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Drake's Salvation [M] [OOC]


  • 1,567
    All of us were placed in our roles, our fates were chosen the moment we were born. This world is dangerous, wild magic seeps into the wildlife and threatens our existence. Dragons are the main source of this seepage, each one is a fountain of malicious magic that tips the balance of nature. Regardless of individual goals, the quests carried out by each group will benefit humans, and put us one step closer to a better world. You have no choice, since you have passed your training, you are destined to die in battle or until you can no longer fight. You will kill dragons, bandits, and anyone who gets in your way.

    That is the life of our people

    Cities: (New!)

    Detailed Clan Descriptions

    Less Detailed Clan Descriptions

    The World

    The Player




    Roles Available
    Group 1:
    1. Bruiser
    2. Smoke and Mirrors
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    Hey Khawill! Grats on getting this accepted, it looks pretty damn awesome! Very... D&D meets MMORPG-esque, which is only a plus. I love the idea of the different clans and that you actually play as part of a group with different skills. I do have a few questions though...

    1. Is it only Lancers who go to the big cities to look for comrades? And how old are the students when this happens?

    2. Are we already part of a group, or are we hoping to be picked by one?

    3. How does... well, -this- work? Do we just make up stuff that happens, or will you be doing NPC work, like we go to the billboard and you go "There seems to be wild animals about, hoho, better go slay them!"?

    4. Magic, as big a part of the RP as it is, it's a little vague how it works in this world. Take a battlemage for instance. She's able to summong up a staff and use her magic to make herself stronger (and possibly more sturdy as well), but can she fling fireballs? Can she hurl her weapon and then use magic to either pull it back or disintegrate it and re-summon it? Does this take up a set amount of mana so when that's exhausted, she needs to rest a while? Or does it have to do with a person's stamina, so that you get exhausted when you use more and more magic?

    I'd -love- to be a part of this, and I can't wait to hear your answers to my questions :)
    1. Lancers start off the journey, their first "mission" is to find members for their group. It begins after they finish their final exam. Since the exam has certain conditions, unlimited retakes, and a hard to pass system, it can take years for some kids. That being said, all Lancers are at least 17 but can be any amount of years older. The average is around 20 though.

    2. I want to start it with finding the last member, which is the Summoner (who is an NPC) that will be the group's first Mission. If there enough people for a second group, then that group will have already been formed and will begin in the same town as the first group

    2a. A section for towns and stories will be made when the RP begins, if you fall behind in story the first post will be great for reference.

    3. Between missions there will be a free roam type system, generally don't leave the town. The lancer, summoner and Battlemage will be the ones to actively search for missions

    4. Magic works very much the same as traditional magic. The only real limit to what magic can do is the amount of magical potential a person has.

    Bruiser: Very little, this equates to basically only magic that effects the own body. They often are the only clan immune to magic. Because they don't use it for body enhancement, the little magic they have is almost always completely devoted to magic absorption. Absorbing magic restores their stamina.

    Lancer: Small amount, Able to create small objects at a range of about six feet. Additionally they use their magic to enhance their strength, and operate their lance.

    Raptor and Smoke Clans: Medium amount, magic can be used to create objects that can remain in existence for up to a mile. They can increase the speed of projectiles, and reduced the sound waves they omit. They are also able to create illusions around themselves that give a sense of invisibility. They are also able to interacted with elements such as fire, water. Though they can not create it.

    BattleMage: Able to create elements. Battlemages are able to have full control of objects they create with enough training. They can do everything the above clans can do with magic, except also to others besides themselves. Their potential is very high, but they don't rely on magic much.

    Summoners: Close to Demi-gods, they are only inhibited by their morals and timid personality. Additionally, they are held back by their own bodies, which prevents extensive use of magic. It is believed they can change reality, though people believe that is just a result of their powerful mind based magic. Summoners who abandon their body becomes a lich. Liches have not been seen in over two hundred years.

    Magic is not related to stamina, with exception to bruisers. Additionally, mana is not a resource. Magic can be compared to thoughts. It doesn't take much energy to think, and you can never be tired of thinking.

    Extensive use of magic doesn't have physical affects. The real consequence is that magic often results in ill effects on the enviroment. It is much like radiation to plant life, and can create areas of descolence. That being said, every few years the Battle Mage and Summoner cities are completely moved.

