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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

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Hay y'all. Just...gonna...stick this...right here...*grunts to crouch on the floor and slip SU under the door* [/unknowing poet] Also, sorry if it turns out wall-ish. I have an elaboration problem~

Camdyn Garrett Millor


Nickname: Cam, Cammy
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Dorm: Suicune
Appearance: Camdyn stands at a rather decent 5' 9", and has the slender build to complement it, much like that of a runner or a swimmer. His head is topped with a mop of crimson hair; the kind of red that looks ruddy from a distance, but grows more vivid and red-violet the closer you get. It falls in long bangs over his forehead and in places dips into his deep amethyst eyes, which have thin shocks of light lavender running through them, creating a sort of kaleidoscope effect. His eyes are big and bright, and they rest at almost a perfect distance from each other and his small, button nose. There is a splash of freckles across said surface, which are darker than his already caramel complexion. His mouth is usually small, with thin lips and pearly white teeth. There is almost an imperceptible gap between his front teeth, but if you look for more than a few seconds you'll see it there. He has high cheekbones, with a slightly thin face and a small, prominent chin.
His shoulders are somewhat close set, and his arms are long, his fingertips reaching halfway down his thighs. His hands are of average size, and his fingers are long and thing, his ring and little fingers slightly cocked inwards and all with slightly bony knuckles. His torso is somewhat long, as are his legs, which also radiate a spidery grace. His feet, however, are unusually large, and he likes to try to conceal the fact. He likes to wear a variety of garments in his wardrobe, but the most common thing he wears on school grounds is a plain short-sleeved t-shirt with a wide, open collar, and three buttons, somewhat like those of a polo, along with skinny jeans and blue/black checker-patterned slip-on shoes.
Personality: Camdyn is a recluse. There's pretty much no other way to put it. He is kind-hearted and quiet, and quite intelligent to boot. Polite and caring, he'll gladly hold open a door or help with a heavy load. The only problem is, the only words you'll get out of him are "you're welcome"; and that's if you're a lucky one. He doesn't know how to go about a conversation, and has to think about every word he says (or doesn't say). He will never start a conversation on his own, and would rather go on in class silently without a pencil instead of asking someone to borrow one. He's uncomfortable when making an effort to talk to someone, but feels he should hold to a conversation for as long as necessary, and as soon as the opportunity comes up, he'll issue a farewell and keep going about his business. The only people he feels comfortable talking to are those he's been exposed to for extended periods of time, like family and close classmates. Books and solitude, knowledge and learning, have become his paradise and coping mechanism, his comfort and solace, and his curtain behind which to hide from the intimidating world.

It's the social interaction that makes him uncomfortable, but he hates that about it; and so he has come out with a low self-confidence, and usually puts others before himself, doubting his own abilities while also trying his best to overcome it. He's smart enough to understand why he feels how he does; he led a sheltered life, and by the lessened interaction, abrasive childhood friends and arrogant peers, he has developed a self-demeaning mindset, yet he can't shake himself of it. He persists enough, though, that he can maintain a good conversation with peers if they so wish and if he finds the topic interesting. He tries harder every day to become more comfortable with those around him, and it's become easier for him with adults and other students who have things in common or are on the same level as him in terms of personality and maturity. And once you get past his wall, he's a lax person with a kind heart. He laughs a lot, and you'll definitely be able to tell that he's comfortable and happy to be around you.
History: Camdyn was born to Moira Millor (nee Bourdone) and her husband, Vincent Garrett Millor, in Canalave City in the Sinnoh region. Moira, owner and manager of the local Pokemart, and Vincent, head librarian at the famous Canalave Library, made enough in wages to more than support their son and give him all he wanted in life. Vincent, despite being a librarian, was the unstructured and clownish parent, spending a lot of time at home reviewing books for the library and teaching Camdyn about the lore and mysteries of Sinnoh. His mother, then, was disciplined but hotheaded, and very loving and protective towards her son. They lived a quiet life, and for his third birthday they got him an Eevee egg, which hatched almost three months after the occasion, being named Olive when the event occured.

Camdyn was homeschooled by his father on the basic topics of Pokémon training, like status conditions and battles, and he and Olive started to train themselves when the former turned 8. They would go out to the docks, and Vincent would ask the fisherman to fish up a catch they could battle earlier in the morning before he went to the library. Olive would succeed in about 3/4 of her battles against the Pokémon, and after three years' time, they would be battling the fishermen themselves. Olive, being feisty, would be angry at her new success ratio of 1:3, and Camdyn asked his father how Olive could become stronger. He said that she could evolve, and knew that there were many ways for her to evolve. After showing her all the possible evolutions Olive made her pick, and Vincent set out with his son to travel to Eterna Forest on foot, since both got nastily seasick very easily.

