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Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

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    • Seen Jul 30, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)


    A Kanto Journey
    theme song
    rated: T

    0 spots open


    click here
    for OOC


    - Rating for the RP is T, which means too descriptive violence or too physical romance is not allowed, but some relatively foul language is ok.

    - You can make up your own minor NPCs whenever you want. Just make sure that your posts still revolve around your main character. When I make up NPCs, you may only play as them if I state that it's ok.

    - If you're about to proceed into a new area, wait for me to describe it first.

    - If you want to encounter a wild pokémon, write about somehow encountering one without saying what pokémon it is - hear a noise, see some grass move or make the wild pokémon spot you from behind or something like that - and then end your post. I will decide what wild pokémon pops up, using pretty much randomness! Among the pokémon I have planned for a certain route, of course.

    - If you decide to capture a pokémon, you don't have to wait for me to approve it. You may capture a pokémon in whichever way you want - just make it believable enough or I'll let you know that you need to shape up.

    - Levels will not exist. Instead, I will let you know when your pokémon is able to learn a new move or evolve. I won't completely follow the canon Leveling Up movesets for pokémon; what moves can be learned will be affected by what your pokémon experience, where it is and who it faces. Also, it you want it to learn a certain move, you can ask me for it.

    - You are allowed to carry as many pokémon on hand as you wish to. If you don't want to carry a certain pokémon, you can store it in a PC at a pokémon center. When entering official battles though, like gym battles, you are only allowed to keep 6 pokémon on hand.

    - If you are accepted, make sure to read through all the other accepted SUs as well! I want everyone to get a feel for each other's characters.​


    Red's Hawt Chibi Pelippers - Auryn Reins

    Mr. Mammoth - Irwin Macalister

    Vato - Fonse Loneheart

    Kiklion - Deandra Maycomb

    -Sam - Fiona Cole

    PsychoJigglypuff - Eli King

    Auryn Reins

    caught: 1 || registered: 1

    on hand:

    Irwin Macalister

    caught: 1 || registered: 0

    on hand:

    Fonse Loneheart

    caught: 1 || registered: 0

    on hand:

    Deandra Maycomb

    caught: 1 || registered: 0

    on hand:

    Fiona Cole

    caught: 2 || registered: 0

    on hand:

    Eli King

    caught: 2 || registered: 0

    on hand:

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    <*link removed*​
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    Cinnabar Island has a near tropical climate and ever since the bright light in the skies of Kanto, the weather seems to have become even hotter and more humid than before. A huge volcano makes up the center of the island and moderately vegetated cliffs surround it. The beaches aren't the biggest or best and usually people enjoy better to bathe from the cliffs. Recently, the slumbering volcano had a minor eruption. Luckily not much of the jungle was destroyed, and the town wasn't touched at all.

    Cinnabar Town is modern enough, but small compared to the cities of central Kanto. There are schools but no colleges, there is a town centre with enough shops and restaurants to keep both the natives and the visitors happy. During summer, like now, the town is quite cheerful and bustling with markets, due to tourism. There is a Pokémon Center but no big hospital for humans, only a private clinic where doctor Henry Coal, Ambella's older brother, and his nurses skilfully aid anyone in need of medical assistance. If they can pay, of course.

    The research lab is a white, one store building situated closer to the volcano, on the outskirts of the town. Ambella Coal works with a couple of assistants there.

    Wild pokémon live in the jungle and on the slopes of the volcano.




    Ambella has asked you all to meet her outside her lab this morning. There, she will give you your pokédex and tell you some important information. Follow her instructions. I will be playing her.

    For your first post, you should arrive outside the lab, spot Ambella Coal and wait for the others. You may interact if you wish, but as soon as all trainers have arrived, Ambella will begin.
    *pokemonelite2000 image removed*

    Ambella Coal is 25 years old and usually very cheerful and alert, although she can sometimes zone out, lost in deep thoughts. You may not bunny her.

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    Eli awoke promptly at seven, as usual. He completed his morning routine like clockwork. He dressed in his typical attire. He treated the day like any other, even though he knew that from today on, his life would be different. Ambella Coal, the local professor, had hand picked six teenagers to go on a journey and accomplish a special mission. Eli just so happened to be one of them.

    His family greeted him with smiles. They had all gotten up early to have breakfast with him. It was quite a lively spectacle. His aunt nearly tripped over and spilled the eggs. His uncle playfully teased her along with everyone else. Isabelle giggled at her uncle's jokes. His father swigged his coffee heartily. Dot sat happily on his shoulder. It was quite a rare occasion to have all of them sitting down for breakfast like this, and Eli enjoyed every minute of it.

    The moment couldn't last forever, as Eli had to meet with the professor, but everybody saw him off. He was going to miss his family, but knew they could still keep in touch over the phone. After a tearful goodbye, at least for his aunt, he waved farewell to his family. With Dot on one shoulder and his satchel on the other, he made his way over to the island's laboratory.

    It didn't take long before he arrived in front of the building. He noticed the professor, but no one else was around. Since he was the first to arrive, but didn't feel like striking up a conversation with the professor, he decided to just wait quietly, entertaining himself by playing with Dot. He didn't know who the others were, but apparently two girls from Isabelle's class were chosen as well. He hoped they were nice, respectable girls. The last thing he wanted was his sister to be around any bad influences.
    Fiona Cole

    The heat beared down on the teenager, sweat dripping down from the edges of her face. Breathing heavily, Fiona straightened her back and rested her arms above her head. She took in deep and concise breaths as her childhood companion, her Doduo, followed right behind. It was early, even for morning. Fiona had just finished her routine morning jog, cutting it shorter than usual. She had somewhere to be this morning and she couldn't afford to be late, besides, it'd be rather rude. Her house, well not really her house, but it might as well have been seeing as she was the only human inhabitant in the past two years. Luckily enough for her, monthly taxes and such aren't a problem, everything being prepaid and all. Anyways, back on topic, the house was now merely three minutes away at her current pace, perhaps one if she started jogging again.

    Screw it. Her legs kicked up, starting at a casual jog before revving up to a full sprint. In about one-sixth of the estimated time, she had arrived at the front of her house. She took a deep breath, inhaling as much air as possible. By her side, her Doduo prodded into Fiona's jogging shorts, retrieving a key with one of it's heads. Thankful, she grabbed the key and opened the door, her Doduo running straight for the kitchen. Fiona closed the door and locked it before running up the stairs. Her jogging clothes felt so sticky and icky, she absolutely had to take a shower.

    It was cold, refreshing, just what the doctor ordered. Her red hair, now dried, was resting lightly upon her shoulder. With a towel draped around her body, Fiona waltzed into her room, going straight for the closet. She picked out her usual attire, her black, strapless, one sleeved top and white shorts. Grabbing her pink cap from a wall rack, Fiona slipped into her comfortable moccasins positioned conveniently underneath. She grabbed a hair band from a nearby drawer and quickly pulled it back into a ponytail. Looping her ponytail into the hole, Fiona nudged her cap on until it sat comfortably upon her head.

    Walking down the stairs, she could hear her Doduo rummaging through the fridge, might as well, they wouldn't be back for awhile. Fiona walked into the living room, in search for her satchel, which she had dumped on a couch last night. As soon as she found it, she was startled by a sudden voice.

    "Sorry, Fiona, didn't mean to scare you there!" A rough, deep voice boomed through the computer screen behind her, with a hint of a laughter..

    Catching her breath, Fiona turned and gave a deathly stare, "Oh my god, dad, you're such an *******!" A small smile cracked through, "So what's up?"

    "Well today's the big day isn't it?" She nodded in reply. "Well, I don't have much time, so Fi, good luck, I love ya, and keep in touch alright? You know the number right?"

    "Alright, pap, love you too, and yeah I got it. She managed a smile and waved goodbye. With a simple gesture, her father disappeared from the screen. Fiona sighed, this was pretty standard of her dad, showing up for a mere minute or two, but she couldn't blame him, he was working to support them both after all.

