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[PKMN FULL] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)

Eri - May 7th, Tuesday - Olivine City
Pokemon registered: 3
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)

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The next Pokémon on Eri's sights was a small Sandygast that popped her way out from the sandy surface of the beach. It encountered Eri with her unique wails and howls. With a new Pokémon encounter, it was time to record it. Eri brought out her Pokédex to view the information.

Sandygast! Sand Heap Pokémon! Ghost and Ground Type! Born from a sand mound playfully built by a child, this Pokémon embodies the grudges of the departed.

"So, you are a Ghost-type Pokémon? That means that Normal-type attacks won't work on you," Eri assessed. Still, she had her Froakie, Susato out for battle to take advantage of the scene with her Water-type attacks, and her Gligar, Ichiban, on standby to assist things out. "Prepare yourself, Susato! Hit it with a Bubble!"

Following her order, Susato released a stream of bubbles from her mouth, to pelt the Sandygast and gain a first-attack advantage. But the Sandygast was prepared, sinking herself within the sand to dodge the attack. Susato looked around the area for it, unknowing to her that the Sandygast popped up behind her. Not prepared for her incoming attack, Susato was blasted by a shout that startled her so much that she tumbled briefly on the ground. She was prepared to counter-attack, but the Sandygast hid herself beneath the sand once more.

"It's going to be tricky to land an attack by this rate," Eri pondered, considering her options. She then looked above her - the solution was but a simple one. "Ichiban! Cover Susato from overhead! When it popped up, shower it with a Poison Sting!" Ichiban agreed with a bid and his sly wink.

Briefly after, the Sandygast popped out once more, as Susato was in the lookout for it, but she popped up right behind her once more. This time however, Ichiban quickly noticed it, and as per Eri's command, it quickly sprayed it with a barrage of poisonous needles. The Sandygast was surprised by the onslaught, and was not able to react - it doubled over in pain from Ichiban's relentless attacks.

"Good, Ichiban!" Eri complimented him. Ichiban gave another wink, followed up with a brief salute. "Now, Susato! Quickly hit it with your Bubble attack!" Susato quickly turned herself around, releasing another stream of bubbles. The bubbles hit their mark this time, hitting the Sandygast for super effective damage. The Sandygast stopped moving, reeling from the blast. It was time for Eri's pokeball.

"My apologies, honourable Sandygast," she said. "But, I must capture you! Come, pokeball!" She threw the pokeball at the Sandygast, trapping her inside.

The pokeball shook once.
Then twice.
Followed up with a third...

"Until finally, the 'PING' melody. The Sandygast capture was complete.

Sandygast's data had been registered in the Pokédex!

Eri collected her new Pokémon. "Thank you for joining us, Sandygast," she said to her softly, clasping both of her hands on the pokeball. "Let our mission continue."

Chapter 1: Olivine
Part 3: Unda Da Sea

"Chim?" The Pokemon looked up at Kerry as it struggled to keep its balance in the small boat which kept threatening to tip over with each wave that rocked it.

Kerry grinned wide as he rubbed the Pokemon's head quickly before grabbing up the rented rod from beneath the seat of the kayak. "Hey, I couldn't see what else I was looking for from the beach. It only makes sense to come out deeper into the water then, yeah? We're lucky that Olivine is such a tourist-heavy area; the rental shop was relatively cheap, but as long as I capture a Pokemon or two while we're out here I should be able to write it off as a trainer expense."

"Chim…" the Pokemon said weakly, sighing as it shook its head.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You won't have to do any fighting this time around, but that doesn't mean you stop training, right? This boat is perfect for learning to maintain balance. Focus on keeping yourself centered. I want you to look like some dry spaghetti regardless of whether there's waves or not."


"Spaghetti. It's like… you know what, just stand on one foot and do your best to stay straight up and down no matter what. Got it?"

"Chim!" Chrim cried out excitedly, getting up into position on the seat right across from Kerry before balancing himself on one foot.

"Good. I'll keep an eye on you then. I've got a couple of 'mons to capture while we're out here. The last one I'm looking for, we'll have to get back at the shore once everything calms down a little. We can probably take the kelp back and watch Jasmine fight before trying for it… which means…?" He trailed off the last statement, motioning for the Chimchar to finish his thought for him.

"...Chim?" The Pokemon said slowly, wobbling as the cry escaped his mouth.

"Exactly. Plenty of time for training between now and then without having to get dirty in a battle. Now, let's see what we can catch out here."


Nearly an hour passed without a single bite. Kerry reeled the rod in several times, wondering if maybe something had caught on but decided not to run with the line. He sighed and scratched his head angrily before tossing the line back out once more. Patience, it seemed, was not his strong suit. He glanced up repeatedly at Chrim who was slowly but surely becoming accustomed to the gentle wobbling of the kayak by the waves. The Pokemon had changed to its opposite leg roughly halfway through, and was in the process of switching over to balancing on one hand now.

"Tch. At least one of us is making use of this wasted time." He grumbled, watching the motionless line in the water. "Remind me never to do this again unless there's something really, really powerful lurking beneath. I'd rather dive in and wrestle the Pokemon myself at this point."

