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Animorphs: the new team

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When Jacob arrived at the construction site, Sam leapt down from her perch on the cement blocks and walked over to where the other were.
Held in Jacob's out-stretched hands was an entirely blue cube.
"Looks kinda like something from Star Trek.", Sam muttered nervously.
When it was her turn, Sam gingerly placed her hand on the cube's smooth surface. In doing so, she was met with a slight jolt. It kind of reminded her of static electricity, except that this feeling went up her arm, down her spine, then clear to her toes. She then pulled her hand away and instinctively flexed her fingers.
After everyone had touched the Blue Box, Jacob announced that they'd be taking a field trip to the zoo to "acquire" some morphs.

Once the party let themselves into the zoo, Jacob warned them about what would happen if any of them were to prove themselves untrustworthy.
Sam smiled in what may have looked like amusement, then nodded her approval and understanding. In a situation like the one that she had just gotten herself into, they couldn't afford to allow someone like that to continue to breath. This was too important.
Samantha then walked quietly down the corridor thinking about what would best fit the bill for a 'battle morph' and a 'bird morph'.
As she walked along, Sam looked up at the the signs on the paddocks as she passed them.
Bobcat, Puma, Tiger-Siberian, Tiger-Bengal, Lion, Panther-Black, and so-on.
Apparently this was the Big Cat area of the zoo.
Sam passed all of them to stop before the door to the Black Panther's enclosure. She'd always liked the sleek black feline, admiring its combined grace and ferocity.
"You'll make the perfect battle morph.", she whispered to the door.
With a deep breath she eased the metal door open. As soon as she did so she was met by a pair of golden eyes. The panther was lying not three feet from the door watching her with curious eyes.
The panther's expression seemed to say: 'Why are you here? It's sleeping time for humans.'
Sam was slightly startled the big cat was so close to the door, but took another breath and carefully shut it.
"Hello, pretty girl.", Sam said softly as she slowly approached the panther.
The cat's only reaction was to flick her tail lazily and proceed to lick one of her front paws.
Slowly continuing her approach, Sam continued to speak soothingly to the black panther. Once she was close enough to touch her - close enough for the panther to touch back! - Sam looked to the cat's head.
"Can I pet you? This will only take a moment. Well I think so anyways."
The panther looked over to her for a moment then went back to cleaning her paws.
Then, very carefully Sam extended her hand to touch the panther's silky coat.
"Nice kitty.", she whispered.
Once that was done she quickly concentrated on the animal before her. Which wasn't hard, given that she was right there in front of her. All of a sudden, Sam felt that weird feeling that she had felt when she touched the Blue Box. In some part of her mind, Sam also noticed that the panther seemed to have gone into a trance-like state.
The deed done, Sam thanked the panther for her cooperation and backed slowly out of the enclosure.

Once she was out and the door closed, she let out a breath that she felt she had been holding since entering the cage.
"Holy crap!", she said with a mixture of relief and excitement.
After a moment, she shook her head, as if to clear it, and stared down the hall again.
Before long she arrived at the avian wing of the zoo. This time she knew what she wanted and headed straight for the cage that held a pair of Golden Eagles. Both of the large birds were asleep, their heads tucked under their golden-brown wings. Sam watched them both for a moment more to be certain that they were in slumber land, then carefully undid the latch, and carefully opened the door.
To her dismay, the metallic gate screeched horribly. This caused both birds to wake up. They quickly pulled their heads out from under their wings and looked around. Their eyes blinked rapidly in a confused, half-asleep manner.
Thinking to acquire one of them before them came entirely out of their confusion, Sam reached for the nearest bird. And promptly received and shark peck on the hand!
Hissing in surprise and pain Sam quickly pulled her hand out of the bird's reach.
"Ouch, you butthead! That hurt!", she told the bird as she analyzed the wound. It was just a scratch, and she knew she was lucky getting just that, but boy did it hurt!
The eagle squawked indignantly and ruffled his feathers. He looked like he was preparing to go back to sleep.
Once his head was once more beneath his wing, Sam quickly snaked her hand in to touch the golden-brown feathers. After a moment she had the Golden Eagle added to her arsenal.
Having completed her assigned tasking, Sam began to make her way back to the others.