    Her Doduo strolled into the living room, gulping down some sort of meat. Fiona didn't get quite a good look, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to. Chuckling, she pulled out Doduo's pokeball from her satchel's strap. Catching him by surprise, Doduo was sucked back into the ball before he even had a chance to protest. She placed the ball back and lifted the bag over her shoulder. The entire house was silent, this was probably the last time she'd be here in for awhile, it felt pretty odd. As Fiona walked back into the corridor, she took her aviator shades from a nearby drawer and rested them in a relatively secure position on her top.

    Stepping out the door, Fiona could see the volcano in the distance. Fortunately for her, the house was situated somewhat nearby Ms. Coal's laboratory. At the most, it was an intermediate walk, talking 45 minutes perhaps?

    Time to well, kill time. Let's see, who else was going to be there this morning? Err... names were blank, yeah she wasn't great on that cater gory. If anything though, she knew there were at least four others, wait was it five? Five, she decided, definitely five.

    Suddenly, she felt a slight tingle against her thigh where her bag was. Reaching into the satchel, Fiona pulled out her phone revealing a text message, from a random number?

    ##########: Hey Fi, babes, Mona here. I really, really need some advice on this... blah blah blah blah blah.

    Fiona chuckled, the text had reminded her although it was already summer and she was no longer confined to long, monotonous hours of dealing with complete turds this was a great chance to completely get away from said turds. What a great opportunity, seriously. She wanted to throw the phone away, get a new one and not have to deal with the unwanted texts but she had no choice. A few valuable contacts were in that phone and surely she couldn't remember them all until she got a new one. Tucking the phone back into the satchel, Fiona looked up from her walk.

    There it was, the laboratory! Wow, that went by fast. By the door, Fiona could make out a figure, a human figure? Getting closer she realized it was indeed a human figure, in fact it was Ambella Coal! And who was that next to her? Was that, Lt. Surge? No, no it couldn't have been, Surge was more muscular than this guy. Was he some sort of Surge wannabe or something? Bad Fiona! she thought, she hated whenever she judged people but it was just sort of happened, like a reflex. As she approached, Fiona gave a polite smile and wave.

    Fonse Loneheart
    Chapter One - A Journey... How Amusing

    Cinnabar Island: "The Fiery Town of Burning Desire"

    "This is the millionth time I've read this sign... It never gets better..."


    Fonse takes a small letter out of his pocket, which is damp because of the ridiculous heat that has been around lately... It's so hot that he's actually considering taking his scarf off.

    "Bla, bla, bla, lab, bla, bla, bla, meet, bla, bla, bla, Ambella." Fonse says while quickly pronouncing only the words he considers important.

    "Goon!" The brown raccoon yells, as cheerful as always.

    "Well, it shouldn't take us a lot before we find the lab..." Fonse whispers, putting the small letter back in his pocket.

    The duo begins to walk around the island... There wasn't much that called their attention, as the island itself was very boring at Fonse's eyes. Goony Goo was happily hoping behind him as they slowly approached the Pokemon Center. They stopped next to it as Fonse pulled an Oran Berry and threw it at Zigzagoon.

    "Eat." He said in his cold-voice tone, yet Goony wasn't hesitant of eating something at all, as he quickly devoured the small berry.

    He still couldn't process the fact that he was chosen by Ambella Cole, or the fact that he would have to run around Kanto like those 10 year old kids who just got a Rattata and think they're the masters of the universe... Fonse let go a sigh before leaning against a wall of the Pokemon Center. He's still unsure of how his mother convinced him to accept... After all, journeying around is not something he's very willing to do... But his mother said it would be a nice experience, and she's never wrong with assumptions...

    His thoughts were interrupted by a small drip of sweat that ran all over his face, clashing with his scarf. I hope there's conditioned air in the lab... Or else I'll flip tables, he thought.

    "Let's go Goony Goo..." he suddenly said while stepping away from the wall, Goony Goo jumped with joy and began following him quickly after that.

    They had soon finally arrived at a white building, which he was sure was the lab, as there were already some people outside of it, with a woman dressed in red which was surely Ambella Coal.

    He decided to not pay much attention to any of the persons around, not that he really wanted, though, he just wanted to go somewhere where the heat is not as ridiculous as fast as possible, so he leaned against a wall while Goony Goo laid over his shoes, preparing to take a nap.

    This... Is... So... Boring.
    Before too long, a couple more people began to show up. This first was a teen girl. Eli recognized her from around town, though he didn't know who she was. She gave a polite smile and waved. He silently nodded and gave a small wave back. She seemed nice enough, but looked too old to be Isabelle's classmate. She was probably a grade or two below him.

    The next person to arrive was a guy who was not at all dressed appropriately for the weather. It must have been uncomfortably hot dressed in that attire. He didn't seem to acknowledge the others, only briefly glancing at them before leaning on a wall in the shade. A Zigzagoon followed behind him, then laid down on his trainer's feet.

    Eli stared at the Zigzagoon as it was about to fall asleep. It was so adorable, he couldn't help it. He really wanted to go over and pet it, but that would be rude. His trainer didn't seem too friendly, so he probably wouldn't be okay with a stranger petting his Pokemon. At least Eli had his very own cute Pokemon to keep him company. He cradled the Azurill in his arms.

    Hopefully the others would arrive soon so they could begin whatever mission they were to do. He wasn't any good at starting up a conversation. Perhaps someone else would.
    Irwin Macalister
    Cinnabar Island

    It was a quiet morning, Irwin slept soundly in his bed without a care in the world. He thought that the day would probably go about like this for the remainder of the day. However, he would soon find out how wrong he was. Or rather than 'soon', how about, 'right now'? Irwin gave off a dissatisfied grunt as the blindfolds to his windows were unmercifully snapped open. He squinted at the light that was bellowing in through the window, but with his typical facial-expression it may be hard to believe that he could squint more that he already did. Despite that, he still manages to do it.

    The red-haired teen peeked out his head from under the thin bed sheet currently covering his body to find a familiar shape standing before him. The figure of his mother met him with the usual smile that was covering her lips, some liked to say that this was the most striking resemblance between Irwin and his mother, and he could agree on that.

    "Good morning Irwin." She said and walked up to his bed.

    "Urrgh, why so sudden with the wake-up call mom?" Irwin chuckled tiredly.

    "Because today is a special day, remember?" His mother chuckled back.

    Irwin tried to muster all of his brain-power in order to answer this question. However, as it was early in the morning, Irwin found himself unable to muster such power and gave up after a few seconds of thinking.

    "I'll bite, what is it?" Irwin answered. Wait, 'I'll bite?' That's strangely old fashioned, isn't it? I mean, who uses it anymore? Anyways, Irwin's mother looked at her son without seemingly changing her facial-expression,

    "Today is the day of your new journey!"


    The morning moved on at its usual pace and order. Irwin got up from bed; he put his clothes on and then ate breakfast. He had already packed all of his stuff in advance, clothes, toothbrush and some other stuff. Basically, he had packed everything essential for journeying throughout the entirety of Kanto. Irwin had fret a bit that his backpack would overpower him and thus become very hard to carry. As he slipped it onto his back before walking to the door, Irwin felt that it was moderately heavy. Or at least light enough for him to carry it without much problem.

    "Goodbye sweetie…" His mother said as Irwin walked up to the door. He looked at her but said nothing for a while. The teen examined his mother's face, it was on the border to becoming old, and it had a few traces of soon-to-be wrinkles around the mouth-area and the forehead. Her eyes looked both happy and sad at the same time, presumably because her son was going on an adventure, all alone. Or rather, with people he probably didn't know. Irwin could tell that his mother was afraid of losing him, just like she had lost her husband. The death of Irwin's father had really taken a lot out of her, it was almost as her only reason to live after he died was to take care of Irwin. Although she usually beamed with happiness towards others, it was mostly just a façade. In reality, Irwin wasn't sure if leaving her would also cause her death, so he had been hesitant to agree on the whole thing. However, he had indeed been chosen and it was his duty to help out someone in need. Well, at least it felt like the right thing to do.

