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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Vel crawled out from the tree she had been hiding in and approached Vriska in a threatening manner, as if she didn't want the trainer to be there. But Vel kept her distance, just watching the trainer. Teal was still a bit out of it but managed to groan and role over. Vel ran to his side and laid down. "Can... you put her in her ball." He managed to say to the girl, "and take us to the nurse?" he stuttered and was hopeful that what he said was understandable, but he passed out again.
Wyatt felt something stir inside him, and inside Sheldon. "What is that supposed to mean?" Sheldon hopped off Wyatt's head and glared at Seth. "Shell shell shellos! The trainer stared down Seth, intent on defending his Pokemon's reputation. "I may have just caught him, but Sheldon can take on any Pokemon! You, me, your Shuppet, my Shellos--battlefield of your choice, right now!" Sheldon puffed up his body with confidence. "Shellos!" Wyatt recalled Boo and Gaia to their pokeballs, and waited for a reply from Seth. He was usually the last person to propose a Pokemon battle, but damn it, this was important to him.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard​

Well, the other students were heading off and Danielle headed toward the elevators so Lucia followed after her as well while still talking to Mark. "You sure that Ninjask do that? My brother has one and his never did. Maybe Able needs more training?" She asked him. In fact, as far as Lucia knew, Ninjask were rather nice and timid pokemon. She only had experience with her brother's but surely most were like his? Roberto followed silently and whenever Lucia wasn't looking back to talk to Mark would cast glares at Snype. It seemed he was rather eager to fight him. The Scizor just hoped that Lucia would be facing Mark so he could at least have the excuse to fight the ghost and truly guage his power level.
Mark shrugged. Maybe he did have to train Able a bit more. Maybe it was just something this particular kind of Ninjask did. Maybe it was a girl thing? Who knows. Whatever the case, Mark went over to the elevator heading upstairs so he could catch up with the others.

"Well, I guess I can ask the teacher about her after class. I got alot of questions." Mark said. Assuming Lucia followed him, Mark pressed the button on the elevator and headed up to Battlefield 7. Meanwhile Snype was getting irritated by Roberto. At this point he wish he could just fight the guy and get him off of his back. He could only hope.

Mark ended up at the battlefield. It was designed alot like a forest. It was bound to give Bug types and Grass types a home field advantage.
Andrew Thomas

Andrew heard the boy out and allowed him his rude and frankly uncalled for jibe. He found him less likeable by the second, not for his opinions as the boy was entitled to these, but rather the way the boy conducted himself, the all knowing, arrogant and disrespectful attitude. Andrew was sure this was a show for his classmates...perhaps once the boy found his place within the class or accepted Andrew then he would be less rude. Andrew continued to smile before answering: "A lovely argument but carry on that train of thought! Experiences do indeed change and define us. But you're still not taking these thoughts far enough! Why do they change us? How do they change us? The answer lies in the make up of our minds. The brain is everything we are, our conscious and sub-conscious. Ego, Superego, ID, everything! It grows, it changes, it dies," He looked out at his class before coming to an internal decision, "This is all a bit off topic but its good! Debating and conversation is exactly what I want in this class! Right, so every animal within a species is unique. But at the same time they all have the same core make up and starting point. Thats the basic physiology of the organism. Now from that point on experience effects us. Nature Vs Nurture, modern thinking believes it is a rough 50/50 split and I tend to agree. Biology doesnt only cover physiology...nature....the area of biology known as ethology covers the nature side of things. So Mr Deladius I put it to you that biology can in fact explain personality, thought, culture and everything else. It's the beauty of science and the beauty of our world." Andrew smiled as he sat on his desk. "Does anyone have a rebuttal to this? Mr Deladius?" The class looked on silently, some were writing notes, others just staring.
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"Fine, battlefield 5. Be ready." Seth replied icily to this comeback.
Think you can take 'em, Shadow?
Most definitely...
was the now angered Shuppet's reply.
Seth stormed out of the building, followed by Shadow. He might not know where he was going, but he knew he would get there.
Isaac D.

