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Fargona: The Land of Dragons [T][OOC]

@Typh- Well, all's well with your SU except for a few things. 1) Skry and Disappearance are powerful spells and therefore would require magical power than dragon tamers don't have. If you are able to power them down and think of a way that they wouldn't seem to take up as much magic, tell me so I can check over them again. 2) If you could just make your RP sample longer. 3) This isn't really a problem, but since I'm in control of the king, in the RP you won't be able to decide he's given you a mission on the whim of the moment XD

@Heretostay- Accepted~
May i join in? Here is my SU.

Name:Mikash Blinov (The Sovereign Hunter)


Age (at least 16, but no older than 35): 18

Appearance (at least one full paragraph. You may add a picture, but I still want a written description as well):Mikash is about 6'2. He is usually wearing chain mail armor. He carries his brothers bow ''bow of searing arrows'' and his brothers katana''Defender of the hunt ''. Mikash straps the bow to his back and sheaths his katana on his belt when hes not using them. He has long dark hair with slight wave to it. He pulls it back in a ponytail. He has blue eyes.and has a muscular body.

Personality (at least one full paragraph. I may ask for more if I'm not satisfied):Mikash is at home in the wilderness and has a special affinity for all creatures.He likes to practice with his bow. He usually is a lone wolf. He camps alone and hunts alone. He likes to shoot his bow at targets and track down creatures and sword fight a practice dummy for entertainment. He is very friendly to his allies. when in danger Mikash will use his surroundings to help fight or for defense he would rather use his magic for emergencies only he is able to make weapons out of wood and rock if needed for a spare weapon or for throwing weapons if in the right terrain. In defense the hunter will want to climb as high as he can to shoot his targets at a terrific rate of speed.

History (At least two full paragraphs. I may ask for more if I'm not satisfied. If you've already met your dragon, include how you met it.

When Mikash was a young boy around the age of 4, there was a home invasion due to his fathers debts with the village thugs. His father directed Mikash's mother to help the children escape on their horse. As the horse (with the boys) was racing away, Genistiege turned back to look and saw their mother brutally murderd by the raiders. He knew then that their father had gone before her.

When Mikash was six his brother Genisteige told stories about dragons and there tamers and how dragons choose there masters when hatching. When Mikash was eight his older brother Genistiege taught him how to how live off the land and survive in the wild and how to fight with a sword,he also taught him the move parry counter . When Mikash was twelve Genistiege left to go hunting while Mikash was learning how to become a leather worker Mikash knew he had a secret but didn't bother to ask since he knew Genisteige wouldn't tell him anyway. Genistiege disappeared one day while out hunting for food.Mikash went looking for Genistiege. Mikash realized Genistiege was mauled by a bear. He buried him with a sad heart, Mikash never talked about him from that day forward. All Mikash had left to remember his brother by was his brothers katana and his long bow. When Mikash was sixteen he had studied about first aid and learned what herbs to use to heal wounds and how to make bandages to stop the wound from bleeding and how to fight in any terrain

Mikash has improved his accuracy with his bow by shooting at targets. He runs daily to keep his stamina up. He climbed trees to improve his agility and his strength. When he is not working on strength or cardio, he spends his time fencing with inanimate objects. Since Mikash lives in a field, he does all of his training in the outskirts of Raddyn

Because of Mikash's history with loosing his family, and being on his own, he developed matchless skills in hunting and tracking and fighting. He grew to be independent, self-governing, and determines his own outcome and destiny. He is called the Sovereign Hunter by many that have known him or have known of him.

Occupation (how do you make a living? This could range from being a thief to being a rich nobleman.):Mikash hunts and is a leather worker and knows adaptive first aid.

Spells known (include a description of how the spells work and what they do. Remember, nothing too powerful. If your character doesn't know any spells, leave this blank):

Chimera shot:A spell that inflicts weak damage and poisons the target.

Serpent sting: A shot that causes temporary paralysis.

Wyvern sting shot: A spell that puts enemies to a brief sleep.

Silencing shot: A Spell that interrups certain spells depending on how strong they are.

Explosive trap:A trap with a spell that makes a weak explosion and is effective in a 1 yard radius.

Ice trap: A trap with a spell that puts ice on the ground and slows the enemy down.(does not work in hot areas.)

stun trap: A trap armed with a spell that stuns enemies for a short time.

parry counter: blocks the enemies attack temporarily stunning them for a quick strike.

Dragon Species:earth Drake



Age (adolescent, adult, or ancient)adolesent

Description (at least one full paragraph. You may add a picture, but I still want a written description):Invincible is a brown drake with a hint of red color on his wings.His eye color is orange.He has a large spiked tail and long razor sharp claws. He has spikes on his nose and neck. He has a scar on his back.

Personality (at least one full paragraph. I may ask for more if I'm not satisfied):Invincible is a mischievous dragon. He likes to explore and discover new things.He really likes to help out others as best he can. If hes in danger he will use his tail as a club to kill his enemies. He really likes to live in caves and hunts for food during the night.

