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Anime/Manga 2021 Anime watch

  • 5,677
    So, here's my review for 2nd season of Wagnaria.

    But first, I was able salvage my thoughts about the first season. I recommend reading it, since I'll build on it.

    To be honest, this season felt like one huge filler. Nothing interesting happened. Almost no storyline progressed and there was almost no character development. The romantic storyline I was looking for was barely a B plot this season. Even the final episode had no build up and was wasted with a poor story. On top of that, the already huge cast of characters was even more bloated with uninteresting characters. Like it got to the point that a character appeared out of nowhere, said/did something insignificant and then dissapeared for the rest of the episode.

    On the other hand, the jokes, animation and music were still great and enjoyable. I'm glad there were more Satou and Popura interactions. They were always a highlight of the episode. I also noticed more group interactions, in contrast with previous season, where were characters usually divided into pairs and interacted only with each other during the episode. This time around, one person was usually pushed away from the whole group for some reason, like Souta getting depressed or Yamada being bullied by others. Sometimes three (or more) random characters got together to plot against others.

    Overall, it was still fun, but kinda felt like a waste of time in the end, since plot-point set up in the last season was resolved or even progressed a little bit. The episodes went from great and funny to slow dragged mess and back pretty much randomly. It still got me hooked up to see more, since the characters and especially their interactions are fun to watch. And I'm still wanting that Souta and Inami kiss. 6.5/10.

    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,448
    While the reviews come in I'm announcing the new theme for the month July!

    The theme is Anime Movies!

    Good luck everyone! I'm excited to see what you all will watch c:
  • 5,677
    A little bit late, but it's time for my thoughts about The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

    This movie sucked me in right away with it's "lazy summer" atmosphere. Maybe it got me so hard because this summer was everything but lazy for me.

    The main trio had cool chemistry between each other and it was fun to watch them living their lives. Every single one of them is likable and distinct enough and it felt like they all have their own lives outside the trio.

    As far as a time-traveling stuff goes, I think it was handled really well, especially some minor details all around the movie. I liked that two characters that can time travel are always portrait as being late. I also enjoyed the fact, that when Makoto used her time jumps to change her future, like getting better grades or staying at a karaoke bar longer, nothing bad happened. But once she started affecting and meddling with other people's lives, the time broke and everything got bad. One of my favourite detail was that she tried to erase Chiaki's love confession to her so badly, that she got rid of it so efficiently that when she realized her feelings for Chiaki, she couldn't get the confession back no matter what. I also liked how a train that killed Makoto at the start of the movie and later killed Kosuke and his new girlfriend, was something absolute. Like no matter what Makoto did, the train was always there, following its tight schedule. And I found the detail that they all died because of the same faulty bike kinda funny.

    What I didn't like about the time travel was basically everything tied to Chiaki. I think the movie did a great job explaining rules of the time travel up to the point Chiaki revealed he can also time travel. Like how did Chiaki froze the time to talk to Makoto? That scene was still cool, but came out of nowhere and I feel like their confrontation could have been done without everything around being frozen. Also what rules did Chiaki broke and how did he return to the future in the first place, if he had no time jumps left? Why couldn't he just go back to the future when he still had time jumps left and recharge there? Is Makoto even alive in his time?

    The soundtrack was fitting the movie and I was actually listening to some parts of it throughout the whole month after watching the movie. The animation is beautiful. Its style kinda reminds me of the old Digimon movies for some reason.

    Overall, this was a really great movie and I don't really have much to critize about it, aside from what I said about time travel at the end of it. 9/10.
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  • 25,587
    Also a bit late, but I watched I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. Fair warning, spoilers below.

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    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,448
    Glad to see the reviews ♡

    It's a new month and that means a new theme! C:

    The theme is... Dun Dun DUUUUUNNN

  • 5,677
    I'll go with Cowboy Bebop. I was a small kid when I watched it and I don't think I even saw all episodes. And I barely remember what it was about. So it would be like watching it for a first time.
  • 25,587
    I finished Fractale and... my thoughts are mixed?

    First and foremost, I'm not sure all the terrible reviews I've seen are earned. It feels like a lot of them were written by people who never saw past the first episode... which is admittedly understandable because the first episode is absolutely, one hundred percent fucking awful. The pacing is horrendous, it does nothing to interest you in the weird world of Fractale and it does nothing to make you like the characters either. After episode one though, things do improve. Not a lot at first, admittedly, but it's definitely a continuous upwards curve until the last episode where things honestly take a bit of a dive again.

