyed in bewilderment.

"Fragger, he has a spike of ice through his heart! We have to go now!" She grabbed his shoulder but he simply shrugged her off. She merely gripped harder a second time, making him swivel around to meet her scared, and frantic gaze.

"You…you….Mierde…." she swore beneath his breath before grabbing Hotaru's hand, "follow me, I know a back way!" She sprinted behind him as he made his way through the varying offices until they arrived in the room beyond the one she found Joey's body in. Gulping, she tried not to make a sound to alert the people in there. Jacques frantically pushed past a girl coming through the doorway, jumping over the body of a twenty-something year old man before piling into the car.

Once in the front seat, he turned the keys in the ignition, revving the car before speeding out through a dirt track, bypassing the police-cordoned roads and making their escape onto the quickest road out of London.

As city was replaced by suburbs, Hotaru whispered a small prayer in Japanese, appealing to Kami-sama and Buddha to exonerate Joey's soul. Once finished, the suburbs became replaced with rolling hills and she sat back in the leather seat, silently weeping for her lost comrade. She wanted Pietr back now more than ever.​

Justin Evans – Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

Groaning, he heard the all too familiar sound of his car start up and rev off into the distance. Katerina would have his guts for garters once he told her that he had allowed their car to be stolen; they may have money, but they weren't made of it. Regardless, he reached down to his blood-stained ripped shirt to find the wound already coagulated with blood and halfway on its way to being healed. Puzzled, he recounted the last memories he had of what had happened, distinctively remembering being shot by the terrorists shotgun fist? It was bizarre, but anything to do with Atlanteans was bizarre at this point in time.

Scrambling to his feet, he winced as pressure on the wound opened it a little, allowing a trickle of blood to begin flowing. He stumbled his way to the door way, leaning on it only to find the only one left in the room was one of the Atlanteans he was about to registered.

"Did, did you do…." He looked at her side, noticing the amount of blood around the same area where he had been shot. Had she somehow been shot when he was only grazed? It seemed absurd since she had been behind the car and he distinctly remembered feeling the sharp pain as the fragments ripped through his side.

"Thank… thank you, but are you alright?" Hobbling over to the girl, he picked up two chairs, placing them next to her, "you should rest for a bit, that wound was pretty serious." For such an innocent looking girl, she had an amazing ability, one the world could do with; he didn't want her to die.

Sitting opposite her, he tried to strike up conversation, "while you heal for a bit, why not tell me about yourself? What's your name? How does your ability work? I would be happy to help with any questions you have." He leant back in his chair, relief flooding his body as he relaxed the pressure on the wound.​

Katerina Lukyanenko – Stockhom Atlantean Relief Centre, Sweden

"Sure, right this way," Katerina was a bit sceptical of the man, but how could she deny him when both of the girls ran to his aid, each taking one arm to help him walk easier. The followed closely behind Katerina, she even held the door open for them to go ahead of her, and instead of bringing them back to the room with her other helpers, she instead walked them to a small study room.

Chairs were neatly arranged around a medium-sized wooden table in the centre of the room. Subtle profanities in Polish lay half wiped on the board, one even likening Atlanteans to the Germans or World War Two…

"Please, take a seat. The toilet is the next right down the hall, mister, I'm sorry your name was?" She asked him, "Santa-girl, could you please take this gentleman to the toilet down the hall? Just the next right, while I ask this other young lady about the incident," She waved her hand at the girl who displayed an innate capability to fly.

"What might your name be?" She addressed Agnes.​
Delta Mayor -
- Warsaw, Poland
"Nyet. Da. Da, I know who you are, I vant you to tell me," Misha stated.

If he already knew the answer to his questions then he must be starving for conversation. Delta felt the small glass pieces from the broken window pierce into her skin-tight jeans. Misha made a swift turn into the next restaurant that he saw, his hunger had to be getting the best of him. She waited as Misha came around and flung open the door for her, which meant two things, that he was trying to be a gentleman and Delta couldn't escape. Somehow, she knew even if she tried he would catch her like he did before, why was she such an asset to him or rather his friends? It was only a matter of time before Delta found out, Misha would be a good little (yet really big) boy and tell her what she wanted to know at least that's what Delta hoped. As the waitress came up to their table she spoke her greetings in Polish but Delta couldn't help but laugh at Misha's face.

