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P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

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And just like that, the heroine Ruby was born and took Kaiser's place/identity though she will have more angry outburst than Kaiser. She won't be as serious, but she definitely won't be like all the other girls. :)

-Ruby recieved a Pokedex!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

-Ruby recieved 10 Pokeballs!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

Ruby recieved a Shinx!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU


If it helps, I could always make Regal's sister (who appeared in the original) an essential character.

Why, sure, I enjoy reading about your NPCs, machomuu! :D

My first RP? Yep, let's do this.

It's a great concept for a character, I'm only asking you to expand the whole SU, mainly the personality, please take a look at other SUs if you aren't certain about your SU's length :)

My SU revised!

Alik was with his dad in the Olivine Gym's basement. The two of them were fixing the power grid. His father told him to hold the fort while he went to go get a bite to eat. It had been a while and Alik's father hadn't returned, so he decided to walk outside to see what was going on. IT happened. All hell broke lose when he did. A tsunami was heading towards the coast and earthquakes were creating fissures everywhere. He began to run around the city looking for his father and finally found him. He found his father pinned beneath a fallen lamp post. Alik began to pull him out, but his father stopped him. "Son, don't worry about me. Go. Run. Don't stop. You'll know it's safe to come back when the sun is shining brightly." Alik didn't know what he meant, but he obeyed his father as usual. He just took off running, refusing to stop. He collapsed near the location of Ecruteak City and passed out.
Why are there links to the OOC in there?! xD
So... where was his dad before IT happened, because, according to you, it happened until Alik came out of the gym, so, where was he before the lamp hit him?

You do realize a tsunami has the killing power of a 1000 Tyranitars?
He would have just... died after passing out, assuming he didn't fell on a fissure... Maybe you could just say it was a flooding of some sort...

Yeah, the backstory is the only thing left to fix on your SU xD
Holy Burrito Batman! That sign up is complete! Hope it is Okay.
Name: Savanna Hollingsworth
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Savanna is a rather average girl, with a semi athletic build that is easy to miss. Savanna stands at about 5 foot 3 inches, and weighing in at around 110 pounds. Her general appearance gives off the vibe that she is simply an innocent little girl. Her hair is a dark brown and is roughly shoulder length, with short bands over her forehead. Her hair has no other really noticeable features as it is not curly and has a regular texture to it. Her eyes however are what give her look its true statement, as they are a piercing green color that is not found too much around the Hoenn region. As for her complexion, it is fair, but by no means pale, as she is not a real fan of tanning.

Savanna's attire is rather simple as she only truly cares for the function of her clothing. That being said she wears knee length jeans shorts, that are starting to fade, from the clear amount of use over the years. On her black belt you will find a small brown pouch that is filled with a couple of trinkets that Savanna uses for different reasons. One of which is for picking locks. Her shirt is a plain black t-shirt with no markings on it. Every now and then she can be seen sporting a light gray hoodie over the shirt, but if not it is usually tied around her waist or in her backpack. Also in her backpack is a pair of black gloves as well as other fundamental supplies she needs for her trip. Finally her sneakers are black with a blue stripe that runs around the entire shoe.

Savanna is a rather mischievous girl. More often than not she is sneaking around trying to get information, out of people and the environment, or just people watching. On occasion she is known to steal some things, but mostly it is for her entertainment, as she only steals from people she knows, whether it be an acquaintance or a loved one. Despite all of this Savanna is a rather caring and sweet individual. Those close to her will often find that she tries to help them in what way she can, though she is not known to go to extreme lengths for anybody. One of Savanna's biggest traits is her intelligence. Savanna is able to deduce and solve almost any type of puzzle or conundrum that is put in front of her, and usually she will not stop until it is complete. In her thirst for knowledge she has leaned many things, from how buildings are constructed, to learn general layouts, to how and what type of theft crimes are committed. The only thing to note is that to those that she does not know very well, Savanna will mask her intellect, only to appease what is her tendency to try to fit in. Another trait to note is that in order to get a case or puzzle wrapped up, Savanna is not against manipulating others to get the job done.

Savanna was much like any other girl from the small city of Mauville, living as a middle class citizen. Her father did work as a local detective and her mother stayed at home to raise her and her three siblings, Savanna being the second youngest. One of her favorite pastimes growing up was playing the game "who done it" with her two older brothers and father. The game would involve the children taking something that was not of too much importance to their father and hiding it somewhere in the house. The father would then try to figure out who stole the item as well as what was taken, and where it was hidden. The result was usually Savannah winning as she not only hid items well but managed to frame her brothers for her crimes so she never got caught.

