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[Other FULL] Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

For the next story arc, would you be prefer your character to be part of a 3-4 person hero squad?

  • No, I'd rather not.

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  • I'm busy now, maybe at a later time.

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You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770

    A Superhero Roleplay

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    Welcome to the city of Hyperia. In some ways, it's just your ordinary metropolis: Busy people, lots of traffic, a healthy mix of urban-suburban life.

    In other ways, it's anything but normal. Hyperia is protected by a team of five superheroes, the Champions, led by the charismatic Titan. This band of gifted indivduals have worked tirelessly for nearly a decade to keep their city safe from the clutches of evil. And evil there is indeed. From the sinister Blood Ravens, to the dastardly Mr. Malicious, to the destructive Blowtorch, Hyperia is teeming with mischief makers of all shapes, sizes, and powers. However, that is all about to change...


    It was beautiful day in Hyperia. The sun was shining, spring was in the air, and the everything was peaceful. Well, almost everything...

    "Watch your six!" TItan managed to fly out of the way just in time, as minivan sailed over his head. The vehicle smashed into a nearby storefront, shattering the glass display window.

    He glanced over at the cloaked man who had shouted the warning, who was occupied with keeping an angry mob held back with careful blasts from his staff.

    "Thanks, Sorcerer. Remember, don't hurt them, they're just civilians. Animatus is the real threat."

    Sorcerer replied in his usual fashion. "Yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with already."

    Leaving the mage to deal with the mind-controlled citizens, Titan flew over to center of the conflict, further downtown. There he found the rest of his team, each busy combating Animatus' assault.

    Bulwark was trying his best to catch the various vehicles that were being flung into the air by the incoming shockwaves of mental energy. It wasn't easy for the big guy, as his agility wasn't quite on par with his brute strength.

    "Need a hand?" Titan asked his massive friend, who was trying to juggle both a pickup and a convertible simultaneously.

    "I'm fine, just get to Animatus!" he bellowed, leaping toward more hurtling traffic.

    Down the street, Magnetrix was using chunks of metallic debris to shield herself and Binary from a large crowd of brainwashed policemen. Every so often, one of the officers would get off a lucky shot between the cracks of the makeshift shield, causing the heroine to have to focus on deflecting the projectiles as well. Binary, as always, was fiddling with some kind of tech.

    Titan swooped downwards, flying directly in front of the mob of controlled law enforcers. Their bullets and blows didn't harm him in the least. He then clapped his hands forcefully, knocking them over like dominoes. However, a few were already getting back up, others taking cover behind nearby wreckage.

    "Thanks for the assist, but you need to get to Animatus before he wrecks any more of the city!" Magnetrix called to Titan. "Binary has some kind of device he says that will take him out."

    Binary was still tinkering on what looked to be a fancy metal halo of sorts. As Titan flew over, the inventor tossed the device up to him.

    "It's a remote subliminal image feed." Binary explained. "It feeds the wearer's mind thousands of mental images per second, overwhelming any current thought processes. It should be enough to nullify Animatus' powers, at least for a while."

    Titan nodded. So I just have to get it on his head, and he's out of commission?" Binary nodded.

    "Alright then. Hold on, this shouldn't take long." Titan flew into the air once more, heading for the epicenter of the chaos.

    There, in the middle of a storm of green-hued mental energy, was Animatus himself. He was simply sitting there, in his long black trench coat, dark sunglasses, and black fedora, not moving at all.All of his concentration was being devoted to his attack on Hyperia.

    As the hero approached his target, it became harder to progress. The man in black was holding him back by sheer force of will. Pushing harder, Titan slowly struggled forward.

    It was clear that Animatus was actively resisting now, sending tendrils of energy out to defend himself. This was not enough to deter the Champion, who continued to wade forward, almost within reach of the villain.

    Making a last surge forward, Titan reached out, Binary's device in hand. He slammed the ring down over the hat of the sitting man. Animatus immediately swooned, clearly disoriented but still conscious.

    A swift uppercut fixed that.

    Titan grinned, exhausted but relieved. All that was left to do was to take the man in black over to the meta wing of Blackrock Prison. Then he and his team could rest easy, for the time being. Speaking of which, here they are.

    Aware that the fight had ended, the three remaining Champions regrouped near Titan and the fallen Animatus. "Where's Binary?" Titan asked, not seeing their last companion.

    "He was complaining about some 'strange energy readings', so he went back to HQ" Magnetrix explained.

    "Figures he would skip out when it came time to clean up," grumbled Sorcerer. Titan shot a stern look at the cloaked man.

    "I'm sure he had his reasons. Let's get 'sleepy' over here to to Blackrock before he comes ... !"

    At that moment, the air in front of the group spil open, forming a swirling black abyss. The heroes were unable to hold their ground , and one by one were sucked in to the vortex. A manical laugh echoed through the streets, before the portal vanished, leaving no trace of the incident.

