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Aerion [OOC + SU] Rated M

Hooray for motivation and inspiration, and most of all, procrastination!

Here is my SU

Name: Dulinhel Elenren
Age: 138
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Country: Miracyia

Appearance: On an average day, the most you will see of Dulinhel is her face, although you can consider yourself lucky if you see even beyond that. She almost constantly wears her mottled dark green and grey cloak which shrouds most of her body. What you see of her face though is, while no extreme beauty is fair at least. Like most elves, her face is slightly more pointed than a humans, slightly more angled. Her brown/hazel eyes are slightly angled inward towards her nose which is slightly pointed. Below her nose is a simple mouth, usually closed and almost never smiling, rarely showing any sort of emotion. Her ears don't stick out like some elves, but are pointed mostly backwards and end with sharp tips. Her wavy dark brown hair falls around her face reaching down to about her shoulder blades.

Her body is lean, but fit, built and trained for speed and endurance. Constant training in the woods jogging and archery practice have left her with smooth curving muscles, the picture of a fit body. She stands quite a bit shorter than most elves at about five foot two, and weighs about 140 lbs. Her slight build helps her with stealth, sneakily moving through shadows, her small form able to move gracefully and swiftly as only a elf's can. Even for an elf, here movement is swift and graceful.

Dulinhel can always be found wearing her cloak that she was given when she became a ranger of the forest, the mottled colors allowing her to blend in with the background of mostly any terrain. The cloak is made from a special silk that the elves sometimes use, very durable and warm at the same time which is smooth to the touch. The cloak reaches down to her boots and hides her body up to her shoulders where it gathers into a hood that is usually pulled over Dulinhel's brown hair. It is held together in the front with a simple piece of brown string. Underneath the cloak she wars simple traveling clothes, a close fitting leather jerkin and supple leather trousers that allow a full range of movement, with well-padded boots to allow for long durations of running without feeling sore. Dulinhel wears a single piece of jewelry, a necklace with a silver oak leaf on it, usually tucked out of sight.

Personality: Dulinhel is not only reserved, but even goes as far as coming across as completely antisocial. While actually being very indifferent about social interactions in general, she is still very reserved, and dislikes speaking to groups of even five or six at a time, preferring private discussions with one or two others. Whenever she is in a discussion, she is seen as very calculating, analyzing every little facet of a person, their words, their possible intentions, etc. Not only is she very analytical about others and their motives, she is incredibly closed about her own. She believes that her reasons are more important than those of others, and constantly dodges questions about her own motives. She even outright lies about anything to keep herself and her past protected.

While she appears to be mostly emotionless, other people's actions do have great effects on her. While she doesn't really appear to care too much about those around her, she actually does care a good deal about those that she is with, and does go to great lengths to make sure that they stay safe. That being said, getting to that point with her is difficult at best, and earning her trust is no easy feat. Whether it be by nature or by past experience, she trusts very few people, hiding herself emotionally from others similarly how she hides herself in her cloak. She does come slightly out of her shell when in battle, allowing the heat of battle take her over and fight with much more passion than she normally displays.

History: No one really knows that much of Dulinhel's past, and she shares very little of it herself. What is known is that she has traveled around the human kingdoms for almost fifty years, helping here or there. Some curious souls have tried to piece together the pieces that she leaves behind in her wake of adventures, but little is to be found, or even trusted.

What is known for sure is that Dulinhel was once a part of the Elven rangers, founded by Legolas the Archer in 815 HA. Whether she still is today, still carrying out some hidden mission issued long ago, or whether she was discharged from their ranks before she left the kingdom is unknown. It is also known that she was born in the kingdom of the Tellason elves of the West, and grew up there in a stable family relationship there. Those who have inquired about her parents have received nothing, the elves being secretive by nature, and not wanting that information being spread. She also has at least a basic understanding of magic, as most elves do. Among her proficiencies she is capable of basic healing and elemental spells, although she does remain a fairly weak caster.

From there, Dulinhel's history becomes much more fuddled and clouded. Some rumors say that she was exiled from the elvish people for some unforgivable act, others saying that she was practicing a form of dark magic to increase her power. Even others still say she murdered her own parents or her lover. Others claim that she was not banished, but that she was sent on some secret mission she still has to fulfill, or that she left searching for some great artifact. In any case, there is no confirmed reason for her to leave from the elven forest of Miracyia, and all there are is rumors.