The boy looked down at the boat, measuring it with his eyes for what must have been the hundredth time. Even if there was space for him to lay out and do any kind of physical exercise, the motions he'd make would most definitely sink them as well as all of the rented equipment. He'd nearly reached the limit of his patience when as he began to reel the line back in, he felt a massive tug on the other end.

"Oh! We got one! Here we go!" he laughed heartily, excited that something was finally happening. He put himself into the position that the rental associate had shown him so that he wouldn't flip the boat as he reeled the Pokemon in and began to tug on the line as hard as he could. "Oh yeah! This is it!"

The fight continued for several minutes, switching between long drags out into the water by whatever was on the other end and powerful yanks propagated by Kerry followed by a rapid reeling. Chrim watched anxiously, wondering just as much as Kerry what Pokemon was going to come up. There was no question in the Pokemon's mind that its trainer would succeed in reeling whatever it was in, however, whether or not the boy kept the catch was an entirely different matter.

"Alllllmoooooost theeeeere!" The boy cried out, giving the rod another massive yank that almost flipped the boat before reeling his way down, touching the end of the pole against the water. "Oh! It's given up!" He yelled out as he yanked the rod back again, ripping the Pokemon to the surface of the water and pulling it clear out of the water. "Ah," he muttered, seeing the Pokemon slap back down against the surface of the sea. "A Chinchou, eh? Not what I was hoping for right off the bat, but a good catch nonetheless. Now, let's just see if it's usable, eh Chrim?"

The Chimchar looked worriedly between the Pokemon and the trainer, wondering what his take would be on the water type he'd just wrestled with for the past several minutes. "Chim!" He cried out, hoping that the Chinchou would hear him and liven up a little bit. But the Chinchou was dazed from being roughed around and then slapped against the water.

"Hmm." Kerry mused as he pulled the Pokemon onto the kayak and watched as it began to flop its tiny fins about weakly. "It had some good fight in it, definitely not a Pokemon that'd be willing to give up too easily. It's fins are undersized though, but these bulbs…" he cupped one of the Pokemon's antenna and then quickly recoiled as a jolt of electricity shot through his arm. "Yow! Little bugger's still trying to fight even out of its natural habitat! This one's not entirely terrible, but Chinchou are so common. It'd be hard to imagine a celebrity or champion walking around with one of these as a mainstay. That being said, just as a means to fill out the team it's not a bad addition."

The boy rubbed his chin as he mused and then quickly pulled one of the empty balls from his belt before letting it drop onto the weakened Pokemon. The ball rolled a couple of times and then cracked open as the Chinchou escaped his capture.

"Hmm. You're not going to make this easy, are you? I still really hoped I could have caught our other target first since we could have just left. But, I suppose since I'm not paying for the balls I might as well let them drop until you give in completely." He grinned evilly as he unzipped his backpack, revealing the stash of balls he'd bought before coming out to sea. "Let's see how long you can last," he whispered to the defenseless Pokemon as he pulled out a handful of balls and began to enlarge them one-by-one.

"Chim! Chimchar Chim Chim Chimchar!" Chrim quickly pleaded with the wild Pokemon, not wanting it to have to waste the energy in a fight against the inevitable.

"Chchooo." The Pokemon beeped quietly, looking up at the boy as he got ready to drop a fresh pokeball onto its head with a grin. "Chchooo…."

"Glad to see you've conceded before things had to go any further." Kerry whispered, letting the ball fall onto the Pokemon. It rolled around a few times and then stopped. "Well boy, you surprised me. You could have put up a little more of a fight with the guts that you've got, but you're smart too. We just might see you stick around for a while if you're lucky, Chang."

"Chim." The Chimchar wiped its forehead, glad that the battle didn't have to go on for too much longer. He'd succeeded in talking some sense into the weakened Pokemon, and for that, he was happy with himself.

"Back to training now, Chrim. We've still got one more target. Now that we've caught one, we can't leave until we find the other." he cast the rod back out and let out a small, defeated sigh. "Even if we are wasting an incredible amount of time… they should invest in some kind of fishing contest here. Sell off the captured Pokemon that nobody wants. Just imagine how much easier that would have made this, and all the money that they'd make in the process!"
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Olivine 3
Monday, May 5th
Noon, Day 1

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Lv 7 | Ledyba
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Lv 7
Frid's Profile | Current Chapter | css base by Aquacorde
To avoid the Krabbys, Frid made sure to head to a different part of the beach this time. That was an easy feat though, considering the whole southern part of Olivine was bordered by the sea. The stretch he chose now was well trafficked by tourists or otherwise sunbathers on this pretty day. He asked around, seeing if anyone had seen some 'Opal Kelp' around.

One kid eagerly told him yes and ran into the water with his snorkel, trying to point out to Frid where it was. Frid realized that he'd have to get wet himself, if he was to get hold of the treasure he was after. Putting his backpack down, he also pulled off his shirt and pants, hoping nobody would take offense to him momentarily jumping in in his underwear.

"Watch this stuff for me for a while, will you?" he asked Chikorita, who nodded eagerly and took a ridiculously cute defensive position in the sand.

Frid then wasted no more time - he leaped into the water and caught up with the snorkler.

