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Pokemon Origin

@> Everyone above:

You'll see soon, it will have alot to do with the game but it will still be a loading system. Video will probably be out today showing the point and functionality of the system. Don't worry, you'll all warm up to it when you see what it actually does.


And as the day goes on I am revealing this CDS' features: (Details will progress throughout the day)

- An Online Shop
- Emblem Case
- Mystery Gift

Details: (More is coming later today, these are simple facts)

Online Shop --> Using this system you can connect to the internet and shop for new items that can be monitored so the shop can change at various points!

Emblem Case --> Shows the emblems you've received throughout the game.

Mystery Gift --> Using this system you can connect to the internet and download special Pokemon that I configure from my website. (Similar to Nintendo's Mystery Gift)

~ CP
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1:00 AM here. CDS Beta 1.0 video released! (Cut 'n dry but it does display the functions and the beta opening intro to the actual game)

I know that the system wasn't what you all expected :D But if I did something like 3D or something I said in the past then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? (Since I showed working pictures of Mode7 in Pkmn Origin, so seeing how that was revealed, it wouldn't be a surprise)
Well it's just a beta of the CDS, I am improving on a lot of the features' interfaces but EVERYTHING IS FUNCTIONAL. (All Wi-Fi features work flawlessly) Meh, I'm 15 so I dunno why Nintendo would hire me.


@> Everyone:

Sorry about the shop's interface =/ The graphics are placeholders for now.

More Info on the CDS :

Download Points: These are like money, but you accumulate them differently than money and they allow you buy stuff on the online shop.
Emblems: These are awards you receive for meeting various objectives, these objects are very, very challenging though (Much, much harder than Nintendo has made so far).

Everything seen downloaded on the CDS Beta I showed was all for debugging purposes, such as there will be more items in the online shop. Not to mention there will be more emblems than just the two shown, those were just to show the beta interface for the Emblem Case :)

~ CP

Update! To follow up my CDS system I'd love to present NeoMode7, fully compatible with Pokemon Origin. The map is flat but it is rotated and stuff but yeah ^^ I restarted the scripting on it and I completed the modifications in an hour with NO help!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Origin
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Update! To follow up my CDS system I'd love to present NeoMode7, fully compatible with Pokemon Origin. The map is flat but it is rotated and stuff but yeah ^^ I restarted the scripting on it and I completed the modifications in an hour with NO help!
I'm all for your advancements in this game, but can you please stop bragging. I don't think anyone cares if you did it all by yourself in one hour. I did the trading script for Pokemon Essentials Online in two weeks all by myself - now doesn't that make me sound like an ass****?
On top of that, putting pictures which show features that aren't working isn't very helpful. It actually puts the end user off.
Again, my $0.2.
@> Alexandre:

Wait, so you've never been an ass**** before? Plus what's the "showing features that aren't finished" thing about, many people show beta pictures and plus NM7 is 100% compatible, all that's left is adding one single custom feature which is already almost done. I do think some people might care though about the timing since it's been a compatibility issue since early 2008. Although I'd suggest fixing yourself up before telling me to because every post I can remember on this thread from you was basically saying "f*ck you" in a immature, crude, and smartalec way. There are much better ways to say the things you've said. For example, when you flammed me when I showed the first pictures of my DS, yes it looked a bit weird, but you really just said "f*ck you" in a nasty way when you replied, not to mention a bunch of nasty comments quite a bit after that. I dunno what your talking about here: "On top of that, putting pictures which show features that aren't working isn't very helpful." If your talking about the CDS it's a beta, people show betas you know. If your talking about NM7 your wrong about it's progress, it's completely working.