As Savanna got older she refined her skills in the game, and as a result her ability to sneak, as well as her aptitude for deductive reasoning rose greatly. Her father truly started to take note of his daughter's talent when she was about 13. It was mostly because children's personal belongings at school kept mysteriously disappearing without a trace, only to turn up weeks later in someone else's possession. In order to properly nurture Savanna, her father began to take her to his office after school hours until it was time for him to go home. While there he would let her read through old case files of many different thefts, avoiding showing her the more violent crimes. Soon enough Savannah was able to piece together how some of the smaller crimes were committed, and as a few more years rolled by she began to get even more proficient.

By the age of 16, Savanna's father as well as some of his coworkers began to trust the girl with some of the theft cases they were working on, she didn't always solve them, but when she did it always led to the future arrest of the criminal. One day while working on a case that should have been an easy solve, Savanna felt something unsettling. Before she knew it what seemed like a huge earthquake struck. Knowing that such an occurrence was seldom where she lived Savanna and the other officers in the building began to evacuate. Outside was even more chaotic than thin the building as people ran through the streets nervous, and anxious to get to their homes before they were destroyed. The policemen that could, tried to take control of the situation by leading people to the pokemon gym and pokemon center, which were the two most structurally sound buildings in the city. In order to avoid much trouble Savanna headed the advice of the other officers and waited in the pokemon center.

After more quaking, and from what she could tell from the sounds outside, many buildings collapsing, Savanna's family walked in. Her mother was followed by her two brothers and younger sister, with no sign of her father. Savanna needed no reassurance from any of them that her father was ok. The type of man he was already told her no matter what he would be fine. In the midst of all of this trouble he was probably doing his best to lead others to safety. It took about 7 more hours before her father arrived to the pokemon center. He looked exhausted, as he was covered in debris, with various cuts and bruises decorating his body. He informed his family that their house was one of the ones that didn't make it through the quake, and that they would have to start building it from the ground up again. Savanna was not one to take this news lightly, but it was then that her father suggested to her that she take the opportunity to see and learn more about the world. He let her know of a nearby professor who may be giving out pokemon and that she should try her hand in that, as she was gifted in everything else she tried her hand in. With little more convincing, the girl prepared to set out and start her journey.

Starter Pokemon: Aron
@Vato, I have a suggestion? But of course this could be suggested much, MUCH later in the story? I just thought of that in every Pokemon game, there is the hero/ine then the Rival. I was thinking that we do like a roulette sorta thing to determine which one of us Role-Players could play as one of these trainers? Like there's Red, Blue, Gold(Ethan), Silver, Crystal(Lyra), Ruby(Brendan), Sapphire(May), Diamond(Lucas), Pearl(Barry), Platinum(Dawn), Black(Hilbert), White(Hilda), then Cheren and Bianca (if they count).

Like I would think it would be interesting if like we could play as one of these characters, 'cause it's only natural that Lucas, Barry and Dawn are there because of the Team Galactic scenario. And in all fairness, it's only natural these guys are called upon first. Only much later in the story. It's cool if not, it's just a suggestion that popped into my head :3
Name: Abigail "Abby" Gates
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: A mere 5'5 in stature, Abigail weighs around 119 pounds. Her hair, a dirty blonde, is brushed mainly to the right side and made into a braided ponytail that falls on the frontal ride side of her body. The dirty blond isn't Abby's natural hair color, in fact her legit hair color is a dark brown, nearing on the side of black. Then again, you can't really see her hair much other than her ponytail, due to a faded grey earflap hat. Her eyes are a lively hazel color, that hold a slight sign of innocence. Her skin is a light brown, tan color due to her heritage. Abby possesses a slim, but not petite body. She doesn't necessarily take precautions when it comes to her body, she just sorts of lucks out with what happens to it. Her attire is rather plain if anything, in fact it falls on the side of lazyboy or more appropriate, lazygirl. She wears a purely white, half-sleeve shirt and a pair of red plaid pajamas. Comfortable and not flashy at all, just how she likes it. A pair of black mid top sneakers with white bottoms are her preferred footwear. Completing her look is a yellow wristband she found when she was a kid.

: Abigail is often reserved, excluding a few side comments or actions here and there. She doesn't speak often, nor does her expression change. She has a tendency to maintain this sort of blank, expressionless face. But trust me, a lot of emotions and thoughts are running and clashing in her mind. On the outside though, not a lot is going on. Abby sort of maintains this nonchalant approach to nearly everything she does, but when it comes to things that truly excite and thrill her, a rare showcase of actual emotion occurs. Although a reserved individual, if one asks, Abigail tends to be brutally honest and impartial with her statements. Although honesty is a good quality, at times it can be a hindrance because the reality of her words can offend those who ask. That, in most cases, puts people off from attempting to befriend or get to know her, and it doesn't help that she appears bland and boring as the clothes she wears.

That being said, for the most part, Abby is a rather agreeable person in the sense that she's willing to go along with things, unless they contradict her own values and moralities. She's not one to take charge, for the spotlight is not her favorite environment. Also unknown to others, she has a fear of disappointing others who expect something of her. She copes with this fear with her nonchalant approach towards things, so she has a fallback on why she failed, if she does that is..

