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~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~

Dr Skottie

Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Hey everyone! I'm new here, but I'm a veteran at the Pokemon Elite 2000 Forums. "An Adventure of a Lifetime!" is a story I have been writing for just over 3 years now and I am immensly proud of it. It's incredibly popular at PE2K and I have won some awards for it. I decided I would broaden my audience and you are the lucky ones I have chosen! I hope you enjoy it as much as everyone else has back at PE2K!

    Since I am new here, I have never read ANY of the fic's here so do not accuse me of copying if some parts are similar. This is an original work! Anyway enough of this, lets get on with the story!

    Please give me lots of comments and feedback!

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 1

    Chapter 1

    "Pokeball Go!" yelled a voice.

    A red and white sphere flew from the trainers hand and out onto the
    battlefield. It opened and white light exploded from within. The massive
    crowd cheered from the darkness as the light formed into a Charizard.

    It roared as it flexed its wings. Its orange scales shone in the stadium lights
    and its eyes glistened, filled with crimson fire.

    The other pokemon, a huge Dragonite, eyed its opponent.

    "Charizard use Flame-thrower!" called the voice.

    A great ball of flame grew in the creature?s mouth.

    "Dragonite use Hyper Beam!" ordered a second voice.

    The dragonites eyes went yellow and a beam of golden energy shot forth
    from the dragon?s mouth, lighting up the whole stadium. Charizard
    unleashed its flame-thrower at the same moment and the 2 devastating
    attacks flew through the air. The attacks hit each other in the middle of the
    stadium with tremendous force. The two energies twisted and contorted
    around each other causing a huge explosion...


    Our story begins in the Western territories of Johto, in the quaint little
    village of New Bark town where our hero, Kevin Sun, has just woken up
    from a dream, to the sounds of his alarm clock. This is the beginning of his
    pokemon story...

    Kevin rolled over in his bed and switched off the alarm clock that was
    beeping loudly on his bedside table. He ran a hand through his thick blonde
    hair and looked out the window to see the sun rising over the hill in the
    distance. He wondered why his alarm had gone off so early.

    And then he remembered.

    "Of course!" he thought stupidly. "I get my first pokemon today!"

    He pushed off his covers and jumped out of bed, almost knocking over his
    magnemite lamp in the process. He changed as fast as he could, putting on a
    bright orange T-shirt and pulling on a pair of black cargo pants with red
    trim around the pockets, Lastly fastening it with an orange belt, with a
    pokeball symbol on the buckle. He went to his bedside table, picked up his
    silver Pokegear and strapped it to his left wrist. He then looked at himself
    in his full length mirror. He flexed his muscular, 15 year old body and his
    emerald green eyes shone with excitement.

    He pulled on a pair of flame colored gloves as he ran downstairs. The
    aroma of bacon and eggs wafted from the kitchen. He walked in and sat
    down at the table. His beautiful, blonde haired mother placed his breakfast
    in front of him, smiling.

    "Thanks Mum" said Kevin. "You?re the greatest!"

    "Eat up honey" she said to him admiringly. "You?ve got your whole new
    life ahead of you!"

    He wolfed down his breakfast, got up, kissed his mum goodbye and
    strapped on his single strap black bag.

    "Make me proud son!" called his mother as he left the house. "Oh wait, you
    forgot this" she dashed up to him, something in her hand. It was his father's
    old silver necklace that was made especially to hold gym badges. She stood on
    her toes and put it around his neck. She kissed him on the cheek. "Be careful

    "Don't worry mom, I'll be fine!" he said smiling. He gave her one last hug and
    walked out onto the dirt road.

    He took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and made his way to Prof.
    Elm?s Laboratory to get his first pokemon.

    Ten minutes later he arrived at the lab. The gleaming glass doors slid open
    and he walked inside to see Prof. Elm, glasses shining, sitting at a computer
    looking intently at the screen.

    The Professor turned in his chair, saw Kevin and said, "You must be

    "Yep that?s me!", he replied excitedly. "I?m here to get my first pokemon!"

    "Of course" said Prof Elm. "Right this way!"

    He led Kevin over to a desk. On it were three pokeballs.

    "You may choose a pokemon Kevin" said the Prof happily. "Which will it
    be? Cyndaquil, the Fire pokemon; Totodile, the Water pokemon or
    Chikorita, the Grass pokemon? Choose carefully"

    Kevin thought about it for a moment.

    "I think..." he said, "I?ll choose Totodile."

    "Excellent choice!" said the Prof. and he handed Totodile?s pokeball to
    Kevin along with a bright red pokedex and a handful of empty pokeballs.
    Kevin put the pokedex in his pocket and clipped the pokeballs onto his belt.
    "Your goal as a pokemon trainer is to become number one in the
    world and to collect as many different kinds of pokemon you can find. At
    the moment we know of roughly 300 different types but that total keeps
    growing as pokemon trainers like yourself discover more and more. I wish
    you luck on your journey Kevin."

    "Thanks Professor! Cya later!" said Kevin leaving the lab.

    "Goodbye Kevin! Good luck!" called Prof. Elm.

    Kevin jumped down the steps and onto the road. He plucked Totodile?s
    pokeball from his belt and pressed the button. The gleaming red and white
    pokeball shot open and white light spilled from within onto the ground. The
    light took shape and there was a little blue croc, smiling up at Kevin.
    It's cute tail twitched back and forth and its eyes shone.

    "Hey little buddy, I'm Kevin! Are you ready for an adventure Totodile?"
    asked Kevin excitedly.

    It quacked happily and it jumped up and down.

    "OK then!" said Kevin. "On to Cherrygrove City!"

    He shouldered his pack and with Totodile at his heels left his hometown for
    an adventure of a lifetime...

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    Kevin decided to leave Totodile out of its pokeball for awhile as it had loads of energy.
    They headed east from New Bark Town to enter the beautiful forest surroundings of
    Route 29.
    The sun was now beaming brightly at the pair as they traveled to Cherrygrove City, on the
    look out for pokemon to catch. Kevin touched one of the empty pokeballs at his belt. Time to
    fill one, he thought.

    And then Kevin saw it.

    On top of a grassy knoll, not too far away, was a little brown and white bird, digging for
    worms in the soft turf. It scratched at the grass and soil with sharp taloned feet.

    "Alright!" said Kevin. "A pokemon!" Kevin got out his new pokedex.

    <Pidgey> <Tiny Bird Pokemon>

    <Pidgey is a common sight in forests and woods. Gentle by nature they kick up blinding
    sand at their enemy to avoid a fight. Capturing a pidgey is a good test of a beginning
    trainers battle techniques>

    "Do you think you can beat it Totodile?" asked Kevin to his pokemon.

    Totodile quacked in affirmation.

    The pair ran up to the Pidgey and it turned to face them. It tilted its head, sizing them up.

    "Go Totodile!" yelled Kevin. "Use your tackle attack!"

    Totodile ran towards Pidgey at high speed, catching it off guard, and knocked it to the

    The pidgey jumped up and blasted sand into Totodiles face with a flap of its wings. It
    then flew up into the sky, circling around Totodile.

    "Get that bird out of the air with a bubble attack!" instructed Kevin.

    Totodile leapt into the air and shot 5 shiny bubbles at the Pidgey. The bird pokemon
    dodged the first 2 but was hit by the other 3, causing it to crash to the ground.

    "OK! Pokeball Go!" yelled Kevin hurling it at the dazed pidgey. The pokeball struck the
    wounded pokemon, opened and the pokemon transformed into a brilliant red light, that
    was sucked into the pokeball. It snapped shut. The ball fell to the ground and it rocked
    from side to side. Kevin waited anxiously for the ball to lock...


    "Yes! We did it!" yelled Kevin happily. He ran over, picked up the pokeball and clipped
    it on his belt.

    "Okay Totodile, you deserve a rest, return" said Kevin and a red beam returned Totodile to
    its pokeball.

    Kevin couldn?t believe it. He had already caught his first pokemon!

