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Atlantis Arising [M] [Most Original 4Q '11] [Best Veteran 1Q '12]

Nickolai Afon - Somewhere is Russia

"So, another plan change. We're heading to..." Natalia stopped, then smiled. "No, you tell me where we are going. See if you can figure it out."

Nikolai stared at her for a moment. Figure out where they were going? How could he? Then he remembered his power. He might be able to find out where they were going through his power. He though for a moment, then pulled out his iPhone and held it in his hand, he closed his focused for a moment, then lines of code flashed accross the screen. The code was going impossibly fast, thousands of pieces of data flowing through the tiny screen, completely uncomprehendable to the common person. He closed his eyes and let the data flow through him and enter his brain. In his mind's eye, he saw the data come together and form more comprehendable forms, images or words. Some were simple, like an icon telling him that he had an email that flashed up. Others were harder, like a confusing line that was just a jumble of letters and numbers. He searched for a moment, then found what he was looking for, his connection to the satalite. He entered the satalite through his phone, and started to process the data. He sifted through the data for a moment before he found it. The call that Natalia had made just a moment before. He tried to trace the call, and locate where the original call had been made. An image of a transparent globe appeared before his eyes, with blue lines for outlines of countries. The call he was tracing was a faint green line, that originated from Russia, their location only a few minutes ago. From there it traveled to the satalite, and from there to another satalite. That wasn't uncommon, it was the easiest was to throw off someone trying to trace a call. The signal was bounced through a few satalites before finally heading back down to the globe. From there, it was difficult to descern where it was going. Up in space, the signals had been more spread out, and it was easier to follow the signal he wanted. But closer to the surface, the signals became much more concentrated the closer in he went. He was able to confirm that the signal came from a European country though. He narrowed the signal down to a few countries: France, Ireland, UK, or Germany. He immediately threw Germany off of the list, as Natalia had just said that they would not be going there. So it was down to France, Ireland, or the UK. He gave up on his signal hunt after that, the interference was just too complicated. He had discovered what the phone address of the other phone was though. He took a quick look through a few databases of popular phone companies, and discovered that the phone was licensed to Bartholomew Yagir, which was probably just a cover name. He did a trace on the public databases of the man, and found out the he worked for a companay called Authentic Ugandan Photographs. Authentic Ugandan Photographs, AUP. Definitely a front for the organization. The company was located in southern France, but that meant nothing. The phone could have been taken anywhere from there. Then he had an idea. He quickly hacked into the phone, which had an alarming amount of security, and accesed the programs list. After not finding what he wanted, he quickly hacked the password and downloaded a parental controls program to the phone. After installing it, he quickly installed the same program on his phone, and had his phone registered as the "parent" of the other phone. He activated the GPS option via his phone, which tracked the other phone to northern France, somewhere north of Paris. Suddenly, he felt himslef being pusehd out of the other phone, and it suddenly left the network grid. He had obviously been found out, and the owner of the phone had either turned it off or destroyed it. He let himself come back to reality, and he felt a dizzyness after he disconnected from his phone, as he always did when he used his power. He looked at the clock and realized that he had been working for about half an hour. He looked over at Natalia and said, "I think we're headed to France, somehwhere north of Paris. Although, your friend Annie might not stay there for long, I think she found out that I accessed her phone..." Nikolai gave a guilty look. Then he looked up, and realized that they were approaching the border. "Um, we might have more pressing matters though. I didn't really plan to be traveling internationally today, so I didn't really bring my passport..."

Natalia Zaytsev - Heading west from Moscow, Russia

"Welcome back," Natalia said, turning to Afon. Indeed, he looked almost comatose for the past half hour, but Natalia had not worried about it all too much; she figured it was his Atlantean power or a side effect or such. She made a mental note of teaching him on how to search faster, or maybe be able to learn to do his thing and be consciously aware at the same time. She wasn't exactly sure of how she would do it, but she would think of something. She always did.

"I think we're headed to France, somehwhere north of Paris. Although, your friend Annie might not stay there for long, I think she found out that I accessed her phone," she heard him say, a little faint than before from fatigue, maybe. Natalia laughed just a little.

"It's alright," Natalia said with a nod. "I did tell her as you were just getting into it. You were close. She said she was going to direct you off course, but you seem to get the gist of it all. We're not worried on security; there's no one else in the world but you who can mentally break a encryption code like that." That was true. Each Atlantean had an individual power that was unique to themselves. Natalia was confident that no normal mortal could ever bypass their security.

"Um, we might have more pressing matters though," Afon continued. Natalia quickly glanced at him and followed his eyes. The border? "I didn't really plan to be traveling internationally today, so I didn't really bring my passport."

"That's no issue," she said, flicking out a passport with Afon's face on it, but not his name. Alexander Gorchilin, it read. And on hers, Elmira Zherzdeva. Natalia had to be planned for these kinds of things. She had a whole list of identifications made under several names for both her and Afon, including licenses, library cards, wallets, bank cards. You never know what might happen on the road.

They approached the border of Belarus and were welcomed by a unwelcoming sight; long lines and a lot of security. Natalia arched her head out the window as they approached the lines. The guards had syringes in their hand, obviously similar to the ones used at the Atlantean Centres. Dammit! Who gave them that formula in the first place, the Royal Family? They were obviously checking everyone who tried to escape the country. Natalia spotted a man being escorted out of the car, towards a large building at the end of the gates. Was this another Royal Family attempt at finding the best for their forces? What ever it was, it was not good for them. There were at least 12 cars in front of them. That gave Natalia about half an hour to try and find a solution. Half an hour... Oh!

"Afon," she said to him, "I need your help. We need to create... A distraction before we get to the gates. One that could either stop us from getting that needle or something that will create an opening for us to get away. I would do it myself but getting out of the car would immediately draw attention to myself and Annie wouldn't do anything better than you can. We have the tools we need," she looked at him and nodded slightly. "We just need to use them properly."​
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Jason 'Wym' Weaver
I Meet The Strangest Doctor

Well ... err ... I never manage to get introductions right. Err ... Hi, my name's Jason. Welcome to the story of my ... life? No, that sucks. Oh, whatever! I really don't know why I'm telling you this story. It could get you into some serious trouble. Go on, shoo! No ... wait, stay, stay! Sigh. Alright, let me introduce myself again. My name's Jason Weaver, people call me 'Wym'. I'm telling you the story of my time as an Atlantean because ... well, it's hard to keep it a secret. Heh. Funny how I've kept it a secret for so long now, and now I'm just up and telling it to you. But you need to know. It may put you in serious danger, the police or even the other Atlanteans could come looking for you, but it's for your own good. Now listen well, you'll need a good ear for this tale.

Well, let's see ... ah, yes, it all started at my house.

USA, San Diego

A week ago, the Atlanteans had revealed themselves to the world. A week ago, I got my sign. A week ago, my prom date left me. Damn, it just stings thinking about it now. Urgh. Anyhow, I remember I was sitting in my sofa. A black leather sofa. I was in my apartment, of course, which was, as usual, a mess. I was gonna clean it up, later, I swear! If this news flash hadn't caught my attention first ...

"…a large explosion occurring in Berlin, Germany today, thought to be the work of Atlanteans has rushed a bill through the United Nations calling for all Atlanteans to register themselves and their abilities with the local Atlantean Centre in all capital cities. The Atlantean Royal Family, lacking to presence of leader Blayze Nalaar, has today agreed with the UN authorities to support their decision and were the first to register. Anybody now caught using Atlantean Abilities without being registered or carrying a registration card will face detainment."

Well, this was a sudden turn of events, I thought. I really didn't want to go and register my ability. No way! It may have lost me my prom date, but it was purely awesome! In case you still don't know, I have Ferrokinesis. The ability to manipulate all types of metal. Cool, huh? I feel like Magneto. But technically, he has the power to manipulate magnetic fields and magnetic metals, on the other hand, minus the magnetic fields, I have the power to control all metals. I'm like Mega Magneto. Haha, anyways, like I said, I really didn't feel like registering my ability. It didn't feel right after trying to keep it secret the whole week. Although this ability was pretty new to me, maybe they could help me delve deeper into it. I thought about this for a little while. I activated my powers to try and test them out. I always kept a little bar of metal in my pocket to practice my powers on. I made it float from my pocket, right now, it was a circle shape. I decided to shape it into a thin triangle now, and hence, that's exactly what happened. I didn't even need to extend my hand or anything. Unlike what most people might have you think, it has nothing to do with extending your hand, 'cuz you're using your mind. It's like a kind of telekinesis, but it only works on metal components.

Enough of the science talk, on with the story. So I was still thinking about it while I was bending my block of metal into various shapes. A triangle, like before, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, whatever popped into my mind. I even made a trollface out of the thing. (Don't know what trollface is? Look it up. There's this little thing I like to call Google) In the end, I decided I had to go. If I didn't, I could get in some serious trouble with the authorities.

So, I went and caught the first flight to England. No way was I gonna go to the Atlantean Center in the US, besides, I'd never been to England, and this was the perfect excuse.

England, London

Upon arriving, I felt one thing and one thing only: sick. Seriously, I cannot fly on a plane without getting sick. I wasn't embarrassed when I puked in a barf bag and the little girl next to me laughed her head off at me. No way! And yes, I was still feeling sick. But that soon passed, no worries. Alright, you can stop laughing now. ...Seriously, do you want me to continue or what? Yes? Good.

Right, so after I arrived, I ate some English food. That almost made me puke too. Seriously, I should have remembered that English food was often terrible. (No offense there, England) So after that, I called a cab, and I was on my way. "London, please." I told the cab driver. His face seemed to turn dull as he recognized my American accent.