From there, some is known of her travels. It is known that she traveled down through Falke and then lingered in Rasta for a few years before heading back up north to Vanaheim. While there, Dulinhel was known for taking part in a small fight confronting a water drake that was harassing fishing boats in the area, a tale that is still occasionally remembered and told, although the corresponding tale does not mention the elven woman directly. Dulinhel then disappeared from any known records for a while, then was found ten years later helping Ekilorian monks collect various texts from around the land, a task which kept her occupied for another seven years. Once again she drops out of record for a while. She then appeared only a couple months ago before me (Chief Recorder at the port city of Gallen), asking about a prophecy that had to do with the monks of Ekilore somehow, then departing. Her appearance is what prompted me to inquire of her history and activity for posterities' sake. Several dispatches since then have been received and given to various occupants of the land summoning them to the Oculus Tower, an event I suspect is connected to the woman's inquires. In any case, her current location is unknown, although there is a rumor that she has crossed the Sea of Storms and traveled into the land of Shinguo, although that is once again, uncomfirmed.

Recorded by Galard Mothis, Chief Recorder at Gallen, in the year of 1792 FC

Weapon Proficiency: Dulinhel's main weapon is her long bow, which as it stands is four feet and seven inches in height, almost as tall as she is. The draw strength on the bow is very high, about a 90 lb draw strength, and is capable of sending a small variety of arrows tearing into her enemies. Her accuracy is nearly pinpoint perfect, capable of hitting targets with extreme precision at even a sprint, although her fire rate suffers when she fires while moving. In addition, she is also able imbue her arrows with elemental energies with basic elemental magic. She is not incredibly strong magically, and using magic does drain her energy rather quickly.
As a secondary weapon, she carries two long hunting knifes that she uses for close combat, although she is nowhere as skilled as she is with her bow.

RP Sample:

Side: Knights​
[FONT=&quot]I feel as if I might need to explain some things. First off, the history is weird, and from another person's perspective. This is because I want her history to be somewhat secretive at first, along with her own motives and plans. (Plus, I don't even really know what I want to do with that yet.) So it's weird yes, but I came up with that idea of telling it from another person's perspective because it gives you guys about as much as your characters might possibly know about her.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Secondly, I simply gave her magic because she is an elf, and they stereotypically possess magic. Not that she is any good at it, or that she actually uses it, so I didn't make it very overpowered at all.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Oh, and SV? She killed a water drake, not a dragon. So you are still good in that field! :D[/FONT]

"There are few, if any, limits, we impose here." Supervegeta
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Grr..using my own words against me. You will pay severely for that. xD

Raikiri and I will review your SU soon and we'll see if you are accepted.

To everyone else, sorry if I've been a little less active lately, but that should end and we can get moving. Also, POST! Mercs are waiting on a few.
I might wake up Heva soon I don't want to feel too useless, but it's only realistic if she's out cold right? After that giant burst of energy so suddenly.
Grr..using my own words against me. You will pay severely for that. xD

Raikiri and I will review your SU soon and we'll see if you are accepted.

To everyone else, sorry if I've been a little less active lately, but that should end and we can get moving. Also, POST! Mercs are waiting on a few.

3300+ words later... posted. THIS is why I hate fight scenes.

I might wake up Heva soon I don't want to feel too useless, but it's only realistic if she's out cold right? After that giant burst of energy so suddenly.

If you want to wait just a little bit, Retro should have their next post up soon and one of the brothers could probably come save her.

Actually, I'm glad you didn't wake her up yet. I actually included you in my post, if that's okay? You're the human girl who fainted... Just so you know. ^^;
Alright, changed some things. First off, the : D for a smiley face, which is now changed.

Also Wet Paint and Retro Bug informed me that one cannot posses divine and elemental magic, so that is changed now as well.

Anyway, there you go.

EDIT: Okay, changed the magic once again by a suggestion, she is now able to imbue her arrows with magic. Hopefully thats not too op...
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Gamer: You are accepted as far as I am concerned. SV contains the last word.

Heretostay: I will talk to SV and see if we will keep SUs open following Gamer's acceptance or rejection.

Knights: I will talk to SV as well concerning the monster waves. Methinks we will move on after this fight and do some talking/adventuring. Ready for the Necromancer?

Mercenaries: Where are you guys? xD

Everyone: I will be going down to Philly for the weekend so I will be absent till Sunday night, Eastern Standard Time. So I will likely be unable to post till early next week. Hopefully it will not delay anything.
I must apologize everyone, I thought I should go ahead and post my resignation from this RP publicly. Although I haven't been active here in a while, I still love and adore this RP. My life has inexplicably changed over the past couple of weeks and my free time is sadly not what it used to be. I hope that should my situation ever change, and Aerion is still going strong, I'd be welcomed back. But I understand if not. I wish I could still RP with this great group, but I had to narrow down my writing options considerably.

Sorry to see you go, Claire*. Good luck.

@MinnesotanGamer- You're accepted. Since you were heading to Shinguo in your history, you can probably show up at the town the knights are in, and join up with them on their Necro hunt.