: Born into an unstable family and a slum of a townnnnn, Abby rather had to live up to normal responsibilities that other kids had to. Her parents were far too busy drinking and consuming holy burrito branded food to give a hoot about her doing anything. Thus, Abby never went to school, but kept herself educated in other ways, books from the town library. But if you thought that she had all the free time in the world as a kid, you were wrong. Due to her parents instability not only in their relationship, but job-wise, Abby had to work from time to time, attempting to support them and provide clothes and food for herself. Miniscule labor and odd jobs, whatever paid nice that wasn't too out of the ballpark. Unfortunately, the three incomes didn't always pull them through the tough times, and Abby would have to resort to theft. Due to the already high-crime rates of the town, it wasn't much of a challenge to avoid the small overworked police force of the town. When Abby, wasn't working or stealing, she was either educating herself or watching old television re-runs. Without much of a proper influence from her parents, and thank the heavens for that, Abby's behavioral influences and values often came from a combination of random television show characters. Although, in the end, those influences didn't do much to mold her actual personality.

On the inevitable day of disaster, Abby had been in the library. It hadn't been built on stable ground, causing it to collapse to the quake felt throughout the entire region. Fortunately, Abigail had barely made it out before it could've done her any damage. Others weren't so lucky to be already on their way out when the first pillar collapsed. It didn't help that the library was built from old architectural methods. Most of the town hadn't been harmed, the earthquake had left the small, poor excuses of houses, but all the buildings of decent size were nothing but ruins.

In Abby's town, news travelled fast. She had heard that a neighboring city had been hit far harder than her's, and that their region-famous department store was now in near shambles. She got the message, quick, heading over to the city, hoping to luck out. By the time she had gotten there, it was too late, the store was cleaned out, no looting would be commenced today. But something else waited for her there, a note and a girl, striking familiar looking to her. The only difference was, she was dead... she was probably an unsuspecting shopper who had died in the quake's destruction. The note itself read for the girl to meet an esteemed professor, Professor Oak of Pallet Town for a certain journey. Her name, almost as if by coincidence, was Abee. Abby, smirked, the plot began to make itself clear in her head. She had always wanted to get out of her crap town, and her turds of parents probably wouldn't even notice her disappearance. Besides, if this poor girl couldn't go, someone else should for her.

Starter Pokémon
: Eevee
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There we go. Is this...the one?

Name: Alik Rizz
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Appearance: Alik is roughly 5'7, weighs about 120 pounds, and has long, neon yellow hair that is strangely bright and spikes up naturally. His eyes are deep green and they look very strange with his neon yellow hair. His eyes are also strangely yellow, much like a lemon. His face is mature looking and he appears to be at least 17. He has a hooked nose. He usually wears a bright yellow, long sleeved shirt with a large A imprinted on the front of it. Rizz keeps its sleeves rolled up. He also wears dark blue jeans and a necklace depicting a mountain. He has a scar across his face that will be explained in the backstory. Alik is generally muscular, but he isn't massive. Although he isn't ugly, he isn't very handsome. He has a small bit of stubble where a beard is starting to grow, and he has a little bit of a moustache as well. This makes him, again, look older than he really is.

Personality: Alik is a pretty nice guy. He's very bold when talking to people. He doesn't flat out insult people, but he definitely doesn't let them say whatever they want without surpressing them. Alik is a bit of a flirt when he's talking to girls and he's actually GOOD at it. His not ugliness helps with that a lot as well. He is generally nice to guys as well. He is really quiet around people he doesn't know, but he's loud and witty around his known group of friends. The youth tends to freak out when the situation doesn't look very good, but he is fearless otherwise. He's always the first into a fight and the last to back out.

He's pretty level headed, but sometimes his ego will get the best of him. He's a very, very good liar. Alik has lied many times in the past over things that could get anybody in trouble. He isn't really a delinquet, but he has pulled a couple mischevious pranks in the past. They weren't anything like whoopee cushions. They were almost dangerous. After he did them, however, he never pulled a prank again. The most noticable factor of Alik is the atmosphere around him. His friendliness is almost palpable, electric. He has a strong fear of wide open spaces and a lesser one of water type

Backstory: Alik grew up in Olivine Town with his father. His mother died before he turned 4. He had a cousin who grew up in Azalea Town named Malik. Malik Grizz. Malik was an epic dude, but he disappeared into the Illex Forest after the disaster. Alik was a popular guy growing up in Olivine. He was friendly, nice, and everyone knew his name. Everyday as he would walk to school, people would call out his name in greeting and he would call their name back. He took an interest in his father's work at a young age. Kent Rizz was an expert electrician, one of the best in Johto. Alik took to spending most of his day with his father learning all the tricks and facts that made a good electrician. He started by fixing the local kids' electric toys. Eventually he started working in buildings like the Pokemon Center and the nearby gym with his father.