"Down there!" the kid said, pointing under the surface of the water, about a meter down. It wasn't much deeper than that, so Frid could easily stand on the bright, sandy bottom. But his foot set down on something that was decidedly not sand...

"Oh no, not again!" he exclaimed and splashed backwards and away.

The thing he had stepped on floated up to the surface and swirled at him, blinking with its central gem. Frid's worry instantly turned into wonder at that.

"Oh my Ho-oh, it's a Staryu!" he said excitedly and waded forwards again.

The kid came back up and looked at the Staryu in front them. "Is it dangerous?" she asked.

"Nah. Well. I'm sure it can be! But we won't provoke it anymore, right? I'm sorry for touching you!" Frid said, now directed towards the floating sea-star.

It swirled again and kept blinking.

"Wow, you're so pretty..." Frid said, not able to keep himself from reaching out a hand and trying to touch the gem.

Bad idea. Suddenly, Staryu's body stiffened, and it leaped out of the water. The gem glowed brighter, and white rings of psychic energy formed in front of it, pulsating out.

"Psywave!" Frid shouted, recognizing the move. He pushed the snorkeling kid out of the way in the water and started to scramble backwards, but the Psywaves easily hit him.

It made him feel strange. Not an initial pain, but more of a numbing sensation. He fell backwards into the water, and his head sunk below the surface. He held his breath, but his arms and legs wouldn't obey him. He saw movement above the water, and then a second later something plunging through the surface and reaching for him. Something ensnared his midsection and pulled him back up. By the time he was up in the air, his limbs were working again, and he flailed in the water, looking behind himself.

It had been Chikorita, using Vine Whip to save him from the water's edge. Panting, he gave her a thumbs up before turning back ahead.

Ledyba had zoomed out and engaged the Staryu. The kid was thankfully back up on land, having screamed for her mother. Frid kept backing off, to shallow enough water for him to sit in and gather his focus after the surprisingly dangerous situation.

Could I have died?

No, of course not. Not with Ledyba and Chikorita nearby, and with all the other people around too. Someone would have saved him. It was fine. He was fine. Focus, now!

Ledyba was trying to Tackle Staryu, but the latter kept diving in and out of the water. It looked almost as if it was playing with the bug. The bug didn't see it that way, Frid thought, recognizing his expression as desperate. Oh, poor Ledyba. Maybe he still thought Frid was in danger?

"I'm here, Ledyba!" he called out.

The bug spun around and looked utterly relieved to see his trainer alive and well in the wet sand.

Of course, Staryu took that opportunity to launch a Water Gun that hit him in the back.

"Dirty fighting? I see!" Frid said and got back up. He ran up to his items a few meters away on dry land and picked up a couple of pokéballs. One, he used to recall Ledyba to safety.

"It pains me but... We can do that too! Chikorita, Vine Whip!"

Chikorita once more used her Vine Whip to reach out and grab Staryu as it emerged from the water, no doubt attempting to keep the hide and seek game it had been performing with the flying bug. It found itself wrapped in leafy tentacles now.

Frid squatted and held on tightly to Chikorita's small body, just like with the Krabby before. "Get it over here to us!"

She pulled, and flung the water pokémon out of the ocean. It landed with another swirling motion in the sand behind them, leaving them between it and the water. The graceful way in which it let it happen almost made it seem as if it had done it itself. The vines let go, and Frid stood up, releasing his pokémon.

"I've decided! I want you to come with us!" he declared.

The Staryu just silently blinked with its red gem.

"It only makes sense for me from Cianwood to have a water type, and you... You are pretty! You're pretty much the treasure of the sea!" the boy continued, with as much of a flattering expression as he could muster. It was genuine though. "I have lesser gems at home, they don't at all come close to yours!"

Staryu was silent for another second, but then it started rolling on its side, faster and faster, until it passed Frid and Chikorita by. His heart fell, as he figured it was returning to the sea instead of accepting his offer. But the Staryu didn't touch the water. Just before it made contact, it spun on the spot and returned towards the human. It came to a stop there, and blinked more fervently with its beautiful gem.

"Is that... Is that a yes?" Frid asked, feeling hope return.

Staryu now bent down - something Frid didn't even know it could do, as its body looked much more rigid and inflexible than it apparently was - and poked the grass pokémon at Frid's feed. Playfully?

"Huh?" Frid looked from one pokémon to the other, trying to decipher their intentions.

Chikorita cheered, but then backed off a bit and waved the leaf on the top of her head with a challenging stare.

"Ohh. You want a battle!" Frid said, happy again as he faced the Staryu.

The single blink he got in response, he chose to interpret as a yes.

"Alright then!" Frid said as he took his place behind Chikorita, putting some distance between themselves and the wild star. "Ready?"

Staryu was clearly ready, because a second later, it was firing off a Water Gun again.

"Tackle! Try to ignore the water and just run ahead!" Frid ordered.

Chikorita was a bit hesitant, but decided to trust her trainer. The water beam hit her and was strong, but it didn't exactly hurt her much. A refreshing shower was nice for most grass types! She kept running against the stream, not picking up speed until it finally let up - but by then she delivered a sudden Tackle that the Staryu did not expect. It was knocked back into the sand.