"I do not speak Polish," Misha said, "but if you make sis order and introduce yourself to me, I vill tell you vhy I am here for you."

"You have to tell me what you want," Delta replied and winked at the waitress. The younger generation in Poland all spoke English fairly well, but that would ruin the fun out of this dinner date. She spoke the next few lines in Polish, "Polish only, he's trying to learn. We'll need a few minutes, thank you. "

The waitress nodded her head, set menus in front of the duo then mentioned she would be back in a few moments (in Polish per request), and took her leave.

"Oh, yeah, the name's Del, but you already knew that." Her remark came after the waitress had taken a leave of absence. Delta then made a hand gestured at him as if to say "it's your turn now".​

Imogen Green - Atlantean Relief Centre, New York, United States of America

October 30th, 2012
As the boy with wings turned around with his friend, his face was met with another face - a woman's.

The first thing you'd notice about this woman was her beauty; she had long black hair tied up in a ponytail with a neat fringe, thin, black glasses covering her blue eyes, olive skin, a tight, red shirt showing her generous endowment, skinny jeans, heeled boots and just overall very attractive. The second thing was the four lines that trailed down her face, past her neck and into her shirt. They obviously weren't scars and anyone who had seen the news knew that it was an Atlantean tattoo. Her name was Imogen Green, but they didn't know that yet.

She smiled at the boy with the wings, cocking her head slightly.

"She was lying, by the way. She's not Atlantean and she didn't build this place. Anybody can see that your feathers are showing from the bottom of your shirt," she pointed through his waist, gesturing to the feathers poking out. Her accent was obviously American, but not a harsh one. Imogen leaned on one side, rolling her eyes at the girl who had walked away. "No Royal Family member struts like this. Not in front of nobodies like you. They keep their strutting for the press."

She smiled a little more alluringly, flicking her ponytail with her that wasn't leaning on her hip. It was probably hard to tell if she was flirting or not, though honestly she wasn't. This was just how she acted. With this face, anyway.

"What are your names, boys?"​

Frederick Salusbury - Atlantean Relief Centre, Stockholm, Sweden

October 31st, 2012
"Eh... ha... ha..." Freddie had literally nothing else to say. Here were two girls both trying to help him, one of which was... haha... he'd rather not say. Not only was he very much embarrased, he had no idea what to do. He was sent here on a mission! Why couldn't he be all professional and just take what he came for?! "Yes I am... Atlantean... thank... you. Please, um... may I have my--?"

"Right this way," Ms. Lukyanenko led the way, each girl guiding him by the arm. Freddie knew his face was bright red, he didn't need a mirror to see that. The lady led them all into a small room, with chairs neatly arranged around a wooden table. Was there a school inside the Relief Centre? Because this looked awfully like a room Freddie would have pictured back in a library at his university.

"The toilet is the next right down the hall, mister," she gestured down a hall, "I'm sorry your name was?"

"Frankie," he blurted out. "Frankie Salesburt."

"Santa-girl, could you please take this gentleman to the toilet down the hall? Just the next right, while I ask this other young lady about the incident," she addressed the topless girl. Freddie shook his head rather viciously, trying to pull out of the girl's monster grip.

"P-please," he said, his Swedish still quite disjointed, "may the other girl show me? I am... uncomfortable."​
Kim Parnevik,

"Sure, right this way," Mrs. Lukyanenko replied, though she was looking at him a bit sceptically. Arm in arm, the two girls escorted the goat-like man into a more private room, following Mrs. Lukyanenko's lead. Oh I feel like a high-class escort! And a foursome, this is going to be so much fun! Kim thought to herself as they entered the room, her imagination about situation running completely wild. Her fantasies were smashed into a thousand pieces when she looked around the room, there was no bed, no couch, nothing soft at all, no hand cuffs or ropes. It was just a plain boring room with a wooden chairs arranged around a medium-sized wooden table. Aww, nothing fun at all is in here. Sighing Kim pulled the man's arm in closer, making sure her breasts could completely engulf it.