    I don't think it was said, but I would like to emphasize the strength of a Battlemage. I will judge the SU of a Battlemage much harder than any other SU. That being said, they are not the most powerful class, just the most easy to abuse.
    Hmh, interesting... I meant to ask as well, how is magic cast? Is it verbal, mental, are there rituals that you need to perform for certain powerful spells? Or is it like you said with thought, you just need to 'will' it and be strong enough and it'll happen? So a battlemage could summon a staff and engulf it in flames, but in a way that protects herself from said flames, without even speaking a word?

    I also think that while yes, you can never be 'tired' of thinking, there's still mental exhaustion. Like back in school, when you were doing mathematics for hours on end and you could get a headache or just see numbers in front of you. But that's a minor point, if you say that's how it is, that's how it is :P
    Magic requires one to concentrate on the spell. How much concentration it takes is dependent on the scale of the spell. It can be done without uttering a single word, but oftentimes mages use concentration words. These are personal, so two people may not have the same word for one spell. (Example: A lancer calling down a standard may yell the name of his teacher, or he may yell the word flag. Example 2: A Battlemage may have a name for their preferred weapon that they may say to summon it.) Concentration words merely prevent stray thoughts. Spells do not affect the caster.

    That kind of exhaustion would apply as well then, though it isn't because of the magic, more because of the amount of concentration it takes.

    Edit: The other clans don't have as rigorous of a test as Lancers. The average age for graduation is between 17-19 though like lancers, older is possible.
    Right, this looks great! I think I could get behind this RP, seems very cool. I shall reserve a spot for a Battlemage and get right to work on an SU!

    Oh, and I assume that the other clans' trainees are 'let loose' after their test and just kind of... wait around their town for the lancers to show up, yeah?
    And here we go, here's my SU! Let me know if something needs to be changed, or... you know, whatever :3

    Valerie Mills - SU

    Name: Valerie Mills

    Clan: Battlemage

    Appearance: Visual reference: Valerie is a slight bit taller than what's the norm for girls of her age, but only by half a head or so. She has blue eyes and shoulder-length, chocolate-y brown hair in semi-curled tips, most of the hair gathered just over her left shoulder. She wears a pair of brown, shin-length boots with only the slightest bit of heel to them, a pair of red leggings beneath a crimson-esque burgundy hued skirt with a red sash wrapped around her waist with a pouch or two attached to it.

    Beneath a loose-and-long-sleeved semi-vest of the same colour as her skirt, she wears a tight-fit, red linen shirt with long sleeves, which end in a pair of brown gloves. Around her neck, she wears a long, brown scarf-hood, that both keeps her warm and can act as a hood, should she need it. Around her neck, beneath the scarf, also hangs an oval, silvery pendant with a bright blue gemstone in its middle. It isn't large, but it's the most valuable thing she possesses.

    https://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/023/1/5/nevara_by_tigerbites-d5sif9x.png ( Only less fancy material, same colour clothes, only a slight heel on her boots, which are also meant to be a bit taller, no yellow socks, a matching sash around her waist, blue eyes and chocolate-y brown hair instead of white. )

    Personality: Being a battlemage and, from early childhood, learning that she's supposed to be one of the key figures in holding together the group she would hopefully join, Valerie adopted a positive mindset with a semi-bright, semi-realistic outlook on life. She won't be blinded by hoping something will happen if it seems improbable, but rather try to find a way around it. She isn't one to simply continuing to hammer against an issue and hope that it bends to the pressure, but rather to try different things in order to find a way around; In combat as well as in other situations.

    Valerie, as so many others, didn't know her parents, and so, the whole 'family' subject has become quite the sore spot to her, and can bring her out of her concentration with doubts, worry and curiosity. She dislikes fighting with those she considers her friends and she'll more often than not try to avoid subjects that might sow conflict, possibly even if the subject at hand would be rather important to discuss.

    As positive an outlook as she has, she also sees the world for what it is. It can be a lovely place, kept safe by the many groups traversing around, or it can be utter misery, when you look at certain people in certain situations. The fact that she knows this, makes it that much easier for her to try and abuse those she thinks deserves it, for example trying to bring down the cost of an overpriced tavern room for her and her companions, either by charm, or by using her guile.

    She can be as much of a friend as she can be an enemy, and with her magic in tow, she can make quite the dangerous enemy, even if it seems laughable that she's chosen a sleek bo staff as her preferred weapon.

    Fears: Toads, snakes, anything slimy, losing a comrade, abandoning her duty to her friends more than her country, drowning.

    Goals: Finding a group she can befriend and help protect, enjoying her life as much as possible, making enough money for her to put a little aside for herself, finding information regarding her parents.