    Back at Champions headqurters, Binary couldn't believe his eyes. He replayed the monitor feed for the umpteenth time in a row. One minute his team was standing there talking, the next, they were gone, as if spirited away by some mysterious force.

    He had noticed the strange spikes in radioactive energy near the end of the battle, and had made haste to get back to his equipment in order to investigate. He never would have quessed though, even in his wildest dreams, that even dangerous radiation levels could vaporise beings as hardy as his teammates. He simply did not know what to think.

    One thing was for sure. As knowledge of the Champions' disappearance spread, there was going to be an increase in criminal activity around the city. There was no way he was going to be able to take care of this predicament himself.

    Reluctantly, he recognized that it was time to use the contingency plan he had created many years ago. Stepping over to the mainframe computer, he accessed the neccessary file, hidden deep within his secure files.

    A prompt flashed on the screen. Voice Confirmation Needed.

    Now wasn't the time to hesitate. "Confirmation Code Alpha-Theta-Epsilon-1-0-0-1-0."

    The screen flashed green. Confirmation code accepted. Beginning search for targets meeting specified requirements.

    Binary stood there, pondering what he had just done. He had just decided to leave the fate of Hyperia up to a few gifted strangers. He hoped it was the right choice.

    All throughout the city, the phones, computers, and electronic devices of those "select few" received an anonymous message.

    "You have been selected, because of your special abilities, to assist the Champions with a mission of utmost importance. If you choose to accept this task, report to 1102 Washington Avenue within 24 hours."

    Back to the Present:

    As word of the Champions' disappearance spreads, villains of all kind begin to rally throughout the city. Who will stop them now?

    You are one of the gifted few that Binary, the last remaining Champion, has reached out to to come defend the city from the approaching onslaught of crime. Will you accept the call, and become the new defenders of Hyperia?

    How this all works:

    This roleplay is classified as a hybrid sandbox/chapter-based. There is an overarching plot, introduced at the beginning of each chapter, that should somewhat inform the characters' actions. These chapters will introduce new storylines, quests, characters, and possibly locations and features. However, players are free to roam the city, doing as they please so long as plausibility and the rules allow.

    Even though the some of the major plot is relatively static, the actions of player characters WILL affect parts as well. If a player incarcerates a villain, they won't be around to cause more trouble (unless something happens to change the situation), whereas if the villain is ignored or succeed in their dealings, they will become more powerful and perhaps make life harder for the heroes later.

    For instance, the RP will begin in Chapter One, where the events detailed in the introduction have just happened, and players receive their initial call to action. Chapter Two will introduce a new part of the story that will be affected by the actions and completed/uncompleted quests of the participating players.


    All right, the part you've been waiting for. Your hero's superpowers, abilities, etc.

    It is completely up to you how you would like to design your character, their powers included. But remember, "With great power, comes great responsibility." Got it?

    Any canon superpower is up for grabs, unless the GM deems it otherwise. (Mind-control and Time Travel are already banned) The following link is a good reference.


    A few guidelines:
    - Try to limit your powers and abilities to one specific area. Even though Superman has strength, speed, flight, laser eyes, frost breath, and invunerability, most heroes don't.
    - Allot weapons with caution. Remember, you are out to SAVE lives here.
    - Make sure the power your character has fits with both their origin story and the setting of the RP.

    Objectives: (quests)

    Objectives are quests or task that characters receive on their transceiver, which is given to them at the beginning of the first chapter. There are two types of Objectives: Story and Optional.

    Story Objectives are mandatory events that each player must participate in when they arise. These quests serve to advance the specific plot that the GM has planned.

    Optional Objectives, on the other hand, are completely... well, optional. These quests can vary widely, but most will entail preventing some kind of crime in around the city. These quests are "sent" to players via a tranciever post like the one below:

    Incoming Objective:
    Blowtorch is robbing the 1st national bank, in the financial district.


    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    - Downtown: The heart of Hyperia. Skyscrapers and city buildings line the busy streets, along with the Champions headquarters, which occupies a spot just off of main street. Downtown Hyperia closely resembles your stereotypical urban center.
    - Suburbia: Home to rows and rows of middle-class homes, Suburbia is full of residential neighborhoods. Families and middle-class citizens live here, making this one of the most populated regions of Hyperia.
    - Financial District: The bread-winner of the city, the financial district is home to numerous banks, the stock exchange, and other wealthy businesses. Unfortunately, this has also made it a common target for heists and robberies.
    - Cape Royale: Cape Royale is a collection of private villas and resorts, owned by wealthy magnets and tycoons who reside in Hyperia. Only the elite can afford to live here, and the atmosphere drips with luxury. High-profile theft runs rampant throughout the area.
    - Bayside: A haven for blue collar working folk, Bayside's claim to fame is their trade indutry. Fishing, carpentry, metalworking, etc, all can be found within this large district. Bayside is still a modern, well-off town, but contains a larger number of immigrants and laborers than other parts of Hyperia.
    - Mount Cedar: Built at the top of a mountain of the same name, Mount Cedar is a quiet, relaxed farmer's residence. THe area is famous for its agriculture, and giving off a rural, ranch-style feel at times. The district's center is more urban than the edges, balancing out the community.
    - Old Town: Old Town was the first part of Hyperia to be developed, many years before it would come to harbor superheroes. It is a small, dusty community that seems to be stuck in the past, not having evolved with the rest of the city. Small time criminals often start off their career in Old Town, since any kind of modern police force doesn't exist there.
    - Outlands: Barren and undeveloped, the Outlands sit just beyond Old Town, as the only part of the city with no official inhabitants. Located here is Zephyr forest, a favorite spot for outdoor-folk and hikers. It is also rumored that a famous supervillain might have once had a base in the Outlands.