"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. I already gave my point. If you want to teach the lesson though. I'm sure the others who do prefer the topic would rather have you teaching them then my countering your points. Biology is a physical thing. It's what lets us do physical things. Our Psyche' is somethign different so lts leave that for psychology." Isaac replied tired of the teacher trying to change his points into a biology lesson.

It was pathetic really the guy wasn't doing his job at all. He was arguing with a student over mind versus matter. This guys job was to teach the students about the biology of pokemon not explain why they have emotions.
Wyatt made his way over to Battlefield 5, which took some time since he didn't fully know his way around, but he eventually found it, and his jaw nearly hit the floor. "Over a pit of lava. What the hell is he thinking?!" Sheldon was terrified atop Wyatt's head, peeking over the edge at the lava below. He paced around, waiting for Seth's arrival. "Seriously, this has got to be the *worst* location for a battlefield." The Shellos nodded hastily in agreement, and hopped off of Wyatt's head with some hesitation. He wriggled his way into position on the battlefield, and waited for Seth and his Shuppet to emerge.
Seth came up the stairs and entered the battlefield. He laughed at Wyatt and Sheldon's reaction to the location.
Alright Shadow, let's do this.
Yes. The expression t on the trainer is simply hilarious! I doubt he knew that this was coming! Hahahaha!

Seth and Shadow took their positions and went over a few last minute strategies.
So you go for strike 1 with Hypnosis, and give him a taste of your shadow ball.
Sounds like a plan...

"Glad to see you showed up! For a minute, I thought you might have chickened once you saw the location!" Seth was trying to goad Wyatt into anger, where he would have less contol over his emotions, and recklessly attack Shadow without much of the logical stratagy that would most likely make him win.
Maxwell Leggingsteele
Academy Grounds

Maxwell hurried after the Simipour to see what all the commotion was about. Thoughts began to race around in his mind, what if something had happened to Genevieve? What if she had been injured? What if so ething else equally or more horrible had happened? Sweat broke out from his forehead as he trailed after Sapphire. Although he wouldn't like to admit it, that Trainer Fitness Class might've done him some good. Slackey on the other hand, wasn't worried at all. Well he was sleeping after all, but even if he wasn't, the Slakoth would still have little to no concern about this. It was just in his nature to take it slow and not worry about too much.

However, Slackey's pleasant dreams of cotton-candy and bananas didn't last as long as he would've liked them. While running, Maxwell had hit a rock with his foot and almost stumbled while swearing under his breath. A bit of a bummer if you asked Slackey. But that was generally his thoughts regarding everything that woke him up. Maxwell followed Sapphire up a hill, but stopped as he saw Genevieve sitting on a bench with her face deeply buried in her hands. The teen quickly moved over to her, not noticing the note mying beside her on the bench. He was unsure of what to do, but somewhere, somehow... He felt that the right thing to do right now would be to embrace his girlfriend, which he did.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly while holding Genevieve tightly, "Please calm down akd tell me what happened." He said soothingly and started stroke her hair gently. Just for good measure, Maxwell told Slackey to hand him the Togepi-Egg. If that little bugger gave off hapiness, well then it better do it now.
Wyatt clenched his fist. I really don't like this guy. "Enough talk! Get your butt into position and let's get this over with. Shall we take the first move, or are you too scared of getting creamed?" he called out. Sheldon was hopping, and eager to battle. Wyatt wiped some sweat off of his brow with the sleeve of his Suicune Dorm jacket. Damn, it's hot in here. He would have released his other Pokemon, to let them cheer on Sheldon, but frankly, he didn't much like this character he was going to fight with, and didn't want him to interact with his Pokemon at all.
Vriska Van der Douchevald
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]


Well, it just turned out that the Trainer had somehow passed out, and apparently his Linoone was trying to kill Vriska with its glares, just like any Pokemon owned by a Trainer...