    He strolled leisurely in the dappled light of the forest until lunchtime where he let out his
    pokemon under the shade of a great, big, berry tree. He reached up and picked some of
    the dark red berries for himself and his pokemon.

    "These are good" he said with a mouth full of the berries. "Here try some!"

    He threw some into Totodile's gaping jaws, who chomped them down grinning. Pidgey
    flew up onto his shoulder and Kevin gave it a berry to nibble. Pidgey, still a bit worn out
    from being captured, seemed to regain its health. Pidgey chirped happily.

    He returned his pokemon and started off again.

    Kevin walked the rest of the day without coming across another pokemon. As the sun was
    setting on the western horizon, he stopped, unrolled his black sleeping bag, climbed in
    and fell asleep instantly.

    He awoke the next morning bright and early and continued on his way to Cherrygrove
    City. He hoped to arrive there today. After a few hours of traveling, he could see the
    small city in the distance.

    "Hey you there!" yelled a voice.

    Kevin whirled around to see where the voice had come from. A boy, a bit younger than
    himself with black hair, blue pants and a yellow T-shirt, was pointing at him.

    "Yeah what?" replied Kevin.

    "Are you the son of Lance?.... The Dragon Trainer?" asked the boy excitedly.

    "Unfortunately" thought Kevin to himself. All his life he had been known by the whole
    world because of his dad . He was always in his dad?s shadow no matter what he did. He
    had won the Johto Martial Arts Championship, but it had seemed hopeless that he would
    be known for anything he himself had done. That?s why he had become a pokemon
    trainer, to beat his dad at his own game and become number one. But for now at least he
    would be called 'the son of the Dragon Trainer' and there was nothing he could do about
    it. He loved his dad very much, but he hardly ever got to see him. He didn't like being
    linked to someone he barely knew. One day he'd be known for what he had done, not what
    his father had done.

    "Yeah why?" said Kevin a little bitterly.

    "I challenge you to a pokemon battle!" said the boy confidently.

    "You?re on!" replied Kevin. "Pidgey go!"

    Kevin threw the pokeball out onto the grass and out came pidgey.

    "Go Spinarak!" yelled the trainer as he hurled the pokeball onto the field. It burst open
    and out came a little green bug.

    "Pidgey, use your gust attack!" ordered Kevin.

    Pidgey started flapping its wings, creating a mini tornado. The little spinarak tried to
    stand its ground but was blown backwards by the rushing winds.

    "Come on Spinarak, use a poison sting!" ordered the boy. Spinarak got to its feet and shot
    out a volley of poison barbs.

    "Dodge them Pidgey" called Kevin. Pidgey swooped away, narrowly avoiding the attack. "Now use
    a quick attack!" Pidgey dived at the insect type, its beak punching into the green carapace. Spinarak
    was sent reeling.

    "Hang in there Spinarak!" said the boy. "Use your Stringshot!"

    Spinarak got to its feet and spat out a line of web towards Pidgey. The web wrapped itself
    around Pidgeys wings, tying them to its body. Pidgy fell to the ground and got up on its
    taloned feet. Pidgey tried to spread its wings but the sticky coating kept them firm to its body.
    It couldn?t fly now because of its entangled wings.

    "You can do it Pidgey!" encouraged Kevin. "Give it a peck attack!"

    Pidgey sprinted over to the Spinarak and pecked it 3 times on the head. Spinarak fainted.

    "You did your best Spinarak, return" said the trainer, returning Spinarak into it's pokeball.
    "Lets see if you can handle this, son of the dragon trainer!"

    "Don?t call me that! Pidgey Return!" shot back Kevin, recalling Pidgey with the red laser.

    "Go Sandshrew!" yelled the boy.

    "Go Totodile!" yelled Kevin.

    The two pokeballs flew onto the field and opened revealing the pokemon.

    "Use bubble Totodile?" said Kevin. Totodile shot out a rapid burst of white bubbles. Sandshrew
    leapt aside, avoiding the water-based attack.

    "Sandshrew, use your scratch attack!" instructed the trainer.

    Sandshrew darted over to Totodile scratching it on the face.

    "Totodile, use your rage attack and then use scratch!" ordered Kevin.

    Totodile started to glow an angry red and its eyes were aglow with fury. All of a
    sudden, Totodile, full of fury, started slashing at Sandshrew again and again and again.

    "Get out of there Sandshrew!" yelled the trainer. "Use rollout!"

    Sandshrew jumped into the air tucked into a ball and rolled straight at Totodile, knocking
    the croc over. It then started circling around Totodile.

    "Totodile, use water gun!" yelled Kevin.

    Totodile opened its gaping jaws and blasted a streaming jet of water at Sandshrew. The
    attack hit head on. The sandshrew was defeated.

    "Sandshrew return!" said the amazed trainer. "Wow, you?re awesome!"

    "Thanks" said Kevin, "Totodile return, awesome work!"

    "What did you say your name was?" asked the boy.

    "Kevin" said our hero smiling, "Kevin Sun."

    The trainer gave him a thumbs up and an admiration filled smile. He turned and walked away.

    "Cya around!" called Kevin as he began walking again. Half an hour later he arrived in
    Cherrygrove City.

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 3

    Chapter 3

    The city of Cherrygrove had a certain tranquility about it. The peaceful home of many with a crystal clear river running through the center of town. Kevin could see a wooden bridge up ahead and on the other side was the city itself. Kevin stepped onto the bridge and the sound of slow moving water could be heard below him. His feet thudded on the wood. As Kevin was crossing, he heard a splash down below. He peered over the railing and saw a funny blue pokemon, smiling up at him. Kevin got out his pokedex:

    <Quagsire><The Waterfish Pokemon>

    <This carefree pokemon is one of a kind as it is a water and ground type pokemon. It is said that it adores round objects>

    "Cool! I?m gonna catch it" said Kevin and grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "Totodile Go!"

    Totodile leapt from the pokeball and dived into the river with a splash. The croc resurfaced shaking water from its head.

    ?Totodile use scratch attack!? Totodile swam up and scratched the Quagsire across the face. Quagsire winced then used a double slap attack, knocking Totodile under the water.

    ?Totodile, use Bubble!? called Kevin. Totodile resurfaced with a small explosion of water. White bubbles shot out from Totodiles mouth and burst on impact as they struck the Quagsire. The Quagsire was too dazed to fight back. Kevin grabbed a pokeball from his belt and pressed the button to enlarge it. It was ready to go...

    ?Alright! Pokeball Go!? yelled Kevin as he threw the pokeball at Quagsire. All of a sudden, in mid flight, the pokeball was blasted out of the air by a jet of water! The Quagsire poked out its long tongue used the distraction to dive under water and swim out of sight.

    ?What the...? said Kevin and turned to see where the watergun had come from. There on
    the bank was a Squirtle looking quite pleased with itself. Its little paws were on its waist
    and it was smiling confidently. Next to the little turtle pokemon was a boy. He was
    wearing dark blue 3/4 pants, a lime green shirt with a dark blue vest over the top, and a
    pale blue belt. His long spiky hair was the colour of the sky and his eyes were a deep
    ocean blue. His well muscled body and posture gave him the look of a fighter.

    ?Who are you?? asked Kevin in an agitated voice. ?And why did you stop me catching
    that Quagsire??

    ?My names Storm? said the boy. ?And what you were doing is against the law!?

    ?What is?? asked Kevin.

    ?You are not allowed to catch Quagsire in the Blue Moon River? explained Storm.

    ?Why not?? asked Kevin.

    ?This is a protected zone, no one is allowed to touch the Quagsire.?

    ?Oh sorry. I didn?t know? apologized Kevin, feeling stupid.

    ?That?s ok!? said Storm. ?My Grandpa says all the new trainers that come from New
    Bark Town do it. Hey! Lucky I stopped you or you would have been in for a hefty fine-
    ...hang on.... aren?t you the son of the Dragon Trainer??

    ?My name is Kevin!? he said defiantly. ?And yes, I am?

    ?Don?t you remember me?? said Storm with a smile on his face. ?We versed each other in
    the martial arts final. You snapped me!?

