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The Plot Bunny Thread

Is Fire Emblem: Conjoinst Souls something that you'd be interested in reading?

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I'm wondering, what role does the main character play? Is he just there to narrate events? Does he determine the outcome of the war? Is the revenge bit relevant?

Frankly, I can't imagine how Team Aqua and Team Magma could start a full-scale war. Each team is a criminal organization with goals that are supposedly benevolent but, in the final analysis, kind of absurd. What would make me, an ordinary civilian, take up arms and join their cause?
I'm also confused as to why everyone is fighting in the war. I know it seems more epic to include everyone and their Growlithe in wars, but there's still a need for the common everyday person to do their job, even in wartime. Soldiers need weapons, everyone needs food. And heck, medical care is needed if people/Pokemon are fighting.

And as Rabbit said, why would people join the cause? What would make someone think "Oh, we definitely need way more water to live!"

If you're looking for a beta reader, there's a thread stickied in this forum just for that purpose.
You're forgetting the fact that the Pokemon are probably the weapons. But everything else still holds.

People don't join war for the sake of war. Propaganda, occupation, threats, incentives... All of that plays a factor. And you also have the anti-war folks, and the neutral folks.

Everyone needs a motive.

For an easy way out, remember some people simply enjoy killing. That's how my protagonist got supporters. You find a warlord who likes breaking things, and convince them to join. They bring their vassals/servants. Hooray!
Ok guys, I have a couple ideas to run by you:

1. A small island town is about to experience a hurricane. A Pikachu who get's lost from her family befriends a trainer who decides to seek shelter at the local Lighthouse. Upon entering they discover an ancient secret, having to do with Lanturn, Relicanth, and the birth of the ocean...

2. Okay, my main question with this is should it be a story or an RP? I can't really decide. The town of Cinnabar Island is struck with fear. There have been sightings. Sightings of something so strange, so otherworldly, so terrifying that it peirces their hearts with fear at the mere name of it. Some say it's nothing more than mass hysteria. But after one boy's father get's killed by it, he knows he'll have to unravel the secret of: The Cinnabar Anomaly. Yes, I stole the name from the fanon Pokedex, don't judge me.

Please tell me what you guys think! Feel free to critiscise as you please. I am excited to hear any and all thoughts you wish to say!

With all regards,

You're forgetting the fact that the Pokemon are probably the weapons.
There have been canon instances of war where the humans fought, either against or with Pokemon. Trainers might fight one another while their Pokemon are fighting, or there just might be Pokemon-less humans who want to fight.

Besides, take a look at pictures from any war in the Pokemon world. Humans and Pokemon are wearing armor, and you need someone still to make and repair that. Same with medicine and food. If just the Pokemon are fighting, then there's still Centers that should be kept running, medicine that should still be produced for quick healing, and food that should be produced.

Which is all that I was thinking of when I said that not everyone can actually be fighting.

ChrisTom posted while I did, so that's why I didn't respond to him. That, and I need to go soon.
1. A small island town is about to experience a hurricane. A Pikachu who get's lost from her family befriends a trainer who decides to seek shelter at the local Lighthouse. Upon entering they discover an ancient secret, having to do with Lanturn, Relicanth, and the birth of the ocean...

Doesn't sound too bad. Of course, the concept hinges on what the secret is and where you go from there, given the fact that this discovery (of the secret at least) seems like the beginning of the story.

2. Okay, my main question with this is should it be a story or an RP? I can't really decide. The town of Cinnabar Island is struck with fear. There have been sightings. Sightings of something so strange, so otherworldly, so terrifying that it peirces their hearts with fear at the mere name of it. Some say it's nothing more than mass hysteria. But after one boy's father get's killed by it, he knows he'll have to unravel the secret of: The Cinnabar Anomaly. Yes, I stole the name from the fanon Pokedex, don't judge me.

Because you're really focusing on only one person's perspective of the events, it's probably best to leave it as a story. An RP would require you to open up the possibility for other people to jump in and want to investigate this mystery. Given the fact that this is a mystery that might actually require you to link that death with the sightings (because I'm not sure if the boy would watch his father get killed by a monster and be completely stable after that -- not to mention I'm not sure how many people would believe him if he said his father was killed by said monster), it seems like more of a private investigation, rather than something just anyone can jump into with their own characters (even if you tried to limit the cast to a handful of open slots).