OOC: He he. I got a little carried away! ^_^
From where i left off Appearence: He wears these almost skin tight black jeans and a pair of dogtags.And he has shoulder length hair that is pitch black. Morphing Suit: Exactly what he wears most of the time except his pants are tighter and silky. Prefered Battle Morph: Timber Wolf(Black) Prefered Spy Morph: Monarch Butterfly Prefered Bird Morph: Peregine Falcon Prefered Aquatic Morph: Indo-Pacific Sailfish Other: None
You didn't finish Raven. You skiped over personality, and your apperence is a little short. Never mind, didn't read the first post. Anyway, you are Accepcted

Yamagi: sounds like you are behind a little. We still need you to post the second mission, then we can go on. You have to post the night of the second mission, because I have something planned for after we are all done.
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Reina finally waved at Jacob. "You know what I'll find them on my own. Might be fun." she grinned.

"If I don't get mauled to death in the process...." she mumbled in a low voice.

Reina took off, sneaking carefully into the handler areas behind the exhibits.

It was quiet as she walked down the long hallways.

She finally came to a door. "Northern Harrier...." she read.

"This must be the bird exhibits."

Reina then wondered around looking from door to door. "There are so many, I don't know which to choose."

Finally she arrived at a door that listed, 'Black Kite'.

"I think these are supposed to be one of the smaller birds of prey, but are still pretty agile and a common site."

Reina grabbed the handle and pushed lightly.

Just then she heard voices headed her way, the night sucurity probably.

She rushed in and quitely shut the door behind her. Her heart was hammering loudly in her chest as she pressed her ear to the door.

"I dunno Mac. Why would there be kids here at this time of night?"

"I swear I saw them. I know I caught a glimpse of a girl climbing into the area with the tigers, and some other chick rushing around the corner."

"Have you been drinking on the job again?" the first voice laughed. "What sane person would climb in with a tiger?"

Reina sighed as their voices passed by. She'd have to be more careful.

She turned then at the sound of an alarmed chirp.

There sitting on a branch of one of the trees in the exhibit was a female Black Kite staring at her. Apparently her abrupt arrival had woken the bird. It looked at her curiously.

Perhaps she expected Reina to feed her. Probably thinking no human would come in here otherwise.

"It's ok little girl. I won't hurt you, I promise." She stood on her tip toes, streatching out her hand towards the bird. "I just need to borrow your dna ok?"

The bird nipped her hand and a line of blood appeared.

"That was a little uncalled for don't ya think?" Reina winced. She then reached forward quickly making the bird chirp in surprise as she grabbed ahold of her foot.

She remembered quickly what Jacob had told them. Consintrate and acquire......

She focused on the bird and felt her go still. Her dna was now a part of Reina.

Reina slowly backed away. The bird was still calm and her eyes glazed.

The trance had apparently not broken yet.

"Thanks for the loan." Reina grinned and quitely slipped out. "Where to next?"

She wondered down a hallway to the left.

It took some time, maybe a few hours but Reina finally came across the big cat area.

There were all sorts of warnings posted, mainly for the handlers. Reina gulped at some of them. How could she possibly acquire something that could rip her limb from limb without breaking a sweat?

Reina glanced at a door that said Tigers. 'Too clishe.' she thought.

She wondered down a few more doors, til she came across the lion pen.

She giggled as thoughts of the Lion King movie came to mind.

Reina opened the door and immediately saw another door leading into an outdoor area. "Now or never." she shivered lightly, and felt her stomach turn.

Opening the door, all the while keeping her fingers crossed Reina was greated with the sight of......nothing.

"Huh?" she glanced around and walked in several feet. Where are the...."

Something growled lightly behind her.

Reina felt her blood freeze.

"Nice kitty....." she turned slowly.