They first crossed a bridge over to Jubilife City, where they stayed a night at an inn and Camdyn was challenged by local trainers at the school. It went on like this, with a couple close scraps here and there, and they eventually stopped at an inn on the road, near Eterna Forest. They set out in the early morning to find the Mossy Rock, and Olive led the way, being able now to sense the stone's cool aura. After a few hours of trekking through the forest, they found the rock, and the small Eevee started to feel the hype; she started barking and yipping, irritating nearby Pokémon. A Buneary came out and attacked her, and a surprisingly short battle ensued, since Olive soon evolved into a Leafeon. But then a horde of Dustox swarmed, as in the battle the Pokémon knocked themselves into several trees and ground-level nests. Olive seemed overwhelmed and at a strong disadvantage, but soon the tide was turned as a Buizel from the river near Floaroma Town they had befriended showed up. It turned out that the guy had been following them since their encounter, during which they had given him an extra sandwich neither of them had wanted. He pledged his loyalty to Camdyn and his father as best he could and gained the moniker "Jett."

Camdyn's thirst for knowledge grew with age, and three years after the encounter in Eterna Forest, and was invited to join the Pokémon Trainer Academy. His parents were thrilled to learn that he was accepted by the school ("In the top dorm, even! I'm so proud of you, honey!"), and he set off on the next boat out of Canalave, Olive and Jett accompanying him, all three wondering what would be in store during this next stage in their lives together.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

Species: Leafeon
Nickname: Olive
Personality: Olive is much like Mrs. Millor; she is hotheaded but kind, and very organized. She can't let anyone interrupt her schedule or plans and she gets mad at anyone who doesn't understand what she intends.
Lvl: 29

  • Seed Bomb
  • X-Scissor
  • Iron Tail
  • Swords Dance
  • Tickle
  • Double-Edge (is this okay? Eevee can learn it through move tutor in Gen 3, and I was figuring that's the situation, but if it's not I'll just get rid of it)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

Species: Buizel
Nickname: Jett
Personality: Jett is cool-headed and loyal to a tee. He is also a bit of a trickster, and enjoys purposefully messing with Olive's regiment. He can think through any situation, though isn't by any means the brightest crayon in the box.
Lvl: 25

  • Aqua Jet
  • Ice Fang
  • Dig
  • Brick Break
  • Double Team
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Hey yellow, after Kyle and Calvin finish their battle would it be alright if he bumps into Hilda's expedition group? I was wondering cause there is a lot of time left in the IC day and I was planning on just doing some small stuff in town, but it would help get Kyle involved with other characters if he ran into some people.
@Synthet: I thought and did the same thing. =w=

@Foxrally: A character's appearance tends to reflect their personality if they have the money to be choosy or their history if they're poor (Or at least, it should to some degree), and as such is an essential part of any character. For instance, the character Valorie Ryder presents herself in a flattering manner she believes will please others, and this reflects heavily on her personality.

That being said, a picture is worth a thousand words. I almost never write text descriptions unless I'm describing something particularly interesting about a character's appearance in a post. Fact remains though, you need to put a biiiit more work into your appearance section. The good news is that the rest of your app is good to go!

Neither Megaman nor myself will post replies to an app until we've both talked to eachother over it--unless one of us is missing. It's what generally causes these delays, but that process helps to eliminate mistakes.

@ThatWhiteKid: Approved! Welcome to the roleplay.

@Kanea: Very well. You'll have 3 days to get that suicune dorm app in before the reservation expires.

@Colony: Hmm... The reason we don't throw students arriving later in the day into classes is that when too many RPers are thrust into a small area ICly, people wind up waiting too long for everyone else to post and it just drags everything down. That being said, I'm only aware of 2 of students assigned to Hilda's class having showed up. I suppose it couldn't hurt much... You should be warned that I tend to only post once a day at most. Regardless, go ahead.
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Gotcha. I'm about to run off and start joint posting for another RP. After that, I'll be back to do activity checks, at which point I will likely become aware of your edits and be able to approve you on the spot. The only real way to get denied on one's appearance is to not have one or try really hard to fail. |D So it shouldn't be a big deal if I don't bother getting a second opinion on it.
Edited. Please tell me its good enough. I am bad at descriptive writing. Please, poetry, hebrew, ancient egyptian, anything but descriptive writing!
Hmm...Well, since I'm joining in the middle of first class, and I don't have an assigned one, should I just have Camdyn spend his first day arriving/in town/familiarizing himself with the school/anything? Just asking for advice here as a new player. Thanks~
Everyone in Eggs and Breeding 101 with Lexi Styles: It's been a while since Kezius has posted and my skype messages are not getting through to him. Would you all want to move on from the class or bring in a substitute? We could easily bring in Brock and get this thing moving. This class is how I planned on getting elekid so a substitute would be ideal for me. Up to you all, though.
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EName: Mr. Ace steel (he hates being called a mister, and prefers to be called steel)

Age: 23

Gender: male

Dorm allegiance: entei dorm

Appearence: height-5,6. Skin color-pale. Hair color-eye length, blond. Eyes-green. Clothes-black hoodie with silver poke'ball emblem on the back, black fingerless gloves, red and black shoes, and a silver ring with a red gem, other-a large scarr running down his back.