Long story short, it's a murder mystery about a boy trying to connect his father's death with strange sightings of a monster that may or may not actually exist. It would, as a consequence, probably focus on that boy's quest to discover the truth because the circumstances of the death would most likely be incredibly shady.
Well JXValentine, my idea for the Cinnabar Anamoly would be that if it was an RP that it would be like you said: people coming in and trying to solve the case. I would tell the participants that they are from various parts of the Pokemon World and that all of them are sort of "Detectives". If you'd like me to show you more of the story-in-progress please PM me. I will even spoil the juicy deets to you if recquisitioned.
Even so, your story seems to revolve most around a single character, and it seems to be built on paranormal investigation, not just your average CSI. This means that it will have more emotional impact (and therefore allow for more character development) for a single character and not your outlying detectives because it's related most to the kid's father.

Additionally, as I've said above, your detectives will most likely be paranormal investigators because they're getting into purported sightings of an unknown creature. Think about how seriously a lot of people take alien or ghost hunters in the real world. You have people who do, but for the most part, not everyone does. This means the investigation will be harder for your detectives, even to the point of potentially causing your main character to mistrust them a little. I mean, if someone came up to you and said they completely believe your story about how your father was killed by something everyone else says doesn't exist, how would you react?
Oh yeah. Boscombe Valley's pretty good itself, although my favorite would probably be Scandal in Bohemia. I'd say why, but it'd be a spoiler.

But yes. Mystery isn't an easy genre to work with. While it's great when it's pulled off, you'll need to think about every last detail and every last step, which is something else I didn't actually bring up. In order to make the mystery reach the conclusion you want, you'll have to have not only the ending planned out in detail but also every last step that gets to it. While it's possible to have an RPG like this (if you used the "storybook" format and advanced the plot only when certain conditions are met for each chapter), you'll need tighter control over your players than normal if you want them to notice all the clues -- including the way all NPCs behave with regards to this mystery -- you've had in mind. Actually, Sherlock Holmes should be a good example of this, so definitely keep reading and take note on how Holmes picks up on the tiniest details that eventually lend to the way he solves this mystery. Feel free to use Doyle as a springboard for ideas on how to work in the subtle details you'll want for that climactic conclusion.

If you're dealing with paranormal investigations (because you very well could turn around and say, "No, really, it was just a guy who killed this kid's father."), it's even taking it a step up because you're going to have to figure out how to get these characters to arrive to the conclusion that it's not just some person who did the murdering. This would require convincing not just the cast but also the reader -- who might be expecting a Scooby-Doo-style "man in a mask" conclusion -- that it really is that mysterious creature lurking on the sides of the shores.

Good luck either way.
Well the story isn't so much Mystery as it is Paranormal. I really wanted to focus on the Anamoly itself. I make it very clear that this Anamoly is real, so it's more about the kid finding out what in heaven's name it is. I do want it to have a feeling slightly akin to your "Man in the mask" thing, but just a little bit to where the reader might be thinking some person's controlling it. I also was hoping to try and lean in on the Horror Genre as the death was caused by, well... I'd like to send you a copy of a rough draft for the first chapter if that's alright. Please let me know. Thanks again.

With all regards,

While it's interesting to have a Pokémon-focused epidemic wipe out the Pokémon population, you'll want to think of a couple of things:

1. Eight to ten years' incubation time isn't really a "quick and aggressive" spread of a virus. This is assuming you didn't mean it mutated in eight to ten years (i.e., assuming that you meant that each Pokémon died within eight to ten years after receiving the Pokérus virus). For a comparison, try looking up the Black Death, which killed roughly a third of Europe's population within two years. The course of the disease (at least, from the time of contraction to the time of death) was only about a week, and this was bacterial-based. Viruses like the flu can be up to half that time. Of course, a virus can have any variety of symptoms (which in turn could mean it could detected at any length of time -- including, in some cases, not at all), but if you want your virus to be a deadly epidemic, it always helps to do some research into historical epidemics to figure out how to make yours a bit more believable.