"Now, Vine Whip! It's so close so it will be hard to miss!" Frid reasoned.

But as Chikorita launched her vines and tried to whip the opponent, Staryu had jumped back up and was now nimbly dodging most slaps.

"It's agile!" Frid said, approvingly. "Back off a bit!"

That was probably a smart move, because next, Staryu tried to Tackle Chikorita. It hit, but not too hard as Chikorita was already running away. She tumbled towards Frid, but got up on her feet again rather fast.

"Are you alright?" the trainer asked, because Chikorita's face had turned a bit worried again. When she heard his voice though, she looked up at him happily, showing that it was easy to give her back motivation if she seemed to stray momentarily. He gave her an encouraging smile in return. "Okay, now turn around quickly!"

Behind them, Staryu had charged another Psywave - Frid now recognized the same glow from its gem as before. His brain speed-thought: Vine Whip might go limb like his own feet and arms if they tried to reach through the Psywave with that. But...

"Razor Leaf!"

Chikorita fired them off just after the Psywave was sent off from Staryu's body. As expected, they didn't affect the 'dead matter' that was the sharp leaves, and they traveled onwards to strike Staryu straight on. But at the same time, Chikorita was hit by the Psywave. Both pokémon fell to the sand and remained there.

Frid dashed up to Chikorita. She gave him a weak smile.

"Ah. I know what you're feeling like right now," he said softly. "Take a rest! Thanks for the help!"

He put her away in the other pokéball he had fetched, but then realized that he would need one more. During the time he went to grab an empty one from his backpack, Staryu had stood up again.

"I don't know if that counts as us having beaten you or not..." Frid admitted, fidgeting with the ball as he faced the water pokémon. "But I meant what I said! I really do want you to come with us. Please?"

Staryu's top arm 'nodded' at him. It looked kind of funny and made him giggle. But he tossed the empty pokéball at the water type and watched it get sucked in, the ball then clicking shut without problem. He picked it up and took a long, content breath.

"Well. Who would have known that I'd catch my first pokémon in my underwear?"

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)

Nathaniel Bartholomew
◇ Cianwood

Nathaniel donned piercing black sunglasses and pink, white-pikachu-pattern beach shorts. His aipom companion sported identical sunglasses of their own, grinning from ear to ear. "LOOK! It's perfect running weather!" bellows the young trainer, elbow at shoulder level to allow his aipom to climb up and gaze into the glistening, iridescent, ocean's surface.

"Ai ai!"

"Yeah! Water! Sand! Beach! … be-ach," Nathaniel's holler suddenly drops to a giggling whisper upon reaching the last word, aipom giggling alongside him.

With the monkey sitting on his shoulder the young trainer jogs over to the foamy shore, plastic sandals trapping particles of sand as the warm wind caressed his sunscreened skin. Small princess waves were sent to whomever dared lock eyes with this young man; cringeworthy air kisses and distance hugs were added bonuses for those who gave their time to respond to his odd wave.

"One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! Woah! Here we are! Le behold," cheerily announced Nathaniel to his trusty aipom, arms opening like wings before the mighty sea. The monkey leaped and bounded off its trainer and into the sea foam, giggling between waves. Here they relaxed and amused themselves in the rolling waves, without a care for their surroundings.

Chapter One

Water splashed and enveloped Nathaniel in its slippery tendrils, their infectious energy having latched on to another.

Breaking the surface of the water were two pairs of hands, fingers spread apart and latching on to a startled aipom; the monkey's blissful expression slowly contorted into that of bewilderment as they were pulled back into the sea. Nathaniel, who had not seen whose hands it belonged to but merely the end result, shrieked in shock.

"AYAAAAA! TOSTITO!" yelped Nathaniel, who then dove into aipom's general direction. Salted, narrowed eyes pained by the sea surveyed their surroundings, catching a glimpse of a small figure attempting to make an escape to shore.

"GLRG!" Nathaniel attempted to call out to the child with a mouthful of water. Upon breaking the surface and briefly shaking his head of seawater, he struggled to run to shore, the sea's hold on his hips having held him back some.

"HEY! YOU! LITTLE BOY! EYAAA!" he hollered towards the scampering child, arms squeezing the aipom tight to their miniature chest.




Nathaniel and the boy had migrated deeper inland. "YES!"

"NO!" But their exchanges continued as Nathaniel started to close the gap, zig zagging after the child who had learned the technique from the discovery channel, unaware it would only hinder his process. "I WANT HIM!"


As the magnitude of Nathaniel's words sunk in, the small boy made a sharp stop and nearly toppled over, briefly facing Nathaniel before running in a different direction. "NO NO NO NO!"

"THEN GIVE ME BACK TOSTI-WAAAH!" The chase was interrupted by the sudden emergence of a krabby, tripping the trainer.

The boy mocked Nathaniel, pausing temporarily to snicker and mock prior to continuing their daring escape. "HAHAHA, WAAAAAH."

The faceplant left Nathaniel's face stinging and feeling slight pulses of pain, mouth spitting out wads of sand. In defeat he summons the shy mudkip, who immediately curls upon materializing into the vibrant outside world.