Alik was with his dad in the Olivine Gym's basement. The two of them were fixing the power grid. His father told him to hold the fort while he went to go get a bite to eat. It had been a while and Alik's father hadn't returned, so he decided to walk outside to see what was going on. IT happened. All hell broke lose when he did. All he could see was water flooding in the half of the town that was closer to the sea.and earthquakes were creating fissures everywhere. He began to run around the city looking for his father and finally found him. He found his father pinned beneath a fallen lamp post near the lighthouse. Alik began to pull him out, but his father stopped him. "Son, don't worry about me. Go. Run. Don't stop. You'll know it's safe to come back when the sun is shining brightly." Alik didn't know what he meant, but he obeyed his father as usual. He just took off running, refusing to stop. He collapsed near the location of Ecruteak City and passed out.

Starter Pokémon: Mareep

There we go. Is this...the one?

Name: Alik Rizz
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Appearance: Alik is roughly 5'7, weighs about 120 pounds, and has long, neon yellow hair that is strangely bright and spikes up naturally. His eyes are deep green and they look very strange with his neon yellow hair. His eyes are also strangely yellow, much like a lemon. His face is mature looking and he appears to be at least 17. He has a hooked nose. He usually wears a bright yellow, long sleeved shirt with a large A imprinted on the front of it. Rizz keeps its sleeves rolled up. He also wears dark blue jeans and a necklace depicting a mountain. He has a scar across his face that will be explained in the backstory. Alik is generally muscular, but he isn't massive. Although he isn't ugly, he isn't very handsome. He has a small bit of stubble where a beard is starting to grow, and he has a little bit of a moustache as well. This makes him, again, look older than he really is.

Personality: Alik is a pretty nice guy. He's very bold when talking to people. He doesn't flat out insult people, but he definitely doesn't let them say whatever they want without surpressing them. Alik is a bit of a flirt when he's talking to girls and he's actually GOOD at it. His not ugliness helps with that a lot as well. He is generally nice to guys as well. He is really quiet around people he doesn't know, but he's loud and witty around his known group of friends. The youth tends to freak out when the situation doesn't look very good, but he is fearless otherwise. He's always the first into a fight and the last to back out.

He's pretty level headed, but sometimes his ego will get the best of him. He's a very, very good liar. Alik has lied many times in the past over things that could get anybody in trouble. He isn't really a delinquet, but he has pulled a couple mischevious pranks in the past. They weren't anything like whoopee cushions. They were almost dangerous. After he did them, however, he never pulled a prank again. The most noticable factor of Alik is the atmosphere around him. His friendliness is almost palpable, electric. He has a strong fear of wide open spaces and a lesser one of water type

Backstory: Alik grew up in Olivine Town with his father. His mother died before he turned 4. He had a cousin who grew up in Azalea Town named Malik. Malik Grizz. Malik was an epic dude, but he disappeared into the Illex Forest after the disaster. Alik was a popular guy growing up in Olivine. He was friendly, nice, and everyone knew his name. Everyday as he would walk to school, people would call out his name in greeting and he would call their name back. He took an interest in his father's work at a young age. Kent Rizz was an expert electrician, one of the best in Johto. Alik took to spending most of his day with his father learning all the tricks and facts that made a good electrician. He started by fixing the local kids' electric toys. Eventually he started working in buildings like the Pokemon Center and the nearby gym with his father.

Alik was with his dad in the Olivine Gym's basement. The two of them were fixing the power grid. His father told him to hold the fort while he went to go get a bite to eat. It had been a while and Alik's father hadn't returned, so he decided to walk outside to see what was going on. IT happened. All hell broke lose when he did. All he could see was water flooding in the half of the town that was closer to the sea.and earthquakes were creating fissures everywhere. He began to run around the city looking for his father and finally found him. He found his father pinned beneath a fallen lamp post near the lighthouse. Alik began to pull him out, but his father stopped him. "Son, don't worry about me. Go. Run. Don't stop. You'll know it's safe to come back when the sun is shining brightly." Alik didn't know what he meant, but he obeyed his father as usual. He just took off running, refusing to stop. He collapsed near the location of Ecruteak City and passed out.

Starter Pokémon: Mareep
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Holy Burrito Batman! That sign up is complete! Hope it is Okay.