    ?Storm??said Kevin remembering. ?Oh yeah... I didn?t recognize out of your karate gear.
    Anyway, I didn?t snap you, it was a tough match. It was pretty close at the end!?

    ?Whatever!? said Storm embarrassed. ?Hey, why don?t I show you around!?

    ?OK? said Kevin. ?Totodile return!?

    They walked around through the quiet streets for awhile talking.

    ?Well it seems we both like pokemon!? said Kevin. ?Why did you become a pokemon

    ?Well after the **** kicking you gave me!? he said laughing. ?I decided to try my luck at
    pokemon. I?ve always liked pokemon so it seemed like a good thing to do. How about

    ?To make a name for myself? replied Kevin. ?My whole life I?ve been called ?The Son of
    the Dragon Trainer? and it?s really starting to get on my nerves! I?ve done nothing for the
    fame I have, so I decided I?d earn it.?

    ?That?s cool? remarked Storm. ?Well here?s the Pokemon Center!?

    They had arrived at a great big building. This would be Kevin?s first time in a pokemon
    center but he knew this was the place that healed your pokemon, free of charge! The glass
    doors slid open and they entered into the freshness of the air conditioned building. They
    walked up to the counter and behind it stood a really good looking chick.. She looked to
    be about 15 or 16, had bright pink hair and she was hot as. The way her hips swayed in
    the little nurses outfit she wore was hypnotic.

    ?Hi Storm!? she said smiling. ?How are you today??

    ?I?m fine? said Storm.

    ?That?s great!? she said warmly. ?And who is this?? she said looking Kevin up and down.
    A glint in her eye and Kevin realised she recognised him.

    ?This is my buddy Kevin Sun. You know, the son of the Lance?? said Storm.

    Kevin smiled at her. ?So whats your name sweetie??

    ?My names Nurse Joy? she said smiling, biting her lip nervously.

    ?A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl? he said winking.

    ?Thank you ? she said blushing, ?ummm... would you like me to heal your pokemon??
    she said.

    ?If it?s not too much trouble? said Kevin. The song sexual healing seemed to be playing
    in his head. Nurse Joy was on his lap and his hands were around her tiny waist. ?Ohh
    baby I?m hot just like an oven, I need some lovin?...? he sang outloud.

    Nurse Joy and Storm just stared at him confused.

    ?Kevin?? said Storm shaking him. Kevin seemed to snap out of it. He sweatdropped and
    unclipped Totodile?s and Pidgey?s pokeballs from his belt and put them on the counter.
    Storm grabbed two pokeballs from his belt and did the same.

    ?I?ll be finished treating them in an hour? said the sexy nurse.

    ?Ok cya later babe!? said Kevin and he and Storm took a seat at a table not too far away
    and ordered lunch that was served up by a fat pink Chansey.

    ?Smooth moves Kevin!? said Storm grinning. He looked at Kevin quizically. ?But what
    was with that singing? You kinda killed the moment?

    ?I was just thinking out loud I guess? said Kevin laughing.

    ?Anyway, I think she likes you? said Storm.

    ?Of course she does!? said Kevin smiling. ?With this buff bod of mine no woman can
    resist!? He flexed his muscles and they strained against the orange muscleshirt he wore.

    ?Hey man!? said Storm. ?I gave you that body when I fought you, don?t forget that!?

    After lunch, Nurse Joy arrived and gave them their pokemon back. After Kevin flashed
    one more perfect smile, and Nurse Joy blushed once more the pair left the pokemon

    Storm invited Kevin to spend the night at his house with his Grandparents so Kevin
    agreed. The next morning they walked to the edge of the city.

    ?Hey Storm!? said Kevin. ?I challenge you to a pokemon battle!?

    ?Challenge accepted? said Storm grinning evilly. ?I?ll beat you this time!?

    ?We?ll see about that, Pidgey Go!? said Kevin tossing the pokeball onto the field.

    ?Go Rattata!? yelled Storm. He tossed the pokeball and it burst open, revealing a little
    purple rat, with sharp teeth. Kevin got out his pokdex and aimed it at Storm's pokemon:

    <Rattata> <The Rat Pokemon>
    <This normal pokemon can be found almost anywhere there is fod readily available. Rattata attack with their fangs and and they are small and very quick. If you see one rattata, there is almost certainly at least 40 others in the area>

    ?Pidgey use your quick attack!? ordered Kevin.

    ?You too Rattata!? yelled Storm.

    Pidgey swooped and dived at the rattata, who was ducking, dodging, running, trying to
    get a piece of the Pidgey.

    They broke apart, both wounded, but still able to fight.

    ?Pidgey use your gust attack!? yelled Kevin.

    ?Rattata use Hyper Fang!? instructed Storm.

    Pidgey flapped its wings blowing Rattata onto its back and into the dirt. Rattata got up,
    shook it?s head and leapt up at the Pidgey giving it a hyper fang around its middle. Pidgey
    desperately shook it off and rattata fell to the ground.

    ?Pidgey, use a sand attack!? called Kevin. Pidgey flapped its wings blowing sand into
    Rattata?s eyes. Rattata pawed at it?s eyes, trying to regain its vision.

    ?Come on Rattata!? encouraged Storm.

    ?Finish it off Pidgey? said Kevin. Pidgey swooped down at Rattata who at the last secong
    jumped away and quickly attacking with another Hyperfang! Pidgey was down and out.

    ?Pidgey Return!? said Kevin, a bit disappointed but still confident.

    ?Looks like I win the first round! Rattata Return!? said Storm laughing.

    ?Alright Totodile Go!? yelled Kevin throwing the pokeball.

    ?Squirtle Go!? yelled Storm, sending out his squirtle. Kevin checked his pokedex again:

    <Squirtle> <The Tiny Turtle Pokemon>
    <This water type pokemon is popular among trainers. Able to move well on land or water it can adapt well to any situation. It powerfully sprays foam from its mouth and it's shell protects it from harm. A well balanced pokemon in a fight>



    ?Water Gun attack!? they yelled at the same time.

    The two water pokemon both shot out streaming jets of water that hit each other in the
    middle of the field, water splashing everywhere. They were both equal strength.

    ?Squirtle use Skull Bash!? yelled Storm.

    Squirtle lowered its head and dived at Totodile.

    ?Totodile jump!? yelled Kevin.

    Totodile leapt out of the way just in time.

    ?Now use Bite!? ordered Kevin.

    Totodile ran over and bit Squirtle on the arm where it isn?t protected by hard shell.
    Squirtle cried out and then used a tackle knocking Totodile onto it?s back.

    ?Now Squirtle use a tailwhip!? ordered Storm. Squirtle spun and slapped Totodile in the
    face with its tail.

    ?Don?t take that Totodile!? yelled Kevin. ?Watergun!?

    With Squirtle?s back to Totodile it was knocked facedown into the ground by the sudden
    shot of water from Totodile. Squirtle struggled to get up but it was too much. Totodile
    had won!

    ?Great job Totodile!? yelled Kevin happily and went over and hugged his little blue

    ?Squirtle return!? said Storm and the red beam returned Squirtle to its pokeball.

    ?Looks like its a draw!? said Kevin happily.

    ?I guess so!? said Storm smiling and they shook hands.

    ?Storm do you want to travel with me? We?d be an awesome team.? asked Kevin.

    ?It?s a nice thought? said Storm. ? but I think we should go separate ways. If we were
    traveling companions I think we would get in each others way.?

    ?Fair enough? said Kevin. ?Well it looks like we are rivals again!?

    ?I?ll see ya ?round. I?m off to get the Zephyr Badge in Violet City.? said Storm and he
    walked into the forest.

    Kevin, thinking this was a good idea, left Cherrygrove City and headed north onto the
    wooded surroundings of route 30 to get his first badge at the Violet City Gym.