RP sample:

Ryolu releases the buck into the wild. As he watched it bound off He starts to remember when he found the fawn and came to care for it. Ryolu grabbed his bow after flinging on his camouflage clothing and strode out the door, prepared for a day of hunting. Not long after leaving his cabin, he spotted a buck grazing. He drew his bow and lifted it, ready to shoot. After taking careful aim, he loosed the arrow and the buck crumbled to the ground. As he approached the dead beast, something hidden in a nearby bush caught his eye; on closer inspection, he identified it as a fawn crouching in the leaves. Feeling bad for the fawn since he had just killed what must have been its father, he waited for its mom to come out. The doe never showed up so he took the fawn with him as he dragged the buck's carcass behind him. A cougar pounced out of the bushes and landed on the young buck. Ryolu realizes the buck couldn't defend itself. Ryolu draws his bow and shoots the cougar in the leg. The cougar fell of the deer and pounced at Ryolu as the the cougar pounced the Buck skewers the cougar. Ryolu was grateful for the deer that saved his life and went home.
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@Courage- But of course~ You are reserved.

And that means every spot has been filled~ I feel so accomplished XD Should probably start working on the first post this weekend...
under stood Fortworth96, I fixed the problems you mentioned and I will remember that you control the king throughout the RP.

we finally have enough to start the RP! I'm very excited about this.
@Typh- You're accepted, but I just wanted to make sure I understood Heal. He has about 10 seconds to heal wounds, or the wounds appear again after about 10 seconds? Just a tad confused.

Btw, good RP sample. Just no 10 yard fogs in the RP... For it to spread that far, Shade would be quite out of breath from breathing out all that fog XD

And my SU is now down~ Time to get working on the first post...
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@Typh- You're accepted, but I just wanted to make sure I understood Heal. He has about 10 seconds to heal wounds, or the wounds appear again after about 10 seconds? Just a tad confused.

Btw, good RP sample. Just no 10 yard fogs in the RP... For it to spread that far, Shade would be quite out of breath from breathing out all that fog XD

And my SU is now down~ Time to get working on the first post...

He has about ten seconds to heal the wounds. thanks for the feedback.
@Courage- A'ight~

I'm still working on the first post. It probably won't be done before tomorrow, since I didn't realize how much I needed to put into it until I actually started writing it, but it will be done soon .w.
Alright. I'll starting thing of ideas for the first post. Going to try to get the dragon in one post, which should be easy.
I'm working on the first post right now, and it will be finished either tonight or tomorrow, so for anyone who hasn't yet finished their SU, please do so soon~
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No worries. I've been sick so haven't felt like making any posts. Once I'm better, I'll get right to it on the first post. Though it seems not many people have made a post yet.
I'll be posting my SU today. At least the human portion of it. That dragon part needs a tiny bit more thouht.

EDIT: Woot, finally done with SU! I think i'm pretty happy with the results.

Name: Tobi Gustav
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Tall about 6ft

Dark-skinned, brown eyes, with short, straight and short black hair that is even all around his head not passing the ridge of his forehead.His bodily stucture is slim but slightly muscular due to his training. However aside from that small factor he doesnt really catch the eye or stand out that much from the crowd. Tobi distains wearing much jewlery such as earings, but does wear a gold ring adorned with a green emerald in the middle that was given to him by his mother. Not much perfering to wair armor and likes to stay light, Tobi usually wears a casuall shirt and a hoodied jacket. His sword:
was a present to him by his father upon reaching 16.

Personality: Usually reserved and quiet you wont often see him in any big conversation. However Tobi's personallity is a bit of a tabuu in the respect that although he doesnt excell in large crowds, he can do just fine in very small groups of familiar people and is very social in familiar situations. You could say the only situation where Tobi doesnt communicate well at all is when he's talking about himself or personal issues, of which he would rather avoid than openning up which he finds awkward and can be somewhat defiant of authority he doesnt agree with.

Despite that, outwardly Tobi is a very kind person who enjoys the company of other people yet greatly enjoys breif periods of peace and alone time(during halfway of which he longs for company again as lonelyness doesnt suit him well). However ever since his bond with Triton, all they need to feel content was the presence of eachother. When he feels like getting away from it all he usually aimlessly rumagess around the forrest practing spells. Usually hes the kinda guy that brings a calming air into the atmosphere. Always wanting to help others and being an overall friendly person. However he is slightly irritable in uncomfortable situations and his first impressions of others sorta stick until he gets to know them better.

History: Tobi is the only child of a wealthy mother and father. His father is a middle ranking royal Knight of Banloress. Thus he grew up with some of the better things he needed in life. His father trains him to be a fully fledged Knight one day however Tobi has refused the position more than once in preference of a simpler life. Reguardless, Tobi still takes on sorcery, swordfighting, survival, and daily physical training to keep in peak form.

Even though Tobi had basically astounding performance in all these taks/trainings, its nothing he found himself convicted to do. Time and time again Tobi would express his discontent with such a bound life. As such on his 17 he announced that he wanted to travel abroad and see the rest of Forgona. His mother was distraught with the idea at first, but his dad was the first to see how this journey would develop his son into a man. As such, his father helped him pack him everything he needed to survive. Had only Tobi listened more carefully about the dangerous that await him just outside of Banloress.