Not long after, I was in London. The Atlantean Center was only a few blocks away, so I had to walk the rest of the way. Later, when I finally got there, I walked in. There wasn't much of a line, which was lucky for me. Two guards at the entrance stuck a need inside my arm to check if I was Atlantean or not, it took a moment, but they verified if and let me through. I wondered if I'd have to have a needle stuck in me every time I walked in and out of this place.

I took a seat in one of the station, and stared at the doctor. He wore big glasses, he had beady eyes, he looked like an evil scientist of some kind. His repulsive sight made me wanna flick my metal bar at his face. He eyed me with only one eye open, he looked at my face, then my chest, then my hair. I decided to let him do so, although I was visibly disturbed. "Heeheehee, a real Atlantean." he sneered. "Lucky, I was, that Doctor Monroe went home early!" he whispered. "Naaaame?" he said. Now, I was clearly freaked out. What was this guy, Yoda? But, I put it aside and replied "Jason Weaver." to the curious doctor. He eyed me once more. "Your power, what would it be, Mr. Weaver?" he snickered. "Ferrokinesis." I told him. He jotted my name and my power down on a notepad. The only thing I liked about this guy was that I didn't have to explain Ferrokinesis to him. Or so I thought. "What might that be?" he asked. Now there was nothing I could like about him. "Ability to manipulate and control metal. Not to be confused with Mag-" he interrupted me. "Ah, yes, that one." he said, jotting down the notes on the piece of paper.

What he did next was withdraw his piece of paper and wave it in my face. "Take this and go over there, young Atlantean." he said, he dropped it and pointed to a door. I stood up, took the piece of paper, and read it as I came through the door. It said:

Name: Jayson Weever

Ability: Ferokinisis, controlling of metal & mag

Oh my god, I thought, this guy was a complete idiot. I looked up at the people in the room. Others ... like me. Yes, other Atlanteans. Being with them made me feel better, but there were no chairs in this place. People were just slugging around. A few left, but many others came in through the door I had come through. I looked back at my piece of paper and flipped it over. Thank god it was clear. I made my piece of metal float into the air, and it changed into a pencil shape. I grabbed my backpack and took a pot of old-fashioned ink from it. I dipped my metal pen into it and started writing on the paper. Yup, I made stuff out of my block of metal. Real convenient. There, I wrote what should have been written.

Name: Jason Weaver

Ability: Ferrokinesis, the ability to manipulate metal, not to be confused with Magnetokinesis, the ability to control magnetic metals and fields.

That was better. I scribbled out what was on the back, and made it look like the docotr had made a mistake there. I also tried my best to copy the doctor's handwriting based on what I found on the back.

So, I was stuck here 'till I was to be let out. Just great.
Nickolai Afon - Border of Russia/Belarus

Now Nickolai's power was needed more than ever. Half an hour for a distraction? Maybe, he just might be able to do something in that time frame. He would have to work fast though. Without answering Natalia, he quickly closed his eyes again and dove into the world of electronics. he used the bluetooth options on his iPhone to search for any signals nearby he might be able to pick up on. He got lucky and found a man in one of the buildings talking on the phone using a headset. The phone was connected the the central mainframe of the buildings, and Nickolai quickly accessed the mainframe from there. Then he assesed his options. Until now, he did not really know what he was going to do, only that he had to create a distraction. Searching through his options, he accesed the security cameras spread throughout the compound. He flipped through them rapidly, only giving a few attention. He flipped through some, then turned back to one that caught his attention. It seemed like an ordinary room at first, but after looking at it further, he noticed several things. First of all, there was an enclosed shelf, holding rows and rows of small vials, which Nickolai recognized as the compound they used to test for Atlantean abilities. Second was that there was some slight condensation on the inside of the glass cabinet, and there was a control panel on the side. Climate control perhaps?

As Nikolai thought about it, he realized that the chemical in the vials had a weakness. His mind flashed back to when he was in his chemistry class in high school, his teacher lecturing about chemicals and compounds. He remembered her saying that many chemicals used in medical enviroments need to be kept at controled temperatures, or else the compound could be made inert, and would not complete the correct reaction. Nikolai realized that they probably kept the vials in a controled enviroment until they were ready to be used, so that the compound would not be affected as much by the cold. Nikolai quickly checked the rest of the compound for any other containters like this one, but found none. They had put all of the vials in one place, where they could all be affected at once. Nikolai smiled. This was going to be easier than he thought. He tried to access the climate control pannel through the mainframe, but he could not find it. He considered for a moment trying something else, but he did not give up hope so easily. He returned to the security camera watching the container and thought for a quick moment. If only he could access the pannel without having to have a signal connecting it. He had realized he could do so before, but it took a lot of concentraition, and only when he was already close to the electronic. Realizing he had no other option, he prepared himself for the mental leap, and tried to jump from the security camera to the control pannel. For a moment there was only darkness and Nikolai thought he had failed. Then lines of code started to flash across his vision, and as he viewed them, he realized that he had been succesful. The code solidified in front of him, becoming recognizable shapes and words, and he worked quickly, not knowing how much time he had left. He turned the temperature as far down as the thermostat in the container would go, hoping that the cold would stop the compound from working. He suspected it would, he had watched on the security cameras only moments before a guard accesing the container, and moments before that as well. Each time the guard had only taken the necessary amounts for each car, one vial per person. Nikolai hoped that they did this because the cold would affect the vials after too long, so they only let the vials be exposed for a few minutes before being put to use. As Nikolai watched the thermostat reading go down, he realized that it might still be too slow. The vials might not be affected enough before it came to be their turn to be injected. Nikolai decided he needed a backup plan. Until now, Nikolai had tried to be subtle in his actions, not causing too much attention to be drawn to himself, but he needed something that caused utter hell, just in case his first plan failed.

He exited the container and accessed the central compound's mainframe once again, this time looking at the biulding where he had seen an Atlantean being escourted away behind locked doors. He found what he was looking for, holding cells inside the building, about half of them being occupied. He searched through the first few, but on the third, he found what he was looking for. A very angry man was shouting at the walls, then started throwing fireballs at them, as if the walls would collapse. The walls remained intact of course, and the man resumed shouting again. Nikolai pitied the guard that might run into him, but he knew it was necessary. After cracking a short combination code, then electronic door to the man's cell slide open. The man just stared for a moment, then rushed out, catching a guard by surprise. The firethrower yelled and threw a fire ball at the guard, who ran away screaming with his hair on fire. The man laughed, then moved on in the facility.

Nikolai allowed himself to slip out of the electronic world and back into reality. He opened his eyes, and took a quick look at the cars in front of him, only seeing two. He had cut it close, only a few more minutes, and it would have been their turn. As he watched, a guard exited the building and walked up to another guard standing by a car. The first guard shook his head at the second, and the second slapped the first on the head before rushing into the buidling. Nikolai smiled, knowing that his first plan had worked to some degree. Barely a minute later, the door the the gray building that had housed the Atlanteans exploded outward and flames shot out of the front of the building. The prisoner Nikolai had freed rushed out of the building, along with a few others that Nikolai assumed that the man had freed. It worked perfectly. The border guards were caught unawares, and scrambled around trying to subdue the excaped prisoners. Meanwhile, The two cars in front of them started forward and crosed the border. Nikolai smiled at Natalia as she accelerated as well, taking advantage of the confusion to cross into Belarus.

"Well", Nikolai said, "That went just about perfect."
River Beleren – English Countryside, England

As soon as the first object hit the side of the helicopter, River knew that they were in for trouble. This wasn't the first time she had been targeted in the air going from place to place; she had made enough enemies in her lifetime to sink a ship and she doubted that any of them ever forgot her. Ever since her colleagues had revealed themselves a little over a week ago, her face had been plastered all over the television and on posters around the world with the others; drawing unwanted attention from those shadows of her past. Although there weren't any she could not deal with considering the abilities she had grown to control.

But now as the helicopter hurtled through the sky, nose-diving towards the ground, she forced herself to remain in control and calm for the sake of the young Atlanteans under her responsibility. She tried to contact the pilots through her helmet, but received nothing but static. Fearing the worse, she turned back to aid the others when another hit shook the helicopter and the door on the far side flew off its hinges, whipping anything not buckled down outside into the open air. She lunged as she saw Michael fly out the open door, the tips of their fingers touching briefly before her seatbelt constrained her, pulling her back towards the seat as Michael was swept out of the helicopter. Oakley was next to follow him out, followed closely by Christian whom, despite seeming to have a dislike for the two girls, got them out of their seats and out of the gaping hole, presumably to save them.

River was surprised at the kids; they were ready to risk their only lives for those of others, despite only having just recently met them. Something like this would prove valuable and dangerous at the same time. It made River proud to know that she had chosen a good bunch of kids. Most adults nowadays would value their own lives ahead of others; perhaps these kids could achieve greatness as heroes.

At least though, they were out of the death trap that was the helicopter, and River wasn't too far behind them. Before she left the helicopter, River took a brief glance into the cabin as she was whipped out into the twilight sky. There hadn't been much to see; the pilots were nowhere to be seen and the cabin all but gone. Whatever had hit them had hit them hard, and it looked like whoever sent it had the intention of killing them with no remorse. She tumbled through the sky for little more than a couple of seconds before she righted herself, spreading her limbs apart to slow her descent as much as she could. To her left she saw the helicopter plummet closer towards the earth, to her right she watched as Christian grasped the girls closer to his body, their combined mass slowing them down more, yet they were still descending at a fast rate.