Yet he seemed to have said something... He wanted Vriska to seal Linnone in its Pokeball and to take him to a nurse... She found a Pokeball lying around and sealed the zigzagging Pokemon in it, but not before catching another glare...

"Well... Guess the bugs will have to wait..." She said with a little bit of disappointment, "You all help me with this..." Vriska grabbed his left am, Chu held his head high, Nebula was just hovering over him, the newly acquired, yet to be named Murkrow grabbed his right arm, and Buggey just crawled over him, as it was impossible for him to carry any of his limbs. With a team effort, they all slowly began carrying him away. After a slow ride, a very, very slow one, they finally got out of the forest, yet they still had a long way to go to the closest nurse. Where the hell would there be a nurse? She's not quite sure of it...​
Sheldon fell on his side, fast asleep. "I'm not worried! I've been through tougher situations than this. Wake up, Sheldon! Wake up and use Ice Beam!" The Shellos snored quietly, but turned a bit in his sleep. He could clearly hear his owner, and his subconscious was struggling, trying to stir itself to action. "Wake up! We have to teach this guy a lesson in manners!" Sheldon still slept. Damnit! Wake up, you! Man, I hate this guy--and I remember my love-hate relation with Ghost type Pokemon right now, loud and clear. I wish I was using Boo, not Sheldon. He's tough, but Boo has better tricks in his arsenal. Wake up!
Seth laghed quietly as he watched the frustration of the weak trainer.
Shadow ballSeth reminded Shadow. The Shuppet formed a dark aura arround him and fired it at the helpless Shellos. The ball of evil power hit, soon followed by an explosion of black flames.
Alright, be prepared to use Glare next. Seth told Shadow. He nodded, feeling satisfied having dealt the sea slug some damage.
Dont got overconfident, this battle isn't anywhere near done... Another nod from Shadow.
Sheldon was struck by the Shadow Ball, an impressive and powerful move. He was pushed a bit backwards, sent rolling by the blow. The Shellos gritted his teeth, but remained up and about. It blinked a few times, and arose from its sleep. "That's what I'm talking about! Move up, and hit him with an Ice Beam!" Sheldon inched a bit closer to Shadow, opened his mouth, and a crystalline beam of ice shot out, hurtling straight towards the Shuppet. Hopefully this'll freeze him and keep him out of it long enough for us to do some more damage!
Shadow flew back, suprised at the sudden attack. He appeared to be frozen, but a second later the intense heat melted it to the point that Shuppet could continue battling. Shadow made eye contact with the Shellose and Glared at it, paralyzing his prey.
Just like that... Seth thought as he watched the grace of his Pokemon.
"See why I chose here now?"Seth jeered at Wyatt.
"Fight it, Sheldon! Use Hidden Power!" The Shellos struggled, and through force of will, managed to overcome its paralysis for this attack. Wyatt's heart leapt at his Pokemon's courage and strength.

(OOC; I dunno how to calculate type and power for Hidden Power, but I put all the types in a randomizer, and set em for a whirl--came out as Dark. Woot! I randomized power levels 10-100, and it came out at 30. Meh. Still super effective.)

The Shellos emitted a dark pulsing light for a minute, then spat out a ball of Dark-type energy at Shadow. It wasn't the most powerful attack, but it would be super-effective.
Seth winced as he saw his Pokemon struck. He needed to get rid of this thing fast
Hypnosis again, then Dream Eater.
Shadow, barely conscious, mentally induced sleep upon the Shellos and began to draw power from the small Shellos on the ground. Feeling revived, Shadow flew up higher up in the stadium.
Shellos woke up after the Dream Eater attack. It was weary from all the damage it had taken, and was panting, visibly tired. "Sheldon, hang in there! Use Surf!" The Shellos swelled up to a large size, and then unleashed a torrent of water at Shadow. Some of it splashed back onto Wyatt, which was a refreshment, considering the heat in this stadium. "This might be it, Sheldon!"