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Pokémon Fallout (OOC/SU)

Speaking of which, my character is up for interaction if you give me a vm first. I tend to post rather frequently as well (though recently I'm trying to find a league team and do laddering so most of my time is split)

Well you know your charactyer that doesnt know what there pokespirit is? Well i had an idea how you could find out. Coz at the start of my first post Naths in a mine in hearthome, thats where he see the ghost of his spirit, perhasps the place has a strong spiritual connection, perhaps nath takes makato to the mines and he finds is spirit!

Oh btw sorry for the bad spelling iom tired of correcting everything now coz my keyboard is annoying :3

I wouldn't jump to assumptions... It is the first sign of ignorance. Although, speaking of Aria, I haven't posted as her in a while. TO THE IC!!

Yes well at least i'm creative! Lol I kinda make asumptions a lot... estimated asumptioons tho, clever ones! ANyways i did say 'might'
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Yea Makoto does have a spirit, and I had an idea about what it is, but I don't think he should find out any time soon. Though if you're going to be with ice then an interaction is imminent
Yea Makoto does have a spirit, and I had an idea about what it is, but I don't think he should find out any time soon. Though if you're going to be with ice then an interaction is imminent

1 - WHAAAAT? Ice, iminant, could you explain in 5 year old english lol :3 <-- that should be crossed out, buit oh icefyr, i get it, just dont know wat iminent means
2 - It wont be iomediate, first I got to get my spirit then I'll do a few more things before finding you or something ya?
1. If you plan on traveling with Aria then it is very likely that we will have an interaction at some point (Aria and Spark have a bit of history).

I didn't mean today or tomorrow or even this month lol, I'm just saying it will happen
oh ok but you like the idea yes? and im not sure when i will interact with aria, could be tommorow could be after my next post i just don't knowm whenever's best for us both and we're not both in the middle of some awesome action scene between posts lol :) I guess we'll find out later as the plot thickens. :) anyways explain how youy and aria ave had previous interactions, you friends or enemies stuff liek that?

I know my new post makes it seem like Nath is evil but my character is just seeking revenge then he helps the rest of te world blabla bla
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Well it started long ago in a world much like ours, except in the worst case future of said world.
Back when this story began, Spark was part of a set of twins. Her brother held the name Arc and they both had escaped slavery. Arc had lost his memory of their captivity (it was intentional), while Spark made the decision to retain the memories. Unfortunately the method Arc used to wipe his memory caused him to have the personality that he had as a small child. Additionally the spirits they possessed (Plusle and Minun) along with their strong bond as twins meant that if they separated then the other would fly into a dangerous rampage.

It should be noted before I go on that Spark was mentally unstable, dangerous, and a psychopath. In sharp contrast Arc was innocent, kind, and honorable. He was also somewhat of a leash for Spark.

Anyways, on their adventures through the land to find a peaceful place, they encountered another young girl, who sort of clashed with Spark, but they became somewhat friendly to each other. After getting captured and taken to a city full of adults, Spark Arc and the Girl (Aria) single handedly broke out with the use of their spirits. While Aria headed directly out, Spark and Arc decided to sabatoge and destroy the adult's supplies. This involved blowing up a portion of the city (some of which they had already set on fire), Arc went out to save any children trapped inside, while Spark started setting up.

Even though Spark made it out (and met up with Aria), Arc encountered a foe with a pokespirit. A child working for adults. Spark blew up the city's main supplies, and in the ruble Arc fought to the death. Even with his sword he was outmatched, and barely won the fight. Arc walked out of the city, tired and beaten, but he was alive. Additionally he had regained his memory of the past, unknown to Spark.

The day seemed over, Spark believing she had scored a blow to adults. Though the boy Arc had fought survived long enough to impale Arc, killing him. Spark flew into a rage, almost killing any survivors in that part of the city. Her anger and fury was unleashed. Luckily Arc's last words were to Aria, telling her to save Spark.

Aria risked her life to wipe Spark's memory in the same way as Arc had. Aria was successful, but fell unconscious. Spark, seeing her friend passed out, and feeling her memory fade, carried her to the outskirts of the city then passed out herself.

When both had awoken, Aria held memories of the terrible things that happened that day, but Spark was much like a small child. Knowing that Spark couldn't survive alone, and feeling sad for Spark Aria took her as a companion, claiming to be her sister.

There were a few adventures, other tragedies and such (if you really want to know what happened I could fish the posts out) but pretty much they are close friends.

Edit* Icefyr tell me if there is anything that I missed out, this is all off memory, and I may have some names or objectives mixed up. I believe that is everything relevant.
I've added more to my SU on the last page. Anyone want to rip it to shreds for me?

Anyway, before I solidify my moves, I was wondering if you could use moves that would normally affect yourself on other? I.e. Could I use Calm Mind to calm other people down or boost someone's power who was poisoned with Facade?
Thanks, that removes a few choices from the moveset I'm trying to work up. So many ideas, so little space.

Please dish it out, I feel like Paschar and Remiel are not up snuff yet.
Maybe Charge Beam, Icy Wind/Ice Beam, Shadow Sneak, Skill Swap and/or Pain Split can be added to your arsenal? It's always a good thing to have a wide set of skills, so Charge Beam and Ice Beam can make or break the offensive moveset, but Duskull's lacking in defensive moves.