    "Goodbye mom…" Irwin said and hugged his mother. He wasn't the tallest teen alive, but he still reached very well over her.

    "Are you sure you've got everything?" His mother asked, "You know it's important with-"

    "Towels, toothbrushes, clean clothes among other things, yeah I know mom. You've told me like a thousand times throughout my life." Irwin said with a smile.

    "I just want you to be as safe and sound as possible, you know that?"

    "Yes, I know. After all, what mother wouldn't think like that?" Irwin said.

    His mother smiled and gave him one last hug and kiss before he went out the door with Gex by his side. The Treecko and Irwin waved goodbye before they disappeared in the mass of people that usually gathered on Cinnabar Island in the summer.


    "It is nice outside, isn't it Gex?" Irwin smiled at the green lizard walking beside him. He liked to spend these moments alone with the Grass-type, it kind of felt like they were getting closer and closer to each other.

    "Treecko." Gex replied.

    After walking for a while, the duo got up to their necks in tourists. Irwin mused that they now must be close to the market, if they weren't already there. It was pretty hard to tell whether or not they actually were in the market-place, it was that many tourists. Irwin decided to return Gex for a while so that his green little companion wouldn't get swept away by the steady stream of people. The Treecko was mildly happy about this.

    After getting out of the heavily crowded market-place – but not before buying some pretty nice cookies though – Irwin and Gex arrived at the place where they were supposed to be. The teen observed that there already were some people there. The first one Irwin noticed was a girl who looked, well, pretty average. Hey wait… Wasn't she in his class or something? Maybe, Irwin hadn't really paid much attention to her before if that was the case. She had red hair though, although it wasn't flare-red like his, it was still pretty nice he guessed.

    Next up was a dude who looked very muscular. Wait… Was that Lt. Surge or something? Nah, it couldn't be him, this dude was too young. He seemed to radiate a pretty tough aura, like that tough aura that could rip a person to shreds in about 0.10 seconds. Irwin made sure to not get on this guy's bad side, which could prove… Fatal, to his lifespan.

    Then there was this other dude just standing around, looking bored as all hell. Maybe Irwin ought to cheer the dudemanbro up a little? Whatever the case, he seemed to be a bit chubby as well. However he didn't seem the least bit jolly. Ah, whatever.

    Then we had the final guest for the party so far, a woman looking about 25 years old. This just had to be that Ambella Coal chick, either that or a really old… mission-outcarrier… What was the appropriate word for what they were anyway? In any case, Irwin decided that the best option would be to greet everyone in a nice and friendly manner, right off the bat. He would've considered trying to do a high five with somebody; however the presence of the Lt. Surge-looking guy made him nervous enough to not attempt to pull that stunt. Instead he raised his hand in sort of a "distance-greeting-manner" and said with a third of his mouth full with the remains of a cookie and a happy expression on his face,

    "Eeeeyy people, what's up?!"
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    ✵ Cinnabar Island

    It was early morning; the sun had just risen. A small 14 year old girl was tip toeing around the kitchen on the bottom floor of an old lighthouse. The rotating lantern at the top of the house had since long stopped working and as such, it was now just one constant beam of yellow light pointing out towards the sea somewhere. Through the mist over the morning water, the yellow beam could still be seen, sparkling together with the rays of the sun. But the girl had no time to look at pretty lights now. She had done that many times before.

    The girl had wild, black hair that lay like a mantle over her shoulders and back and reached all the way down to her hips. She probably should have put it up into a thick pony tail (which would look more like a furry, black fox tail) but she had no time for that either. She was hurriedly making breakfast and hurling not a little food down into her big backpack, in boxes of course. She figured she'd need a lot on her journey, but wasn't sure how much her aunt would allow her to take if she was awake and here now.

    Her "glasses" sat firmly on, as usual, and she wore a short but wide black dress and vividly red leggings. Carefully not to spill any food onto the clothing, she ate the last bit of breakfast and reached for the pokéball that lay on top of the kitchen table. The worried face inside had been blinking at her with large eyes for some time now. The girl just motioned for her friend to stay silent as she slipped the ball into a pocket on the dress, tip toed upstairs to brush her teeth and use the toilet (who knew when she would be able to do that in a house again?), and then reached for the well packed backpack and the long, gray coat. Then she left the white lighthouse just as the sun was turning warmer.

    It was still chilly in the air, but she was excited and warm enough to not need the coat for now. Running towards Cinnabar Town in her simple, black ballet flats, the girl grew a wide smile on her face and dared to laugh out loud. She was on her way!

    The reason she had been so careful and quiet in the morning was to not wake up her aunt. Lucia did not really want to let Auryn go, and would have made up any kind of reason to force her to stay. But here she was now, running like the wind, Remoraid in her pocket and...

    That alone was a strange thing, Auryn thought as she entered the town's streets and slowed her pace a little, walking instead of running. She had never kept Remoraid in a pokéball before; instead she usually just carried him around. But Ambella Coal had shown her the pokéball contraption and Auryn had to admit it was nifty. Now it was even easier for them to get around together! Of course, her aunt had been overly suspicious. Especially since the little girl was already on bad terms with her aunt for hiding Remoraid for so long.

    And now she was running away. Oh well, at least Lucia would know where Auryn had gone to. She had spoken with Ambella Coal. Auryn decided not to worry until her aunt chased her down, something that would happen with high probability. Preferably not too soon, though.

    Luckily, Auryn got all the way to the lab without seeing Lucia anywhere. Relieved, she picked up Remoraid's pokéball from the pocket and smiled at him through the semi-transparent lid.

    "See? We're here!" she said, holding him up so that he could see Coal and the others. Then, Auryn realized that maybe she should say hi before she let her pokémon say hi.

    "Hi!" she therefore blurted out, her wide smile with the large front teeth almost blinding anyone who would look. White teeth came from thorough brushing, which came from her aunt's orders. "I'm Auryn!"

    She didn't bother examining the other people much; they were who they were and she couldn't really do anything about it even if she tried. She just glanced at them briefly to try and recognize them if she ever needed to. She hadn't really seen any of them before. They all looked older than she was, and they were all a LOT taller.

    One was a boy who wasn't overweight, but certainly not underweight, with flare red hair. One was a shorter boy who certainly was chubby and had a lot of hair... everywhere. One was an almost ginger girl with only one sleeve on her shirt. One was a huge boy with camouflage patterned pants. And then there was herself, with lots of black hair, shining green eyes and those glasses. What a gang!


    Ambella had only stepped outside before the first trainer came. He seemed shy, or at least not eager to talk. Ambella nodded to greet him and thought that she'd better not force them to say anything before they were all gathered.

    "Great!" she thought she would at least say when the tiny girl had arrived. "Now we are only waiting for Deandra."

    "Deandra? I know a Deandra," the girl called Auryn said, looking thoughtful. "She's in my class. Is she coming too?"

    "Yes, I hope so," Coal said with a nod and a friendly smile. She took up the large back she had brought out with her and opened it up to reveal some boxes. "As soon as she is here, I will tell you more about your mission. I didn't describe much more than that I needed you to travel, train and capture earlier, right?"

    Fonse Loneheart
    Chapter One - A Journey... How Amusing - Part II

    Zigzagoon was sneezing, and Fonse had considered taking his scarf off for once, but that was an absolute no-no. Seeing Zigzagoon lying in the floor was quite the cute sight, he couldn't deny it, he even smiled for a second while seeing it, but he quickly snapped out of it, he couldn't afford having the other thinking he was weak...

    "Eeeeyy people, what's up?!"

    Fonse turned his sight towards the person who said the previous words. It was a rather jolly person, apparently eager to meet them. Fonse did knew that he would be socializing with the people that would gather around, but he just was too bored to do so... He's still willing to give it a shot, though...

    "Not much at all..." He replied with what seemed to be a failed attempt to smile.

    Suddenly Goony Goo stood up, moving his head all around, as if trying to find something, he started smelling the floor, walking all around desperately following the smell of something... Following him with his sight let Fonse with a chance to see the others with more detail...