The lioness behind her licked her chops.

"There now, that's a nice girl. My aren't you pretty. You don't want to eat me right?"

The lioness snorted, as if to say 'Yea right.'

Reina reached into her pocket and felt around. Lint....a pencil, a piece of gum, nail file, and her wallet.

Nothing of any use there.

Holding her breath and hoping on pure dumb luck Reina kneeled and held out her hand.

The lioness crept forward slowly until her nose touched Reina's outstreatched hand. She inhailed deepley, taking in the strange humans scent.

Reina consentrated, she didn't think she had ever more so in her life then right now. Not even during that last math test, the one she somehow managed to pass with a c-.

She felt the lioness's dna flow into her and stood slowly, hoping to get away before the trance broke.

It was then as she stood Reina realized why she had seen none of the big cats as she entered.

She gazed upward.

There were five sets of eyes on her.

Reina yelped and ran for the door, just as something heavy landed behind her.

'Please don't let me die. Not yet...." Reina reached out her hand.

Just a little further.....

She felt something slam into her and send her flying forward and out of the door.

Reina kicked the door shut just as the male lion was charging her.

The door shuddered, but held.

"Did you hear that?" a voice asked from outside.

"It sounded like it came from the lion area."

There were footsteps quickly headed in her direction.

'Now or never....' she thought.

Reina focused on the black kite that was now a part of her. The first thing she felt was a shrinking sinsation, then an ittchyness as feathers took shape over her skin.

'My clothes.' she thought quickly.

Spying a garbage bin, she dumped the clothes in while she was still changing.

The door slammed oped when she was over halfway changed.

Both set's of eyes opened in shock.

"Andalite!" the first guy cried.

"What?" the second asked.

Reina took off running between both of their feet as she struggled at get herself into the air.

'Flee, eat, escape the enemy!' her mind screamed at her.

"Get back here, filthy Andalite!" the first guy was chasing her and aiming what looked like some sort of ray gun.

<Jacob, help me!> Reina screamed in her mind as she flew through the corridors trying to find a way out. <If you can hear me I'm being chased by the bad guys!>

OOC- I hope you don't mind that last little bit. I thought some action might be fun. :P
OOC: Rii, Ratiosu likes the way you write xP No worry, I help. I have nothing more to do anyway except go home and cry about not being able to trust Ian XD

Oh snapz, gotz 2 go. Be back tomorrow xP

Sorry about the OOC.
Ooc: Everyone who I sent PM's to, just disreguard them.

A little while after Reina had left to find her morphs, everyone else had already returned. He looked down at his watch. It was getting pretty late. If she didn't get back soon, <Jacob, help me! If you can hear me I'm being chased by the bad guys!> "Everyone, Battle morphs! NOW! Reina's in trouble!" He didn't look back to see if the others started morphing. Almost imediatly his knees turned around, and he fell on all fours. His hair shortened, changed color and spread all over his body. He felt an iching in his mouth as his old teeth and jaws changed into the powerful mouth of the Spotted Hyena. By the time he was done, a bird flew past them. <Reina, if that's you, hide somewhere and get in your battle morph!> Just then a person came around the corner and saw them all. "Andalite's!" the guy sneered. <Yeerk!> Jacob yelled with all the rage and hatered he could muster, and leaped at the guy. The Controler was able to get his Darcon Beam up and shot it. The beam grazed Jacob's flank which caused him to spasem in pain, mid leap. Instead of biting the guy after landing on him, Jacob just plowed in to the Controller, knocking him down. "Get off of me Andalite filth!" the Controller yelled. As Jacob got to his own feet, he heard the sounds of people coming towards them. <This Controller has reinforcments comming. Lets get out of here,> Jacob said. He turned around and ran for the exit, with everyone following him. As soon as they got out side, they found them selfs surounded by nearly twenty Hork-Bajir. One steped forward, and said, "Good day, Andalits. I am Sub-Visser 77. And it looks like you lose."
Reina adjusted the angel of her wings and shot down one corridor, the controller right behind her.