Look, can't we settle stuff without acting like we're three year olds by blurting out nasty comments? I'm not going to fall to the low level of writing anything bad about Blue Chrome, but I will suggest something whenever possible, and there is absolutely no need for me to be flamming Blue Chrome and neither is there for it and neither is there for Origin. Yes, things could use a touch-up here and there for Origin, but your the only one flamming here and it makes you look bad. NeoMode7 was a great accomplishment but I admit I did go a bit overboard with the whole "in one hour" part, so I am apologizing to the public (sorry guys for acting like that, honestly I was just very happy and I completely was clouded then) but is the bickering really worth it Alexandre? Is it worth making you look bad? I am not the one who never apologizes and I did not start this, you did. Think about it hard before you post anything here again.
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Why does my game get mentioned in the conflict? :paranoid: Anyways...I think what Alex tried to say here is that you posted a screenshot of something that doesn't look finished, and in his opinion puts the general viewer off. I really don't think that (and as a friend I will defend him) he was just trying to tell you to go screw yourself in 100 different ways. It may have come across differently, but he just stated his point, and his point is that he is not a fan of people posting an unfinished and untidy system....just the way I see things.

Okey dokey, I'd like to post some constructive criticism. :cheeky: Now the first thing I'd like to say is related to the CDS system. It looks cool, and seems to function well. I do like the way it functions, I'm just a bit confused on it's general purpose. I mean, it's not a game loader, and is only designed, as it is built in within your game, to work with Origin. So the BIOS can only load origin, and serves as a pre menu to the game. Like I said, the menu looks nice and stuff, but It'd be better if it was a separate exe which actually emulated the game cartridge system. What I mean by that is, that it would look for a game, its icon, and various information, and then show up as a button to launch the game. I've made a bios that is used for loading RMXP fan games. I don't want to sound like a douche and posting screenies around, but if you are interested PM me.

Ok onto my next thing. What is the point of the regular DS resolution if you are still going to use 2*2 pixel graphics. The OW character and tiles are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big for the screen size, so you need to get a way around that, and set the resolution to 0.5, so it looks like a standard DS game. Also for your titlescreen, you should leave the different pokemon images for longer than they are on right now, and add some sort of fade transition between them. This will make the whole titlescreen look, and function much smoother. Smoothness is what you should be aiming at, so try to make the title screen transitions smoother and it will look better. Don't have much other to say though, but when you're already using the standard DS size, try to use the standard DS resolution. That's my only problem.

And the CDS looks cool, would be even better if it could load any fangame, just like the real DS does. :)
@> Luka S.J.:

I don't really want to put your game in the middle of it, I just know that Alexandre is working on it with you and it's sorta compared-contrast. He's just been a bit childish when replying to this thread, as far as memory serves.

It wouldn't be too hard to do something like that now that the outline scripting is done, and I could, in theory, make it load any member's game since everyone's game is packed the same (*.RGSSAD) so loading one onto it wouldn't be the problem, the problem would be getting things to work for like wifi and stuff. Using a combination of pbDownloadToString and berka's File upload/download processor I was able to complete the Wifi (making it work anyways =P) and not everyone has those same exact methods for the downloading to work, unless of course I took those out for a public game loader or something. It's possible and it would be fun, maybe I'll see what I can do :D

Woah o_o I know where something went wrong lol
Sorry for my outburst - it was a bit childish of me :P I have no problem with your systems, and I think its great that you've managed to incorporate NeoMode7 into the Essentials package, but I just felt that you were taking too much credit for it, considering that Poccil already drew a base line for Mode7 and that it isn't very hard to adapt the script to Poccil's coding anyway.

Anyway - as I said before, just my $0.2.
are things that happen ...
you all have been dedicated to this, do not care about discussions, exchange opinions .. : D
you the three have done an excellent job! I'm fan! : D
now I think people are more interece contents other than small details in graphics .. fan opinion. :)

@ Alexandre:

I dunno where your getting your source from that poccil drew a base line for Mode7 because I needed to remove almost all of Poccil's tilemap and map classes as they are not compatible with NeoMode7. (Minus map linking, which I knew I had to have or else NM7 + Pokemon Essentials would be pointless) I don't want to start another argument though, just picture those words said calmly :)


