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Focus Shift: A New Awakening [R-16]

I'm rereading Focus Shift ('cause I feel nostalgic) and man, did we create short posts. I mean, one/two liners every single time...

And Gallade was called "Satoshi", instead of "Bishamon". And, ah, the crush between Raike and Miharu...As well the slight love triangle between Raike, Miharu, and Josh...

And Harley was so awkward...And Kris just ended up making it worse...
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I was rereading the other day too. And I was like "DAMN IT'S A GOOD THING IT'S OVER OTHERWISE I'D HAVE TO KILL THIS THING."

We were so bad. XD
I was rereading the other day too. And I was like "DAMN IT'S A GOOD THING IT'S OVER OTHERWISE I'D HAVE TO KILL THIS THING."

We were so bad. XD

I know right? Now I can see why Ichiro/Harley kind of got annoyed by Miharu. Although, that Nightmare does seem to be more in character. xD
Original Focus Shift, bad? Kris making it worse? Wat? Unbelievable(the bad part, not the Kris making it worse X3)! I must go and read it! I'll do that later, lol, too much to do now.

EDIT: Oh. My. God. I only skimmed up through page seven but... oh god, it was scary. Why did nobody slap us? Lol, Skymin, you should have done something, you're the mod! Lol, not at the time but, you still should have had Harley fall on all of us and Ceri turn into a Snorlax and refuse to get off of us until we posted longer posts. Especially mine. My posts never reached more than a few paragraphs. Oh god... but hey, at least one slightly good thing happened; that was when I started using headings in my posts, but my titles sucked.
...Oh god. At least we're (hopefully) all better now X3

EDIT2: Oh, but my very last post wasn't too bad. Guess that was when I was getting better, since it was in March. Also, SIU was the last one to post. He killed it.
...Why did it die anyways? Why did we murder it? How could we?! Oh wellz, second chance, and hopefully it'll be better ^0^
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Thanks Nakazumi, you're cool >.> jk lol but yeah maybe I did. I think Focus Shift was my first RP I joined here anyway, so I know I was bad there lol

History will go up tomorrow probably....
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Hey guys, I'm ba~ck!
Had a very interesting weekend, and should have a post up sometime tomorrow after work.

Niriate, you are accepted.
SkyIsUmbreon, your SU needs a little bit more work, and proper spacing/paragraphing. Pending.
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When are we gonna start? We need to start da shifting! ^o^
Unless... we still need more people? We could start anyways... I kinda just want to start, Lol X3
So... when do you think we could start, Mr. Shifter person? I'm impatient :S
Is any room left here? I'm interested in joining, but I get this feeling it's too late... and from some of the other posts it seems that membership is exclusive to those RPers who were present in the original.
About it being exclusive, I don't think it is. xD Two of the people who tried out, and were accepted(?), were not in the original RP. One of them used the name that was there last time, yes, but I doubt it is exclusive. Otherwise Ichiro might be mobbed. =P
@Ieyasu: No, it is not exclusive at all, there is still room for more to join, and it is not too late, I'm just working (slowly albeit) on a starting post. So feel free to join!
Great. Then my SU is as follows:
All right, it's finished.


>Name: Sean Eric Starr

>Age: 16

>Gender: Male


Sean is average height for a sixteen-year-old, about 5 foot 7, but is nowhere near the average weight. His high metabolism makes it nearly impossible to put on any weight just by eating, and he doesn't care about building up muscle weight. Despite his lack of muscle, Sean is well-coordinated and never moves awkwardly. His skin is somewhat tanned, and his black hair just hangs in his face. It doesn't get blown around like a flag in the wind, and is swept a bit to the side so he can see through it. In the back, it comes down to the collar level. His calm brown eyes can look almost dead, and Sean has poor vision usually remedied by contacts.

Clothing: Sean usually wears dark colours, especially black, dark blue, olive green, dark grey, and the occasional dark purple. His favourite attire is a navy-blue t-shirt under an open black jacket (open to display the silver chain he always wears, even to sleep). He wears dark-shade blue jeans and dark grey Adidas sneakers, with the jeans always baggy enough to conceal the top of the shoes.