    First one he saw was a girl with black hair and green eyes, followed by the person who had spoken before, who had red hair, a seemingly ginger girl, and finally, what seemed to be a Lt. Surge clone, Goony Goo stared at this last one person for a while, only to get back in his hunting. Eventually, the Zigzagoon found what he was looking, or rather, sniffing for, a small chunk of an Oran berry. Disappointed, the raccoon went back to where Fonse was and laid back over his feet, quickly falling asleep.

    As Fonse stared at the raccoon, he couldn't help ut wonder who would show up after them, it was apparently a girl named Deandra, but Fonse has never heard of her before, just as he hadn't ever heard of those who where with him...
    *pokemonelite2000 image removed*AMBELLA COAL

    The last girl seemed to be late. Ambella sighed and figured that she'd not let the others wait anymore and just explain to Deandra in person whenever she arrived. She put on a bright face and smiled in the sunlight, turned towards the five trainers that stood before her.

    "Welcome, all of you!" she began. "I'm so very grateful that you have come. I am, as I've said before, Ambella Coal. Here is my laboratory, in case you haven't seen it before. This isn't exactly a central part of Cinnabar Town." She motioned fleetly towards the white building behind her.

    "I've gathered you for two reasons. One is that I'm studying these recent changes in the fauna and climate around Kanto. I need my lab, equipment and assistants to analyze our findings, but I also need some findings to find. Uh. And that is where you come in. You will travel the land and search for wild pokémon, both kinds that are well known to dwell in certain areas and kinds that are now found where they never were before. It's a strange thing... and we hope to bring clarity to it when we know what pokémon live where.

    I will not demand of you all to capture every kind of pokémon you meet. It is actually enough to register it with your pokédex. Although, of course I would appreciate the chance to study rare pokémon! If you feel like it, you can store some of your pokémon in the computer at a Pokémon Center from time to time. That way, they will be sent to me and be well taken care of until you need them again."

    The researcher took up a machine from the bag that lies on the ground beside her. It was a shining, new pokédex.

    "Each of you will get your own. The pokédex feature will gather information on pokémon that you register. Try to only register pokémon that you have captured or seen in the wild yourself! Otherwise it will do no good for my research. There is also a messaging system: you will be able to send email between all of these six pokédexes, as well as mine. They are linked together so that we'll be able to stay in touch!

    And then, there is the other reason for this journey..." Ambella Coal's face turned darker. She took up the bag and handed one pokédex to each of the trainers, only saving on for when Deandra would show up. Then she started speaking again.

    "You might have heard the rumors about the gym leaders. They have... well, some have been rumored to even have gone rogue. Others have just suddenly turned very cruel towards challengers, and even towards their own assistants and friends. Something is very wrong. Myself and my researcher friends in other cities have been trying to monitor them for a while, but... it is as we are being thwarted. Someone knows that we are worried, and wants to stop us from finding out the truth. But we will not fail!" She grasps in the air, determined.

    "I ask you to train your pokémon well. Build a trusted team. Become friends. And challenge these gym leaders. Not just for the sake of winning... it doesn't matter if you lose, actually. But study the leaders. Try to talk to them, try to see if anything is unusual in their gyms... find out what is wrong. Please!"

    The mood around the lab seemed colder after this story. But Ambella smiled weakly at the trainers again.

    "Don't let this scare you though. I have a lot of colleagues and friends around Kanto. All of them are now your friends too, and will aid you. And I will always stay in touch with you and direct you if you need me to. Like now!

    My very first mission to you, is actually to scout the slopes of the volcano. I was investigating the changed fauna on Cinnabar when the eruption happened, but now the land has calmed down enough for us to be able to go out and finish that work. Please find as many wild pokémon as you can, register them with your pokédex and capture them if you want to. When you feel like you can't find any more pokémon, or give up (which I hope you won't, haha), you are free to leave Cinnabar and start your journey."

    She now takes up something else from the bag. A pack of tickets. "Here!" she says, more happily, distributing them. "It's a ticket for the ferry to Fuchsia City, leaving the harbor downtown this afternoon. A stop will be made at the Seafoam Islands overnight, though. It's your next stop, after this! I'll wait here now, for the last trainer. If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email through your pokédex!"




    Search for wild pokémon, either in the jungle or among the cliffs near the slope of the volcano. This might take as long as you wish it to take, but remember that the ferry leaves from the downtown harbor for Seafoam Islands in the afternoon.

    You may interact as much as you wish, either with each other or with Ambella Coal, since she still waits outside the lab for the last trainer.

    You may send messages through the pokédex to any of the other trainers, or to Coal.

    You may freely move around Cinnabar Island.

    You may step onto the ferry but it won't leave until I write about it.
    Deandra Maycomb
    Age: 14
    Good Days Had: 0
    Bay Days Had: 0
    Gym Battle Pokemon: Butler (Aipom)

    Cinnabar Island

    "Aipom! Aipom!"

    "Wait! Wait!" Deandra ran behind her overly eager Pokemon, less than conditioned for this unexpected cardio workout. Butler, her Aipom of many years, ran ahead of her; large smile on his face, tail bouncing behind him, collar tag jingling, and wind through his fur. He was always like this, overly excited about everything, or at least looking for a reason to run, get up, or just plain ol' go. She hated it and loved it at the same time.

    Today, she definitely hated it. Her backpack of supplies was overly heavy and it was hot outside. It had been hot out all of the time lately. Her parents had over packed her and kept her up with this thing and that and her brother asking to come along didn't exactly speed up the process. They could have just driven her here, but the excuse of the day was "You could use the exercise." Exercise. She was going to be in the woods for who knew how long! Plenty of exercise would get done. No need to speed up the process, but what arguing could be done to the only two people in the world that care about you for more than your looks and your money? None, especially if they were like her dad and his stubborn, "I'm serious," face. Deandra huffed, not having got a break to walk since she stepped out of the house. Butler (or Butsy as Deandra did and was embarrassed to call him (though only in public)) was considered a pet instead of a Pokemon, so instead of being stuffed in a ball all day, he was given a collar instead. Unfortunately that didn't mean he could run around, especially since more people liked to steal Pokemon than they did dogs, despite the fact that Pokemon were literally everywhere and were about as easy to find as kicking over a rock or stepping into grass that hadn't been cut for about three days. Still, people went out of their way to make schemes to catch the same Pokemon that others grabbed in two dollar nets, and that's why she could let him out of her sight. He had a Pokeball so no one could peg him with their own and say he's theirs, but he was never in it so, to Deandra, it was irrelevant and forgettable. The handy device was currently packed, but she forgot about it almost as soon as it had gone in there.

    "Butsy!" The little Aipom didn't listen. He was on his way to the lab, as if he even knew where it was. Deandra had to admit, he was pretty accurate. Many times Deandra had walked by the place and pointed it out to him. Maybe he knew his way a little bit. Whatever the case was, he'd taken a few wrong turns, which also explained their wasted time. If he weren't so fast, she probably would have been there by now. This surprise workout, however, didn't quite do the job of ruining this day. She would be meeting with Ambella Coal and then this new adventure would begin. It was pretty cool, but also a lot of work at the same time. There were a couple extra things she wasn't particularly interested in, but she'd get through it somehow.

    Deandra had to reason with herself that this running game wasn't going to end anytime soon and she'd need to speed up to have any luck. Forcing herself farther than she wanted to go, Deandra turned on her afterburners and gained some speed. It didn't get her where she wanted to be, but with more trying she eventually caught up to her Aipom and snatched him up, much to his surprise. Deandra almost immediately let herself drop into a sit on the ground, holding Butler, who wanted nothing more than to leave again, and trying to catch her breath. She hoped that this wouldn't be a repeating experience.

    The transition from the ground to Ambella Coal's lab was, Deandra hoped, not too long, though it was somewhat of a hassle trying to restrain Butler the entire way. When she got there, whatever meeting she was arriving to had already started. She hoped she didn't miss anything too important, but maybe not.