Holy burrito! This is awesome! :D

-Savanna recieved a Pokedex!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

-Savanna recieved 10 Pokeballs!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

Savanna recieved an Aron!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

Rock Head
-Water Gun

@Vato, I have a suggestion? But of course this could be suggested much, MUCH later in the story? I just thought of that in every Pokemon game, there is the hero/ine then the Rival. I was thinking that we do like a roulette sorta thing to determine which one of us Role-Players could play as one of these trainers? Like there's Red, Blue, Gold(Ethan), Silver, Crystal(Lyra), Ruby(Brendan), Sapphire(May), Diamond(Lucas), Pearl(Barry), Platinum(Dawn), Black(Hilbert), White(Hilda), then Cheren and Bianca (if they count).

Like I would think it would be interesting if like we could play as one of these characters, 'cause it's only natural that Lucas, Barry and Dawn are there because of the Team Galactic scenario. And in all fairness, it's only natural these guys are called upon first. Only much later in the story. It's cool if not, it's just a suggestion that popped into my head :3

Some of them are intended to appear at a certain time, but they will not be played by any of you, if anything, I'll allow you to bunny them after requesting permission for this :)

Name: Abigail "Abby" Gates

I love this, just, perfect! :D

-Abby recieved a Pokedex!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

-Abby recieved 10 Pokeballs!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

Abby recieved an Eevee!
[PokeCommunity.com] P o k e m o n : A Journey Beyond TIME & SPACE // T // OOC + SU

Run Away

Alik was with his dad in the Olivine Gym's basement. The two of them were fixing the power grid. His father told him to hold the fort while he went to go get a bite to eat. It had been a while and Alik's father hadn't returned, so he decided to walk outside to see what was going on. IT happened. All hell broke lose when he did. All he could see was water flooding in the half of the town that was closer to the sea.and earthquakes were creating fissures everywhere. He began to run around the city looking for his father and finally found him. He found his father pinned beneath a fallen lamp post near the lighthouse. Alik began to pull him out, but his father stopped him. "Son, don't worry about me. Go. Run. Don't stop. You'll know it's safe to come back when the sun is shining brightly." Alik didn't know what he meant, but he obeyed his father as usual. He just took off running, refusing to stop. He collapsed near the location of Ecruteak City and passed out.

And again... the backstory makes no sense. Where was his father if the earthwuakes and flooding didn't begin until Alik exited the gym?

Dun worry, you're very close to finishing, just explain this more, pwease :3​
Sorry it took so long, but I ended up making a completely different SU for the female character you wanted. Hopefully, my prayers to the Holy Burrito, the Omnipotent 4th Meal of Cleansing, will be answered. Or tell me if I need to change anything, if necessary.

Name: Alexandria Cattiebrie
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Alex(as she prefers to be called) is a little less than 5 1/2 ft tall, with a well toned, but not overly muscular body, with an average bosom. While her dark brown, naturally curly hair would only reach to a little below her shoulders if just hanging loose dry, if it gets soaked it would fall to a few inches above the knees. Most days she lets her hair hang loose, where it sits almost like a lions mane, she will occasionally tie her hair up in a ponytail if she gets tired of having hair in her face. She has light blue eyes which seem to glow, especially in low light conditions. However, since her eyes are sensitive to light, she is almost wearing wire frame sunglasses, which she keeps on her head when not in use.

Alex usually wears a black long sleeved underarmor with a thick, dark green vest lined with pockets, a few large ones on the outside, and a few more hidden on the inside for good measure. She tucks the black under armor into a comfortable pair of blue jeans, and a basic leather belt with a flat, round, bronze colored Pokeball just for good measure. Alex has a large satchel she carries around that she usually keeps any valuables in. As for makeup, she sort of forgets about it, as it takes long enough to get her hair under some form of control.

When it all boils down, Alex believes in one thing, persistence. If you want something changed about your life, you have to do it yourself. People close to her have compared her to a Tauros, either charging into something so hard that everything in her way gets out of the way or knocked out, or so stubborn that it would take a forklift to move(not literally). She is slow to trust, but also slow to judge, but once she makes a decision, she tends to keep it for a long time, whether for better or for worse. She is very self sufficient(or at least, thinks she is), and has trouble asking for help, even when in desperate need of it.

In recent times, with all the destruction and stress caused by the legendary Pokemon, Alex has taken some small solstice in writing. Mostly just short poems and the such. She keeps it hidden in one of the inner pockets of her vest, and is unlikely to show anyone unless she really trust them, at least, willingly.....

While she grew up in what most would call a middle class lifestyle, comfortable, but not luxurious, one could argue that even then 3 brothers(2 older and 1 younger) are tough to deal with when you are the only other girl in the family(other than the mother). She tended to spend a lot of time with her mother in the early years of her life, but eventually warmed up to her brothers, even learning things like basic first aid out in the wilderness and basic survival technique. Alex's dad worked for a popular company, while for most of her life, her mother stayed at home unless absolutely necessary, because she was a fiction writer. Not famous or anything, but she made some income. Nothing of real merit ever happened to them, and they lived a mostly peaceful life, until that happened.