'What'll I do?' she wondered.

Just then she heard another voice in her head.

<Reina, if that's you, hide somewhere and get in your battle morph!>

<Roger. On it.> she replied. "And Jacob, sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have been so careless.>

Up ahead Reina noted was an air vent leading out.

<Time for a little upward mobility.> She shot straight up. One thing she had to say for the little kite, agility was it's virtue.

Once she was clear, another problem entered her mind.

Her clothes..... her ID was still in her pants pocket.

She flew high into the sky just as she heard an arrogent voice.

"Good day, Andalits. I am Sub-Visser 77. And it looks like you lose."

<Not quite.> Reina took aim and dived down, her claws aimed at the man's head.

Oh Crap! This is not good! I can't belive I've already killed us! Jacob thought. Jacob was trying to formulate a plan, but was frozen in fear, and worse yet, that Suzaku kid was caught in human form. Just then he heard a "Teeee!" coming from above. He looked up and saw a small Bird of Pray raking it's talons across the Sub-Visser's face. The man screamed and fell back holding his face. Jacob could see blood leaking from beneth the hands. That snapped Jacob out of it. "Kill them!" the Sub-Visser screamed, "Kill them or I'll send you all to Visser 3!" Jacob decided it was time for action. <Everyone....ATTACK!!!> < Suzaku!> he barked, <Hide somewhere and get in battle morph NOW!!!! I'll take care of the Sub-Visser.> He ran over to try and take a bite out of the retreating Yeerk, untill a large Hork-Bajir steped in his way. <Out of my way Yeerk,> he said and choped down on the Hark-Bajir's leg, crushing the bone instantly. The Hork-Bajir fell to the ground cradeling the destoryed leg. Jacob caught sight of the Sub-Visser stumbling blindly back to a Bug Fighter, a Yeerk two maned fighter ship that looks like a cockroach without legs, still holding his bleeding face. Jacob ran and finaly caught up to Sub-Visser 77. He jumped on top of the Sub-Visser's back, knocking him to the ground, and took a bite out of back of his neck killing him instantly. Jacob looked back and saw that the battle wasn't going very well. Darn it! Where are they? Just then Jacob heard a rumbuling off in the distance.

Ooc: In order to progress beyond this battle, we'll have to wait for waterelemental to post, because he is part of a polt twist. But we'll have to wait four days till firday. In the meantime, I would like people to post about the battle.
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Suzaku standing there waiting for a reaction from jacob than out of nowhere a bird of pray came attack Sub-Visser. "Suzaku! Jacob barked, ide somewhere and get in battle morph NOW!!!! I'll take care of the Sub-Visser".Turning around looking for somewhere to hide,Than seeing a tree he ran and jumped behing the his bones begin to change and crunch. He than walked out as the lion he attained."Okay lets see what i can do with this big cat come on lets do this" Suzaku said as he jumped on a Yeerks scrathing his back the yeerk fell he immediatley jumped to the next one Biting his throat and keeping a grip until he hears the bones crunching "Oh yeah men this is fun" Suzaku said as he saw a yeerk sneaking up on one of the others he runs immedatley towards he than jumps on the yeerk scrathing his face leaveing the the claw marks on his face"Okay yous next" suzaku said fighting more
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OOC: Call me a perfectionist, but we don't seem to be doing much about the instincts of an animal once we morph it. Remember that this is our first real time morphing (except for Jacob) and we shouldn't have any ability to control our animals. Just saying, though. Don't shoot me plz.

IC: Skye ducked behind the bridge when she heard someone coming. Her ears pricked up a bit as she listened, something she'd been able to do for a long time. Her senses were a bit heightened from what she would call 'normal'. But mostly that was from having to listen for her parents to come home so Ian could get out of the house as soon as possible. She always went out at night so her eyes could see a bit easier than if she went out in the day. Good thing it was night, she thought, or she'd be stumbling around with no idea where to go.