Job: physical and mental endurence training for trainers and their pokemon.

Personality: ace is very fight loving, energetic, and stubborn person, he beleives that stregth, and power are useful, but willpower and endurence are the most important features, he despises bullies and cowards, but hates quitters most of all, and claims that, in a battle, he would rather be defeated than give up, some say this is cruel to his pokemon, but his friends know that his pokemon feel the same way.

History: he grew up in veridian city, with his constantly sick mother, getting into many fights to protect children from bullies, his mother knew he didn't mean to cause her stress, its in his nature to fight for what he believes in, so on his thirteenth birthday she used the money he saved up to buy one pokeball for him to become a pokemon trainer, on the day he left, he promised to become rich and famous, so that his mother would no longer be sick or poor. Not long after ace left veridian city, ace was searching for his first pokemon to catch, but after hours of searching he found nothing. As he was setting up a makeshift campsite, he heard a strange noise coming from a clearing and decided to investigate, what he found was a baby aron being brutally beaten by a wild scyther, the aron was badly wounded and wouldn't last much longer, in a desperate move to save the young pokemon, he threw himself inbetween the two pokemon. The resulting attack wasnt deep enough to kill him but it was however enough to scarr him. After the attack the scyther seemed confused by his interference and stalked off. Ace used this time to getaway and find a pokemon center, he almost lost hope of finding one until he broke through the thick foilage of the trees to find the familiar red and white colors of a pokemon center, he rushed the wounded pokemon through the doors of the pokemon center just in time to collapse from his loss of blood. Ace woke up a day later to find the himself in a hospital bed in the back of the pokecenter with a dull pain on his back, he turned his head to see the pokemon he saved sleeping at the edge of his bed, he asked nurse joy how long it had been there and she told him that it had stayed by his side the the entire time, ace was surprised by this pokemons kinddness and thaught it was funny for that little pokemon to ignore the nurses wishes like that, then a thaught crossed his mindA Does the aron have parents? The nurse shook her head and told him that it was abbandonned by its parents, ace then asked if it were possible for him to take care of the young aron, the nurse nodded and asked if he was sure about his decision, ace nodded in merely nodded in reply. Ace was happy to have his first pokemon, even if it did cause him injury in the process, as the young aron looked at his new trainer with fiery determination, and exitement in his eyes ace decided to name him rebel becouse of his stubborn attitude. With new determination, ace continued on his jouney with his new partner. After years of hard fought gym battles and adventures, ace had gained 5 more pokemon non his journeys with rebel, but was still no closer to his goal. One day as ace was heading to his hotel after a long day of trainer battles, ace heard about a job opening at a pokemon academy, and out of curiosity, decided to look into it.

Pokemon: aggron (rebel) male level 53
Arcanine (glory) female level 48
Arbok (patience) male level 44
Garadoase (freedom) male level 46

Moves: rebel-irontail, metalclaw, skullbash, hyperbeam, harden, earthquake, rocktomb
Glory-fireblast, flamewheel, roar, bite, tackle, overheat,
Patience-poisonfang, coil, glare, sludge, hyperfang, substitute
Freebom-surf, hydro-pump, dragon-rage, crunch, fly, bodyslam

Other info: all of aces pokemon have a story behind their nicknames. Ace got the scar on his back from an angry scyther, while protecting a baby aron. Even though ace is almost as young as the students at the academy, what he lacks in age, and wisdom, he makes up for in experience and skill. Although he's a teacher, ironicly enough ace hates authority, and hates being reminded that he has to follow rules just like everyone else. Many students wonder how ace got his ring, but he
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Everyone in Eggs and Breeding 101 with Lexi Styles: It's been a while since Kezius has posted and my skype messages are not getting through to him. Would you all want to move on from the class or bring in a substitute? We could easily bring in Brock and get this thing moving. This class is how I planned on getting elekid so a substitute would be ideal for me. Up to you all, though.

If you'd like to take over for the class and bring in an NPC I'm not against it. Nobody should wait on anyone :p
If you'd like to take over for the class and bring in an NPC I'm not against it. Nobody should wait on anyone :p

Was wanting to see what the rest of the class would want to do. I think only Somniac is active so will wait on input, then will happily take over.. or not. Haha.
Name: Rowan Lloyd.