While you have Protect, Shadow Sneak is good for getaways, and Pain Split can keep a fight going for some time (and benefit the injured, if you're willing to suffer some damage yourself). Skill Swap, in the world of Fallout, isn't limited to simply swapping abilities. Since it hasn't been used yet, it's perfectly plausible for Skill Swap to temporarily change Remiel's moveset with the target.

Of course, Mimic is available to Duskull, too.

There is a rather large problem with your SU, though, and it breaks a lot of the details that followed it:

there was no shortage of meat at his table.

Since Pokémon disappeared, the only meat available is human. You'd have to have a continuously fresh supply of human flesh, since refrigeration is pretty much out of the question, too. That said, it should be very difficult to be "well-adjusted" when your main method of survival is cannibalism.

Speaking of being well-adjusted, it's not exactly a rarity, so to speak. Kids of all kinds still exist; some are just a little crazier, and more heavily influenced by maliciousness and their Pokémon spirits. A lot can be expected to just be normal kids.

There's not exactly anything in being a doctor, either, and there's not really any such thing as legitimate forms of service studies like healthcare. All technology is... gone. Since Pokémon totally disappeared from physical existence, and it's been generations since, there's nothing past getting lucky with plants (for regular humans) and using the healing powers granted by Pokémon spirits (Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse, Pain Split, etc.) when a child is fused. Also, where exactly did Paschar's parents live that they had to "flee" to the Underground, which is ultimately the un-safest place on the planet at this point? Parents trying to be righteous at all would have serious troubles in the Underground, and the kid would be better off with the ageism in Jubilife.

I do, however, love having given Remiel a past. Maybe he misses his old trainer, and things could be expanded on over the course of your posts? (Though, "famous" artifact thief is a bit much.)
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@khawil so who is arc as i read one of your posts who mentioned makoto but never mentioned arc. is makoto the offical name for arc or something?
okay... speaking of posts to the IC (see what i did there?)

Ok this is about my latest IC post. I know it's kind of fast but I really cannot be bothered to go into detail on such a small thing and want to get to solaceon town pretty fast as I am getting tired of long dreary posts and want to interact wit other characters. Also the only other rp I went on closed :/ so tis is the only one now :) O yeah and sorry for any inconvenience
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First of all thanks, this is helping me a lot.

Hmm I didn't know Mimic was available. Mainly I'm looking at Nightshade, Substitute, Confuse Ray, Protect. I'm trying to make moveset that would allow me to be an illusionist.

Since Pokémon disappeared, the only meat available is human. You'd have to have a continuously fresh supply of human flesh, since refrigeration is pretty much out of the question, too.
It was suppose to be a tongue in cheek joke about how they would eat any patients that died.
That said, it should be very difficult to be "well-adjusted" when your main method of survival is cannibalism.
Speaking of being well-adjusted, it's not exactly a rarity, so to speak. Kids of all kinds still exist; some are just a little crazier, and more heavily influenced by maliciousness and their Pokémon spirits. A lot can be expected to just be normal kids.
It was meant to a little joke at how all the other characters seem to be some form of crazy. Now would it not be possible to be "well-adjusted" so to speak when cannibalism it is learned cannibalism and is normal for him? I had assumed that he grew up with it.

There's not exactly anything in being a doctor, either, and there's not really any such thing as legitimate forms of service studies like healthcare. All technology is... gone. Since Pokémon totally disappeared from physical existence, and it's been generations since, there's nothing past getting lucky with plants (for regular humans) and using the healing powers granted by Pokémon spirits (Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse, Pain Split, etc.) when a child is fused. Also, where exactly did Paschar's parents live that they had to "flee" to the Underground, which is ultimately the un-safest place on the planet at this point? Parents trying to be righteous at all would have serious troubles in the Underground, and the kid would be better off with the ageism in Jubilife.
Tech is gone but normal people would need someone who can set a broken bone or sew up a gash. I don't know if the wielders would treat just anyone. They were in Jubilife before, I didn't notice that I left that out. They not righteous they were of the mind that payment is payment.

If you're talking about Paschar being a doctor. He wants to be one like his father because he is a dull boy with no life of his own. Of course Remiel is going to fix that.

Remiel does miss his old trainer and is trying to mold Paschar into him. Yeah, I'm going to change the famous part but when writing it down just being a plain old artifact thief didn't have enough flair. Then again he could have been famous in Remiel's eyes.
This is where Spark and Arc met Aria, the next few pages also have a lot of story. (We used to be quiet the active little buggers when it came to posting)

And this https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/7360208/ is the final post that Arc is alive.

Reading back I forgot to mention that they made a promise to each other that if one died, the other would kill until that one died as well.

Kinda miss Arc, and Kalie, though more Arc than Kalie.
Sorry about the quick post in hearthome. I'll be staying in Florama for a while in a civilised farm that's still new but will be making trips to eterna in attempt to get beedrills spirit (the towns people's crops are dying coz the beedrill pokespirit wielder is dead.