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 4

    Chapter 4

    The leaves rustled in the wind as Kevin made his way towards Violet City. The air was
    cool and sweet and Kevin sighed happily as the breezed ruffled his hair. It was a perfect
    day. As he walked amongst the trees he began thinking about his father. It was a very rare
    occurence and always an exciting one when Lance came to visit. He would always fly in
    on his most powerful pokemon, Dragonite and his mother would have tears in her eyes
    and she?d rush out to hug him. Kevin was always overcome with a sense of awe
    whenever he saw his father. With his armour and fluttering cape and his shock of spiky
    red hair, who wouldn?t be impressed. I just hope I can be as awesome as him one day. But
    it?s gonna take time and effort. Training. That?s what I should do.
    He looked around and realised that he had stumbled across
    a small lake, and he was standing on the deep brown earth that was the muddy
    shore of the almost crystal clear water. This looks like a good spot...

    "Come on out Totodile, you too Pidgey" he said, releasing his two pokemon from their

    He told Totodile to do some laps of the sparkling lake and he got Pidgey to fly around at
    top speed darting through the trees. He decided he?d go for a swim too so he pulled of his
    shirt and kicked off his shoes. He braced himself and dived into the water. It was cold!
    He swam to the bottom and he realligned himself before kicking off from the bottom.
    There was a splash as he broke the surface, shaking his head, flicking water everywhere.
    He joined Totodile and they began swimming laps. Kevin and his pokemon had swum
    there for about 10 minutes until a noise got there attention. He looked to a bank near
    where he had dumped his bag. He saw a leafy bush and out from behind had stepped a
    girl. She was very pretty and looked to be about 14. She had long blue hair and was
    wearing very tight jeans and a white top. **** she?s fine.

    "Hey sexy!" Kevin called as he waded through the water towards her. He walked up onto
    the shore, a few feet away from her. "How long have you been watching me?"

    "Ever since you got in! I?m impressed" she said smiling cheekily, looking him up and
    down. "Your the son of the Dragon Trainer hey? So your... Kevin?"

    "Yeh that's me" replied Kevin. "What's your name?"


    "Care to join me!" he asked, licking his lips.

    "Of course I will baby!" she said smiling. "But only if you give me a pokemon battle."

    It was then Kevin noticed the pokeballs on her belt.

    "Oh I?ll give you much more than that babe!" he said. She smiled at him. "OK you?re

    By this time, Kevin?s pokemon had come over to see what was going on. Pidgey was
    perched on his shoulder and Totodile was at his side.

    "One on one, okay?" she said. "Go Honey!" and she threw a pokeball onto the field.
    From inside white light burst forth and took shape. A little bear with a crescent moon on
    its forehead appeared, sucking its paw.

    Kevin got out his pokedex:

    <Teddiursa><Little Bear Pokemon>
    <This little pokemon has a unique ability to find honey anywhere. When it gets close to
    the honey the crescent mark on its head glows. It usually has its paw in its mouth as it is
    soaked with honey>

    "She?s pretty cute!" said Kevin looking at the baby bear. He looked at Joanna and winked
    "Just like you..."

    Her ice blue eyes, sparkled and she smiled at him.

    "I choose you Totodile!" said Kevin and Totodile walked up to face its opponent.

    "OK Honey use your scratch attack!" yelled Joanna. Teddiursa ran up and swung at
    Totodile, little claws extended. Totodile ducked under it. Teddiursa swung again and this
    time Totodile grabbed its paw.

    "I?m sorry babe, but you?ll have to do better than that!" called Kevin. "Totodile use your
    water gun!"

    Teddiursa who was standing right in front of Totodile got the full blast of the gushing
    water. Teddiursa was sent flying through the air.

    "Honey, Rollout!" yelled Joanna. The little bear tucked into a ball while it was in the air
    and landed with a bounce and started rolling towards Totodile. Totodile wasn?t expecting
    this and was taken out by the spinning Teddiursa. Totodile flopped to the ground eyes
    spinning. It shook its head clear and jumped back to its feet. Teddiursa skidded through
    the dirt and rolled towards Totodile for it?s second attack.

    "Jump Totodile!" called Kevin. Totodile leapt over the oncoming Teddiursa. "Now use
    bite attack!" Totodile fell down on the moving Teddiursa, trying to bite it. However it
    was spinning too fast and Totodile was flicked away, barging into Kevin. They fell in a
    heap, Totodile down and out.

    "Yey we did it!" yelled Joanna leaping in the air. Teddiursa ran over and jumped into
    Joannas open arms. "Good job Honey!" said Joanna hugging her pokemon.

    "Geez that was quick, Totodile return" said Kevin putting his pokemon away. He got to
    his feet, brushing himself off.

    "Return Honey" said Joanna.

    "Okay Joanna" began Kevin smiling. "I kept up my end of the bargain so lets go for a

    "Sure thing" she said and she pulled off her top. She then slowly, teasingly pulled off her
    jeans. There she was in a dark blue bikini, revealing her perfectly tanned and curved
    body. She then walked past him and into the water smiling slyly and beckoning him
    towards her. Pidgey took off from his shoulder and perched in a nearby tree. He walked
    down to the water and swam out to her. The waded out to the shallows so they could
    stand on the bottom, only their torso?s above the water. He reached out and gently pulled
    her towards him wrapping his arms around her. She put her hands on his bare chest.
    Kevin brushed her cheek with a hand and kissed her. She kissed him back and he could
    feel her tongue in his mouth, as it danced with his own. She smelled so good he thought.
    They stopped kissing and she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He held
    her for awhile, kissing her neck until he noticed on the shore, a little yellow pokemon
    with big ears rummaging through his bag, scattering things everywhere.

    "Hey get out of it!" yelled Kevin.

    "What is it!" said Joanna startled, lifting her head from his shoulder.

    "That pokemon?s messing with my bag!" said Kevin angrily. "Pidgey go get it!"

    Pidgey leapt from the branch and dived at the little yellow pokemon, who cried
    "Peee-chu!" and used thundershock, sending a bright yellow bolt of electricity out from
    its pink cheeks towards Pidgey. It?s eyes began spinning like it had been dazed.

    "Pidgey watch out!" yelled Kevin who had now scrambled up to the shore pulling Joanna
    by the hand. Pidgey swooped out of the way and dived down, knocking the pokemon
    away from the bag. Kevin picked up his pokedex from the ground and pointed it at the

    <Pichu><Tiny Mouse Pokemon>
    <This tiny electric pokemon is just a baby so it has not yet perfected the ability of storing
    electricity. Don?t be fooled by this pokemon?s cute appearance as it can even zap humans,
    sometimes causing paralysis>

    "Cool!" said Kevin. "I?m gonna catch it, Pokeball Go!" and he plucked a pokeball from
    his belt and threw it at the Pichu who had just risen to its feet and was shaking its head.
    The pokeball struck the Pichu and it flew open, sucking the pokemon inside. It snapped
    shut and fell to the ground. It rocked one.....twice.....thrice......


    "Yeah! Good job Pidgey!" said Kevin and he went over and picked up the pokeball and
    clipped it to his belt. Pokemon number three...

    "So, where were we" he said turning to see Joanna, who was finished pulling on jeans and
    was now slipping on her top.

    "What?" said Kevin annoyed. "You leaving already?"

    "Sorry babe!" she said slinging her bag over her shoulder. "I have to get going, my
    friends are probably wondering where I?ve gone."

    Kevin smiled. "Get going then"

    She walked over and kissed him. "Thanks for everything"

    With one last dazzling smile she was gone.

    "Well lets go! Return Pidgey!" and it was sucked into the pokeball by the red beam.
    Kevin grabbed all his things, put them in his bag and strapped it to his back. All of a
    sudden, Pichu?s pokeball flew open on his belt and Pichu jumped out onto the ground,
    looking a bit frazzled.

    "Don?t you like it in there?" asked Kevin. Pichu shook his head. "OK jump up!" and
    Kevin held out his hand. Pichu looked at Kevin?s hand, smiled, jumped into his palm and
    climbed up onto his shoulder.

    "Comfortable?" asked Kevin.

    "Peechew Peechew!" he said smiling.

    With a last look at the waterhole, Kevin trudged back under the cover of the forest.