For a moment, River saw Christian focus and his form shift as he tried to use his abilities, but River saw the immediate regret as the two girls fazed through his form and tumbled faster towards the earth while Christian seemed to float upwards. River cursed and brought her arms closer to her side, and with feet together she angled towards the two plummeting girls, shooting through the sky like a rocket. As she shot through the sky, she could feel the moisture in the air soaking into her clothes, and then did the idea spring to mind. Gathering the condensation from her clothing, she moved it in one long stream down her arms. Once it had coagulated at the ends of her fingers, she thrust her arms forward, aiming each at the girls now freefalling through the sky. Like a jet the water shot forth from her fingertips, angling towards the girls as the wind tried to break the stream of water apart. In a matter of seconds they were completely encased in a ball of water, the outside of it slightly frozen over so the water was kept in. Little pockets of air appeared where the girls' mouths were in order to keep them alive and breathing, so that hopefully when they landed, the water would take the brunt of the impact, leaving the girls with only minor bruising.

River looked to the tips of her fingers where there should have been water molecules, was nothing but her thin Asiatic fingers topped with black nail polish. She cursed silently to herself for using all the moisture she had, there was not enough time nor distance left to do something similar for herself or Christian, despite Christian somewhat seeming to be doing fine on his own. Looking below, she spotted the lake that was slowly increasing in size, it was too far away for her to use its water, and it would be too late when she was close enough to it. Instead, she angled her body down, aiming towards the lake. If she could make it in time, and calculated it correctly, then she should have no trouble surviving the fall and helping the other three. Again, this was all theory. River took a quick glance around, but could not find Michael and Oakley, scanning the horizon in a full three hundred and sixty degrees; she saw no sign of them. Looking down again at the lake she was aiming for she noticed a cloud of dust and water launch into the air and realised that they must have landed already.

The dread crept in like a plague, momentarily taking over and making her falter before she regained control. River inwardly kicked herself for letting the siblings die, but she was adamant that she would not let the others under her control die either. There was also a small hope buzzing around insider her head, a hope that they had somehow lived through the fall, most likely due to Oakley's ability. However she kept this hope small, if she let it overcome her and they had died, then she would be disappointed, in they had lived, and then she would be happy and grateful.

Drawing her mind away from the possible unfortunate event that could unfold, she directed her brain power towards landing, more specifically diving through the air. What she was going to attempt was suicidal at best and at the rate of speed she was going, it would be like slamming into concrete, her body splattered far and wide. The one thing she was counting on to keep her alive would be her ability to telekinetically control the water around her. But now as she dropped through the air, aiming towards the growing body of water below her, she began to doubt the very ability she believed she controlled.

Hitting the water stung against her sting like a thousand needles. Her skin seemed to rip off of her muscle fibre and the muscles peel away from the bone. She gritted her teeth as the pain wracked throughout her body from head to toe. The velocity had carried her right down to the bottom of the water reservoir, slowing her down enough so that she did not slam into the bedrock below. She quickly formed an air bubble around her mouth allowing her to breathe, the water turning into oxygen for her to breather while the hydrogen rose up with the carbon dioxide to the surface above. She tried not to take her time, she still had the others falling through the sky, and if she was lucky enough, they would all still be alive. It didn't take her too many strokes until she broke the surface, pushing herself up further by manipulating the water to rush upwards. She took a breath of country air tainted with faint tastes of nature as opposed to the filtered 'pure' air she could breathe underwater.

She watched the balls fall through the sky, landing on the shore not too far from where she tread water. Hovering her hands above the water she soon put then down onto seemingly solid water; in a matter of seconds she had frozen the top layer of water about a meter in diameter around her, and lifted herself up onto the ice. The water that had permeated her clothes washed off as it rose above the water, and once on top, began running across the waves, the water freezing enough to support her weight as she progressed towards the shore. She arrived to find the girls coughing and spluttering and seemingly unharmed. River quickly drained the water from their clothes to prevent hypothermia.

"Stay her and keep dry," she said to them in passing as she ran out into the cool evening air towards where she believed she saw the giant cloud of dust that had been the North siblings.

If the crater wasn't any indication of their landing, then the giant form that inhabited it was certainly not either of them. Looking at the armoured arm that lay extended in front of her, River could see the similarity between it and the armour that grew on Oakley's body. The other hand was clutched to what seemed like her chest, if Oakley's armour's anatomy was the same as that of her body. Jumping down the side of the crater, she walked over to a small appendage that River soon identified as Oakley's head, her eyes closed shut and breathing heavy. The armour felt solid enough, but still moved like her body normally would, her abdomen rising and falling with each breath.

River worked herself as close as she could to the closed fist, finding Michael trapped but unconscious in her grip and somewhat unharmed. She took the crystal from around her neck, and waved it across Oakley's body, and within minutes the armoured Oakley returned to her normal size. Lying Oakley across her left shoulder, River supported Michael with her right arm and began a slow shambling walk back to where the others sat. It took her awhile as from time to time she would momentarily loose grip of one before gaining it back. Once back with the others, she laid them side by side as they slept unconsciously; no doubt they would wake up in the morning.

River turned to the other three, "I'm sorry this has been an eventful day, I assure you that this was not planned, nor should we be in anymore danger. For now, all we can do is rest until morning." She watched as they lay down on the ground, even the American girl did not grumble as the folds of sleep enveloped her. The Italian girl muttered in Italian before she lay her head on Christian's shoulder and Michael, deep in slumber, wrapped his arms around Oakley.

Before she slept, River frosted the grass in a four metre radius circle around them, if anyone was going to disturb them, then she would be first to know of their presence.
Christian Calaway- English Countryside, England

Useless. That is how Christian felt at the moment. It was a feeling he despised more than anything. He valued independence and self reliance. He enjoyed being able to do things for himself and do things by himself. Saving two girls (as much as he did not enjoy them), as intimidating a task as any, was something he wanted to do. It would signify his importance, raise his quickly evaporating self esteem, and for a moment make him feel like he did something.

Instead, this happened.

Every time he tried to do something to slow the fall of the women, he would become a floating puff of smoke. The theory in which Christian tried to enact was rather simple. As smoke, Christian more or less flew like a cloud which was slow, deliberate, easy to control. Beginner level techniques, but Christian couldn't be too ambitious quite yet. It's only been about a week. Christian wanted to use these principles but only on his lower body, transforming his legs into smoke while retaining a solid upper body. This would of allowed him to hold on to the women and through extreme concentration, allow them to slowly descend to the ground. It would be safe and everyone would survive. If could master that ability, it would definitely prove useful in the future. Christian had hoped the increased pressure to learn this power would help.

It didn't. Instead, it lead to childish mistakes. Mistakes that could result in (relatively) innocent lives being lost. Once again, Christian found himself being a dark cloud looming over the girls as they descended like meteorites hurdling towards the Earth destined to become craters. Fortune smiled on them however. Watching from his vantage point in the sky, Christian saw a figure speed through the sky. "River?" Christian muttered to himself. Christian almost forgot about her, being too preoccupied with himself and the others. River, for all intents and purposes, the most powerful of the helicopter crew. It was at this point that Christian's doubts about the girls surviving dissipated. Against his yearning desire to be a hero, Christian forced himself to admit that he was not going to be saving anyone, at least in his state. His power was too erratic. Christian watched as the girls were entombed into a sphere of water and River descend to the ground. Unable to make out the figures on the ground, Christian saw a blue shape on the ground. He figured it was a body of water in which he logically deduced River would use to amplify her water themed abilities. Unsure of what she was going to do but trusting her judgement nonetheless, Christian decided to turn to more pressing matters. For the time being, he was safe where he was. He wasn't falling, able to gain enough control to keep his current altitude. Getting down was the problem. Oh, first world problems~.

Christian knew, at least in the back of his mind, the only way down was by turning into a solid and crashing. It was more figuring out how to not go from a solid into a liquid. The idea he wanted to experiment with in saving the girls was one possibility. The other idea was falling until the last second and smoke out. Another idea was to aim for the lake and hope for the best. Had he been able to fly, all his problems would be solved. That, however, was not his power. Combining all the plausible ideas was another option. Snapping his fingers, Christian decided that it was all or nothing. And by all or nothing, Christian meant he would throw all the ideas together and hope for the best.

Gulping out of nervousness, Christian focused and shifted back to his physical form. As expected, gravity started to give him a big hug.

Then Christian shifted back to smoke: "No!"

Back to solid. Back to smoke: "No!"

Back to solid. Back to smoke: "No!" The ground became closer in view. The girls could be seen, having been successfully rescued by River. Christian smiled, happy to see everyone appeared to be fine. Christian felt a new wave of inspiration. "Right, let's do this."

He went back to a solid, the ground itched closer to him. He could feel the pull the gravity, the allure of becoming a pancake. Christian shook off these fears. It was all about this moment. It was do or die. Literally.

The ground breathed down his neck. Death was inevitable. He held his breath. Crushing pain was inescapable. He was in death's sweet embrace. No choice to but accept it.

Then nothing.

Christian slowly opened his eyes. Right, then left. "Strange. I'm not dead," Christian mumbled to himself. He looked around, hoping for a clue. Was it River? No, she wasn't here. The girls? They were too busy being cold. It was then that Christian glanced down. His legs…they were smoke! His upper body was solid…but his lower body was nothing more than a cloud of smoke. He resembled a genie from those fantasy novels. The plan was a success.

Christian wanted to experiment with this new trick (Hoping to try flying, but now wasn't the time). Christian focused on being solid again and watched his legs reform. He feel about half a yard to the ground, feet first. His legs felt a bit wobbly, nothing out of the ordinary. He ran over to the girls, realizing they were cold. The Italian girl was the first he approached. Personally, Christian found her more attractive, probably because she didn't sound like a deaf pig when speaking.