I wasn't too detailed earlier. I tend to miss things when typing on a Wii. When I say quick and aggressive, I mean that the virus infects Pokemon on contact, and the beneficial side is almost instantly activated. Basically, it's a normal Pokerus Virus... With fatal effects much later on.

2. Also, think about how this virus is transmitted. If it was given to trainers only via injection, unless it mutated into a more contagious form fairly quickly, wild Pokémon probably went untouched unless this concentrated 'rus displays the same behavior as Pokérus itself (i.e., contagious through skin-to-skin contact).

Yeah, like I said above, it spreads on contact, and all Pokemon would be affected sooner or later.

3. Ecology. Pokémon represent a huge part of the ecology of that world, with some (legendaries) even being embodiments of nature itself. If you wipe out several hundred species all at once, you're risking throwing the balance of nature off, which would no doubt result in horrific things happening to the environment and to humanity itself. Be careful.

Yeah, I understand Legendaries being important for controlling certain aspects of the world. I was planning on having them in a hibernative status, trying to combat the Pokerus effects they contracted, or just not interacting with the world.

4. Remember that this is a virus, one that (in the present of the games, at least) isn't well researched to begin with. You'll have to ask the question of how many people would be willing to infect their Pokémon with a virus -- and, of course, whether or not this is a moot point, considering point #2.

The scientist would have studied Pokerus for a while, saw its beneficial effects, and try to recreate it. New or power hungry trainers would've used the Pokerus to get stronger, not considering the consequences. More skeptical trainers would have had their Pokemon contract it through battles or interaction regardless.

In other words, viruses aren't bad for a concept, but I'm just saying put a lot of thought into it. You could potentially come out with something interesting (like a post-apocalyptic hell); it just depends on how you handle the virus.

As for the rest of the concept, I can't say too much that you'll probably answer within your fic as it is. For example, did the humans magically get these abilities, or is it a new step in human evolution? (This would classify your fic as either a fantasy or a sci-fi piece.) Considering the human race has been living without Pokémon for roughly three centuries, would the Institute have the technology to take over the world without the PokéSpirits? (This question would mean that the army would actually be pretty pointless. As in, the human race would have moved away from depending on Pokémon powers and towards relying on technological weaponry, which in three centuries could have advanced to the point where an untrained piece of flesh would be laughed at by a robot with a nice gun. In other words, who would the Institute be fighting against, and would it be worth it to them to capture and enslave mutants as opposed to building bigger robots and either eradicating the mutants -- if they thought the Spirits would pose a remote threat to said robots -- or just ignoring them?)

I don't want to give too much away, but the PokeSpirits can be considered the first step to reviving Pokemon through complex means.
As for technology, given the overall lack of weapons the games seem to have, and how evil plots seem to revolve around Legendary Pokemon (Which everyone believes is dead) No one sees any real point in fighting with no overwhelming power to back up their group. However, seeing as a lack of weapons is pretty stupid, I could try shortening the time that the world's spent without Pokemon to about... fifty years? The world would be on a slow decline to ruin, and may make it easier to write about.

On that note, I don't know. There's a lot of fics/RPs out there that entail "I have a special group of people with special powers, and there's someone out there who wants to use these people to take over the world." This is actually part of the reason why I'm telling you to think about these questions and concepts and figure out where things might need to be tweaked. It's an interesting idea on the surface, but if you don't ask these kinds of things, you may run into problems with cliché or WTFery.

Good luck though.

I'd like to send you a copy of a rough draft for the first chapter if that's alright. Please let me know. Thanks again.

Sure. Fine by me.

When I say quick and aggressive, I mean that the virus infects Pokemon on contact, and the beneficial side is almost instantly activated.

In that case, it's not aggressive. An aggressive virus would be if the negative effects kicked in right away unless you consider what it's doing to be beneficial (i.e., strengthen a Pokémon physically) to be an unintended side-effect of an attack on the victims' immune system.

