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Pokemon Plasma Rated T (OOC)

What Type of Area do you Want Next? (I already have one in mind, but this is just for me to see what

  • Another Forest -_-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cave/Mountain/High Mountain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • River

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Grassland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Coast side

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swamp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Graveyard (???)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Local Red Panda
  • 811
    Pokemon Plasma (OOC Thead) IC Thread

    Team Plasma does not give up. Team Plasma did not give up. Team Plasma killed White.

    White was chasing after Team Plasma with his Black Kyurem he got from N, and Ghetsis's Genosect landed the perfect shot. He shot him down. As White fell, Black Kyurem stood immobilized. He couldn't believe the champion, the strongest Pokemon fighter was dead. Meanwhile, Genosect landed a perfect spider web, ensnaring Black Kyurem. Black Kyurem struggled, but eventually stood still. A master ball broke Kyurem's bond to his old Pokeball. Team Plasma captured him.

    Back at Team Plasma's lab, they had corrupted Kyurem. They had given him the power to change from White Kyurem, to Black Kyurem, or to Normal Kyurem at will. They had also wiped his memory and placed it with hateful memories of humans, except for Team Plasma. Kyurem then became Ghetsis's pet. He destroyed the Unova region wreaking havoc everywhere. Some stronger trainers like Alder and the gym leaders tried an unorganized defense on major cities like Castelia, but where run down. Some of the Gym Leaders got killed, and Alder went missing afterwords. Two gym leaders are known to have survived. Chili and Cilan survived, their brother Cress, found dead, frozen solid in one of Kyurem's Ice Beams. Chili and Cilan mourned so much, that they gave up their jobs as gym leaders.

    The citizens left of Unova were evacuated to a new, unexplored region. Scientists had been researching that region for a while, so bases were already set up. It also appears this region is a super-region, 6 times the size of any other region, and containing Pokemon from all of the different regions. People had started a life in this region. This Region, named after the person who discovered it, is called, Xyuim.

    But Team Plasma was coming again. Professor Pine knew this. She called for ten new trainers, so she could give them Pokemon, and explain the threat of Team Plasma. Those ten were sure to be the ones to face Team Plasma along with the gym leaders of Unova. Now it is your turn. This is your journey. Help stop the threat of Team Plasma.

    1. Follow all of the Ropeplay Corner rules.
    2. This Roleplay will be rated T. Please no gore, and a little romance. No further than a kiss.
    3. There are 0 slots left. As it said before, I only want 10 people participating, including myself. Granted, there are more starters then players, but this just leaves more options.
    4. If you really want to join, pm me with an application, and really wow me.
    5. You can create your own NPCs, as long as they do not go against the Rules for each area.
    6. Based on another Roleplay this is going to take place in chapters. You are allowed 1-(infinite) posts for each chapter (unless otherwise said). All a chapter is is an area.
    7. Each chapter/area has certain wild pokemon you can encounter with certain movesets at certain levels. For the movesets use bulbapedia.
    8. Each chapter/area has things you can do, and things you must do. If it is not in either catagory, don't do it.
    9. When throwing attempting to catch a Pokemon, end the post with you throwing the Pokeball. I will decide if you catch it or not.
    10. Once you post, do not post again until I give you a note about it or tell something.
    11. You may say, great I threw the Pokeball, but how did I encounter it in the first place? You can encounter one Rare Pokemon before/after you encounter one Uncommon/three Common. For every Uncommon before/after you have to encounter two Common. So after you encounter one Rare, you can't encounter more for a while. You get the drift.
    12. Do not make your Pokemon learn moves, in the IC thread I will post it has leveled up, or wants to learn a move, and in the OOC thread you say yes or no.
    13. No godmodding.
    14. Similar to the Pokeball rule, if interacting with another player, always end the post with your action. Let them respond.
    15. Most important rules (well, not really) HAVE FUN!

    Your Pokemon do not forget moves! You will always have your egg move, or other moves like that.