"Here, take my jacket. It should keep you warm," Christian said removing his leather jacket and placing over the girl's shoulders. Christian's black shirt was finally revealed to the world. It was about one size too small, being 6 months old. In those months, Christian actively attended a gym hoping to get buff for the ladies. Christian took a seat next to her, carefully avoiding eye contact. He wasn't sure what to say or what to do. Having not been with a girl in years, Christian lacked experience with women. Not to mention, everyone nearly died.

River eventually returned, comforting with kind apologies and sweet words of reassurance. At least she had manners. She "ordered" them to rest. Christian didn't need to be told twice. The Italian girl mumbled something in Italian and then laid her head on Christian's shoulder. Unsure of how to react, Christian blushed slightly and slowly put his arm around her. Hopefully, she wouldn't mind too much.
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Natalia Zaytsev - Belarus, heading north to Vitebsk

"I'll say," Natalia had pretty much drove as quickly as possible, following the SUV filled with a panicked family in front of her. Natalia breathed a heavy sigh; she was sure that Afon was going to take too long. She had even, at one point, propped her right hand over her gun holster. She did not wish to kill anyone, a few shots in the air would be suffice to scare a few people to run the gate. Still, she preferred Afon's method; this way, they remained undetected, unseen and unharmed in any way. "Thank you."

When she had travelled maybe an hour into Belarus, Natalia started to travel north; the closest airport that was in the safezone was in Vitebsk. Though she continued her light chatter to Afon, she couldn't help glancing over at the clock every quarter of an hour; she was anxious and was trying her hardest to travel the fastest she could while avoiding breaking the law.

The airport was easy to see as they grew close to it; it was now night time and very much easy to see the lights from the incoming and outgoing planes, plus the bright ones that lit up the runways. Natalia chose her park carefully; second level in the A zone. Then, gesturing to Afon, they made their way to the terminals. But first, they would need a ticket.

Natalia approached the fourth counter from the left confidently, leaning on the counter and staring at the man behind it, who hadn't bothered to look up until Natalia had cleared her throat.

"Yes?" he said boredly.

"Two adult tickets to New Zealand, would you please," the man stared at her, his eyes darting quickly at Afon for a moment before coming back to Natalia. "The next plane."

"My, what a spontaneous trip. Where are your bags?" the man clicked his tongue.

"We like to travel light."

The man narrowed his eyes and stood up after a few moments, waving at Natalia and Afon to follow him into a small office around the counter, directly behind him. "You'll have to come with me."

Natalia nodded back, and mimicing his wave at Afon and followed him. When Natalia had shut and locked the door behind Afon, the man opened a door behind him concealed inside a cabinet, which led down a hallway and inevitable, outside. To a small runway. Natalia smiled a little.

"Through here," the man nodded again, glancing back through the foggy glass outside. "May the Universe bring you luck."

"Thank you, Valery. Let's go, Afon."

The hall was quite long and dark, but at least there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The small runway was empty bar for a single plane, similar to the private jets you see celebrities getting out of on the television. This was an AUP registered plane. One of the newer ones too.

"This is our ride until we get to France," Natalia said to Afon, stepping up the small stairs and popping open the door, swinging it open only to be met by a slightly underwhelming, one woman cheer.

"Natty!" Natalia poked her head in to see Annie sitting in a seat, a laptop in front of her and a headset clamped to her face. She didn't take her eyes off the screen, only smiling brightly,. Natalia climbed aboard, gesturing to Afon yet again to follow and almost fell into the seat opposite her friend. It was good to see her again.

"Hey Annie," Natalia replied in English. Annie's eyes left the laptop for a moment as she tapped rather furiously. Natalia could only imagine her word per minute rate. It must be in the triple digits, at least. "I didn't know you'd be joining us."

"Yeah. Cooper was getting worried that I was not getting enough vitamin D, so he pulled me along," she dipped her head towards the cockpit. An older man waved back as he prepared food of some kind over by a stove. "He flew down here."

"How long ago?"

"We landed about... 32 minutes and 45, 46 seconds ago."

"Okay," Natalia looked over at Afon, switching back to Russian. She wasn't sure he spoke English as well and asking would just take too long. "Afon, this is Annie. Do you remember her from the phone? She organises anything technology-wise. And that," she gestured to Cooper. "is John Cooper, but he liked to be called Cooper. He looks after everyone at the main headquarters. He's our pilot."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Afon," Cooper gave another wave, plopping a cube of ice into one of the four cups on the tray he was tending to and placing it on the table in the centre. The cups were accompanied by four bowls, filled to the brim with food. "Hungry? I made curried chicken and rice."

"Thank you, Cooper," Natalia took a bowl. "Are we leaving soon?"

"Right away," he said. "We'll be in the air for a while, we have to double back a few times, make some stops in different countries to make sure we are not being followed or arousing any kind of suspicion. We won't be in France until morning, so you are welcome to rest. I'll be sure to wake you when we get there."

"Thank you, Cooper." Natalia said again.

"So, Nikolai!" Annie said, flipping her eyes to him quickly. "You gotta tell me about this power of yours! Tell me more, can you show me maybe? I'd love to see how you work it all. I only saw a little up at HQ an-"

"Not now, Annie," Cooper placed another tray of bread on the table, cutting the American red-head off mid sentence. "Let him sleep, he's had an eventful day. He's probably tired. Now, sit in your seats and strap in. Make sure your wheelchair doesn't take someone out mid flight, Annie." She screwed her nose up back at him, wrinkling her freckles all over her face as she pulled herself away from the laptop to lean over to her right, adjusting what must have been her wheelchair. Natalia pulled her seatbelt over herself as Cooper shut the door and disappeared into the cockpit. The plane made a low hum as it warmed up.

"Did you have any more questions? Are you hungry? I'd suggest getting some sleep before we get there," Natalia chewed on her bread a little, making sure it affected her speech as little as possible.​
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Jeremy Kyle - Syndicate Headquarters, Brimingham, England

Jeremy was awake only moments before Leon woke, the sharp rasping knock at the door announcing the entrance of people. The first to come through the door was a fairly young man, late twenties at latest, hair a dark auburn colour and clad in doctors scrubs. He took a look at Leon's vitals, taking his pulse, blood pressure and listening to his lungs before giving a nod to the second man who had stepped through the door; the Directive. The doctor whispered something in the Directives ear, trying not to look at the two boys before he departed out the door, most likely to finish up work in his office. Jeremy had only met the doctor on a few occasions, and apart from the handful of nurses that helped attend on people, Jeremy was fairly sure that this was the only doctor the syndicate had hired. The doctor spoke little to most patients, the eerie silence made the hairs on the back of Jeremy's neck stand on end when the doctor had been stitching a gash together on Jeremy's calf. Behind the Directive was a man Jeremy knew fairly well. Standing little under a head below the Directive and built quite solidly was Josh Meier, head researcher and scientist of the Syndicates Research Wing. Jeremy fumbled with the black G-Shock watch on his wrist as he smiled at the man who did not smile back.

The watch was the reason Jeremy seemed to have good control over his abilities. When he first started to teleport, he found that any clothing he was wearing would not teleport with him; appearing somewhere else stark naked. After training and getting use to his ability, he managed to be able to teleport with clothing, except that it would somehow be ripped between teleportation, as if the material was being torn when he teleported. After certain events transpired and he was forcefully recruited into the Syndicate, he met Josh Meier who after only a week gave Jeremy a gadget to help him control his ability. Run by a crystalline battery in the back, the analogue watch not only told the time, but also changed to suit the time zone he was in after a few minutes of being there. However the main feature allowed Jeremy greater control over his ability, as he managed to learn to use and control it at twice the speed he had been progressing.

"Morning lads," the Directive spoke, the tone of his voice startled Jeremy; it seemed as if the Directive was more 'nicer' today, "I have great news." Jeremy gulped; good news for the Directive was not always good news for everyone. "Firstly, I have a new assignment for you, Jeremy," he handed Jeremy a manila folder with a couple of pages in it, "another recruit for you to go pick up for us… you know what to do."

Jeremy accepted it and looked through the files, having a quick look at the assignment at hand and the person he had to retrieve. Giving a quick nod to the Directive, and a smile at Leon, he teleported out of the place, leaving Leon in the Directives care; something Jeremy was worried about.

Once Jeremy had left, the Directive turned his attention to Leon, who by now was sitting up in bed. He slipped the bag off his shoulder and opened it, revealing fresh clothing inside and tossed the clothes at Leon. "I got your size from the torn up clothes you had on, so they should fit. As far as aesthetics and style go, I chose what I figured you would wear. It was deducted from your wages." He closed the curtains around Leon so he could get changed, waiting patiently. "Once you have finished getting dressed, I have someone here who will be looking after you today. If I were you, I would try to not keep him waiting." He smirked at the doctor whom remained with his stone like facial expression of anger and boredom. He was glad that he didn't have to deal with Jeremy and Leon today, while Jeremy would be away obtaining this new recruit; Leon would be with the doctor while he got to have a day off.

Once Leon was changed into his new clothing, the Directive drew back the curtains surround Leon's hospital bed. "Leon, I would like you to meet Mr Joshua Meier, head of the Research and Development sector of the Syndicate. He will be taking you back to his lab today to do some tests and provide your 'introduction' into the Syndicate. If you have any questions, feel free to ask him, but don't always expect an answer." The Directive felt slightly happier today, it had been a while since he had a day off of work, and being able to go home and see his wife and child was a privilege that did not come around often.

"If you have any questions to ask me, do so now, otherwise I shall leave you in the care of Mr Meier here." He silently hoped that Leon would not take too much of his time.