    "Hey I'm Kevin Sun by the way" said Kevin to his new pokemon. "And you know what Pichu,
    if it weren't for you, I could have a hot chick on me, instead of a yellow fuzzball..."

    Pichu zapped him, and then, a little dazed, laughed at Kevin. It's cute little voice
    echoed through the forest.

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 5

    Chapter 5

    Kevin walked down the main road of Violet City, the tall buildings rising up into the sky around him. Pichu squeaked excitedly. He came across a sign that read: ?Violet City: the city of nostalgic scents?. Kevin made his way to the Pokemon center and entered to find Storm just about to leave.

    "Hey Storm!" said Kevin. "How ya goin?"

    "I?m fine" said Storm. "Check this out!"

    He pulled open his vest and pinned to the inside was a silver badge in the shape of a set of wings.

    "Is that what I think it is?" said Kevin grinning.

    "Yep!" said Storm proudly. "An official Pokemon league badge!"

    "Great going Storm!" said Kevin.

    "Thanks" said Storm. "Well I?ll see ya ?round!" and he left the pokemon center.

    After getting his pokemon healed and flirting with the beautiful Nurse Joy, Kevin made his way to the Pokemon gym. A few minutes later he arrived outside a tall pink and blue striped building, that spiraled up into the sky. A sign next to the door read:

    "The Elegant Master of Flying Pokemon"

    "This must be the Gym" said Kevin. "Ready Pichu?"

    Pichu squeaked happily.

    They entered through the door and walked down a corridor. At the end of the hall was an elevator which they took to the roof. The elevator hummed and Kevin buzzed with nerves. The doors slid open to reveal an open sky arena. Kevin stepped out onto the roof. On the otherside of the arena stood a boy, about 16 years old, wearing a dark blue robe. His long blue hair fell across the left side of his face.

    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~

    "Are you Falkner? The gym leader" called Kevin across the expanse that separated them.

    "I am" he said. "I wish to be the greatest bird pokemon trainer ever! You are the son of the dragon trainer are you not?"

    "Yes I am, my name is Kevin!" called Kevin. "I challenge you to a pokemon match!"

    "I accept! Three pokemon each! Lets go Spearow!" and Falkner threw a pokeball onto the arena. It opened and out came a little bird pokemon with a stubby beak. Kevin flipped open his pokedex.

    <Spearow><Tiny Bird>
    <Don?t let Spearows size fool you. This little bird has a ferocious temper and will fight to the end, even if there is no way it can win>

    "OK, I?ll use my bird pokemon! Go Pidgey!" yelled Kevin throwing out Pidgeys pokeball revealing the little bird pokemon.



    "Fly!!!" they yelled at the same moment. The two pokemon flew up into the air and displayed some impressive midair acrobatics. They dived, swooped, climbed, banked, pitched both attacking each other, both taking some damage.

    "Spearow, now its time for a fury attack!" called Falkner. Spearow tucked in its wings and swooped at Pidgey who banked sharply to the left. Pidgey barrel rolled and extended its wings, soaring up into the air.

    "Impressive!" yelled Falkner. "Spearow use Gust attack!"

    Spearow began flapping its wings at high speed.

    "You too Pidgey!"

    Pidgey did the same. They both formed tornadoes and launched them at each other. They hit in the middle causing great blasts of wind to knock them out of the air. They both spiraled out of control and fell to the ground. It was a draw.

    "Good job Pidgey, Return!" said Kevin.

    "You deserve a good rest, Return" said Falkner returning his wounded pokemon.

    "HootHoot Go!" yelled Falkner throwing the ball. The white light transformed into a little owl and it looked like it only had one foot. Kevin looked it up.

    <HootHoot><The Owl Pokemon>
    <This usually nocturnal pokemon has excellent night vision. With a curious nature, this pokemon always stands on one foot and can identify pokemon, especially ghost type, with its foresight ability>

    "OK Pichu, I choose you!" yelled Kevin and Pichu leapt from his shoulder and onto the arena. Kevin was taking a gamble using a pokemon with no experience but he had confidence that Pichu?s electric power would win the round.

    "HootHoot, use tackle attack!" ordered Falkner and Hoothoot took flight barging into the little Pichu.

    "Come on Pichu, you can do it!" encouraged Kevin. Pichu scrambled to its feet. "OK good job, use your double team!"

    All of a sudden, pichu split into five and all of them began scampering around the stadium. Hoothoot, who had risen high above the stadium, didn?t know which tiny mouse to attack. Falkner realized this and had an idea.

    "Hoothoot, use foresight!" yelled Falkner. Hoothoot shot red transparent beams, like spotlights, from its eyes down at the pichus. Everytime the red beam fell across one of them they would disappear with a flash. Soon there was only one Pichu left, the real one.

    "Ha ha! It worked!" cried Falkner. "Now dive down there and give it a take-down!"

    Hoothoot dived down at the little Pichu.

    "Pichu Spark!" yelled Kevin and at the last moment, Pichu erupted with electric blue energy shooting out in all directions, zapping the Hoothoot and bringing it to the ground. It struggled back to its feet. Pichu shook its head, dizzy from the attack.

    "Pichu finish it with a thundershock!" called Kevin. Pichu balled its little paws into fists and it sparkled before shooting out a bolt of electricity. The attack knocked Hoothoot to the ground, out cold.

    "Yeah great job Pichu!" yelled Kevin. "Return!"

    Pichu sprinted up and leapt up into Kevin?s arms, giggling hysterically very pleased with itself.

    "Return Hoothoot!" said Falkner. "Very good! But can you handle this?" and he threw a pokeball into the middle of the arena. It sprung open revealing a tall pokemon with two heads each sporting long sharp beaks. Once again Kevin checked his pokedex.

    <Doduo><Twin Bird Pokemon>

    <Doduo can?t fly but they?re are so fast they don?t need to. Doduo leave giant foot prints in the ground. By alternately raising and lowering its two heads, it balances itself to be more stable while it is running>

    "OK its your turn, Totodile I choose you!" yelled Kevin releasing the croc from its pokeball.

    "Doduo use Extremespeed!" yelled Falkner and all of a sudden Doduo disappeared. It reappeared on the other side of the arena in the blink of an eye right behind Kevin?s pokemon. It kicked Totodile in the back with one of its long legs. It kept doing this, moving around so fast that Totodile couldn?t keep track of it and was taken out again and again.

    "Your pokemon can?t take much more of this" taunted Falkner. "Better quit while your ahead!"

    Then Kevin had an idea.

    "Totodile blast a watergun straight down!" yelled Kevin.

    Using the water gun attack, Totodile propelled itself into the air.

    "What?" said Falkner disbelieving.

    Totodile landed on Doduos back and used bite attack on one of its necks. The other turned and aimed a drill peck at Totodile who leapt nimbly avoiding it easily.

    "Totodile use bubble attack!" yelled Kevin and Totodile blasted 5 bubbles at the doduo. Doduo however leapt aside.

    "Doduo, Fury attack!" yelled Falkner. Doduo sprinted up to Totodile and began stabbing at Totodile with its sharp beaks. Totodile jumped, ducked and side stepped avoiding the attack.

    "Totodile use Watergun!" ordered Kevin.

    Water gushed from Totodile?s mouth blasting the Doduo to the ground. It couldn?t get up.

    "Doduo Return" muttered Falkner.

    "Yeah we did it!" yelled Kevin and ran over and gave Totodile a hug.

    "Very well done!" said Falkner smiling. "Your a great trainer and I confer upon you the Zephyr Badge as proof of your victory.

    Falkner walked over and gave Kevin a badge, exactly the same as Storm?s.

    Kevin undid his necklace and clipped the badge to it and put it back around his neck.

    "Good luck on your pokemon journey!" called Falkner as Kevin left the gym. He healed his pokemon at the pokemon center and checked his Pokegear for the map. The next city was Azalea Town where he could get his second badge...

