A Cry Editor (needs a catchy name)
I've created a simple tool to easily allow the editing of cries in the 3rd generation games. Pretty straightforward. The tool is currently usable but is definitely still in development.Features
- Import/export cries as WAV files.
- Cries can be saved compressed or uncompressed.
- Repoints a cry only when it needs to, and overwrites the old cry with freespace.
- Should update growl table as well as cry table.
- Correctly loads Hoenn Pokémon.
- Cry playback.
A note about the compression (read more here): because of how the compression format works, the range of sound a cry can have is limited compared to the uncompressed format. When importing a new cry, compressing it can lead to the sound quality being lowered/sounding odd. Unless you're sure it will sound correct, be sure to save imported cries as NOT compressed.
Here's a video demonstrating what I mean:
A view of the main interface.
A view of the main interface with a Japanese game loaded (old version).
A view of the main interface with a Japanese game loaded (old version).
Latest Release: HereLatest ROMs.ini: Here
Make sure you have the latest .NET Framework (4.6.2) installed on your machine.
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