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ooc; POP! Panic Shuffle! [PG-13]

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Oh, I wasn't sure if that was canon or not~ xD

What'll be your room number, m'dear fine gentlemen?

edit; Oh! EureKa, go ahead and post! You're accepted! ^^
My first post is up! I hope I have enough skill to RP with you guys. Oh, and Loki, me and Wilt should be rooming together, so you might want to add us to that list of yours. The room number is 25.

Btw, thanks a lot for the map. I like organization too and it really helps.
You're very welcome for the map! :D I'll probably add few things every now and then. I've already added the cobblestone, but I'm too lazy to re-upload it. Maybe I'll draw a bit of the surrounding town this weekend or something~

Oyadood, we gawtz dem crazie skillz or sumthin. ;D *FISH'd*

Lardee dar dar~

Boys Dorm

8. Dean Caldwell, Heath Grayson
13. Brad Matthews VII, ???
25. Jamal Robinson, Fabian O'Brien
72. Edmund Elton, ???
73. Leberecht Pascal, Rémi LaClaire

Girls Dorm

21. Corrine LaClaire, Alina Lenoir
27. Illyabera Jannet Evangard, Luce Fulvio

Female Dorm Heads; Candace Schiferl, Brigitta Lovell, Elizabeth Noman
Male Dorm Heads; Derek Mendius, Eric Bovino, Matthew Clicke

;3 I will describe dorm heads as they appear. In the meantime, if you need any disciplinary action for your students, please feel free to make up any sort of teacher you'd like. Mean, nice, fat, skinny, tall, short, dwarf, giant, muscle-man, nerdy-geek, whatever you want. Go for it. :B
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Trainer Kat; Yeah, the whole "Dean is with Heath" part just flew out of my brain when I was doing that list. xDDD I'm having trouble connecting Dean and Heath for some reason. *SHOT'd* Fixed it though. ^^

Ayumi-chan; I already answered you via PM, but yeah, extended time for you~
Phanima will be joining us with my permission, albeit a little late~

Ah yes, thank you for allowing me to sign up Loki, I am eternally grateful. :P Now I better start reading through the RP to catch up, that is, if I'm accepted. ^^;

Not sure if you wanted me to PM you my sign-up, but I guess I'll just post it here anyway.

Name: Christina Arma

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: 12

Appearance: Chris' appearance is one of perculiar variation. She has one of those faces where her looks seem to reflect her personality and mood, which at times, can be somewhat strained and unappealing. But despite this, she does her best to look her best, always, and for most of the time, it shows.

Indifferent to whether she's wearing her uniform or not, her physical apperance often remains the same, with the exception of her hair, which she modifies daily. Long, thin and black, Chris more often than not ties her hair up in a ponytail or bun, pig-tails being her favourite; it gives her a devilishly cute look, which she uses to coo whoever she needs to for whatever reason she has. On the accessory side of things, most of them mean very little to her, as she usually sticks to conventional add ons that are easily accessible, usuable and disposable. They're something she finds to be quite annoying, since they can often distract attention away from her face and figure, which despite her claims of being easily managed, are actually very troublesome.
Her eyes are sharp but bright, adding to her "devilishly cute" appearance, and are of a deep lavendar shade. She has a cute button nose that pokes up over her short full lips, which are often adorned in clear lip-gloss. The contour of her face is generally rounded, but an evident "V" jaw line can also be seen. She also has a slight tan across her light olive complexion.

Onto her physique, Chris has a body of a healthy teenage girl with just a little extra around the edges; namely in her waist and thighs, something she's not exactly fond of and is often distracted by. She finds it to be her one and only fault and is continually trying to keep her weight and size in check; a rather cliche habbit, but a realistic one nonetheless. She wasn't always superficial but she learnt to be, and because of it, she considers herself to be one of the best looking girls on campus. In retrospec, Chris is definitely quite an attractive girl, but her attitude is something else to be desired.

In addition to her general physical appearance and school attire, her going out clothes are much like her hair, in the fact that they change every weekened, or whenever she's able to go out. But in terms of her favourite setup of clothing, she normally adopts a pair of leg hugging denim jeans, often black in colour; a long sleeve, white collar, button dress shirt with its sleeves stylishly torn off at the shoulders and its cuffs left wrapped around the wirsts; a pair of black high-top sneakers checkered with a black and white diamond pattern; and her hair tied up in her custom pig-tails.