    To get the quick things out of the way first, the show has a really nice soundtrack and the backgrounds are really pretty. The animation isn't anything amazing and, honestly, feels like it predates the show's actual original run (feels more like late 90s/early 2000s than 2009 a lot of the time). The character designs also don't do much for me. They aren't terrible, I don't dislike them, but they feel extremely generic... which they shouldn't because they are objectively all weirdly dressed. I have no idea how they pulled that off.

    The acting isn't the highest calibre I've ever heard either. It's not terrible by any means, but it's nothing special. Granted, some actors give significantly better performances than others. At the very least, the more central characters are mostly solid performances, some are really good even. It's the antagonists and side parts that sometimes left me disappointed. The exception to this rule is Clain, the protagonist himself. He got better as the show went on, but in the early episodes his VA put on a pretty underwhelming performance I felt.

    Now, onto the writing. This is where things gets complicated. Outside of episode one which, again, was horrendous to the point I was doubting my choice to watch this.

    Throughout Fractale, there's a pretty consistent feeling that the writer was more interested in exploring a concept than a story and that they didn't really have the clearest ideas of what they wanted from the themes or the plot. And the concept behind Fractale's world is fascinating without a doubt. It's also, unfortunately, very poorly explained with vague worldbuilding and little explanation as to how anything actually works or what Fractale really is. Even by the end.

    This is incredibly frustrating because, again, the base idea behind it is really interesting. A utopic society that is so heavily integrated with the digital that it is hard to tell real from false at times? Sign me up. That's a great setting. Throw in some mind control and a dogmatic "religion" that allows that world to function to raise ethical questions? Fuck yeah! And the one thing Fractale definitely does right is that it makes you question who is right and wrong in its world. I can't take that away from it. The very nature of the setting and the opposing forces within it (the rebel terrorists who want to be free from Fractale and the order that are fighting to preserve it and keep it alive... with some thrown in mind control) forces the audience to consider the morality of both sides.

    But, still, it always dances around how any of it all actually came to be and how it works. That wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't integral to so many of the things that happen in the story. What's more, while all the mysteries of that world and those that surround Phryne and Nessa are intriguing, a lot of those mysteries feel completely manufactured or were the results of poor writing rather than intent. A lot of things could have been cleared up simply by Phryne actually explaining to the poor bastard that got dragged into her mess at least a little of what was going on or by having people not talk in intentionally vague flowery language. Neither of those methods of creating intrigue are what I would call good writing as a general rule. This is especially irritating in the cases of the mystery of how Fractale works and its origins because they never even try to give a satisfactory explanation. This makes me feel like the writer themselves weren't actually sure, but wanted to give the impression they were instead of handwaving.

    The characters themselves were a mixed bag too. Phryne's writing felt extremely inconsistent early on, like they hadn't actually decided on anything beyond "weird and mysterious girl". It cleared up by the end, but at that point she'd developed another problem of being extremely frustrating because she kept supposedly learning a lesson and then immediately would ignore that apparent development. She wasn't all bad, she had redeeming qualities, but I frequently found many aspects of how she was written bothersome.

    Clain was pretty bad in general. For most of the show, he seems to have no agency. He never makes decisions and he rarely displays moments of personality beyond his fascination with old technology. He has his moments, like when he calls his parents (or their doppels anyway) or the Granitz family out on their shit. But, mostly, he feels like carboard.

    It's not all bad news though! Nessa is cute and likeable from the beginning, but also contains a surprising amount of depth. The idea of a sentient digital being who is saddened by how little she can interact with the world is interesting. The reason she is the way she is, is intriguing as well. It's one of the few things the show actually bothers to explain. I feel like the aforementioned longing (to have more freedom to interact) could definitely have been explored more though. It also would have made the ending feel better since it essentially gave her what she wanted... just not in the way she'd have hoped perhaps.

    Enri and the other Grantitz people of Lost Millennium were bothersome at first but they quickly grew on me. None of them are examples of revolutionary writing, they're all pretty typical and tropey. But they're very likeable and they represent a big part of the ethical questions raised by the world.

    The antagonists are the most boring characters in the show outside of what they represent. They feel very generically evil or otherwise they have interesting motivations that are not explored nearly enough. In particular, Dias and the High Priestess could have been extremely compelling characters with more screen time and exploration.

    So yes, Fractale is riddled with problems. It get progressively better as it goes on and it is by no means all bad. There's some likeable characters, the background art is pretty and the setting itself is interest and raises some intriguing questions. But it feels like the writer didn't have a clear enough idea of what they actually wanted from the story and that by the time they were figuring that out, it was too late. I think the most frustrating thing about Fractale isn't that it was bad, it's that it was average. It was a very unremarkable show that easily had the potential to be so much more if the writing was smoothed out and the production budget a little higher.