"...OKAY, Elmo," Nathaniel began, crouching and head lowered closer to Mudkip's level. "Tostito was stolen in a surprise sneak attack by a little snotty mister! So… I need your help. And I need you to help me cool down- OneTwoThreeFour, whoo!" His head jerked to one side to dispel his building frustration, catching the mudkip off guard. "Nevermind. I'm calm."

Nathaniel entered a state of deep thought, thumbs caressing his chin as his gaze clouded over. Unfortunately the direction he had chosen to space out towards had been in the direction of a jealous couple.

Misunderstanding Nathaniel's blank stare, the older man, with nothing but his fists and shorts, approached the young trainer and whacked the side of his head with his sandal.

His mudkip panicked, pacing in a quick circle next to Nathaniel, not knowing what to do as his pain registered too late.


Aipom had long forfeited, the toddler's small, pudgy arms locked around their waist. And like a doll the monkey laid motionless, blinking only when nobody was looking.

As expected, after a good several minutes trek, the small boy reunited with his mother and siblings. Here he demanded their attention, hands extending to display Aipom in their full glory.

"Hey Mateo!"
"Heey baby."
"Hello little booger."​

With their greetings said, only the mother of six knelt down and gave the boy the time of day. It was common for Mateo to snatch anything that resembled a Pokémon, whether inanimate or alive, and proudly display it to his family. In this case the mother believes it to be a doll; unbeknownst to her, aipom was sweating profusely, blinking whenever her eyes would lock with her son's.

"Look look looook! A monkey!" the child proudly demonstrated to his mother, shaking Aipom vigorously before her. But in doing so Aipom was unable to keep their composure, unable to refrain from yelping seconds into the shaking.

The mother gasped in surprise, as did the small boy, whose loose grip allowed Aipom to leap and bound off the humans surrounding him. Within seconds the monkey had gained feet of ground, running on two feet with hands and tail flopping in the wind. Alongside a sloppy trail of steps and tail slaps was Aipom's fading shrieking, of which fueled the pokémon forevermore.

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Ichiban grew to Lv 7!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Ichiban learned Harden!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Susato grew to Lv 7!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Eri caught a Sandygast! Lv 5, female

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Nao grew to Lv 8!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Momo grew to Lv 8!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Momo learned Quick Attack!

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Kerry caught a Chinchou! Lv 4, male

[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Chikorita grew to Lv 9!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Chikorita learned Poison Powder!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Ledyba grew to Lv 8!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Ledyba learned Swift!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Frid caught a Staryu! Lv 6, genderless

Ivy Mourningroar
Chapter 2
Olivine City

Ivy took the final turn on the stone walkway and stepped on a wooden promenade for a moment, before diving in a crowded beach. Natu landed on her shoulder now that she wasn't running anymore. Her feet sank in the sand, making it harder for her to move and harder for Natu to keep himself up. Her choice to wear ballerinas this morning wasn't as bright as it seemed to be. She had to take them off and carry them in her hand, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get to the sea before midnight. The warm sand was burning her feet.

Ivy was trying hard to focus on her quest, but she could still pick up conversations of people chilling on the beach. A kid was crying not far from her. Ivy looked for its location, just in case it needs help and almost bumped in a huge man in a red swim trunks. She dodged him at the last moment and was able to catch Natu, who wasn't expecting this maneuver and slipped down from her shoulder. She held him in her arms until she got to the sea. She dropped one of her shoes and had to bend down to pick it up. Meanwhile the voice fell silent. And the maze of tourists shifted. The very same man she just dodged was standing in front of her again, minding his own business.

It took her few seconds before she got past the last wave of tourists enjoying their time on the beach. There was a line between beach and the sea completely empty. The no man's land. And right behind her, tourists continued their occupation of Olivine. Since it was sunny, Ivy could see a part of Cianwood forming on the horizon.

She put her shoes on the much cooler sand by the sea and noted that they are waiting for her right next to the young couple with Pichu and parasol painted full of Poliwag. She let Natu fly above her and picked Totodile's Poké Ball. She stopped for a moment before calling Big Jaw Pokémon from his Poké Ball. She should pick a nickname for him. As she was thinking, a small kid with swimming sleeves run past her and dived into the water head first. His mother wasn't far behind and joined her kid and made sure it's okay. Ivy overheard the mother addressing the kid by a name, which sounded perfect for Totodile.

She waited a little bit more until the duo was out of sight, whispered the nickname to the closed Poké Ball and then let Totodile out.

"Dillie, I choose you!" Ivy shouted as she let the Poké Ball to open. Totodile jumped out with a flash. He looked around and got excited about all the tourists around him. He run towards a group of kids playing with a wild Staryu and Sandygast, but Ivy was fast enough to catch him by his pawn and stop him. Holding Natu with one hand and Dillie with second one, she got reminded of the times she took Madeleine and Sarah to the Cianwood's mall all by herself.

"Wait Dillie," she dropped on her knees to be face to face with Totodile. "There is a sick Pokémon that we need to help. Can you help me find Opal Kelp somewhere in the water?"

Totodile nodded and run straight to the water, almost hitting a tourist comming out. He dived into the sea and Ivy couldn't see him for a moment, so she stepped in the water, trying to find either him or Opal Kelp itself. Good thing she was wearing shorter dress, so it wouldn't get wet even by the waves. She would dive in the water herself, but didn't want to destroy her make-up.