Personality: What can be said about Chris? Well, in short, she's spoilt; up tight, vindictive, cruel, manipulative, stubborn, determined, intelligent and an all round, rotten to the core of a person. Of course, she also has the uncanny ability to falsefy herself depending on the people she's interacting with, such as when being confronted by a teacher, her attitude becomes much more calm and collected, even sweet to an extent, whereas when she's amongst friends and fellow peers, her true persona comes out; the unseen hate-the-world attitude she's developed through years of rejection and being put down.

However, even Chris used to have a nice side, despite it now being buried down deep inside her. But every once in a while, she often has rare moments that are quite out of character; random acts of kindness, breakdowns, and even the occassional pining for another person's company. Such vulnerability of course, is kept extremely under wraps and is only ever divulged to her closest friends, or who she thinks are her friends but really aren't. Being found out is most probably her biggest fear and shame.

History: Being the potential heiress to one of the most influential and successful engineering firms throughout Australia, Chris is nothing but a spoiled, vindictive. yet extremely capable young woman, who gets what she wants, when she wants. That was of course until, she was forced into attending Lahea's Ladies Finishing School in England, later to be known as Academy, upon her finishing junior high. And it was all because of her big brother Michel, the one person she hated and loathed the most in the entire existence of her up tight, high maintenace and spoilt life.

It hadn't always been this way of course, Chris used to actually look up to her brother, like most younger sisters do, but as she grew older and with her parents' influence, she became the dark, twisted snob that now resides in Academy. Michel, who got a private education from world class tutors before taking hold of Arma Tech, her family's business, had never really treated her like a sister, let alone spend any time with her. Sure, they lived together, but because of their background, their home was in a five-star hotel some place or another, and because of the nature of the family business, they were constantly moving, meaning they rarely made any friends, and since their parents never came home, they were all each other ever had. And well, being the power hungry and obnoxious suit he is, Michel saw Chris as nothing more but an obstacle, and a potential threat.

Thus, as a request to their parents, he was able to persuade them to send her away to Lahea's Ladies Finishing School as she approached adulthood, where in which he himself at that age, had already started taking control of Arma Tech, which of course he couldn't risk Chris being able to do, since it would undoubtedly threaten his position. So, just before hitting her sweet sixteen, Chris found herself in the confines of the Academy, where her once admiring nature had turned into pure undiluted hatred for her brother. This turn of events undoubtedly had quite an impact on her attitude and despite being one of the more "advantaged" students, she had developed a reputation that was great, but not for the right reasons.

Other than that, Chris was more or less a fairly intelligent girl in her junior years, and had even dumbed herself down on occassions to make her brother look better in front of their parents when he first started working. She was also used to the lavish lifestyle filled with luxuries, which she suprisingly, never took for granted and always appreciated everything she was given, up to the tiniest gesture. She lived a fairly normal yet privileged youth until that faithful day where she was cast away.


Stupid no male rule, this'll be my 6th girl... D< I'm kidding of course. :3

*squeals* <333

You're embarassing me... *sweatdrop

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Trainer Kat; Yeah, the whole "Dean is with Heath" part just flew out of my brain when I was doing that list. xDDD I'm having trouble connecting Dean and Heath for some reason. *SHOT'd* Fixed it though. ^^

Probably because they're such polar opposites. ^^;;

Ahh, I apologize for the length of Alina's section. x.x I'm going to have her take in scenery and the like in my next post, or whenever she heads outside. She sort of ran off after Dean approached her, so she wasn't really paying attention to anything but trying to get to the safety of her room. xD;
Brad; Make one up, I suppose. :< The same goes for Edmund, Chibi-chan, unless you two would like to conjure up some reason as to why one might move into the others' room. I can already think of a reason why Brad wouldn't be forced to stay in his room. xD; lack of bedframe... how did they manage to kill a bunk bed? D: Must've gotten expelled last year. *nod*

Phanima; You could've PM'd it to me or posted, but either way, you would've ended up having to post it here anyway. xD Accepted~

I hate the no male rule too. ;; I want another guy character, but I've barred myself from having one. D: *FACEDESK* It was a noble sacrifice for the balance of this RP. *shot'd*
go read the first post and what everyones been saying, yo... no more male chars, it would be an npc you would create for a roomie i imagine
Brad; What Kansas said.