    "You might have heard the rumors about the gym leaders..." Ambella stated, going into a little rundown of the gym leader's new disposition and showing a little display of her resolve. Their "mission" (why did it have to be a mission? This didn't exactly seem like an operations kind of deal, did it?) was to go scout around an area even hotter than it already was over here. She was suddenly glad that her mom had her pack a bottle of water or two (though it was in no way cold--figures) in the side pockets of her backpack. Butler seemed to be particularly interested in everyone who was around while Deandra herself wasn't. She noticed Auryn, which meant she wouldn't be totally alone in this mission thing, but everyone else was a stranger and at the moment she didn't take much time to see who they were past their face, hair, body, and clothes. Little tickets were passed out that apparently went to the Seafoam Islands, a place she was all too familiar with from family trips. She smiled a little. It was a good place to be. Putting her ticket in her pocket for safe keeping, it wasn't really hard to predict that Deandra would be confused by the "pokedex" part. They got Pokedex? And they had email? She knew what a Pokedex was. Everyone knew what a Pokedex was. It was the coolest thing no one could have (actually, no one but them could have, if she assumed correct) and only the most fascinated people knew everything about it. Deandra had liked the idea of it, but never did serious research on the device, maybe that's why she didn't know it had email. For a moment she wondered if it had texting too and considered asking, but there was something about being late and asking questions that didn't exactly go together for Deandra.

    Instead of making noise she kept quiet, assuming a Pokedex was probably on its way to her hand. She looked around at the other members, already sure that their judgement on her promptness was at flare, but not exactly caring either. Her eyes landed an Auryn and she made a small smile again. Maybe she'd fill her in if no one else would? Deandra looked away. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
    Fiona Cole

    Swear to god, this was one of the most awkward assortment of trainers, herself included, Fiona had ever seen. You had one Surge dresser fellow, a relatively big kid, a chubster, a little girl and of course Fiona's ridiculous self. There was definitely a slight bit of awkward just floating around in the atmosphere, the thought causing her to chuckle.

    She snapped out of her laugh, and then unexpected to her, Ms. Coal spoke. Wait a second, wasn't there suppose to be another trainer? Fiona looked around, only spotting the same four that were there a minute ago. She decided to forget about it, if whoever was suppose to be here was late, they'd get here eventually.

    Fiona's mind drifted off, so when Ambella pulled out a Pokedex from a nearby bag, her eyes lit up with a surprise. She had heard about these things before, they were pretty well known and were seldom given out. Were they each getting one? She had her eyes fixed on the dex the entire time, thinking of ways of how to customize her's, if she was even going to get one. Was it even possible to customize a pokedex? Suddenly, Ambella outstretched hand was upon her, holding out a pokedex of her own. A huge grin crept on her face as she gladly took it. Instantly Fiona began to examine it, flipping it over and back and whatnot. She thought about playing with it, but that would've been rude, Ms. Cole was still speaking after all. Wait a second, these things can send emails!?

    "You might have heard the rumors about the gym leaders." The mention of the gym leaders sparked her attention once more. Indeed she had, who hadn't? They were all on some sort of out of the blue power trip or something of the sort. For a moment, Fiona looked up, noticing a girl coming into view. She was a bit shorter than her, her hair, more like her bangs, were purple, the rest of it was black. Piercings covered a decent portion of her face. Fiona grinned, most people frowned at the sight of piercings, but she thought it was pretty cool, pretty goddamn cool. She liked this girl already, and she hadn't even spoke to her, she didn't even know her name!

    Ms. Coal had finally finished her informative speech, and Fiona began to recount what she had just heard. Her, their "mission" as they were told, was to scour the base of the volcano, in search of wild pokemon inhabiting the area. Data of said pokemon would then be recorded into her pokedex for further research. After they had their share of exploring, they were to board a ferry that would apparently take them to the Seafoam Islands, before transporting them to Fuchsia City. Fuchsia City... Her hometown. The thought of her visiting it enticed her, how much had it changed? Or had it changed at all? She had no real childhood friends, in fact she doubted she'd remember anyone or vice-versa. Guess it really wasn't that interesting, just another bump in the road. She tucked the tickets in her satchel.

    With next to nothing going on, Fiona decided it was time to head off and get to work. Besides, she wasn't too crazy about getting to know the others, at least not now anyways. Well, maybe the piercing chick, but she didn't seem too crazy about getting to know anybody either. Feeling a bit of badassery coming upon herself, she grabbed her aviators and swung them on in one fluid motion. The green tint from her shades would've impaired her vision if she wasn't so adjusted to them. Fortunately enough, the volcano was close by.

    Fiona found herself standing ten feet away from the volcano, she peered up to look at the massive rock formation, it towered over her in an intimidating fashion. She almost feared another eruption, but she was pretty excited about the chance to finally get out and catch some pokemon. The worry was soon cast aside. Looking about, Fiona found a manageable hill, leading up to the slopes of the volcano. Jogging over, she carefully made her way up it. Boy, she could've definitely used some sneakers at the moment. It was tough climbing up a hill in moccasins. Finally she made her way to flat, even land. Dirt covered the majority of her ankles giving her an odd sensation throughout her legs.

    The land was far from beautiful, it's rough rocky terrain was in contrast to the lush jungle area surrounding it. Perhaps she'd pay a visit to it after her business here was down. Fiona walked and walked, no pokemon in sight, she thought there was one a second ago but it just turned out to be a strange rock formation. Gosh was she pissed when she found out she'd been duped, by a rock of all things! In her little outburst, Fiona had managed to trip over another rock and dislodge her left shoe. It was like these things were out to get her! Right before she hit the ground face first, she able to break her fall with her hands and knees, scraping up her knees with several scratches.

    "Dammit... You would think rocks weren't so cunningly violent." There was a tint of annoyance residing in her face. That subsided as soon as she felt air brushing against the sole of her foot. She did some sort of half laugh, half pissed combination, "Yeah... no, I seriously need to get a pair of sneakers."

    Realizing her moccasin had fallen off, Fiona proceeded to stand up and as she got up to one knee, a definite noise could be heard sneaking up behind her. She had no idea what it was, it was in no way familiar to her. All she knew was that it was there, it might've been the wind, but she wasn't taking the chance. With the right hand supporting herself, her left hand slowly made its way towards the strap of her satchel. Her fingers climbed up the attachment, latching onto Doduo's pokeball.
    *pokemonelite2000 image removed*AMBELLA COAL

    Ambella finally realized that Deandra was there, and gave her a friendly smile as she handed over a pokédex to that girl as well.

    "I didn't see you there! My bad, probably. Did you catch the first part of what I said?"

    Assuming that Deandra didn't, Ambella then went on to repeat much of what she had said about the general situation, climate and fauna of Kanto to the other trainers just now. Maybe she was even a bit more detailed this time around, not at all realizing how much she might bore the trainer. When she was done, she wished Deandra good luck and urged her to scout the land around Cinnabar before fetching the ferry. Then she went back inside the lab, saying she had to run some tests, which probably meant that she was going to sit down with a big, nice cup of coffee for a while.

    a wild pokémon appears!

    From behind some rocks, a pokémon leaped forward, growling. It was a Growlithe who had decided that the human girl and her pokémon were trespassing on its pack's territory and wanted to chase them off. Preferably by intimidating them enough that they would be too scared to fight. It growled as menacingly as it could.

    - You may handle this encounter in any way and with any length post that you want.
    - See area or mission post for details on wild pokémon.
    - You may decide the gender of the pokémon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    Cinnabar Island

    Auryn took her pokédex with big eyes and open mouth. It was like a dream coming true... Her very own pocket computer! Sort of. She instantly started fiddling with it, forgetting Remoraid inside the pokéball for a while, even though he was literally bouncing around there in his urgency of getting out and starting their mission.