Totodile jumped out of the water suddenly and landed on Ivy shoulder with his belly. He tried to get on his feet and leaned on Ivy's hair and face with his pawns, which completely ruined her plan of not getting wet.

Before she could ask him what is happening, couple of Chinchou heads appeared before her. One of them had a kelp tangled in its antennae. Ivy didn't have to be a detective genius to figure out what was happening. Both Chinchou charged their antennae with electricity and sent a small discharges towards Totodile. Ivy was fast enough to turn and shield blue baby with her own body. The bolts weren't strong, so she barely felt them. Hopefully they didn't destroy her dress.

Natu got free from her grip and flew towards one of the attackers, hitting it with his beak. Chinchou counter-attacked by wrapping its antennae around Natu and sending another wave of electricity right into Natu. Natu's body turned dark in return. The crimson outline formed around his body as he unleashed a powerful Night Shade. The attack was enough to scare one Chinchou back to the sea. It also created enough commotion and attracted unwanted attention.

Great, now I have an audience watching my very first battle, Ivy thought just as Totodile jumped back to the water to face his own enemy. Ivy could hear people talking about the whole fight. Someone asked why she isn't commanding her Pokémon. Someone else was wondering why is she attacking wild Pokémon. There was a guy who thought this is stupid way to catch Pokémon.

Catching it wouldn't be a bad idea, went through Ivy's head. She wasn't sure Totodile could take on angry Chinchou and Natu was floating paralyzed on the water. That one attack probably did more damage that she thought.

"Dillie, let's start with Water Gun!" Ivy commanded her Pokémon.

Totodile jumped high and sent a stream of water from his mouth straight in the Chinchou's face. It didn't make much damage and it probably infuriated Chinchou even more. Ivy quickly run around the battlefield and picked up Natu, just as Chinchou released a blue-ish Supersonic circles from its antennae. Totodile had no problems dodging them and celebrated it with a dance. The red aura appeared around Totodile, which surprised both him and Ivy.

Was that what I think it was?

Totodile's suprise was so big that he didn't see a discharge of electricity flying towards him and paralyzing him on the spot. Chinchou continued its assault and hit immobile Totodile with series of Bubble attacks.

"Come on, Dillie, snap out of it!" encouraged him Ivy.

Totodile was able to shoot one weak Water Gun, but completely missed the target. Chinchou got way to close to Totodile with its next attack, which allowed Totodile to land a boosted Scratch. Chinchou answered with more electric attacks, putting Totodile on his knees. Ivy realized that Totodile is losing. He was able to hit Angler Pokémon with one more Scratch, but got hit by another barrage of bubbles in return.

She quickly found a free Poké Ball in her bag and threw it at Chinchou. It disappeared inside. One click. And another. And another. Poké Ball was shaking less and less with each click until it stopped completely. Ivy picked it up, alongside Opal Kelp that was left drifting away right next to it.

She patted both Totodile and Natu on their heads and thanked them for help. She let Totodile back into his Poké Ball, got her shoes back and made her way out of the beach.

When she was out of everyone sight, she fished up another free Poké Ball.

"You should rest too," she said to Natu lying in her hands and offered him a Poké Ball. Natu opened it with his beak and let it consume him. It barely shaked or clicked.

"I have a perfect nickname for you too," Ivy said to Poké Ball as she picked it up and put it in her bag. "I'm going to call you Wrecker."

She decided to visit Poké Center to heal her Pokémon before heading back to the lighthouse.
Yellow bag



[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Dillie grew to Lv 7!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Wrecker grew to Lv 6!
[PokeCommunity.com] ADVENT Crossroads (IC)
Eri caught a Chinchou! Lv 5, ? gender


Chapter 2: Route 39 + 38
Starting date May 7th, Tuesday


The lush farmland of Route 39 leads north once you feel ready to continue onwards, likely around noon. Closest to the city sits a large famous berry farm, and further north there are plenty of smaller farms with Mareep and Miltank and plenty of other farm pokémon. Route 38 that forks off to the east has more of a mix of vast fields growing corn, wheat and such, mixed in with small foresty areas.

- It is a rather long couple of routes. Rashirrin has recommended that you camp out if you feel capable and the weather allows, as the wild pokémon here are not usually aggressive. Otherwise, seek shelter for the night at one of the many friendly (or less friendly?) farms. You won't be able to reach Ecruteak until Wednesday.

- Aspiring trainers! While farmer kids aren't technically allowed to battle with their pet pokémon without a trainer's license, maybe you can just have "practice" battles... There are surely many more teenage or grown-up people on the farms who can give you real licensed battles too.


AN EVIL DEED: Nighttime (7-8th May) / OBLIGATORY
Regardless of where you stay over, you will somehow wake up in the middle of the night and realize that someone is trying to steal the starter you received from Rashirrin! It is a person of any gender you choose, dressed in all black and gray, and who seems to not speak at all, even if they seem expressive otherwise. And strong. And nimble. You're not going to let this odd person take your pokémon, are you? They will try to battle you if you send out pokémon against them. You may have them use any decently common pokémon you can think of.

