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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

This is great design Imo!! I never have any imagination for stuff like that XD

... but.... but... you said Togedemaru was ugly?? :'( Nooooooooo

Thank you very much, Mawa! =#) <3 I'm glad you approve the design!

Yeah... sorry if you like Togedemaru. I don't have any grudge for anyone who does like it. I just can't stand it myself. *sweat*
Hey Merry, welcome to the Club & wow, that was some intro. Marie & Rad are right, I absolutely love the the way you presented yourself, very detailed & very informative {:3}. I guess I'll need to work on the OP a bit more & make it more presentable too :P.

We did have a big discussion on Electric Fakemons a long time back, with Members also sharing Fakemon pics, mostly fan-made creations, you can scroll back & have a look if you want :). If you have any Electric Fakemons you want to share, you're most welcome to do that. Btw, Minty, Magnetorb & Magneemode are awesome creations & so is PikaCool
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
. There have been a lot of other discussions & a few Events (check out the OP for details), you can have a take part in those as well, if you want.

And you can invite your friend to the Club as well, the more the Merrier ;).

Pika Pika :chu:

Thank you for liking my intro so much! =D I'm glad it was received so well! ^^ If there's any way I could help, let me know. =) I love helping out! ^^
So far the only Fakémon I had that were electric were these guys! ^^ (well, and the mentioned Pibo which is bit of a Pichu + Fakémon fusion, but I'm bit shy to post it because its quite bottom-heavy and I don't know what you guys think of that >#<)
Thank you so much for loving the designs! =D Especially for using the GIF!!! =D ♥ I really love it when people use the stuff I create/edit, rather than just look at them. ^-^

Also can see my buddyfinally did make his own intro finally. ^^ But noticed he's trying to outdo me and copies a little much of my style it seems. ;P He's just adorable. >u< I guess I am like his big brother in a way, so I'm alright with that. ^^

Darnet! I'm rambling on! oO
As for events, I DID come up with a Rotom design back when I saw the Rotom forms a few years ago, but never drew it. >#< Maybe I should do that when I'm less distracted. =O

Thank you for letting me join this club! ^-^ ♥ *hugs you*
Also GAH! I love puns! XD "The more the Merrier", hehe, clever! ;D

Ooh... the Rotom Event sounds like a novel idea! ^u^ I'll give a crack at it!

Name: Jack Rotom
Appliance: Jackhammer
Type: Electric/Ground
Moveset: Earthquake, Shock Wave, Confuse Ray, Screech

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Drill Rotom
Plasma Pokemon
Ht: 3' 03" (1.0 m)
Wt: 77.2 lbs (35.0 kg)
Entry: Possessing a jackhammer, this variant of Rotom buzzes through dirt and concrete.
Construction workers often need to patch the roads after it ensues chaos.

Hope that you guys like the concept! =D

Damn, buddy! I'm impressed! oO It just goes to show who's the better artist in MS Paint! ^^ I think it took you far less to create this then it takes me to make a simple drawing there. XP
Great job, Virty! =D *huggles*

I also noticed you're copying my style, aren't you, lil' bro? :P
Don't worry, I want you to continue that, it looks quite nice on you! =D I'm so happy you posted here. ^^ ♥ You really shouldn't be so shy to show your talents. ^^ Though... I understand that you're holding back a lot because you're afraid to be ignored like in deviantART... (to get your hopes up only to be trampled) and I suppose my mental scars can make me quite jealous. .#. But I've been quite happy here so far and can tell that there are users just like us here! ^^ So I'm hoping you keep it up, okay buddy? I love you little bro. ^^ *hugs you tightly*

Hey um, when I get some time I want to make several Pikachu sprite edits and N64 renders (Pikachu from SSB64). =) I'm just letting you know so you have something to look forward to. ^^

Also um... I waaaaas thinking about trying something else that I've never tried... it's not really very creative like making a sprite or creating something new, but the first of its kind is going to be Electric-type related and quite adorable. ^^ Sorry, can't tell what yet, but it's probably not all that unique or interesting either. *sweat*

Aaaanyways... I should be continuing with what I was doing and hope you all have a good night! ^^ I may not be busy for the next few days, but it's for a good reason. =) Just trying to do something nice for users that care about showing sprites and animations here from the Pokémon games. ^^
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Wow those sprites used to be ugly! XD
Um... hi, everyone! ^#^ My friend M.E.R.255 recommended highly that I should come and join here in this club, given I really love Electric-types... so, here I am! -^.^- I was nervous on making an introduction... wanted to make a good impression. >#< EDIT: If you think this looks similar to Merry's intro, that's because I look up to him a lot and we both like adding lots of detail to our stuff. ^#^ We work well together as a team. =#>

