Last year, I had a whole thing with this girl that was a dancer for the school, not a cheerleader though. We dated for almost a year, and we broke up in October. She had moved to Oklahoma when we had been together for six monthes and decided to try long distance. It worked for awhile, but I think her feelings for me kind of died. I still have moments where I miss her, but it's mostly gone, thank god. Anyway, since I'm that guy that talks Pokemon and Adventure Time at school, it was a huge ego boost and I actually hung out with the populars for a time. Now, I'm back at the bottom. I had a 'crush' on a cheerleader, and to be honest only for her looks, haha. Since I thought my ex would never date me when I was crushing on her, and my friends felt like I was too shy to make a move, I proved I could by asking her out. She took a week to respond, and ending up asking her friend to text me saying she rejected me. I'm trying to move on... It's been a bumpy ride this year.