    - Follow all PC and RPC rules and guidelines
    - Whatever the GM says goes.
    - Respect your fellow players, no bunnying, god-modding, etc (you know the drill)
    - Take into consideration your current commitments before joining this RP. Try to be in a position where you can post at a minimum of once every two weeks.
    - Joint posts are encouraged.
    - This RP is rated T. No excessive swearing or gore.
    - Be creative, and have fun!

    Sign Up:

    Name: (Include both birth name and alter ego if applicable.)
    Age: (18+)
    Appearance: (Include a brief description or image.)
    Attire: (Same as above. Include both "street wear" and "costume", if applicable.)
    Personality: (Describe how your character thinks, feels, and acts.)
    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: (Self-explanatory. Include the extent/limitations of these as well.)
    Strengths: (Positive qualities your character possesses.)
    Weaknesses: (Negative qualities your character possesses. Know that "Super Allergies" (a.k.a kryptonite variants) are not always the best weaknesses.)
    Origin Story (history): (How did your character get their powers? What have they been doing up until now?)
    Any other notes about your character:
    Roleplay Sample: (A link to a piece of your previous work, or something new. Just to show how you write.)

    Accepted Players:

    Sign-ups are currently closed, unless I specify otherwise.

    - GreyBidoof (Burst)
    - Gimmepie (Giron)
    - Ice (Smiley)
    - Sir General Admiral Fancy Swank (Sea Champion)
    - Godzil (Star Gazer)
    - Infinite (Shade)
    - Sir Bastian (Quantum)
    - Arx (Axel)
    - Sonata (Deuseas)
    - Deceptio (Renegade)
    - Mana (Kariyai)


    Inactive Players:

    Inactive players may contact the GM if they wish to rejoin.

    - Foxrally (Nerites)
    - Pkmn Trainer Butthead (Proto)
    - Apotheosis (Enzyme)
    - The Canceler (Reverb)
    - Lucifer-san (Spirit)

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  • 25,571
    I'm in

    My character will be a shapeshifting alien with badass agility in his natural state if that's alright with you. I don't know when you'll get my SU though.


  • 3,447
    • Seen Nov 23, 2023
    I also want to reserve a spot. I'll post my character when I have time after writing a Gunpowder and Outbreak post.

    I love the setting btw, it feels very DC. I'm not planning on making my character just tech based, or powerless, but can the gifted just have tech powers, or be extraordinary humans like Batman/Cap. America?


  • 2,791
    I shall reserve a spot :D

    I already have the character herself in mind, I just need a good bio :D


    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770
    I also want to reserve a spot. I'll post my character when I have time after writing a Gunpowder and Outbreak post.

    I love the setting btw, it feels very DC. I'm not planning on making my character just tech based, or powerless, but can the gifted just have tech powers, or be extraordinary humans like Batman/Cap. America?

    You are reserved as well, welcome aboard. Yes, your character can have abilities that may not qualify as "superpowers". Binary, for instance, is a Batman-esque character that invents his own weapons.

    I shall reserve a spot :D

    I already have the character herself in mind, I just need a good bio :D

    Reserved. Can't wait to see what you've got in mind.


    Rocking Round the Clock
  • 737
    By the way I wrote Fox's Extra Information.