So anyways, uh... let's begin! ^_^

Names to go by: virtualboy2558, Virtual, Virty

My Favorite Electric-Type Pokemon:
- Pikachu (my all-time favorite!)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Raichu
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Magnemite
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Magneton
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Jolteon
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Zapdos
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Pichu
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Mareep
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Shinx
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Luxio
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Luxray
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Magnezone
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Rotom (they all look neat, and my favorite look would be the RotomDex ^-^)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Emolga
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Joltik (sooooo CUTE! ^o^)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Galvantula
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

My Least Favorite Pokemon:
- Alolan Geodude, Graveler, and Golem (having hair stubble and a cannon does not make you Electric type, guys >_>)
- Electivire (looked too weird to me >~<)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

- Stunfisk (sorry, but that just looks too silly XDDD)
- Dedenne (thought it was a lazy Pikachu clone design >->)
- Togedemaru (ugh... a very lazy Pikachu clone AND a very ugly one! >#<)
- Xurkitree (seriously... a Christmas tree Pokemon? Oo)

Favorite Electric-type Moves:

Generation I
Thunder Wave
Thunder Punch

Generation III
Shock Wave

Generation IV
Magnet Rise

Generation V
Volt Switch
Electro Ball

Generation VI

Favorite Electric Ability:
Lightning Rod

Electric-type Tag Partner:
Since Pikachu would be too obvious a choice, I'll go with Joltik
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Electric-type Tag Partner Name:

Why do I like Electric-Type Pokemon?
- A good majority tend to be yellow, which is my favorite color! ^u^
- Pokemon Yellow to me is the best game out of Gen 1, having better portraits overall of the Pokemon, more slight nods and references to the Anime, and Pikachu following behind me was such a cool concept... I wished the recent games did that more *sweat*
- I was a fan of Pokemon from the very beginning, with my copy of Pokemon Blue I got for my birthday along with my Game Boy Color... and I wanted to catch Pikachu in Viridian Forest since it was so rare to find one in that place. ^#^ Plus frequent watchings of the Anime showed how silly and awesome Pikachu was, and I was hooked for life. XDDD
- lightning to me as a child was so strange, mysterious, yet a pretty powerful force to be reckoned with

What skills can I contribute:
- If Merry hasn't mentioned enough yet, I'm a pixel artist and could make Pokemon (not just Electric-type!) in different styles from other games. Most notably I've done are some Earthbound-styled sprites that I dubbed "PokeMom" (you can find in here), or recently I've been working on gender differences for Pokemon sprites in all Gen 1 games. =)
- I'm also an artist in general. I work with MS Paint and mostly like making silly illustrations or observations. XP
- On the side, I do a good deal of story-writing and could, well... make long descriptive messages and explanations XDDD (something I inherited from Merry ^#^)

I haven't got any custom Electric-type Pokemon or Fakemon made yet (or at least, anything worthy to show *sweat*), but if I create one I'll be sure to let you guys know about it! ^u^

Hope that my introduction was well informative and that I'm a nice addition to the club! '#'

Ooh... the Rotom Event sounds like a novel idea! ^u^ I'll give a crack at it!

Name: Jack Rotom
Appliance: Jackhammer
Type: Electric/Ground
Moveset: Earthquake, Shock Wave, Confuse Ray, Screech

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Drill Rotom
Plasma Pokemon
Ht: 3' 03" (1.0 m)
Wt: 77.2 lbs (35.0 kg)
Entry: Possessing a jackhammer, this variant of Rotom buzzes through dirt and concrete.
Construction workers often need to patch the roads after it ensues chaos.

Hope that you guys like the concept! =D
Hey Virty, so finally decided to join in, welcome to the Club :). Another very descriptive & informative intro, love that {:3}. So you are a pixel artist, that's great. Don't feel shy to share any Electric Pokemon art/fakemons that you might have, we'd love to see that. There are also a lot of other Discussion/Events that have already been done, feel free to take part in those as well.

This is great design Imo!! I never have any imagination for stuff like that XD

... but.... but... you said Togedemaru was ugly?? :'( Nooooooooo
Thank you very much, Mawa! =#) <3 I'm glad you approve the design!