Helena Andersson - Stockholm, Sweden

It had been a week. One week since Helena's colleague remarked on her "new tattoo" on her neck and since she suddenly turned into a ghost in front of a friend. One week of sneaking off to practice secretly in places where she wouldn't be disturbed. She often had to take the subway to places where she knew her friends wouldn't be practicing parkour or something. But other days, she just strolled around downtown, practicing to keep invisible even during distraction. She was getting better at it. But the instant she forgot all about being invisible, she turned visible again. She had to focus. It was annoying really. She couldn't do anything really demanding if she wanted to stay invisible. Parkour worked, since it was second nature to her, but not all the time.

This day, she walked into a store close to the Andersson's apartment, to buy some chewing gum. She loved to always have one to chew absentmindedly on in her mouth, even if it made her look a bit dumb since she often chewed with her mouth open. There weren't many people in the store when she grabbed the package. She suddenly got an idea. The package wasn't too large... she focused, trying not to look too strained so that people would wonder what she was doing. And all of a sudden, she couldn't see the package anymore. But she could feel it, in her hand. She also couldn't see her own fingers. They just... stopped, oddly, at the middle of the palm of her hand. She had not only managed to make a single body part, or a few, disappear - she had also made an inanimate object invisible! Awesome!

But she couldn't be seen like this. Just as she had that thought and looked around, her fingers came back and so did the package. The strange shock of suddenly seeing her hand again made her drop the chewing gum package. She sighed and bent down to pick it up. When she got back up, a TV screen behind the counter caught her eye. The cashier was watching the news boredly, eating a sandwich. Helena was just going to look away, when she realized why it had caught her attention that sudden. She had heard the word 'Atlantean'.

"…large explosion occurring in Berlin, Germany today, thought to be the work of Atlanteans has rushed a bill through the United Nations calling for all Atlanteans to register themselves and their abilities with the local Atlantean Centre in all capital cities. The Atlantean Royal Family, lacking to presence of leader Blayze Nalaar, has today agreed with the UN authorities to support their decision and were the first to register. Anybody now caught using Atlantean Abilities without being registered or carrying a registration card will face detainment."

A tiny 'thud' was heard as Helena dropped the chewing gum package again. It made the cashier turn around, but he didn't see anyone. "Hello?" he asked. Then he shrugged, took a bite off his sandwich and resumed watching the TV.

Helena had turned herself invisible at once and stormed out from the store. Detainment? Registration? She had to go and be labeled like some kind of... cattle? Hell no! She had her rights! Her human rights! Anyways, she didn't want to show anyone her ability and she wasn't planning on going to some 'Atlantean Centre'. Her ability was invisibility for crying out loud, if anybody could stay hidden, it would be her. She hurried home and rushed into her room, closing the door firmly and sitting down on top of her bed for several minutes, pondering things. Before she had come to any good conclusions though, her brother knocked on the door. Before this incident, he hadn't knocked on her door since he was a pre-schooler. Somehow, she welcomed the sound. From a long lost memory of joyful, carefree times on the countryside.

"Va?" she muttered, knowing he would hear her. Jonas entered, glasses on his nose and his bright sand colored hair all messy as usual. He looked at her carefully, apparently deciding that she had a problem, for he closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed beside her. He was thinner than her, and taller already, despite being only 14 years old. His voice had only recently started to change, so right now it was a teenage mess of awkward noises. Helena thought it was really annoying, but she couldn't really blame him for something that genetics had done to him. Just like she shouldn't be blamed for her Atlantean genes... right?

"I saw the news on TV. You did too, didn't you." It wasn't really a question, but he wanted an answer.

"Japp," she replied, not looking at him. "I'm to be 'detained' unless I walk into a place where they... want to round up my people and treat us like cattle."

"You don't know that," Jonas said, smiling weakly. "Hah. You said 'my people'. You really are an Atlantean..."

"Sccchhh! What if mamma and pappa heard you! They'd send me away."

"No they wouldn't."

"You know they think I'm stupid," Helena said, then hesitated. She had never really opened up to her brother about her feelings. He had always been too young to understand anyways. But... he wasn't dumb.

"They don't. They love you. Even if you're an alien."

Helena looked up at him with an annoyed look. He smiled jokingly. "I think you should go."

"Oh, you don't want me here either? True... If I go away, you'll get my room."

"That's not it, syrran. But I don't want you to go to jail. You don't want to go to jail. Because it's only a matter of time before somebody sees you. How ironic that does sound... since you're invisible. Hehe."

Helena sighed. "But..." Was she going to do it? Maybe they would let her go home afterwards. Maybe it wasn't a concentration camp. She would just register and be on her way. They had no rights to do anything else. "But what should we tell mamma and pappa?"

"Let me handle that," Jonas said.

- - -​

Only a few hours later, Helena was standing in a queue at the Sweden Atlantean Centre of Stockholm. There weren't too many people there. Perhaps Sweden didn't have many Atlanteans? Stockholm only held a couple millions inhabitants after all, much smaller than many cities in other countries that weren't capitals. Of course, Helena didn't think that last sentence. She could hardly remember how many they had been in her class at high school. It didn't interest her to know how many inhabitants lived here, nor there... It wouldn't take her too long to reach the front of the line.

She was so nervous... did she really want to do this? Register? No. She didn't. She really didn't. Why did she let her brother talk her into this? It wasn't too late to leave. She started taking some steps out from the line. A police officer immediately stepped up and asked her what was the matter. He spoke in a friendly tone, but Helena didn't perceive him as friendly. She wasn't allowed to leave. That was the ugly truth. She had to go on forward. Darn it.

Unless... unless she turned herself invisible now? And ran? She could... She could do it.
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Atticus Forsberg - Stockholm, Sweden

Atticus kept his arms firmly crossed as he watched in the cold of his car, a safe distance away from the Atlantean Centre. Sure, Sweden was a nice enough place, but holy hell was it cold. The last time Atticus had even stepped foot in Europe before last week was... probably July last year. In the Summer. When it was tolerably nippy. This? This was torture. Torture beyond compare. A new Ice Age. He was over-exaggerating, no doubt, due to the fact he under dressed for this occasion (t-shirt, leather jacket and a pair of jeans were probably meant for a Californian Winter) and wanted to blame someone else.

"Atticus?" his car chimed at him. He lazily blinked at it, yawning as he mashed a button on the dashboard with his thumb. Ugh, jetlag. Another thing to add to his list to complain about, along with by driving on the left side of the road, the cold, Lake Mälaren (which inevitably made it more cold), the cold, snow crapping up the tyres and surprise, surprise, the cold. Goddamn.

"What is it, Annie? I'm trying to sleep here."

There was a pause. "I really hope you're joking. Shouldn't you be practising your Swedish?"

"...Kanske," he sunk into his seat, cursing his father's tongue. His Swedish was fine. Perfect, in fact. It was the only reason he was on this assignment since most others who were multilingual were somewhere else, like Russia or Spain. Never the less, to please Annie, he swapped languages. "Happy now?"

"Your accent is so obvious," Annie sounded less than impressed. What could she say anyway? She was American too.

"So is yours," Atticus shrugged, pulling his leather coat tighter around him. "What of it? It's not like they're gonna throw me out."

"Are you sure about that? Anyways, get your lazy ass out of the car, she's here."

"Are you sure?" Atticus squinted and looked around, the fog on the windows just light enough so he could see out of them. He hadn't seen anyone that looked like the photos he had been given or matched the description he had been sent. Female, about five foot three, blondish, quite fit. "I can't see her."

"She's there. Tell me how you go, okay?" There was a beep and the call cut out. With a grunt, Atticus kicked the car door open and quickly closed it, keeping the air inside hot (ish) for when he came back. He didn't spend too long at the car, quickly darting across to the centre, scanning the area for signs of the girl. Woman? Lady? She was only four or five years younger than Atticus himself. When he had caught glimpse of a familiar face, he lined up behind her, staring at the back of her head. Plan? He had... kind of a plan. He could always call on Annie if he needed a proper distraction, but Atticus wanted to do this for himself, since he seemed to be useless in most other departments (other than speaking Swedish). Including his Atlantean ability.

The lines weren't long and when he finally decided to initiate his plan, the girl herself had started to do something of her own, taking a few steps out of line. Atticus was almost about to grab her arm until a policeman stole his plan, stepping in front of her and asking her what was wrong. Atticus took a glance forward, towards the front of the line. Aw, hell. They needed to leave before this girl wrote her name up for anything, before they took her inside. Before the Royal Family did what they pleased with her. He had to improvise. That's what Atticus did best; just doing what his gut told him.

"Hey," he almost hissed into her ear. "How much do you wanna get out of here, hey?"​

Helena Andersson - Stockholm, Sweden

"Hey, how much do you wanna get out of here, hey?" a voice suddenly hissed in Helena's ear. She jumped a tiny bit and swung around, almost raising her hand as to hit or at least slap whoever was weird enough to come so close to a stranger. Her muscles and parkour skills had given her good reflexes. But luckily, she didn't follow through on that, perhaps because she glimpsed the back of a police officer in the corner of her eye and lowered the arm again, staring at the guy behind her in the line. He was looking at her. Clearly he was the one who has said something.

"What?" she whispered back, in Swedish of course. "Va?" She tried to compose herself and to not look like he had actually scared her for a moment there. She had been so nervous. She still was, but she wouldn't let a stranger notice. She gave him a hasty smile and didn't give another response before turning around again, hoping that he would have mistaken her for someone else. Or maybe he was a bit crazy. Maybe he was a homeless guy. No... she glanced back at him, very hastily. His clothes and his general appearance was much too fresh and nice for that. Maybe he had gone crazy when he found out that he was an Atlantean?