    As people started to drift away and go out to seek pokémon in the jungle or at the volcano, Auryn finally noticed the bumping pokéball in her pocket and realized that she'd better get going too. She looked up to greet Deandra, but noticed that Ambella Coal was talking to her seriously, so she just smiled and waved with the pokédex, as to signal that they should chat via the machine some time, and then she turned to go exploring.

    When she was out of sight from the other trainers, she thought she had been teasing Remoraid for long enough.

    "Come out, then!" she said playfully and tossed the pokéball into the air. It sprung open in mid-air and fell down back to her hand empty as the pokémon emerged and landed on on the black ground. He eagerly bounced up and down, as usual not really missing being in water. He wasn't like a fish on dry land. But still, he did prefer that Auryn carried him around.

    She picked him up and started looking around as they walked into the edge of the jungle.

    "I wonder if there are any fire types in here," she wondered out loud. Remoraid didn't respond. He usually didn't. "Wouldn't they, like, burn up the area if they entered and accidentally spat out a flame? Lucky thing we're here then! You could put it out, right, Remo?"

    Now, Remoraid actually glared up towards his trainer.

    "Oh, you don't like that nickname? See... I heard that other trainers, I mean real trainers, usually nickname their pokémon. And actually people with pets, real pets, nickname them too. So it only makes sense that I should nickname you. Remo? Raid?"

    Remoraid seemed to taste the names, as Auryn put him on top of a big log as she climbed over it. Tiny girl in big jungle is hard sometimes.

    Suddenly, they heard a strange noise. As if someone was pulling up roots from the ground behind some bushes in front of them. Remoraid and Auryn exchanged looks and within a second, the fish was back under the girl's arm, being carried like a big gun.

    "It's a wild..."

    ((OOC: Yes, I will make dice rolls for my own pokémon encounters as well, even if I perhaps won't split up my posts all the time. It's a fair game!

    NOTE: If you don't like the pokémon you encountered, you can write about escaping from it and then finding a new one, hoping to get a better one next time. If you do this too many times in a row in the same area though, I might not let the dices be all fair after a while ;p ))
    Last edited:
    After a couple more people had arrived, the professor began her mission briefing. It was certainly an interesting situation. Pokemon were showing up where they weren't normally found, and he had to help collect data on them. Not only that, but the Gym Leaders were acting much differently. He needed to figure out what was causing this. Midway through, the last trainer arrived. It was one of Isabelle's classmates, too. The least she could do is arrive promptly on time.

    Once Eli got both the Pokedex and the ferry ticket, he proceeded to the volcano. It was an area of the island he didn't usually go to, so it was a bit strange exploring the area. He began wandering the jungle, thinking he would have a better chance finding Pokemon there as opposed to on the upper part of the volcano. However, he looked all around, but didn't run across any Pokemon. Perhaps he just had bad luck. Finding a large rock nearby, he sat down on it. Dot was still on his shoulder, but had fallen asleep.

    Deciding not to disturb her, he decided to check out the Pokedex. It was certainly an interesting invention. It was like a pocket computer with a shared network between the other Pokedexes. Or was it Pokedexi? He made a note to learn the plural form of Pokedex in the future. While the messaging feature was convenient, it didn't look like he could email his family from it. He would just have to use a regular computer for that.

    As he was examining the Pokedex, he heard a rustling from the bushes behind him. He gently nudged the Azurill to wake her up. It was likely a Pokemon, so they needed to be ready for a battle. Dot hopped off of Eli's shoulder and onto the ground, looking energetic as ever. Shortly afterward, a Pokemon emerged from the bushes.
    Irwin Macalister
    Cinnabar Island

    It was a warm day to say the least, and as Irwin held up his hand he could feel the small pools of sweat slowly forming under the arm belonging to said hand. It was a bit disgusting, but Irwin chose to ignore it. After all, everyone else here has got to be a bit sweaty right? Whatever. It seemed like only one person answered Irwin's – as he liked to think – pretty rad gesture. The kid seemed to be older than Irwin, or was he? It was kinda hard to tell actually. In the end, the flare-haired teen decided to just leave it at that the kid was around his age. He was also a bit chubby this kid, but unlike Irwin he didn't seem to be so jolly. His hair was dark and it seemed that the owner of said hair was feeling quite fed up with the hot weather, and honestly Irwin didn't blame him. It also seemed that the guy had a Zigzagoon – a Pokémon normally native to Hoenn – by his side. Maybe him and Irwin were a bit similar? Maybe they'd be good friends? After all, this was the only person who seemed to have the courtesy to respond to a slightly corny, but still good greeting.

    However there was something about the way he answered Irwin's greeting, it seemed as if he had made an attempt to smile, but the attempt had failed. Hmm… Irwin immersed himself in thought, why was it so that this guy had failed to smile? Had something happened to him recently? Was he always a little sad about stuff? Had his parents abandoned him to become tomorrow's time travelers from the past? Had- No, no, no, this doesn't work at all! Irwin knows that he can't think like this! Without music to stimulate his brain, all of the things he can think up are just plain nonsense! Let's see… What music should we take? The good thing about Irwin is that the flare-haired teen's brain can work quite well as a playlist for many kinds of music ranging from what you'd hear on the radio to obscure stuff that not even hipsters would get their fingers dirty with. A good song for- oh wait, seems like Coal is talking right now. Better listen to her!

    After Ambella had finished her speech, Irwin stood a bit breathless. Gym-Leaders… are becoming evil? The teen suddenly understood that this mission involved far more than he had thought at first. And now, he was unsure if he really was up to the task. While Irwin was spacing out like a moron – probably playing some music in his head, that's fitting to how he feels now – he was handed a PokéDex. The flare-haired teen looked down on the red device in his hand. He knew about PokéDexes, I mean who didn't? But the thought of actually owning one had never before crossed his mind. With this, Irwin felt like oceans, no, EONS of knowledge were coursing through his body. This thing could inform him of whatever attribute a Pokémon could have, it was simply… amazing. As he heard the professor say that they were to record – preferably catch – a whole bunch of Pokémon, Irwin's mind drifted away from the evil Gym-Leaders for a second. Now he stood and could only marvel at the sheer thought of catching an ocean of Pokémon, how much wouldn't that cost with all the PokéBalls and stuff? The flare-haired teen started to sweat a bit harder at the thought of all the money getting washed away, but then again Ambella said that her researchers would fund them, so it probably wasn't that bad.

    After the explaining was all good and done, it seemed like the final person chose to arrive. Irwin threw a glance at her for a second. She seemed to be wearing baggy pants and a hoodie, in this weather? That's borderline to insane! Also, she had a hat on? Who was she trying to be, MC Warmer? Oh dear Arceus that was terrible! That joke didn't even make the slightest bit of sense! Irwin slapped himself mentally for even having the thought of coming up with such a joke, so instead of telling it and looking like a complete tool, he banished the joke to the deepest depths of his mind. Now where was he again? Oh yeah, the girl who arrived late! He decided to leave her for a moment and instead focus on his PokéDex. Irwin flipped it open and began to stare and poke at the functions like an idiot.

    Meanwhile, Gex was starting to feel extremely bored with this stupid meeting. What did the human even say? Something about "Shmym-Bleeders"? "Rhym-Askfdjers?" Whatever it was, it seemed highly uninteresting. So instead of wasting any brainpower on pretty much anything, the Treecko started making small jabs in the air to show his Trainer that he was bored and wanted something to do.

    "In a moment Gex…" Irwin said distantly as his Treecko pulled off some jabs in front of him. The Grass-type grunted and stuck out his tongue at his Trainer. "Well, at least it isn't a kick in the shin like he used to do." Irwin thought. He remembered very well the first time the two met, he had tried to issue an attack to the Pokémon, but instead it ended up kicking him in the shin and it would continue to do so for the two out of three years that he had been in Irwin's care. Faint traces of bruises could still be seen on the flare-haired teen's legs after those incidents, but he himself never thought about it much. He was a jolly fellow without much sorrow after all.