Yeah... sorry if you like Togedemaru. I don't have any grudge for anyone who does like it. I just can't stand it myself. *sweat*
I love the Jackhammer Rotom, great design. I do like Togedemaru, I can understand though if you find it weird. But Electivire, come on, its like one of the best Electric Types out there & has a badass design, in fact I think it has one of the best overall designs of any Pokemon.

Thank you for liking my intro so much! =D I'm glad it was received so well! ^^ If there's any way I could help, let me know. =) I love helping out! ^^
So far the only Fakémon I had that were electric were these guys! ^^ (well, and the mentioned Pibo which is bit of a Pichu + Fakémon fusion, but I'm bit shy to post it because its quite bottom-heavy and I don't know what you guys think of that >#<)
Thank you so much for loving the designs! =D Especially for using the GIF!!! =D ♥ I really love it when people use the stuff I create/edit, rather than just look at them. ^-^

Also can see my buddyfinally did make his own intro finally. ^^ But noticed he's trying to outdo me and copies a little much of my style it seems. ;P He's just adorable. >u< I guess I am like his big brother in a way, so I'm alright with that. ^^

Darnet! I'm rambling on! oO
As for events, I DID come up with a Rotom design back when I saw the Rotom forms a few years ago, but never drew it. >#< Maybe I should do that when I'm less distracted. =O

Thank you for letting me join this club! ^-^ ♥ *hugs you*
Also GAH! I love puns! XD "The more the Merrier", hehe, clever! ;D

Damn, buddy! I'm impressed! oO It just goes to show who's the better artist in MS Paint! ^^ I think it took you far less to create this then it takes me to make a simple drawing there. XP
Great job, Virty! =D *huggles*

I also noticed you're copying my style, aren't you, lil' bro? :P
Don't worry, I want you to continue that, it looks quite nice on you! =D I'm so happy you posted here. ^^ ♥ You really shouldn't be so shy to show your talents. ^^ Though... I understand that you're holding back a lot because you're afraid to be ignored like in deviantART... (to get your hopes up only to be trampled) and I suppose my mental scars can make me quite jealous. .#. But I've been quite happy here so far and can tell that there are users just like us here! ^^ So I'm hoping you keep it up, okay buddy? I love you little bro. ^^ *hugs you tightly*

Hey um, when I get some time I want to make several Pikachu sprite edits and N64 renders (Pikachu from SSB64). =) I'm just letting you know so you have something to look forward to. ^^

Also um... I waaaaas thinking about trying something else that I've never tried... it's not really very creative like making a sprite or creating something new, but the first of its kind is going to be Electric-type related and quite adorable. ^^ Sorry, can't tell what yet, but it's probably not all that unique or interesting either. *sweat*

Aaaanyways... I should be continuing with what I was doing and hope you all have a good night! ^^ I may not be busy for the next few days, but it's for a good reason. =) Just trying to do something nice for users that care about showing sprites and animations here from the Pokémon games. ^^
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Wow those sprites used to be ugly! XD
You & your friend are so much alike, almost like twins lol :P, but you guys are also very creative, really like that about you. And ya I can be quite punny at times :P. I can understand, not everyone may appreciate, but if you love what you do, that's a good thing, right :)? So don't hesitate from sharing anything you want to, related to Electric Pokemon {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Welcome Virty! Like to see members that are invested in their answers... I am not like that sadly XD So this will be quick: welcome!! don't hesitate to share stuff here! And if you ever do some electric type Fakemon, share them with us if you want!

I have more members in the Togedemaru team yay XD
I don't dislike Electavire but I prefer Electabuzz honestly. It's a Pokemon I liked a lot back in gen 1.

Btw, Is it the first anniversary of the club soon? Really? Already!?
Hey Virty, so finally decided to join in, welcome to the Club :). Another very descriptive & informative intro, love that {:3}. So you are a pixel artist, that's great. Don't feel shy to share any Electric Pokemon art/fakemons that you might have, we'd love to see that. There are also a lot of other Discussion/Events that have already been done, feel free to take part in those as well.

I love the Jackhammer Rotom, great design. I do like Togedemaru, I can understand though if you find it weird. But Electivire, come on, its like one of the best Electric Types out there & has a badass design, in fact I think it has one of the best overall designs of any Pokemon.

