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6th Gen 3DS Exclusive - RIP Pokemon?

I'm glad it's coming out for the 3DS, it's about time. I don't think it'll be the end of Pokemon - people will just upgrade to the 3DS, like they did with the NDS when Diamond and Pearl came out.

As they should too, it's an amazing system and so many people bash it unnecessarily :\

It can play original NDS games as well as the 3DS games [obv] and has a great eShop selection, fun apps, and quirks like StreetPass. It really is a huge step up from the NDS.
Now we know the game is for the 3DS only, do you think this will cut down on the audience that can be targeted? The Pokemon games have always followed the trend of going onto a new handheld, but with the 3DS being the 'newest' console and some people not being able to afford it, do you think it will hurt the amount of people who can actually play the game?

Do you think that enough people have the 3DS? Do you think it is just how the games industry flows, going onto a new console? Do you think it is fair? What do you think of the lack of DS editions?

Come on: it's pokemon. The fact that it's heading to the 3DS will probably make a million and one people buy the 3DS, rather than cause fans to drop out. I know I'm going to. I've wanted a 3DS for a little while now, but the only game I seriously wanted was Kingdom Hearts 3D. Now that we have a sixth gen. of pokemon, I have an excuse to get one.

And, technically speaking, I think the Vita and Wii U are newer than the 3DS? ;3

Sadly, since I'm at school, I'm unable to view most of the videos and pictures relating to X and Y, so I really only see the starters and some overworld shots. (But, my God, these were announced hours ago and we already have an entire forum section for them? @_@)

The fact that this game already seems . . . so extremely different almost justifies it moving to the 3DS. In fact, I think it kind of does. Although, I'm not yet sure if that's necessarily a good thing. X.x
Worth saying, but I really wanted Pokémon to be on the 3DS. Why?

Because it's coming in a download edition on the eShop, that's why.
And that's why being a 3DS title is so damn awesome.

That having been said, I guess I'll get a boxed copy anyway.

Ahhh, the great debate between physical vs digital. I would take the physical copy any day! But that aspect might help some people who are unsure abotu the 3DS.

It is a better console, some would argue, than the DS/i, so maybe it is just time for people to accept?​
The games industry has to move forward and the gamers have to follow, so some people could just see this as a 'normal' thing to happen. But with the lack of DS games, is it fair?
It's never been 'fair', arguably. Video games is a business after all, so Nintendo (and other companies) want to keep pushing the newer product sooner or later, and now is the time. 2 years after the 3DS went live is not too bad a wait, and this game isn't out for another 10 months either. Plenty of time to save up for a used console for example if you really only want to play Pokemon (and this is assuming no other Pokemon 3DS titles over the next few years, which isn't a sound asusmption). Plus you're going to get more titles that may interest you too down the track. On top of OoT, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, etc, you've got Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers, etc to expect sooner or later. If not one of those gets you at least mildly interested then you're likely part of the minority, and this is all about appealing to as many people as possible. (After all, if one game doesn't appeal to someone another may. Now it's just Pokemon's turn to jump the gap, so to speak).

At any rate, this won't kill the franchise whatsoever. 3DS sales are already quite fine now (see Went's post), and just look at how the internet responded to the livestream to see the current interest in Pokemon (on top of sale figures for 5th gen, etc). Pokemon isn't going anywhere due to this besides forward. (DS' will stop being manufactured sooner or later too, anyways).
No way. It's the other way around. Nintendo just sold the 3DS.

And no to the whole one game only thing, some people buy their systems for one game. In any case the Nintendo 3DS isn't that expensive for people to need a whole library for it. I bought my DS for only Pokemon games, and ditto for my GBA. My 3DS was bought in anticipation, and boy was I redeemed. 2 years late.
I think it was definitely the right step to take.Pokemon was been the DS for way too long and the new 3D graphics will probably reel in more fans.
Ahhh, the great debate between physical vs digital. I would take the physical copy any day! But that aspect might help some people who are unsure abotu the 3DS.

It is a better console, some would argue, than the DS/i, so maybe it is just time for people to accept?​

Yeahh I'd go for physical but still I'd say the majority will go for physical anyway given that many won't trust the downloads I assume (or at least the parents might not). Not that it's a negative of it being on the 3DS though.
I think they will still release games to the DS lite,DSI and DS XL. Nintendo only wanted the game to be CLEARLY 3D because they want to make it cooler. CAN't WAIT FOR THE GAME! That 3D world looks amazing!

The DS/i/XL are dead. Done for. Discontinued. No major game (and barely any new games at all) will ever be released for the DS anymore. It's like making games for the GBA or the Gamecube, or building IE-6 compatible websites: a waste of time when you could be doing bigger and better things.

RingoH said:
I find this disappointing. The 3DS has been a major turn off. I have tried the 3DS and do not like playing with the 3D turned on as after a very short time it causes me to have a headache. I have been avoiding the 3DS, and the only reason I will likely buy it will be because I want to continue playing my favorite franchise.

I also think that many parents of younger kids that play Pokemon games likely have not bought their children 3DS's because of the safety warnings about the 3D being bad for the eyesight of anyone under 7... As a parent myself I wouldn't buy the system for ANY child because of that (Yes I know there is parental controls for that, but every kid finds a way to work around parental controls eventually).