Yeah, like I said above, it spreads on contact, and all Pokemon would be affected sooner or later.

Also keep in mind several things I said earlier. First off, it's doubtful that all trainers would rush out to get the virus applied to their Pokémon. Remember, it's primarily considered a virus -- a disease. On top of that, in many canon continuities, amping up your Pokémon artificially isn't exactly taken lightly. (The anime, for example, encourages in numbers of episodes that it's pure training that gets Pokémon to be strong, not necessarily artificial boosters. Hence a lot of Ash's special training. Poké Special, if I recall correctly, is pretty similar in this regard -- or at least the people who go out to amp up their Pokémon's power artificially are the gullible ones, given how Blue comes into the story. While the games allow and encourage the PC to do it, people like Karen also imply that training isn't necessarily about having the most powerful Pokémon around.)

On top of that, not a lot of Pokémon are easily accessible. Legendaries like Ho-oh, for example, need to be summoned in order to make an appearance towards humans, and numbers of others (like the Lake Guardians) are sealed away in manners that make it extremely difficult to access them. It was only part of the game's plot that a single PC did.

Then, of course, you've got places like Mt. Silver, which is heavily restricted in terms of access in the first place. It'd be highly doubtful that the Pokémon League, who runs the guard post just before the route to that place, would allow trainers through if their Pokémon were on the equivalent of steroids.

Of course, this also brings up a couple of other good points I'd forgotten earlier:

1. Not everyone reacts to a disease the same way, and not every disease is a death sentence. For example, there have been people who had survived every flu epidemic in history. Given how many Pokémon there are in the world (i.e., how it's unlikely that they all got infected within the first year, given that this is limited to contact only), chances are, someone would have done more research into the disease before the fatalities kicked in or during the epidemic to develop medicines and vaccines to combat the illness.
1a. That and unless the milder form of Pokérus behaves completely differently and is genetically different to the concentrated form, you've already got a number of Pokémon who would be immune to it, just on the virtue of having had the virus already. (This goes especially for a fic that's using game canon.)

2. Not everyone reacts to a disease the same way. Sure, it sounds like a repeat point, but remember that everyone's immune system is different. This includes every immune system between non-humans, too. If Pokémon start dying early because of the disease, there will probably be a lot of investigation as to why, especially if the disease is pretty obvious by then (which it probably would be if you've got something that's perfectly healthy just keel over due to organ failure).
2a. As a side note, this is why I really don't think eight to ten years is viable for an incubation period. Diseases mutate extremely quickly. For example, the flu virus mutates as quickly as once a year, which is why you have to get a new vaccination annually. Bacteria is the same way; it's not unusual for antimicrobial-resistant strains to pop up just because you use hand sanitizer on a constant basis. (This sounds paranoid, but it actually isn't.)

Actually, to help you understand how a virus might work, I'd recommend playing this game. Granted, it assumes that the disease you're creating is a lot like the flu, but it should give you an idea of how quickly something like that might spread if only a small population has it in the first place.

Alternatively, if you can, try to find Stephen King's short story "The End of the Whole Mess" because it's essentially a lot like the story you're pitching, only with people, a shorter incubation period, and a pretty good reason for why something this dangerous would be released on nature.

3. Even beyond that, you'll probably have issues with the Pokémon League. Remember, it's like a sports league, so most likely, they'll put serious regulations into place because it'd be a lot like taking steroids (ones whose risks haven't been fully researched). It might actually be illegal to use the Pokérus enhancement, or they'd simply try to come up with major restrictions on its use. Whatever they do should be an issue you'll want to think about as well.

Yeah, I understand Legendaries being important for controlling certain aspects of the world.

I'm not just talking about legendaries, either. When you wipe out multiple huge populations of anything, there's going to be some serious repercussions on the environment as a whole. For example, think about what would happen if all of the insects in the world suddenly disappeared. Very little would get pollinated, for one thing, which means massive amounts of plants would die off right there. Then, of course, they're a major part of the food chain, which means massive other species would die off. It would leave a huge impact on humans because a huge chunk of what we eat and take for granted are either pollinated by or fed by insects.