- Reward? If you chase them off, you get to keep your starter!

- Complications? They somehow seem to be able to direct their pokémon without speaking. You can't seem to figure out how. But it makes it difficult for you, as you can't hear their orders.

- Alternative? If you either don't fight them off, or lose the fight, they will take your rare starter. Will you ever get it back?

Hover for movesets. All are Lv 5 or 6.

Pokémon below are only available once at least one of your STARTERS has reached Lv 9. Hover for movesets. All are Lv 7 or 8.

(Milcery evolves at a certain point later in the game)

Ivy Mourningroar
Chapter 3
Olivine City

It has already been middle of afternoon when Ivy got everything she needed in Olivine. First, she went to the Poké Centre and let Nurse Joy heal her Pokémon and Chinchou. Then she hurried to the lighthouse and gave Rashirrin Opal Kelp. It will hopefully help Ampharos. After that she went on a shopping spree and bought bunch of Potions, Paralyze Heals and other healing items. How could I forget on them? she was wondering. She got a sandwich as a late lunch and some vegetable so she can make stew for dinner. She also bought her Pokémon enough Pokémon food for next few days.

She wanted to get out of Olivine before the sun sets, but she still had two things to do. As she was wandering through the city, looking for a quiet place on a beach, Natu broke out of his Poké Ball and found a nice place on top of Ivy's shoulder. She didn't mind. Natu was wild Pokémon his whole life afterall and wasn't used to resting in Poké Ball.

It took her a while, but she found the perfect place she was looking for. A piece of beach free of tourists, but full of wild Pokémon in a water. Once she stepped into a sea, she prepared a handful of Pokémon food and got Chinchou's Poké Ball out of her bag. She hesitated for a moment. This was the very first Pokémon she caught. It wasn't clear catch. She violently tore it from its home. It was for a good cause, but she didn't feel happy about it. Setting it back free is the best way to handle it. But still... this is the first Pokémon she caught. And that's what Pokémon Trainers are suppose to do, right? Catch Pokémon. Does it matter to others if they just kidnap some Pokémon like that? Maybe Chinchou wouldn't mind being caught if she let it out far from sea... No! She will let it be free. And will offer it Pokémon food as apology. That's a right thing to do!

As she was about to throw Chinchou's Poké Ball and release it, she noticed a movement in a corner of her eyes. A wild Chinchou just appeared from behind a nearby rock. It was hurt and didn't pay attention to Ivy at all. It was fighting someone. It attacked its unseen opponent with an electric attack. Ivy couldn't see who is it fighting with at first, but a flying purple sting appeared shortly after Chinchou's attack and barely miss the wild Pokémon. Mareanie!

Poké Ball in Ivy's hand opened on its own and "her" Chinchou jumped out of it. It landed on the front, shielding its brethren from incoming attacks. It sent light blue Supersonic somewhere towards Mareanie that Ivy still couldn't see, following by a powerful Bubble attack.

Ivy swiftly got to better position to see the whole picture. Rocks were hiding a small bay cut from the rest of the beach. Almost a dozen of Mareanie were attacking other Pokémon living there - mostly Corsola and Chinchou. Ivy had to do something. She was sure Pokémon fighting in a wild is natural, but she couldn't just stand there and watch.

Natu didn't even wait for her command and flew into a group of Mareanie and attacked them all with Night Shade. Chinchou and its friend were fighting two Mareanie on a rock. Ivy put Chinchou's Poké Ball back to her bag called Totodile from his Poké Ball. Together they joined the battle. Totodile got hit by a Poison Sting instantly. But he shrug it off and counterattacked with Water Gun. He knocked one Mareanie down, but attracted attention of other 3 Mareanie. Stings were flying all around and Totodile had a hard time dodging them all. He was getting hit a lot. Few stings even almost hit Ivy.

There is no way he can keep going like this, she thought. She remembered the red aura that appeared when Totodile accidentally used that move. Does he even know he can do that?


Totodile wasn't paying attention to his trainer. Instead he was attacking his three enemies with another Water Gun. Natu meanwhile performed Night Shade air strike on another couple of Mareanie that cornered Corsola to the rocks. He then attacked one Mareanie with his peak, but the other one hit him with yellow spine on top of its head. Natu answered with Night Shade, beating it.

"Dillie! Listen to me!" Ivy tried to get Totodile's attention one more time.

Totodile finally stopped.

"Great! Now, use Dragon Dance," she ordered him.

Totodile looked at her. He had no idea what she wants him to do.

"Do your happy dance," she tried it again.

This was command Totodile understood. Shortly after he was shining with a red aura. He easily dodged the next sting that was flying towards him.

"Now, take them down with Scratch!"

The closest Mareanie couldn't even react to quickly approaching Totodile. He knocked it down with a single boosted Scratch. Another Mareanie shot another sting at him, but Totodile jumped up and answered with Water Gun and Scratch. Last Mareanie tried to protect itself with Wide Guard, but it was too slow for Totodile. Happy Totodile used Dragon Dance again without realizing it and attacked another group of Mareanie just as Natu unleashed another Night Shade somewhere on the battlefield.