I have felt all along that the 3D effect in a handheld is more of a novelty than anything that adds any actual game play functionality. If a game publishers wants to impress me, I want good solid game play, a good solid story, fun challenges to overcome. The Pokemon franchise has continued to keep me interested in gaming since Red/Blue, and keeps getting better with time. There is only one 3DS title I have seen that I had any interest in prior to this announcement, so in the long run I'll be purchasing the system just for a very few games (The other game is in the Proffessor Layton series, which I don't see justification for making that a 3DS title... and it was a launch title in Japan).

Turn the 3D effect off and your first two paragraphs are solved- and control your kid better if you need to, after all, the same booklet warning about possible issues also tells you to check on your child while they play games. Otherwise, the 3DS is just a DS-2: the same thing, but with better graphics, better music, better capabilities, more controls... Like the GBA to GB; the PS3 to PS2 to PS1; the SNES to NES. Nothing less, nothing more, nothing that hasn't happened a million times already.
And the vision warnings for children are there to cover Nintendo's ass if something happens, not when it happens. Some people experience no problems ever with the 3D, even children - it's one of those things that varies.
Not really, because if anything, a main Pokemon game will only increase the 3DS's sales. The only question is, will Pokemon X and Y surpass the sales of Red/Blue/Green/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal?
I don't know about you, Fabio, but the 3DS wasn't that expensive once I got it in Gamestop. The normal ones are going for roughly 150$ a pop, so I can't see why that's not affordable unless they're really poor to begin with.

& even so, it's likely that it'll be brought down further the more time goes by, so we'll never know...
I think Pokemon is a popular enough franchise to attract people to buy the 3DS. I have a friend who says she wants to buy one now, just because these games are coming out. But she also asked for suggestions for other games to get too. I think maybe some people haven't gotten around to buying the system but especially with more than half a year to save up, they are certainly willing to. And of course there are definitely other popular titles that have already gotten people to pick up the system. I think it will do fine. Maybe it won't sell quite as much right off the bat but I think people will still try to get it. It's in freaking 3D after all. lol And besides, if you love Nintendo handheld games (which I assume any player of Pokemon and owner of a DSi or DS or GBA or GBC or whatever actually does) then I would think you wouldn't want to miss out on other great titles as well... There are sequels to many other franchises too, which used to be on the GBA and then the DS and now the 3DS... It just keeps moving forward... I remember when the GBA was brand new... Then the SP came out and I was like, yay no more shoddy worm light that keeps breaking, I can play in the dark all I want!! XD Anyway I think any new system has things that WILL attract people to it. (GBC had COLOR, GBA had a bigger screen, the SP had the backlight, and then the DS had the touch screen, DSi had a better menu and more functions and downloads, and the 3DS has freaking 3D.) It's like... Everything will move forward. It's not the first time Pokemon moved on to another platform. It has multiple times. Since the black and white Gameboy. And I think games like Pokemon can only help the sales of this system. Sure it's expensive but I feel like videogame fans already kinda expect that they have to upgrade their systems every few years... And they know it costs money. I think everything will be fine.
I've had my 3DS for a while, so I'm not worried. XD Though it'll suck that I can't import this time, since the 3DS is region locked. Boo! First time since HGSS that I won't be able to. :( That's okay though, it does get a bit annoying playing in a language you can't read.

About the 3D stuff, I never turn on the 3D anyway except for cutscenes, and if this game is anything like gen V games, then...well, I guess that'll be a good bit that I'm using it. lol

Edit: I just watched the trailers and TBQH MY BODY ISN'T READY FOR CHANGE :(
I'm sure that MANY people will buy a Nintendo 3DS only because of Pokemon X and Y. I know people who bought a console only because of one game and then they ended up discovering new games which they would have never imagined they would have liked.

And I still don't understand why people will not be able to afford a 3DS. It costs (more or less) the same than a Nintendo DS Lite or a DSi when they came out -.-

I've had my 3DS for a while, so I'm not worried. XD Though it'll suck that I can't import this time, since the 3DS is region locked. Boo! First time since HGSS that I won't be able to. :( That's okay though, it does get a bit annoying playing in a language you can't read.

Why? I mean they're coming worldwide.
I think region lock isn't a big concern this time though... I mean, don't people usually import games for the purpose of playing sooner? You don't even have to do that this time since everyone gets it the same day. (Well, okay, people in earlier timezones probably get it a couple hours earlier, big whoop. Importing a game takes time to ship anyway. XD) Also, imported games, from my experience, are a LOT more expensive than buying your own region's game. I mean I guess if you want the Japanese (or whatever language) game for other reasons... But I think it's not that big of a concern, specifically because of the simultaneous release worldwide.
When X & Y release in October, the 3DS will have been on market for roughly 2 and a half years. I think that the 3DS has sold much more than enough to warrant a main series release on the console.

Infact, personally I think that Black/White should have been released on the 3DS in the first place as a launch window, seeing as X & Y will make Gen V the shortest generation.
I don't think B2/W2 should have been on the 3DS, but it was only a matter of time before it came to the 3DS. A new generation is the right way to go, we shall just have to see how well it is received over the coming months and release.​
Ehh, I think Nintendo's banking on all the hype from X&Y to sell some more 3DS's. Personally I'm glad the game is made for the most current tech available. I think sales will be fine.