Pokémon's the same way, only even more so because the humans in that world not only acknowledge their dependence on them but also go out of their way to make it so that their ordinary lives intertwine with Pokémon in some fashion. Removing these supports would be a lot like finding a house on stilts and then taking a sledgehammer to its supports. Considering how many species there are in that world and how humans have always been at a point where they literally cannot function without Pokémon being some part of their lives, it's actually questionable as to whether humans would actually survive that kind of mass-extinction.

The scientist would have studied Pokerus for a while, saw its beneficial effects, and try to recreate it.

This is why I'm recommending that you find a way to read "The End of the Whole Mess" if you can -- because thorough testing after screwing around with things that occur in nature on a genetic level is extremely important. (Considering the way today's general microbiology works, yes, you could probably figure out how much of a risk mutation and fatalism could be in a virus.)

As for technology, given the overall lack of weapons the games seem to have, and how evil plots seem to revolve around Legendary Pokemon (Which everyone believes is dead) No one sees any real point in fighting with no overwhelming power to back up their group.

I know you admit later that a lack of weapons might be a plot hole, but I'd just like to say that the only reason why they don't have conventional weapons in the games is because Pokémon are the weapons. Put it this way: imagine Earth as it is today. Now, have every gun just abruptly disappear. Just because the guns are gone doesn't mean the wars in this world will magically end. It's just that the military will have to figure out a completely new way of fighting to maintain power.

Moreover, it should be noted that not every evil team's goal necessarily needs legendary Pokémon. Sure, you've got Teams Magma and Aqua, which hinge on the idea that Kyogre and Groudon will help them. However, Team Rocket's goal is simply to take over the world. It's just that legendary Pokémon would have been an easy way to get firepower to reach that. However, without legendary Pokémon, Team Rocket will still want to take over the world and maintain their power over people. So, what's the most logical thing to do? Come up with a way to stabilize their hold on society, and come up with this way as quickly as possible. Chances are, they'll be quick on the uptake when it comes to developing weapons. They might not be the same as real-world weapons (although if the anime and manga canon has anything to say about it, they've already got firearms and other advanced killing technology), but they'd do it if they wanted to keep going for their goal to be a major threat to, well, anyone.

Moreover, you've still got the Pokémon world's militaries to worry about. As Astinus pointed out about someone else's "everyone's in a war" idea, there's still wars being fought in the Pokémon world. (Lt. Surge should be evidence enough for this, as should his gym trainers.) No one ever said that Pokémon are the only weapons being used in combat, just that they make things easier. Once Pokémon are gone, though, you'll still have those military-versus-whoever combats, and you'll still need some kind of weapon in order to avoid getting annihilated by whatever world power comes to threaten you. After all, unless the Pokémon world's people are somehow devoid of basic human instinct, this race has the tendency to get territorial and violent. In the history of mankind, there has been no group of people who have not seen some form of combat (hunting, tribal wars, whatever). So, of course, it's going to continue, and of course, humans will want to make sure their fraction of the species is more powerful than some other fraction of the species.

Or putting it in simpler terms, the human race in reality could have just decided there would be no real point advancing themselves when everyone just had clubs and bows and arrows. However, we had to advance because we're pissants who like fighting each other with ridiculous amounts of force.

So, yeah, even if you give them fifty years, someone will probably scramble to advance weapon technology upon seeing how this world might just descend into chaos due to the mass-extinction of Pokémon. Gotta keep order somehow, after all.

In short, yeah, keep thinking about it.
Tell Me What You Think :)

Ok well i started on this a while back but ive been so busy i didnt get it completed, then i reset my computer so i lost it QQ. Anyways i just wanted to ask you all if you could rate this story plot. The name of the Story is called Leeds City Boys.