She doesn't really know to this day if their parents always fought, or if it was more recent, but at around the age of 12, they started having big fights. They never said themselves what they were fighting about, but they eventually broke up half a year later. The father moved to the big city, closer to work, while the mother stayed in the original house. Around once a month, they would change custody, from the mother to the father, and vice-versa. When the Legendary dragons attacked, they were in the middle of such a transit. Sounds of destruction could be heard from everywhere, and they think they only avoided it because they were in a forest at the time. While Two brothers choose to go see if the father was ok, Alex and the oldest brother(Only because she didn't have a Pokemon) went to see if the mother was ok. On the way, they met with a guy in a lab coat who sprained his ankle, and brought him back to their house. While most of the house was destroyed, the mother survived through the use of an underground tunnel built under the house by the last owner. After some talking with the boss, the lab coat wearing guy revealed himself to be researcher who worked for a Professor, and was told to offer one of the research Pokemon and a Pokedex for helping him. As long as she agreed to meet in person.

Starter Pokémon: Buneary
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Name: Nicole "Nicky" Armada
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Appearance: Nicky is a tall, thin, girl standing at about 5'11. Though she's thin, she's has a well built figure. Nicky's is a radiant blonde with hot pink tips at the end of her straight hair. Her light blue eyes shine line the sun on a glistening bay. Her face is full of freckles. If someone were to try and count them (which they have), they'd be there for hours. She has two, flaming red earrings that she never leaves home without, as well as a ruby necklace with a silver chain. She carries all her things in a large drawstring backpack. Her tomboy-ish wardrobe fits her style exactly. Most often, she wears a navy blue sweatshirt that's about two sizes too big on her. Along with that she wears a pair of black athletic shorts that have a white lining on the bottom. Her shoes are battered in worn. They used be pure white, since then though, they've been covered in dirt and the soles have worn out. Nicky has to wear a knee brace on her right knee due to a muscle inflammatory disease. This hinders her ability to run to an extent, but not too much.

Personality: Competitive, head strong, and strongly opinionated are all words to Nicky. Being raised as she was, Nicky always hated to lose. A loss to Nicky is the worst possible situation to her. Always sticking by her opinion, Nicky is strongly opinionated. Once Nicky sets her mind on something, there is absolutely no changing it. She is selfish to an extent, but it really is because of her competitive nature. She is very keen on providing safety for those around her. Nicky is full of self confidence. Through the confidence though, she is also sometimes cocky. It allows her to take on challenges that would normally not allow someone like her would not be able to handle mentally. She is very strong willed, willing to move on from any failure and able to use success to her advantage by building up momentum.

Backstory: Growing up in Azalea Town, Nicky was originally a quiet girl, just trying to make it by. Then after learning the power of fire pokemon. She began by using her fathers fire pokemon to learn how to battle. Growing up in Azalea Town though, the fire pokemon she used made it easy to defeat the bug pokemon of the townspeople. Through her opponents inability to take on her strong pokemon, Nicky gained confidence in herself and became very strong willed. She then believed she could not be beaten. She kept on telling her self this until one day, an elder from Slowpoke Well challenged her to a battle. Cockily, she accepted saying that beating this old man would be a piece of cake. When the old man sent out a Politoed, it only took one hit to knock out the girl's pokemon. With this loss, the young female asked herself, "How can I become strong enough to take on any opponent?" With this, she decided to become a pokemon trainer.

This new dream of hers came to a sudden halt on the so called dooms day. When the earthquakes hit, Nicky was in the Azalea Forest training. Nicky tried to take cover in the clearing next to the Forest Shrine. As the trees started falling, Nicky shouted out "Holy Burrito!!!". She ducked her head down as she tried to save her self. Just as a tree was about to fall on her, the voice of the forest shouted out from the shrine, and suddenly all the trees were gone. The area was now a wide open field. Many pokemon wondered what to do now, their homes destroyed. As Nicky was about to look for what had most likely saved her life in the only remaining thing in the forest, the shrine, she realized that her family was still in Azalea Town.

Nicky ran as fast as her flawed legs could take her. By the time she got home though, it was too late. The entire town was leveled. Only two people remained, neither of them her parents. Nicky mourned the loss of her parents for a few days. After though, she realized she must move on with her life. She packed somethings from the rubble and set off east towards New Bark Town.
Starter Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Name: Warren Ainsworth