You & your friend are so much alike, almost like twins lol :P, but you guys are also very creative, really like that about you. And ya I can be quite punny at times :P. I can understand, not everyone may appreciate, but if you love what you do, that's a good thing, right :)? So don't hesitate from sharing anything you want to, related to Electric Pokemon {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:

I certainly will! ^u^ And thanks for adding me! ^#^ If I get bored or need something to do, I'll try out more events in the future. =)

Thank you for replying to my Jack Rotom! ^o^ It was a fun little event for me thinking on another Rotom design! Hmm... perhaps on that related note, maybe it would be neat to also do another event based on what an Electric-type Castform could look like? ^.^ Just an idea, but it's entirely up to you. =) And I understand if you love Electivire, that's cool with me. ^#^ Just a matter of preference, that's all... I just like the simpler and hilarious nature of Electabuzz. =) (Merry loved that first Anime episode of the yellow guy XDDD)

Don't worry... it may shock you to know, but me and Merry also love to be punny. ;P We can certainly add a lively spark to things here. XDDD

Welcome Virty! Like to see members that are invested in their answers... I am not like that sadly XD So this will be quick: welcome!! don't hesitate to share stuff here! And if you ever do some electric type Fakemon, share them with us if you want!

I have more members in the Togedemaru team yay XD
I don't dislike Electavire but I prefer Electabuzz honestly. It's a Pokemon I liked a lot back in gen 1.

Btw, Is it the first anniversary of the club soon? Really? Already!?

Thank you, Mawa! ^u^ Am glad you aren't feeling bad about my first answer. ^#^ And same here, I prefer Electabuzz as well. =P It's one Pokemon I remembered quite distinctly back in the series' heyday, where this one kid playing the TCG was constantly yelling "ZAP!" when he pulled out his Electabuzz card. XDDD
Name - Pranshu ( I'm Tellin' My Real Name for the first time on the community)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pikachu, Manetric, Zekrom, Ampharos.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Bolt Strike, Discharge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I love the Electric Pokemons because of many factors. They are really cute!! for e.g. Pikachu, Alolan Raichu etc. with great speed, They are cool and powerful looking like Luxray and Zekrom, they have Mega Evolution for e.g. Manetric, Ampharos etc. Moreover they have played a very important role in the manga and the anime ( Who can Forget Ash and his cutie ketchup living Pikachu!!)
Electric Type Tag Partner - Pikachu
Tag Partner's Nickname - Sorry I dont like nicknaming my pokemon
Last edited:
Name - Pranshu ( I'm Tellin' My Real Name for the first time on the community)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pikachu, Manetric, Zekrom, Ampharos.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Bolt Strike, Discharge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I love the Electric Pokemons because of many factors. They are really cute!! for e.g. Pikachu, Alolan Raichu etc. with great speed, They are cool and powerful looking like Luxray and Zekrom, they have Mega Evolution for e.g. Manetric, Ampharos etc. Moreover they have played a very important role in the manga and the anime ( Who can Forget Ash and his cutie Pikachu!!)
Electric Type Tag Partner - Pikachu
Tag Partner's Nickname - Sorry I dont like nicknaming my pokemon
Hey Pranshu, welcome to the Club. Feel free to have a say/participate in any of the current or previous Discussions/Events. If you have any queries regarding the Club, you can drop me a VM any time :).

I certainly will! ^u^ And thanks for adding me! ^#^ If I get bored or need something to do, I'll try out more events in the future. =)

Thank you for replying to my Jack Rotom! ^o^ It was a fun little event for me thinking on another Rotom design! Hmm... perhaps on that related note, maybe it would be neat to also do another event based on what an Electric-type Castform could look like? ^.^ Just an idea, but it's entirely up to you. =) And I understand if you love Electivire, that's cool with me. ^#^ Just a matter of preference, that's all... I just like the simpler and hilarious nature of Electabuzz. =) (Merry loved that first Anime episode of the yellow guy XDDD)

Don't worry... it may shock you to know, but me and Merry also love to be punny. ;P We can certainly add a lively spark to things here. XDDD

Thank you, Mawa! ^u^ Am glad you aren't feeling bad about my first answer. ^#^ And same here, I prefer Electabuzz as well. =P It's one Pokemon I remembered quite distinctly back in the series' heyday, where this one kid playing the TCG was constantly yelling "ZAP!" when he pulled out his Electabuzz card. XDDD
No probs Virty & you are most welcome to try out the other Events, whenever you are free.