    Πρωταθλητής Θάλασσα
    Pro̱tathli̱tí̱s Thálassa

    Alex Forestveil Or: "Sea Champion"
    Age: 22
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    His superhero costume is tailored exactly to focus his powers, the armour is made of scales and can be reabsorbed if he needs to be streamlines. His cape is also absorb-able.
    Normal Appearence:
    Alex is tall, muscular and built. His core muscles are built due to his long periods of swimming and his legs are defined due to working on Archaeological Dig Sites and he often does running in the woods. He has a high endurance due to some of his meditation poses include lifting himself off the ground with his hands below him, he can focus on the pain this way, to endure it. He usually wears one layer, a purple or orange jumper and trousers which look like jeans but are disguised scales detached from his body. His skin is lightly tanned from several expeditions to Europe, mainly Greece. He has a blue backpack with black straps which he carries all of his essientials. When meditating he keeps the bag in his Car's trunk (boot).
    Alex is particularly impulsive and sometimes even careless, sometimes his psyche and motivation are based off of an intense desire to worship Ekitai. Otherwise he enjoys reading and he has won several swimming championships. His life had almost became indistinguishable from his religious and super identity. And it is becoming harder and harder to control his normal self. When fighting his compulsive urge to worship Nerites, he can have black-outs and severe adverse health effects such as muscle spasms if it gets really severe. He is very interested in following a monastic lifestyle, but several modern aspects of society and such do not allow him to do it. Due to his blessing, he often thinks of himself arrogantly. He dislikes common cultural misconceptions of ancient cultures and mythological beings. He acts very much like a traditional medieval lord or some kind of noble in servitude of a higher entity.
    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc and Strengths/Weaknesses combined
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    There are two aspects to his powers. Firstly, the Water aspect, he can absorb a large amount of water and expulse them at high pressure, this works in conjuction with Nerites' powers of transforming herself in to water and he can expell her and send her towards the enemy. This can be used to force people backwards or even drown them in the right circumstances. He absorbes them in to his skin and can be ejected from his pores/skin at pressures at the force of waterfalls or hydrants. Water at this pressure could crush ribs. A downside to this is that if there is no moisture or if he is dry he cannotuse it.
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    The second part of his powers is restrained transmorphing abilites. As he trains he gains more access to it but at the moment when he goes in to the water he can morph in to a merman. After extreme training he can morph in to a Narwhal. He can also breath underwater with gills. The epitome of his existance is the ability to control water telekinetically and morphing in to any sea life. The weaknesses to this is that he need to meditate a large amount and train for days without coming out of the form. When severely wounded, he can regenerate health in either the dead sea (link) or a lake with a large amount of salt in it. This is possible due to it becoming alike to the Dead Sea, famous for it's extreme salty water, and where his powers orgininated. If water with a high salt content there are two other places; Lake Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece. Home of the Old Gods, or Lake Vinos, situated outside of hyperia, 14 miles (23 km) west of Hyperia.

    Origin Story (history):
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)
    Long, long ago, in times of Alexander and Sparta, eternaties in reality, but a few moments in the life of the longetivity of the Gods. It was becoming apparent that they were becoming weaker. Their prescense on the mortal world was fading, little did they know this was only the begining of their downhill spiral. The gods were ordered by Zeus, King Of The Gods, Keeper Of Mount Olympus, Master Of The Storms to bestow a great honour among the people of their faith, while Gods like Dionysus and Artemis gave fertile land and rich wine. Ares chose a hero, and blessed Alexander The Great to be the Greatest Warrior to Predate the age of Genghis Khan and Haig. Although reprimanded by Zeus for changing the course of history by enchanting Alexander. Minor Gods took notice of this technique.

    Nerites Ekitai chose a Hero and he became the Ruler Of Crete. But as all things come and go, his mortal life was perished and left to the sand of time. With the decimation of Greece and the Rise of Rome, major gods grew in to their imperial barbarity, they changed. But Minor Gods were unaffected. They were bystanders while Zeus became Jupiter, and Ares became Mars, after the fall of the Hellenistic Religions and the Roman Cults crumbled away. Ekitai stayed, forever yearning for times of old, major gods faded out of existences. After an eternity, she found herself in modern day, feeling her powers weakening, she made a last ditch effort. Bestowing her grace upon a mortal, named Alex teaching him of Ancient Religion and this sanctity of her being. In return of his faith, he was given abnormal powers as a child. This boy was found by her when on a vacation at the Dead Sea. Where he dared to go deeper. Below the sludge of the salty sea, he found the esscense of this dying spirit.

    This boy was born 14 miles outside Hyperia, in Lake Vinos. His parents were very interested in nature, and decided to have their son in Lake Vinos. They named this boy Alex. When Alex was young, he had this incredible fascination with water. He took a vacation to the Dead Sea, where uncovered the dying goddess, resting at the bottom of the dead sea. In exchange for him believing in her and in turn saving the Goddess, She gave him superhuman powers, as her champion. When he went back home, he went in to his family pool, and he had transformed slightly, growing fins and gills. When his parents saw this, they rushed him to the hospital, but the gills had dissappeared when they got there. Eventually he grew up with these powers restricted untill he trained and trained, he got interested in history. By secondary school he got really interested in ancient history. As a child he dedicated a closet of his as a shrine to this divine being. He trained everyday phyically. When he got to a teenager, he set up a sanctuary in an abandoned park, in which he did extreme physical training, and then praying, after being kicked out of the public space, he found a secluded spot on a lake in which he set up as a temple. When he left school, he immeaditately took to becoming an archeologist, living in Corfu. Was this fanaticism and beliefs good for him in hindsight? As an archeologist he found an inscription in how to find the goddess which bestowed this power. In which he followed the Nerites to America. in which he unlocked his powers.