    After checking out some of the stuff on his PokéDex, Irwin decided to maybe socialize with the fellow who had answered him earlier. He seemed like a pretty nice – albeit maybe grumpy – guy.
    "Hello," he said as he walked up to the dude, "That's a pretty cool Zigzagoon you have there, seeing as they're pretty hard to come by here I'm a bit curious of how you got it." Irwin flashed the guy a friendly smile to show that he was a pretty nice and harmless guy, as if his whole appearance hadn't given that away already.
    Fiona Cole

    In a flash of light, her Doduo appeared behind her, facing the presumed threat. The noise from earlier came into clear definition, it was a growl, and now it was a constant growl. Much like a growl of Pokemon attempting to protect something? Fiona pulled off a quick but sloppy 180, standing herself up in the process. Her eyes lit up as she laid eyes on the Pokemon. A Growlithe and it was cute as hell, even if it was menacingly growling at them, it was still adorable to her. Doduo on the other hand, wasn't as captivated as Fiona, but be plenty sure that the Growlithe had his attention.

    "Doduo, look a Growlithe!" Fiona was very pleased with her first Pokemon encounter, she had to catch this. Doduo, was far too busy being glared at by the dog to even respond. The thought of the puppy Pokemon even being a dangerous adversary hadn't even crossed her mind, but in the case of Doduo's, it very much did. The bird Pokemon appeared hesitant, almost afraid of Growlithe.

    This time, the Growlithe growled even louder and bared its teeth and the trainer and Pokemon. Fiona glanced over at her Pokemon, which at this point was nearly emanating obvious fear. Annoyed and confused by the unusual cowardliness, she poked one of the heads roughly, much like the time she had been poked during their first encounter. Doduo reacted almost instantly, nearly stabbing Fiona in the eye before pulling back. She sighed, smiling, that seemed to do the trick. The fear was gone, but there was still a trace of hesitance left. It seemed she would have to make due with it.

    "Alright... use Growl, show that Growlithe you can be just as intimidating!" Disregarding his own hesitance, Doduo reared both of his heads back and lunged them forward, roaring out an equally fierce growl. The Growlithe was caught by surprise, it's own growling coming to a halt. It definitely didn't expect to get a taste its own medicine. It quickly snapped out of the little trance it was in and roared out. It wasn't intimidating, it was more like a battle cry, or something someone would grunt or scream out to get the last repetition of a workout set. Fiona was sometimes guilty of that when she did her squats, it was far from an attractive action. Anyways, she decided to take the opportunity to strike.

    "Quick attack, Doduo!" In a burst of speed, the Doduo slammed into the roaring Growlithe. Torquing his round furry body in such a fashion that his heads remained unharmed. The pup hit groaned, totally unprepared for the sneak attack. It hit the ground, it's body rolling around from the extra momentum. Rolling itself back onto it's feet, the Growlithe held a low growl, this time in anger more than anything. In retaliation, it spat small bullets of fire, several of time hitting their marks. Doduo winced in pain and the Growlithe slowly inched it's way closer.

    This gave Doduo ample time to recover from the hit, and when the Growlithe decided to strike, he was ready. Suddenly, the canine sped up and bared it's sharp teeth, as it reached within two feet of the bird Pokemon, it leaped up with a gaping mouth. Fiona wasn't sure what to do, but one move just kept making it's way into her mind.

    "Quick attack again!" Doduo nodded, taking two steps and launched himself up in the air towards the Growlithe. In a hectic collision, both had dealt a considerable amount of damage. Growlithe was once against struck in the chest, but not before sinking its teeth into a chunk of Doduo's body. Both of them hit the ground hard, falling not so far from where both had taken off. Growlithe was so far the stronger of the two, he had appeared to sustain less damage throughout the fight than Doduo had, and jumped up. It proudly walked over to Doduo, who was attempting to stand himself up.

    The Growlithe roared once more and loomed over Doduo, before going in for another bite, this time for one of the necks. In a panic, one of the bird Pokemon's heads shot up, stabbing the dog with his beak. Annoyed by the defiance of her Doduo, the Growlithe snarled it's teeth and went in for another bite. Once again another peck was thrown, thwarting the canine's attempts to bite him. Again the pecks commenced, this time both heads in unison. Growlithe was able to dodge one, but in it's movement, lowered it's head, and something else right into one. The Growlithe shot up in pain, howling. It was gruesome, the peak had definitely punctured one of Growlithe's eyes, maybe even blinded it in that eye. It rolled away in pain, it's paws covering the eye and groaning out.

    Fiona winced in disgust. "Oh god, that can't be good." She had no intention of that happening, nor did her Doduo, for he immediately shot up with worry and regret in it's dark eyes. She wasn't exactly sure if it would help, but she had to try. Scrummaging through her satchel, she pulled out a standard poke-ball and threw it at the Growlithe. Hitting one of it's hind legs, the ball bounced off and the pup was sucked into it. Being far too concerned with the status with it's eye, the Growlithe made no retaliation to being caught. The ball clicked, assuring Fiona that the Pokemon had been caught. She ran over picking up the ball, inside, the Growlithe was still rolling around clutching its eye in pain. She held it tightly in her hand as she turned to Doduo.

    "We have to get him to a Pokemon center!" How had she known the Growlithe was a male? She didn't, it just appeared that way by it's aggressive nature and fighting styles. But now was not the time to ponder over such thoughts. Doduo nodded one of it's heads and and motioned with the other to follow him. Lucky enough, Doduo knew his way around the unsettled parts of the island and could easily guide them back to town. Fiona herself was a lost cause when it came to out of city ventures. Doduo slid down the cliff-side limiting his own speed so Fiona could keep up. In this situation he would've preferred to have carried her, but she was much larger than her younger child self. Fiona took off after her Pokemon, sliding down as gracefully as she could in her footwear. They took off sprinting, clearing through the obstacles of the island jungle. She glanced down at the ball, hoping things would turn out better than they looked.
    a wild pokémon appears!

    Indeed it was a wild. A wild pokémon. It was a big plant like creature who looked like it was out on a mindless stroll around the island rather than meaning to surprise and attack the human and the fish. When the Carnivine spotted Auryn and Remoraid, it froze for a couple of seconds and then looked like it was thinking hard. Should it attack? Or should it just mind its own business and keep going past them?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    - Bind
    - Growth
    - Bite

    • You may handle this encounter in any way and with any length post that you want.
    • You may decide the gender of the pokémon.

    ✧ ELI KING
    a wild pokémon appears!

    From the bushes, a pair of blazing eyes stared at Eli and Dot. Then an elegant creature slowly walked out in front of them. It was a Vulpix, the fox fire pokémon. This one really looked sly, as if it enjoyed luring and playing with stray humans.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    - Ember
    - Tail Whip

    • You may handle this encounter in any way and with any length post that you want.
    • You may decide the gender of the pokémon.

    the wild Growlithe was caught!
    Doduo learned a new attack: Rage!

    Your profile has been updated with the new stats.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    Cinnabar Island

    What came out from the bushes was a large head with two alert eyes and lots and lots of teeth. Auryn screamed. The creature froze and looked down at her, tilting its head to the side a little.

    Wait, Auryn knew this pokémon. Not personally, but she knew of the species. It was the kind you should avoid when you were playing in the jungle of Cinnabar, lest it could eat your foot or something if you stepped into its mouth carelessly.

    She backed away slowly and carefully put Remoraid down on the ground, which made him nervous. The creature in front of them leaned down to blink at the fish, which made him even more nervous. Auryn pulled up her pokédex and scanned the wild pokémon.

    "Using its tentacles to lash itself to trees, it lies in wait for prey, luring it close with sweet-smelling drool."

    "Ominous..." Auryn commented.

    Carnivine sighed.

    "Huh? Did you just sigh?" the girl asked the wild pokémon who nodded sadly.

    Remoraid shook his... uh, body. He couldn't really shake just his head. He certainly didn't think it was the right thing to do for Auryn, letting her guard down and talking friendly with such a grass monster.

    Auryn thought hard. "Maybe... maybe you're not dangerous at all and are tired of people running away from you?"