>Personality: Sean is calm, and rarely loses his cool. That doesn't mean he's quiet, and in fact his talking irritates many people. Some of Sean's peers think he could become a reporter in the future because of his speaking skills and his tendency to ask too many questions. Being calm also does not mean Sean is emotionless; in fact, he has very strong ones, it just means he doesn't act on emotion. Sean can handle most situations with ease, but of course he makes mistakes just like everyone else.

Sean rarely tells people his plans -- he prefers to impress people with what he does in the end instead -- unless other people are directly involved in them. He has a poor image of himself, thinking his whole life is great -- except him. In his own eyes, he's the stain on the suit, the one bad part of a bigger picture. Almost anything he thinks up himself he thinks is stupid.

>History: Sean Starr was born on a Friday the 13th, and his whole life has basically been himself and others waiting for something to go horribly wrong. Everyone has bashed him whenever he fails at anything, and everyone expects him to fail at everything. So for a long time, Sean thought (or at least hoped) that something would be there to balance out the misery. His parents, more or less, were good ones, but Sean constantly felt they were hiding something from him. Slowly, he discovered he was right, but the revelation wasn't anything shocking -- his parents had been trying to hide the "real world" from him, trying to convince him that the world was utopian, with almost no flaws, and those flaws were quickly taken care of. As a result, he felt like an idiot during eighth grade, since he'd just realised the truth of the world and how little he really knew about life.

Fourteen was an okay year for Sean, with nothing really bad happening, and he met a Poochyena he named Charon. The Poochyena was unusually protective of Sean, and when friendly teasing between Sean and his friend Wayne happened in front of Charon, the dog jumped in and bit Wayne on the arm. Wayne eventually recovered, but had a bad impression of Charon forever after that day.

A week and a half after Sean's 15th birthday, Charon evolved into a Mightyena, and then a week later, Sean went through his first shift. He was leaning against a wall in a crowded city street, chatting with his friends Brandon and Wayne (who was annoyed that Charon was present, of course) when he felt lightheaded for a moment and closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead to relieve himself. He opened them, and everything was gone. A grey haze had replaced the world, and he could still see the people on the street, but very faded, ghostly images of them. At first Sean was confused. He could see Charon perfectly in front of him, while the rest of the world was not only hazy and ghostly, but moving unusually slowly. Everything was surreal to Sean, as if he was dreaming, but something told him this was real. He began to panic, screaming wildly, but no sound came out. At last, Charon brushed by him and the vision was gone. Only about twenty seconds had gone by, but to Sean it felt like hours. The whole time, Brandon and Wayne had been panicking, so when Sean returned with Charon, the whole scene had become a nightmare.

For a year, the three kept the incident a secret. Sean wasn't sure what happened, and was well aware that telling anyone else would just scare them, so he kept it to himself.

Now, exactly one year later, Sean of Slateport City, Hoenn, is just beginning to realise how important that day was...

>RP Sample: (Anything goes; I just want to see your skills.)

>Name: Charon

>Gender: Male

>Species: Mightyena

>Personality: Charon is somewhat solitary, but still overly protective of Sean. He usually will follow Sean wherever he goes, but stay a good distance away at all times, and if he can't follow Sean, he's perfectly happy by himself. Charon stands firm in anything, and refuses to give in. However, he often is lost and will do anything someone else tells him to do. Sean recognises when Charon is lost, as he'll usually sit in one place and look pleadingly at everyone around.

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Only the Pokemon I have listed can be Catalysts, the Pokemon species themselves are central to the story.
Also SkyisUmbreon, you have been Accepted.

So this means:
and myself have been accepted.

Just waiting on 2-3 more Roleplayers before I get the show on the road.
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Only the Pokemon I have listed can be Catalysts, the Pokemon species themselves are central to the story.
Also SkyisUmbreon, you have been Accepted.

So this means:
and myself have been accepted.

Just waiting on 2-3 more Roleplayers before I get the show on the road.

So we have Miharu, Kris, Anthony, Harley, Raike... should I go pester Zamorak/TFW to join? Then we'd have two more people, and we'd have the entire original cast! Or... at least I think so.

By the way, it won't be long before the IC thread has been inactive for an entire month. :P

So we have Miharu, Kris, Anthony, Harley, Raike... should I go pester Zamorak/TFW to join? Then we'd have two more people, and we'd have the entire original cast! Or... at least I think so.