    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12

    Just a quick summary:

    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~

    Name: Kevin Sun
    Age: 15
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Blonde
    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 75kg
    Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon: Totodile, Pidgey, Pichu

    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~
    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~
    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~

    Badges: Zephyr

    ~An Adventure of a Lifetime!~
    Last edited:
  • 7,901
    Nice fanfiction! Pretty good overall. Only a bit of swearing, but everything seems to be fine. Pretty creative adding pictures and stuff. Good job. I'm hoping to read more from you!
  • 17
    • Seen Jun 21, 2008
    say skottie isn't there more? I thought he was already challenging Pryce.

    P.S. Why aren't the PE2K forums working for me?
  • 5
    • Age 36
    • Seen Jul 12, 2004
    :badsmile: Hey this is SSMGoku from PE2k forums. Anyway way i really liked the beginning chapters of the story. It's good to know that your posting your amazing story on other forums so everyone could read them. Keep up the great work. :nervous:

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 6

    Route 32 was a beautiful valley that funneled down to Union cave in the south. Kevin gazed up at the tall peaks wondering what was up there. He strolled happily down the track, surrounded by grassy fields and rolling hills. It had been about a week now since he had left his home in New Bark and he had already earned one of the eight badges he needed to get into the Johto League Championship. His thoughts were interrupted by a rustle in the grass. He leaned closer to have a look and saw a little green pokemon with a yellow flower on its head. He got out his pokedex:

    <Skiploom><Cottonweed Pokemon>
    <The evolved form of Hoppip, this grass/flying pokemon spreads its petals to absorb the sunlight and it floats in the air to get closer to the sun itself>

    "OK Pichu! I choose you!" sad Kevin. Pichu hopped down from Kevin?s shoulder and eyed its opponent.

    "Pichu use a thundershock!" Pichu blasted a electric shock at the skiploom who jumped off the ground avoiding the shock. It floated up and over the Pichu and used a poison powder attack. Pichu scampered out of the way and tried another thundershock. This one was a direct hit.

    "Pokeball Go!" and Kevin threw the pokeball. Skiploom was sucked inside. It fell to the ground and rocked again and again and again....

    Ping! The pokeball locked.

    "Yes! We did it!" said Kevin happily and ran over and picked up the now occupied pokeball. All of a sudden there was a loud grumble from Pichus stomach.

    "About time for a bite to eat, hey Pichu?!" Asked Kevin smiling. Pichu nodded and laughed bashfully.

    "OK come on out every one!" said Kevin and he threw 3 pokeballs. From inside came Pidgey, feathers shining; Totodile its sharp teeth glistening in the sun and lastly the newly acquired Skiploom. They all sat down and had lunch and then Kevin returned all his pokemon and set off again.

    The sun was now heading down below the horizon and the last rays of golden sunshine spread out across the valley casting long black shadows everywhere. Kevin unrolled his sleeping bag and fell asleep.

    The next morning he was awoken by a strange buzzing sound and Pichu poking him, looking worried about something. He got up and quickly put everything away all the while the noise getting louder. All of a sudden he could see coming up the hill, a swarm of bug pokemon, long stingers shining in the early morning light. They didn?t look too happy.

    "Are those Beedrills?" he said nervously, checking his pokedex.

    <Beedrill> <Poison Bee Pokemon>
    <The evolved form of Kakuna, this bug pokemon uses its three stingers to poison its prey. Beedrills are very protective of their territory and will attack in swarms>

    "I think we better run!" said Kevin and Pichu nodded and scrambled up behind his head. Kevin slowly turned and, taking one last glimpse at the beedrills, ran. He sprinted down the hill as fast as he could the Beedrills slowly gaining. Leaping over fallen trees and skidding down the hillside trying to outrun them but they were too fast. Their stingers flashed in the sunlight.

    "I have to think of something!" he said to himself desperately. "I know! Go Skiploom!" and he turned and threw the pokeball. It sprung open revealing the flower pokemon.

    "Skiploom, use your sleep powder!" Skiploom floated up and above the beedrill, who were only 10 feet away, and dropped sparkling blue powder on top of the bug pokemon. They slowly closed their eyes and dropped to the ground one by one.

    "Yeah we did it!" yelled Kevin stopping to catch his breath.

    "That?s one fine Skiploom ya got there!" said a voice. Kevin turned to see a boy, about 11, who was chewing on a stalk of grass. His wide brim straw hat cast his face in partial shadow and an oddish was sitting on his shoulder.

    "Thanks!" said Kevin.

    "Hey aren?t you the son of the dragon trainer?"

    "Yeah thats me!" said Kevin. "My name is Kevin!"

    "Sorry, like I was saying, thats a good Skiploom. I?m a grass pokemon trainer and I specialize in training grass pokemon to be the best they can be. How about I trade you my Chikorita I just caught for it?" he asked. "I?ll show you! Come on out Chikorita!"

    The boy casually threw the pokeball and out came a little pokemon with a leaf on its head and its red eyes stood out against its green skin. Kevin got out his pokedex.

    <Chikorita><The Leaf Pokemon>
    <The sweet smelling leaf that grows from its head can be used for the devastating Razor Leaf attack. This particular specimen is from the Violet Valley area where the more tougher and aggressive Chikoritas live>

    "Cool!" said Kevin. "But why don?t you want your Chikorita?"

    "I?ve already got 3" said the boy.

    "Then why did you catch it in the first place?"

    "I catch any pokemon I see and ask all the pokemon trainers who pass this way if they want to trade for their grass pokemon. Traded pokemon grow faster so they are easier to train" explained the trainer.

    "That makes sense" said Kevin nodding. "Well how do I trade?"

    "Come with me" said the boy and they walked down the hill and Kevin could see a cave in the distance. Next to the cave was a little pokemon center. The boy led Kevin inside and over to a machine.

    "It?s a trading machine" explained the boy. "I just put my pokemon here" he placed the pokeball containing Chikorita in a slot, "and you put your pokemon there" and Kevin placed Skiploom?s pokeball into another slot.

    "Now I just press this button and the trade begins" and he pushed a red button. The pokeballs were sucked up into a tube and into the machine. The silhouettes of the two pokemon crossed eachother on the screen and the fell down into the opposite slots that they began in.

    "And the trade is complete! Thanks!" said the trainer and he shook Kevin?s hand and walked out of the center. Kevin clipped his new Chikorita?s pokeball onto his belt and walked out of the center towards the entrance of Union Cave.

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 7

    Chapter 7

    As Kevin entered the cave he realized that the cave walls were lined with flickering torches, the fire light dancing across the cave floor. It looked like a huge cavern and he could here the ripples of an underground lake not far away. He followed the torchlight, Pichu on his shoulder, around the dark water and continued into a tunnel. He could hear the screeches of the bat pokemon, Zubat, echoing throughout the cave as he made his way down rough stone steps that had been carved out of the cave itself. He made his way into a smaller tunnel and it was here the torches, and therefore light, ended.

    "Pichu, do you think you could do the flash technique?" asked Kevin turning to his little friend. Pichu nodded. Little sparks of energy leapt from Pichus electric pouches and then Pichu began to glow with little static bolts of electricity swirling around it, giving off enough light for Kevin to continue. With Pichu glowing on Kevin?s shoulder he made his way down the tunnel. He realised that it was getting considerably warmer...

    All of a sudden the cave floor collapsed and Kevin was sent tumbling down through the opening. He reached out for something to grab and his left hand found and held onto a ledge. Pichu kept falling however and Kevin quickly reached out and grabbed Pichu by the tail before it was to late. As he looked down to see if Pichu was alright he realised where he was. Twenty feet below him was a cavern filled with bright red bubbling lava and the heat was almost unbearable. He pulled Pichu up and onto the ledge and began to pull himself up when the rock he was holding onto began to crumble.

    "The heat must have weakened the rock" he thought to himself panicking. "If I try to pull myself up, the rock could give way and then...." he couldn?t bare the thought.

    Was this it? Was he gonna burn alive in a great pool of lava? Kevin had to think of something...