"Everyone, Battle morphs! NOW! Reina's in trouble!" Jacob's voice rang clearly through the night, and he ran off. Just great, Skye said to herself, I have no clue how to battle in the tiger body and here comes my first one. Without any direction.

"Andalites!" someone else sneered.

Andalites? What the heck...oh yeah... she remembered Jacob telling her about the blue, centaur-like aliens that were here on Earth even now. They'd given the original Animorphs the power to morph, and they were trying to organize some kind of movement to destroy the Yeerks. But the home world was so far away...and the Andalites didn't really believe in helping humans. They'd do anything to kill the Yeerks.

<Yeerk!> Jacob's voice once again cut through the night, but this time it was telepathy. It wasn't sound. She assumed that's how they would communicate in their animal forms.

A laser shot through the air and stopped Jacob from completing the attack he'd started. Skye's heart started pounding. Great, they had to have lasers. They weren't little green men but of course they had lasers. She started the morph - whether she liked it or not she'd have to fight.

"Get off of me Andalite filth!" the Controller yelled.

<This Controller has reinforcments comming. Lets get out of here.> Jacob started towards the exit, and the others, who had already went into their animal morphs, followed. But once they were outside, once Skye was almost finished morphing, a voice said, "Good day, Andalites. I am Sub-Visser 77. And it looks like you lose."

Well, at least they think we're Andalites, Skye said to herself, even as she could feel herself changing. Fur was sprouting in patches along her skin, and her ears were moving up towards her head. There were a lot more weird changes but she didn't focus on them. No one had seen her, so she leapt out of the space beneath the bridge and stalked silently through the trees surrounding the outside of the zoo.

Twenty reptilian things were standing around. They were bladed on their knees, elbows, heads, and their teeth were razor-sharp. They spoke in a strange dialect of English, mixing their alien language with English, but you could tell they didn't come from anywhere in this world.

What happened next was too confusing for Skye to even follow. A bird - she assumed it was Reina, since everyone else was in their battle morphs - swooped down and tore at a dinosaur guy's face.

What was their name again? Oh yeah. Jacob had called them Hork-Bajir. A weird name, but they were a weird species. Jacob said they were originally vegetarians, but the Yeerks had seen their bark-cutting blades and taken over their entire planet. There were a few in freedom on Earth, but that was all. The blades were sharp enough to slice almost anything, so she'd have to be really careful.

Once a couple were down and she found an open spot, she leapt into action. The tiger's instincts had lain dormant until now, but once she was angry, a fury raged inside of her. She wasn't a full-grown tiger, but she didn't need to be to take care of the Hork-Bajir. Her claws and teeth worked just fine, and within seconds three of them lay dead.

They'd won their first battle. Jacob had destoyed the one called Sub-Visser 77, and the Hork-Bajir were all fallen. If they weren't dead now, they soon would be. Blood covered Skye's face, and she wasn't sure whose it was - hers or theirs. She hadn't paid attention - she'd just given in to the blind rage inside of her and let it guide her. It seemed like she'd just lashed out and now they were dead.

If this was how her battles were going to be, she could handle it.

Sure, she hurt, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Her tiger body was breathing hard, and she still wanted something to kill. But she reminded herself that the other animals were her friends, and that staved her anger off long enough for her to regain control.

That's when she noticed the spaceship.

<Great,> she said, half to herself, half to everyone else. <Now what?> She saw Reina circling above her, wondering what to do. <Reina!> She looked straight up into the sky, imagining her cute tiger face and how opposite her battling skills were from her looks. <Reina! Do you know what that thing is? And...you should probably hide. We all should. If they find us in animal morph, they'll kill us. Come on.> She nodded her head, motioning for Reina to come with her so they could hide.

Seconds later, her lithe tiger agility had her hidden safely in a thick grove of trees. In the nighttime, no one would ever be able to distinguish her stripes and almost silent breathing from the rest of the trees - she hoped.

She watched Jacob and the spaceship through her hiding spot.

