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Daily Chit-Chat

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100marios said:
Yup....plenty of them at that!
That's one of the reasons why I really don't have anyone to talk to in school. A lot of my friends moved away. One of them moved back to Peru, where he was born. We were anticipating this for a while though, so it's not too bad. One of my other good friends announced he was leaving on Saturday, on Wednesday afternoon. That one hurt quite a bit.....he was one of my best friends! He moved to another city in Florida, Naples. At least he comes around every so often though!

* 100marios says Shrek 2 is completely hilarious, so no worries hehe...

Ah..that sucks man. =\ That's why it is good to make many good friends, as it is sometimes easier to cope with some leaving when you have more to cheer you up. Unfortunately, I am not very talented at making friends, since I don't show my social side in school. =\ In a way, I don't want too many friends, because I like the ones I have now, but if they move too then I will kind of have to befirend more people (as it is very hard to go through life with no friends).

Anyways, on a happier note..

Yeah, ever since I saw the trailer on Shrek 2, I had a feeling that it would be funny. Believe it or not, but before I saw the trailer, I didn't really think it would be as good as it looks. =X Don't take it personally, it's just that I almost always doubt sequals on a first glance (even Spider-man 2, which looks like it'll be better then the first).
Some of my family lives in Florida, but then again, my family is scattered all over the U.S., we are a very big family. My grandma was down in Orlando a few weeks ago, my mom said we were going to go there in Spring Break, but we ended up not going for some reason. Ah, oh well, I'm always happy over here in Texas.

Flaming Torchic said:
Ah..that sucks man. =\ That's why it is good to make many good friends, as it is sometimes easier to cope with some leaving when you have more to cheer you up. Unfortunately, I am not very talented at making friends, since I don't show my social side in school. =\ In a way, I don't want too many friends, because I like the ones I have now, but if they move too then I will kind of have to befirend more people (as it is very hard to go through life with no friends).

Anyways, on a happier note..

Yeah, ever since I saw the trailer on Shrek 2, I had a feeling that it would be funny. Believe it or not, but before I saw the trailer, I didn't really think it would be as good as it looks. =X Don't take it personally, it's just that I almost always doubt sequals on a first glance (even Spider-man 2, which looks like it'll be better then the first).
Hmm, same here. I'm not exactly the most open person in the world, so it's rather difficult for me to meet new friends. The part that I was really bummed out about, was the fact that I went through the past 3 years in Middle School with hardly anyone to talk to, and now the same thing is happening again. I was hoping I would have at least one friend, but they all either moved away, or went to a different school. But, oh well, no use groaning over it!

Yeah, it's always hard to believe that the sequel can actually beat out the original. I've even had my doubts with the Return of the King.
*slaps self, for it is now his favorite movie of all-time hehe..*
Shrek 2 starts out a little slow, but when it speeds up, it's top line funniness hehe...

Luckily, I've never been through a hurricane. It turns direction at the very last second. I think we brought good luck to Florida when we moved here 8 years ago hehe....there hasn't been a hurricane yet!

That's cool DT! My family is spread out across the US also.
DragonTrainer said:
Some of my family lives in Florida, but then again, my family is scattered all over the U.S., we are a very big family. My grandma was down in Orlando a few weeks ago, my mom said we were going to go there in Spring Break, but we ended up not going for some reason. Ah, oh well, I'm always happy over here in Texas.

Most of my dads family lives in new york and Im going there and Im also going to the pokemon center.

Anyway has anyone been to universal studios?

~Oh Yay~
DragonTrainer said:
Some of my family lives in Florida, but then again, my family is scattered all over the U.S., we are a very big family. My grandma was down in Orlando a few weeks ago, my mom said we were going to go there in Spring Break, but we ended up not going for some reason. Ah, oh well, I'm always happy over here in Texas.

That's cool! My family is not spread out at all. Most of my family lives in CT. So I don't get to travel a lot to visit them. My mom's cousin lives in Long Island, NY but that's not far away and I don't really know them anyway. And my cousins have a cousin that lives in Massachusetts somewhere... but he's not related to me and I only see him for my cousins' b-day party next week. I also have relatives that live in Italy that I've never met... or if I have it was when I was just born and don't remember them at all. I have talked to some of them on the phone when they call my grandmother though. And I also think my grandmother has relatives in Australia or something. I think they came to visit once a few years ago but I don't know who they are. I don't like to talk to my relatives much... they're kinda annoying. But most live in CT with me so I get to see them for every family party that's held... since Italians have to do everything with the entire family! Except my mom's generation has kinda stopped that tradition now! Yay...

Universal Studios where? Orlando? If so then yes. When I was three... we went to Disney World, Universal, and Sea World. But since I was only 3 and I was still an only child I don't remember much...
Hey, guys! What's been going on at PC today, and yesterday? I wasn't on yesterday, since I had to go to my sister's orchestra concert. It was boring, and it was at a school that I hated so badly. It was my middle school, which my sister goes to right now for 7th grade. Almost everyone that went to that school hated it, since it was really run down and had many terrible teachers.

Ah, 8 days left of the school year... :P
I don't think you missed much yesterday LM... except I do recall myself being really hyper! It was kinda funny! I was in a talking mood...

Anyways... I hated my middle school too. And middle school concerts are always boring. My mom hated going to my band concerts. Plus we probably weren't all that good in middle school. Elementary school bands are horrible! Over the summer I was watching a home movie thing of my 5th grade winter band and chorus concerts! It was so bad! So bad it was hilarious! All the notes were really wrong and it was just bad! I couldn't even recognize the songs we were playing it was that bad!