"The toilet is the next right down the hall, mister," Mrs. Lukyanenko gestured down a hall, "I'm sorry your name was?" She stared at the man for a few moments before he eventually blurted out that his name was Frankie Salesburt.

Seemingly ignoring Frankie, she turned and began addressing Kim. "Santa-girl, could you please take this gentleman to the toilet down the hall? Just the next right, while I ask this other young lady about the incident," She raised her eye brow slightly as she saw that Kim's top had miraculously disappeared but paid it not attention.

Sadly, Frankie wasn't as happy as Kim was on the idea of getting to spend some time alone. Shaking his head viciously he tried to pull away, annoyed at the thought of someone not wanting to be near her, she tightened her grip on his arm, pulling him in closer.

"P-please," Frankie said, his Swedish still a bit garbled, "may the other girl show me? I am... uncomfortable." Shocked Kim pulled him in even closer before replying to Mrs. Lukyanenko's request.

"I certainly can Mrs. Lukyanenko," She smiled as she spoke before returning her attention to Frankie. "Oh, and don't worry handsome, I'll make sure you're very.. comfortable." As she finished her sentence she ran a finger down his chest to his belt line before winking. "Okay, let's-" Stopping completely, her hair began to shorten, very quickly as her figure began to change, growing slightly shorter.

A scream was let out as Kim dropped to the ground, letting go of Frankie and wrapping himself up tightly in his coat, overly thankful that she had decided to wear some clothes out this time. His face was red from the memories of what he had done and tears were running down his face. Curling up into a ball, his body was accidentally blocking the doorway, he closed his eyes and rocked slightly while he wept. "I-I-I-I-I," He sobbed, hoping that he wouldn't have to see anyone else or say anymore; hopefully they would read his mind. Please just take me back to my room.
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Atlantis Awakening
Avian Morphology
William Lyle Nelson :: Atlantean Relief Center, Albany, New York, USA
October 30th, 2012 :: Imo-genesis

As Will started walking, he turned right into the face of another woman. She had long, black hair that was up in a ponytail, olive skin and blue eyes framed by thin, black glasses. She wore an obnoxiously tight shirt that seemed to only serve to show off her breasts. She was also dressed in skinny jeans and high-heeled boots. That, however, was put out of mind when one saw the four black lines that trailed down from her face until they disappeared into her shirt. They marked her as being an Atlantean.

She smiled, cocking her head slightly.

"She was lying, by the way. She's not Atlantean and she didn't build this place. Anybody can see that your feathers are showing from the bottom of your shirt," she pointed at Will's waist, indicating a few stray feathers that poked out from beneath his clothing. Will frowned slightly, concentrating on the few stray feathers and changing them to a deep black, causing them to blend in with his clothing. He had learned that he could change the colors of his feathers, but he was still working on changing more than a few at one time.

The woman leaned in, rolling her eyes at Amelia. "No Royal Family member struts like this. Not in front of nobodies like you. They keep their strutting for the press." The woman's smile grew as she flicked her ponytail.

"What are your names, boys?"

Will frowned again. "I'm sorry, but I'm fairly certain you just called us nobodies a second ago. Why should you be interested in our names? Sure, maybe we both have abilities, but beyond that, what's the interest?" Will folded his arms in front of his chest, giving the woman a very un-amused look.

Brad glanced at Will, and then at the woman, and then back to Will. His boy didn't seem to be in the greatest humor right about now. Which was odd. Perhaps he was spending too much time in his super-powered fantasies. The media could be dangerous, these days.

Then again, the woman had insulted them.

Brad decided to take the lead. "I'm Brad, this is Will," he stated, motioning to Will. Will glared at him, and Brad could only respond to that with an awkward smirk. He hated to contradict Will in this state, and Will hated him doing so, but sometimes a more friendly approach had to be taken to learn something new. Will was normally better at that than Brad, but Will was in an odd mood at the moment. The stress from having to drive all the way to Albany just to not register himself. Not to mention the surplus of Atlanteans in the area.