OOC: Eh...wanted to hide. Being shot dead might ruin my whole week. Y'know? xP
Glancing straight up Reina saw the humongus ship above her. <That thing is huge.> she stared in awe, after Skye had pointed it out.

<Reina! Do you know what that thing is? And...you should probably hide. We all should. If they find us in animal morph, they'll kill us. Come on.>

<Hiding will only buy us so much time.> she answered. <You're right though. This is scary, and we could all really die.>

She paused as she swoped to attack another Hork-Bajir, who howled in pain and attempted to shoot her.

<Where will running away really get us in the end though? For me....I choose to fight!>

She kept attacking til a thought occured....her wallet. While everything was in chaos was the perfect time to retrieve it. If they found out who she really was her whole family could be in danger.

<I'll be back in a bit....I have something I need to take care of.>

With that she turned from the battle and flew in the opposite direction.
The battle was almost over. All but two of the Hork-Bajir were dead. Jacob was also hearing most of the conversation between Reina and Skye. It kept skipping in and out, like they were trying to be privit, but sort of failing. Then he heard something about a gaint ship. He looked up trying to get a view of it. When he saw it he was filled with horror. <IT'S THE BLADE SHIP!!!!!> Jacob screamed in thought. <What is Visser Three doing here!?!> He looked around trying to find everyone. He saw Suzaku in morph, blood driping from his jaws. He saw Reina swooping down on a Hork-Bajir, raking her talons through it's eyes. He couldn't see Skye anywhere, but remebered hearing something about hiding. When he looked back to the Blade Ship, he noticed it had landed. A door opened up and out poured a lot a dang Hork-Bajir. Jacob didn't count, but estimated around a number close to 40. Their were also nearly 20 Taxxons, and about 10 human controlers. The last thing out of the Blade Ship was.....Visser Three. The only Yeerk to have enslaved an Andalite. The only Yeerk to be able to morph.

<Visser Three,> Jacob hissed in thought speak.

<It seems I have finaly caught the Andalite Bandaits> said Visser 3. You could just hear the pure evil in his voice. <I'll be sure to give you all very high ranking Yeerks. Now GET THEM!!!>
<It seems I have finaly caught the Andalite Bandaits I'll be sure to give you all very high ranking Yeerks. Now GET THEM!!!>

Reina almost shuddered as she heard that voice, the voice seemed to fill her with dread and an almost utter hopelessness.

<I've got an idea Jacob. I'll be right back.>

Reina flew straight back down the air vent she had shot out of earlier. Just as she was diving in she felt something clip her wing, and an immense pain.

<Ahhhhhh!> she fell down the shaft, along with her severed wing.

"Gah! Andalite bandit I got!" the voice of a Hork-Bajir yelled in triumph.

Reina didn't realize what had happened at first through the dizzyness that was taking over the bird's brain. Part of her however realized with complete horror the kite was dying. Would she die too?

<Ahhh! It hurts!>

"Get in there and get it you fool!" another voice yelled from above.
<Reina!> Skye called, unsure of what was happening to her friend. It was true that running away wouldn't get them anywhere, but she wasn't ready to fight yet. She'd have to train. She didn't know this tiger's body as well as she would like to.

<What should I do...? What am I supposed to do?> she asked herself in panic.

She couldn't fit down the air shaft and Reina was down there, being hurt. So she focused on the humans and Taxxons and waited for Jacob's command to either fight or let it go.

<Reina, hang on! We'll be right there!> Then she contacted Jacob.