The Elekid line is my second fav after the Pikachu line. I also loved the anime episode featuring Electivire & Scyther, & Pika's love for ketchup, lol {XD}. I'll always found Electivire one of the most useful Pokemon out there, with a wide movepool & good counter moves. It better than its counterpart Magmortar imo (although I do like the Magby line as well).

Btw, Is it the first anniversary of the club soon? Really? Already!?
Ya, its been an year already. Time just passes by huh. Got to think of something to celebrate it {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
First of all Happy Anniversary to the Club! I feel really happy (though I was late in joining the club)
Ya, its been an year already. Time just passes by huh. Got to think of something to celebrate it .

Pika Pika
I guess we can play some special game and make some artwork for the club! I guess some members must be having software to help! :) ^^

Yes its true, its damn true, The Electric Fans Club will be celebrating its First Anniversary in exactly a week from now (on May 8th). When I first decided to open the Club, everyone advised against it & maybe they were right, Clubs were on a decline & the then Club owners didn't have the motivation to keep their Clubs running, for various reasons. But I always like taking up Challenges & went ahead with it. Looking back, 60 plus Members, almost 700 posts & keeping the Thread active for an year, not bad huh {:3}. Would not have been possible without the Members, so thanks a lot everybody (even those who registered, but never posted again, okay okay j/k j/k :P), you are the reason that we are approaching this milestone.

Well its an achievement that should be celebrated right, but don't know what we can do (or how).

Anyone got any ideas, feel free to share here :).

Pika Pika :chu:
LegendChu is right, as a member who saw the decline of the clubs (which were greats :( too bad) I am honestly surprised to see how this one worked so well at that time!! Look around PC and there isn't a lot of clubs still active. Congratulation to Chu who made this club possible and so lovely!

I thought bout a thing
Why don't we celebrate this Anniversary at Pokémon Showdown!

I think this is an excellent idea tbh!! A electric only tournament or fun battles.
LegendChu is right, as a member who saw the decline of the clubs (which were greats :( too bad) I am honestly surprised to see how this one worked so well at that time!! Look around PC and there isn't a lot of clubs still active. Congratulation to Chu who made this club possible and so lovely
I agree with mawa. I joined the club when I was still new here and there were other active clubs around, but this is the only one that's still active, all credit to chu :D
how about we do a create a pre-evo challenge, like the one we did on the amazing race event, but only for electric pokemon?
Congrats on the first club anniversary, pal! :chu:

By the way, to celebrate, I'll answer this one:
DISCUSSION #12 - Which Electric Pokemon are you using in your Sun & Moon Teams?
I still have to hand it to Pikachu lines, from Pichu, Pikachu then to Alolan Raichu. As time goes on, Aloan Raichu became one of the main MVP in Sun that I put it on the rotation party team, due to it having quite a movepool that causes it to become versatile in battles.
Well done LegendChu! I think clubs are fun and wish there was more of them. But this one is especially cool since its been running for so long. Congrats :)
This is the best Club I've ever seen! All my friends are the members here to celebrate the very first anniversary of the Electric Club!
Yes its true, its damn true, The Electric Fans Club will be celebrating its First Anniversary in exactly a week from now (on May 8th). When I first decided to open the Club, everyone advised against it & maybe they were right, Clubs were on a decline & the then Club owners didn't have the motivation to keep their Clubs running, for various reasons. But I always like taking up Challenges & went ahead with it. Looking back, 60 plus Members, almost 700 posts & keeping the Thread active for an year, not bad huh . Would not have been possible without the Members, so thanks a lot everybody (even those who registered, but never posted again, okay okay j/k j/k ), you are the reason that we are approaching this milestone.
Raj you know what this is a great achievement and through this club we have all our friends here joined together through the Club only!

Originally Posted by VoltYellow
I thought bout a thing
Why don't we celebrate this Anniversary at Pokémon Showdown!
Originally posted by Mawa
I think this is an excellent idea tbh!! A electric only tournament or fun battles.
Sometimes I get good ideas too! ^^
I guess we can ask the administrators to have a ten day special electric tier and I can ask my friends for the rooms! (Just support by liking it if majority vote I'll request for the room(s) .)
LegendChu is right, as a member who saw the decline of the clubs (which were greats :( too bad) I am honestly surprised to see how this one worked so well at that time!! Look around PC and there isn't a lot of clubs still active. Congratulation to Chu who made this club possible and so lovely!
I agree with mawa. I joined the club when I was still new here and there were other active clubs around, but this is the only one that's still active, all credit to chu :D
Congrats on the first club anniversary, pal! :chu:
Well done LegendChu! I think clubs are fun and wish there was more of them. But this one is especially cool since its been running for so long. Congrats
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
This is the best Club I've ever seen! All my friends are the members here to celebrate the very first anniversary of the Electric Club!