    Any other notes about your character:
    His powers and personality are strongly linked to Nerites.
    Roleplay Sample:




    Hope you don't mind I combined some of the the fields.
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    Pkmn Trainer Butthead

    Proto (Not the *****)
  • 118
    • Seen Aug 25, 2015
    Can I make a reservation? Starting my SU right after I post this

    thinking of having my character's power as the ability to control electricity, if that's ok

    Name: Theo "Proto" Allen
    Age: 25

    Theo current appearance under the exoskeleton is a very horrific sight. The lightning strike damaged much of his face, full of gruesome scars and burn marks. The most notable scar stretches over Theo's left eye, from the top of his head to just under his ear. Theo used to have green eyes pre-accident, but now the aqueous and iris are blood red. Theo stands at six feet, five inches tall and weighs two-hundred and twenty-eight pounds, with quite the muscular build. Over that body however is a burnt mess, the damage from the accident still marked on his body. When Theo is gathering energy from a power source, his veins will flash bright blue through his skin.




    Shockingly enough, Theo has a very electric personality. Theo is a very emotionless person. Confined to an exoskeleton, Theo feels alone in the world and avoids all social situations whenever he can. He's a very cold person, due to the nature of his current situation he refuses to create bonds with people he meets, and always acts detached and disinterested in society. Theo is at peace when alone, and often chooses to meditate near a power source. Theo is always very nervous of his surroundings, and never feeling comfortable in any situation. Theo is a very humble person, not one to discuss his accomplishments, and absolutely dislikes discussing his condition. Theo often likes to think about what life would be like if the accident never happened, and has flashbacks to the days before the accident.


    Ability to control electricity. Theo's body can conduct electricity, and can use it to control currents of electricity in anything that uses electricity, can store electric charges in his body.

    Theo's powers include being able to shoot lightning bolts through his hands, move at near light speed for short distances and controlling electric circuits, can also coat himself in electric charges that cause a shock when he is touched.


    - Controlling electricity
    - Very skilled hand-to-hand fighter


    The main drawback to Theo's powers is he relies on a power source for his strength. Theo can draw electric charge from anything that holds a charge, but can only store limited amounts of electric potential. If Theo can't get near a power source or something conducting electricity from a power source, his powers become non-existant. Also relies on a breathing apparatus, if that fails or is disconnected from Theo, he only has minutes to live.

    Origin Story (history):

    Theo's life was a normal one up until three weeks ago, he was a construction worker for a company that built skyscrapers in Hyperia. He lived a minimalist lifestyle, making good money but spending very little. He lived alone, having no family in Hyperia and kept to himself, having only a few friends out of necessity.

    That was until everything changed. It was a busy day at work, and Theo was running late. He was working with the electricians installing the lights for the building, he had to go down to the basement to the generator to test the wiring. He flicked the switch on, but the lights didn't come on. So Theo started making a few adjustments until the power was re-connected and delivered a massive shock to Theo, sending him flying across the room, and knocking him out. Theo had to be revived by paramedics, and when hit with the defibrillator, Theo slapped the ground and sent a burst of electricity at the wall. Paramedics were taken away with disbelief, and was brought to a physicist for testing.

    First thing discovered is that Theo couldn't breath without an apparatus, so he was hooked up to a machine for the whole procedure, but during the testing found that Theo's body could conduct electricity with nearly zero resistance. Theo went through more testing, and eventually the full scope of his abilities were discovered. The research about Theo was transferred to Binary, and eventually Theo was given the alias Proto, along with the exoskeleton suit with a built in battery to hold extra charge for Theo and a breathing apparatus so he can stay alive.

    Roleplay Sample:

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  • 1,660
    Would you kindly reserve me a spot? I love a good powers game! Now, what kind of hero should I make? I'm thinking one with mystical powers, specifically defensive magic. And she'll have a star theme, 'cause stars are shiny!
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    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770
    Can I make a reservation? Starting my SU right after I post this

    thinking of having my character's power as the ability to control electricity, if that's ok

    Reserved. Sounds cool to me. In fact, I was originally planning on doing an electricity character, but I'm probably going a different route, so you're good.

    Would you kindly reserve me a spot? I love a good powers game! Now, what kind of hero should I make? I'm thinking one with mystical powers, specifically defensive magic. And she'll have a star theme, 'cause stars are shiny!

    You are reserved as well, good to have you! Mystical powers sounds neat, especially since she won't be the only one in the city using magic :) (hint hint) Also, oooh stars, pretty.
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Okay, I can't keep myself from this after all hnnng. Could I reserve a spot? I'll probably re-use my old "power" from Gilded Halls, being able to merge things with each other. Creative Alchemy, I called it. But I might want to toss something more in to make the character more battle-worthy. Although, they could probably assist Binary pretty well with that power alone.


    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770
    Okay, I can't keep myself from this after all hnnng. Could I reserve a spot? I'll probably re-use my old "power" from Gilded Halls, being able to merge things with each other. Creative Alchemy, I called it. But I might want to toss something more in to make the character more battle-worthy. Although, they could probably assist Binary pretty well with that power alone.

    Welcome aboard. That sounds pretty sweet, can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Edit: Looks like we already have a bunch of great potential heroes, just remember to get those SUs up whenever you can! Mine should be up today.