    "Hang on a mate, I got you!" said a deep voice and then Kevin realised he was being pulled up onto the ledge almost effortlessly by a pair of great big hairy arms. He looked up to see a great round face with little black eyes and a great big bushy beard smiling down at him as he was carefully put down away from the ledge against the cavern wall. Pichu ran over and Kevin hugged the little mouse glad it was okay.

    "Gee that was a close one!" said the fat man who towered over Kevin. He was wearing hiking gear and his great big belly hung over his belt. "Lucky I was here trainig my pokemon or I wouldn?thave been able to save you!"

    Kevin couldn?t believe his luck.

    "Thankyou sir!" he said very greatfully.

    "Ahh cut that sir stuff, you can call me Cliff" he said sitting down next to Kevin. "Are you alright?"

    "Yeah I think so" said Kevin shaking a bit. He looked at his rescuer smiling. "My names Kevin Sun"

    "Kevin Sun?"said the man surprised. "The Kevin Sun, the son of the dragon trainer?"

    "Yeah thats me!" said Kevin also surprised that the man new his name.

    "Wow!" said the man laughing. "I rescued Kevin Sun! Do you think I could have your autograph?"

    Kevin laughed. "I?m not that special!"

    "Oh but you will be!" said the man grinnig happily. " If your even half the man your father is, you will be, I know it!"

    Kevin smiled. He decided he liked this man very much. He looked around at the rest of the cavern. It was enormous and roughly circular in shape. The ground they were sitting on made its way around one half of the cavern in the shape of a crescent. A tunnel led off into the darkness. The rest of the cave was filled with lava and little islands dotted the boiling mass. A shape leapt from one of the closer islands and made it way over here. It was blue and yellow and sparkling fire was flickering on its head, like a moehawk, and fire also came from its tail end aswell.

    "Come here ?Blaze?" called Cliff beckoning for his pokemon to come closer. Kevin got out his pokedex.

    <Quilava><The Fire Pokemon>

    <This firery pokemon is the evolved form of Cyndaquil. It is totally covered in fire proof fur so it can withstand even the hottest of flames. Be careful if this pokemon turns its back to you, it could mean that it is about to attack with the flames on its back>

    "Cool" said Kevin.

    "You think thats cool, watch this!" said Cliff rising to his feet. Kevin did the same."Blaze lets show Kevin here what you can do!"

    And with that Blaze ran and dived into the lava dissappearing from view.

    "What the-" began Kevin but then all of a sudden, the quilava leapt from the boiling lava in a shower of glowing embers and landed on one of the islands, lava dripping from its fireproof coat.

    "Wow thats amazing!" cried Kevin.

    "It helps his coat to be more heat resistant and builds his muscles swimming through the lava!" explained Cliff grinning.

    Kevin thought he heard a noise off to his left and turned to see what it was. Lying comfortably on a boulder was a orange lizard. Fire was burning brightly from its tail as it yawned, showing its glittering teeth.

    Kevin looked it up in his pokedex.

    <Charmander><The Lizard Pokemon>

    <This lizardlike fire pokemon loves to live in warm places and enjoys battling others of its kind. It has a flame on the tip of its tail that shows Charmander?s life force. The stronger the flame the stronger the Charmander>

    "Alright, I need a fire pokemon, Go Totodile!" yelled Kevin and threw his pokemons pokeball onto the cave floor. It opened and Totodile appeared, spines gleaming.Cliff withdrew to the sidelines as the charmander rose to its feet.

    "Totodile scratch attack!"ordered Kevin and Totodile moved over and lashed out at Charmander who reached up and stopped Totodile with one of its own clawed hands. It then spun around, using a tailwhip to knock Totodile off its feet. However Totodile jumped over the lizards tail. The charmander then used an Ember attack, fireing red hot embers at Kevins Pokemon hitting it in the chest knocking it backwards.

    "Quick Totodile, get up and use your Watergun!" instructed Kevin and Totodile leapt to its feet and blasted an ice cold jet of water straight at the charmander knocking it down.

    "Charmander, your mine!" yelled Kevin and he threw a pokeball striking charmander on the head. It opened sucked charmander inside and snapped shut. Kevin waited for it to lock...


    "Totodile return!" said Kevin recalling his water pokemon and he went over and picked up the pokeball containing his new pokemon, Charmander. He clipped it to his belt.

    "Well done Kevin!" said Cliff excitedly. "I don?t believe it! I just saw Kevin Sun in action!"

    Kevin laughed.

    "Its getting a bit hot in here Cliff" he said. "Do you think you can lead me to the Azalea

    Town exit?"

    "Of course! Sure thing!" said Cliff and led Kevin through the tunnel. With Quilava and Pichu lighting the way, Kevin could see the light of the exit in a few minutes. Exiting the cave Kevin took a deep breath of fresh air and turned to thank Cliff for everything.

    "My pleasure!" said Cliff shaking his hand. "I have a feeling we will meet again someday!"

    And with a wave goodbye, Kevin continued on his way to Azalea Town.

    Dr Skottie

    Award Winning Writer!
  • 12
    Chapter 8

    Chapter 8

    Walking through the long grass, surrounded by pine trees, Kevin wondered how long it
    was until he got to Azalea Town.

    ?Hey you there!? yelled a voice and Kevin whirled around to see a beautiful woman with
    blue hair, wearing a police uniform. ?What are you doing here??

    ?Umm I was just passing through? said Kevin a bit scandalised.

    ?Sure thats what they all say? said the police woman.

    ?No I promise!? said Kevin. ?Here is my ID? and he pressed a button on his pokegear.

    <This pokegear belongs to Kevin Sun, 15 years old from New Bark Town>
    ?Oh I?m sorry? she said looking worried. ?You?re the Dragon Trainers son aren?t you??

    ?Yeah thats me? he said. ?Whats up? You look worried Miss...?

    ?Officer Jenny? she replied. ?Its the town Slowpoke. A few days ago they were all
    reported missing. People are saying its Team Rocket but I?m not sure. Team Rocket
    haven?t been around for three years now!?

    ?Slowpoke...? Kevin thought outloud as he activated his pokedex.

    <Slowpoke><The Dopey Pokemon>
    <This slow and dopey pokemon is of the water/psychic variety. It takes an average five
    seconds for pain to register in its brain. Evolves into Slowbro if Shellder latches onto its
    tail or a Slowking if it latches on to its head>

    Kevin pulled a face. ?It doesn?t sound that special to me?

    ?To the people of Azalea town it is a sacred pokemon? said Officer Jenny. ?400 years ago
    the town of Azalea had the worst famine and drought ever recorded. The crops were all
    dead and people were getting sick.
    ?It was the Slowpoke that saved the town? explained Jenny. ?They all gathered around
    the dried up well and they all yawned. It is said that a slowpokes yawn brings rain and
    that is exactly what happened. The town was saved because of the slowpoke. Now the
    townsfolk are worried that another drought may come!?

    ?Well that makes sense? said Kevin thinking about it. A twig snapped in the bushes to his
    right. They both turned and saw a figure dressed all in black. The man turned and ran.

    ?Hey you stop there! This is the police!? yelled Officer Jenny and she and Kevin took
    pursuit. The figure ran into the forest and the pair gave chase. Darting between the trees,
    losing ground, Kevin had an idea.

    ?Chikorita, stop that man with your Vinewhip!? yelled Kevin throwing a
    pokeball. Out popped Chikorita. She shot out her vines, wrapping them around the mans
    legs tripping him over. He fell with a thump and a groan. They ran up and Chikorita
    flipped him onto his back revealing a man dressed in black with a crimson red ?R? on the
    front of his uniform.

    ?So Team Rocket is back!? said Officer Jenny angrilly. ?What have you done with the

    ?I?ll show you! I?ll show you!? he whimpered. ?Just please don?t hurt me!?

    ?Chikorita, tie up his hands behind him with your vines!? said Kevin. Chikorita did just
    that. The Rocket led them out of the forest and Kevin could see the town of Azalea in the
    distance. He took them over to a well. A sign nearby said : Slowpoke Well.

    ?This is it? said the Rocket. ?This is the entrance, down the Well.?