    Application Format

    Name (First and Last):
    Age (Ages 12-18):
    Personality (2-3 paragraphs minimum):
    Appearance (Either 2-3 paragraph minimum, or a picture with some supplemental text):
    History (3 paragraphs minimum):
    Starter Selection (Starters are below, with your choice of one egg move (Keep it realistic):
    Legendary Selection (You are allowed one legendary reservation. Details are below):
    RP Sample (Just so I can see how you RP. If you don't have one make up a little prologue explaining why you're leaving for the journey (Other than the threat of Team Plasma):

    Example SU (Mine):


    Information about Legendaries:
    You can choose one legendary for you to catch. The other untaken ones can be encountered, but not caught. You must have a reason for catching it, it can not simply be, the professor gives a master ball... Also when you want to catch your legendary, PM me, and if I say yes, you can write 3+ posts about encountering the legendary and how you catch/tame it.

    Unusable Legendaries:
    Kyurem: Duh. The plot revolves around it, and one person can't just "reserve it".
    Genosect: Same thing as Kyurem. Sort of.
    Mewtwo: Ghetsis befriends later on in the plot.
    Moltres: Plasma will catch later on in the plot.
    Arceus: Charles Tevon (Ewery1's).
    Zapdos: Thomas Yerington (lacoste's)
    Keldio: Shadow (Midnight-Umbreon's)
    Latios: Greyson Cole (Game_sloth's)
    Rayquaza: Jack Robinson (koopafan29's)
    Deoxys: Colette Takanashi (hiinotama's)
    Articuno: Jack Forest (ORegan's)
    Reshiram: Javier Serrano (miltankRancher's)

    Current Roleplayers

    1. Ewery1 as Charles Tevon
    2. Midnight-Umbreon as 'Shadow' Adler
    3. lacoste as Thomas Yerington
    4. Game_sloth as Greyson Cole
    5. koopafan29
    6. hiinotama as Colette Takanashi
    7. ORegan as Jack Forest
    8. Javier Serrano as miltankRancher

    List of Current NPCs
    (As people create new ones I will put them here.)
    • Professor Pine
    • Ghetsis
    • N
    • Frank Hul
    • Elsa
    • Chili
    • Roy Johnson
    • Kuin Rino

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    Name: Rei Yamashi
    Age: 16
    Gender: M
    Personality: Rei is a coward who hides behind people and Pokémon for the sheer pleasure of trying to feel superior to his peers.
    Rei and his Pokémon never get along because of how Rei treats them with disrespect and commanding so he can improve along the ranks of trainers and get Gym Badges.
    Rei doesn't care whether Team Plasma wins or not he just wants to become a Champion and nothing will stop him from achieving that goal except a Big Mac with extra Pickles and Some Fries And a Extra Large Soda.
    Appearance: Rei is the streo-typical Asian dude being 4'01" and 63 Pounds. He wears black glasses with clear white lens so he can see Even though he has 20'20 Vision. He wears the same collared shirt everyday ironed to perfection so that the tip of the collar could be used as a weapon to seriously injure someone and put them in the Hospital.
    He has Church Jeans that are Tan Colored and Church Shoes that are shiny that if your walking through 8'00" grass you could still see his shoes glimmering to perfection.
    History: Rei has never failed a class in his entire life passing all of them with straight A's, And never getting expelled or suspended. He took after school karate and Learn How To Become A Ballerina In 1 Week and also MMA where he seriously beat the Crap out of people thay stood no chance. He never liked Pokémon he just wanted power pokemon. When Rei was younger his dad Lt. Surge gave him a Egg that Hatched into a Pichu and he never gave it the chance it deserved to mature so one dark, gloomy day he left Pichu who he nicknamed Rat Face in a Forest then magically he fell through a sewage system and met a Garbador Who swallowed him and spit him out on the front lawn of Rei then Rei proceeded to kick Rat face in the face until Rat Face was back in Kanto from the power of the Kick.
    Rei is from Klandor a region that is yet unknown to the public he was later deported to Unova
    Sneasel Male Nickname Ramses III Egg Move: Ice Punch if that is realistic
    Legendary Terrakion
    RP Sample:
    'It's been one week since Professor Pine said I could get my Pokémon.'
    So on a cold dark gloomy day that will soon turn sunny Due to a Venasaur using Sunny Day to use Solarbeam but that's happening in another region *Kanto* I hope that's good enough cause I'm Tired.
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    @AppleMan, um... His father part... No. Besides that it is okay, so I'll reserve for you, but change that please. And as for @lacoste, your Pokemon are reserved as well.
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    I'd like to reserve Totodile and Groudon as a legendary. I'll post on Wednesday most probably as I've reserved a spot in pokemon trainer academy already.