Raj you know what this is a great achievement and through this club we have all our friends here joined together through the Club only!
Thanks a lot guys. And with your support, I hope I can keep the club running for a long time to come ^^.

I thought bout a thing
Why don't we celebrate this Anniversary at Pokémon Showdown!
I think this is an excellent idea tbh!! A electric only tournament or fun battles.
An electric battle tournament sounds fun!
It could be done in a similar style to the "it's going to rain" event we had on here a while ago.
I guess we can ask the administrators to have a ten day special electric tier and I can ask my friends for the rooms! (Just support by liking it if majority vote I'll request for the room(s) .)
Hmm, that's a great idea, but I'm not sure if we can do something outside the Club Thread :(.

Make a fanart contest with an Electric Pokémon theme.

And that's with MS Paint.

How about that?
how about we do a create a pre-evo challenge, like the one we did on the amazing race event, but only for electric pokemon?
Alright, these can be done on the Club Thread, so I'll take that into consideration.

I got an idea for a discussion topic.

DISCUSSION #13 - Electric Fan Club, 1st Anniversary Celebrations. Share your experiences as a Club Member.

Pika Pika :chu:

Yes its true, its damn true, The Electric Fans Club will be celebrating its First Anniversary in exactly a week from now (on May 8th). When I first decided to open the Club, everyone advised against it & maybe they were right, Clubs were on a decline & the then Club owners didn't have the motivation to keep their Clubs running, for various reasons. But I always like taking up Challenges & went ahead with it. Looking back, 60 plus Members, almost 700 posts & keeping the Thread active for an year, not bad huh {:3}. Would not have been possible without the Members, so thanks a lot everybody (even those who registered, but never posted again, okay okay j/k j/k :P), you are the reason that we are approaching this milestone.

Well its an achievement that should be celebrated right, but don't know what we can do (or how).

Anyone got any ideas, feel free to share here :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Like everyone, it's good to see that the club has its 1 year anniversary coming up. =)
Hmm... 60+ members, but how many are actually part of the club, and how many did 1 post and never came back? It's like how forums claim to have thousands of members when maybe 1% are actually writing in it, while 99% are abandoned accounts. =/

But putting numbers aside, does this club feature more? Like a group on Discord or can members PM another as a sign to be actual club members that can work as a team or more than just usernames in the userlist?
(I already know LegendChu won't PM me, because he ignored my attempt I made about a week ago, but I'm just curious which users are willing to PM another or are okay with it =O)
Idea: If there isn't a Discord group, I could make one for this club and put a bunch of Electric-type related "emoji" into it (but only what people agree on which can be emoji from any volunteer) and LegendChu the admin of it. ^^

Spoiler: Am busy rendering/making Gifs

I was quite busy with my own project. Nothing important, but after wanting to remove the backgrounds of sprites did I notice all of them having wrong coloring, and the animations from Pokémon Crystal they made suck... So I'm doing everything from scratch myself with the help of an emulator and a screenshot-tool to take pictures every 17ms (almost 60fps which the emulator seems to run on)

Seeing how this is an Electric club, here's my attempt to capture Zapdos and turn it into a Gif.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Individual unique images:
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

(I have to take 100-300 screenshots and minimize them to 10-20 frames of animation to make 1 Pokémon animation ._.)

It's pretty much the same thing as making N64 renders, only way quicker. ^^ I'll do the other Pokémon too from Pokémon Crystal, but that's all I only got about 6 Pokémon so far *sweat*

Speaking of Electric, here's Pikachu from the intro Pokémon Yellow intro, with few edits. ^^
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

(Some of these look better with bright background, though Pikachu without text looks great either way ^^)

Couple of edits from my end (Virty has made tons more which look freaking amazing, but I'll let him post those =D)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)


Also got some smaller stuff from that game. ;P (only showing few things, not all)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Question concerning my project: When "making" Gifs like these
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
from the games, do you think I should enhance the outline / the bright dots around the image and fix minor errors? I feel like it would look better if they could work on black backgrounds too. =O Maybe provide a couple of versions like "zapdos" as the enhanced version, and "zapdosold" for the old unedited version?