    ?How many pokemon do you have?? Jenny asked Kevin.

    ?I have five? said Kevin. ?Totodile, Pidgey, Pichu, Chikorita and Charmander!?

    ?Ok come with me!? and she cuffed the man to the side of the well and began to climb
    down the ladder in the dried up well. Kevin recalled Chikorita and followed. About 15
    meters down, the ladder stopped and he dropped the last three metres into a dark, damp,
    stone cavern which was filled with dark murky water. Jenny unclipped a flashlight from
    her belt and shone it around the cavern, Kevin and Pichu watching and listening intently.

    All of a sudden someone grabbed Kevin from behind and Pichu fell into the water. Kevin
    took a glimpse at Jenny. She had been punched in the gut and was on the ground, tears
    welling in her eyes, the flashlight rolling away. A teen about Kevin?s age wearing grey
    pants, white shirt with a blue jacket. His white hair was spiked up in all directions and
    steel knuckles glistening on his fist.

    ?Ice?? whispered Kevin disbelieving

    ?That?s right Kevin, I?m back...? he said menacingly, a glint in his eye. This couldn?t be
    right! The boy that had gone missing from New Bark Town two years ago had joined
    Team Rocket? Kevin remembered back to when he was in school, where he had first met
    Ice. No one had known much about him except that he was as evil as sin. He had beat up
    little kids until they were a bleeding mess, just for the fun of it and he had walked away
    laughing. His real name was Simon Vortex, but as soon as people saw what he was
    capable of they began to call him by what his heart was made of... Ice. He had loved the
    name. But the one person that Ice had loathed, was Kevin. Everything about him he had

    One day though, Ice had just dissapeared. Some people thought he had commited suicide,
    others just thought he had commited a hideous crime and had run away. They never found
    him and people forgot about him. Just another missing person...Now here he was.

    ?I?ve been wanting to do this for a long time...? he said brandishing a knife.

    Thinking fast, Kevin threw his head back, smacking the guy behind him in the nose
    making let go of him. Kevin shot out a high kick at Ice, striking him in the chin, knocking
    him into the water.

    ?Get him!? yelled a man nearby just before he was zapped by Pichu. His order was met
    with cries from the darkness and suddenly the cave lit up with great roaring fires.There
    were about thirty men, all wearing the rocket uniform, all wearing evil grins. Kevin could
    see the slowpoke in a corner, locked in cages. Kevin let out all his pokemon and dashed
    over toward Officer Jenny, who had just sat up clutching her stomch and he assumed
    battle stance, ready to put his martial art championship skills into action.

    The fight began.

    Charmander, its eyes reflecting the great fires in the cave, added its own flame as it
    blasted down two of the men with a Flamethrower. Pidgey took off and began pecking at
    a Rockets face and Pichu zapped a man into paralysis. Chikorita was in the midst of five
    men unleashing Vine whips and Razor Leaves in every direction. Totodile stayed near
    Kevin, stopping any Rockets sneaking up on him and blasting them to the ground with
    watergun attacks.

    It was Kevin however who led the attack. Jenny watched in absolute amazement as Kevin
    took down one man after another, lashing out with punches, kicks and chops; jumping,
    spinning, ducking and side stepping, dodging their attempts to hurt him. But all the effort
    he was putting in wasn?t enough and he began to fall back. Two men grabbed pokeballs
    from their belts and let out a pair of Machoke.

    ?Everyone take out those Machoke I?ll take out the rest!? yelled Kevin to his pokemon,
    blood seeping from a cut above his eyebrow. Kevins pokemon banded together and used
    their attacks to take out one of the Machoke but they were too worn out to take out the
    other. The reamaining Machoke came over and pinned Kevins arms behind his back after
    he had knocked two Rockets to the ground. It hurt so much, they felt like they were gonna
    break. But Kevin refused to scream or cry, he wouldn?t let the Rockets have that
    satisfaction. It seemed to Kevin as he bit his lip in agony, that he was gonna die here, in
    the hands of the Rockets when all of a sudden, a bright light dropped down from the well
    and Kevin recognised it as an Elekid.Then he heard a familiar voice yell from the top of
    the well.

    ?Elekid! Thundershock!?

    It swung its arms and blasted down three of the closest Rockets with a thundershock.
    Then Kevin new where the voice had come from as Storm, dropped down the hole and
    swung a fist at a Rocket, breaking his nose.

    ?Elekid, Thunderpunch that Machoke!? yelled Storm as he jump kicked a man with a
    goatee. Elekid ran and punched Machoke in the cheek, electricity flying from its fist.

    Kevin scrambled free and realized that his pokemon too had been put into cages
    alongside the slowpoke. It was then Kevin heard the sirens overhead and he turned to see
    Jenny sitting in the corner with her walkie-talkie in her hand. She smiled at him
    reasuringly. They were going to be saved.

    ?It?s the cops!? yelled Ice. His snow white hair glistened in the firelight and bright red
    blood dripped from his mouth. The Rockets began to hurry around the room, ignoring
    anyone else, as they gathered up the cages full of pokemon.

    ?Oh no you don?t your not taking my pokemon!? yelled Kevin and he shot the red
    recalling beams from his pokeballs. They sped between the bars and recalled all of
    Kevins pokemon. Pichu jumped out straight away and huddled in Kevins arms.

    It was then the police dropped down through the hole with a K-9 squad of growlithes,
    teeth bared in a growl. Since most of the Rockets were either out cold or in no shape to
    fight, they gave up without a fight.

    All but one. The teen with the white hair swung a dagger at Kevins chest, slashing
    through the fabric, soaking it with blood. Pichu fell away from Kevin as he fell to the
    ground clutching his chest. Storm dashed over and lashed out at the Ice?s face, who
    dodged it. Then Ice swiped at him with the knife slicing him on the left shoulder. Storm
    winced and then knocked the knife from Ice?s hand with a chop. The teen breathed
    heavily and spoke.

    ?My name is Ice, a Team Rocket Elite and you will regret this day! I will kill you, son of
    the dragon trainer!? and with that he ran into the darkness and splashed into the water
    disappearing from view.

    Storm recalled his Elekid, helped Kevin to his feet and led him out of the well. He was
    placed in an Ambulance and rushed to the Azalea Town Hospital. Kevin blacked out.

    * * *​

    Kevin awoke in a hospital bed, staring up at the light blue ceiling. His muscles ached
    dully, and there was a stinging sensation on his chest. Kevin turned his head to see
    Officer Jenny, Storm and an old man with a white beard.

    ?How are you feeling? asked Storm.

    ?A bit sore, but I?ll be fine? said Kevin.

    ?You were amazing? said Jenny smiling. ?You were so brave!?

    ?Thanks? said Kevin sitting up. The white sheet fell off him and Kevin looked down to
    see he wasn?t wearing a shirt. A 5 inch scar that ran from his left shoulder to his belly
    button, striped his chest.

    ?My name is Kurt? said the old man. ?And I thankyou on behalf of the whole town for
    helping to save our precious Slowpoke. The towns people have asked me to give you
    these? and he handed him what looked like two pokeballs. One was bright orange, had
    two yellow cicles on the side and a yellow zig zag on the top; the other was a deep green
    and had a red patch on the top. Kevin gazed at them intently.

    ?These are my custom pokeballs. The orange is a Fast Ball which is used for catching fast
    pokemon; the other is a Lure Ball for catching water pokemon. Use them well!?

    ?Thanks a lot!? said Kevin putting them on his bedside table.

    ?That is one wicked scar!? said Storm smiling, upper arm bandaged in white linen.

    ?I kind a like it!? said Kevin grinning. ?Are my pokemon okay??

    ?They?re fine? replied Officer Jenny. ?They are at the pokemon centre ready to be picked

    A few hours later, Kevin had picked up his pokemon and was sleeping in a comfortable
    bed at Kurts house. His dreams began with him winning the badge that he was gonna try
    to get the next day. But his dreams turned into nightmares of Ice, his new mortal enemy, grinning evily, knife flashing in his hand...