    Also, how does the character catch the legendaries and what are the maximumn moves for a pokemon?
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    What I said before, you PM me to ask to encounter your legendary for the final time (capturing it). You can kind of make up your own storyline about interacting with your legendary. Also you must have encountered you legendary at least once before without catching it. When you attempt to catch it, write a story at least 3+ posts, otherwise, no chance. And you are reserved.

    Edit: There is no maximum limit of moves. Once your Pokemon learns a move, it doesn't forget it. However, obviously some moves are more effective than others, and do more damage, so you wouldn't just keep quick attack and only use it while have focus blast.
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    Before I make a character, I have three questions that are crucial to how I write them;

    How much time passes between Plasma's takeover of Unova to the start of the RPG?

    Can my trainer injure other trainers (either with Pokemon or otherwise)?

    Can Pokemon or people die in game?

    1. It would take about two months or so. Remember that Kyurem is being met with the resistance of Alder(who survives), the gym leaders(most of them survive, more on that later), and other very strong trainers. So it would take a while.

    2. Yes, but no killing actual people while in the duration of the game. You can kill NPCs though, no gore please.

    3. See above. Also someone can die in your history. No gore is allowed as it is rated T.

    Thank you!
    There's no mention anywhere of Alder leading a resistance in either topic. How long did the resistance start up? Immediately after Plasma seized power or did Alder and the other trainers retreat to the new region(which you haven't named yet) to regroup before attempting a concentrated assault? This type of info is going to effect my character's backstory.
    Okay, Appleman, accepted, the rp will start after three more people join, and will hopefully be done soon.

    OReagan, I added the information about the "resistance" and the region will not have a name until later on. This region was used as a scientific base, and now is a refuge region. And people started evacuating once there was no hope, so about a month in. But of course, some people are stupid, and didn't evacuate.
    Name (First and Last): 'Shadow' Adler
    Age (Ages 12-18): 16
    Personality (2-3 paragraphs minimum):
    He is a shy boy. He is socially awkward and doesn't get on with people. He cant stand up for himself, so that usually means he can get pushed around. He is always doing things for other people as he is desperate to have people like him. He doesnt talk, he just looks down and nods at people. He will never make eye contact.
    He spends his time alone, he is a talented bass player. But no one knows as he is to nervous to show people. He also draws cartoons (if you look up the umbrella academy sort of that style). His room is his sanctuary, he has the box room of his house. One because he prefers small spaces and two he didnt want to be in the debate with his siblings in the room battle and he ended up with it. He covers his walls in drawings.
    He is a kind person and hates to see other people suffer, and if he had to he would break past his shy exterior and stand up to save someone he loved.

    Appearance (Either 2-3 paragraph minimum, or a picture with some supplemental text):
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Plasma Rated T (OOC)
    Due to being the youngest of the boys Shadow has never really got new clothes, so he mainly has hand me downs and cheap bargains. So he usually likes to wear t-shirts and jeans. He found the striped glove on the street and the hat was from his brother. His Bass guitar case was a birthday present from his friend, his hair is a naturally a whitish blond.

    History (3 paragraphs minimum):
    'Shadows' real name is John, but he changed his name. He hasnt done it legally but everyone calls him that. He used that name on school books and to sign his drawings and the name caught on. He has always been shy and has only had 1 true friend. He was called Jake he was deaf-mute. So Shadow learnt sign-language to talk to him, Jake was also a talented musian he learnt guitar, Shadow helped him by letting him know if it sounded right. They wrote a song together called 'Shapes in the Shadows' Jake went missing a few months before, everyone said he ran away. Shadow has always refused to believe them, the day before Jack went missing he was happy, almost as happy as he had ever been. Jake also left his guitar, Shadow has kept it.
    Shadow has always been distant from his family he has 2 brothers (both older) and a older and younger sister. So his parents have always been busy, when Jake first went missing they accepted Shadows denail, but after a month just said he was stubborn and need to continue his life. His borthers make fun of him for how he looks, and get him to do their chores. But his brothers have defended him when he was bullied his oldest brother Matty got kicked out of school for beating up the bullys. Even though they make fun of him and joke about they seacretly worry for him. After Jake went missing they stopped the teasing and have supported him.
    At school he is the weird kid, he is bullied. And has been excluded only invloved to do the dirty work and to be made a joke of. He sercretly cares but feel happy people acknowledge him
    Shadow was overjoyed when his family survived when plasma attacked. Although he watched Matty fight for his life to save him. As his family was escaping Kyrem attack Shadow was trying to salvage as much as he could, he manger to rescue his Bass and Jakes guitar, as he was shears hung for his scrapbook which he made with Jake, which included almost every memory of then together half the house fell. Matty realising his brother was still in the house went up to try and get him. Shadow got the scrapbook, he has Jake guitar ok his back and his bass across the front of his body. Then as they where trying to get out Matty fell through the floorboards and was holding on for his life. Shadow had to decide on dropping the scrapbook or saving Mattys life. As he grabbed on to his brothers hand the Scrapbook fell to the floor and he pulled his brother up. As they got out the house the rest fell down.
    Starter Selection (Starters are below, with your choice of one egg move (Keep it realistic): Eevee (Iron tail? I manged to get an eevee to learn it for breeding)
    Legendary Selection (You are allowed one legendary reservation. Details are below): Keldo
    RP Sample (Just so I can see how you RP. If you don't have one make up a little prologue explaining why you're leaving for the journey (Other than the threat of Team Plasma): will do in a bit.
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    Name: Jack Forest