She realized that during the past few seconds she had been thinking really weird stuff just because someone asked her a rather simple question. Maybe he was just nervous too and thought he'd converse with someone during his last few minutes as a free man. So it didn't take many moments until she half lturned around again.

"Badly. Who really wants to be rounded up like this?" she mumbled to him, and then turned back again.
Nikolai was going to New Zealand. Really? Last he checked he was going to France. When the airport worker Natalia said to follow him, Nikolai was sure their cover had been blown, but Natalia just motioned for him to follow, which Nikolai did while trying to hide his confused look. The worker led them to a plane smaller than most of the others, and then said to Natalia, "May the Universe bring you luck." An Atlantean, probably why Natalia had remained calm through the entire thing. They boarded the jet, and immediately Nikolai heard "Natty!" Nikolai was quickly introduced to Annie, the woman who's phone he had hacked, as well as the pilot Cooper. Nikolai found Annie interesting, a redhead in a wheelchair, proboably American, and seemed to talk almost as fast as she typed. Almost.

Cooper brought out some food, some delicious chicken curry, rice, and some bread. Although being Russian, he had quite diverse tastes and enjoyed all kinds of food, especially Indian. Nikolai smiled as Annie asked him to show her his ability, which would definitely interest a techie like Annie. Cooper told him to rest though, and he did feel a bit tired. It had been a long day indeed, only this morning he had been at his table eating breakfast, and now he was in an airplane taking off, heading for France to join a secret organization. It had been probably the most eventful day of his life.

Nikolai looked over at Natalia when she asked if he had any more questions. He thought for a moment, then asked, "Why? I understand what you are doing, sort of. But why? From what I understand, you are taking in other Atlanteans and keeping them from getting involved with the Royal Family or the human government. But why are we doing this?"
Leon Nef- Syndicate Headquarters

There were two of them. There was also another man with Leon. He didn't know the circumstance around it, but something compelled him to move forward, into the area. He walked up to one, who was talking on his cell phone, and immediately the man dropped to the ground, cowering at the sight of Leon. Both men were in front of him, pleading for their lives. Leon's companion, a man with no face, took out his gun, and shot the first right in the head. Muttering something to Leon, he pointed at the second man on the floor. A second later, he felt electricity swarm over his hands as he raised it and pointed it at the man begging for his life on the floor, and then he paused.

Could he do it? Could he kill a man who stood between him and his goal, and innocent one? One who never did anything wrong, except be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Was he that kind of person? Was he that kind of man?

Leon opened his eyes, awakening from the dream by the sound of someone coming into the hospital room. He checked his pulse and all other vitals. A few seconds later, the Directive walked in. Leon rolled his eyes as he came. He didn't like him, that was for sure. There was also another man behind the Directive. This one, Leon did not know.

The Directive began speaking, in an oddly less sour personality than the one before. Quickly, he sent Jeremy on a new assignment. Jeremy accepted, giving Leon a smile before departing, a smile that wasn't really returned. The Directive then tossed clothes to Leon.

"I got your size from the torn up clothes you had on, so they should fit. As far as aesthetics and style go, I chose what I figured you would wear. It was deducted from your wages."

Indeed, they were definitely his style. He went to go change clothes behind the curtain. Taking off the hospital clothes, Leon check to see if the necklace he had on was still there, and was satisfied to see it still around his neck. There was a long story behind the necklace, a bloody one. The other clothes included a white undershirt, a dark blue collared shirt, and blue jeans.

"Once you have finished getting dressed, I have someone here who will be looking after you today. If I were you, I would try to not keep him waiting." The Directive said.

"I need a babysitter now?" Leon said smirking from behind the curtain. He sighed as he was fully dressed. Hiding the necklace underneath his undershirt and collared shirt, he stepped out.

The Directive introduced Leon now to a man known as Dr. Joshua Meier. Leon merely looked at him, not saying anything at the moment. When the Directive asked if he needed any questions answered from him, Leon was going to say something, but decided against it, not really up for another slap to the face. With that, the Directive departed, and Leon was left with the Doctor.

"So...what are we going to be doing today?" He asked.
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Atticus Forsberg - Stockholm, Sweden

"Utmärkt," Atticus replied with a sheepish grin. "Nobody but cattle should be treated like this. And even then."

At least he could get the gist of what she wanted. She wanted to go, get out. And Atticus wanted the same thing, though he wasn't sure how she would feel about joining an undercover organisation like the AUP. Oh well, he'd play this all by ear. Of course, he had no plan. That was definitely not going to stop him. He mimiced what the girl had done before and stepped a few steps out of line. The officer approached him, naturally.

"Is there a problem, sir?" the policeman asked, frowning only slighly. His eyes quickly examined Atticus' body, looking for any kind of lump or weapon on his body.

"Nej, officer," Atticus took another step forward. The officer only hardened his face, preparing himself for any sudden moves. "I was just wondering... how good you are at fighting!" Atticus threw a fist forward, only to be met with the officer's hand. He swung his other hand, but that too was stopped by a hand. The officer gripped them hard and stared at Atticus, smiling a little like he had won this fight. But this fight wasn't over yet. Atticus grinned, pulling out his only trump card; his hairless tail unravelled itself from under his shirt and snapped forward, coiling around the officer's gun and taking it from the holster. The policeman let go of his left hand to grab the gun but missed, giving Atticus enough time to pull the gun from his tail and point it at the officer. He immediately let go of Atticus' other arm, raising his hands in the air. Atticus stepped back and grabbed the girl, wrapping his tail around her so she couldn't pull free and put the gun to her head.

"Ingen rör sig!" Atticus yelled out, moving the gun back and forward between the girl's temple, the policeman, other Atlanteans and the policemen stranding at the front of the line. "Ingen flytta eller jag skjuter!" People in the line began to scurry out of his way as Atticus stepped back, pulling the girl in the direction of his car, which still was a good hundred metres away. "This is your ticket out," he said quickly into her ear, hoping she wouldn't use those arms of hers to rip Atticus' head off. "If you want to get out, just follow what I do, just follow my lead. I can take you somewhere safe, somewhere safe for people like us. Okay?"​

Natalia Zaytsev - Vitebsk, Belarus

"Why? I understand what you are doing, sort of. But why? From what I understand, you are taking in other Atlanteans and keeping them from getting involved with the Royal Family or the human government. But why are we doing this?"

Natalia glanced over at Annie, who had now slumped further into her chair. Annie, who hadn't even moved her eyes from the screen, nodded as she typed.

"The plane was built at HQ so it's clean. I checked," she replied in English as the lights dimmed, the light clicking of levers and buttons could be heard from the cockpit and the plane lurched forward a little smoothly. "You'd have to ask Cooper if you can actually tell him."

"It is fine," his voice buzzed over the PA, also in English. Natalia smiled a little at his accent; it was one of the warmest British accents she had ever heard. "Consider him inducted, but tread lightly. Tell him as much as a junior greenhorn would need to know."

"Alright," the plane hummed and Natalia felt her ears pop as they rose higher. She turned back to Afon, continuing in Russian. "Like I told you earlier today, the Atlantean Unification Project strives to unite Atlanteans as a singular race. Mortals have always looked down on us with jealous eyes. Once we have the numbers and the power, we can stand on our feet without being beat down. We will be independant from mortals, like we were meant to be. The first step to independance, like any being, is separation. And we will start this separation by building our own country. Our own Atlantis. New Atlantis, if you will. Here, we can truely be our own people, away from the judging, mortal eyes." She sighed. There was so much in her past that made her want this dream to be a reality. "This is why. We are not mortals and nor should we live by their laws."

"That is enough for now," Cooper's voice buzzed again in English, a slight tinge of worry ringing in his tone. "I think we should all get some sleep for now. We all have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." All of the lights in the plane faded, the only light coming from Annie's laptop as she tapped away.

"Okay," Natalia said, nodding to Afon. She pushed a button on her chair, which made it lean back and fold out into a comfortable kind of chair-bed and leant back into it. "Good night, Afon."​
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Jeremy Kyle – Seville, Spain

Jeremy's first assignment took him to Spain, and even in the midst of winter it was still quite warm outside. Lounging in the hotel room he had teleported into from across the road, he opened up and examined the first of the three manila folders he had been given. Spreading its contents across the floor of the room, he began to learn all that he could about the particular girl he was to 'recruit' for the Syndicate.

"Caruso, Ludmilla. Fifteen years old." He muttered to himself as he toyed his lip with his thumb. As always, Jeremy tried to take the most pacifistic approach when it came to recruiting fellow Atlanteans. To him, they would be more likely to join this way, and it severely dropped his chances of getting hurt by quite a bit. He continued to read on about her family, history, practically nearly every minute detail about her; including her ability.

"Pyro aura?" he questioned the empty room. Jeremy had never heard of such a diverse ability before, nor did he know how to deal with all, the only solutions he could come up with ended up in him getting hurt somehow. If anything, his only chance would be to improvise, something Jeremy was not overly comfortable with and not exactly good at either. If anything did go wrong, he had three other targets to recruit, it would be just as easy to leave her and gather someone else.

After nearly half an hour of reading, he knew almost every detail of Lumilla's life, enough to know that at this point in time, she would be at her house, or at least the park beside it. Packing the papers back into the folder, Jeremy placed them back into his bag, and once zipped up, he teleported out of hotel room with a single 'pop' as the door clicked open and a newly married couple swung in through the door and onto the bed.