    Also, thanks guys, I appreciate the enthusiasm, it's really encouraging.
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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    Name: Hilda Gard

    Superhero name: Enzyme

    Age: 20​

    Standing at 165 cm height and weighing 59 kg, Hilda is a not too tall girl with quite the nice curves. Ever since puberty started, she's had both a relatively round bum and generous bust, and not too skinny parts in between. Her hair is blonde, fairly straight and just reaches her shoulders. Her big, hazel eyes are most often accentuated by a thick layer of mascara and eyeliner, because without it Hilda feels bland with her blonde details. She colors her eyebrows dark with regular intervals.​
    For clothing, Hilda isn't the fanciest of girls. Her most common attires consist of baggy jeans (or slim ones if she feels like shaping up a bit) chucks and t-shirts with either a hooded shirt or simple canvas jacket over. Pink is a color she likes though. Pink and blue. She didn't bother much with jewelry until she discovered her power and started cooking up all kinds of interesting trinkets to wear or give away.

    She hasn't got any kind of superhero suit yet, as she never thought about her powers being used to combat villains and crime. It's likely she will try to alchemize the strangest kinds of outfits to suit her upcoming missions as well as possible though. If you become her friend, she might help you out with your outfit too...​
    Hilda is an easy-going, often nonchalant being. She loves to laugh and often has a hard time staying serious in serious situations. She is somewhat lazy and likes to take the comfortable route through anything. She knows that she can be a bit selfish at times, and she feels guilty about that. She isn't afraid of standing up to people, since her laid back nature makes her rather impervious to insults or threats.

    She loves to talk to people and just have fun in general, and as such she has made friends with all of her coworkers and often have them and old school mates over for dinner or just hanging out at her place. Because she also never judges people unless she has seen them do bad stuff herself. She might make fun of strange people, but never with malicious intent. She just thinks you should be able to laugh about everything and anything, but also that everyone should be allowed to be who they like to be, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. She hates being alone, except for when she wants to focus on alchemizing something difficult, in which case she might want some space for once.​

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    1. Creative Alchemy, but "cooking" is what Hilda usually calls it.

    Hilda can touch several items of any kind and merge them into a new item with combined features from the original items. For example, a frying pan + a shirt could become a cotton frying pan. But it could also become a steel shirt. Or something else if she really focuses and needs something specific. Depending on how hard she focuses and how much time she spends on the alchemy process (usually it takes seconds, but with very complicated or huge items it can take minutes), she can end up with a random result or something very specific she was aiming for. Touch is necessary, it seems; she can't alchemize things with sheer willpower.

    There's no limit on how many items she can create per day or so. However, the more complex or the bigger an item is, the more exhausted she'll feel after the "cooking" is done. And then she'll need to eat. A lot.

    It takes more energy to merge an alchemy product with a new item, or even merge two alchemy products with each other. She's working on getting better at that.

    She can't alchemize humans or animals. Plants might work, but even that kind of life form is so complex that it's very difficult.

    She has not yet learned to splice things back to the way they were again. Once merged, they likely stay merged.​

    2. Fluctuating super strength, but Hilda usually calls it "a good diet".
    Hilda loves to eat. She is not downright fat, but she really should be. When she has been alchemizing a lot, she feels hungry. If she eats, she can keep going. Sleep is really secondary, and she seems to not need as much of that as other humans do. As long as she eats, that is. She can almost always be seen holding some kind of snack, or at least carry it around in her pockets. Superhero fuel, she claims. And yeah, nobody who has seen her in action can really argue.

    What has this eating thing got to do with her super strength? Well, when she is feeling full, she is inhumanly strong. She could probably lift a building if she tried really hard (and chewed on a Snickers bar during). Something about her digestion and energy system has gone haywire in her body, making her seemingly small muscles show extreme power when they are fully loaded. And the magnitude of her strength has only increaseed over the years...

    However, in reverse, Chef will quickly become weak, even weaker than your average lazy couch potato, if she gets hungry. So it's fluctuating indeed.​

    3. Weapon.
    Which she will likely create for herself as soon as she realizes that she might be good at the front lines. Unclear yet what kind of strange cook up of items it will consist of...​
    She's not afraid of trying out new things, like new alchemy recipes, or to stand up for her opinion, or even throw herself first into a dangerous situation.

    People skills
    She can most often appreciate people for their quirks and uniqueness, and utilize her contacts well. She has made friends with several regulars in the café where she works, and they won't hesitate to do her a favor or two if she'd need it.

    Benign insomnia
    She simply sleeps much less than other people do. A few hours a night, usually, is enough to keep her going. Food helps her feel focused and alert much more than sleep does.

    Controlled by her stomach
    Really. Food is always on her mind, because it's the key to her powers. If you let her go hungry, she won't be any good.