    Remoraid jumped up and down in terror, but Carnivine nodded eagerly.

    "Well, we won't run! Let's play something!" Auryn smiled and reached out a hand to the plant pokémon.

    Just as Carnivine reached out a vine towards the girl, a sharp beam of water hit the vine and made it pull back with a yelping noise from Carnivine.

    "Remoraid! What are you doing!"

    The fish looked angrily at her.

    "You have to give people a chance! And pokémon, we have to give everyone a chance!" Auryn said, turning her back at the plant pokémon to scold her own. She shouldn't have done that.

    All of a sudden, Carnivine towered up with a dark face behind her, using Growth to grow in power. Then it sent out vines that startled Auryn and bound her tightly so that she couldn't move her arms and legs. She fell down on the forest floor with another scream.

    Remoraid shot another beam of water directly into the face of the grass type, who now didn't look as sad anymore. But Carnivine merely shook his head to get the water off itself; it didn't seem to hurt much. It started dragging the screaming girl away into the jungle while Remoraid helplessly jumped after them. But being a fish on dry land didn't exactly make him quick...

    ((OOC: Rescue mission, commence! If no one wants to hear and follow the screaming Auryn and maybe find the frustrated Remoraid in the jungle, then I'll just continue this post later :P ))

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    Deandra Maycomb
    Age: 14
    Good Days Had: 0
    Bay Days Had: 0
    Gym Battle Pokemon: Butler (Aipom)

    Cinnabar Island

    Deandra nodded when she took her Pokedex and was given a flow of information about this-and-that. When Ambella Coal finished and wished her good luck, Deandra gave her thanks. She looked left and right, seeing who was here and who left. Everyone seemed to have dispersed except that fat kid and the guy with the Zigzagoon. Trying to remember everyone's face, she was sure all of the trainers here were older than her, except Auryn, of course. Speaking of Auryn, where did she go? She'd been given a wave before she went off, but Deandra's little information catch up must have given her enough time to get off too far to see. Deandra wondered if maybe she'd catch up.

    She looked ahead at the volcano that framed the scene. She'd have to go over there? There was something about volcano that didn't seem like the safest thing to her, and the way Butler ran around... Deandra, in a half-struggle with her Pokemon, managed to take out the ball from her pack and return him. This may have been the second time in years that he'd been introduced to it. She knew he wouldn't like it, but she didn't want him to accidentally stumble into a lava puddle. With a half-glance at the remaining people, she started on her path towards the area.

    Here, it was hot (obviously), hotter than it was when they were by the lab. She tried to ignore it, but... Deandra took off her jacket, tying the arms around her waist so she wouldn't have to put it up. The volcano was surprisingly calm at its base and of an interest to observe. While there was nothing going on in its rock face, she'd never looked at a volcano, or this volcano, up close. The simple fact that it was a volcano made it cool and anything that lived around it cool. Not many people got to say the first Pokemon they caught lived by or in a volcano, but Deandra herself was no particularly interested in capturing Pokemon. It was asked of her though, so she figured she may do it. In her walk she was surprised by the amount of grass that was around, but didn't make much of a comment on it. By this time she had managed to isolate herself and felt more at ease than she did when she was around a bunch of people she didn't know.

    The area was pretty quiet, save for the occasional noise from a Pokemon or the rustle of leave or screaming girl. The whole scene was surprisingly peaceful and... And... Wait. She said she heard a screaming girl like two seconds ago right? Deandra, alarmed, looked this way and that. Was that...? She hoped not. She hoped for and dreaded another scream that would point her in the right direction. She stayed in place, listening for that tell-tale noise. Sure enough, it came. Hoping and praying that she didn't change direction, Deandra ran in the directions of the scream. It sounded close but in her running she must not have been close enough, because she didn't see anyone. Becoming larger and larger ahead of her was a forest--no, a jungle--that, frankly, Deandra didn't want to be in, especially if someone was dragged in there screaming. But what choice did she have? If she ran back for help who knows what would happen? She may even forget exactly where this was, so she pressed on. Being inside the jungle didn't make her feel safe, but that didn't prompt her to take out Butler. She'd rather get snatched up than have him taken by some shadowed Pokemon. Another scream hadn't come, which worried Deandra. She was beginning to think she'd lost her way or was perhaps too late.

    Her only light of hope was a fish Pokemon ahead of her in the jungle. A Remoraid. Auryn's Remoraid.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Bright Lights ✧ (IC)

    Cinnabar Island

    Remoraid didn't quite recognize the girl that he met in the jungle now, but anyone would be great for helping his trainer now. He jumped up and down on the ground, looking like a stranded fish in despair, to get Deandra's attention. Then he squirted a jet of water in the direction from which Auryn's screams had been coming.

    Meanwhile, Carnivine had put a big leaf shaped hand over Auryn's mouth to shut her up while it dragged her away to a place where it could eat in peace. Because it was pretty much planning to eat the girl. Tender human meat... the grass pokémon started drooling just by thinking about it. A drop of drool fell down on the arm of Auryn's coat and fizzled a little, which made her eyes widen. That was no ordinary saliva. It was something poisonous. Or worse.

    She bit the leaf over her mouth. A strange roar came from the pokémon and the shock almost made it drop her. It quickly tightened its grip though.

    Since Auryn had struggled so much, Carnivine had been forced to slow down, and now they stopped completely, which let Remoraid catch up with them. The instant he spotted the plant monster, he fired a Water Gun at it's face. Again, it didn't hurt it much. This time it got a bit angry though, its eyes narrowing as it looked at the fish. Fish... the Carnivine had never liked the taste of fish. No fish lived in the jungle. No food for a jungle monster.

    "HELP!" Auryn managed to shout out before the leaf covered her face again as the Carnivine looked like it wanted to fight while still holding the girl.


    When Fiona enters the pokémon center, she might notice that a man she recognizes is standing in the middle of the floor, just looking towards the counter without moving or talking. The nurse is looking a bit nervous, unsure if she should greet or approach the man or not. Apparently he has been standing there for some time, earning looks from bypassers.

    "What has gotten into him these days?" some trainer the pokémon center mutters, maybe thinking that he wouldn't hear.

    "Have you heard what has happened with some of the other gym leaders?" someone else tells their friend. "I really hope Blaine won't become weird as well now..."

    It's a well known man. His name is Blaine and he is the gym leader of Cinnabar island. If Fiona approaches, he will turn around to look at her with eyes shielded behind his small, round blackglasses though. He is bald, wearing only a brown vest on his upper body and a pair of black trousers with a silver buckled belt and brown boots.

    ((OOC: You may not bunny Blaine. I play him. ))
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    Fonse Loneheart
    Chapter One - A Journey... How Amusing - Part III

    "I wouldn't say they're that rare," Fonse replied to the same guy to whom he had smiled (or at least attempted to) a while go, "They're quite the sight near Pallet Town, or where, not sure if they're stil... my mother caught it for me."

    He stopped as he stared at Goony Goo while he remembered the way his mother told him the racoon was caught. It was nothing special, just a Pokeball thrown and a red liht around, but his mother tells it better, according to her, it was a heated summer afternoon, and while she ws on her way to Viridian, a creature with eyes like peas and a patterned fur came out to brawl over her supply of Oran berries, within a second, there were flashes and capsules being thrown around, but in the end, she emerged victorious with a now filled Pokemon held high in the air. It should be noted that his mother is always exagerating her stories, or, in her words, her tales of awesomeness.

    "Goony Goo's rather... unusual... he's always running around. ending in the least expected places." He resumed while staring at Irwin, he tried to return his sight at the racoon, but as he previously stated, Goony Goo was gone.

    "Like now..." He said at last, "Well, guess I gotta go..."

    Without even biding a farewell, he began walking away from the lab, after recieving the supplies from Miss. Cole, of course. It wasn't hard to find the Zigzagoon, it was eating some Oran berries that were growing from a bush, but without knowing it, the Pokemon had startled a wild one while doing this, the battle that was about to arrive would certainly catch them both by surprise.​
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