Sitting on the room opposite Lumilla's house, Jeremy watched as the members of her family went about their daily routine, Jeremy whispering to himself the next thing that they would do, until someone caught his breath. He swore violently under his breath as he watched on of the Atlantean Unification Project's members dine with Ludmilla's family for breakfast. The AUP had been very quick to retrieve this girl, and the presence of their member made Jeremy sweat, it was something he was hoping hadn't happened. He wasn't prepared to take on an AUP member, and so he decided to wait until they left, it looked like he would have to take the girl forcefully now.

It was another fifteen minutes until the two departed, weaving their way through the crowded streets of lower class Seville. He followed them, teleporting from rooftop to rooftop as they walked below him, unaware of his presence. He looked on ahead, trying to figure out their trajectory; the only notable site they were heading for would be San Pablo Airport, only a few minutes away. Trying to find the two in an airport would be trickier than trying to follow them on foot, but having the height gave him and advantage; in the airport would be much harder. He had to do something before they made it to the airport, or he would have to report a failure to the Directive….he shuddered at the backlash he would receive from it. So instead he looked up ahead, there was a small clearing, like a square in the centre of town, the two ladies were heading straight for it, it would be there that Jeremy would make his move.

He was quick, but not quick enough. As soon as the girls had made it into the park, Jeremy teleported down from the rooftop and behind the younger girl, hoping to take them by surprise. He was about to wrap is arms around the girl and teleport off with her when the older one pulled her out of his reach and kicked him square in the stomach, sending him flying backwards. She pushed the girl behind her in an attempt to protect her from Jeremy, but he laughed, before teleporting out of sight.

Camilla glanced around furiously, trying to find where Jeremy was as he sat up in the tree, deciding his next move. He knew that she wouldn't leave the park until she knew he was gone, so she would stay in front of the cowering girl in vain hope to fend him off. He teleported again above then, coming crashing down on Camilla before teleporting to the side. Camilla groaned at she hit the ground, but her reflexes kicked in, and as Jeremy teleported from the side towards Ludmilla, she spat at Ludmilla, just in time as Jeremy's face appeared in front of Ludmilla.

Camilla smiled wickedly as Jeremy wiped the saliva off of his face, "that's disgusting you B***" he swore at her before he fell forward.

Behind him, Ludmilla had fired her fire aura into Jeremy's back, knocking him forward and burning the back of his shirt. People had now gathered to watch the fight, and policemen stalked around the outside, keeping people from getting too close to the fray and ready to jump in when ready.

Jeremy teleported away as he got up off the ground, the girl's attack had stunned him briefly. He teleported in for one more attempt, this time he appeared behind Camilla's back, tapped her on the shoulder and teleported away as she swivelled around to attack him, reappearing behind Ludmilla. He clasped his hand over her mouth as she let out a small yelp, before he teleported again with Ludmilla in tow. What he hadn't counted on, was Camilla launching herself at him, and at the moment of teleportation, Ludmilla fell out of his grasp as he flailed about and grapped the closest appendage. There was the all too familiar pop from his teleporting, but also the unmistakeable rip of flesh and bone.

Standing a few metres away, Jeremy dropped the arm in his hands to the ground before vomiting up beside it. He looked over to find Camilla rolling around on the ground screaming in pain as Ludmilla stood horrified. Jeremy took this chance and teleported behind Ludmilla, grabbing her again.

This time, there was the same teleportation pop Jeremy always made, but it was accompanied by a loud bang as the gun shot rang out silencing everything. Jeremy quickly dropped Ludmilla to the ground before teleporting away to the top on one of the surrounding rooftops. He gazed at the blood on his shirt, feeling around the blood splatter at the tender skin around it. Horror struck his as he realised that it wasn't his blood; Ludmilla had taken the shot. He watched from on high as paramedics ran towards the middle of the park where two women lay motionless on the ground. Jeremy cursed profusely before teleporting out of Spain, arriving in a toilet that only really he used for teleportation purposes. He punched the wall and cursed profusely loudly in anger at not only his failure of the mission, but also at the death of the two Atlanteans.

It was only seconds before he began to hallucinate. The adrenaline racing through his body had faded from his system, keeping the invading hallucinogens from reacting, but now they bloomed like flowers in his brain. Jeremy grasped his head in pain as the room swam, bright colours sliding along the walls and apparitions from his past taking form right in front of him. They started early, Ludmilla Caruso and Carmilla stood before him, haunting him in wake of their deaths. Then came the men Leon had killed, he had taken Leon to where they were, he was the one who had let Leon loose on them. The final was one he was not expecting to see. Jeremy didn't know if she was dead or alive, but she haunted him in the same way the others did. He watched as the toilet around him faded away as he was taken back to the day the Directive had shown him what would have happened to his high school sweetheart. He watched over and over again as he witnessed all their deaths in succession.

Jeremy awoke lying down on the floor of the toilet. He touched the walls, he looked around frantically, but what he had seen had not been real. It had been a dream, a nightmare; a drug trip. He replayed in his memory the wicked smile Camilla had given him after spitting in his face. It took seconds to put two and two together; her saliva was a hallucinogen.

"May the Universe grant you a good afterlife" he whispered under his breath in lieu of the deaths. He had unintentionally caused the deaths of five members of his own race. Right now he could not forgive himself for what he had done, but he still had several tasks ahead of him, he had failed this time, but determination crept it, "I will not fail this time!" he yelled at the Universe.

Jeremy teleported for the umpteenth time today, going from the toilet in Bristol to his room at the Syndicate Headquarters where he proceeded to change clothes then once changed, to the waiting room of the Atlantean Centre in London where his next recruit would be. Within a matter of minutes the American Jason Weaver, commonly known as 'Wym' walked through the door and took a seat. Jeremy closed his folder on the recruit before getting up to join Jason.

"You don't seem to be too happy about being here, what's your name?" Jeremy asked in his soft British accent, the memories of today already beginning to fade.

Helena Andersson - Stockholm, Sweden

"Utmärkt," Helena heard the man reply behind her. "Nobody but cattle should be treated like this. And even then."

Utmärkt? There was nothing splendid about this situation. Unless he was going to start a revolt or something and wanted to know how many in this line he had on his side. Hmpf. As if. The police here had guns on them, not in their hands but on their hips, ready to use at any time. For some reason, that didn't at all make Helena feel assured. But she guessed the police weren't here to make the Atlanteans feel assured right now... this was all so... ugh.

"Is there a problem, sir?" she suddenly heard the same police man as before say. She turned her face around without thinking. It was the tall, red head behind her who had stepped out of line, trying the same thing she had done earlier. Hadn't he seen her fail just the minute ago?

"Nej, officer," the male said, taking another step forward. The officer only hardened his face, preparing himself for any sudden moves. Helena couldn't stop watching, and she saw several other Atlantean faces from the line turn as well. And some police officers. But the red haired man didn't seem worried about that. His next moves totally shocked Helena.

"I was just wondering... how good you are at fighting!"

The guy behind her threw a fist forward, only to be met with the officer's hand. He swung his other hand, but that too was stopped by a hand. The officer gripped them hard and stared at the Atlantean, smiling a little like he had won this fight. Helena took some steps back, into the people before her in the line. They too took some steps back and began talking intensively. Some officers moved forward from their corners of the room, perhaps to help the officer who was tangled up with the red head, or just to make the queue straight again. But the red head smiled as well, which confounded Helena. But then she saw why.

A hairless tail unravelled itself from under his shirt and snapped forward, coiling around the officer's gun and taking it from the holster. The policeman let go of his left hand to grab the gun but missed, giving the Atlantean enough time to pull the gun from his tail and point it at the officer. He immediately let go of the red head's other arm, raising his hands in the air. All of a sudden, tables were turned and the police officers who had started to step forward now froze and drew their own weapons.

But then, the Atlantean's head turned around and found Helena. Before she could move, he stepped back and grabbed her, wrapping his creepy tail around her so she couldn't pull free. And then he put the gun to her head. Helena's heart pounded hard in her chest. A gun... was pointed at her head. A gun... a real gun... she would die.

"Ingen rör sig!" The Atlantean with the tail yelled out, moving the gun back and forward between the girl's temple, the policeman, other Atlanteans and the policemen stranding at the front of the line. "Ingen flyttar sig eller så skjuter jag!" People in the line began to scurry out of his way as the red head stepped back, pulling the girl in the direction of his car, which still was a good hundred metres away. Helena didn't even dare to twist in his grasp. She was rather brave usually, but she had never seen a real gun before. She was in shock and she couldn't think straight. Her instincts...

"This is your ticket out," the red head said quickly into her ear. "If you want to get out, just follow what I do, just follow my lead. I can take you somewhere safe, somewhere safe for people like us. Okay?"

Yeah, he was crazy. That insights made her instincts take over and she suddenly disappeared from view for Atticus, the police and everybody else there. Invisible, she frantically wriggled loose from the grasp of the tail and started running, not thinking of what direction she chose. Away from the gun! She was a really fast runner but her footsteps could be seen in the snow on the ground and without knowing it, she was running straight towards the very car where Atticus' wanted to take her...

((OOC: you may, like, snatch her up and put her into the car or something now xD I just wanted to show that Helena isn't really the person to believe a stranger just like that in a situation like that ;) ))

Atticus Forsberg - Stockholm, Sweden

Her reaction wasn't one that he expected, as the girl pulled out of his grip (to be honest, he wasn't holding very tight; he didn't want her to think he was really going to kill her) and started to run away. Crap. He needed her so that he could pull her away to the car and keep his face on the cops. If he turned around to chase after her, his back was to them and they could open fire. And kill him. Crap. He quickly shoved his hand in his pocket.

"Annie, help me out here!" he said quite hastily in English, keeping his gun trained on the officers as he heard the girl's footsteps grow further away.