    She got through high school, alright, but she didn't make much of an effort to learn things. It's likely she'll zone out or plainly admit that she's uninterested or doesn't understand anything, as soon as Binary or some other techy or sciency person starts explaining things. This causes her to be sort of oblivious and even feel dumb at times, but she tries to not let it hinder her too much.​

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    Origin Story (history):
    Hilda grew up with a fairly normal life in Hyperia's Bayside quarters, except she was sometimes weirdly strong. Her father made sure she knew early on that it was not okay to use her odd strength to bully others, and her mother always proclaimed that it was okay for people to be different because it made the world a richer place. So Hilda has always been a generally kind and happy person and didn't ponder her fluctuating strength and food habits much. Rather, she believed and still do to this day, that many other people - if not all - also hide some kind of secret talent or power. It's just not something to talk about, so she doesn't.

    But around the time Hilda quit high school (with somewhat mediocre grades since she simply didn't care enough), and her parents were trying to decide her future for her, something else happened. Her father was sort of scared of what Hilda really was, and wanted to finally have her tested somewhere. Her mother, on the other hand, said that Hilda was fine and that it would be unfair to treat her differently. Their argument became so big that it split them apart, and Hilda's father even moved away from the city of Hyperia. He had had enough of superpowers and strangeness.

    Hilda started working in the café owned by her mother, and has been ever since. She has actually become a quite good baker, making many cookies and desserts that they sell in the café. She still lives with her mother, has no other siblings, but a cat. That cat is probably her arch nemesis. She just knows that it hates her, somehow. A big fat black blob called Castor.

    Back to the relevant stuff: not long after she started working in the café, she noticed strange things happening around her. One day she found a metal mug in the cabinet for china at the café. Then, she found an apple in the shape of a banana in the fruits basket. And one day, she saw it happening in front of her own eyes. In her own hands, in fact. She could merge stuff. She didn't even tell her mother about it, she just became slightly more private than she usually was, and started trying to figure out how it worked. Of course it didn't scare her - she was already weirdly strong at times so she was fairly sure she wasn't an average human. Over the course of a year, she learned a lot about what she could do and not, and also figured out the connection between her alchemy, the hunger, and the strength of her muscles. Alchemy made her hungry, hunger made her weak. Eating made her strong and gave her energy for more alchemy.

    She has yet to tell her mother about this new item cooking skill, and has always hidden her strength for her friends.​
    Any other notes about your character:
    We should totally make her fall in love with another player and try to stop eating so much to seem less yucky, and then get weaker and compromise mission because of that and in the end realize that she needs to be herself and can't pretend to be something she's not. And maybe the lovestory will end happily anyways because he liked her as she were. Yeah, that is all 8)​
    Roleplay Sample:
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)
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    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770
    May I reserve a spot? I just saw this now and-- yeah.
    I'm thinking of having shadow manipulation as a power... Hmm.

    Reserved. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Looks great so far! I like how you really developed the character's quirks, which make her all the more likeable.

    As for her powers, since they both keep with the whole food/cooking theme and are rather limited by themselves, it's perfectly okay to have both.

    This looks neat *^*
    Can I reserve as well?

    Of course!
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Awesome! She's gonna be so much fun to play as.

    I'm wondering something though: when I design SU sheets, I nowadays have "weaknesses" and "strengths" instead of a personality section. I can't help but write some power-related weaknesses into the power section instead, and some personal strengths into the personality section. What kind of traits is it you'd like to see categorized under weaknesses and strengths? Stuff like "nice, fun, creative" or rather stuff like "has only one leg, is allergic to rhubarb, can't read" kinda?

    Sorry if my question is confusing in itself.
  • 1,660
    And here we go!

    Name: Selune "Luna" Greenwood a.k.a. Star Gazer

    Age: 24

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (OOC/SU)

    Luna is a tall, strong woman (5' 7"), with blonde hair and green eyes. Her skin is light, and she has a runner's lithe physique.

    Attire: Luna's usual outfit consists of dark pants, light shirts, and blue shoes. Her favorite shirt is purple, with a yellow crescent moon logo. Star Gazer's costume is a two-tone blue leotard with slacks and a skirt, with stylised shield designs. She wears blue boots and leather bracers, with a protective helmet adorned with a blue and silver star.

    Street Wear:


    Personality: Luna enjoys sitting down and reading, due to her thirst for knowledge, but will happily go out into the world. She is also very friendly, and tries to get out more often, despite her lack of social skills. She is eager to please, but easily overreacts to many situations. She can get frustrated easily, and tends to snap or lash out at others when in a bad mood. She enjoys getting to show off, and will often pat herself on the back if she positively contributes, while she will work hard to redeem herself if she screws up. She can be a bit predictable, as she loves lists and schedules, and is a little obsessive-compulsive.


    Hard Light - By focusing her Stellar Energy, Star Gazer can conjure and shape starlight into a solid construct. This requires at least one hand to be free, as a conduit for the energy. Her most common uses of Hard Light are the Stellar Shield, the Star Strike, and the Lunar Whip, but other constructs are possible.