<Jacob! Reina's either hurt or captured! What are we supposed to do?>
<Jacob! Reina's either hurt or captured! What are we supposed to do?> said Skye. What can we do? Jacob thought. Were out numbered, out guned. <We don't stand a chance> Jacob accedently said in thought speak. He didn't relize it though. He was too concerned with the fact that he had basicly killed everyone here. <That's right Andalites. You don't stand a chance. Now give up, and come with us quitely> said Visser Three. Two Hork-Bajir walked toward him and picked him up. He then rembered when Jake had told him he was to go somewhere where the Yeerk pressence was less promenent and create a new band of Animorphs that would eventually join with the originals. He had been so excited at the time. Now he relized what a mistake it was. He wasn't leader matieral. He was a soldier. Then he rembered what Jake said just before he left. You will have to make some very hard dessions. Some may even lead to the death of some of your teammates. But what ever you do, NEVER give up. Fight to the very end. <He's right. Never give up. That is the way of the Free!> said Jacob, for all to hear. Suddenly, Jacob jerked violently, lossening the Hork-Bajir's grip on him. He choped down on one Hork-Bajir's arm, and riped it off. When he was droped, he then went and riped a hole in the other one's gut. <Skye! Find Reina, and make sure she is okay. After you do that, get her to a location where she can demorph and remorph to battle morph and both of you join us. Suzaku, Sam. The three of us going to fight untill our reinforcements arrive. And I'm not talking about Skye and Reina> If Jacob wasn't in morph he would have smiled. <NEVER SURENDER!>
Brian headed for the mob at full speed in Rhino morph. Am I too late or is the party just getting started. He knew he could not take them all on but he could give the others a fighting chance. He told himself he would risk it all to save the new animorphs and he couldn't let Jacob down. The one who was there when hismother died. I won't let anybody die while im around! Brian slammed into 6 Hork-Bajir toppling to the ground. He got up relizing they would not give him much time to recover he looked at the others still fighting to stay alive. Jacob are you all right we need to get the others to safety! Before he could finish a Taxxon lunged from behind,Brian quickly doged and flung his head straight into to the Taxxon gutting him like a fish. Its your call Jacob do you think we can go on I fear for the others lives. NO Response, He knew Jacob must have had to many thigs on his mind but he needed to make a choice. Brian did love the feel of battle but if he died he would be proud to die in battle but he did not want anyone close to him to fall it was a major flaw of his. He Screamed Again "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" as he slamed into another three Hork-Bajir. The fight had not gone on for long but it felt like hours Finally Jacob said I have a plan.
Skye nodded and leapt out of her hiding spot towards the inside building of the zoo. She was racing down the hall, looking around for Reina, when finally she saw about four or five Hork-Bajir holding her in their claws.

"Garfnish Visser will be happy when he sees sesknit," one growled in some weird mix of their own language and English.

Good. Surprise attack. The pads in her feet enabled her to sneak up quietly on them, and when one turned around and yelled, "Frescut! Andalite!" she lunged and took him down.

The same old rage returned as she tore into them, making sure not to hurt Reina. It wasn't long before all five were dead and she was standing over Reina.

<Can you hear me? Reina? Hello?> she asked frantically, hoping the small kite was okay.

OOC: Yayyyyy for making up gibberish Hork-Bajir words I've never heard before.

sdsfsfsfsfsfsf i'm awesome
<Yea....I'm ok....somehow>

She quickly began demorphing, the pain leaving quickly as human flesh replaced feathers.

Soon only the large head of the bird remained. She quickly de-morphed that as well.

She glanced over to the tiger, who was eye balling her. "Just don't eat me ok? I'm sure I wouldn't make a good meal."

Reina suddenly re-coiled. "Who knew this would make me tired."

There was no time to sleep though. Reina knew this as she watched the giant cat flexing it's claws.

She immediately began morphing the lioness she had acquired earlier. The first change happing being a long tail, that sorta squirted from her butt, then the fur appeared over her skin in tan waves.

All of this while she still had a human like form.

"I'm not sure what the lioness will do. Skye, you should head back up and help the others. The last thing we need is two large cats fighting."