8 days? That's it? We have a lot. I think I get out on the 18th instead of the 21st now though! Hopefully we'll get out a day early and the middle school and elementary schools will have to go that extra day! They don't have finals to take and that last day is gonna be made into a make-up day... I hope we get out on Friday instead of Monday though. I hate the last day being Monday...
100marios said:
I just went 2 months ago to Disney. That's pretty recent hehe...
I went to Universal Studios back in 2000 though. Eh, it was okay.....
Islands of Adventure is ten times better!

You went to Universal Studios in 2000 also?
Me too!

Islands of Adventure had too many rollercoasters.
The first one I tried was the Dr. Doom ride.
Ohhh....and I thought bungee jumping was worse.

Btw, the T-wolves are playing against the Lakers today, LM.
Alyssa said:
School was exciting.... ^_^.. and I am running for student council for 10th grade. >_<..
Cool ^_^ Good luck! I've been in ztudent council for three yearz and thiz year I waz finally eligable for ztuco prez. I got it (huzza!!). It'z fun but it can be alot of work and if zomething goez wrong or ztudentz don't like how thingz are going in thingz zet up by ztudent co. then you get alot of complaintz 0.o

Heh, I havn't been here for a while (according to pc not zince the 18th) due to *cough* circumztancez beyond my...controll...erm, I could controll them but...Nevermind X.x

I wen't to Animal Kingdom when it firzt came out but that waz about all. It waz pretty lame ~_~ It waz really new zo all they had were birdz >=( (dozn't like birdz)
Of courze, the little Safari ride thing waz okay, except I almozt got bitten by a girrafe o.o''
Pokemaster10000 said:
You went to Universal Studios in 2000 also?
Me too!

Islands of Adventure had too many rollercoasters.
The first one I tried was the Dr. Doom ride.
Ohhh....and I thought bungee jumping was worse.

Btw, the T-wolves are playing against the Lakers today, LM.
Is it possible to have too many rollercoasters? I love 'em! I can't go to a park that doesn't have a lot of rollercoasters. I went to Cedar Point in Ohio over the summer and it has a lot of coasters... and a lower height limit than we do in New England so my sister could go on most of 'em with me! She was scared at first but now she loves 'em too!

Well... welcome back Teara! Hopefully whatever circumstances kept you away are under control now...

You almost got bitten by a giraffe? That's a little weird. I went to Animal Kingdom... well Disney World in general... when Animal Kingdom first opened in '98... like literally right after. It opened in April or March and I went at the end of April into May. I thought it was pretty fun... but I was only 10 at the time...
Pokemaster10000 said:
Btw, the T-wolves are playing against the Lakers today, LM.
Yeah, I know. I don't think that the T-wolves stand a chance against the Lakers though. The Lakers just always seem to do much better. The irony behind all this is that the Lakers used to be the Minnesota Lakers. Kinda strange, huh? :P
Snowangel said:
Well... welcome back Teara! Hopefully whatever circumstances kept you away are under control now...

You almost got bitten by a giraffe? That's a little weird. I went to Animal Kingdom... well Disney World in general... when Animal Kingdom first opened in '98... like literally right after. It opened in April or March and I went at the end of April into May. I thought it was pretty fun... but I was only 10 at the time...
Thankz! ^_^
It waz odd...I waz riding in an opean window tour truck and the girrafe ztuck it'z head in the window 0.o
That waz when I went to Florda and got ztung by a jellyfizh @,@
Teara said:
I wen't to Animal Kingdom when it firzt came out but that waz about all. It waz pretty lame ~_~ It waz really new zo all they had were birdz >=( (dozn't like birdz)
Of courze, the little Safari ride thing waz okay, except I almozt got bitten by a girrafe o.o''

A giraffe? They only eat leaves so you're safe. :P
I almost got bitten by a horse once by feeding some in Central Park. XD
I had a chance to go to Six Flags safari but I went to the theme park instead.

Snowangel3181988 said:
Is it possible to have too many rollercoasters? I love 'em! I can't go to a park that doesn't have a lot of rollercoasters. I went to Cedar Point in Ohio over the summer and it has a lot of coasters... and a lower height limit than we do in New England so my sister could go on most of 'em with me! She was scared at first but now she loves 'em too!

I try to avoid them.:P After my first experience it seemed like at nightmare.XD It was probaly the most dangerous rollercoaster in Florida.
Teara said:
Thankz! ^_^
It waz odd...I waz riding in an opean window tour truck and the girrafe ztuck it'z head in the window 0.o
That waz when I went to Florda and got ztung by a jellyfizh @,@
Well your welcome...

Anyways... stung by a jellyfish? Oww. I hate jellyfish. When I went to a beach in NJ there were jellyfish all over the place... so many that you coundn't get into the water because they were all in the way. I get paranoid thinking I'm gonna get stung so I avoided the water while they were there.

I did one of those drive-thru safari things in Six Flags Great Adventure. We were in a mini van and all of a sudden we see a stream of water going down the front windshield! Turns out someone gave a can of soda to a monkey and he opened it on top of the car and was pouring it down the front! You're not supposed to feed the animals! There were more funny things that happened on that ride but I don't remember much since most of that trip wasn't fun at all...

Don't avoid rollercoasters! Face your fear... if it is a fear. My sister who is 10 and just barely four feet tall went on a 200+ foot coaster with me over the summer! She loved it too! Well she was terrified on the ride but after she was so glad she went on it! I used to be scared of 'em too! Until my dad forced me on one, one year. Now I love 'em and I can't imagine myself being scared of them...
shining_light said:
welcome back Dizzy!!!!!where were u all these days?

Yey! Someone actually welcomed me back *Starts Crying*.... Oh well I can't expect everyone to care, even though the truth is they don't -_-.
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