"Anyways, you're probably more interested in feather boy over here, but . . . ," Brad just let the sentence hang right there. "Who are you, by the way?"
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Adeline Russo - Atlantean Relief Centre, London, England

October 31st, 2012
Another man entered the scene, this one that she recognised. The Librarian was here as James Hazen was the one he went looking for. And now they were all together and seemingly getting along. This was a good thing at least. This was what the Librarian had planned. Or hoped for.

"Girl, you take Oakley and go outside to this...taxi guy. Maybe we can trust him. I will meet you later and you can introduce me to this guy that needs to see me. James. Let's take care of the a**holes that came with this one," Nathaniel Calaway told her. She stared at him for a little while, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"They've already gone," she turned her head as a scream echoed through what was left of the building. It was a woman's and she knew it was one of the three... terrorists. "If you run after them, it will only be futile. Come with me."

She started to walk away, leaving Oakley North lying on the ground, dazy eyed and expressionless.

"W-wait!" she said, blinking and sitting up. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the three standing above her and the dead man on the wall. "Please don't leave me here! Please take me with you! I don't want to die..."

Adeline exchanged looks with her arm and her eyes. Then, she looked at the two men.

"I can't lift you. You'll have to walk."

Oakley sniffed, wiping her tears away with her left hand. She lifted her right arm, shaking and wobbling and steadied herself, getting to her feet. She was still unsteady, even on both feet, leaning against the wall with her shoulder. Her right arm rested on the ground, but she still gripped her shoulder, hoping that the armour wouldn't move further up her arm.

"Then let's go."​
Minerva Sirmais - Riga, Latvia

Minerva shook her head, disappointed in herself. She knew she had such little control over her ability, but she hadn't even tried. Not really. She hadn't exactly tried very hard at least. But what was she supposed to do? Stop worry about it stupid! It doesn't matter! She sighed as she pushed through the doors that she was directed to go through, chastising herself. She was here, and she couldn't change that. Arguing to herself about it would change nothing. She studied the room for a moment, noting the one guard standing by another door on the right side of the room, armed with some sort of assault weapon that was strapped to his chest. He looked pretty bored though, and was tiredly leaning against the wall with some headphones stuck into his ears. Looking about the rest of the room, it seemed like a pretty normal room. Chairs, a few tables, soft carpeted floor. The people in the room were much more interesting though. About a half dozen sat or stood in various places in the room, most of them bored looking, flipping through various magazines that must have been provided. A few were normal looking, but the others were quite strange looking. One of them, a middle aged woman had glowing eyes that shone purple, another had green tinted arms, and was amusing himself by causing a flower on a table to open and close. The third, a man had two enormous, completely disproportionate beefy arms and hands that were struggling turn the pages of a home decorating magazine. She began to feel thankful that her ability left her normal looking.

She barely had a few seconds to sit down before a woman pushed through the door on the other side of the room, causing the guard to quickly snap to attention and try to quickly stuff the headphones out of sight, which brought a slight smile to Minerva's lips. The smile quickly disappeared as the woman called out her name. She was quite amazed that she was called so quickly, but she couldn't argue. She did feel slightly bad about the rest of the occupants of the room still having to wait, but she quickly followed the other woman into the next room. The door closed behind them with a click, and the woman gestured a chair that sat opposite yet another desk. Great, more interviews.

"Hello Minerva, my name is River Beleren, I'm sorry we must conduct this interview in English, my Latvian is virtually non-existant, unless you speak Chinese or Japanese?" A joke. A weak one, but it never did take much to get Minerva laugh, or at least smile. It did make her feel more comfortable with the woman at least. "Before we start, do you have any questions regarding all this?"

Minerva smiled, "English is fine, and I am afraid that my Chinese and Japanese are just as bad as your Latvian. As for questions....well. I have plenty of those." She didn't want to overwhelm River with her questions, but at the same time she was bursting with so many of her own. Which to pick? She selected a few to start out with, very general ones at first. "I guess my first question is why me? For having powers I mean. And why now? I mean, it sure sounds like the Atlanteans have been around for a long time, but why? Just because of the things going on in Egypt? It sure seems like the Atlanteans would have been found out since then, and surely they must have manipulated their way out of that, right?"