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Jack was a very happy person prior to the recent events occurring in Unova. While a hard worker when it came to raising his Pokemon, and determined to raise the most powerful team he could muster, he would always ensure he and his team had time to enjoy each other's companionship.

    After losing his team to Team Plasma, his determination focused more on hatred of Ghetsis and to seek revenge against those responsible for ruining his homeland. His once cheerful attitude has been replaced with a stern grimace.

    Appearance: Jack stands in at exactly 5'9" and weighs a lean 165 lbs. His shaggy blonde hair is kept just above his eyes in the front and travels down to the top of his neck in the back, almost blanketing his head completely if his face were not exposed. From being outdoors for years, his naturally white skin has a dark even tan on most of his body, save for some more personal regions that don't receive much sunlight for the sake of human decency.

    The clothing Jack wears varies depending on location and season, as the young man tries to dress in a manner that will allow him to be comfortable. Summer will see him often shirtless during hot days while wearing a shirt and shorts during the night and jeans on unusually cold nights. During the winter you're bound to see him bundled up in a jacket specifically created for the colder temperatures of Unova's northern climate. Regardless of the season, Jack's blue eyes are kept protected from the sun with an affordable pair of UV repelling sunglasses.

    History: Born in Nimbasa, Jack lived the typical life of most youths in Unova. For vacations his family would travel to Castelia city for some sight seeing and would go camping in the forest next to his town with the other nieghborhood kids. When he came of age, Jack went off on his Pokemon journey to "become a master Trainer" as his father told him the day he left. The idea of what a Master trainer was or how to become one were two questions that he contemplated for years on his journey. Many suggested a Master had to collect all the gym badges while others stated that they would catch 'them' all while others still would suggest to Jack that a true Master would share a deep respect and friendship with his Pokemon. His own interpretation was one in which all were true to a certain extent, and he was content with just training his Pokemon to further better his team and himself.

    Jack was making a brief visit home when he heard the news of Plasma's third revival and the beast Kyurem laying waste to the countryside. If there was a Master trainer somewhere out there, then they'd be on their way to stop Team Plasma because it was the right thing to do. And even if he wasn't one, Jack still felt that it was his duty to lend a hand in stopping them. He headed out to challenge Ghetsis, but was ambushed by Plasma grunts along Route 12. Foolishly Jack expected the 7 criminals to fight fairly, and wasn't prepared for what followed. One by one, his strongest six Pokemon fell in combat against a swarm of over twenty Pokemon despite their higher training. Had it not been for the intervention of a small group of Rangers, Jack wouldn't have made it out with this life.

    When he returned home from his crushing defeat, the town guard was preparing to defend the city. Ghetsis has set his eye upon attacking Nimbasa. Learnign from his mistake, Jack withdrew all of his boxed Pokemon and prepared for battle. In total, he had 133 Pokemon of various species at very different levels. Some he had never a chance to properly train while some were trained fairly well, but not to the extent of his strongest line-up. He fought the best he could along with other trainers from the town. Still, even with their combined forces they were no match for Plasma's hoard or the gripping might of the mutated ice dragon.