    Group: To be decided ( I'd like to wait and see who else signs up and talk a little to them OOC first if that's alright. )

    The only thing I would like to point out is that group 2 does not exist yet. I want to fill up 1 with 5 players, and then 2, that way there is a chance of a full group. So by default right now, you are group 1, if there are 8 more players that sign up, then you can switch groups if the RP has not started.
    Sounds good to me! Now we just need to get more people in here. Oh, and thanks for accepting me :3
    Absolutely, I'll give to tuesday
    My sign up.

    "In the name of King Drake Leon and The High Summoner I will become a legend!"
    Name: Noel I
    Clan: Lancer
    Noel is about 19 years old, and stands at a height of about 6"5. The picture is pretty accurate (not mine) except his weapon is more like the one in the second photo.

    Personality: Noel chose his name because it was the reverse of the king's. His devotion the king and queen is tremendous, and works hard to get noticed by them. His focus shouts are "For the High Summoner!" and "Hail Leon!" representing his devotion to them. He is a serious and strong-willed boy, with very little in the realm of fun. He has a high tolerance for other humans, and shows a lot of sympathy. He often takes the blame for things those weaker than him have done, and will honorably take the punishment as long as the crime was not against the king or queen. The only people he dislikes are those that insult the crown. He believes himself a symbol of the crown, and tends to the people with kindness and grace.

    Noel has the dream of becoming a legend. This is achieved by slaying a dragon solo. This feat earns lancers the title "Drake*" and comes with a blessing from the king and queen. The only people to have done this are King Drake his son King Drake II, King Leon III, and King Leon VIII. The later two were kings, while Drake and Drake II were mere villagers, and the title king was given many years after their death. (in the days were clans did not exist, and the High Summoner was the only leader.)

    Noel believes in the strength of all humans, and attempts to motivate people when they feel weak. He doesn't believe that anyone is inferior, only that they are misguided or lazy and need a push. He does not shy away from a fight, an argument, or a quest. He will insist on being the first one into a fight, and the last one out of a fight, regardless of the danger, just to prove his strength. This is not to say he is suicidal though, and will retreat from a losing fight if it means he will be able to fight again.

    Fears: The death of his team, becoming crippled, and being inferior. He also fears betraying the king and queen, or being unable to serve them. He also feels uncomfortable with love, seeing it as a weakness and distraction.

    Goals: To become a legend by slaying a dragon alone and be blessed by the queen. He also wants to help purge the land.
    Group: 1

    *Drake comes before the name, but after profession titles. (King Drake Leon) Additionally the name Leon has been used by lancers very commonly to reflect the first King Leon, who managed to slay two dragons alone in his lifetime. The title is really only used by Summoners and Lancers.
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    Here's the base form of my sign up.

    Name: Nasu
    Clan: The Raptors

    Appearance: (Remember your clan and looks should match up in some manner, no lanky bruisers or beefy raptors)

    Personality: Nasu is cynical, prideful, and is willing to go through anything to prove his skill. He is very arrogant, and views all those who don't pass the exams as weaklings who have no right to defend the land. Even though he's part of the new team, he isn't in it for the actual defense of the land, but for the glory that comes with it. He wants to be known as the strongest Raptor of all time, mainly because his father is an important figure in the tribe, which also contributes to his elitist attitude. Most other Raptors don't have highborn parents, which leads him to view others as insignificant, weak, and stupid. True, he is good at he what he does, he's very strategic and intelligent, and brave, but he refuses to recognize his downfalls: He's quick to anger and will charge ahead, regardless of the danger, he taunts his enemies in order to get them angry, and will let his enemies recover from a wound to test his abilities.

    Fears: Failing to complete his mission, large fires, being outmatched, and dying in vain.

    Goals: Solstice has three goals:
    1. To be the best shot in the land
    2. To earn the right to die
    3, To be known as a heroic Raptor

    Group: 1 (The Best)
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    It is going well so far Heretostay, but nobody in this world actually knows who their parents are. Children are taken several months after birth to be trained and placed in their job. This is actually going to become a very large part of the story
    By the way, instead of having all of the world's lore in the first post (which would certainly get cluttered) I will have an NPC who is simply named "Wise Lorekeeper" who will appear in every major location to give answers in game. Additionally questions can be asked in this thread for a direct answer (note that not all things will be answered.)

    Occasionally I will use Noel to explain the cultural and political aspects of a town for the sake of information.