Ok so basically the plot centers around 4 main characters. Ryan, Mark, Scott and Racheal. Ryan and Mark are best freinds, Scott is Ryan's brother and Racheal is Mark's sister. Ryan, Mark and Racheal go to the same college as each other. Ryan is in love with Racheal but Mark dosent know. Anyways thats the basic outline of the characters :P

The storyline is:

One day Ryan comes home from college and switches the News on. He sees a big headline flashing at him about the increased number of gangs been formed in his hometown of Leeds. He gets a brilliant flash of inspiration to create his own gang to combat the gangs already been made. He tells Mark this and Mark goes along with the idea. They recruit some people and grow very quickly. They name thier gang "Leeds City Boys" or "LCB" for short. But then they get greedy with power. The LCB turns into the very thing they were trying to stop. With Money, Power, Fear and Respect on thier side nothing will stop them from terrorizing Leeds. They quickly rise through the ranks to become one of the most feared gangs in Leeds. They now have to make a choice. Either continue on the path there on and wind up dead or stop now well they still have time and go back to what the LCB was originally formed to do: Stop gangs terrorising the city. Will Ryan have the willpower to call it quits?
@TLM Nice! It looks quite awesome! But Racheal needs more time. She just looks like a little random addition.
@Neelh Thanks! :) Its my first story plot so its nice to hear some good feedback. Hmm yeah your right about that ill give her some more time in the story :D
(Original Fiction) Paleo Rage

I have had this idea in my head for YEARS (before I even joined PC), and it shares some similarities with Dinosaur King (but I've had this idea before I even heard of it), along with Digimon, Pokemon, and multiple other series that would take too long to list. It's about time I put it down on a board to see what you guys think.

The year is 2040 and our world has been aligned with another, one with species extinct in our own world, but there's a catch: Each of these species have one of ten elemental groups (Fire, Light, Ice, Air, Electric, Ground, Nature, Water, Metal, and Darkness), one of two alignment classes (Positive and Negative), and can use telepathy to communicate with chosen few humans. Time travel exists now, but has not yet been truly perfected by scientists, and therefore is a secret kept by a select group of organizations, but they plan to give it out to other groups 5 years later.

In the "World of the Lost Species", as some have improperly dubbed it, a conflict is beginning, and ten human teenagers from our have teamed up with an individual of a species from the other, to save both worlds from their ultimate destruction.

The ten chosen creatures (Element) Nickname [Species]
(Fire) Blaze [Tyrannosaurus Rex]
(Light) Kari [Dimetrodon]
(Ice) Glacia [Woolly Mammoth]
(Air) Zephyr [Quetzalcoatlus]
(Electric) Shocker [Phorusrhacos]
(Ground) Terra [Baluchitherium]
(Nature) Verde [Triceratops]
(Water) Marina [Icthyostega]
(Metal) Crunch [Smilodon Fatalis]
(Darkness) Leroy [Stegosaurus]

(Their humans allies will be revealed later, because I can't remember them or find the paper I wrote them down on)
@ Digimon Kaiser: It's not bad in terms of a concept, but the problem is, right now, it's vague and generic. As in, it pretty much sounds a lot like every season of Digimon coupled with Dino King and maybe (if you squint) Spider Riders. That's not to say it's a bad idea. It's really all in what you do with it beyond that point.

Right now, you've mentioned an organization that's keeping time travel a secret, but we don't know how that ties in with the story of the two worlds coming together. (I'm personally thinking the fact that you're writing about dinosaurs is a hint, but I can't even be too sure here.) Likewise, you mention a conflict, but a conflict can be anything from an all-out war between countries in the other world or a race to stop an evil dinosaur from destroying/taking over both worlds or a race to stop the mystery organization from abusing their ability to time travel. We don't really know, and that's really where the meat of the story will be. You can have really awesome ideas for monsters and magical worlds, but your story can fall apart with the plot concept (which is more than just "teens are pairing up with dinosaur partners").
I have this idea of a Pokémorph fanfic. It takes place in a world where all the Pokémon were killed by an accidental release of an experimental GM virus. The same virus messed up with the DNA of humans, giving them the power to morph, at the price of a halved lifespan. There will be war for a certain something. A cure, perhaps?

I need help with the battle system. What will a one-on-one battle resemble? How will strategies change if only one Pokémon is used? How should I implement the traditional six-on-six battle?

In short, what do you think can happen in a world where only Pokémorphs are the intelligent life form?