    He watched in horror that day as many of his friends, both man and Pokemon alike, fell to single ice beams. The legendary power of Kyurem was too much for any of his Pokemon, and they fell like ants. The battle took a toll for for the worse when his parents were caught in a blast Ghetsis intentionally ordered at the Pokecenter where many townsfol took shelter. His last Pokemon was the first one he had ever caught, a female Tranquil that he evolved from a Pidove under his care. She knew the battle was lost, and instead of fleeing, she blasted Jack away with a whirlwind and then charged the mighty dragon. As Jack spun violently in the powerful gust of wind, his last vision was of her being blasted with an ice beam. He awoke some time later of a small fishing boat heading to a different region, although he does not recall how he got on the boat.

    Starter Selection: Charmander with Dragon Pulse as the egg move

    Legendary Selection: Articuno

    RP Sample: I think my character's history should suffice.
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    Rei, the RP will start after one more person is accepted. OReagan, you are accepted, and same with you Midnight.

    Midnight I only accepted you earlier so we could start this, however, you still need to do a few things. It isn't Kyurem(s) it is
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Plasma Rated T (OOC)
    (Normal form)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Plasma Rated T (OOC)
    (white (fire) form)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Plasma Rated T (OOC)
    (black (electric) form)

    Only one Kyurem.

    Also Iron Tail is realistic. Do the photo, fix what I said, and you are on your way.

    P.S. OReagan, yours was great.
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    Oh thats fine about Kyurem!
    And the picture is good! You are fully accepted! We just need one more person to post, then we are on our way.
    Sorry that it took me this long, here's my SU:

    Thomas 'Tommy' Yerington​
    For the most part, Tommy tends to be loud, outspoken, and has an ease at establishing conversations with strangers. While this has led to him attaining a lot of friends over his short life, there are also those who dislike him for it. Because of this, Tommy has harbored many friendships, rivalries and enmities, and he has been an active and avid Pokémon battler since before he even had a Pokémon trainer license. He considers himself a 'Youngster', which is a term used to describe children who make a pastime out of catching and training Pokémon (especially Rattata) despite not owning any Poké Balls.

    Tommy's experience battling Pokémon at the playground has made him into a very good Pokémon battler and strategist, and his openness with Pokémon makes it easy for him to establish relationships with them. However, Tommy has a certain disliking towards Poison-type Pokémon, and he absolutely abhors Bug-types, which gives him a dislike towards Bug Catchers. However, his dislike for Bug Catchers comes nowhere close to his dislike towards Bug Maniacs or Lasses. Bug Maniacs because, let's face it, they're weird, and Lasses because they stand for anything cute, and as a Youngster, Tommy hates anything cute.​

    Tommy's eyes are the color of amber, with hints of yellow towards the pupil. He dresses as pictured above, but has both a rain jacket and a warmer fleece and leggings for colder weather. Since his shoes have very thin soles, Tommy mostly has to avoid hiking over any rocky hills or mountains.​
    Tommy was born in the outskirts of Undella Town, next to White Forest. He loved his childhood there; he would walk to school in Undella Town every morning along with the other kids from their small community and her… Rose. And it was such a fitting name too; she was fifteen, only three years older than the rest of them, she smelled of flowers every day and she didn't even go to school any more! She was a student at the local Pokémon Center, along with her Audino and Budew.

    In school Tommy was also one of the most popular kids. He knew a different method to catch any sort of Pokémon, from a small Rattata to a heftier Bidoof. He was also one of the best battlers, which is why it hurt so much on that particular day. Two goons from Team Plasma had infiltrated Undella Town's school system in an attempt to "free wild Pokémon from their misguided mistreatment suffered at the hands of children". Parents rallied behind these goons, and while some children cried, others decided to rise up and take action.

    Not many children are able enough to beat adults at Pokémon battling, and at Undella Town's elementary, if there was one student able to do that, it was Tommy, or so everyone assumed. When the Team Plasma goons came to Tommy's specific classroom, Tommy stood before them, with a huge Bidoof they'd just managed to poach. When he challenged one of the goons to a Pokémon battle, for the right to handle Pokémon, the goon approached the Bidoof, and stroking its head, proved that the Pokémon didn't mean to fight. The sound of Bidoof purring still irritates Tommy to this day.