She continued morphing.
Sam had only just gotten back to the pre-determined meeting place when it hit the fan.
Suddenly, Jacob was shoutting for everyone to get into their battle morphs. After a moment's shock, Sam focused on the black panther that she had aquired not long ago.
Taking a deep breath she pictured the large, black cat in her mind. As she concentrated, the transformation began.
The first thing to change was her eyes. They went from being emerald green to the golden color of the panther. Next was the fur, it sprouted from her pale skin like some demented grass.
As all this happened she was slightly alarmed and expected it to hurt, but it didn't, not even when bones and tendons popped and re-formed to transform into the panther.
With some more disgusting sounding popping, and the forming of a few more vertabrae, the panther's tail grew from her feline butt.
Seconds later, she was bombarded by what she surmised was the instincts of the black panther.
Defend the terriotory! Run off the inturders!
She ran towards the nearest enemies: a hyena and a young tiger. The panther curled her lips into a feral snarl and bolted after the interlopers. Just as she was about to leap on the hyena, Sam remembered that she wasn't a panther, but a human. After a moment of struggle, Sam managed to suppress those rather strong instincts.
'I could have killed Jacob!', she thought with a mental jerk. She shook her head and quickly turned to the dilemma at hand.

Suddenly they found themselves surrounded by a bunch odd creatures that, from the description given earlier, Sam concluded were Hork-Bajir.
After the lead bad-guy made himself known, the fighting broke out.
The Hork-Bajir nearest Sam lept at her slashing with its wrist blades. Being that she wasn't familiar with the balck panther's body yet, the blade made contact. It only grazed her left shoulder, but still hit. The bladed creature had a pleased grin on its ugly face.
Sam roared out in surprise and pain, and wheeled on the creature.
With her fangs beared she lept and drug a taloned paw across the Hork-Bajir's scaley face. It died so quickly that the grin stayed on its face even as it hit the ground.
Before long they managed to take out the offending force.
As if the fighting of aliens and morphing hadn't been enough to convince any of them that this was real, a spaceship appeared.
Sam stared at it as she limped up to stand beside Jacob and Suzaku.
The thing looked for all the world like a giant medieval, double-bladed axe.
As it neared, Sam could practically feel the evil eminating from it. She flexed her claws nervously.
Once the ship landed the reason for her un-ease became apparent:
<Visser Three.> Jacob hissed.
After his entourage exited the ship the Visser himself stepped out.
All of Sam's instincts, both hers and the panther's, told her to run and hide. Despite this though, she was frozen in place.
Even when the two of the Visser's Hork-Bajir came and picked Jacob up, Sam could not make her body move. She watched helplessly as they carried him towards the Abomination.
<Skye! Find Reina, and make sure she is okay. After you do that, get her to a location where she can demorph and remorph to battle morph and both of you join us. Suzaku, Sam. The three of us going to fight untill our reinforcements arrive. And I'm not talking about Skye and Reina> , Jacob ordered. But Sam didn't reall register any of that.
<NEVER SURENDER!>,came Jacob's sudden battle cry.
Hearing this, however, joltted Sam into action, she roared loudly in accord and charged the nearest Taxxon. The giant centipede like creature shrieked as Sam raked her claws across its bloated body. Driven mad by the sight and smell of the gore, the other Taxxons rushed to feed on the still living flesh of their fellow.
In order to avoid becoming part of that feast, Sam had to rely on the panther's natural agility to leap out of the way.
In the process of her escape her claws tore the jellyish eyes of another of the large centipede aliens. This furthered the frenzy.
When she hit the ground, she had to move quickly again. There was a rhinoceros charging through the ranks of the Visser's forces.
<WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!> This seemed to come from the rhino.
<I couldn't agree more. You have a plan, Jacob?>, Sam quipped as she sunk her teeth into the arm of a human Controller.
Skye nodded. <Good idea,> she said as she watched the other girl morphing. <Just make sure you don't get caught again or it could be messy.> She glanced at the dead Hork-Bajir, their Yeerks still trying to slither out of their ears and then shriveling up and dying. <Well...messi-er.>

She bounded down the hall, hoping Reina would be all right. <Jacob! Reina's all right. She's morphing the lioness...where do you want us?>

It dawned on her that she sounded just like a soldier or something. And then she thought: I am a soldier now. It was something that scared her, but she knew it had to be done.
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