"I told you, you needed a plan. Good thing I think of these things," she sighed as a woman jumped out of the crowd, pointing her hands in the direction of the officers and freezing them in place. Thank the gods. Annie was such a lifesaver. "You're welcome."

"Thanks Annie, thanks Rochette!" Atticus gave a quick wave and ran for it. The girl had gotten some distance but Atticus height advantage (plus he was pretty fit) won over her own speed and he managed to catch up after a little, just as she was about a dozen or so metres from the car. Atticus should of guessed she wasn't going to be as co-operative as some of the other recruits, especially when he put a gun to her head. That was his bad. He managed to grab one of her arms and pulled it forward, yanking her to him as he coiled his tail around her, a lot tighter this time so she definitely would not get out of his grip. He didn't put the gun to her again, leaving it in his left hand as he pulled her arm up with his right. It was a little awkward when she was this close and facing him but she'd have to deal.

"Tyvärr, maybe we got off on the wrong foot," he shrugged a little, completely unphased by all of this. "I'm Atticus and I'm from a secret group known as the Atlantean Unification Project. Um, I don't mean to be creepy but we've been watching you. And we'd like to offer you a place among us," he arched his head towards his big, black and warm 4WD. Oh god, he wanted to be in there so bad. "Yeah, this is my car and it would be very much appreciated if you were to get in. We can offer sanctuary for people like us if you don't want the Royal Family and the government to get their pointy fingers inserted into your brains. So, please Ms. Andersson," he would have called her Helena but he wasn't sure he was on a first name basis yet, "can you come with me? It's cold."​

Helena Andersson - Stockholm, Sweden

Helena ran, still invisible, but dared to throw a glance back at the officers who she imagined were behind her, pointing their own guns at her and wanting to kill her... They didn't. They stood still, frozen to the spot somehow. Helena gulped at this. Too many strange magic things in one day. Without noticing it, she turned visible again, but kept running. The man with the leather jacket and the red afro seemed flustered over her having gotten loose. At least when she looked. But she didn't see when he made a quick wave and ran after her. That's why she was surprised when he grabbed her arm and coiled his tail around her once more, and a lot tighter this time at that.

Breathing heavily, she stared up into his face, which was much closer to hers now. "Tyvärr, maybe we got off on the wrong foot," he shrugged a little, completely unphased by all of this. "I'm Atticus and I'm from a secret group known as the Atlantean Unification Project. Um, I don't mean to be creepy but we've been watching you."

Helena's eyes darted back to the officers. They still weren't moving, but the crowd that had formed from the earlier so strict line of soon-to-be-registered Atlanteans chattered eagerly and stared at them. She turned her dark blue eyes towards Atticus again, who didn't seem to be planning to let her go in the near future.

"And we'd like to offer you a place among us," he arched his head towards a big, black 4WD that stood just some meters away from them. Helena hadn't noticed before."Yeah, this is my car and it would be very much appreciated if you were to get in. We can offer sanctuary for people like us if you don't want the Royal Family and the government to get their pointy fingers inserted into your brains. So, please Ms. Andersson, can you come with me? It's cold."

Helena kept staring up at the much taller man for a few seconds, displaying an annoyed look on her face that reflected her emotions. From Atticus' tall view, her fringe must have been covering her eyebrows and made her gaze look even more dark than it was. She wasn't as scared anymore. She was slowly coming to terms with the fact that there were many more people like her here. People with powers, even if they were... different. She felt the weird tail squeeze around her. What had he said just now? An organization? The government? Well, she had been wanting to leave, so... at least for now this was a way to get away.

"Okej... Okej," she mumbled, taking a deep breath. She wasn't the one to get angry for nothing. Not that this was nothing, but still. She was the one who got people happy again if they fell into arguments with each other or got depressed for any reason. She didn't know if she could help herself if that happened to her, though. But she would try.

"Let's... talk. In your car," she said, thinking that she sounded awfully much like someone in a movie. She didn't take her dark eyes off Atticus as she pressed forth a weak and not very believable smile, while her hands found the tail and squeezed it back quickly. "We wouldn't want you to freeze your tail off."​
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Nikolai Afon - Somewhere over Europe

Nikolai opened his eyes, yawning quietly. He was confused for a moment as to where he was, then the memories of the day before flooded back to him. Had it really been only a single day? So much had changed since last morning. He might not have been normal yesterday, but at least now he knew why he was normal. And he also knew what he was now involved in, to an extent at least. To help to create an entirely new nation of entirely Atlanteans.

He didn't really understand how it would work really. To him an entire nation of Atlanteans would be nearly uncontrolable. To control an entire nation of people with an unlimited number of powers...then again, Nikolai had never been all that interested in politics. Now that he had the posibility of becoming a founder of a country, he suddenly became much more interested. Maybe he would ask Natalia or Annie later about how exactly a government like that would work.

He looked over at them, they were both still asleep. He checked his watch, and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. Out of curiosity, he pulled out his iPhone and accessed his app store. He knew that he could control technology and "see" it running in front of him, but he wondered about something else. He cycled through the free apps that were available, then picked one at random, called "Temple Run". He waited for a moment to allow the app to install, then let himself be pulled into the device. After a quick moment of disorientation, the files of data assemble themselves into the more recognizable form that he was used to. He chose the app that he had just downloaded and started it up. He started playing the tutorial, and quickly learned the controls, which he found he could easily control with this mind. He played for about ten minutes until he died, then quit the app. He found it interesting that he could even play games with his mind. Not particularly useful, but definitely interesting. Then he switched over to his YouTube app and checked what the highest recorded score was, and found that his was about three times that of the video with the "world record". Well, it helped when you could control technology at the speed of thought!

He left the iPhone and entered reality once again, wondering if Annie or natalia wre awake yet...

Anabel Falkner - Somewhere over Europe

"I told you, you needed a plan. Good thing I think of these things," Annie gave a cheeky smile at the pulsating dot on the screen. Atticus could definitely handle it from here. From what he lacked in cool powers that most Atlanteans got, he made up in spontaneity and usefulness. He made Annie laugh too, which was always a good thing. She hadn't known him long at all, a week to be exact, but she could easily consider him a good friend. "You're welcome."

Annie bashed the enter key, cutting off the call and continuing on from what she was doing before Atticus had cried for help. She had been all too happy to oblige, but it was always fun to see him desperate like that. Atticus wasn't the kind of guy to rely on others too much. When she heard a shuffling noise from in behind her; Afon had obviously woken up. She glanced around her monitor, a little surprised to see Natalia still asleep. Annie herself hadn't slept at all and didn't plan on doing so until tomorrow, maybe the day after that and her ability was the cause of that. Thanks to her high level of brain activity, Annie always found it difficult to sleep even when she was most tired. She had gotten used to the heaviness of her eyes but it didn't stop the dark rings from forming under her eyes or stop people from worrying about her.

She knew what time time was before she glanced at the numbers in the corner of her computer screen. Eight seventeen in the morning. Time for breakfast, though she would have to wait for Cooper to stop flying (he had also pulled an all nighter, what a trooper!) or Natalia to wake up before she could eat anything; her useless legs always restricted movement, especially in these dumb, airline chairs.

"Good morning, Nikolai!" Annie said cheerfully, tapping a button on her chair to make it spin around 180 degrees to face Nikolai. For the first time, she took her eyes away from the screen for more than a second, ignoring her computer as she studied Nikolai's face. His eyes were definitely the most defining feature, the blue was far prettier than Annie's own green eyes. His hair was black and well groomed while Annie's was red and messy. His face was clean while Annie's was spotted with freckles. What opposites they were. The only thing they seemed to share was species and a interest in technology. "Did you sleep well? You know, actually, I wanna know more about your power. I saw your stunt in Australia, very cool. What else can you do?" She beamed at him. It was like checking out the specifications of a brand new super computer. You knew it could do a lot and that it was powerful but what could it really do?​

Atticus Forsberg - Stockholm, Sweden

"Bra!" he exhaled, letting go of Helena and quickly opening the car door, letting Helena get in before walking around, wrapping his tail up around around his torso under his shirt and getting in the driver's side. Thankfully, the car had retained some of the heat that Atticus had in here before he had gotten out and he sucked it in, pulling his leather coat closer. He tossed the gun in the back seat after pulling the mag out and closed his eyes for a second. He knew he needed to get going, those police officers would be coming at any moment as soon as Rochette grew tired enough, but he needed just a second to breathe. After a second, he started the car and pulled out, casually driving away from the Atlantean Centre and making his way to wherever he needed to go. He would probably have to run a few a laps before making his way to... whatever was jabbed into his sat-nav.

"Okay, sorry, I didn't want us to get shot by the police," he played around with the settings on the radio, forcing the car play the CD he had stuck in there on the drive down. Fall Out Boy, a perfectly American band with American lyrics and... stuff. He could hardly stand the Swede stations so it was either this or the radio to be off. Preferably this. The only thing he needed now was a cheeseburger. "Sorry, okay, so I'm Atticus Forsberg. Hej. I'm part of the Atlantean Unification Project, or the AUP as some people on the inside call it. We are a organisation of mostly Atlanteans who are hoping to unite Atlanteans as a singular race compared to normal people. As in like, cats and dogs. Two different things." His stomach growled as they slowly passed by a McDonald's. Could he stop in? Was that allowed? Bah.

"Yeah, um, I can't say too much in the car here. I mean, go ahead and ask questions and I'll answer them as best I can. Hey, are you hungry? I know it's like," he glanced at his watch, "like eight in the morning but I didn't eat anything last night." His mind was seriously one tracked when he was hungry. At least he wasn't thinking about the cold anymore.​
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