Dorm: Suicine Dorm.

Age: 15.

Sex: Male.


Rowan is very tall for his age standing at a height of 5'11 feet. He has skin that is slightly tanned and a good physique. He has eyes that are a sort of vibrant grey in and neatly kept black hair. He is always neatly dressed and normally wears a spotless T-shirt green, blue or black in color with a jacket along with jeans. During formal occasions he will wear a lawyer type suit with a red tie and black pants. During school time he carries a green bagpack containing all his supplies and books. He also wears a belt around his waist where he carries his pokeballs.


Rowan is a very intelligent and smart young lad. He Is also very good in games. However, his main weakness is that he is ridiculously lazy. He always shirks work and spends his time reading adventure stories. If you want him to do a job for you, you will not find him anywhere, but if there's the slightest mention of an adventure then he'll appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Another one of his disadvantages is that he is obsessed about his wadrobe. He will never go anywhere 'imperfectly' dressed. Even if he wears old clothes, he will make sure that he looks good. He is however, a very kind kid who never loses his temper. Rowan is always looking out for people in need and will not hesitate to put his life on the line just to help others. He is also very loyal to his friends. Rowan hates evil and will always fight for the good. Rowan can be very absent-minded at times. Once for example he left his coat down after playing soccer and had to get it at about 10 in the night.


Rowan was born to a rich couple in Sinnoh. His father was a famous farmer and was great friends with Prof. Rowan who helped them to gain the land on which their farm was situated. They were great admirers of Prof. Rowan and when they had a baby boy they named him 'Rowan' after the great professor. Rowan soon had a sister when he was four.

Rowan had a great childhood. He went to school in the morning, finished his homework and studying within an hourand then he went to play with the pokemon in the barn right up till the night. During his summer vacations Rowan would spend some time working in the farm. Rowan was an excellent student always scoring straight 'A's one after the other. One day, when he was 8 a baby Tauros was born in the farm. Rowan was delighted and named the Tauros 'Max'. Thus began a great friendship between the two. Rowan started shirking work to play with Max and to watch pokemon battles when he was 12. His father got worried and after a lot of talks with Rowan his father finally decided finally decided to let him go on a pokemon journey when Rowan was 14.

Rowan thrashed the first gym easily with Max. Just before reaching Eterna City he caught a proud and arrogant Buizel whom he named 'Admiral'. He easily beat Gardenia and moved on to Hearthome City. Here he managed to beat Fantina with Admiral and he moved on to Pastoria City, deciding that he could find many pokemon there. He was right and over there he caught a Croagunk whom he named 'Rupert'. He travelled on and came to Veilstone cIty where Admiral evolved into a Floatzel. Rowan challenged Maylene but after a close battle Lucario triumphed over Rowan's Tauros. Rowan was dejected and after seeing him Maylene suggested that he apply for the Pokemon Trainer Academy. Victor immediately jumped at the idea and sent his application to the Academy. Rowan was not only accepted but was also sent to the Suicine Dorm.


[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

Nickname: Max

Personality: Max like most Tauros's is hot headed and strong. He has a short temper and is a very difficult opponent to defeat.

Level: 30.


Zen Headbutt

Work Up

Stone Edge


Wild Charge

Iron Head.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

Nickname: Admiral.

Level: 30.

Personality: Admiral is a very proud and arrogant Floatzel. He is very strong and till now there has been one battle which he lost in.



Ice Punch

Aqua Jet

Brick Break

Aqua Tail


[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Trainer Academy (OOC) (NEW!)

Nickname: Rupert.

Personality: Rupert is very quiet most of the time and acts perfectly emotionless.

Level: 24.


Poison Jab

Brick Break

Fake Out

Sucker Punch


Double Team.
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Was wanting to see what the rest of the class would want to do. I think only Somniac is active so will wait on input, then will happily take over.. or not. Haha.

Whatever is chosen, your efforts and help is much appreciated!

Edit: Someone is a massive fool and didn't check the IC thread before posting; not naming anyone of course.
That someone is writing up a post for Gwen now and it'll be up tonight.
@Somniac: I just imagined you saying that in the voices of about 15 different old timey antagonists including Dr. Doom, The Wicked Witch of the West, Megatron, and Franziska von Karma.

@Kanea: You're approved. Welcome to the RP. =3
@Somniac: I just imagined you saying that in the voices of about 15 different old timey antagonists including Dr. Doom, The Wicked Witch of the West, Megatron, and Franziska von Karma.

Ah, but sadly my silly accent is unlikely to go intimidating anyone, that and my high-pitched voice and small stature. Still, one can dream eh?

Anywhizzle; posted for Gwen, interested to see what Brock will do with the class!
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been keeping up to date with things. Can I get a sum up of what I missed?
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