@heretostay- I'm sorry to say, but didn't we deny you already when you applied before? I remember we reviewed your SU and said your character does not really fit a citizen of Raelus, considering the culture and nature of its people and your writing sample does not meet the standards we are looking for in our RPers. I realize you might have cut down on your other RPs a bit, but I'm unsure if that might be enough to get you in. You're welcome to try, but I don't want you to waste your time on a chance, you know? Still, it's up to you.
((Uh... I hope you didn't close the SUs on me after Gamer. ^^' This RP sounds really interesting so I thought I'd try my hand at an SU? I might be a bit rusty.))
Name: Joseph "Honest" Sherman
Age: 26
Race: Human
Country of Origin: Ethora (Dredris)

Appearance: His straight brown hair is just this side of shaggy, barely short enough to keep from getting into his equally brown eyes. A small tuft of hair covers his chin, but otherwise he is clean shaven. While he's fairly attractive, in a mundane sort of way, his smile sometimes verges on appearing too charming or too polished for comfort. He appears to have quite a lean physique; however, his movements are speedy and pack a surprisingly large amount of punch. Underneath his collarbone, he has a small string of numbers branded into his skin: 26569.

He generally wears a dark red shirt underneath a black coat, as well as long, dark grey pants which he tucks into his boots – black, of course. It is a habit of his to wear black and red, designed to keep bloodstains from showing too much. His clothes are of fairly high quality, but are beginning to look visibly worn. The most noticeable thing about his person is the two metre long glaive he carries much like a walking stick. Most of the time the blade is covered by a cloth tied with string, and sometimes he straps it over his back, although this is cumbersome.

Personality: In the plainest terms, Honest is a pathological liar. His fictitious backstory and personality are constantly changing on a whim so that Honest almost never tells the same lie twice. He is always found out, sooner rather than later, to which he would respond with yet another lie. He generally adopts a cheerful and optimistic persona, although there is always an edge of falsity in his brightness. Even when he lets the persona "slip" to reveal anger or sadness, it is usually just another act he puts on. His quick reflexes and fighting prowess are basically the only things he can truly claim for his own.

While this trait had started out as a way of protecting himself, it has evolved to the point that he himself doesn't know what the truth really is. He has difficulty remembering what parts of his stories are real and which aren't; a fact that it not helped by his propensity to effectively lie to himself. Honest can't tell anymore whether the very emotions he are expressing at any given moment are really what he feels or just another act. It is really a vicious cycle: he had no identity, so he made new ones. He made up identities, and so he lost his sense of self. After so long, he's rotten away until there's nothing left behind the masks he wears to fool himself along with the world. Take away the masks too, and there would be nothing left but a blade.

The one positive of this is that he has developed iron-tight self-control. As he can never be sure of his feelings, he regards them as fake and can therefore dismiss them all. This does not mean he always practices his self-control: sometimes he even manufactures emotions and then reacts chaotically for no reason at all.

There is only one thing Honest knows for certain. He is very, very good at what he does. Or, at the very least, he is very, very good at pretending to be.

History: Honest grew up just outside of Baradoom. He was the middle child, with an older brother and a younger sister. Their parents earned enough to provide the family with food, clothes and shelter, but no more. Unfortunately, their area was under the control of a corrupt merchant—not that there were many incorrupt merchants around—who demanded money in return for protection. When his parents inevitably couldn't afford to pay, the merchant offered to make a deal: sell him one of their children, and they could work it off for the rest of their life.At first his parents refused, resulting in a broken arm for the father. The next time the collectors came around, his parents reconsidered. And, well, seven-year-old Honest was the expendable child, after all.

He was put to use in the mines, to squeeze into the places that adults couldn't reach. Soon after, he was resold to the government who branded him with his new identity, 26569, and put him on the farms. This only lasted about a year before the government decided to teach him, at nine years old, how to hold a weapon and sent him off to battle. Children slaves were small, agile, learned fast and, above all, incredibly expendable. Those that survived were then trained to become elite soldiers whose only mission in life was to kill.

His memory up until his late teens are jumbled and distorted to the point that he would be hard-pressed to even figure out where he actually came from. By that time he'd completely forgotten his original name, his only identifier being the numbers seared into his skin.

By the time Honest was twenty-one, he was trusted enough to be obedient that he was regularly sent on solo missions outside the country. One day, he just never came back. He renamed himself, stole some clothes, and sold his skills to the first person who would pay. He has never returned to Dredris since.

Weapon Preference: His main weapon, or at least his most noticeable one, is the two metre long glaive he carries with him. He also carries throwing knives dipped in poison in his belt, and hidden in various other places on his person. If given time and forewarning, he will also cover the tip of his glaive with poison.

RP Sample:

Other: While he can make poison and antidotes himself, he prefers to purchase them if he has the money, considering it too time-consuming to do personally.
Side: Mercenaries
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@Sweet_Dreams- Character is Accepted. Welcome to Aerion!