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Warren doesn't have a refined, elegant appearance to him because he never really grew up with money. He has a more edgy, scruffy look about him. His thick wavy brunette hair that is carelessly scuffed about and he has wide hazel eyes. He's a pretty boy with a lot of natural beauty, he was luckily enough to avoid acne in his teenage years and his skin looks really good. Although he doesn't have any polished or taken care of features, although he would catch people's eyes. His dress sense is rather plain because he never cared much for fashion or anything like that and almost detested trying to look good. His style comes across as a skater boy. Warren wears brown cargo pants which reach just below his knees. Which have pockets on the sides of each hip. His most noticeable accessory is the necklace with a silver poke ball, which he always wears on his neck. He also has a grey hooded t-shirt that he is generally wearing. Some people assume he has style but you can't really tell but Warren doesn't really bother with his appearance and wears what he feels comfortable in. For Warren's shoes he wears standard black sneakers. Warren is a 6 foot tall, which stems from his father who was also a very tall man. Warren has a very well defined and toned, athletic body thanks to the numerous physically activities and sports he has undergone his entire life. Sports played a huge part in his life and he grew a little bit of an obsession with gym training, so that helped. He has a well-defined body and but it's not over the top muscle but it fits in well with his height and age. He's a very natural tan on him and it makes him kind of exotic and foreign. His shoulders are rather broad and his jaw line is very defined and structured.

Personality: Warren isn't rather emotive and it shows when you first meet him. He comes off as rather cold, closed off and detached from his feelings which comes from his unstable past. His disclosed persona has always been a troubling factor in his life and it stopped him fitting in, his entire life. He's a rather focused and level headed boy with not a lot of things to care for. He's pretty much a one man army and isn't used to companionship or family being there for him and it's shaped the person he is now. Because of his isolated past, he's used to be alone amongst humans but he feels at home when surrounded by Pokémon and takes great care of them. His trust for people doesn't come instantly. It takes a while for people to gain his trust and it takes a series of trials and situations before he puts his trust in anyone's hands. He is very cautious with strangers and his does come across as very shifty and mistrustful whenever he meets new people. It would take alot for him to trust another human being but when it does, you would think twice to break his trust because he doesn't believe in second chances and wouldn't hesitate to forget you.

If there was one thing he could count on in life, it was his love for Pokémon and their companionship. He's always been rather connected and freer when Pokémon are concerned. Whilst living in the foster home, he never spent much time with the other kids but in the garden, hoping to catch a glimpse of a Wild Pokémon running about and he did, many times. His was always taught that Pokémon were made for companionship and they were looking for a partner and he felt like Pokémon were his kindred spirits and formed this connection with them. The only time you'd see any sort of real emotion is when he's surrounded by Pokémon or battling. He can't explain the feeling he gets from them but he just feels like they could do no wrong with him. He comes across as very competitive when battling. He's also very intense and serious when it comes to anything trainer related. He's very analytical and is often seen paying a lot of attention on opponent's strategies to come up with their predictability.

Warren's lack of communication is made up for him being very observant to his surroundings and he takes a weird sort of pride in this - because he likes Pokémon, and feels more connected with a Pokémon if he knows something about them, like their characteristics, so he observes them to help himself. He picks up on things other people fail to notice and that trait helps him battle. You could say that he's a very shy around people but most wouldn't notice it because he hardly has much to say to people. Although, but he slowly overcomes this as he becomes more interested and involved in something; hence why he is rarely nervous or withdrawn whilst battling. Courage when it's needed, typically a pacifist. Overly helpful and dedicated to any task that he takes.

Backstory: Warren didn't live a relatively normal life. He never grew up in a family with a mother or a father but he grew up in an orphanage. His mother died when he was just 4 years old and since there wasn't anyone else around to take care of him, he was put in care to be raised with a dozen other children just like him. He was generally a bright kid who was happy but when his mother died, he became quiet and withdrawn. The only person he ever knew was gone and he didn't really understand why she was. He never really opened to many people around him except for his foster carer, Annabelle who was very sweet to him and took care of him. He learnt of his only living relative, his father being alive and when he was set to be placed there, things changed.

During his life growing up, he was never sure where his place was and how he fitted into this isolated world. He was a very misunderstood kid because most people assumed that he was being cold and mean to them but all he wanted was to be left alone but others because essentially gave up on life at an early stage. At the age of 9, he was very much known in the home as the kid you wouldn't want to be around. Although the kids could relate with one another, they didn't talk about their shortcomings in life but moved on. Warren couldn't move on. He was plagued with the anger that consumed him because he didn't understand how his mother could just abandon him like that. How she could just up and leave. He was too young to be told the full details of her disappearance but she supposedly died of cancer. Everyone thought it best not to tell him about it to protect him from it. He grew angry towards the lack of knowledge he had about his mother until he was sat down by Annabelle and she told him everything. He soon softened his memory of his mother and was soon a little more sympathetic about his past. He soon moved on from his anger towards his mother and focused on himself. But the new information he had learnt made him more withdrawn and cold towards other. He never really tried to make any friends at school or at the home; he just made do with the Pokémon he dreamt about.

