I dunno. I can't see many Pokemon getting Evolutions this round outside of Gen 5 Pokemon. I honestly won't be surprised if we get something close to what Gen 5 pulled. Similar but not related to.
I don't want many of Gen 3 Pokemon to get Evolutions just because of how long its been, and the fact that that would pretty much make Gen 6 a copy of Gen 4 with its overabundance of add on to existing lines. I'm good with our Eevee Evolution and I guess I expect at least 5 more evolutions, but please no more than 15 add ons. I want Gen 6 to be nearly as unique as Gen 5 with almost all completely new Pokemon lines.
I'd like to see another evolution for Darmanitan and I'd love to see Sigiliph evolve. Maybe a Stunfisk evolution since he has a very unnatural fan base. XD I mean really. They have had a whole celebration day just for Stunfisk and that has to be the most Random fan favorite ever. I would love a Dunspace evolution, especially one that becomes Dragon/Normal.
A Skarmory Evolution and Absol Evolution would be nice. And I agree that Illumise and Volbeat should have a love child. Lunatone and Solrock would be really weird as it would be the first "Genderless Baby" Which makes it even weirder since the only way to get them would be forced Ditto Breeding meaning they'd have a very weird association seeing as Solrock and Lunatone cannot breed with out ditto therefore ruining the relationship.
I'd be alright with Miltank and Tauros baby, but if they haven't done it by now, I'm not expecting them to ever do it. I do want to see them pull a Roselia (adding a baby and an evolution) with a few Pokemon. Lapras of course. Kecleon and Castform though Castform would be kinda weird. I can still see the baby only being able to do 2 forms while the evolution can do one for all weather types currently in existence.
I'd kinda like to see them extend the Hitmons another stage and give all three a stage 2 form. I'd like to see them add to Jynx and Mr. Mime. I think that's roughly it outside of the rest being mostly Gen 5 Pokemon like Galvantula, Cryogonal, Maractus, Audino (both Pre-evo and Evo), Excadrill, and Liepard.
But I'd prefer if they only did 15 like I said. Cause if they do a double dip like with Roselia that's 30 Pokemon max they could add with a 15 minimum. Which can still be overboard actually.