Lilligant's Caretaker
- 239
- Posts
- 12
- Years
- The Windy Forest
- Seen Mar 9, 2022
We'd probably make a good pair, since I'm always support bottom lane and you are an AD Carry. Do you like Graves, Corki, Sivir and Vayne? They are pretty amazing, but Tristana is good as well of course. I just notice those 4 are the most common (especially Taric+Graves and Sivir+Soraka).
Having a smart team (Jungler especially) is very important too though, nothing like getting dived bombed by a Pantheon onto my tower and a Malphite teleporting from his top lane in the brush to gank my bottom lane. That happened in my last game. :( It was pretty well planned- the Pantheon landed, stunned/exhausted me, then Malphite ulted/exhasuted our AD Carry (needless to say we both died almost instantly), then they proceeded to kill our tower. X_X
Having a smart team (Jungler especially) is very important too though, nothing like getting dived bombed by a Pantheon onto my tower and a Malphite teleporting from his top lane in the brush to gank my bottom lane. That happened in my last game. :( It was pretty well planned- the Pantheon landed, stunned/exhausted me, then Malphite ulted/exhasuted our AD Carry (needless to say we both died almost instantly), then they proceeded to kill our tower. X_X
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