By the way, it won't be long before the IC thread has been inactive for an entire month. :P

If you want to, it would be interesting to have them back, but it is also great to have new recruits!

Yeah, I know, I am slowly working on a post, I'll try and have it up tonight.
Watchman is still unable to come on because of being grounded, I think. Zamorak said that he wouldn't join Focus Shift. We do have a Josh though...with the same Umbreon, Oddessa. o.O
Watchman is still unable to come on because of being grounded, I think. Zamorak said that he wouldn't join Focus Shift. We do have a Josh though...with the same Umbreon, Oddessa. o.O

Ooooh, is that why he's been inactive for the past month? Oookay, at least he didn't die or something. Unless his parents murdered him...
Stupid Zamorak -.-' Yeah, I VMed him earlier... he didn't VM me back. Probably tired of Miharu and I being annoying? Yeah... Arceus help those we team up against(like Skymin when we needed Plague approved?).
We... do...? Okay... I should probably go read the other SUs...?

@[Insert all dos gibberish symbols here] - Yeah, get workin' on it! We need to Shift our Focuses to a new RP. :D
Well... we probably can't get those two(so we won't have a love triangle/Kellyn murdering us...) so... let's go pester some other peoples! YOU WITH ME MY PARTNER IN CRIME*coughMiharucough*?!?!

Ooooh, is that why he's been inactive for the past month? Oookay, at least he didn't die or something. Unless his parents murdered him...
Stupid Zamorak -.-' Yeah, I VMed him earlier... he didn't VM me back. Probably tired of Miharu and I being annoying? Yeah... Arceus help those we team up against(like Skymin when we needed Plague approved?).
We... do...? Okay... I should probably go read the other SUs...?

@[Insert all dos gibberish symbols here] - Yeah, get workin' on it! We need to Shift our Focuses to a new RP. :D
Well... we probably can't get those two(so we won't have a love triangle/Kellyn murdering us...) so... let's go pester some other peoples! YOU WITH ME MY PARTNER IN CRIME*coughMiharucough*?!?!

One of those two. I talked to him a while back and he said that he was slowly being able to come back on...I WANT THAT HARRY POTTER RP. ;~;
Well, he told me that when Plague was accepted. I was like, "Plague has been accepted, go join it! And so has the remake of Focus Shift, although I guess you already knew that."
Yes, I feel badly for Skymin. At least she finally remembered that I was CO-GMing Plague with you...
I feel like we need to set the record straight that it was MY idea to restart Plague. =P
Yes, we do. Weirdly, but we do.

I will probably be heading to sleep soon anyways. If we start tonight, I may be depressed for missing the beginning. xD
Maybe both Kris and Raike could fight for Miharu's affections. =P
Who are we pestering again?

Also, I've given up. Focus Shift people (old ones, not new ones) and before that time period can call me Miharu. Or those who have been in 5+ RPs with me with the name Miharu.
For those who do not know me and call me Miharu 'cause others call me Miharu...I would advise you to sleep with one eye open. At all times.

Long OOC post. o.O
We do have a Josh though...with the same Umbreon, Oddessa. o.O

Ichiro asked me the same thing. Just to clear things up, I'm not Zamorak or related to him in any way.

When I signed up, I looked at the available Catalysts, saw Mightyena still open and picked that one, after that I looked at the introduction 'dream' and picked a fitting name + trainer combo.

That's all.
Ichiro asked me the same thing. Just to clear things up, I'm not Zamorak or related to him in any way.

When I signed up, I looked at the available Catalysts, saw Mightyena still open and picked that one, after that I looked at the introduction 'dream' and picked a fitting name + trainer combo.

That's all.

I know you're not Zamorak. XD Zamorak is currently using "Zamorak" as his username. ;)

Last time, we had like five thousand Umbreons: Kris, Josh, Raike, Watchman(?). Harley had Zoroak. Anthony had Mightyena. Miharu (me) had Espeon. xD

Not sure why I just list that. o.O

Oh, by the way, changing something in my SU. Nothing much, just stating that she's a very neutral person and she really doesn't like to have an opinion on things and if she does have one, she'll bury it deep down and never state it unless necessary. ^^