    I gave it a 5/10 in the end. I don't regret watching it. I honestly really did enjoy it, especially the latter half. It just could have been so much better.

    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,448
    It's that time of the month again! New theme woooooo!!

    This time rather than going for an actual anime genre we'll go for an actual "theme"

    To celebrate the end of the summer we'll go with: Summer theme

    I look forward to see what ya'll will be watching! c:

    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,448
    I should have saved up Anohana for this one lmao

    I'll rewatch Bridge to the starry skies. I remember it as an awful anime but it'll be fun to write down what I thought was awful about it.
  • 5,677
    I haven't finished Cowboy Bebop yet, but I'll make sure to write down my thoughts about it once I do. I'll also start Waiting in the Summer for this month.
  • 25,587
    Finished Sotsu!

    I'd love to write a full and detailed review, but Higurashi falls into the category of shows that I refuse to spoil. I'll say that, I loved Gou and Sotsu every bit as much as the seasons that came before them and I really like the way the themes in each half of the series parallel each other. I feel like the second half (the new seasons) simultaneously reinforce the main morals of the original two seasons but also add caveats to them that complete the lesson and add a dose of reality to a very fantastical series. Which is funny, because a lot of people would probably feel that a certain episode near the end went off the rails. They're not wrong, but they aren't right either. I just can't explain why without spoiling huge things :')

    I'm so glad that Higurashi stayed good in the new seasons. Rei and Outbreak were... well they happened. I'm glad that this confirms that they happened outside the canon though. Outbreak was fine I guess, but Rei was just awful. Gou and Sotsu were the conclusion the story really deserved. Bittersweet, beautiful and thematic. This is a series that means a lot to me, so I'm really pleased with how they wrapped it up.

    The things I can be more specific about are the animation, voice acting and sound track. The animation in the original seasons gets some flack that I understand but don't agree with. I think the newer art style introduced in Gou was a bit jarring at first for those of us used to the original, but ultimately I really like it and the animation quality really did take a huge jump. Bonus points for the beautiful painted scenes in the end credits too. The voice acting was great too. I'm very pleased they got the original cast back to reprise their roles. Finally, Higurashi has one of the best soundtracks in anime and if you think otherwise you're just wrong. Sotsu has the best ED in the franchise and while nothing will top the original OP, Gou and Sotsu are both at least in the same ballpark (so was Kai for what it's worth). The ambient noise and music that I came to love from the original seasons was also very much still present.

    So... yeah. I could gush about this forever but I couldn't do that without giving spoilers that I'd rather not. Suffice to say, I'm well pleased.
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    Don't let me disappear
  • 13,642
    Spooky month. Time to return to that one series. I think the next show in the watch order list I was using is... Nekomonogatari: Kuro. And since that's only a few episodes, I'm going to further burden myself by also watching as much of Monogatari Second Season as I can :')
  • 25,587
    I finished season 1 of Demon Slayer. I'll probably add additional thoughts for Mugen Train before the end of the month too, but for now...

    It's good and it's consistently good. But, aside from the god-tier animation, it is not god's gift to anime like a lot of people seem to preach. The story and the characters are all compelling, but there's nothing groundbreaking or particularly unique going on for the most part. I just want to get this out the way; it's a typical shounen series. It's a very well made show, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I consistently found myself aware that the animation was what got it as much praise as it has more than the story.

    I can't stress enough that I liked it a lot, but I really wanted to start off with that little disclaimer because I feel like it's a series that, while deserving of praise, has been overhyped.

    I can't say a lot about the overarching story because there is a lot left to unfold, but it's solid. The pacing is good, the alternate reality it takes place in is intriguing and I'm eager to see how it all plays out. The characters are compelling and - if we ignore the very first outing Zenitsu and Inosuke had - very likeable (at least the ones who are meant to be). They aren't anything special though, actually they pretty standard for the modern version of this genre. Good characters though! Just not unique.

    I will say though, that as far as characters go, I was really pleased with how Nezuko is handled. She isn't just a prop plot-device or a damsel in distress. Even without words, she feels like a fully realised character who carries her weight and contributes to the movement of the story. She matters as a character just as much as she does as motivation for Tanjiro - who is honestly the least interesting of the important characters introduced.

    The performances are all very good. Although it's also a little distracting at times hearing so many familiar voices all in one place lol.

    I have nothing to say about the animation that hasn't already been said a billion times.

    7/10 over all. I think it is comparable to MHA in quality, certainly it will be as it develops, and probably gets off to a stronger start.
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