In comparison to the child he was and the teenager he was now, Warren was very different because of how his life panned out. Him being an orphan and having nobody in the world made him a rather closed off person who was very suspect of everyone and everything around him. He didn't trust well and never allowed people get too close to him because he honestly didn't see the point. He felt that people never stick around and they'll leave as soon as you're comfortable with their presence. He wasn't going to make the mistake of caring about someone because he just couldn't deal with the pain of losing someone again. He felt that people weren't reliable as Pokémon were and he grew a strong love and connection for them which still remains rather strong to this day.

When he was only 7, he met a Pokémon on his way back from school. He had decided to ditch the other boys and went an alternative route home because he couldn't really stand their company. He went through the patchy forest where he met an injured Phanpy in desperate need of help. He decided to take it to the Pokémon Centre where Phanpy got treatment. Warren decided to stay and see how it was doing and after hearing news that it was going to be fine, Warren was about to leave but Nurse. Joy thought it best if he took care of Phanpy. Warren couldn't pass up the opportunity to take care of Phanpy as his own and took him back home. Although, he knew that he wasn't allowed to keep it, so he found a way to keep it hidden from everyone. He built a small shelter for Phanpy in the far end of the garden, visiting it often.

During the events of that changed the world, Warren was left in a state of shock and with panic washing over the town, he was left on the outside, watching everything unravel. Watching the news every day, feeling helpless for those Pokémon, he one day vowed to help out and fight for the Pokémon.

Starter Pokémon: Charmander
Name: Yi Liang

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Appearance:He wears a gray jacket,black pants and carries a red bag to put most of the items.He is 32 kg and he is at least 145 cm tall.

Personality: He is a helpful person ,he always help other people.In the pokemons battles,he will always respect his enemy.He has a bad habit.His bad habit is he always choose what he wants to eat cause how much he eat he won't turn fat so he always choose what he want to eat.

Backstory: Since Yi Liang was small he been force to go to new bark town away from his family and his friends.In New Bark town,he lives with his uncle and always learn how to battle with pokemon.He always wish for a pokemon so he can be a trainer to battle gym leaders and the elite four.

Starter Pokémon: Cyndaquil

Holy burritos,done hope I can join.
Sorry Vato, I'm going to have to withdraw my submission!

I've been meaning to come back and put more time into the profile but that's something I'm having a hard time finding these days, and I really don't want to burden you guys with my scattered activity ;u;
I still haven't been added to the line up, I feel kind of unloved.

I would like to apologize for that, I was busy for the last couple of days, I didn't even had the time to log in, actually, and I hadn't finished updating the threads when I had to be temporally offline...

I noticed that there are quite the hadful of sign-up sheets here. Namely, the following ones:

Name: Alexandria Cattiebrie
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Name: Nicole "Nicky" Armada
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Name: Warren Ainsworth

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Male

I will read them as soon as I can get my hands on some actual free time, possibly somewhere around tomorrow... Until then, hold your breath (not literally) to see who shall make it into the RP! :D

Oh, that's right:

Name: Yi Liang

Age: 13

Gender: Male

I can't really accept you, because your SU is just too short, like, read-it-in-2-minutes kind of short, you should really put some more effort and expand it :)

Sorry Vato, I'm going to have to withdraw my submission!

I've been meaning to come back and put more time into the profile but that's something I'm having a hard time finding these days, and I really don't want to burden you guys with my scattered activity ;u;

S'all good, dun worry :3
If you want to withdraw, then, okay.

Also, for the IC posts, I will give them a read as soon as I can, so, yeah... everyone, have a little patience while I catch up :3

EDIT: Reader_Maniac, yes, I will love to have Alexandria in the RP! Accepted!
Buneary - Huge Power - Tackle, Jump Kick & Thundershock

Ducklighter, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Accepted, accepted, accepted! I love that SU! :D
Well, now that I've accepted you thrice, let's move on to Charmander, shall we?
Charmander - Flame Body - Scratch, Aqua Ring, Bubble.

Sorry for not using CSS, kinda tired as of now...

Tman109er & heretostay123, sorry buds, all spots are now filled :(
I will inform you of whenever a spot opens up ;)

And with that, SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED
Have a nice evening, everyone...​
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Are you POSITIVE that you couldn't open a spot for me? I was gone on vacation all weekend, so I couldn't finish my SU. Besides, I'm a fell T&S'er too. For a pal? ;)

Unfortunately, I'm currently busy like you've got no idea, so yeah, I wouldn't be able to keep up with more RPers... yeah, sorry bud, as I said, in the moment a spot opens, I'll be sure to tell you... Again, I apologize for this inconvenient​
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I hope the people you recently accepted know they got accepted or we could be waiting for awhile. Probably should drop them a message to let them know.
The only ones left to post are the Buneary, Turtwig, and Charmander trainers. So once they go we can all move along :)
I would edit my Post tonight, but I've had a busy week. And I'm going to my Ex-Girlfriends Formal/Prom. Let's see how this goes!
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