    The case received region-wide news, and led to the outlawing of Pokémon handling in many schools across Unova. Although Tommy's parents protested the case, he was ultimately expelled before his graduation could take place. Tommy's parents realized that the whole experience was taking a toll on their child and decided to allow him to fulfill his dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer. Although he understands that the events that would later bring about Team Plasma's takeover of Unova are not his fault, Tommy still feels responsible to some degree for what happened, and therefore seeks compensation by bringing about an end to their organization.​
    Starter Selection:
    Emolga + Covet​
    Legendary Selection:
    RP Sample:
    I hope my history is enough, let me know if not.​
    Accepted Lacoste! Let the games begin!!!!! Well, actually let me first post chapter one. Yay!
    Need another?

    Name: Greyson Cole

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Greyson is very reserved and prefers to keep to himself. He has never cared much for making friends and prefers to be alone. It is not often that he is heard speaking and when he does choose to talk, he can tend to be condescending and short. He hates any attention being aimed his way, and tries to stay low-key in every situation. In his silence, he is very analytical. Greyson is constantly scanning his surroundings and the people around him.​
    His lack of interaction with people has caused him to not be a very experienced battler. This lack of experience does not bother him, though, being that he is not a huge fan of battling due to his passive personality. Nevertheless, through his constant analysis, he has learned many techniques from other battlers he has witnessed. He is easily able to apply what he has seen to the appropriate situation when the times come that he is forced into battle.

    Apart from all that, he is a major interest in reading and arts. If you look in his backpack, you will always find a sketchbook and novel of some sort. Apart from reading fiction, he stays read up in current events.​

    Greyson has light green-blue eyes that stay barely visible due to his hair. His normal attire is seen above, but can be subject to change due to temperature and weather. One thing that is constant, is his backpack that never leaves him. It contains the few items that he holds dear.
    History (3 paragraphs minimum):
    Greyson was born in Blackthorn City of Johto, but moved with his mother, Amy Cole, to Lentimas Town of Unova when he was young. It is there where she met a man named Charles Dust. A charming man who treated her great, and Greyson even better. After a little over a year, his mother and this man married. A baby girl came along shortly after. This baby, the baby of both Amy and Charles, became their purpose. Greyson was fed, and taken care of, but was given no extensive attention. It was as if he barely existed.

    This treatment caused him to become cold. He gave up trying to get the attention of his parents and everyone else. He became quiet and just watched. When the times came that there was nothing to watch, he became bored. It was out of this boredom that he got into literature and arts. His interest in art spread from his solitude and he would start to draw as he watched. He would draw his surrounding: the people, the pokemon, everything.

    Through school, he would not always pay attention and would only pass with average grades. He wanted no praise nor scolding. Greyson would sit in the back and do his usual drawings, taking in some important things here and there which would be noted in the corners of his sketchbook. Some things would catch his interest, and he would easily excel in them. Overall, he went through most of school unnoticed.

    His interest in reading and constant analysis of his surroundings saved him a little bit sooner than the rest of Unova once it came under attack by Ghetsis. Lentimas Town's wasteland nature brings in some sketchy crowds and Greyson once overheard a man of such talking of the uprising of Ghetsis and his search for a powerful fiend that could destroy continents. He began to research and eventually read the legends of Kyurem. This put a fear in him. A fear for his life.

    By this time, he had lost all feeling for his family. Through all his research, he had not only discovered Kyurem, but a new super continent that was under scientific research. If the rumor he heard was true, he did not want to be around when the attack happened, not to mention the thought of a new continent struck his interest. Only a few weeks before the attack started, he left his family and stowed away to the new continent, unphased by absence of his "family".
    Starter Selection: Cyndaquil "Cinder" (reversal)

    Legendary Selection: Latios

    RP Sample:

    "GET BACK HERE!" A crewman of the ship screamed as he chased Greyson through the ship. "You are not supposed to be here without clearance!"
    Greyson did not say a word, and kept on running until he his the helm of the ship. He quickly scanned his surroundings to see there was nowhere to go.. nowhere to hide.

    There is no where else to go.. and I am so close.

    He turned his back to the nearing crewman and noticed they were not far from land. It was not civilized, but it was land. Looking back at the crewman with a smirk, he leaped off the ship and made his way to shore.

    Nothing, but wilderness. I have to make my way to a town.

    (He has no knowledge that Ghetsis has yet made his attack and his journey will start with him emerging from the woods and into Rootdry town where he discovers that Unova is no more)
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