Ivy heard Chinchou's squeaky voice behind her and turned that way. A wild Chinchou just knocked down from the rock and landed unconscious in the water. "Her" Chinchou was still fighting hard and just electrocuted another Mareanie. Ivy noticed a lonely Mareanie hiding in the water. She could barely see its tentacle launching series of Poison Stings at Chinchou.

"Look out," she shouted at Chinchou as she threw herself in front of it and protected it from the attack. Her dress got torn in several places. She could feel the poison kicking in and dropped on her knees. She dropped the Pokémon food and she was holding to this moment. Totodile and Natu were by her side almost immediately, taking out the hiding Mareanie with a combination of Peck and Scratch.

The battle was over. Mareanie were retreating.

Totodile hug sitting Ivy, while Natu landed on her shoulder and rub his head over her cheek.

"I'll be okay guys," she assured her Pokémon. She reached over to her bag, that fell in the sand when she got hit, and found Antidotes. She applied one on herself and her Pokémon. She got up just as Chinchou jumped down from the rock to help its friend from water.

"Let me help you," Ivy got a Potion ready and sprayed wild Chinchou with it. Life returned to it and it could get to the beach by itself.

She then turned to "her" Chinchou.

"I'm sorry I attacked you earlier today and kidnapped you," she started. This was harder that she thought. She was still able to put on a smile even though she was close to crying. "You have your family and friends to take care of here. So, let me just get your Poké Ball and I'll set you free again."

Ivy turned and went to her bag. She heard Chinchou's squeaky voice. It was debating with the other Chinchou and the rest of bay's Pokémon. She could even hear Totodile giving his two cents. She quickly found Chinchou's Poké Ball. She also grabbed more food to give to everyone.

"Okay, here's how it works," she said when she returned. She offered Chinchou the food. "This is for all the trouble. I'll have to get you back to the Poké Ball and then I can release you."

She aimed Poké Ball at Chinchou once it was done eating. The red light came out of it, but Chinchou cancelled it with its antennae.

"What are you doing?" asked surprised Ivy.

Chinchou answered her by squeaking.

"You want to go with me?" she wasn't sure if she heard that right.

Chinchou nodded. It explained that Ivy and her Pokémon just beat a group of Mareanie that was terrorizing other Pokémon. Now the bay is safe again. And since Ivy saved it from Mareanie's attack, it would love to repay her somehow.

"I don't have a problem with that," answered Ivy. She then healed more Pokémon with Potions and gave Antidote to the ones that required it. She almost run out of her healing items. She will have to buy some more later. She also left some food for wild Pokémon.

She let Chinchou to say goodbye to its friends and let it and Totodile back to their Poké Balls.

Now that this was taken care of, even though with unexpected ending, Ivy had one more thing to do in Olivine. While her Pokémon were healing in Poké Center, she studied the city. She found out there are wild Sandygast living on a beach. She would love to catch one, since it is Pokémon full of mysteries. It's believed that its born out of the grudge and can control others.

While she was searching the beach for a Sandygast, she scanned Chinchou's Poké Ball and found out it is female and knows moves Bubble, Supersonic and Thunder Wave.

Ivy got through crowded portions of beach quickly, since she didn't want to focus on other people. She liked it out in the open, when she can take a minute just to think about what she wants, not what she hears.

She finally found a Sandygast resting in a sand after she escaped third tourists-infested part of the beach. She quickly came up with a plan. Natu had disadvantage over a Ghost-type, so she instructed it to stay on her shoulder. Her plan was following - Once she challenge it, she will use Totodile and let him start with Dragon Dance so he can move faster. Then she will command it to use Water Guns until Sandygast is weak enough to be caught.

"Sandygast," she shouted to attract Ghost-type's attention. "I'm here to catch you. If you don't want to fight me, you can run."

Sandygast turned to face her and stayed. Ivy called out Totodile, who was still eager to battle. She let him use Dragon Dance and expecting Sandygast's attack. It didn't move. A red beam suddenly launched from it's mouth and Ivy had no time to react. Totodile got hit point blank. Beam swallowed it and started absorbing his energy.

I need a new plan, Ivy thought.

"Dillie, use Scratch to protect from the beam, jump up and then shoot Water Gun at Sandygast," she came up with the plan B.

Totodile used his pawns to free himself from the beam and jumped. The surprising Water Gun hit Sandygast hard. The beam vanished just as Totodile landed on the sand. He used another Water Gun, but this time Sandygast negated it with Harden. It then concentrated more sand under itself, growing to the astonishing height. Totodile got scared a little bit, but continued to find with yet another Water Gun. Sandygast protected itself with Harden again. It then shot another Abosrb beam at Totodile, but he was able to dodge this time. They traded more attacks, but were unable to hit each other.

Ivy noticed that the sand under Sandygast is not protected by Harden during one of Sandygast's usage of that move.

"Dillie, aim to the sand," she helped her Pokémon.

Totodile listened to her and made a sand wet with his Water Gun. The whole sand castle Sandygast build collapsed. Sandygast was unconsciously lying on a pile of sand. Ivy had already prepared free Poké Ball and threw it at Sandygast. It went in and after a series of clicks and shakes stayed in.
Yellow bag

