- 2,521
- Posts
- 9
- Years
- Age 26
- Malaysia
- Seen Feb 26, 2021
Show your opinion, I will post later.
I don't love that my country got Donald Trump to keep his campaign running this long. I don't love that we still dance around how bad the country's racism is. I don't like that as a woman, I have to choose between a family and a career since services for parents is atrocious. I don't love that our congress just approved the defunding of an institution that helps women take control of their health and sex lives when the otherwise couldn't. I don't love how our political parties only focus on taking each other down, rather than actually working towards a solution together. I don't love our raging Islamophobia.
We could do better, is all I'm saying.
Trump has problems with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS not Mexicans, there's a big difference. But he still scares me.
To answer the question. No. I'm sick and tired of the pansies that run this country that want to destroy our Amendment rights followed by the the amount that live in this country that follow it. The same people that get offended by anything and everything and create pointless protests or issues involving it and people blindly follow it in hopes to make something illegal. I'm tired of the stupidity that surrounds the media or anything in general. Like for example the presidential candidates. Both sides are so far gone and the people that follow it are even more far gone not even a radar can detect them, the media controls our opinions. Or for another example, money scams like sporting events where people act like complete fools when their team loses and they basically start feuds and fights with random people, or they start fights with you if you aren't wearing their team or supporting their/your city. Like who cares? It's just a team. I don't get it it.
Kanye West and the Kardashians and their ignorance, mothers getting pregnant at 15-18 years old that would rather party rather than taking responsibility yet they wonder why no guy wants to get involved with them, etc.
Its stupidity like that, that makes me hate this country.
As an outsider to America I am absolutely amazed that a) Trump gets away with speaking about Mexicans, Women, the disabled in fact anyone that doesn't meet his view in such a racist, sexist and just amazingly stupid way. If any of our politicians over the pond spoke in such away he'd probably get arrested for hate speech and b) he has people saying "He just speaks what everyone is thinking" I didn't realise everyone was a racist! I will feel very sad if he is elected for you, as I think he'd be like the National English League or whatever they are called over here.
The sad thing is, you can take it a step further on the stupidity train when you mention that Kanye also wants to run for president. I agree, it's sickening how much the media is controlled in this country (shout out to Rupert Murdoch for ruining everything the news once had to offer society).