    * The Stellar Shield is a semitransparent blue field, filled with twinkling lights. It most commonly takes the shape of a five-pointed star, roughly the size of Star Gazer's torso. The shield reflects physical objects, blocks incoming energies, and can be used as a bludgeoning weapon in a pinch. The shield can be summoned with the speed of reflex, but maintaining it takes a mental toll, with larger shields draining more energy.

    * The Star Strike is a small star the size of Star Gazer's fist. The stars burst upon impact, striking with the strength of a strong punch. She can create up to three stars at a time, and all are fully controlled by her mind. They can be thrown, like simple shuriken, or magically guided to curve around obstructions, such as walls or friends. Of course, if she can't see her target, the stars are flying blind.

    * The Lunar Whip is a solidified beam of Hard Light, generally connected to Star Gazer's wrist. The whip can be used as a weapon, or to trip or tie up an enemy. She can disconnect the whip at will, though it will only persist for a short time. The whip can be burst or slipped out of, which gets easier the longer the whip has been active, as it slowly decays. Though there is no limit to how many whips she can make, once disconnected they fall apart after thirty minutes.

    Cosmic Regeneration - Star Gazer's cells make exact replicas, giving her an amazing healing factor. Not super fast healing, but given enough time, she will fully recover from virtually any injury. However, she can heal the wounds of others super fast. By laying her hands on a living creature, she can temporarily supercharge their own healing ability, allowing her to heal their injuries at the expense of her own energy.

    Flight - Star Gazer can fly by channeling Stellar Energy. She can still use her other powers, but they are more costly while airborne. Her flight speed is comparable to her walking speed, but she can fly faster by using more energy. As her flight is controlled by her mind, she has perfect maneuverability.

    Strengths: The fact that she never gives up is one of her better qualities, and her optimism often keeps morale high.

    Weaknesses: Her fragile ego makes it easy to throw her off her game. All of her abilities are based on her concentration, and can be disrupted if her will is broken, such as through enough pain or deprivation of food, sleep, or air.

    Origin Story (history): A wealthy businessman from Cape Royale had a romantic tryst with a woman from Old Town. From this union came a baby girl, whose existence would surely bring shame and financial ruin to the businessman, so he arranged to have mother and daughter killed. After killing the mother, the assassin had an uncharacteristic attack of conscience and found himself unable to pull the trigger on a baby. So he threw her into Liberty Bay instead. There, the baby floated until she made it to shore, and was found by an immigrant dock worker. He was a large, strong man with a big heart, and took the girl as his own.

    Young Selune never questioned her origins, for her "father" readily told her how he found her. She decided she didn't care who her birth parents were, as her adoptive father was more than good enough. When she was young, she found it silly to be with other children, and much preferred to read books or go on walks. Very enthusiastic walks that took her to all parts of the city.

    During her teenage years, Luna found herself more open to people, and had a real desire to help them. Since a teenage girl can do very little to change the world for the better, she settled for helping people on a more personal level, and considered becoming a lawyer or police girl. But, considering her father's financial state, she guessed the service industry would have to suffice. She found herself pondering her future one night while on a walk through Bayside, when she noticed a blue light in the sky, rapidly growing larger.

    An object of some sort crashed into the bay, and Luna quickly commandeered a boat to go investigate. What she uncovered turned out to be some kind of space rock, studded with blue crystals. The crystals glowed faintly, but the light went out after she picked the rock up. Unbeknownst to her, the crystals gave off some kind of radiation, which she had absorbed by coming into physical contact. The radiation began altering her cells, and she fell unconscious in her stolen boat.

    She awakened the next morning in a daze, and quickly returned home. Her father had been worried about her, but had been unable to look for her after his large, strong heart had given out. Luna found her father unconscious in the hospital, recovering from a heart attack. She sat by his side and prayed for him to be alright. At one point, she held his hand and wished with all her heart for him to recover, and felt light headed as warmth spread through her hands. Shortly after, her father awakened, having made a miraculous recovery.

    Having thus learned of her healing powers (and pawning off the space rock to pay hospital bills), Luna was content with her minor ability and decided to persue a career in the medical field, perhaps as a doctor or nurse. But again, considering finances, she settled on emergency response. After graduating, she worked at a library to pay for night classes. It was during an especially slow day that she let her mind wander and discovered she could create energy constructs.

    And so she began living her double life. Her first attempt at heroics ended poorly (as most first attempts do), but her innate healing ability allowed her to bounce back quickly. That, and she invested in armor when she tried again. Thus, her costume slowly came together, with her hero identity coming as well.

    She drives an ambulance for a living, using her powers subtly to stabilize patients, and fights violent criminals when off duty. She feels bad not to be a full-time hero, but her driving job pays better, and allows her to help those that other heroes were too late to fully protect.

    Any other notes about your character: Totally not Green Lantern.

    Roleplay Sample: Here's a couple from "Gunpowder". The first is a bit more dramatic, the second is a bit more comical. I like to mix in a bit of both.


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