As Tobi gleefully ventured off into the Oldkin Dessert, he was unprepared for a viscious sandstorm that nearly wiped him out. Some of his supplies, washed away in the dessert sands and painfully lost and too at loss of energy for any spells. Upon passing out the next day the last thing Tobi saw and felt were a harsh light and a gust of wind. The next thing he knew, he was in the Kin'unda clinic being taken cared for by its docters. They said he appeared at village out of nowhere unconcious. As surreal as it seemed the docters took care of the boy in need free of charge. When Tobi recovered and said his goodbyes he headed out into the treacherous dessert again with provisions from the village, this time at night when it was cooler.

Before Tobi got far, he was confronted by a large magnificent yellow drake that decended right in front of him. At first Tobi was startled by the dragon. However the golden drake knelt its head down and lowered something of which it was carrying in its mouth. It was Tobi's missing sack! The rest of Tobi's keepsakes and supplies were all preseved inside. As Tobi realised the Drake was the one who saved him, an abrupt rush of sweeping emotions filled befuddled him. It was unti Tobi looked into the dragon's eyes that they were coming from him. After that encounter they were constant companions. Although their journey out of the dessert was a trial, it was worlds easier with Triton(the name Tobi had given him) since he practically lived in the dessert.

Over the corresponding years the two have trecked horizontaly over the land of Forgona, taking up small and short jobs here and there while assisting any lost travelers on their way and generally enjoy helping others. As of now, they are making their way torwards Issathon to see what awaits them.

Occupation: Wandering traveler, hunter, takes on any jobs that come his way.

Spells known:

Potent Cure: A spell that can minor-mid wounds, infections, and certain illnesses or just simply transfer strength. Drains the user's physical energy in proportion to the ailment or wound healed.

Eagle Eye: Gives the user dramatic and pinpoint perception of everything within range of sight, being able to see things from far distances as well as hightening reflexes. Will very slightly strain the eyes if used longer than five minutes.

Elemental: Gives minor manipulation of the elements of Earth, water, fire, and air being able to use them as projects, small sheilds, or wepons, it can also be used in other ways.
Such as; Earth- crafting items from stone, Air- increased agility or a tailwind, Fire- Melding, lighting candles Water- creating small air pockets underwater

Illusionist: If one were to look into the user's eyes, it will put the victom under an illusion of the user's choice for a short period of time. Approximately 3 minutes max. Another visual spell and cannot be used in rapid succesion(depending on how long the illusion was).

Dragon Species: Light Drake

Sample RP:

It was sunset and Tobi was cooking his portion the the deer Triton had hunted in a bonfire created with a fire spell. Triton had his fill and rests pressed to Tobi's side. Triton prodded Tobi with a wing uupon sensing an uneasy feeling in his trainer.

Tobi chuckled. "Oh, its nothing." Tobi sighed and gazed up at the moon and stars that gazed down at the forrest around them. "I guess you could say I'm just nervous at the thought of getting to Issathon. I dont know why exactly, because I come from a fortess myself. Its just we've been out and about between small villages and the wilderness for so long. And theres that thing about dragons disapearing and people falling ill..."

Triton grunted and shook his head, as if willing his friend to dismiss these thoughts.

Tobi patted his draggon on the head. "Yea I guess you're right. No use getting cold feet now. And we have a big day ahead of us tommorow. Before we get to Issathon we'll pass by Itim. The pevious village said we'd be sure to find some supplies there". Tobi then put out the fire, and they both drifted off in peaceful slumber.


The next day the two where about a mile from the village when they heard an alarming scream. Tobi imediately mounted Triton's back and they two strode through the undergrowth of the forrest until they came to a clearing. It seemed to be a hooded theif was trying to rob a young damsel, holding her by the neck with a pocket knife.

The hooded assaulter chuckled. "Why do you make this so difficult? Just tell me wear you hid the gold peices and i'll let you go."

The bold young woman spat and retorted sharply, "Lies! How do I know you wont just kill me after I tell you?? I'd rather let my mother's riches rott before I give them to a brute like you!"

The man's grip tightened in fustration. "Dont trifle with me! I'm no longer amused by this little game of-". Before the theif could utter another word, a sharp blast of light and sound the man causing him to fall to the ground with a sharp yelp, confused and stunned. Seconds after he feels a sharp blow to the cranium and his knocked unconcious. Upon his awakening he is bound tightly tree with nothing to ponder but his immenent arrest as soldriers from the village of Itim stride torwards his location, curtesy of a selfless dragon and his rider.
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@Courage- You are accepted~ You may make your first post whenever you can o3o

Also, since Cutielaurenie has neglected to finish her SU after nearly a month or reply to either of the VMs I sent her, she is being removed. Which means there's room for anyone who wants to join later on in the RP, especially now that I've figured out how to integrate new members in later on so this RP won't crash and die if people have to leave XD
Whelp Alistar's char sheet got corrupted. It'll take me a little longer, sorry for the hold up.