I've added a character cap, mostly for myself so if anyone wants more characters, the max is 3 at the present moment, and if you'd like another character, I suggest you post it up soon, (you must have a character that has already been approved, since public sign-ups were closed yesterday) because otherwise, your character is going to have to wait a few weeks to show up as a transfer or exchange student.
Well, now we can have male characters again. I'm thinking of making one, to be Brad's roommate. I, however, do ask Loki for permission. Please? Oh mishievious Norse God? (Just the name reference- I do not know whether our GM is really a Norse deity.)

Name: Hoshihime Uchuu (Western Name Order)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Grade: Once again, freshman.
Appearance: Hoshihime is Japanese, but is half black. She has ivory white skin, like any Asian person, but her physique is different. She is tall, about 6 ft tall, and has a slim, hourglass physique. Her curves are quite noticeable- especially in front, and her torso curves in very noticeably, to make her waist very thin. Her legs and arms are thin and graceful- but she is not TOO weak. Her hair is wavy, and is white in color- she is albino. Her hair is usually covering her left eye, and both sides fall to her chest. The strand that go down to her chest are braided. Her eyes are blood red. By rules, Hoshihime wears a black blazer, although hers is thinner than most, a white blouse (silk for her.), and a pleated gray skirt- hers is knee-length. The collar of her blouse sports a blood red ribbon. She also wears a gold necklace with an inlaid diamond, at maximum karats for both materials (diamond polished and HUGE) around her neck.

Personality: Hoshihime is a nice young woman, and is determined to make it to the top. She is determined to be an example that womaen can beat men in the corporate game. She is ruthless in business, and is persistent- she will not give up until an issue is resolved. She is also a bit greedy- she saves her money for investing in stocks. In class, she is smart, obedient, and polite, her voice laden with a kind tone. She means business- if you mess with her, she will get revenge. She is serious about important matters, and takes education seriously. Akin to Brad, she is not too sociable- education comes first. However, she is kind, and loyal to her few friends. She enjoys companionship, and likes her social life because around her friends, she can relax. However, she is shrewd in picking them- she has a innate knack at psychology, and knows when a person is good for her or not. Behind her serious exterior lies a nice, caring person- but it takes the right personality to drill to her core.

She likes trends, and often pays attention to them in order to know what to advertise later in her career.
History: Her family started two generations before her, when a black soldier from the US was stationed in Japan. He married a descendant of the Japanese royal family. Her mom married another black man, but this guy was born in Japan. Both know English, so Hoshihime speaks English fluently, and Japanese (don't expect her to say it- I don't get kanji on my American keyboard). She was born in Tokyo, and attended a private school there for elementary school. She got excellent grades, and the teachers liked her. She also made a few friends, but lost them when she went to middle school (they turned into brats.) In middle school, Hoshihime was much more reserved, and focused completely on work- once again getting excelling grades. Then, her mother, who is a Lahea alumni, decided to send her to Armon, with support from her father, who had gone to Armon under the direction of his mother, a businesswoman (black) who had moved to Japan looking for work. Hoshihimes other grandfather, the one who isn't an American veteran, was a relative of Isoroku Yamamoto and the Royal Family. He worked in the Japanese navy after the war.
Other: Hoshihime likes trivia and swimming. She has faintly heard of Brad through her mother- her rich family paid a lot of money to cure her of any albinism-related medical issues.
by the by.... Trainer Kat has permission to bunny me as much as she wants to... i trust her judgment :) and she usually asks me what she should have me do before she posts anyway... but ya, just getting that out there right now
Brad; I'm going to be honest here and say that right now, I don't feel like I should give you another character until I see more of your posts. While your posts are certainly not bad, there's something about them that I just don't like. Maybe I'm just not used to it...? I don't know, but in the meantime, I'll have to put Hoshihime on a temporary pending until I decide that whatever is bugging me so much is gone. o_x; sorry about the inconvinience.

Regarding your roommate, you can go ahead and make him an NPC and post a sign-up for him once Hoshihime is off pending, if that works for you.

Evkay; Excellent~ Thanks for the heads up!


Wilt; Let's do some proofreading on your latest post, aye? There are a few grammatical boo-boo's here and there. ^^;
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ohhh ya! for reference... the girl Heath was bein all smooth with was Illya :D i didn't know if it would be clear enough since they didn't introduce themselves
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