First, the Torn World (Or Distortion World, if you prefer that name) is being renamed to the Zero Dimension. This "Zero Dimension" is the past Torn/Distortion World and occurs at the time it (The Zero Dimension) is being destroyed (Becoming the Torn/Distortion World) so it's much larger. With this information in mind, the Zero Dimension will push NeoMode7 to it's limits, showing amazing 3D capabilities including walking on the walls and ceilings (and of course the ground) along with other 3D effects I can't even begin to talk about because many people would be wayy too skeptical. (Screenshots will come soon, but I'd like to wait a bit like Nintendo would xD just to mess with the public)
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I'm not going to comment on the game but.
I think you should really think about why this is one of the lowest rated popular games on here.
"Incomplete" items, not (completely) custom graphics, and occasional let downs Peeky Chew. I am not afraid to admit those faults to anyone, but I have made a ton of excellent scripts too. There are two major types of people in this world to me; Those that quit after losing once, and those that continue even after defeat. It's okay with me if you hate Pkmn Origin but there are numerous fans and supports I can name, and then some that are quiet whom I don't know.


In the process of mastering NM7 map making, I've created a 3D map for the player's room including BattleSim and a fixed version of the Poketch. (Before it wasn't there, as shown in the previous image update)


Plus, a simple (but powerful) Analog Clock I scripted:


Now, this time I am looking for criticism on the images (Didn't mention that before) but suggestions are always welcome.

~ CP
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You're still stretching the images :/ And the resolution of the upper screen is still 2*2. Whick makes things look awkward now that your screen is smaller. My only problem is still the scretch and resolution of the images and things. The clock does look mighty, you should incorporate it as a poketch app too, would make it nice as a watch :P NM7 is becomming better, and the 3D is looking quite clean now. Though, wasn't NM7 already incorporated in the French starter?
"Incomplete" items, not (completely) custom graphics, and occasional let downs Peeky Chew. I am not afraid to admit those faults to anyone, but I have made a ton of excellent scripts too. There are two major types of people in this world to me; Those that quit after losing once, and those that continue even after defeat. It's okay with me if you hate Pkmn Origin but there are numerous fans and supports I can name, and then some that are quiet whom I don't know.
You've not understood what I meant. I don't hate Pokémon Origin, it looks like a pretty good game. The thing is, your front page is the worst I have ever seen. There are so many things wrong with it. Heck, it put me off this thread as soo as I saw it all the time untill now, months later. I could send you an improved version if you want?

Edit: I just had a view of your profile, and Alistairs comment is also very fair. You should tale it into consideration.
@ Luka SJ:

1) Ohh yeah, and NM7 will make it really easy to fix that. Will do right now :P
2) Yes and no, the French starter kit your talking about (assuming it's PSP v0.7) only put it in to the script editor, they never bridged any compatibilities, or at least not enough to make it work if that.
3) I wouldn't say that the 3D is looking quite clean yet, but surely cleaner than the first screen...you'll see soon.

@> Peeky Chew:

Now I see lol I was planning getting to the first post, I am looking at it and it's wayy to dark for CSS, so if you'd like and have time to edit it then sure, if you want to. :)
I have seen Alistair's comment and responded but it was fair.


Ohh and I forgot to mention a couple things in the previous update:

1) All of the maps will be flat, not 2D like RBY/GSC/RSE, inspired by Pokemon Black/White (Not going to use many of BW's systems, but it really inspired me to make the maps look 3D)

2) New Poketch apps are coming to a region near you...

~ CP

EDIT: Fixed map resolution, will have new screenshots very soon.
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Big update!

The entire front page has been remade thanks to some help from Peeky Chew cleaning the original post. Now it's sleek and getting pretty to look at, including up-to-date images. I'll add some more things to the CSS to make it better soon but since it's already edited and anyone can view it I can't really just be quiet about something like that.
What's NeoMode7?? If so...can you send me to a link to it? (I hope I'm allowed to post that here...)
NeoMode7 a pseudo-3D script made by a guy called MGCaladtogel, however you should forget about a link because unless you are an excellent scripter it isn't compatible with Pokemon Essentials, according to numerous forums no one (except me) made NeoMode7 compatible with Pokemon Essentials or any Pokemon kit for that matter, although it's been out for 2 years. Not to mention MGCaladtogel is dead now, like "gone gone bye bye." I don't know how it happened but his friends have posted MGC died in November 2008, according to King_Kadelfek: https://forum.rpg2000.4players.de/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=91718 (Search for the word November using CTRL+F for proof of my comment) so I am really trying to continue and finish his work.